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DJIA 18597.70 À 0.13% NASDAQ 5240.15 À 0.22% NIKKEI 16486.01 g 1.55% STOXX 600 342.91 À 0.72% BRENT 50.89 À 2.09% GOLD 1351.20 À 0.63% EURO 1.1336 À 0.41%

A Picture of Syria’s Pain Russia

Builds Up
Business & Finance
I nvestors are demanding
more payouts from com-
On Border
panies, with the proportion
of S&P 500 firms’ net in-
come paid out in dividends
nearing a record. A1
MOSCOW—Russia is bol-
 Uber plans to enable stering its military presence
customers in Pittsburgh to on its western border, sending

summon rides from autono- tens of thousands of soldiers

mous vehicles, a bid to be the to newly built installations
first in a race to make driver- within easy striking distance
less cars widely available. B1 of Ukraine.
The moves, which come as
 Banca Monte dei Paschi’s
Moscow ratchets up confronta-
CEO and ex-chairman are
tion over the Black Sea penin-
being probed by prosecutors
sula of Crimea, are a center-
for possible false accounting
piece of a new military
and market manipulation. B7
strategy the Kremlin says is
 Lawyers seeking com- meant to counter perceived
pensation for owners of threats from the North Atlantic
cars affected by Volkswagen’s Treaty Organization.
emissions scandal are getting Military analysts say the de-
help from the car maker as ployments appear to be an ef-
they turn up pressure on fort to build a more permanent
supplier Robert Bosch. B4 VIRAL IMAGE: A picture of 5-year-old Omran Daqneesh, who was injured in an Aleppo airstrike, has come to symbolize the war-torn Syrian and robust military posture
city’s plight. Syrian opposition activists released the image of the boy, who was rescued from a partially destroyed building Wednesday. A3 around Ukraine, where Russia
 A rally that pushed in-
has carried out covert military
ternational oil prices
interventions aimed at main-
above $50 a barrel is a wel-

Investors Push for Payouts

taining influence in its West-
come sign for many energy
leaning neighbor.
firms but not enough to
“Russia’s plans around the
kick-start the industry. B1
Ukrainian border show a real
 Wal-Mart is reaping the intent to use force if needed,”
benefits of improving stores said Anton Lavrov, a defense
and drawing shoppers, a Companies hand over In the U.S, the S&P 500 pay- constantly over the last five Because investors are in- analyst at Moscow-based think
sign that retailers need to out ratio—the proportion of a years, a new record will be set creasingly unable to make tank CAST. “They would be
work to lure customers. B2 a near-record share of company’s net income paid out within the next few weeks. meaningful returns in large Russia’s first line of assistance
 Nestlé is raising its game earnings as dividends to investors in dividends—is With expectations for fu- parts of the global bond mar- if the pro-Russian rebels in
now less than a quarter of a ture growth and interest rates ket, they are being pushed into east Ukraine needed help.”
in high-end chocolate to chase
BY MIKE BIRD percentage point away from its depressed, investors have worlds where they might not The Russian Defense Minis-
revenue growth as overall
highest level on record. piled into government bonds, normally venture. try didn’t respond to emailed
chocolate volume falls. B4
The global hunt for yield is The ratio is 37.93% for the driving their reliable yield in- That generates demand for questions.
 Harley-Davidson reached on, and stock markets around last 12 months, just marginally come to extremely low, or bond-like stocks. U.S. military officials, hav-
a $15 million settlement to the world are below the 38.16% record set in even negative territory. Even Since March 2009, while ing closely monitored Russian
resolve U.S. claims that it ANALYSIS feeling the February 2009, according to the best-rated corporate credit the S&P 500 has risen by movements of troops and
violated air-pollution laws. B1 squeeze, as in- FactSet, which has data going offers meager returns. The 197%, the dividend aristocrats Please see RUSSIA page A3
vestors de- back to 2000. yield on Bank of America Mer- index—it includes 50 stocks
World-Wide mand more in terms of pay- If payouts continue to grind rill Lynch’s global corporate that have paid dividends to  Russia to observe cease-fire
outs from companies. higher as they have nearly AAA index is barely over 2%. Please see PAYOUT page A2 to allow aid into Aleppo...... A3

 Russia is bolstering its

Uber Hits Gas on Self-Driving Rides
military presence on its
western border, sending
soldiers to new installa-
tions within easy striking
distance of Ukraine. A1
 A Brazilian police official
rejected U.S. swimmer
Lochte’s allegation that he
and three teammates were
robbed at gunpoint in Rio Ace predictor of health-policy news for investors is subject of federal probe
over the weekend. A1
 Syrian regime warplanes BY BRODY MULLINS ments, the government announced the cut,
launched airstrikes against AND ARUNA VISWANATHA driving down those stock prices and earning
Kurdish forces in north- Visium a $285,000 profit.
eastern Syria in a major WASHINGTON—A few weeks before the In Washington’s political-intelligence in-
escalation of violence be- government announced a funding cut for dustry, which digs up tips about coming pol-
tween the two camps. A3 some home-health-care services in 2013, a icy changes that could affect stocks, little is
player in Washington’s political-intelligence more prized than information about the Cen-
 Russia said it is ready business tipped off a hedge-fund manager, ters for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or
to observe a 48-hour according to documents federal officials CMS, the federal agency that spends more

cease-fire to allow the de- made public in June. than $1 trillion annually on health care for
livery of humanitarian aid The next day, the hedge fund signed a the poor, elderly and disabled.
into Aleppo next week. A3 $100,000 annual contract with the alleged tip- Few people are better at predicting that
 South Sudan’s ex-vice ster, health-care-policy expert David Blaszc- agency’s decisions than a former employee,
president has fled the zak, according to the documents and people Mr. Blaszczak (pronounced BLAY-zak).
country following what a familiar with them. The firm, Visium Asset Over the past decade, he has regularly been THE ROAD AHEAD: Uber this month will let customers in Pittsburgh
spokesman said was an as- Management LP, doubled down on its bet that ahead in foretelling moves by CMS, the summon rides from autonomous vehicles. It also has agreed to
sassination attempt. A6 share prices of home-health-care companies world’s largest buyer of heart stents, hospital acquire Ottomotto, a startup working on self-driving tractor trailers. B1
would decline, the documents show. stays, arthritis pills, knee replacements and
 A new study suggests The next month, according to the docu- Please see INSIDER page A8
Zika may be able to harm
the brains of some adults. A7
 Aetna’s decision to scale
back participation in ACA
exchanges is putting pressure
Hate Government? Village Offers Organized Anarchy
i i i
Rio Says Swimmers
on Clinton over health care,
a onetime signature issue. A7
 A Philippine senator
Russian radical’s disciples convene at his crumbling home Made Up Robbery
BY ALAN CULLISON chist trends. a livelier crowd over the next
accused Duterte of abuse Uniting anarchists is a tough decade that included punk ac- RIO DE JANEIRO—A top po- property at a gas station Sun-
of power for publicly at- PRYAMUKHINO, Russia—If challenge in Russia, where they tivists, some of whom squatted lice official here on Thursday day morning and were kept
tacking her on the eve of there is a natural place to bring are facing headwinds. The in an abandoned log cabin, rejected U.S. swimming gold there by armed security
an inquiry into his violent anarchists to order, it’s around Kremlin, with its well where they flew a medalist Ryan Lochte’s allega- guards until they paid $20 and
antidrug crackdown. A4 a crumbling mansion here, documented authori- black flag and scandal- tion that he and three team- 100 Brazilian reais ($31) to re-
which is where Sergei Kornilov tarian streak, has met ized locals by skinny- mates were robbed at gun- pair the damage.
CONTENTS Finance & Mkts. B5-8 tries to do it every summer. their cause with in- dipping in the river point in Rio over the weekend. Images from the Rio gas
Books.................. A11-13 Off Duty.............. W1-6
Business & Fin.. B1-4 Opinion.............. A14-15
It is the historical family creasing hostility. Be- and dancing naked station broadcast by Brazilian
Crossword.............. A10 Rio 2016.................. A16 home of Mikhail Bakunin, the yond that, of course, around a bonfire. By Luciana news network Globo appeared
Heard on Street.... B8 U.S. News.................. A7 father of modern anarchism, is their own penchant These days, originals Magalhaes, Patricia consistent with police ac-
Mansion............ W7-12 Weather.................. A10
Markets Digest..... B6 World News....... A2-6
who was born here in 1814 and for disorder and dis- mix with what tends Kowsmann counts that the swimmers
whom Mr. Kornilov describes as agreement. to be a more sedate and Paul Kiernan were detained early Sunday
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; “our inspiration, a candle for The Pryamukhino crowd. morning by gas-station em-
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
what could be a better life.” organizers print a The strength of Fernando Veloso, head of ployees after they allegedly
Each year, to keep Bakunin’s conference summary various anarchist Rio’s state investigative police, broke a fixture in the bath-
memory alive, 77-year-old Mr. each year. Their best Mikhail Bakunin groups has ebbed and said the incident remains un- room.
Kornilov organizes a convoca- seller, from five years flowed with global der investigation but is best Police removed Messrs.
tion, Pryamukhino Readings, ago: “Anarchists Against Anar- events—anarcho-syndicalists, described as “a confusion.” Bentz and Conger from a U.S.-
that typically draws 50 to 100 chy and Anarchism.” anarcho-environmentalists, an- Speaking at a press confer- bound plane Wednesday night
anarchists to the hamlet 150 The first huddle, 15 years archo-activists promoting set- ence, he said Mr. Lochte, along Please see RIO page A2
s Copyright 2016 Dow Jones & miles west of Moscow, where ago, was populated heavily by ting fire to luxury cars. with fellow gold medalists
Company. All Rights Reserved
they lecture one another and gray-bearded academics, Mr. Mr. Kornilov said he hasn’t James Feigen, Gunnar Bentz  Rio 2016: The Olympics’
argue about the latest anar- Kornilov said. That gave way to Please see RADICAL page A8 and Jack Conger, damaged grand finale............................... A16
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A2 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Hezbollah Fights Other Jihadists, Not Israel range missile batteries are
still aimed at Israel, and its
special forces and its border-
defense units remain intact.
“This can go on for a hun-
dred years. The central nu-
cleus has not been touched,
and the force around it is re-
MIDDLE EAST CROSSROADS newable,” Mr. Audi said.
YAROSLAV TROFIMOV “The cost doesn’t matter.
What matters is whether you
are able to destroy the con-
BINT JBEIL, Lebanon— spiracy project and win.”
Hezbollah leader Hassan

Nasrallah last weekend ad- ut winning against
dressed a rally to celebrate equally dedicated—and
the group’s 2006 “divine vic- more numerous—jihad-
tory” against Israel, thunder- ists in Syria isn’t an easy task.
ing for more than an hour Hezbollah and its Syrian allies
about the impending demise this month lost a critical bat-
of the Zionist enemy. tle in the southwestern part
But it’s not against Israel of Aleppo, where the rebels

that young men in the audi- broke through the siege im-
ence here have been fighting posed weeks earlier on the
of late. The predicament for rebel-held half of the city.
Hezbollah, Mr. Nasrallah this week-
the Iranian- end spoke of possible “rec-
backed Shiite Supporters of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah wave Hezbollah and Lebanese flags during a rally Saturday in Bint Jbeil, Lebanon. onciliation” and “compro-
militia that mises” with Syrian and Iraqi
used to com- ian President Bashar al- “ISIS is the creation of Israel, which the militia has long where we don’t have the lux- Sunni jihadists. And among
mand wide- Assad’s regime—which also so we have to destroy the cre- pledged to “liberate.” ury to doubt. The war in Syria some Hezbollah fighters, the
spread admi- means they have become ation before we can destroy “Hezbollah is now consid- has become a religious war,” talk is more of containment
ration in the region for bogged down in battles all the creator,” said Ali Khulali, ered by the Syrian people as said Riad al-Asaad, a Shiite than outright victory.
confronting Israel, is that its over Syria, not just along one of the participants in the a terrorist organization, as Lebanese politician, academic “As long as we are there,
battle today is almost exclu- Lebanon’s borders but also in Bint Jbeil war anniversary an occupation force that and entrepreneur. “Had Hez- nobody will win,” Ahmad
sively against fellow jihad- remote Aleppo and Palmyra. event. He had a two-pronged leads an almost colonial bollah not been fighting them Smaidi, who said he recently
ists, albeit of a Sunni kind, Hezbollah’s approach has sword of Zulfiqar—a symbol war,” said Ahmad Fatfat, a in Syria, it would have to be fought in Syria, answered
and increasingly further been to portray both wars as often used by Shiites—tat- prominent Sunni Lebanese fighting them in Lebanon. when asked what would be
away from home turf in part of the same conflict. Mr. tooed on his neck. lawmaker and a former cabi- These guys will sooner or the consequences of a Sunni
Syria’s foreign battlefields. Nasrallah has repeatedly de- Hammad Mughniyeh, a net minister. “For Hezbollah, later behead you, will burn jihadist takeover there.
While the Israeli border scribed Islamic State and al 21-year-old at the rally, said furthering Iran’s strategic in- you, will kill you. So you bet- Retired Lebanese Army
south of here has remained Qaeda’s Syrian offshoot as he hopes to soon be deployed terest in the Middle East has ter deal with it—and Hezbol- Maj. Gen. Hisham Jaber, who
quiet since the 2006 war, creations of Israel and the to Syria. “Before Syria, we become more important than lah is dealing with it.” comes from the Hezbollah
more than 1,000 Hezbollah U.S., a conspiracy designed excelled in guerrilla war. In Lebanese politics.” With the conflict viewed in stronghold of Nabatiyeh in
fighters have died in Syria in to weaken Islamic unity. Syria, we have learned a lot Still, even foes of Hezbol- such existential terms for Leb- southern Lebanon, said he
the past three years, and In last weekend’s address, of new and different tactics, lah such as Mr. Fatfat agree anon’s Shiites, Hezbollah can increasingly hears concerns
many more have been in- Mr. Nasrallah triumphantly and these will lead us to vic- that, despite the mounting easily sustain the current pace about the way the war is go-
jured—a painful casualty rate cited a statement by the U.S. tory over Israel,” he said. toll of the Syrian involve- of operations and casualties in ing when he attends fighters’
for a group with an estimated Republican presidential nom- ment, Hezbollah has retained Syria without losing the com- funerals and other events in

between strength of between inee, Donald Trump, who any other Lebanese its support within Lebanon’s munity’s support, its allies say. his hometown.
15,000 and 30,000 men. had accused President Ba- and Arabs laugh at Shiite community. Many Leb- Younis Audi, a pro-Hezbol- “People so far are not pro-
rack Obama and his Demo- such explanations. anese agree that is in part lah TV personality whose two testing or asking the question,

ith their morale cratic rival Hillary Clinton of They point out that Syria’s because, by attacking Sunni cousins died fighting in Syria ‘Why are we in Syria?’ ” said
high and their supe- founding Islamic State, as a biggest city of Aleppo in the jihadists in Syria, Hezbollah and a graduate of a Soviet Mr. Jaber, who runs a Beirut
rior training and long-awaited confirmation of north, where Hezbollah is has by and large prevented guerrilla warfare academy, think tank. “But they talk
equipment, these Hezbollah this theory. now locked in bloody urban the spillover of sectarian vi- said the core of the group’s among themselves and won-
units have become indispens- Among the Hezbollah cad- battles, lies in the opposite olence into Lebanon itself. military strength hasn’t been der: What’s next? Until when
able for the survival of Syr- res, that’s an article of faith. direction from Jerusalem, “We’re in a situation affected by the war. Its long- will we go and sacrifice?”

PAYOUT expense of an extremely high

payout ratio – you’re giving
the appearance of security.
Companies don’t like cutting
Continued from Page One dividends because there’s a
shareholders for 25 consecu- sort of stigma, but it isn’t nec-
tive years—has risen by 248%. essarily any safer than a buy-
A low-growth world means back,” Mr. Joshi added.
“an ongoing shortage of assets In the U.K. and Europe, divi-
with stable, secure running dends edge out share buybacks
yield,” according to research as the preferred means for re-
by Peter Eadon Clarke, an turning cash to shareholders.
economist at the investment As a result, payout ratios there
bank Macquarie Group Ltd. He are much higher. Dividends for
suggested that global equities the Stoxx 600 are now at al-
with higher dividend yields most 59% of earnings, while
might make a partial replace- FTSE 100 dividends are equal
ment for bonds. to more than 70%.
Though U.S. companies his- In 2008, the huge uptick in
torically have favored share payout ratios resulted from
buybacks as their method for the change in the denomina-
returning earnings to share- tor: Earnings collapsed. Even
holders, there are good rea- so, many companies scrambled
sons for investors who want to to sustain their dividends to
buy a bond-like product to fa- keep investors from bolting for
vor dividends. the exits.
“During periods of low That is still the case for
growth and low interest some firms, especially in the
rates,” the Macquarie note ar- energy sector, where dividends

gued, “firms with the highest are far more than the net in-
buybacks fail to provide inves- come of the companies. Earn-
tors with either the consistent ings for those companies have
yield of bond-like assets or the slumped because of the col-
prospect of future growth.” lapse in oil prices.
In the second quarter of the But stocks in the consumer
year, 44 companies in the S&P staples, industrial and infor-
500 were paying a dividend of mation technology sectors of
more than 100% of their net the S&P 500 have all reached
income, the highest proportion their highest payout ratios in
in 10 years. at least five years during 2016. American swimmers Gunnar Bentz, left, and Jack Conger leaving the police station at Rio’s airport early Thursday.
Some analysts believe the And it isn’t just oil stocks
distinction between buybacks
and dividends can be mislead-
ing, and that dividends can’t
act as a proxy for bonds.
paying out more than their net
income in dividends.
The toy manufacturer Mat-
tel Inc. and software giant Sy-
RIO guard to call the police.
The swimmers attempted to
leave the gas station and be-
came aggressive when employ-
yer didn’t respond to a request
for comment.
In an interview on NBC this
week, Mr. Lochte said he and
Wednesday night, NBC’s Matt
Lauer said Mr. Lochte told him
“we wouldn’t make this up.”

“Investors are flocking to mantec Corp. have payout ra- Continued from Page One ees tried to prevent them from his teammates were returning THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
anything with a yield that ap- tios over 100%. after a judge ordered their going. This prompted the from a party Saturday night Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
pears to be safe. But unless Bond proxies, of course, are passports confiscated while guard and a colleague to pull when their taxi was pulled The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
they’re from rock-solid compa- threatened by the same factors authorities determine what their guns out and order the over by men posing as police.
nies, utilities with pricing pro- as the rally in bonds them- happened. Mr. Lochte returned swimmers to get on the Mr. Lochte said the swimmers Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Bruce Orwall, Senior Editor, Europe
tection for example, they’re selves. A rise in interest rates to the U.S. earlier this week, ground, according to their tes- were then ordered at gunpoint Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
simply not as secure as a bond by the Federal Reserve, driving before the court order, while timony, which was made pub- to “get down on the ground,” Margaret de Streel, International Editions Editor
Darren Everson, Deputy International Editor
yield,” said Dhaval Joshi, chief yields up across the board, Mr. Feigen’s whereabouts are lic by the Globo news network. and Mr. Lochte said his money
strategist at BCA Research. could make such investments unknown. Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
“If you’re providing it at the less attractive. Reports that four U.S. gold
medalists were robbed at gun-
Authorities in Brazil regarded the Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
point—by men posing as po- swimmers’ claims with suspicion. Andrew Robinson, Communications
Stuart Wood, Operations
Pay Up lice, no less, according to Mr. Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships

With little yield elsewhere, investors push for equities Lochte’s initial statements— Katie Vanneck-Smith,
with high dividends. made global headlines and A bystander who spoke and wallet were taken. Global Managing Director & Publisher
created a major embarrass- English then approached the Videos from Rio’s Athletes’
60% Record Stoxx 600 payout Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
ment for Brazil. Mr. Veloso group and offered to translate Village surfaced later in the Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
called on the swimmers to for the swimmers, Mr. Veloso week, however, showing the 65-6415 4300; Tokyo: 81-3 6269-2701;
Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
Stoxx Europe 600 payout ratio* apologize to Rio’s citizens for said. After the gas station’s swimmers passing through se- 842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01;
50 misleading the public. manager accepted the money, curity in what appeared to be New York: 1-212-659-2176
According to a clerk at the which was offered by Mr. a playful mood just three Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:
Dogan Media Group/Hürriyet A.S. Branch; Italy:
gas station where the swim- Bentz, the employees told the hours after the robbery alleg- Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
Record S&P 500 mers arrived in a taxi on their swimmers they could go. edly occurred. (Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
40 payout way back from a party, the Messrs. Bentz and Conger’s After Messrs. Bentz and
Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY
Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
swimmers appeared intoxicated lawyer, Sérgio Riera, declined Conger were detained Trademarks appearing herein are used under
and urinated on the outside of to comment on reports of license from Dow Jones & Co.
©2015 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
30 the building. He said they also events at the gas station, say-
Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
tore down a wall poster. ing that he hadn’t yet seen se- 2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
A security guard inter- curity footage or notes from

S&P 500 payout ratio* viewed by police said the
swimmers also broke a soap
the investigation. The pair
gave statements to police
Readers can alert The Wall Street
2008 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 dispenser and a towel dis- Thursday afternoon. Journal to any errors in news By web:
penser in the restroom, Mr. Mr. Feigen’s lawyer declined articles by emailing By email:
*Dividends given to shareholders as a proportion of earnings By phone: +44(0)20 3426 1313
Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Veloso said, prompting the to comment. Mr. Lochte’s law-
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | A3

Syrian Regime Strikes Kurdish Fighters
Warplanes hit forces
battling Islamic State
in country’s northeast
as conflict escalates

Syrian regime warplanes

launched airstrikes against
Kurdish forces in northeast-
ern Syria on Thursday, in a
major escalation of violence
between the two camps,offi-
cials and residents said.
The fighting, if it contin-


ues, threatens to open a new
front in Syria’s already com-
plicated battlefield crowded
with numerous warring sides
and their foreign backers.
Among those hit in the
northeastern city of Hasakah
by the strikes were members
of a U.S.-backed mixed Kurd-
ish and Arab force that has
been battling Islamic State.
The airstrikes came after
days of clashes in Hasakah
between the regime and Kurd-
ish police who are part of an
administration that has de- Syrian Kurdish civilians boarded a vehicle as they fled reported shelling in the northeastern governorate of Hasakah, toward the city of Qameshli, on Thursday.
clared a semiautonomous re-
gion in northern Syria. The most recent fighting fighters were killed on both fleeing their neighborhoods first time the relationship be- we get the chance. But we
Hasakah is divided between began after the regime arbi- sides in fighting on Wednes- to other cities, residents tween the two sides reaches cannot leave our house at the
the regime and the Kurdish trarily arrested Kurdish and day and Thursday, he said. said. this level.” moment. We cannot step out-
administration. Arab civilians, leading the On Wednesday night, the “This is the first time the Both sides were using side.”
Clashes escalated a week Kurdish security forces to in- regime launched mortar regime uses warplanes to heavy weaponry, she said. She said the fighting be-
after the American-backed tervene, said Lawrence Slei- shells followed by airstrikes strike [Kurdish positions] in “We live in an area that is gan more than a week ago
Syrian Democratic Forces, a man al-Shaier, a former ad- on Thursday, he said. Hasakah,” said Lina al-Najj- surrounded by the fighting,” when a Kurdish militia and a
primarily ethnic Kurdish force viser to the Kurdish police. As fighting continued, ci- ari, a resident. “The bombing she said. “We have prepared pro-regime militia engaged in
with a small Arab contingent, Nearly 20 soldiers and vilians in Hasakah began is very strong. This is the our suitcases to leave once tit-for-tat kidnappings.
scored a major victory against
Islamic State by recapturing
the strategic city of Manbij
along the Turkish border.
Video Footage of Dazed Young Boy Reverberates Amid Horrors of Country’s Conflict
The growing Kurdish BEIRUT—Syrian opposition building the boy was in com- after an airstrike on the rebel- the ambulance, he said. A doc- a.m. to retrieve a final victim
power poses a threat to the activists released haunting pletely collapsed. held neighborhood of Qaterji, tor at M10 later reported eight from the rubble.
Syrian regime, which had footage showing a young boy The fighting has frustrated with head wounds but no brain dead, including five children. In the video posted late
mostly withdrawn from the rescued from a partially de- efforts by the United Nations injury. The boy was later dis- The strike occurred during Wednesday by the Aleppo Me-
Kurdish areas early in the war stroyed building in the after- to fulfill its humanitarian man- charged. the sunset call to prayer dia Center, a man is seen
and hadn’t usually contested math of a devastating airstrike date, and the world body’s spe- Rescue workers and journal- Wednesday evening, said Mr. plucking the boy from a cha-
their authority there. in Aleppo. cial envoy to Syria on Thursday ists arrived at Qaterji shortly Raslan, a correspondent for Al otic nighttime scene and carry-
But in recent months, the The image of the stunned cut short a meeting of the after the strike and began pull- Jazeera Mubashir. ing him inside the ambulance,
two sides have clashed more and weary-looking boy, sitting committee—headed by Russia ing victims from the rubble. Omran was rescued along looking dazed and flat-eyed.
frequently, though Syrian air- in a chair inside an ambulance, and the U.S.—tasked with de- “We were passing them from with his three siblings, ages 1, The boy then runs his hand
strikes against the Kurds are covered in dust and with blood escalating the violence so that one balcony to the other,” said 6 and 11, and his mother and over his blood-covered face,
almost unheard of. on his face, encapsulates the relief can reach civilians. photojournalist Mahmoud father from the rubble of their looks at his hands and wipes
Some in Kurdish areas said horrors inflicted on the war- A doctor in Aleppo identified Raslan, who took the memora- partially destroyed apartment them on the ambulance chair.
it was the first time the re- ravaged northern city. the boy Thursday as 5-year-old ble photo. He said he had building, Mr. Raslan said. None Doctors in Aleppo use code
gime launched an airstrike Photographs of the boy Omran Daqneesh. Osama Abu passed along three lifeless sustained major injuries. A sec- names for hospitals, which
against Kurdish forces while were widely shared on social al-Ezz confirmed the boy was bodies before someone handed ond building, next to theirs, they say have been targeted
others said it has happened media. brought to the hospital known him the wounded boy. was also heavily damaged. by government airstrikes.
once or twice before. An hour after his rescue, the as M10 on Wednesday night, Mr. Raslan rushed him to Rescuers worked until 5 —Associated Press

Moscow Says It Plans

To Heed Aleppo Truce
BY ANDREY OSTROUKH “The specific time and data
will be defined after receiving
MOSCOW—Russia is ready information from U.N. offi-
to observe a 48-hour cease- cials on the time when hu-
fire to allow the delivery of manitarian convoys will be
humanitarian aid into the em- ready and a confirmation of
battled Syrian city of Aleppo security guarantees on the
next week, military spokesman safety of the transit from
Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov American partners,” Mr. Ko-
said on Thursday. nashenkov said.
Maj. Gen. Konashenkov said An offensive by forces
the Russian military was ready loyal to Syrian President
to support the proposal for a Bashar al-Assad, Russia and
cease-fire by the U.N.’s special their allies to push rebel
envoy for Syria, Staffan de forces out of Aleppo ended in

Mistura, “to supply the popu- deadlock after a counterof-

lation of the city with food fensive led to both the rebel-
and medical items and restore held neighborhoods and gov-
life-support systems.” ernment areas of the city cut
Last week, Russia said it off from their respective sup-
would pause military operations ply routes.
for three hours a day. Moscow The city hasn’t had running
later dismissed Germany’s call water for days and power is
for a longer cease-fire. intermittent. Men rode past the ruins of a rebel-held part of Aleppo on Thursday. The U.N. is urging a cease-fire to allow aid into the besieged city.

RUSSIA Outside the region, Russia

has begun using Iran as a
launchpad for airstrikes in
Syria, further underscoring its
ups in months, with Ukraine
saying on Thursday that three
soldiers had been killed in the
previous 24 hours.
about 4,000 troops, to Poland
and ex-Soviet Baltic countries.
“The political situation
along the western border of
more than 300 training exer-
cises and war games in the
Western Military District since
the winter.
Russian units are expected to
practice conducting amphibi-
ous landings and air-defense
exercises to reinforce Crimea.
Continued from Page One assertive military strategy. Now Russia is building new the country remains unstable,” Several units are being relo- Capt. Danny Hernandez, the
equipment in the two years The buildup on Ukraine’s army installations along the Mr. Shoigu told officers at a cated to the region, including chief spokesman for U.S. Euro-
since Moscow’s seizure of Cri- frontier represents a signifi- border, creating some new televised meeting in June, not- those in the Western Military pean Command, said the U.S.
mea, said they haven’t de- cant shift. For years, the Rus- units and redeploying others ing that the U.S. and other District’s 20th Army, which was monitoring the region and
tected signs of an immediate sian-Ukrainian border was from further east, in line with NATO members are boosting had been based until last year the planned Russian military
threat. Any shift in Russian viewed by Moscow as little its telegraphed intentions to their military potential in the in Nizhny Novgorod, east of exercises closely.
military posture reflects more than an administrative step up its forces in the west. region. Moscow. Ukrainian officials have be-
broader plans, a senior mili- boundary. As late as 2009, Rus- In May, Russian Minister of Military officials said two The 20th Army, which had come increasingly nervous
tary official said Thursday. sia didn’t have a single large Defense Sergei Shoigu said the divisions would be created in seen lower levels of readiness about growing violence in the
“It’s a long-term trend; army unit along its 1,200-mile army would create three new the Western Military District in previous years, is also get- eastern part of Ukraine.
there is nothing new,” the offi- border with Ukraine. That divisions to counter NATO, and one in the Southern Mili- ting a major overhaul with new Ukrainian President Petro
cial said. changed with the 2014 revolu- which in April announced it tary District, each with 10,000 combat units, including two or Poroshenko said on Thursday
Some U.S.-based analysts in tion in Kiev and subsequent would sent four battalions, or troops. Russia has carried out three motorized rifle brigades that there had been record lev-
recent weeks have pointed to conflict in eastern Ukraine. and a tank brigade. els of artillery shelling against
Russian plans to reorient As that conflict unfolded, A new regional headquar- Ukrainian positions the previ-
forces to potential areas of Russia stationed tens of thou- ters is now located in Voro- ous night, adding that Ukraine
conflict, adding the shifts don’t sands of troops on the border nezh, some 100 miles from the might announce mobilization
necessarily indicate imminent in makeshift camps and fo- border with Ukraine. To make and martial law if the conflict
military activity. mented a pro-Russian rebellion way for its relocation, new escalates in Crimea and the
Tensions between Russia with deliveries of weapons and bases and at least 10 military country’s east.
and Ukraine have flared in re- volunteer soldiers. barracks are being constructed U.S. and other allied offi-
cent days after Russian Presi- At key points during fight- in nearby towns for the incom- cials believe Russia’s strategy
dent Vladimir Putin accused ing, regular Russian military ing soldiers. Construction of is to provoke an overreaction

Ukraine’s military of killing units helped to prevent the some of the new installations by Kiev, one that could help
two Russian service members Ukrainian army from routing began in 2015. undermine the case in Europe
during incursions into Crimea, the separatists, though Mos- Russia is preparing to hold for sanctions.
which Russia annexed from cow denies sending conven- major annual military exer- “Russia wants to show it
Ukraine in 2014. Mr. Putin said tional forces into Ukraine. cises near the Ukrainian bor- can turn the heat up and down
Russia would respond to the Violence in eastern Ukraine der in September, the first and put pressure on Kiev to re-
deaths. Ukrainian officials de- continues, despite cease-fire aimed at integrating Crimea act,” a Western official said.
nied the charges, saying Russia attempts brokered by Euro- and the peninsula’s defense —Julian E. Barnes
was creating a pretext for fur- pean leaders. July and August into Russian military plans. and Gordon Lubold
ther intervention. saw some of the worst flare- A Russian infantry amphibious vehicle takes part in war games. A U.S. military official said contributed to this article.
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Defection Offers Window Into Pyongyang

North Korean official For South Korean intelli- cuted officials in charge of
gence agents questioning Mr. ensuring the loyalty of Pyong-
who deserted regime Thae, there is the tantalizing yang’s elite class, citing un-
gives Seoul rare level possibility that he, having identified sources.
grown up among North Ko- An eloquent English
of access to an insider rea’s upper crust, might be speaker, Mr. Thae hewed to
able to shed more light on the official party line as the
BY JONATHAN CHENG what makes the nation’s top face of North Korea in a prom-
AND EUN-YOUNG JEONG leadership tick. inent Western capital. In a
As a diplomat, Mr. Thae videotaped speech in London
SEOUL—The defection of a wouldn’t have been responsi- in October 2014, Mr. Thae de-
top North Korean diplomat to ble for setting policy, unlike scribed how he felt the British
South Korea gives Seoul rare some previous high-profile de- ruling class and media were
access to one of Pyongyang’s fectors such as Hwang Jang- brainwashing ordinary people.
most well-connected men as it yop, who had often been seen He criticized Western media
seeks more clues about the in- at Kim Il Sung’s side and was for highlighting what he called
ner workings of its isolated the architect of the country’s unwarranted stories on North
neighbor. ruling ideology. Korea—part of an effort, he
Thae Yong Ho, Pyongyang’s Mr. Thae, however, worked said, to turn attention away
deputy ambassador in London, with top officials in Pyong- from atrocities caused by

whose defection with his fam- yang, including Ri Yong Ho, Western countries.
ily was announced by South the country’s foreign minister, During the same talk, Mr.
Korea’s government Wednes- who previously served as the Thae defended Pyongyang’s
day, enjoyed a level of immu- North Korean ambassador to nuclear-weapons program,
nity and privilege that few the U.K. and later as chief ne- saying: “We want to protect
others could in the North Ko- gotiator for the six-party talks our people, our system, and
rean system. on Pyongyang’s nuclear-weap- A sales assistant watched a TV news report on Thae Yong Ho’s defection in Seoul on Thursday. our sovereignty. And unless
Not only was Mr. Thae one ons program. Mr. Thae was we’re equipped ourselves, we
of North Korea’s most senior also seen on camera accompa- rea’s overseas moneymaking ous operations highly com- versity, while a younger son can’t do it.”
diplomats, he also reportedly nying Kim Jong Un’s older operations, said Justin Has- partmentalized, to the point attended Acton High School in Those who knew Mr. Thae
boasted some of the best con- brother, Kim Jong Chul, to an tings, a senior lecturer at the where Mr. Thae may not even Ealing, West London. personally, however, described
nections. Mr. Thae is the son Eric Clapton concert last year. University of Sydney and an have been aware of all that South Korea’s Ministry of him as someone who could ap-
of a general who fought at “He’s a diplomat, not a poli- expert on the country’s trade was happening in his own Unification didn’t comment on preciate the differences be-
the side of Kim Il Sung, North tician,” said John Nilsson- networks, who is publishing a embassy. whether all of Mr. Thae’s im- tween the Western world and
Korea’s founder and the Wright, a senior lecturer on book later this year on North “I’d be surprised if he knew mediate family defected with North Korea’s portrayal of it.
grandfather of ruler Kim Jong Asian studies at the University Korea in the global economy. what was going on in terms of him. A representative of the “He had a good sense of the
Un, according to South Ko- of Cambridge, who knew Mr. “Weapons sales aren’t re- earning money,” Mr. Hastings ministry declined to confirm contradictions between the of-
rea’s semiofficial Yonhap Thae for more than a decade ally feasible in the U.K.,” Mr. said. “I doubt he has a ledger the Yonhap report or provide ficial position of his govern-
News agency. and met with him both in Hastings said, contrasting Mr. that he could pull out.” further details about Mr. Thae. ment and the world he saw,”
Yonhap reported Thursday North Korea and in the U.K. Thae’s London posting with Since his early years, Mr. The South Korean govern- said Mr. Nilsson-Wright of
that the father of Mr. Thae’s “He wouldn’t have been in- those in Africa and the Middle Thae enjoyed rare luxuries in ment has declined to make Cambridge. He added that Mr.
wife was also closely affili- volved in decision-making, but East, where North Korean dip- North Korea. He spent his high Mr. Thae available for com- Thae was also quite invested
ated with the elder Mr. Kim, he will have information on lomats are expected to gener- school years in China, where ment. North Korea has yet to in his children, one of whom
who technically remains the the working structure of the ate money for Pyongyang. he learned Chinese and Eng- issue any official statement wanted to study medicine, and
country’s “Eternal President” government.” Mr. Hastings added that lish, according to Yonhap. His about his defection. But on was curious to learn more
more than two decades after But Mr. Thae might not North Korea’s overseas out- oldest son holds a degree in Thursday, Yonhap reported about the U.K.’s higher-educa-
his death. know much about North Ko- posts tend to keep their vari- public health from a U.K. uni- that North Korea had exe- tion system.

Philippine Senator Fires Back at President’s Claims

BY TREFOR MOSS into extrajudicial killings. She taking office, primarily by kill- pines’ commission on human
is the latest opponent of Mr. ing drug dealers. rights. Ms. De Lima’s inquiry
MANILA—A Philippine sen- Duterte’s to have been at- Since he became president includes killings that preceded
ator accused President Ro- tacked by the president on live at the end of June, 646 sus- Mr. Duterte’s presidency as
drigo Duterte on Thursday of television. pected drug dealers have well as the recent violence.
an “abuse of power” for pub- Earlier this month, Mr. Du- been killed either by the po- “I don’t think the constitu-
licly attacking her on the eve terte read out a list of 158 lice or by suspected vigilan- tion has ever contemplated
of a Senate inquiry into a vio- public servants he accused of tes, according to the Philip- such abuse of power on such a
lent antidrug crackdown that aiding and abetting the illegal pine Daily Inquirer, which scale, as it assumes that every

has claimed over 600 lives. drug trade, and described two has kept a tally of the mount- president will conduct himself
In a televised press confer- prominent businessmen as ing death toll. That number in a manner befitting the of-
ence Wednesday, Mr. Duterte “oligarchs” who were damag- is far higher than in previous fice he holds,” she said.
called Sen. Leila De Lima an ing the country. Many of the years. The government has Mr. Duterte said Wednesday
“immoral woman” and ac- public servants publicly pro- acknowledged hundreds of that it was his duty as presi-
cused her of having an affair claimed their innocence, and deaths but hasn’t given an dent to name those suspected
with her driver, who is mar- the two businessmen denied exact number. of wrongdoing in the interests
ried, and of accepting money any wrongdoing. While police officials say of transparency. In early Au-
from drug dealers to buy him The president has also officers have followed the gust, he promised to investi-
a house. openly insulted those who rules of engagement by shoot- gate unexplained killings of
Ms. De Lima rejected the al- have questioned his methods, Sen. Leila De Lima described the president’s allegations as ‘foul.’ ing only suspects who resisted suspected drug dealers.
legations, describing them as including the U.S. ambassador arrest, Ms. De Lima and other At Thursday’s hearing, sen-
“foul” and an attempted char- to the Philippines and the “No one has been attacked said Ms. De Lima was “poli- public figures have called for ators urged Mr. Duterte to
acter assassination. Mr. Du- United Nations. in such a manner by no less ticking and posturing” by an investigation into the in- shift the focus of his campaign
terte has been widely criti- Speaking as Thursday’s Sen- than the highest official in the seeking an investigation into creasingly bloody campaign. from killing suspects to reha-
cized for naming and shaming ate hearing into drug-related land—until now,” she said. “It extrajudicial killings despite The president’s allegations bilitating addicts. In the past
people without producing evi- killings was about to start, Ms. is already clear that what is having “a sordid private and were part of a campaign of two months over 500,000 peo-
dence for his allegations. De Lima said the president, happening to me is what will official life.” fear aimed at “stopping the ple have surrendered them-
As chairwoman of the Sen- who is immune from prosecu- happen to anyone who does During the Philippines’ re- Senate probe on extrajudicial selves to authorities to seek
ate committee on justice, Ms. tion, was trying to silence any not bow to the wishes of the cent election campaign, Mr. killings,” said Ms. De Lima, a treatment and escape the
De Lima is leading a separate opposition and deter others president.” Duterte promised to suppress former justice secretary and president’s crackdown, the
inquiry, set to begin Monday, from criticizing him. In his tirade, Mr. Duterte crime within six months of onetime head of the Philip- government says.

lured overseas visitors to snap at department stores and cloth- Lawyer Dirk Uden said two SPAIN ernment,” Mr. Rajoy said.
World up watches and jewelry.
The figures, among the first
ing outlets leading the gains.
The figures were much stron-
regional court-appointed experts
had concluded that Fritz Gelow-
Acting Prime Minister Mr. Rajoy will face a confi-
dence vote, a necessary step to
Watch pieces of hard evidence on the
economy’s performance after the
ger than economists polled by
The Wall Street Journal predicted.
icz, who was sentenced in March
2010 to 12 years in prison for
To Court Centrists
Acting Prime Minister Mari-
form a government, on Aug. 30,
a parliament official said.
U.K.’s decision to leave the Euro- —Jason Douglas plotting attacks against a U.S. ano Rajoy announced a thawing Spanish voters elected a divided
pean Union, suggest households and Simon Zekaria Air Force base and the Frankfurt in the country’s eight-month po- parliament on Dec. 20 and another
largely shrugged off the referen- airport, wasn’t a threat. litical deadlock. one on June 26. Mr. Rajoy’s conser-
dum result and kept spending. GERMANY A court in Düsseldorf on He said his conservative Popu- vative Popular Party, which has led
FRANCE The pound rose on the news, Monday released the German lar Party will launch negotiations the government since 2011, won
climbing 1% against the dollar to
Freed Terror Plotter national early because of “good on Friday aimed at garnering the the greatest number of seats both
Unemployment Rate $1.3169 after the data exceeded Not a Threat: Lawyer behavior” and based on the rec- support of the centrist Ciudada- times, but fell short of a majority.
Drops Below 10% expectations. A man whose Islamist terror ommendation of the experts. nos party, an initial sign of mo- Lawmakers have been trying to
Unemployment has dropped The Office for National Sta- cell had plotted attacks on U.S. “You can never look into peo- mentum after months of stagna- negotiate a government for nearly
below 10% for the first time in tistics said retail sales rose 1.4% targets in Germany just under a ple,” Mr. Uden told The Wall tion that has left Spaniards eight months.
almost four years, marking a in July from June and were 5.9% decade ago no longer poses a se- Street Journal on Thursday. “But exasperated with the inability of The deadlock has prevented
symbolic breakthrough for Presi- higher than a year earlier. The curity risk after his release from you have to realize that you can’t their political class to strike a deal. lawmakers from dedicating at-
dent François Hollande, who has official statistics agency said prison earlier this week, his law- punish people for something “We have taken a step, which tention to the pressing tasks of
linked a turnaround in the job sales increased in all categories yer said, even as security ana- they haven’t yet committed.” I would describe as decisive, to- lowering Spain’s 20% unemploy-
market to whether he will run of stores it monitors, with sales lysts called the decision ill-timed. —Andrea Thomas ward the goal of forming a gov- ment rate and budget deficit.
for re-election in 2017. —Jeannette Neumann
France’s unemployment rate
dropped to 9.9% in the second ARGENTINA
quarter from 10.2% in the first, na-
tional statistics agency Insee said.
Court Blocks Move
That is the lowest rate since the To Raise Gas Prices
9.8% recorded in the third quarter The Supreme Court annulled a
of 2012, shortly after Mr. Hollande move by President Mauricio Macri
came to power. Excluding over- to raise residential natural-gas
seas territories, unemployment prices, hindering his hopes of slash-
stood at 9.6% in the quarter. ing utility subsidies and narrowing
The figures are a source of a gaping fiscal hole this year.
relief for Mr. Hollande as rising In a unanimous ruling, the court
unemployment has thwarted the said the government can raise res-
majority of his time in office. idential gas prices but must first
The French president has re- hold a series of public comment
peatedly missed his goal to re- sessions before doing so.
verse the rise in unemployment, The decision is a significant
despite throwing billions of eu- but temporary setback for the
ros into programs to fund jobs Macri administration. The gov-
and cut payroll taxes. In 2014, ernment has been spending bil-
unemployment reached 10.5%, lions of dollars every year to
the highest level in 17 years. subsidize the cost of utility
—William Horobin rates, including natural gas, elec-
and Inti Landauro tricity, water and transportation.
The court ruling effectively
UNITED KINGDOM sends residential gas prices back

to what they were in March, be-

Retail Sales Rose fore the government raised rates
Strongly in July and slashed subsidies that had
Retail sales rose strongly in kept home heating bills here
July, as warm weather boosted among the lowest in the world.
clothing sales and a weak pound ON THE RED CARPET: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang welcomed Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi to a Beijing ceremony on Thursday. —Taos Turner
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EUTax CrackdownSpawnsTrans-Atlantic Spat

BRUSSELS—After a meet- doing that,” Ms. Vestager entity within a multinational
ing with U.S. Treasury Sec- said in an interview earlier firm. That could include off-
retary Jack Lew last month, this year with The Wall shore holding companies
the European Union’s anti- Street Journal. “What we’re used as mechanisms for de-
trust chief Margrethe Ve- doing is for every com- ferring U.S. tax payments.
stager tweeted a photo of pany—be that a U.S. com- The application of the
herself standing awkwardly pany or a European com- rules isn’t designed to be
next to the American finance pany—to make sure that anti-American, said Tom Ot-
chief, with the two of them their competitors don’t get tervanger, a European law
facing in slightly different away with paying very, very professor at the University
directions. little in taxes compared with of Leiden. If anything, he
It was a “very good meet- themselves.” said, the EU is targeting cer-
ing,” she tweeted. But the U.S. lawmakers have also tain member states because
photo was fit- accused the commission of of big differences in corpo-
BRUSSELS ting, for the


trying to wrest power away rate-taxation rules among
BEAT two were far from national governments the bloc’s governments.
NATALIA from seeing that traditionally design The EU’s crackdown fol-
DROZDIAK eye-to-eye their own taxes. EU law, lowed disclosures in 2014
over the EU’s however, gives the commis- that many multina-
investigations sion the right to open up le- tional companies struck
into the sweetheart tax deals gal proceedings against sweetheart deals in member
some multinational compa- member countries that don’t states such as Luxembourg,
nies have sealed with Euro- abide by the bloc’s rules. Ireland and the Nether-
pean governments. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and EU antitrust chie Margrethe Vestager last month. “It’s very difficult in lands that allowed them to
The trans-Atlantic dis- other regions of the world pay little tax in the bloc.
cord could deepen this fall U.S. and EU efforts to snuff was impartially exercising pean companies than Ameri- that don’t have this concept With at least one deci-
when the European Commis- out large-scale corporate tax the bloc’s state-aid rules to can ones over their tax ar- of…a supranational authority sion looming, on Ireland’s
sion, which holds the bloc’s avoidance. prevent companies from rangements, including Fiat overriding national law to arrangements with Apple,
antitrust authority, is ex- In a letter sent several reaping unfair gains. Chrysler Automobiles NV accept that,” said Philipp the trans-Atlantic spat will
pected to decide on some of months before the Brussels and Swedish industrial com- Werner, a Brussels partner likely flare up again soon.
pany Atlas Copco.

its biggest cases, including encounter to Ms. Vestager’s he commission several at law firm Jones Day. “I un- But there could be a silver
one involving Apple Inc. The boss, European Commission years ago decided to Days after Ms. Vestager’s derstand that it’s hard to un- lining for the U.S.: a possible
commission could require President Jean-Claude more closely examine riposte, Treasury said it was derstand for an American future boost in tax revenues.
the companies to pay back Juncker, Mr. Lew denounced so-called tax rulings, which reviewing a never-used sec- audience, for example.” “This might reduce future
large sums in unpaid taxes. the investigations for “dis- are comfort letters sent by tion of the U.S. tax code that U.S. base erosion,” according

The simmering feud, cen- proportionately” targeting governments to multination- would allow Washington to hen the commission to Daniel Shaviro, a tax pro-
tering partly around the U.S. companies. In some als to provide clarity on how impose retaliatory double does invoke its fessor at the New York Uni-
question of which country cases, he wrote, the Europe- a tax would be calculated. taxation on European citi- state-aid rules to versity School of Law, if
has a claim to what corpo- ans seek to target income The letters are deemed ille- zens and companies on the require an EU country to re- “U.S. companies conclude, by
rate tax revenue, could they have no right to tax. gal if they hand selective ad- grounds that the EU subjects trieve unpaid tax money, reason of the state-aid cases,
spark retaliatory tax mea- In her own letter fired vantages to some companies. U.S. companies to discrimi- that government must en- that the EU is less of a tax-
sures by the U.S. and threat- back to Mr. Lew, Ms. Ve- The EU stresses it has natory taxes. sure the money is returned planning haven than they
ens to undermine broader stager said the commission gone after many more Euro- “I don’t see the case for and can claim it from any had thought.”

Ex-Official ECB Warned of Brexit Shock for Eurozone

Departs BY TOM FAIRLESS to wait to see the full effects
of its recent policy measures,
for fresh stimulus as a result
of the Brexit vote.

South FRANKFURT—European
Central Bank policy makers
warned at their July meeting
which include subzero interest
rates, €80 billion ($90.18 bil-
lion) a month of bond pur-
Mr. Fuzesi expects the ECB
to extend its bond-purchase
program beyond March 2017

Sudan that Britain’s vote to leave the

European Union created fresh
headwinds for the eurozone
chases and cheap loans for
But with eurozone inflation
and to cut its deposit rate by
0.1 percentage point at the
September meeting, but he

BY NICHOLAS BARIYO and could affect the world hovering around zero and the said his confidence in that
AND MATINA STEVIS economy, suggesting they may economic outlook uncertain, outcome “has already tum-
be ready to launch fresh stim- most economists still expect bled,” and policy makers
KAMPALA, Uganda—South ulus as soon as next month to the ECB to announce fresh might decide to do less.
Sudan’s former vice president shore up the bloc’s economy. policy measures in September, At their July meeting, ECB
and longtime opposition But the minutes of the when new economic forecasts officials also expressed con-
leader has fled the country ECB’s July policy meeting, will factor in the likely impact cerns about Europe’s weak
following what a spokesman published Thursday, also of Brexit. banking sector, which they
for Riek Machar said was an showed that policy makers The Bank of England al- worried could hamper the cen-
assassination attempt by thought it was too soon to dis- ready has responded aggres- European Central Bank President Mario Draghi in July tral bank’s efforts to reduce
forces loyal to his longtime ri- cuss new policy measures, as sively to a weakened outlook loan costs across the region.
val, President Salva Kiir. they wanted to wait until the for the U.K. economy, cutting ing toward another round of Still, they said “a great deal European bank stocks fell
Mr. Machar reached the extent of the economic disrup- interest rates and launching a stimulus, pointing to remarks of uncertainty” remains about sharply in the wake of the U.K.
Democratic Republic of Congo tion from the Brexit vote be- new bond-purchase program in the minutes that the ECB how the economic shock could referendum, continuing a
on Wednesday, said Lambert came clearer. at its Aug. 3 policy meeting. should avoid fostering “undue unfold in the global economy. downward trend. Policy mak-
Mende, Congo’s information The minutes shed light on Jennifer McKeown, an expectations” about its future Ms. McKeown expects the ers think the slump is partly
minister. Mr. Machar’s aides the debate within the ECB’s economist with Capital Eco- policy action. ECB to act aggressively at its due to the impact on banks’
said he is expected to stay for 25-member governing council nomics in London, said the lat- Eurozone inflation was 0.2% September meeting, accelerat- profitability of the ECB’s low
some days before traveling to as it prepares for another est ECB minutes appeared to in July, the EU’s statistics ing its asset purchases to €90 interest rates, according to the
Ethiopia. meeting on Sept. 8. Econo- confirm that the central bank agency confirmed earlier billion a month, extending minutes.
The U.N. on Thursday said mists were divided on whether was preparing to loosen policy Thursday. That was up slightly their duration by six months Howard Archer, an econo-
its Congolese mission, known the new details indicated that again. She highlighted remarks from 0.1% the previous month, to September 2017, and cutting mist with IHS Global Insight in
as Monusco, transferred Mr. the ECB was leaning toward a attributed to the ECB’s chief but far below the ECB’s target the ECB’s deposit rate— London, said concerns over
Machar within the DRC once boost to its €1.8 trillion ($2.03 economist, Peter Praet, that of just below 2%, which it has charged to banks for storing the banks made it unlikely
he had made his way to the trillion) stimulus—for the underlying inflation in the missed for 3½ years. funds with the central banks— that the ECB would cut inter-
border with South Sudan. third time in less than a year. euro area “continued to lack a While ECB policy makers to minus 0.5% from minus est rates again. “While the
Mr. Machar’s spokesman, The ECB left its policy mix convincing upward trend and acknowledged “new head- 0.4%. ECB has indicated that inter-
James Dak, on Thursday offered unchanged at its July meeting, remained an ongoing source of winds” from the Brexit vote, Such action likely would be est rates could possibly go
no additional information on the and ECB President Mario concern.” they said the impact likely resisted by Jens Weidmann, lower, there is clearly height-
alleged assassination attempt. Draghi stopped short of sig- Others were more cautious. would be confined to the U.K. president of Germany’s influ- ened concern over the impact
Mr. Kiir’s office had no immedi- naling that the bank would Greg Fuzesi, an analyst at J.P. and Europe, and the fallout in ential Bundesbank and ECB that negative or low interest
ate response to the allegations. boost its stimulus again soon. Morgan in London, said the global financial markets had governing council member, rates are having on eurozone
The former vice president’s Mr. Draghi has urged investors ECB didn’t appear to be rush- been contained. who has said he sees no need banks,” Mr. Archer said.
departure comes weeks after
the collapse of an internation-

Two Sides Squeeze South Africa’s Ruling Party

ally brokered power-sharing
deal aimed at calming the long-
running feud between him and
Mr. Kiir, a quarrel that has
mired South Sudan in almost- BY ALEXANDRA WEXLER Although the ANC still re- central players in South African Mr. Maimane embraced the with more than a quarter
constant conflict since it became AND JOE PARKINSON ceived the most votes across politics and their parties are EFF’s offer to vote in line with of the workforce jobless,
an independent nation in 2011. the country, the rise of the DA even influencing each other,” the party, but conceded that he alongside poor housing and
After Mr. Kiir accused Mr. J O H A N N E S B U R G —T w o and EFF is ushering in an un- said Thabi Leoka, chief strate- and Mr. Malema would never service delivery.
Machar, his then-deputy, of young leaders from opposing certain era of minority-govern- gist at Johannesburg-based Ar- agree ideologically. The EFF won 25 seats in
plotting a coup in 2013, a civil ends of the ideological spec- ment politics in some of South gon Asset Management. Although the exact constella- Parliament in 2014 national
war broke out that left an esti- trum are rising to reshape Africa’s most important cities, On Wednesday, as political tion of city governments re- elections after securing 6% of
mated 50,000 people dead. In South African politics as the with Messrs. Maimane and parties wrapped up negotia- mains unclear, investors have the vote, but has no experi-
April, Mr. Machar, accompanied ruling party of Nelson Mandela Malema poised to play leading tions and power-sharing deals broadly welcomed the election ence governing on a local
by some 1,000 troops, returned reels from its worst election roles. Their rise underscores the for major cities, both leaders results, and the rand has gained level. The DA, which won 89
to the capital Juba to resume loss since apartheid collapsed. frustration with weak economic gave press conferences in Jo- around 5% against the U.S. dol- seats in those elections, has a
his post as vice president, fol- On one side is Mmusi growth and frequent allegations hannesburg. lar since the Aug. 3 vote. strong record fostering growth
lowing last August’s signing of Maimane, the first black of graft leveled against Presi- Mr. Malema ruled out a for- But if Mr. Maimane can and development since it be-
the power-sharing accord. leader of the pro-business dent Jacob Zuma’s ANC. mal coalition with any party forge new municipal coali- came the governing party in
But less than three months Democratic Alliance, a histori- “These two young leaders but pledged to vote with the tions, they face the daunting the Western Cape province,
later, fighting with Mr. Kiir’s cally white party, who sports are coming from very different DA and other opposition task of improving the lives of which includes the tourism
forces forced him and some of stylish suits and slick oratory vantage points but they are now groups to block the ANC. millions of South Africans, hub of Cape Town, in 2009.
the estimated 40,000 troops in a bid to make inroads with Mr. Maimane, 36 years old, is
loyal to him to flee Juba. South Africa’s expanding mid- a preacher raised in the sprawl-
The conflict in the world’s dle class. On the other is Ju- ing township of Soweto, famous
youngest nation has left nearly lius Malema, the firebrand as the crucible of resistance to
three million people homeless leader of the Economic Free- white-minority rule. His political
and forced one million to flee dom Fighters, an upstart left- career began in 2011, when he
to neighboring countries. Oil ist party that advocates na- ran and lost as the DA’s candi-
production has dropped by tionalizing mines and taking date for mayor of Johannesburg.
half, to 120,000 barrels a day, back white-owned farmland. He became the DA’s parliamen-
leaving the crude-dependent In municipal elections this tary leader in 2014. Before his
nation struggling for revenue month, both men scored blows political career, Mr. Maimane
to pay troops and finance ba- against the African National was a business consultant.
sic imports, including food. Congress’s 22-year grip on Mr. Malema, 35, was raised
The U.S. has spent $1.6 bil- power. The DA won the most by a single mother in the impov-
lion trying to quell the escalat- votes in Nelson Mandela Bay, erished northern province of
ing violence, with little success. which includes the manufactur- Limpopo. He began his political
A Western diplomat said ing center Port Elizabeth, and activism at age 9. His speeches
the U.N. helped Mr. Machar Tshwane, home to the capital vaulted him to president of the

because it believed it was very Pretoria. The EFF, founded in Youth League in 2008.
possible the South Sudanese 2013, garnered 8% of the na- But his firebrand national-
army would eventually capture tional vote, emerging as a po- ist policies and hate speech
and kill him, a move it feared tential kingmaker in constituen- against white South Africans
could restart the civil war, and cies where no party also sealed his expulsion from
not because of any desire to secured a majority, including the the party in 2012. He founded
assist Mr. Machar personally. economic capital Johannesburg. Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema, right, had led the African National Congress’ youth wing. the EFF a year later.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | A7

Clinton Under Pressure Over Health Care
Left urges an option Democrats have tried to support for the idea is genu-
move past debate over the Af- ine. In an economic speech last
run by government, fordable Care Act, a goal made week, she promised to “defend
while conservatives harder this week when Aetna and improve” the health law,
said it would withdraw from 11 including “giving Americans,
say law has failed of the 15 state health-care ex- in every state, a choice of a
changes, unsettling the mar- public-option health-insurance
BY LAURA MECKLER ketplaces and reducing con- plan that will help everybody
sumer options. afford coverage.”
WASHINGTON—Aetna Inc.’s Mrs. Clinton has backed a “It will strengthen competi-
decision to scale back partici- public option since 2007, and tion and drive down costs,”
pation in the Affordable Care she reaffirmed her support she said.
Act’s exchanges is putting new during her Democratic pri- Aides say Mrs. Clinton’s
pressure on Democrat Hillary mary against Mr. Sanders. He hope is that, if elected, she
Clinton over health care, a and others on the left will be will be able to work with Re-
onetime signature issue that pushing to make sure she car- publicans to improve the law.
has taken a back seat in her ries through, especially given Chris Jennings, an outside ad-
presidential campaign. their concerns that she will viser to the campaign, cited
The pressure is coming tack to the center if elected ideas aimed at increasing en-
from the right but also the president. rollment as areas where she
left. Liberals say the Aetna de- Conservatives, meanwhile, hopes to work with the GOP.

cision shows the need for a say Aetna’s decision shows the “People on all sides of this
government-run option to law isn’t working and should issue need to ratchet back the
compete with the private in- be scrapped. “Aetna just today politics in health care and re-
surance companies, or even announced that they are drop- flect where we used to be,” he
for a single-payer, Medicare- ping out, as are many of the said, with the parties working
for-all program, as Sen. Bernie major insurance agencies. together.
Sanders proposed again this Obamacare is a disaster,” Re- Hillary Clinton has promised to ‘defend and improve’ the Affordable Care Act health-care law. Such talk about cooperation
past week. publican presidential nominee with Republicans only fuels
“The provision of health Donald Trump said at a rally creases until after the elec- for instance, new limits on “Medicare for all” single-payer suspicion on the left, though,
care cannot continue to be de- late Tuesday in Wisconsin. tion. out-of-pocket costs. But she plan was the only way to guar- that she will abandon pursuit
pendent upon the whims and Mr. Trump has also talked “Premiums are going up at said little about the structure antee universal coverage. In of policies such as the public
market projections of large repeatedly about premium in- a rate that nobody has ever or future of the law itself. February, the Clinton cam- option.
private insurance companies creases expected this fall, a re- seen before,” he said last week “She was hoping we had paign quietly added to her “I think her instincts are
whose only goal is to make as lated issue that also is prob- in Virginia. He predicted the just moved beyond a fight on website a statement support- more moderate than they like
much profit as possible,” Mr. lematic for the health-care fall hikes will be “cata- the ACA,” said Neera Tanden, ing the public option. She to claim—more centrist, more
Sanders said in a statement. exchanges. He routinely pre- strophic…an increase like president of the Center for hardly mentioned the matter establishment,” said Bob Boro-
The message to Mrs. Clinton, dicts that the spikes will be never before.” American Progress and a long- until July, when she reaf- sage, co-director of the liberal
an aide said, was that the Ver- “election changing.” He also At the start of the cam- time Clinton policy adviser. firmed her position after talks group Campaign for America’s
mont senator would continue accuses the Obama adminis- paign, Mrs. Clinton outlined In their primary, Mr. Sand- to win Mr. Sanders’s endorse- Future. He said he is hopeful,
to pressure her on the issue if tration of plotting to delay the proposals aimed at addressing ers aggressively challenged ment. though, “In her coalition, the
she is elected president. announcement of the in- the high costs of health care, her on health care, saying a Clinton advisers say her energy is more on the left.”

Study Suggests Zika Might

Pose Risk to Adult Brains
BY BETSY MCKAY findings clearly suggest that neurological disorder, Guillain-
Zika may not be as benign an Barre Syndrome. Scientists are
It is known that Zika can infection for adults—or even exploring possible links with
cause brain damage in the fe- children—as has been thought, encephalitis, too.
tuses of infected pregnant particularly for those with “This is one more ‘oh my
women. Now a new study sug- weakened immune systems, goodness,’ ” said Sujan
gests the virus also may be they said. Damage to these Shresta, a professor at the La
able to harm the brains of cells could potentially lead long Jolla Institute of Allergy and
some adults. term to depression or other Immunology in La Jolla, Calif.,
Scientists at the Rockefeller cognitive problems, they said. and a study author who cre-
University and the La Jolla In- “Zika has the potential to ated the mouse model used in
stitute for Allergy and Immu- cause damage in the adult the research.
nology infected adult mice brain,” said Joseph Gleeson, Dr. Gleeson, who runs a
with Zika and watched the vi- adjunct professor and head of neurobiology lab, approached
rus zero in on and damage the laboratory of pediatric Dr. Shresta, an immunologist,
cells that are important in brain disease at New York’s at his son’s high school in
their brains to memory and Rockefeller University, and an April after hearing her give a

learning, in much the same author on the study. talk. Scientists had already
shown how Zika targeted so-
called neural progenitor cells,
The findings signal that Zika may not be as which are responsible for gen- Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that mostly spreads Zika, is found in many parts of the southern U.S.
benign for adults as thought, scientists said. erating neurons that form the
fetal brain. The virus killed They infected mice and then ing,” she said. of Zika on the brain.
those cells or caused them to did brain scans to find fluores- “I think this is a very, very “Clearly Zika virus is a
way that researchers have doc- The study delivers just the stop functioning normally, im- cent biomarkers showing the important finding, and the rea- beast and can do much more
umented how it attacks and latest unsettling news about a peding the development of virus. The populations of son for that is so far the focus damage,” he said.
kills cells critical to fetal brain virus that until recently wasn’t new brain tissue. those cells “lit up like a with Zika has been linked to Drs. Gleeson and Shresta
development. The research thought to be terribly harmful. Drs. Gleeson and Shresta Christmas tree,” said Dr. microcephaly and pregnancy,” said they would like next to
was published on Thursday in Over the past year, doctors wanted to see if Zika would Gleeson. “We found Zika had a said Hongjun Song, a professor test whether Zika attacks the
the journal Cell Stem Cell. and researchers have discov- have the same effect on equiv- profound effect,” killing cells of neurology at Johns Hopkins same cells in humans and ex-
The authors of the study ered the mosquito-borne virus alent cells in adult brains. and reducing the production University School of Medicine plore the potential conse-
cautioned that it is difficult to can severely damage fetal While developing fetal brains of new neurons. in Baltimore. He was among quences of infection.
know the extent to which the brains. It can be spread sexu- are replete with such cells, The findings would likely the team of scientists that “Our next step is to answer
findings, in mice whose im- ally by men and women. There pockets remain in adults, par- apply to children as well as published a paper in March on those questions—do the cells
mune systems were weakened, have also been other signs ticularly for generating neu- adults because they have more the virus’s effect on neural recover? To what degree and to
apply to humans, and said they that the virus can harm adults: rons involved in processing of these cells, Dr. Shresta said. progenitor cells and is con- what extent are there deficits
plan further research. But the It has been linked to a rare new memories or information. “Their brains are still develop- tinuing to research the effect in cognition?” Dr. Gleeson said.

recommendation of firings, and
the seven officers all have a
chance to protest the decision. If Shipwreck Located Under Lake Ontario
Watch they choose to do so, the case
will be brought to the police BY KRIS MAHER rector at the National Mu- York. The men have released One of Mr. Kennard’s finds
board and a hearing will be sched- seum of the Great Lakes in photographs and a video of was the HMS Ontario, a Brit-
uled. A decision can take months. A group of retirees who Toledo, Ohio, which sponsored the ship, whose mast is still ish warship that sank in Lake
Mr. Van Dyke was charged last hunt for sunken ships in their the expedition that found the standing, which they took us- Ontario in 1780 and is the old-
year with first-degree murder. He spare time scored a huge wreck. ing a remotely operated vehi- est discovered shipwreck in
CHICAGO has pleaded not guilty. find far below the surface of Between 6,000 and 8,000 cle. the Great Lakes.
—Shibani Mahtani Lake Ontario in late June: the ships are believed to have “The feeling that the state The three men identified
Firing of 7 Officers second-oldest confirmed wrecked in the Great Lakes, has is that it’s a minimuseum. the Washington by matching
Sought Over Shooting JUSTICE DEPARTMENT shipwreck in the Great Lakes, including more than 600 in Just leave it there. It probably several details known about
The Chicago police superin- a 53-foot sloop named the Lake Ontario, according to Ms. is preserved a lot better there the ship from the historical
tendent has recommended firing
Use of Private Prisons Washington that sank in a Sowden. Some ships crashed than if you bring it up,” said record, such as its missing
seven officers over their response Will Be Phased Out storm in 1803. into shore and broke apart, Mr. Kennard. yawl.
to the 2014 police-officer shoot- The Justice Department plans “We’re always excited,” while others burned. An esti- Mr. Kennard said he goes in The Washington sank after
ing of Laquan McDonald, a police to phase out use of private pris- said Jim Kennard, 73 years mated 200 remain in Lake On- search of shipwrecks on the getting caught in a storm on
spokesman said Thursday, a case ons, a move that affects a small old, a retired electrical engi- tario. lake about 15 to 20 times a Nov. 6, 1803. It was carrying a
that sparked allegations of a percentage of the nation’s prison- neer who lives in Fairport, Mr. Kennard’s team of retir- year with fellow retirees crew of two and several mer-
coverup of police misconduct. ers but could signal a broader ef- N.Y., outside Rochester. “I tell ees found the Washington in Roger Pawlowski and Roland chants. It typically trans-
The superintendent’s decision fort to get states to follow suit. people you can’t be the first deep water off Oswego, N.Y., Stevens, who also live in the ported furs and a variety of
follows a report by the city’s in- The decision was outlined in a on a mountain anymore. Most in late June. Rochester area. household goods, including
spector general sent to the de- memo from Deputy Attorney mountains have been climbed. They don’t plan to divulge Mr. Kennard said he has salt, flour and tools.
partment this week that recom- General Sally Yates on Thursday, But you can be the first one to the location of the wreck, or himself discovered about 200 Mr. Kennard said it was
mended firing 10 officers involved who said private prisons compare discover and look at a ship- to salvage any part of the wrecks in the Great Lakes, the clear the ship sank stern first,
in the case, police spokesman poorly to those run by the govern- wreck.” ship, which technically now Finger Lakes and various riv- because of the damage that
Frank Giancamilli said. Two of the ment. The Justice Department’s The rare underwater find is belongs to the state of New ers. section of the boat sustained.
10 officers have retired. All are use of private prisons peaked in giving historians a clearer pic- “It’s a thrill to be able to see
accused of lying about the inci- 2013, when they housed about ture of the types of vessels what that ship looks like and
dent in which their colleague Ja- 15% of federal inmates, or nearly that sailed on the lakes be- write the final chapter of what
son Van Dyke fatally shot 17- 30,000 people. By next year, that tween the Revolutionary War happened,” he said.
year-old Mr. McDonald, who was figure is expected to be less than and the War of 1812, a period He said the men would be
carrying a knife, 16 times. 14,200 inmates. from which few artifacts be- back out on the lake as early
The department “will accept Shares of Corrections Corpo- yond written records of sail- as Friday in search of other
the recommendation to submit ration of America and GEO ing traffic survive. wrecks.
seven of the officers to the Po- Group Inc. fell sharply following When the ship sank, it was They won’t return to the
lice Board for separation,” said a report on the development by reportedly carrying goods and Washington’s location, in part
Mr. Giancamilli in a statement, the Washington Post, which re- groceries from East India to keep the site confidential.
adding that the department dis- ported the news earlier. Correc- worth $20,000. There were no Sometimes, he said, the men

agrees with the recommendation tions Corporation of America survivors. even take out fishing poles so
to fire the 10th officer. A repre- shares were down about 37% in “It just gives us a better others don’t know what
sentative from the police union late trading Thursday. Shares of understanding of what life on they’re up to.
couldn't be reached Thursday. GEO were down 39%. the Great Lakes was like at “Once we find these things,
The police board will review —Devlin Barrett such an early time,” said Car- we don’t tend to ever go
Superintendent Eddie Johnson’s and John Carney rie Sowden, archaeological di- The Washington is the second-oldest wreck found in the Great Lakes. back,” he said.
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A8 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


INSIDER employees and improperly

pass it to traders.
Tracking Mr. Blaszczak’s ca-
reer provides a peek into the
agency to know. One justifica-
tion CMS would give for the
cuts, he said, was it had lowered
the estimate for treatment du-
Continued from Page One murky territory they are prob- ration to 30 minutes from 60.
other medical care and services. ing. The Wall Street Journal in- On July 6, Mr. Blaszczak’s
Hedge funds routinely buy or terviewed scores of people firm, Potomac Research Group,
sell stocks based on predictions about the business of gathering emailed clients that the big cut
of political-intelligence purvey- market-moving tips in Washing- predicted in his prior note
ors such as Mr. Blaszczak. ton, including people who would likely be listed in a
The documents made public worked with Mr. Blaszczak as chart. “In this chart, we antici-
in June by the Justice Depart- colleagues or competitors, and pate CMS saying radiation
ment and Securities and Ex- filed more than two dozen therapy centers will see


change Commission are part of open-records requests with gov- around a 20% reduction in the
criminal and civil insider-trad- ernment agencies. CY 2013 proposed rule.” The
ing cases against the former Vi- The review shows how Mr. follow-up email was sent by a
sium manager. They refer to a Blaszczak spent roughly a de- member of Potomac’s sales
“co-conspirator” and “political cade working government con- team under Mr. Blaszczak’s di-
consultant,” without naming the tacts for insights about coming rection, according to the email.
person, for allegedly relaying policy changes that roiled After markets closed that
the market-moving information health-care stocks and left his day, CMS issued a 765-page
to the Visium manager from competitors flabbergasted. He rule including an adjustment
sources inside CMS. People fa- has cooperated in the govern- of radiation time to 30 min-
miliar with the probe said the ment’s probe and could face utes. A chart on page 681
references are to Mr. Blaszczak. criminal charges, said people fa- listed the cut: 19%.
Mr. Blaszczak’s alleged tip to miliar with the probe. In January 2013, Mr. Blaszc-
the Visium manager is one Figuring out whether Mr. David Blaszczak, pictured below at a conference in 2015, showed a knack for predicting policy zak joined a health-care con-
spoke of a broad federal investi- Blaszczak broke the law could changes at Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, pictured above. sulting firm, Hillco Health,
gation of Mr. Blaszczak himself, be complicated, partly because now called ADVI Advisors. Un-
said the people familiar with rules governing insider trading working at Washington Re- like previous employers, which
the probe. It is becoming one of in Washington don’t draw a search Group when he predicted were in the political-intelli-
the most significant insider- sharp distinction between mar- to clients that CMS would make gence practice, his new firm
trading investigations involving ket-moving tips based on hard- steep cuts in reimbursement also represented health-care
Washington’s political-intelli- nosed research and insider in- rates for procedures involving companies before the govern-
gence industry. formation that is obtained medical-device companies, ac- ment as lobbyists.
Mr. Blaszczak and his law- illegally from the government. cording to people who were at
yer didn’t respond to inquiries. Last year, the SEC concluded CMS then.
In a statement to the Journal a lengthy investigation into A few weeks later, the agency Federal probe
in 2014 given in connection whether a political-intelligence did just that. That May, he allegedly pro-
with a story it published that firm, Marwood Group, broke in- CMS, informed of Mr. Blaszc- vided the home-health-care tip

year, Mr. Blaszczak said: “I sider-trading rules. Without zak’s prediction, launched an in- that is part of the federal cases
only use public information in bringing insider-trading vestigation and dismissed sev- involving Visium. In those pend-
preparing all my reports,” and charges, the SEC reached a set- eral employees allegedly ing cases, prosecutors charged
“I am proud of my record, and tlement in which the firm ad- involved with the leak, said a another Washington consultant
if needed, will vigorously fight mitted to compliance failures former CMS official involved in give you two tickets and ring to a formal review. with providing Visium tips on
any false allegation.” and paid a fine. the investigation. The SEC passes for Saturday. Our tent Dendreon shares fell nearly impending drug approvals from
Visium, which hasn’t been looked into the matter and includes air conditioning, free 10% that day. After CMS re- the FDA, where he once worked.
charged with wrongdoing, de- spoke with Mr. Blaszczak over food, open bar, tv’s etc.” vealed its decision on June 30, That consultant pleaded
clined to comment. When the Uncanny knack the phone but never followed “It sounds like it is going to shares plunged an additional guilty and admitted he misled
case was announced, Visium The Journal’s review didn’t up, a spokesman for Mr. Blaszc- be a great event,” the CMS of- 17% in after-hours trading. his former colleagues, who
founder and head Jacob Gott- find evidence Mr. Blaszczak zak said in 2014; the spokesman ficial replied, declining the in- Mr. Blaszczak’s call set off believed he was talking to
lieb said he was “deeply sad- might have broken insider-trad- no longer represents him. vitation. alarms, according to emails them as a lobbyist for a drug-
dened” by the events. ing rules or that any CMS offi- Afterward, CMS tightened In 2009, Mr. Blaszczak reviewed by the Journal from industry group rather than on
A CMS spokesman said the cial passed nonpublic informa- rules for how public officials joined a political-intelligence the SEC investigation into investors’ behalf. Another Vi-
agency “takes the protection tion to him or acted improperly handled confidential infor- firm, Potomac Research Marwood. sium trader committed sui-
of sensitive information very in dealing with him. Emails do mation. Group, which worked for “Guess Blasczak[sic] was cide after he was charged.
seriously, and employees un- show he had personal access to Emails show Mr. Blaszczak roughly 100 Wall Street firms. right. Clearly he is getting draft Government rules allow offi-
dergo regular training on how CMS officials who made the pol- continued to correspond with Late that year, he invited a releases as they circulate,” one cials to talk more freely with
to prevent the disclosure of icy changes he had an uncanny former CMS colleagues. He key CMS figure to speak at a Marwood employee emailed an- lobbyists than investors. CMS
such information.” Employees, knack for knowing about before sought meetings with offi- conference he organized to let other. “He is publishing notes officials who previously rejected
he said, are taught to “answer the agency publicized them. cials over coffee, invited Wall Street investors speak on singular binary events—that Mr. Blaszczak’s invitations,
questions from the public us- Mr. Blaszczak, with an under- them to brief small groups of with agency officials. are supposed to be secret—that when he was strictly represent-
ing only publicly available in- graduate degree in health ad- investors, offered VIP tickets “We plan on keeping the move the price of publicly ing investors, welcomed discus-
formation while safeguarding ministration and a master’s in to a golf tournament hosted meeting very small and expect traded equities by ten percent,” sions when they involved his
non-public information.” public policy, interned at the by Tiger Woods and asked if only 10-12 people total to at- the colleague responded. lobbying business, emails show.
Other agencies, companies Food and Drug Administration they were attending the an- tend,” Mr. Blaszczak wrote in “He could bring serious le- When he emailed CMS offi-
and individuals in this article before joining CMS in 2000. nual “CMS Orioles night out” a Dec. 16, 2009, email to Louis gal scrutiny to all firms in cials about an issue involving
declined to comment on the After five years, he left to baseball game in Baltimore. Jacques, then head of the our world,” a Marwood offi- privately held HeartFlow Inc.,
record or didn’t respond to spend a decade working for a “We are able to give away CMS division that decided cial emailed a colleague. “It a company he represented,
inquiries. string of policy-research some free tickets and passes whether the government just seems to have a potential the officials readily shared in-
Federal regulators and firms, most recently a firm he to our hospitality tent and would pay for certain devices, to be bad—and have collat- formation. “Thanks for the re-
prosecutors have spent years founded, Precipio Health skyboxes,” Mr. Blaszczak drugs and procedures. eral damage.” ply—it is very helpful,” Mr.
examining whether political- Strategies. emailed one agency official on Such meetings between That September, CMS sent a Blaszczak wrote in a July 25,
intelligence firms extract in- He raised eyebrows among June 28, 2007. “Let me know government officials and Wall memo to its employees reiter- 2013, email to one official.
formation from government regulators in early 2006 while if you are interested—I can Street take place regularly. ating rules on not disclosing In August, he finally landed a
Some securities regulators be-
lieve they are improper be-
Figuring out whether Mr. Blaszczak broke
Political Intelligence at Work cause investors shouldn’t have
A political consultant allegedly sent tips to a trader at a hedge fund, Visium, about a coming policy change better access to policy makers the law could be complicated.
that affected home-health-care stocks the fund invested in, according to an SEC case against the trader. than the general public.
That consultant was David Blaszczak, people familiar with the case said. When Mr. Jacques declined,
Mr. Blaszczak replied that one nonpublic information about meeting with the agency’s Mr.
1 May 30, 2013 Blaszczak emails Visium and 2 May 31 Visium agrees to a $100,000 of Mr. Jacques’s colleagues pending decisions. Jacques. “Thank you for partici-
says he is expecting Centers for Medicare & annual contract with Blaszczak’s firm. “did some dinners with a com- Mr. Blaszczak continued to pating in the meeting today and
Medicaid Services to propose a cut to Medicare 3 June 13 Blaszczak emails Visium a research
peting firm and a very small have regular contact with CMS we really appreciate you being
reimbursement rates for certain home-health note updating the guidance, indicating the cut group awhile back—so I officials, emails suggest. In No- candid with us,” he emailed Mr.
services of between ‘3% and 3.5%—but much closer would be between 3.25% and 3.5%. thought it was ok.” vember, he emailed a CMS offi- Jacques Aug. 30, 2013. “If you
to 3.5%.’ cial, referring to a technical cal- don’t mind, we may have some
4 June 27 CMS announces a 3.5% cut to the rates. culation CMS uses to make follow-up questions for you.”
Predicting a decision payments: “does the CF for 2011 Mr. Jacques replied: “Happy
3 4 In June 2010, Mr. Blaszczak listed in the reg ($25.5217) take to chat. Have a good holiday.”
$14 a share
scored a coup predicting a ma- into effect the upcoming 24.9% While fishing for informa-
1 2 Amedisys jor coming decision by Mr. cut if congress does not act by tion, Mr. Blaszczak sometimes
Jacques’s unit. CMS was trying December 1?” dangled private-sector job of-
to decide whether to pay for a “Yes,” the official responded. fers. Such offers, if they are
new prostate-cancer treatment, In November 2011, he sent an viewed as a quid pro quo by
Provenge, that cost $93,000. Mr. email: “do you have some time prosecutors, can be the linch-
11 Jacques’s unit would need to Friday for a call to answer some pin of insider-trading cases,
open a formal review if it general questions I have about securities lawyers say.
10 planned to drop coverage, any ced?,” referring to a process Mr. Blaszczak sent a Sept.
sign of which would be bad for CMS uses to determine whether 24, 2013, email with the sub-
9 the stock of Provenge’s maker, to reimburse companies. “Or ject line “interest in position?”
Dendreon Corp. able to grab lunch?” The CMS to a CMS employee whose
Gentiva Health Services By early June, CMS officials official responded: “Happy to name was redacted; CMS said
30 31 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 01 02 03 05 were leaning toward doing so. answer general questions.” it wasn’t Mr. Jacques. “My
May June July Later that month, they sched- Mr. Blaszczak continued firm is looking to hire a per-
uled the formal announcement showing an ability to predict son with CMS experience in
Between May 30 and June 27, SEC documents show, Visium increases certain short positions in two for June 30 after the close of the agency’s moves ahead of payment and/or coverage,” he
home-health-care firms, decreases other short positions and purchases put options, betting the stocks markets, CMS emails show. time. In a July 2, 2012, email to wrote. “You fit the description
would decline… Mr. Blaszczak beat them clients, he predicted “signifi- of someone we are looking to
to it. cantly higher than expected” hire.” The employee declined.
…resulting in $285,000 in profits for Visium, SEC documents show. On June 29, he alerted clients funding cuts for a radiation In 2014, Mr. Blaszczak’s
Visium hasn't been charged with wrongdoing. at 12:42 p.m.: “Dendreon’s therapy and included details of firm hired Mr. Jacques. A few
Provenge Likely Being Consid- the coming CMS decision diffi- months later, Mr. Blaszczak
Souces: SEC documents; people familiar with SEC case THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ered for a Medicare NCD,” refer- cult for people outside the left the firm.

RADICAL grounds. In its heyday, the man-

sion was a gathering place for
Russian literati. A plaque names
guests including writers Leo
lions with his peripatetic par-
ticipation in European revolu-
tions of the 1800s, when he
penned his famous phrase:
and which later was used as a
dormitory, began to crumble as
its owner, the regional govern-
ment, failed to renovate it.
agreements among anarchists
about the way forward, said
Mr. Malinin, the Ph.D. student.
Russia’s largest anarchist
The trip is worth it for the
likes of Giulio Spiazzi, who
came this year from Verona, It-
aly, to deliver a lecture on anar-
Continued from Page One Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky. “The passion for destruction is The decay sparked those group, he said, was riven by chist education.
pushed hard for a consensus on Now, the brigades shore up also a creative passion.” first anarchist gatherings. Vol- dissent between anarcho-activ- “There is a big history of
what type to promote. the mansion’s rotting beams His calls for upending order unteers began to converge each ists and anarcho-platformists thinkers here, and that is won-
Attendees gather with fea- and roof. made him a suspect of Kremlin summer to try to preserve what who wanted the group “to be derful,” said Mr. Spiazzi, who
tured speakers in school class- “Anarchists can be difficult powers. In czarist Russia, he was left. Mr. Kornilov moved to more organized and rigid like runs a libertarian-leaning
rooms or on the grass outside to unite,” said Nikolai Malinin, a was jailed until his teeth fell the village in 1999 and two in a party model.” school for children outside Ve-
to consider the year’s theme. Ph.D. student from Moscow who out. Soviet leaders didn’t like years later began the readings. The village may be an incu- rona. He noted that “for the
This year, it was anarchists in calls himself an anarcho-indi- him much either, because of A museum to the Bakunin fam- bator for free thought today, moment they do not have the
the Spanish Civil War. A previ- vidualist, one who avoids join- his clashes with Karl Marx, ily opened in a corner of the vil- Mr. Kornilov said, because the opportunity to come down to
ous year, the question was ing anarchist groups. “But here, whom he called “from head to lage school. nearest police station is nearly the ground and practice.”
whether anarchists should be there was a specific thing we foot an authoritarian.” Attendance at the confer- 25 miles away over badly The museum, set aside in
anarchists in just their own could work on—to try to keep Bakunin’s fans expected a sea ences got a fillip two years paved roads. three rooms of the village
lives or should spread anarchy the house from collapsing.” change after the Soviet Union’s ago, when about 200 people Attendance is also limited school, has shifted sails amid
in the lives of others. They have stabilized parts 1991 collapse, but were quickly converged from as far as the by Mr. Kornilov’s leanings to- flagging interest in anarchy, de-
In the closing vodka toast of the house. In some years, disappointed, Mr. Kornilov re- U.S. and Japan for Bakunin’s ward anarcho-primitivism, voting less space to Bakunin
last year, Mr. Kornilov ex- the repair brigades have fal- called. A blueprint for a massive 200th birthday. which eschews many trappings and more to his better-behaved
horted: “I expect you all to go tered when anarchists objected park in the village was ignored; Russian anarchists of all of civilization. He has only one siblings and cousins, some of
out and behave by the highest to other anarchists giving it is tacked on Mr. Kornilov’s stripes have faced rising na- outhouse that can be over- whom had successful careers in
human standards, that is, like them direction. log-cabin wall. tionalism and a crackdown on whelmed by too many guests. the arts and medicine.
anarchists.” A contested agenda might The Bakunin mansion, a demonstrations after the re- The school allows a few guests “In Russia there is this fear
Every year, organizers also have appealed to Bakunin, who large part of which peasants turn of Vladimir Putin to to stay in a dormitory. Privi- of anarchy,” said Mr. Kornilov.
form a volunteer brigade that never left behind a calibrated pried apart for firewood after power in 2012. leged ones get to sleep in Mr. “I don’t know where it comes
cleans up the Bakunin estate’s philosophy but inspired mil- the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution And there have been dis- Kornilov’s hayloft. from.”
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A Garden’s Geometry of Illusion

THERE’S SOMETHING a tad uncomfortable
about sensing that power is the primary
message in a garden, but at Château de
Vaux-le-Vicomte, a mere 30 miles from
Paris, it’s difficult to shake that sensation.
While not as vast as Versailles, for which
the landscaping was the inspiration, the gar-
den at Vaux-le-Vicomte is one of Europe’s
most perfect outdoor confections. The
happy flâneur, sauntering through on the
garden alone, might miss out on all the in-
trigue that forms a part of its history. Nico-
las Fouquet (1615-1680), its primary patron,
has even served as inspiration for literature
(Alexandre Dumas père’s “The Vicomte de
Bragelonne”) and film (Roberto Rossellini’s
“The Rise of Louis XIV”).
Fouquet was a protégé of the powerful
Cardinal Mazarin (1602-1661), who virtually
ruled France before Louis XIV (1638-1715)
reached his majority. A man of significant
personal wealth, Fouquet purchased the
property of Vaux-le-Vicomte in 1641, when
he was only 26 and a member of the Paris
Parliament. In 1650, already a discerning pa-
tron as well as Louis XIV’s finance minister,
Fouquet commissioned architect Louis Le
Vau to design his new château; Le Vau then
invited his friends, painter Charles Le Brun
and landscape designer André Le Nôtre to The garden at
create what remains a sublime and balanced Château de

composition. To accomplish so grand a Vaux-le-Vicomte
scheme, Fouquet purchased several nearby
villages for additional land and apparently
employed their former inhabitants (reput- fronts of the main château, move the eye just as Fouquet’s team of Le Vau, Le Brun and tourists. Although the garden is the crown
edly 18,000 people) to service the expanded from a virtually treeless park plateau of Le Nôtre were engaged by the king that very jewel of the site, the château itself warrants
property. All of this was accomplished in a walks and fountains, past a remote tree- year to design his much grander (if far less attention for its elegance and for a symme-
relatively brief period (c. 1658-61). filled rise through which there is yet an- beautiful) palace and gardens at Versailles. try that harmonizes with the garden and is
It’s not always easy to tease apart a large other view whose distance can’t be gauged. But Fouquet’s extravagance didn’t sit well essential to the indivisible compositional
and complex work of art, given the extraor- As they simultaneously expand the park’s with Louis XIV, who suspected that the royal perfection—a reflection of the collaboration
dinary equilibrium among its various horti- panorama and envelop it with their elegant treasury might have been involved. Louis had of extraordinary design talent. Some visitors
cultural and architectural elements. Yet Le embrace, trees play a major role in defining also begun to favor Jean-Baptiste Colbert may be tempted to skip the main building,
Nôtre’s garden invention remains the most the sublime experience of moving through (1619-1683), another Mazarin protégé, who but a trip to the cupola remains essential.
striking aspect of Vaux-le-Vicomte. The ele- the vast spaces. had Fouquet arrested. Voltaire, a century Viewed from above, the garden is as much a
gant parterres are deceptively simple geo- This is a tribute to Le Nôtre’s genius in later, is quoted as having remarked, “On 17 wonder as when one moves through it, with
metric designs that appear to be strictly manipulating perspectival elements. While August, at six in the evening Fouquet was the the added value of seeing more of the geo-
symmetrical. On closer examination one no- the pools and fountains required a canal sys- King of France: at two in the morning he was metric design that underpins its perfection.
tices that the symmetry is partially illusion- tem, the designer engineered the essential nobody.” Indeed, he died in prison. The encounter with Vaux-le-Vicomte’s
istic, with slight variations in fountain de- primary canal to be hidden from our long Fouquet’s widow eventually recovered history reminds us that gardening itself is
signs and plantings. view. So-called anamorphosis abscondita uses the property and lived there until selling it also always a power struggle—man and na-
Illusion, and even occasional visual trick- geometry to create illusions of spatial per- in 1705. A relatively limited subsequent ture figuring out who’s in charge. Time, the
ery, is part of the seductive game here, as is spective that alter the ways in which we un- ownership history appears to have kept real arbiter of who wins here, declares visi-
the gradual realization of just how much land derstand the space we inhabit, and Le Nôtre Vaux-le-Vicomte from total ruin. The family tors as the victors.
must have been moved, water redirected, and was a master of these visual manipulations. of the Count and Countess de Vogüé, de-
seemingly inconsequential structural ele- The inaugural celebration on Aug. 17, 1661, scendants of 19th-century owners, now own Mr. Freudenheim, a former art-museum
ments built to accomplish the entire project. featured lavish festivities. The event served the property and maintain it beautifully, director, served as the assistant secretary
Expansive vistas, such as those on both as a model for Louis XIV’s subsequent fêtes, while keeping it comfortably accessible for for museums at the Smithsonian.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1365 Unscrambled,
-5 15 16
in a way CONTEST
Riga 66 “I’m With Her” or
g 0 “Make America
osco 17 18
C p h g 5 Great Again” 30 Lacking color
10 19 20 21 67 Stan Getz’s 31 Light on a table,
D b 15 instrument
li 22 23 24 25 26 27 say
A t d Warsaw
arsaw 20 Down 35 Citation shortener
o d 25 28 29 30 31 1 Speed test 36 Art meant to
Brussels Frankfurt
kf 30
Kiev 32 33 34 35 36
2 HHH, to Greeks shock
Prague 35
3 Way off the road 38 Block brand
i h
Paris 37 38 39 40 4 Become available 40 Sign of approval
V Warm
d p
emotionally 42 Country on two
Geneva 41 42 43 44
Cold 5 Digital location continents
Milan Bucharest
h Stationary 45 46 47 6 Brief movement 43 It tells you if your
7 Novelist who balance is off
48 49 50 51 died in Milan in 46 Conger catcher
Rome Istanbul
t b 52 53 54 55 56 57 February 47 More like a
d id Rain 8 Return address Cirque du Soleil
58 59 60 61 62 63 writer performer
T-storms 9 Video format 48 Data
64 65
T i
Tunis Athens
10 Fancy container 49 Drew
66 67 11 Teetotaler’s Barrymore’s
Flurries counterpart grandaunt
b 50 Treeless plain
12 Gentle cycle
Ice GRINNING FROM EAR TO EAR | garments 53 Name in the
Global Forecasts Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow By Matt Gaffney 13 Short jackets “Hail, Caesar!”
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 14 A thousand kilos credits
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; Geneva 28 17 pc 21 13 t Ottawa 30 17 s 32 20 pc The answer to this 21 It became Spike 41 One of the 55 “What a shame!”
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow;
18 Trattoria drinks
Hanoi 27 26 r 31 25 t Paris 25 15 sh 24 14 sh week’s contest 22 Like Charlie, on original Ramones
23 Andre Agassi or 56 Big cousin of a
Havana 33 23 t 34 23 t Philadelphia 33 23 s 31 24 pc crossword is the TV’s “Charlie’s 43 Cherbourg chum butte
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 30 27 t 31 27 t Phoenix 40 28 s 39 28 s Harry Reid
two non-theme Angels” 44 Hubbub
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 30 24 pc 30 24 pc Pittsburgh 28 20 t 29 21 pc 24 In the attic, 57 Mythical
answers in this grid 26 Pool trick 45 Song like “Ode to
Amsterdam 24 16 pc 21 15 sh Houston 32 24 t 32 24 t Port-au-Prince 37 21 t 37 21 pc maybe boundary river
Anchorage 18 12 c 18 14 c Istanbul 31 23 s 31 24 pc Portland, Ore. 39 19 s 38 18 s that could be 28 How much more My Swiss Army 25 Govt. agency 59 It’ll keep you
Athens 34 24 s 34 24 s Jakarta 32 25 sh 31 24 sh Rio de Janeiro 29 23 pc 31 21 r combined to make a you sold that Knife”? with a flower logo from getting cold
Atlanta 31 22 c 30 22 t Johannesburg 22 10 s 23 6 s Riyadh 42 27 pc 42 25 s fifth theme entry. marionette for 48 Serious criminal 26 Dolphin
Baghdad 44 24 s 45 25 s Kansas City 30 18 t 24 13 t Rome 28 20 pc 29 20 s feet
Baltimore 33 21 s 30 22 pc Las Vegas 39 27 s 40 27 s Salt Lake City 34 18 s 32 18 s Across than it cost to 51 Arabian supporter, often 60 Org. featured in
Bangkok 34 28 c 33 27 c Lima 21 16 pc 22 16 pc San Diego 26 20 pc 26 19 pc build? Peninsula native 27 Court fig. “Patriot Games”
1 Detours
Beijing 31 23 c 32 23 s London 21 15 r 21 15 sh San Francisco 22 14 pc 23 14 pc 32 Solid-rock 52 Hartsfield- 28 Election year org. 61 “Hail, Caesar!”
Berlin 25 17 s 27 15 t Los Angeles 28 17 pc 28 17 pc San Juan 32 26 pc 32 25 pc 9 Revolutionary arm connection Jackson’s airport 29 Having already
Bogota 19 9 t 20 8 t Madrid 35 20 s 34 18 s Santiago 15 0 s 19 4 s 15 Not free 62 Fellows
33 It broadcasts in code had an owner 63 On the side of
Boise 34 16 s 33 16 s Manila 31 26 t 31 26 t Santo Domingo 33 23 t 33 23 pc 16 Without delay
Boston 28 20 s 28 21 s Melbourne 15 6 r 13 9 sh Sao Paulo 27 19 pc 25 11 r many foreign 53 Klinger, e.g.
Brussels 25 15 pc 21 14 sh Mexico City 22 15 t 23 14 t Seattle 36 17 s 34 17 s 17 Gathering with langs. 54 Scottish tops Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 19 5 pc 13 0 pc Miami 32 24 pc 32 25 pc Seoul 34 26 c 33 25 c seminars like 34 On the schedule 58 Promotional C OMA S WA I T S L A P
Cairo 35 24 s 35 24 s Milan 29 21 pc 28 19 t Shanghai 36 29 pc 37 29 pc “Oasis Etiquette”? 37 Last place in the literature in an A D O R E A L D A T E R I
Calgary 21 11 c 24 10 s Minneapolis 25 16 c 21 13 sh Singapore 30 26 t 32 26 t MO N T E R R E Y K J A V I K
Caracas 30 25 pc 31 25 pc Monterrey 33 21 t 33 22 pc Stockholm 18 11 t 21 13 pc
19 Good source for standings ancient Roman P R A I S E D L E E T I D E
Charlotte 33 22 t 32 23 t Montreal 29 17 s 31 21 pc Sydney 23 11 s 18 9 s scores 39 “The Joy Luck showroom? S R A P S I
Chicago 31 21 t 26 16 t Moscow 27 18 pc 24 15 sh Taipei 34 26 pc 33 26 pc 20 Enjoy Club” author 64 Campus security? MA C E D AMO R E N U B
Dallas 30 23 t 29 22 t Mumbai 30 26 sh 30 26 sh Tehran 36 20 s 35 20 s O N U S T R A C T T I M E
Email your answer—in the subject line—to

Denver 24 9 t 24 10 pc Nashville 27 22 t 29 22 t Tel Aviv 31 24 s 31 24 s S I B WE L S H C R O A T

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‘We don’t have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much.’ —Ronald Reagan

The No-Bailout Principle

The euro may be failing but currency unions can work just fine without fiscal or political union
mandate is to target inflation “be-
The Euro low, but close to, 2%.” Inflation has
By Joseph Stiglitz been below that level for the past
Norton, 416 pages, $28.95 three and a half years and is cur-
rently near zero. If ECB policy is too
BY BENN STEIL tight, it is clearly not because it has
been slavishly meeting its mandate.
It has been moving farther and far-
BACK IN February 2010, with the ther away from it.
Greek government’s borrowing costs At times, Mr. Stiglitz wants to
climbing to new heights, Nobel have his cake and eat it too. He criti-
Prize-winning economist Joseph cizes the ECB for “resist[ing] quanti-
Stiglitz—then an adviser to the tative easing (QE) . . . long after poli-
Greek prime minister, George Papan- cymakers in the United States and
dreou—called for eurozone authori- Japan had augmented their tool kit
ties to intervene in markets and with QE.” Yet he argues elsewhere
“teach the speculators a lesson.” that the most important effect of QE
Greece had no need of a bailout, he has been negative—contributing to
said, no need of the International “growing inequality,” which (he
Monetary Fund (IMF). “There is says) hurts growth.
clearly no risk of a default.” Mr. Stiglitz believes that for a
Three months later, Greece ac- monetary union like the eurozone to

cepted its first bailout package, succeed it needs a political, fiscal
amounting to $120 billion. To date it and banking union. In the U.S., a
has received financial assistance, in dollar in an Arkansas bank is as
the form of loans and write-offs for good as a dollar in a New York bank
private-sector bondholders, amount- stands out, however, is the relentless less, of course—have confessed their to pay off the old, has been a cata- because each is protected by credi-
ing to $450 billion. indictment of past and present stew- sins to him. “Increased unemploy- strophic economic, social and politi- ble federal deposit insurance. A euro
Reading Mr. Stiglitz’s “The Euro: ards of the eurozone, whom he ment in the crisis countries,” he cal failure. Piling more debt on bank- in a Greek bank, by contrast, is
How a Common Currency Threatens charges with committing every pos- says, was actually part of their mas- rupt nations doesn’t work—it didn’t clearly worth less than a euro in a
the Future of Europe,” one gets no sible sin against progressive eco- ter plan. “Secretly, many in the work after the last century’s two German bank. The Greek bank and
sense that he ever considered the nomic principles. In this, the book Troika” of Greece’s creditors—the world wars, and it isn’t working the Greek government insuring it
Greek tragedy anything other than reads much like Mr. Stiglitz’s earlier European Commission, the European now. Germany, of all nations, should are more likely to go belly-up. Greek
inevitable. “Successive govern- ones on globalization and inequal- Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF— know this. euros are also more likely to be
ments,” he writes, “had run uncon- ity—only now with the euro as chief “thought of this as almost a neces- The bailout doesn’t even merit forcibly turned into drachmas than
scionable deficits.” And the euro- villain. sary means to the long-run end of the term “aid,” since the self-interest German euros—the way U.S. dollars
zone, which Greece joined in 2001, There are, first, the sins of com- making the euro work.” He even was so transparent. In March 2010, in Argentine banks were turned into
was an unforgiving home for such a mission—policies imposed on coun- hints at official corruption in the two months before the announce- pesos in 2001.
spendthrift. It was built on the idea tries in crisis to contain deficits and currency’s management, reminding ment of the first Greek bailout, Eu- It is worth recalling, though, that
of each state for itself in fiscal af- increase labor-market flexibility. us that ECB president Mario Draghi ropean banks held $149 billion of at that very moment, while Greece
fairs; there would be no bailouts. These have fueled inequality, which “had spent years at Goldman Sachs” Greek debt: $62 billion of this was was joining the euro, Ecuador and El
The belief was that European gov- has in turn—Mr. Stiglitz insists— (three, to be exact). French; $37 billion was German. The Salvador were unilaterally installing
ernments would run their economies hurt growth. This is a proposition Even for the sympathetically $120 billion in Troika loans to the U.S. dollar as their sole currency,
so as to avoid any risk of the finan- that even fellow Nobel laureate and minded, the book will be a bit of a Greece was therefore largely a back- and it has remained so securely ever
cial markets cutting them off. And liberal icon Paul Krugman doesn’t repetitious slog. But for patient door bailout of European banks. since. There was, and has been, no
just to make extra-sure, legally bind- buy. But no matter. readers, there are moments of French ones were subsequently able support from the United States—no
ing deficit limits were imposed. to eliminate almost all of their Greek political, fiscal or banking union.
But even fiscally prudent coun- exposure by selling bonds, allowing Currency unions can work with just
tries like Ireland and Spain blew them to mature and then taking par- a credible “no bailout” principle. The
through these limits when property A euro in a Greek bank is clearly worth less than a tial write-offs in 2012. problem is that the principle has not
busts wrecked their banks and sent euro in a German bank. The Greek bank and the Greek But the Greek saga, however been upheld in the eurozone.
unemployment soaring after 2008. tragic, doesn’t in the end tell us that Still, it is hard to deny Mr.
Mr. Stiglitz is clear on who and what government are simply more likely to go belly-up. much about the euro’s original sins. Stiglitz’s conclusion that “the euro-
are at fault for the suffering that fol- Mr. Stiglitz writes that “Greece zone as a whole has done poorly.”
lowed: Germany and its euro, cre- would likely not have borrowed in “The lesson,” as he sees it, “is that
ated in the Prussian image of austere Then there are the sins of omis- amusement. These come particularly German currency” had it remained markets are complex institutions
and merciless self-discipline. sion—the policies that would have when Mr. Stiglitz plays at evenhand- outside the eurozone, “precisely be- [and that] simplistic tinkering, based
“Truth,” Oscar Wilde said, “is helped but were never pursued. Mr. edness. He suggests, for example, cause it (and its lenders) should on ideology rather than a more pro-
one’s latest mood.” And Mr. Stiglitz’s Stiglitz tells us, for example, that the that Europe needs to embrace a “di- have been aware of the risk that that found appreciation of how markets
mood is very different now than it eurozone’s “crisis countries” needed versity” of views. “Some societies,” entailed.” This is nonsense. Develop- actually work, without a deep under-
was in 2010, when he was advising reforms “responding to the reality of he explains, “may prefer more stabil- ing countries have long borrowed standing of their complexities, can
Greece. Then, saving the country climate change.” And the green in- ity and better systems of social pro- massively in U.S. dollars despite the lead to disastrous outcomes.” So if
was a matter of burning “specula- vestments that they should have tection, and greater expenditures on risks to them and their lenders. And only Joseph Stiglitz could control
tors.” Today, the crisis was inevita- made with Northern Europe’s money public education and health; others,” in 2000, a year before Greece joined the creation and distribution of
ble. “Europe’s travails,” he tells us, “would have improved current ac- in contrast, “may be more commit- the eurozone, 79% of outstanding money, in the service of “societal
are owing above all to “one underly- counts by lowering the cost of en- ted to preserving existing inequali- Greek debt was already in euros— well-being,” the world would be a
ing mistake: the creation of the sin- ergy.” This is a proposition that even ties.” That’s right; some people want and only 8% in drachmas. There better place. But until then, we have
gle currency.” President Obama rejects, having to live in a Great Society, while oth- would have been a debt crisis irre- the consolation of knowing that he
“The Euro” is Mr. Stiglitz’s 19th openly acknowledged that carbon- ers want to stop upward mobility spective of whether Greece adopted will write more books to remind us.
book since he resigned as the World emission reduction schemes are and social progress. the single currency as its own.
Bank’s chief economist in 2000 after likely to raise fuel and electricity But for all the polemic, many of There are equally powerful rea- Mr. Steil, director of international
a stormy three-year tenure. It sur- costs, not lower them. Again, just a Mr. Stiglitz’s most damning observa- sons to question Mr. Stiglitz’s cen- economics at the Council on For-
veys the continuing crisis, makes a detail. tions are on target. He is right that tral criticisms of the eurozone. For eign Relations, is the author, most
case that the euro was misconceived Mr. Stiglitz gives the sinners so- Germany’s insistence on Greece example, did the European Central recently, of “The Battle of Bretton
and that present policies are only briquets like “neoliberal,” “market slashing spending and raising taxes Bank’s “mandate to focus only on in- Woods: John Maynard Keynes,
making things worse, and charts “a fundamentalist” and “gold bug.” He in the midst of plummeting output, flation” really cause it to pursue too Harry Dexter White, and the Mak-
way forward” on reform. What alleges that some of them—name- in return for new loans with which tight a monetary policy? The bank’s ing of a New World Order.”


Brooklyn Memories
JACQUELINE Wood- and her friends to walk the streets ization is to return you to that age cas with Columbus and has spent the stand with eyes”—aiding an escaped
son’s “Another with knives tucked into their knee- when experience cuts deep and “pain centuries seeking his lost love Anna slave. In 2200 he sails the channels
Brooklyn” (Amis- socks. As she matures—and Bush- skips over reason, aims right for Gloria. He calls himself Daniel Defoe. of an America devastated by global
tad, 175 pages, wick is transformed by blockbusting marrow.” “Mr. Eternity” documents “Old warming. In 2500, as the ruined
$22.99) begins with and white flight—we find her wear- When Aaron Thier’s “Mr. Eter- Dan’s” life both past and future. The country moves toward reunification,
a funeral. August, ing platform boots and dancing with nity” (Bloomsbury, 258 pages, $26) narrative is broken up into short Defoe is himself sold into slavery.
the narrator, has returned to New her boyfriend to Stevie Wonder, but begins, in the inauspicious year of chapters and spliced together non- Our deathless hero rides out the
York to bury her father. A depart- always dreaming of escape. cycles of history by spinning yarns.
ment store clerk and convert to the Ms. Woodson has had a fruitful He has seen marvels, but he’s also a
Nation of Islam, he had raised Au- career as a young adult author, and mischievous liar, and the fun of this
gust and her brother alone. His well- though “Another Brooklyn” is being wily book is in untangling the truth
meaning deception about her absent billed as her first novel for adults in from his trolling fabrications. “You
mother drove a wedge between two decades, it will still speak most might be interested to know that I
them, and August has built a life far powerfully to younger readers. The killed Magellan,” he tells the docu-
from Brooklyn. But the death creates mentarians. “I beat him to death
a hole through which the recollec- with a cuirass in the surf off Mac-
tions of those years come rushing The handball court, the tan.” He also says that Indians gave
back. him medicine to regrow an ampu-
They return her to the Brooklyn corner bodega, the white tated foot. No one believes him, but
neighborhood of Bushwick in the flight, the hypodermic then, in 2200, no one will believe
1970s, and to an apartment with “a that there were once whales.
yellow Formica table and chair set in needles in the stairwells. Mr. Thier’s dizzying time-travels
the kitchen, small beds for my will inevitably call to mind David
brother and me in the single bed- Mitchell’s “Cloud Atlas,” and the
room, and a dark green pullout sofa book communicates a sense of long- danger of such books is that they
in the living room. Every evening, af- ing and loneliness that will instantly tend to grow solemn and sanctimo-
ter my father kissed us good night, resonate with teenagers of a certain nious as they peer into the future.

we heard the squeal of springs as he introspective temperament. “I knew Happily, “Mr. Eternity” remains play-
lifted the sofa into a bed for himself, I was lost inside the world,” August ful even as it relates catastrophe. To
pillow-less and draped with a thin thinks, “watching it and trying to the immortal old man, human fate is
floral bedspread.” understand why too often I felt like more absurd than tragic. Longevity
The memories, arranged in short, I was standing just beyond the makes a mockery of foresight, and
discrete paragraphs of fine-cadenced frame—of everything.” the more he sees the less he really
prose, evoke the corner bodega and Older readers may wish that more 2016, documentary filmmakers are chronologically. In 1560, Defoe is a knows: “Nothing will happen but
the handball court, the bent hypo- irony and complexity shaded these interviewing a wizened Floridian conquistador searching for the fa- what will happen. The world exists
dermics in the stairwells and the reminiscences. But the purpose of who claims to be around 560 years bled city of El Dorado. In 1750, we for a reason and we must always
roaming junkies who prompt August Ms. Woodson’s touching memorial- old. He says he came to the Ameri- find him—“an old man like a hat- wonder what it is.”
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A12 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

‘A bookstore is one of the only pieces of physical evidence we have that people are still thinking.’ —Jerry Seinfeld

Nothing To It
main.” Homosexuality? “Not that
Seinfeldia there’s anything wrong with that”
By Jennifer Keishin Armstrong were the last words on that subject
Simon & Schuster, 307 pages, $26 in another episode—another catch-
phrase that still resonates today.
BY EDWARD KOSNER “ ‘Seinfeld’ was a show written in
the ’90s about people remembering
their New York lives in the ’80s,”
EVERYONE HAS A favorite episode one writer told Ms. Armstrong. After
or moment from the “Seinfeld” each season all but one or two of the
show—Jerry’s puffy pirate shirt and writers, by now squeezed dry, were
his suede jacket or his encounters replaced by a fresh crew from New
with the close-talker and the woman York. They would submit ideas or
with man hands; the impermeable plotlines or scenes only to have Mr.
maitre d’ at the Chinese restaurant; David take their stuff back to the of-
Elaine’s spastic dancing or deciding fice he shared with Mr. Seinfeld and
whether a potential beau was worth rewrite it. Constant tweaking was
the investment of a precious, discon- the norm. After Mr. David perfected
tinued birth-control sponge; Kramer’s the idea of a dovetailed ending for
at-home talk-show set; George’s mor- every episode—when all the ele-
tifying “shrinkage” after a dip in a ments of the story arc clicked to-
chilly pool or the time he quit his job gether like a well-machined mecha-
with a tirade, then showed up for nism—endless hours were spent
work the next day as if nothing had polishing these intricate payoffs.
happened. Yada, yada, yada. The show became something of a
Not to forget the surly mailman cult hit. It was originally scheduled on
Newman, J. Peterman or the Soup Wednesday nights, where it got de-
Nazi or Festivus and Del Boca Vista, molished in the ratings by Tim Allen’s
Jerry’s parents’ Florida condo com- handyman comedy, “Home Improve-

munity, or Uncle Leo and his son, the ment,” on ABC. So for the 1992-93
star of the Parks Department. All season, NBC moved “Seinfeld” to a
were once fodder for Friday-morning prime spot on Thursdays, right after
water-cooler conversations and now “Cheers.” The program leapt from
generate internet chatter even though 40th in the ratings to fifth, and by
the last original episode appeared viewers around the country and, played the Larry David character, re- lives for story lines, plot twists and 1996 it was returning $200 million a
more than 18 years ago. when reruns started, the world. Like named George Costanza, because Mr. gags. As it turned out, many of the year in profits to the network. At that
“Seinfeld” ran 172 episodes, most most genuinely excellent achieve- David didn’t think he could write a show’s most memorable riffs were point, the ever-contrary Mr. David de-
of them half-hours (actually 22 min- ments, it looked easy and inevitable. show and act in it at the same time. spun from the writers’ darkest or cided that he’d had enough. He quit
utes), over nine seasons, after the pi- It was just the opposite, as Jenni- Originally the only female character most inane experiences. When his the show after 134 episodes. For his
lot in July 1989. There was hardly a fer Keishin Armstrong shows in her was the cashier at the diner where “SNL” sketch ran in the last slot, Mr. finale, he killed off George’s fiancée,
dud, except for the hourlong jailhouse savvy and engaging “Seinfeldia”—a Jerry and George spent a lot of time David had stormed off the set in a Susan—by having her lick poisoned
finale watched by 76 million people discerningly reported account of what trying to figure whether Jerry’s rage only to turn up for work the next glue on the envelopes of her wedding
and panned by nearly every one of turned out to be the most successful houseguest really wanted to have sex week—just as George does on the invitations—because the other actors
them. The program is universally and lucrative television program of all with him. After the pilot was test- couldn’t stand working with the ac-
ranked among the best sitcoms in TV time and its impact on TV and the screened in 1989 to lukewarm reac- tress who played the part. Mr. Sein-
history, along with “I Love Lucy,” rest of pop culture. tion, Brandon Tartikoff, the head of ‘Seinfeld’ was a show feld took over as both star and show-
“The Honeymooners,” “M*A*S*H,” “Seinfeld” was born in the late NBC entertainment, asked his col- runner for the rest of the run.
“The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” 1980s when Jerry, who had leveraged leagues: “Who will want to see Jews written in ’90s L.A. by During the ninth season, even Mr.
“Cheers,” “Friends” and “The Simp- his act in comedy clubs around New wandering around New York acting people remembering Seinfeld wanted out, though he was
sons.” TV Guide once rated it simply York into guest spots on Johnny Car- neurotic?” being paid $1 million an episode.
the best show ever, with “The Sopra- son’s and David Letterman’s late-night But, as Ms. Armstrong notes, New York in the ’80s. When he broke the news to Jack
nos” a close second. shows, got a feeler from NBC about “Seinfeld” had a charmed gestation. Welch, the chief of GE, which owned
The series made Jerry Seinfeld doing a show of his own. He sought The network approved a mini-run of NBC, Mr. Welch took him into a cor-
and his collaborator, Larry David— out Larry David, with whom he’d four original episodes for the follow- show. One writer had a girlfriend who ner and showed him a slip of paper
one a successful stand-up comic, the worked in the clubs, a famously iras- ing spring, mostly because it was a hated her big hands. Another had offering him $5 million per show. No
other a legendary flop—unimagin- cible comic renowned for walking out low-cost, low-risk bet on two offbeat once found a typo on a Trivial Pursuit sale. The offer was emblematic of the
ably rich. The other stars—Jason Al- on the stage, dismissing the audience talents. The show was assigned to an card—“The Moops” for “The astronomic wealth generated by
exander as George, Michael Richards with a “Nah, I don’t think so” and NBC executive who had never over- Moors”—that was alchemized into “Seinfeld.” Ms. Armstrong calculates
as Kramer and Julia Louis-Dreyfus as stalking off. With his receding hairline seen a sitcom and offered no direc- sitcom gold in the “Bubble Boy” epi- that the show has earned $3.1 billion
Elaine—made so much money that and two clumps of wild gray hair, Mr. tion to the two creators, who had sode about a sick child living in a in syndication fees since 1998. Just
they would never have to work David looked, said pal Richard Lewis, never done a show themselves. Left plastic quarantine enclosure. last year, the streaming service Hulu
again, although all tried their own like “a combination of Bozo and Ein- alone, Mr. David sought inspiration The network executives didn’t al- paid $160 million to offer the entire
sitcoms, and Ms. Louis-Dreyfus has stein.” He’d been a writer at “Satur- from the only available source— ways get “Seinfeld”—the author “Seinfeld” oeuvre to its subscribers.
had two hits, reversing the supposed day Night Live” for the 1984-85 sea- memories of misbegotten moments writes that they hated “The Chinese In fact, the best way to enjoy
“curse of Seinfeld.” son but had gotten only one sketch on in his own (and to some extent Mr. Restaurant,” a defining episode—but “Seinfeldia” is to read the book with
Hardly “a show about nothing,” the air—and that at 12:50 a.m., just Seinfeld’s) past. they kept their notes to themselves, TV remote in hand, calling up epi-
despite the enduring cliché, “Sein- before the show signed off. That turned out to be the secret of and Mr. David would have torn them sodes on Hulu as Ms. Armstrong
feld” offered obsessively close obser- The pilot was called “The Seinfeld the show’s success—plus maniacally up if any were sent to him. “No hug- adroitly recounts the back story of
vation of the frustrations, annoy- Chronicles,” and it had some resem- intense work by the principals. With ging. No learning,” was his credo. these still-captivating shows that
ances and idiocies of the everyday blance to the later hit. Jerry played the show approved for a full 1991-92 One show about a masturbation-ab- were never, ever about nothing.
life of 30-somethings in a narrow a version of himself. The Kramer season of 22 episodes, to be produced stinence contest got past the censors
slice of Manhattan. Yet it was so character was based on one of Larry in Los Angeles, Mr. David imported a by never mentioning the word—in- Mr. Kosner was the editor of News-
smart and compulsively entertaining David’s oddball neighbors whose real group of young New York writers and stead, Jerry, George, Kramer and week, New York, Esquire and the
that its very provincialism entranced name was Kramer. Jason Alexander ordered them to scavenge their own Elaine vied to “master” their “do- New York Daily News.

At the Birth of Modern Ballet

in the summer of 1945 Ms. Wilde it for his readers, showing what ing artistic gift was not matched by institutional weakness: On tour the
Wilde Times worked with a pickup company Bal- makes a dancer, or a piece, or a style, an equivalent love of humanity, or dancers were forced to go into debt,
By Joel Lobenthal anchine took to Mexico City, where so special. For instance, he uses Ms. even the milk of human kindness. He their per diem payments well below
ForeEdge, 312 pages, $35 she danced in “Apollo,” a seminal Wilde’s technical strengths—her was frequently unforgiving and ruth- subsistence level. Mr. Lobenthal fails
work in the Balanchine canon. “Bal- speed, her precision, and her fearless, less. Dancers were set at odds with to connect these two points, even as
BY JUDITH FLANDERS anchine taught class every morning almost ferocious attack—to detail the one another; some were banished for he recounts both. There are other
at ten o’clock and conducted re- difference between older dance train- daring to have private lives. Some- conclusions, too, that he fails to draw.
hearsals late into the afternoon— Ms. Wilde’s toughness is one of
THE LIFE AND WORK of George Bal- without, unlike most of the city, a si- these. Dancers are frequently spoken
anchine, founder of the New York City esta break,” Mr. Lobenthal recounts. of, and to, as children: They do what
Ballet and choreographer of genius, is The dancers recalled this as a never- they’re told without the diva-dom of
hardly unknown territory: The Library again-matched period of close col- opera singers, or the independence
of Congress catalog lists nearly 300 laboration with the choreographer. of actors. Yet many of the greatest
titles exploring his art, his dance dancers worked as adults, as Ms.
company, his life and even his cat. Wilde did, from early adolescence,
(Mourka was trained to leap balleti- Where ballet training and they had the survival skills that
cally, and a book illustrating her pho- came with it. In 1953, Ms. Wilde mar-
togenic skills has duly been cat- once focused on strength ried George Bardyguine, yet when,
alogued.) Joel Lobenthal, associate and stamina, Balanchine after decades of marriage and two
editor of Ballet Review, has seemingly children, he became ill and unreliable
followed a more conventional path: insisted on tall, light and in his post as technical director of

“Wilde Times” is ostensibly a biogra- fast dancers—Patricia the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, it was
phy of an early Balanchine dancer, Pa- Ms. Wilde, then its artistic director,
tricia Wilde. But in truth the author Wilde was a prototype. who told him he had to go. It appears
uses her career to chart the unfolding that she learned more than just cho-
of the New York City Ballet’s signa- reography from Balanchine.
ture style and the creation of the pro- Still, the New York City Ballet, The book’s starting-point, hun-
totypical “Balanchine dancer.” founded in 1948 by Balanchine and dreds of hours of interviews with
Without belaboring the point, Mr. Lincoln Kirstein, must have seemed Wilde, perhaps prevents the author
Lobenthal portrays a dance world like just one more ephemeral group from drawing these conclusions. In-
that has vanished. Wilde, by birth Ca- when Ms. Wilde joined it in 1950. Bal- stead of the banal observations that
nadian, moved to New York to study anchine’s prodigious, untamed talent RAYMONDA VARIATIONS Patricia Wilde and Andre Prokovsky in front of interviewees are prone to make—
dance at the shatteringly young age of would ensure its longevity, and then Lincoln Center’s fountain in 1964. does it tell us anything to know that
14, following the path set by her sis- its institutional status. Ms. Wilde was people Ms. Wilde stayed with were
ter Nora, soon to join the Ballet part of that transformation: Bal- ing, focused on “strength, stamina, times, suggests Mr. Lobenthal, the “Exceedingly nice”?—more of Mr.
Russe. By 1945, the 17-year-old Ms. anchine, as Mr. Lobenthal so astutely and control” and the more modern choreographer deliberately created an Lobenthal’s astute analyses would
Wilde had joined the same company. notes, uniquely blended his own de- choices of height, lightness, speed aura of uncertainty, even fear, simply have been of far greater value. None-
Ms. Wilde’s adolescent experience sire for dance pared back to its es- and turnout. These choices were, in to increase his own enjoyment of a theless, Mr. Lobenthal has created a
with the Ballet Russe saw her on a 79- sence with the theatricality that the great part, established through Bal- piece of which he had begun to tire. new way of seeing an old subject,
city tour, during which it was entirely Ballet Russe instilled into dancers anchine’s own preferences. The two sides of the choreogra- and it is very welcome indeed.
routine to give both matinee and eve- like Ms. Wilde and Maria Tallchief But while we read of Balanchine’s pher are mirrored elsewhere. Ticket
ning performances, before rehearsing (later to become one of the many endless supply of creativity, turned prices were kept deliberately low, to Ms. Flanders writes about dance for
after the final curtain, and then trav- Mrs. Balanchines). This is the au- into visual reality by Ms. Wilde and ensure the widest possible audiences. the Times Literary Supplement. Her
eling to a new city the next morning. thor’s gift: The ability to take an im- her coevals, there is another story in That is, of course, laudable, but with- more recent book is “A Bed of Scor-
More importantly for her future, permanent visual art and anatomize the background. Balanchine’s tower- out other sources of funding, also an pions,” a crime novel.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | A13

‘The City of New York belongs almost as much to the South as to the North.’ —William Cullen Bryant

A Melting Pot’s Melting Point

less than invent battlefield photogra-
City of Sedition phy (he later goes broke, too). And
By John Strausbaugh Elizabeth Blackwell, a Florence Night-
Twelve, 423 pages, $30 ingale disciple, organizes a women’s
relief association to nurse the war
BY HAROLD HOLZER wounded—opposed at every turn by
hidebound military and medical es-
ON FEB. 19, 1861, toward the end of Books this dense invariably con-
his mostly triumphant journey to tain factual slips. “Peace Democrats”
Washington for his inaugural, Presi- could not possibly have filled Cooper
dent-elect Abraham Lincoln finally Union with “an estimated thirty thou-
reached the North’s most prosper- sand New Yorkers” for an 1864 rally;
ous—and, as John Strausbaugh would its Great Hall held at most two thou-
have us believe, most seditious—city. sand. Rebel saboteurs did not choose
Not surprisingly, New York welcomed “Thanksgiving weekend” to set New
Lincoln with what one newspaper York on fire in November 1864—that
called “little enthusiasm.” Walt Whit- beloved four-day break was not even
man, caught in traffic gridlock as Lin- celebrated at the time; rather, the
coln’s carriage reached his hotel, would-be terrorists chose to strike on
thought the reception even worse. He widely observed, now-forgotten,
sensed menacing “anxiety” behind the Evacuation Day. Horace Greeley nei-
“ominous silence.” ther supported Lincoln at the 1860
“I have no doubt,” the poet re- Republican Convention nor coveted a
called, “(so frenzied were the fer- Cabinet post in his first administra-
ments of the time) many an assassin’s tion. One gets the impression that
knife and pistol lurk’d in hip- or Mr. Strausbaugh has also neglected
breast-pocket there—ready, soon as some up-to-date scholarship, a prob-

break and riot came.” Of course, lem his bibliography confirms. His as-
Whitman offered those observations sertion that Lincoln came to New
abetted by decades of hindsight. Ac- York for his 1860 Cooper Union ad-
tually, he was onto something more DAYS OF RAGE A mob marches down Second Avenue during the 1863 New York Draft Riots. dress by way of Chicago (for editorial
crucial when he noted that Lincoln help from newspapermen there, ac-
“possess’d no personal popularity in subsidiaries, too. “New York,” argues 1844 outgoing president John Tyler ulating this turbulent home front are cording to myth) comes from a book
New York, and not much political.” Mr. Strausbaugh, “was almost as eco- had married his second wife—an East mercurial New York Tribune editor written more than 50 years ago, and
Therein lies the key to any study of nomically dependent on plantation Hampton heiress, no less—at a Fifth Horace Greeley, whose enormous in- long since corrected.
urban America during the Civil War. slavery as the Southern planters Avenue church, “a union of Old New fluence never wanes despite growing If Mr. Strausbaugh now and then
Like most Northern hubs, especially were”—an exaggeration, perhaps, but York and Old Virginia dynasties,” Mr. instability; handsome Mayor Fer- introduces a jarring characterization
those with large immigrant popula- not by much. Strausbaugh posits, “highly symbolic nando Wood, who encourages the city (1820s blackface stage star Thomas
tions, New York was overwhelmingly Whether New York was any blinder of New York City’s close ties to the to leave the Union in order to main- Dartmouth Rice is described as “min-
Democratic in politics. Lincoln had to slavery than other Northern cities plantation South.” (As a wartime tain profitable trade with the South; strelsy’s Elvis,” and his signature
lost the 1860 presidential election in is the question. Mr. Strausbaugh widow, Julia Gardiner Tyler would bombastic antislavery preacher Henry song, “Jump Jim Crow,” as “its
Manhattan by a ratio of nearly two- forcefully argues that such was the maintain her Confederate loyalties Ward Beecher (actually based in ‘Hound Dog’”), he also adroitly links
to-one—not enough of a margin to case. Even if geography made it thus, from Staten Island.) Such divided loy- Brooklyn, then a separate city); and past to present by imposing modern
prevent his winning the state, but a politics made it more so. New York’s alty was not uncommon. When the gnarled ex-Senator John A. Dix, a vet- community designations on Manhat-
reality check for Republicans who had Democratic organizations rose to Union first split, Mansfield Lovell, eran of the War of 1812 who becomes tan’s wartime precincts. Thus we
hoped his acclaimed speech at Cooper power promising impoverished former commander of the Old Guard a major general in the Union army. learn that Greeley built a home
Union eight months earlier would whites they would never have to com- of the City of New York, left the fed- where the UN sits today, and that re-
portend seismic shifts in the city’s po- pete with free blacks for jobs. By the eral army to take charge of the Con- cruits from the city’s first “colored”
litical culture. Convincing New York- time the Draft Riots—more accurately federate defense of New Orleans. New York Democrats had regiment trained on Riker’s Island.
ers to go to war under a Republican race riots—convulsed the city in 1863, After 150 pages of antebellum While some streets (and entire sec-
was never going to be a slam dunk. its horrific lynchings, mutilations and scene-setting—engrossing, to be sure, promised poor whites tions, like the notorious Five Points
In “City of Sedition,” Mr. Straus- destruction seemed almost inevitable. but perhaps too lengthy—Mr. Straus- they would never have to slum) have mercifully vanished, Mr.
baugh acknowledges New York’s en- This book’s strength is anecdotal baugh gets to the war itself, and the Strausbaugh takes us to DUMBO,
trenched conservatism, and digs rather than analytical. Mr. Straus- narrative takes on a sustained ur- compete with free blacks. SoHo, Tribeca and other hip nabes
deeper into the city’s ultimately vio- baugh vividly portrays a melting pot gency. Wartime Gotham brims with and helps us imagine how they
lent opposition to Lincoln, Unionism at the melting point: overcrowded political ferment, subterfuge and big- looked, smelled, and sounded a cen-
and emancipation. Like other recent streets, disease-ridden homes, rowdy otry, but also responds admirably— Assigned to New York City because, at tury and a half ago. Unless I am mis-
writers, Mr. Strausbaugh finds the taverns, tainted water supplies and even heroically—to the earliest calls age 63, he is deemed too elderly to taken, he has visited each and every
roots of its disloyalty sowed in a zeal appalling corruption masking neglect. for volunteers to put down the rebel- fight, he fumbles suppression of the historic locale in person, and readers
for pre-war, conscience-free com- His New York bulges dangerously at lion. The town’s elites join up first, 1863 riots. For such dubious achieve- could do worse than use his work as
merce with the South, which spawned the seams—except, of course, among but New York soon raises, from its ments, forts are named—in Dix’s case, a guide for doing the same.
a convenient moral indifference to the privileged, ever-mobile one per- poorest neighborhoods, Irish, Italian, in New Jersey. Populated by an epic cast of char-
slavery, which was nourished by bla- cent. Rich and poor alike race in and German, even Hungarian regiments. Tragic Stephen Foster appears acters lurching through evocative tab-
tant racism. In another sense, the city out of the book at breakneck speed. The author follows key New Yorkers briefly as well, composing his senti- leaux at a breakneck pace, Mr. Straus-
could hardly help but establish close A number of these characters will to the battlefield, where they earn mental Southern songs from his New baugh’ s book stands alone, but never
commercial ties to the South. New surely elicit surprise. Among the and lose reputations as casualties York—not his “Old Kentucky”—home, still. At times it may seem breathless,
York thrived because of its harbor as- prominent Southern slave-owners mount and Republicans push con- yet losing his copyrights, ending up a disorganized, glib and argumentative.
sets, becoming the national transfer who felt welcome in pre-war New scription and emancipation—stirring Bowery drunk, and dying penniless at But so is New York itself.
point for slave-grown cotton destined York was future Confederate Presi- fear and loathing from the city’s Bellevue at age 37. Swedish-born en-
for European mills. In turn, the ship- dent Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, poorest whites. As vividly as Mr. gineer John Ericsson develops his Mr. Holzer, Director of the Roose-
ping industry generated thousands of hailed as a hero in 1853 when he ar- Strausbaugh writes about Virginia transformative ironclad warship from velt House Public Policy Institute
New York jobs. And the city’s finan- rived as U. S. Secretary of War to ded- skirmishes and Washington politics, Lower Manhattan, then builds the at Hunter College, has written and
cial infrastructure—banking and in- icate Barnum’s museum; during the one always yearns for the book to re- U.S.S. Monitor in Greenpoint across edited 52 books, among them
surance—came to rely on slave-made war his effigy would go on exhibit turn to its teeming New York locus. the East River. From his Union Square “Lincoln in New York” and “State of
products and their profitable shadow there, hanging from a gallows. In Among the irresistible figures pop- galleries, Mathew Brady does nothing the Union: New York’s Civil War.”

China’s Rebel With a Cause

back up his attitude and charisma. people “who hate the way unem- the protests have official backing.” disturb order in a public place,” called
The Problem With Me “Triple Door” sold two million copies ployed sounds.” This is subtle criticism of the theater Mr. Han “the archetypal modern citi-
By Han Han in China, and its author became a star. In one of the best pieces in this col-
of nationalist protest in China, calling zen” of China. Acknowledging the de-
Simon & Schuster, 217 pages, $24 Mr. Han took up blogging, publishing, lection, titled “Chess Pieces that De- the government’s motivations into sire for the good life while mocking
car racing and film directing while de- serted the Board,” he addresses the question while stopping just short of the absurdities of Chinese society, Mr.
BY JULIAN B. GEWIRTZ veloping a distinctive writing voice anti-Japan protests that swept China making explicit accusations. Han’s writing provided a skeptical
that was at once excitable, moody and in the spring and summer of 2012. He In “The Problem with Cadres,” he perspective on a system that often de-
skeptical. Millions of adoring fans writes: “The government doesn’t want takes on the status distinctions that mands the suspension of disbelief.
IN EARLY 2012, Nescafé executives (and not a few detractors) across shape Chinese society begin- I write “was” because Han Han’s
were searching for a strategy to make China followed his pronouncements. ning in elementary school. writing has mostly disappeared since
instant coffee catch on with more Chi- “The Problem with Me: And Other “All the class cadres—or 2013. He “now barely blogs at all,” as
nese consumers. They settled on a Essays about Making Trouble in China teacher’s pets—have learned translators Alice Xin Liu and Joel
risky idea: Han Han, the best-selling Today” is a new volume culled from from their good grades is how Martinsen write in their introduction.
novelist and blogger who had risen to to abuse power,” Mr. Han This change makes “The Problem with
fame mocking China’s corrupt social- writes. “Class cadres don’t do Me” a strange book, marketed by its
ist system, would be the face of the The best-selling novelist anything, but they know how publisher as a perspective on “making
brand in the world’s largest market. In to instruct others, and for that trouble in China today” but devoid of
a 30-second advertisement, Mr. Han and blogger says what’s purpose they’re told to wear any essays written after Xi Jinping be-
exhorts viewers to “Live out your deemed unsayable about one stripe, two stripes, or came China’s president in March 2013.
boldness!” He zips around on a motor- three stripes pinned to their Readers hoping to hear Mr. Han take
cycle and cheers on a paraplegic ath- Communist Party sleeves to show their rank and on Mr. Xi’s personality cult or the cen-
lete before settling down with a bright leaders, censorship and the difference between them sorship ruckus spawned last year by
red mug of instant coffee. and the ‘ordinary folk.’” He actress Fan Bingbing’s cleavage will be
Advertising Age called it “a water- status consciousness. concludes: “God knows what disappointed.
shed in commercial communication in kind of officials they’ll make Speculation about this change runs

China,” since the commercial lever- when they grow up.” rampant among his readers. Is Mr.
aged “social criticism and controversy more than a decade of Mr. Han’s blog Not all of the essays here are Han simply a celebrity who has given
to create intimacy with younger con- posts, essays and interviews. English- explicitly political. Mr. Han also up blogging because there are more
sumers.” It paid off: The BBC reported language readers will immediately see sticks up for confused young lucrative ways to stay in the lime-
in June that Chinese millennials have why Mr. Han has earned the respect of people and admits to his own light? Or is he being silenced? Is he
helped drive the near tripling of coffee many Chinese reformers: He says what’s imperfect character in frank es- frustrated by the sense that he
consumption in China over the past been deemed unsayable, targeting un- says on growing up, friendship couldn’t make China’s resilient au-
four years, with Nestlé, the maker of scrupulous Communist Party leaders TANGY Fan Bingbing in ‘The Empress of China.’ and fatherhood. In “Actually, thoritarian system budge? Or has he
Nescafé, in a dominant position. and complaining about censorship, sta- I’m a Writer,” he recalls that settled into the pleasures of family
Who is Han Han? Mr. Han burst tus consciousness and abuse of power. war [with Japan]. Use your head: when he dropped out of high school, life? Whatever the cause, the reticence
onto the scene in 2000 as a 17-year- Mr. Han is often evocative and They’re set up with all that delicious “The teachers told me not to harm so- of this potent rebel is keenly felt—no-
old with his debut novel “Triple Door,” funny, if sometimes slapdash, and his political power, so who wants a war ciety after I left, and asked me what I where more so than in China.
a tale of schoolboy angst that dispar- writing here is wildly unpredictable on their hands?” Instead, Mr. Han sug- planned to live on. Royalties, I replied.”
aged the country’s education system. and occasionally electrifying. Crying gests the protests are the govern- This mix of earnestness, anger, hu- Mr. Gewirtz is the author of
Mr. Han had dropped out of high at boarding school is “an under-the- ment’s way of placating angry nation- mor and ambition is one reason why, “Unlikely Partners: Chinese
school but still managed to win a na- sheets affair”; contemporary poets alists: “The ones beating, smashing, in a 2011 New Yorker profile, the ac- Reformers, Western Economists,
tional essay contest, giving him an up- only have “to master one skill: the and looting must be punished by law, tivist Xu Zhiyong, now imprisoned for and the Making of Global China”
by-the-bootstraps personal story to enter key”; and teachers are just or else I’ll have to wonder whether the crime of “gathering a crowd to out from Harvard in January.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A14 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Law and Order:
A Battle Over Money in Beijing Trump Unit
succession struggle is underway in continue to grow at a slower rate and would
China ahead of next year’s Communist emerge stronger in a couple of years. Whether Richard Nixon, law and and by the changes that we made.” No,
order’s most famous it was not worth anything.
Party Congress. And this time the cen- or not that is right, he stands to benefit politi-
practitioner, used the In a Journal article last month, an
tral fight is over monetary cally. reality of domestic un- administration official summarized the
policy instead of ideological Economic policy is If the economy does mud- rest to defeat Hubert Obama anti-terror policy. It reads like
slogans. The outcome has im- a flashpoint in the dle through, Mr. Xi can take Humphrey in the annus aggression with footnotes:
plications for China’s re- credit for prudent manage- horribilis, 1968. Presi- “Not just in Afghanistan, but in Iraq
sponse to slowing economic political succession fight. ment. He may be able to re- WONDER
dent George W. Bush and Syria, it’s very evident what his ap-
growth. place Mr. Li with Wang Qis- By Daniel
persuaded voters in proach is, which is to make sure we’re
On one side is Premier Li han, who has a strong 2004 that John Kerry doing everything necessary to disrupt
Keqiang, who controls the machinery of gov- economic background and is in charge of would provide and ultimately defeat terrorist net-
ernment through the State Council and is sup- fighting corruption. uncertain leadership in works while significantly reducing the
posedly in charge of running the economy. He If bad debts do emerge that tip China into the post-9/11 war on terror. role of the U.S. military in terms of the
Donald Trump, always willing to test ground presence and also reducing the
emphasizes the health of the economy and the a recession, Mr. Xi can put the blame on Mr.
the limits of any thought, is campaign- resources associated with that pres-
need to keep it growing as rapidly as possible. Li for failing to manage the risks properly. Mr. ing for law and order on a global scale. ence.”
Mr. Li’s right hand, Vice Premier Zhang Li belongs to the same Communist Party fac- He’s accusing Hillary Clinton of being There is a specific, well-known rea-
Gaoli, said in March that he saw a “rosy out- tion as the last supreme leader Hu Jintao, un- soft on crime at home and soft on ter- son for a Democratic policy of “reduc-
look” for the first quarter, and after some dif- der whom most of the debt was accumulated. ror everywhere in the world. It’s “Law ing the resources associated with that
ficulties were overcome, next year would be So Mr. Li and his allies could be purged for and Order: Global Victims Unit,” Donald presence,” one that 50 former Bush of-
“blue sky and gentle water.” Officials under pursuing dangerous economic populism. J. Trump producer. ficials should have thought about be-
the State Council argued for more monetary While Mr. Xi has amassed greater power Tuesday in Milwaukee, which last fore unfurling their Hamlet-like state-
easing so the economy can make a U-shaped than his predecessor, he still faces resistance. weekend looked a lot like Baltimore’s ment last week on the election and
recovery, as Beijing did in previous slow- The National Development and Reform Com- 2015 street riots, Mr. Trump said: “The national security.
Hillary Clinton agenda hurts poor peo-
downs. mission issued a report that recommended
ple the most. There is no compassion in
On the other side, China’s cutting interest rates and lowering bank re- allowing drug dealers, gang members For global and domestic
supreme leader Xi Jinping serve requirements. The NDRC, which is under and felons to prey on innocent people.
has wrested control over eco- the State Council, removed the report from its It is the first duty of government to
disorder, Trump’s answer
nomic policy within the Party website the same day. But large state-owned keep the innocent safe.” looks better than hers.
away from Mr. Li. On May 9 companies will also lobby for monetary stimu- In Monday’s foreign policy speech he
an “authoritative person,” lus as they are squeezed by slow growth, and pledged to do a reverse-Obama by keep-
widely believed to be Mr. Xi’s their managers are Party cadres with ministe- ing Gitmo open and trying accused ter- The reason is guns versus butter,
chief economic adviser Liu rial rank. rorists in military tribunals. Likening military spending versus always un-
He, attacked the notion of a Even though Mr. Xi has so far failed to push his strategy to “the effort to take down sated domestic needs. The liberals’ bat-
rosy outlook. He predicted economic reforms and his motives may be po- the mafia,” he said “this will be the un- tle for butter began in the 1960s, when
derstood mission of every federal inves- they vilified Lyndon Johnson for spend-
the economy would follow an litical, his tight money policy will have posi-
tigator and prosecutor in the country.” ing on Vietnam and the Cold War rather
L-shaped trajectory and not Xi Jinping tive effects on China’s economy. Asset bubbles With most of the battleground states than the Great Society.
recover for one or two years. and excessive debt need to be squeezed out. looking more like Republican burial Right now, foreign-policy liberals and
China’s economy, in this view, has become The bankruptcy of zombie companies will grounds, it may be pressing the mem- some conservatives are pushing sotto
too reliant on loose monetary policy and make room for entrepreneurs to grow new brane of believability to say the Trump voce assurances that Hillary will “get it
credit expansion. Mr. Xi’s camp emphasizes firms. law-and-order strategy just might work. right” on national security. They had
the need for “supply side” reforms to reduce But once a credit bubble pops, it can be That said, Mr. Trump’s naming this better go line-by-line through the eco-
overcapacity in heavy industry and deflate as- hard to know when to reverse policy and ease week of the adept Republican political nomic-policy speech she gave last week
set bubbles. Allowing the central bank to cut monetary policy. After Japan’s bubble econ- strategist Kellyanne Conway as his cam- in Michigan. After the greatest outlay
rates aggressively now would only make the omy burst in 1990, the Bank of Japan waited paign manager means he may yet give on infrastructure spending “since World
situation worse. That explains why the central several years to act, fearing that it might rein- his supporters a competitive presiden- War II,” tuition-free college for the mid-
tial campaign. dle class and “debt-free for everyone,”
bank has left rates unchanged since last Octo- flate the bubble. That led to a liquidity trap
Democrats deserve to have a Trum- plus uncountable tax credits, anything
ber, even as inflation has slowed. that the country still hasn’t escaped. pian version of “law and order” un- Mrs. Clinton gets right will be on the
At times the Xi camp’s diagnosis of the Perhaps Mr. Xi and his advisers won’t loaded on them. I don’t think the Demo- cheap. Like her “intelligence surge.”
problems in the Chinese economy sounds like make the same mistake. But monetary policy crats are soft on crime and terrorism. This isn’t Bill Clinton’s center-left
the talking points of American investor Jim is now a central part of a succession strug- They’re just ambivalent. Ambivalence Democratic Party. It’s the left-only
Chanos and other China bears. The landscape gle, as next year’s Party Congress is sup- can get you killed, especially around party of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth War-
is dotted with “zombie companies” that need posed to choose the two leaders who will people with guns and bombs. ren and Barack Obama. What they want
to be closed. After decades of denying that rule China from 2022-32. Mr. Xi has nailed Asked after every primary to rank is butter, lakes of it. Anti-terrorism gets
Chinese real estate is a bubble, the state me- his colors to the mast of tight monetary pol- four issues, Democrats nearly always to tread water, alongside the cops.
dia now warn that price rises are unsustain- icy. The difficulty he would face in making put terrorism fourth. It hardly came up Defeating Islamic terror is a rare uni-
in the Clinton-Sanders debates. fying issue for conservatives and indeed
able. a quick policy change shows how China’s out-
And whether the domestic shooters for the world. Unlike any conceivable
But instead of predicting a crash, Mr. Xi’s dated politics hamper the management of a are San Bernardino’s terrorists, Or- Democratic president, Donald Trump is
advisers predict that China’s economy will modern economy. lando’s nut or Chicago’s gangs, the at least willing to lead this battle, re-
Democrats’ offer the same silver bullet: flecting the truth that it won’t happen
gun control. without active, unrelenting U.S. leader-
Mr. Thae’s Korean Escape The problem with how they’ve teed ship.

up the cops has been the nonexistence No doubt this is yet another issue
hae Yong Ho had one of the world’s the North’s illegal businesses, these emissar- of any Democratic alternative beyond with which voters have to struggle,
toughest jobs. As North Korea’s deputy ies become more essential. patrolling the toughest streets with a wanting an alternative to the Obama-
ambassador to the United Kingdom, he Under Kim Jong Un’s rule the total number blue version of Casper the Friendly Clinton Democrats but burdened with
was supposed to improve of defectors has declined be- Ghost. misgivings that are of Mr. Trump’s own
On national security, an example of creation.
coverage of the Kim regime The defection of a senior cause of tighter border con-
progressive foreign policy’s half-in, But Donald Trump didn’t create the
in the capitalist media. South diplomat may signal trols. But the flow of high- half-out attitude was former Attorney law-and-order issue. Cities and nations
Korean media reports sug- value defectors has General Eric Holder’s remark in May under assault did that. Just now, his an-
gest the stress led him to de- broader dissatisfaction. increased. Last month a teen- that the traitorous Edward Snowden swer for both looks better than her an-
fect this week. age math champion asked for “actually performed a public service by swer.
More seriously, Mr. Thae asylum at the South Korean raising the debate that we engaged in Write
is the most senior North Korean diplomat to consulate in Hong Kong. Residents of Pyong-
cross over in two decades. Only those consid- yang are increasingly exposed to the South’s
ered most loyal to the regime are given such television and movies, and Kim Jong Un’s fail-
a plum posting in the West, and the fact that ure to reform and improve living standards
Mr. Thae was allowed to bring his family indi- may have increased dissatisfaction.
Don’t Forget Putin’s Pal
cates he was especially trusted. His disillu- South Korea and the U.S. should give defec-
sionment with Pyongyang could mean that tors like Mr. Thae a warm welcome and en-
In the White House
more of North Korea’s elite are starting to re- courage more to follow. The Kim regime with- By Sohrab Ahmari weapons after Russian regulars and
alize how much better life is on the outside. stood intense economic hardship and even

Kremlin-backed thugs illegally annexed
Most North Koreans are kept in line by fear. famine in the 1990s by maintaining unity onald Trump’s fondness for Crimea and carved up territory in east-
But Pyongyang needs to send trusted citizens among the ruling elite. Such a campaign would Vladimir Putin emerged during ern Ukraine. The White House still re-
abroad to earn hard currency and buy essen- make Pyongyang more reluctant to send its the GOP primary, when he re- fuses to sell Kiev the weapons it needs
tial imports. Even diplomats are asked to earn emissaries abroad, which will lead to more fused to condemn the Russian dictator to defend itself, even as Mr. Putin
their keep through smuggling. As U.N. sanc- dissatisfaction. It’s one more promising way for murdering dissident journalists. threatens more aggression. The be-
tions tighten and the U.S. and its allies restrict to hasten the downfall of an evil regime. Since then the New Yorker hasn’t trayal of Ukraine wasn’t Mr. Trump’s
backed away from positions on NATO, doing.
Ukraine and Syria that have no doubt Nor, finally, was it Mr. Trump whose

Trump Will Be Trump gone down well in Moscow.

Then again, so have President
inaction in Syria created an opportunity
for Moscow to outmaneuver Washing-

Obama’s policies over the past eight ton and downgrade U.S. prestige in the
n any diagnosis of Donald Trump’s cam- subtle. The website specializes in attacking— years. Middle East. The Syrian civil war has
paign troubles, the idea that the candi- often in nasty personal terms—Republicans The Trump campaign’s Putinist rhet-
date has been too constrained wouldn’t who refuse to assail immigration and trade. oric has the liberal press corps alarmed,
be our first guess. But Mr. Breitbart led the campaign and rightly so. “Vladimir Putin has a Obama administration
Trump is now telling the The nominee says he to defeat House Speaker Paul plan for destroying the West—and that policies have done plenty to
world that he is shaking up Ryan in his Wisconsin pri- plan looks a lot like Donald Trump,”
his campaign to unleash un-
wants to run as the mary this month. “Paul Ryan Franklin Foer wrote in Slate. The help a more assertive Russia.
Donald undiluted. Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg called Mr.
diluted Donald in the last 80 Bows Down to Nationalist
Trump a “de facto agent” of Moscow.
days. Populism as His Career Vox’s Zack Beauchamp said Trump proved a humanitarian catastrophe, re-
“Everyone talks about, Flashes Before His Eyes,” said “made World War III—the deaths of sulting in some half a million dead and
‘Oh, you’ve got to pivot,’” Mr. Trump told a one headline. Mr. Ryan won 84% of the vote. hundreds of millions of people in nu- millions displaced. It has flooded
Wisconsin TV station on Tuesday. “I don’t Mr. Bannon wants Mr. Trump to run the clear holocaust—plausible.” Europe with refugees, destabilized Tur-
want to pivot. I don’t want to change. You way he did in the primaries as an unabashed Moscow’s hegemonic ambitions in key and added the phrase “barrel
have to be you. If you start pivoting, you’re populist and nationalist. We thought Mr. Eastern Europe and the Middle East bomb” to the lexicon of human deprav-
not being honest with people.” He said this Trump’s problem is that he hadn’t changed and Mr. Putin’s efforts to promote illib- ity.
hours before he added two new senior advis- from the primaries, that he hadn’t tried to eral, far-right politics in the West are But the war has also been a strategic
ers, whose job is help rescue what has been reach out to skeptical independents and Re- among America’s top security chal- boon to Moscow and its chief regional
a sinking candidacy. publicans, that he hadn’t until recently broad- lenges. So it’s good to see the journalis- client, Iran. Mr. Putin and the mullahs
tic left waking up. Too bad the same have deepened their military ties, as
One new hire, pollster Kellyanne Conway ened his message beyond trade and immigra-
crowd was often asleep over the past most recently evidenced by Russia’s use
as campaign manager, is encouraging. Ms. tion. But maybe Mr. Bannon sees a path to 270 eight years as Mr. Obama allowed that of an Iranian air base to target Syrian-
Conway is one of the best people in politics, electoral votes that others don’t. threat to metastasize to its current rebel positions on Tuesday. Mr. Putin’s
a sincere conservative with a talent for find- Then again, the essential truth about presi- scale. goal is to edge out Washington as the
ing the language to connect with voters who dential campaigns is that they always reflect It wasn’t Mr. Trump, after all, who in principal outside power in the Middle
aren’t policy wonks or political addicts. Dur- the candidates, for better or worse. The 2014 announced deep cuts to the U.S. East and he is succeeding. America’s
ing the GOP primaries she ran a Super PAC Trump campaign’s make-it-up-as-you-go oper- strategic arsenal, disabling 56 subma- long-term retreat from the region
associated with Ted Cruz, but everyone ation, its emphasis on personal branding over rine-based nuclear-launch tubes, con- wasn’t conceived in Trump Tower.
makes mistakes. She has also advised Mike policy, and its minimal attention to organiza- verting 30 B-52 bombers to conven- If polls prove right, Donald Trump is
Pence, the GOP vice presidential candidate, tion are all a reflection of Donald Trump’s tional use, and removing 50 missiles headed for defeat in November—in part
from underground silos—all well ahead because of his apparent affinity for the
and she has been the Trump campaign’s best management style and political choices.
of the 2018 deadline set by the New Russian dictator. But that doesn’t ex-
TV spokesperson by far in the last several So at least it’s truth in advertising that Mr. Start Treaty with Moscow and without cuse the historical amnesia and bad
weeks. Trump wants to run as unfiltered Trump from any reassurance that Mr. Putin would faith in the press over U.S.-Russian re-
Less encouraging is the arrival of Stephen here to November. The voters will be able to reciprocate. That was Mr. Obama. lations in the age of Barack Obama.
Bannon of Breitbart News as chief executive see what they’d get in the Oval Office, and if Nor was it the New York developer
for campaign operations. Breitbart has been he loses Mr. Trump would know, even if he who refused to supply the democratic Mr. Ahmari is a Journal editorial
called Mr. Trump’s Pravda, but Pravda is more didn’t admit it, that he is the man responsible. government in Kiev with defensive writer based in London.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | A15


The Diversity Police Raid the Boardroom

By Mike Gonzalez rent requirements have generally be a part of their leadership struc-

been vague and have changed little tures.” He called Berkshire’s disclo-
erkshire Hathaway, the since the rule was adopted,” SEC sure “insolent” and lamented that its
profitable holding com- Chairman Mary Jo White complained actions are “perfectly permissible”
pany run by the Obama- in June. “Very few companies have under the law.
supporting investment disclosed a formal diversity policy.” Rep. Maloney, using her position
guru Warren Buffett, has Ms. White then suggested the SEC as ranking member of the House
for a few years included an interest- would propose a new rule requiring Subcommittee on Capital Markets,
ing nugget about diversity in its companies “to include in their proxy had the Government Accountability
proxy disclosures: statements more meaningful board Office draw up a report on corporate
“Berkshire does not have a policy diversity disclosures on their board boards. The report, which appeared
regarding the consideration of diver- members and nominees.” She also last year, cited research showing


sity in identifying nominees for left the door open to having the rule that “the broader range of perspec-
director. In identifying director nom- specifically define what diversity tives represented in diverse groups
inees, the Governance Committee means. These developments should require individuals to work harder to
does not seek diversity, however trouble businesses that simply want come to a consensus, which can lead
to hire the best people. to better decisions.”
Activists such as Aaron Dhir, a But only perspectives based on
Forcing firms to disclose professor at York University’s Os- ethnicity or sex need apply. Take
good Hall Law School in Toronto, Ford Motor Co., which defines diver-
the race and gender of have urged that companies be com- sity as a range of “experience in
their directors is a step pelled to consider “the socio-demo- SEC Chairman Mary Jo White at a U.S. Senate hearing in 2013. business, government, education and
graphic composition of their technology, and in areas that are
toward de facto quotas. boards”—that is, directors’ sex and and outperforms its industry. On cietal pressure on companies to relevant to the Company’s global
ethnicities, not their diversity of ex- revenues of $200 billion, it has be- change behavior, rather than to dis- activities.” To Mr. Dhir, this is unac-
perience. At the very least, firms come the fourth-largest company on close financial information.” Her ceptable: “Many commentators who
defined. Instead, as previously dis- could be forced to explain why they the S&P 500 list, behind Wal-Mart, comments came up again last year supported the SEC’s original rule
cussed, the Governance Committee refuse to enforce quotas in the Exxon Mobil and Apple. when she fended off a similar effort proposal made it clear that they
looks for individuals who have very boardroom. These aren’t only the But this push isn’t about perfor- by 40 Democratic senators. were concerned with ‘diversity’
high integrity, business savvy, an ideas of an obscure professor. Rep. mance. Rather, its proponents want Alas, this time Ms. White seems along gender and racial lines.”
owner-oriented attitude and a deep Carol Maloney (D., N.Y.) has been to open a new front in the campaign to be caving, though the same logic The professor’s radical views are
genuine interest in the Company.” pressuring the SEC to force compa- to have government allocate partici- holds. Mandating onerous, politically matched at the highest levels of the
This refreshingly direct disclosure nies to identify “each board nomi- pation in society for groups it desig- motivated diversity disclosures will Obama administration. The White
complies with a 2009 Securities and nee’s gender, race, and ethnicity.” nates as protected classes. Mr. Dhir, reduce return on shareholder invest- House’s relentless drive to redefine
Exchange Commission requirement Investors are not clamoring for Rep. Maloney and the others want ment by crowding out information America as a kaleidoscope of groups,
that companies disclose any plans politically motivated disclosure re- these disclosures so activists can use that does help evaluate a company’s rather than one united nation, is
regarding board diversity. Yet the quirements on the theory that forced them to intimidate companies. performance. about to invade the corporate board
SEC is no longer impressed. The reg- diversity improves performance, if Chairman White made this point “The corporation is a place of room. Warren Buffett, call your of-
ulatory agency is now threatening to they seek the requirements at all. in 2013 when fending off an effort by significant power in today’s world,” fice. Or, better yet, try your friends
mandate much stricter diversity dis- Berkshire—which chooses directors Sens. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Mr. Dhir argued in a blog post last in the Oval Office.
closures—which would allow activ- by integrity, business savvy and Harry Reid (D., Nev.) to have the SEC year. “Many companies have nearly
ists to intimidate firms into forced interest in the company—has en- require companies to disclose what as much influence over economic Mr. Gonzalez, a former speech-
affirmative-action programs. joyed good governance without di- they spent on political campaigns. and social relations as government, writer for SEC Chairman Christopher
“Companies’ disclosures on board versity initiatives. The company cur- Such mandates, she said at the time, and women and members of racial Cox (2005-06), is a senior fellow at
diversity in reporting under our cur- rently tracks the S&P 500 average “seem more directed at exerting so- and ethnic minority groups ought to the Heritage Foundation.

America Leaves Its Allies to Battle Each Other in Iraq

By Aziz Ahmad and Tehran, but Iraqi Kurds, grate- Peshmerga. The recent shelling of members of the anti-Islamic State troops in Iraq, the next U.S. presi-
ful for their rescue from Saddam Kurdish mountains by Iran under coalition are resurfacing. The U.S. dent ought to consider embedding

Erbil, Iraq Hussein’s genocidal intentions, the pretext of targeting an indige- can salvage the relationships be- advisers in these sensitive hotspots.
he U.S. presidential race is readily embraced America. nous Kurdish armed group has only tween its principal allies by re-en- In the long term, it is in America’s
ramping up, and with it have Since then, the Iraqi Kurds have caused added consternation. gaging politically in the Middle interest to support an independent
come declarations and prom- proved themselves to be staunch al- Deadly clashes between nominal East and recognizing there is no Iraqi Kurdistan and allow it to play
ises. But solutions from Donald lies and a stabilizing force in their U.S. allies have also permeated be- substitute for American leadership. a greater role in defusing regional
Trump and Hillary Clinton for solv- neighborhood, helping to defuse yond Iraq’s borders into Syria. Given Turkey’s strong relation- conflicts.
ing the turmoil in the Middle East conflicts. Now, however, the Kurds ship with Iraqi Kurds, America Meanwhile, in Syria, U.S. pres-
and the war on Islamic State won’t are locked between American allies should throw its weight behind sure on YPG can end the group’s
succeed unless the U.S. untangles unfriendly toward Kurdish aspira- Absent stronger leadership both allies for an immediate cease draconian policies toward other
the region’s webs of alliances and tions of independence and their from Washington, the fire and the return of both par- Kurdish factions not inextricably
enmities and recognizes America’s growing ties with the U.S. military. ties—PKK and Ankara—to talks in linked to the PKK. The return of
true friends. Attacks against Kurdish territory U.S.-Kurdish-Shiite the Kurdish capital, Erbil. To pre- the battle-hardened Roj Brigade,
It’s a task that will require the aren’t new. Violent spillovers from partnership against vent future clashes, PKK and its af- made up of 3,000 Syrian Kurdish
immediate attention of the next the perpetual conflict to the north filiates should respect Iraqi Kurdis- men and women based in Iraqi
president, and the candidates between Turkey and the Kurdistan Islamic State starts to fray. tan’s territory and obligations to Kurdistan, will ensure a quicker de-
should already be monitoring devel- Workers’ Party (PKK) have led to good neighborly relations by with- feat of Islamic State in northern
opments, especially recent deadly cross-border campaigns inside Iraqi drawing their forces. Syria (Rojava) and offset uncondi-
clashes between Kurdish Peshmerga Kurdistan. The conflict, which has There, the Kurdish People’s Defense The next administration should tional U.S. support to YPG. It would
forces and Iraqi Shiite paramilitar- claimed more than 40,000 lives, Units (YPG) are America’s principal also include stability factors in its also secure a broader Kurdish buy-
ies, as well as the renewed conflict was ended in 2013 thanks to a partners in the fight against Is- newfound detente with Iran and in and, backed by PKK peace talks,
in Turkey. These events underline peace process pushed by Kurdish lamic State. Yet their direct affilia- promote an equilibrium between re- potentially placate Turkish con-
what Washington prefers to ignore: President Masoud Barzani, only to tion with the PKK and coordination gional powers. Alas, the widespread cerns about creating a contiguous
U.S. allies in the Middle East are unravel in 2015, leading to renewed with Bashar Assad’s regime compli- perception among U.S. allies is that area in Rojava analogous to Iraqi
training their guns on each other, bloodshed and the displacement of cates a U.S.-backed effort to clear the nuclear deal comes at the ex- Kurdistan.
and this could unravel the fragile thousands. the remaining Islamic State-occu- pense of regional security and long- This would create a convergence
global coalition against Islamic Further exacerbating tensions pied area on the Turkish border. term U.S. engagement. between U.S. allies underpinned by
State. are the Iraqi Shiite militias that, YPG’s destructive blockade against In Iraq and Syria, there must be common interests and ensure that
Iraqi Kurdistan has been a long- backed by Iran and under the cover other Kurdish political factions is a political effort to ease Kurdish- Iraqi Kurdistan remains a beacon of
standing and reliable ally of the of U.S. warplanes, have cleared sig- also preventing the return of thou- Arab tensions and offer alternatives stability.
U.S. The friendship began in the af- nificant territory from Islamic sands of experienced fighters eager to YPG. U.S. military support to
termath of the 1991 Gulf War after State. Their deployment to areas to join the fight against Islamic Iraqi groups should depend on their Mr. Ahmad is an assistant to the
the U.S. imposed a no-fly zone in that the Kurds have already retaken State. withdrawal from all areas cleared chancellor of the Kurdistan Re-
the region. Washington was short from Islamic State has led to As Islamic State loses ground, by the Peshmerga to prevent future gional Security Council. He writes
on friends in Baghdad, Damascus clashes and the deaths of several historical enmities among various clashes. Given the number of U.S. in a personal capacity.

India’s Human Rights Own Goal

By Sadanand Dhume Kashmir. Some members of the audi- publicly chant slogans offensive to without merit. But it’s one thing to elections in Kashmir.

ence reportedly raised slogans de- many Indians—as one of the coun- criticize an organization you don’t To his credit, Mr. Modi under-
t takes talent to turn an obscure manding freedom from Indian rule. try’s great strengths, many BJP sup- agree with, and quite another to try stands these global trends. He also
discussion in Bangalore on hu- The human rights group has dis- porters see it as a weakness. and shut it down over that disagree- recognizes that an India jammed be-
man rights into an international missed the charges as “without sub- Though an opposition Congress ment. Virtually every major democ- tween a hostile Pakistan and an in-
embarrassment for the Indian gov- stance.” Party government controls the police racy in the world observes this dis- creasingly assertive China must cul-
ernment. But you can trust the Akhil For Prime Minister Narendra investigating the incident, BJP lead- tinction. Only authoritarian countries tivate closer ties with the West in
Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, a stu- Modi, the showdown with Amnesty ers have been at the forefront of such as China, Russia and Turkey order to protect its interests, mod-
dent group affiliated with the ruling is only the latest in a string of con- whipping up passions against Am- routinely use heavy-handed laws to ernize its military and grow its econ-
Bharatiya Janata Party, to pull off frontations with international non- nesty International on the streets crush non-governmental opposition. omy.
such a feat. governmental organizations includ- and on national television. To possi- It’s no coincidence that Mr. Modi
On Monday, following demands by ing Greenpeace and the Ford bly add to the NGO’s woes, the fed- has visited the U.S. four times since
ABVP activists, Bangalore police filed Foundation. The pattern underscores eral government has reportedly A sedition charge brought his election two years ago. Or that
a preliminary complaint against the tension between Mr. Modi’s prag- opened an investigation into its by BJP activists against the first person he invited to preside
Indian chapter of the global human matic foreign policy and his party’s funding. over India’s Republic Day (in 2015)
rights group Amnesty International sometimes dyspeptic base. To be sure, the odds of any Am- Amnesty International was President Barack Obama.
for, among other things, sedition and On the world stage, Mr. Modi has nesty International employee facing undermines Narendra As part of his diplomatic strategy,
promoting enmity among communi- used India’s democracy to forge criminal charges, let alone going to Mr. Modi has artfully highlighted In-
ties. closer ties with the United States, prison, are exceedingly slim. The In- Modi’s foreign policy. dia’s commitment to democracy. In
The charges followed an Amnesty Japan and other like-minded coun- dian Supreme Court has long held Tokyo in 2014, Mr. Modi character-
International event Aug. 13 on al- tries. But instead of seeing demo- that a harsh colonial-era sedition law ized India and Japan as “two peace-
leged human rights abuses in Indian cratic values—including the right to can only be used to curb speech that Moreover, the case against Am- loving and democratic nations.”
incites violence or threatens public nesty in India is built on a funda- At the British Parliament last year,
order. Nonetheless, faced with ongo- mental mischaracterization of geo- Mr. Modi expressed his appreciation
ing protests, on Wednesday Amnesty politics. Many of the organization’s for being invited to speak at a “tem-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY temporarily shut its Indian offices critics see human rights groups as ple of democracy.” Addressing a joint
and postponed scheduled events in part of a deep-rooted Western con- session of the U.S. Congress earlier
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp Mumbai and Delhi. spiracy to dismember India. This this year, Mr. Modi invoked the
Gerard Baker William Lewis The BJP’s litany of complaints may have been halfway plausible “threads of freedom and liberty that
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher against Amnesty goes beyond the during the Cold War when India all- form a strong bond between our two
Rebecca Blumenstein, Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT:
Kashmir event. On television and so- but-formally tilted toward the Soviet democracies.”
Deputy Editors in Chief Ashley Huston, Chief Communications Officer; cial media, party officials have casti- Union. Today the idea is downright At home, in his annual Indepen-
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS: Paul Meller, Chief Technology Officer; gated Aakar Patel, an outspoken risible. dence Day address Monday, Mr. Modi
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journalist appointed last year to Over the past two decades, the made a sharp break from the past by
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The organization’s critics also economy have largely aligned West- ABVP protestor could possibly be-
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the Indian government, and too little every issue, but as a matter of pol- Pakistani army’s human rights
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: DJ Media Group: to the suffering of Kashmiri Hindus icy Washington seeks a strong In- abuses against the Baloch while si-
Trevor Fellows, Head of Global Sales; Almar Latour, Publisher; Kenneth Breen, driven into exile by militants. Some dia, not a weak one. This helps ex- multaneously going after Amnesty
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highlight Amnesty’s collaboration plain why the ongoing conflict in International over a bout of slogan-
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; with hardline Islamists in the United Kashmir attracts much less global eering at an event.
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head Kingdom—also criticized by this attention than it did 20 years ago.
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: newspaper—to question its even- So does India’s well-earned reputa- Mr. Dhume is a resident fellow at
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 handedness. tion for broadly respecting demo- the American Enterprise Institute,
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A16 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Above, the men’s 100-meter final, which Jamaican Usain Bolt, center, won for the third straight Olympics. As this year’s Games conclude this weekend, the U.S.-Jamaica track rivalry will be featured.

Rio’s Grand Finale
The final weekend of Olympic competition highlights fierce against South Africa and Iraq, but the
Seleção sneaked into the knockout
No sporting event celebrates its rivalries in men’s soccer, track and field, round and took apart Honduras 6-0
ending as ritualistically as the
women’s volleyball and men’s basketball in the semifinal Wednesday.
Neymar has not disappointed. In
The Olympic flame is extinguished. front of a packed Maracanã Stadium
The Olympic flag is passed to the has led his team to the final. His career Nickel Ashmeade, one of Bolt’s money and records. The Olympic Wednesday, it took him all of 15 sec-
next host city. The president of the with Barcelona and with the Brazilian teammates. marathon is about a championship. onds to send 75,000 fans into a
International Olympic Committee national team will continue, but he Yohan Blake, another teammate, The pace often slows in this tactical frenzy against Honduras. Just after
calls on “the youth of the world” to only played this tournament because it said after two consecutive Olympic tri- race, especially in the heat. the opening whistle, Neymar charged
gather once again in four years to was at home. His Olympic career will umphs the Jamaicans have gotten into As always the East Africans are the defense, threw his body in front
celebrate peace through sport. likely end Saturday. the heads of the Americans, who, for favored. Eliud Kipchoge of Kenya of goalkeeper Luis Lopez’s attempt at
It’s been a strange Olympics, with There will be other key moments all their speed, have occasionally been won this year’s London Marathon a clearance, and deflected the ball
the competitions often overshadowed that have nothing to do with goodbye. plagued by disqualifying trouble on in 2:03:05 and figures to be tough into the net.
by stories of sparse crowds, doping The U.S. men’s basketball team is the baton transfers. to beat, but a slow marathon in Now comes the final Saturday
controversies, pools with green water, fighting to maintain its supremacy. A “We have the mental edge because tough conditions makes less speedy against—Germany.
and the bizarre and still unraveling new marathon champion will be we are always winning,” said Blake. He and more strategic runners more
tale of an alleged “confrontation” of crowned. Volleyball, Brazil’s other na- said the Jamaicans are so sure of competitive. Basketball
four swimmers, including Ryan Lochte. tional sport, concludes with a U.S. themselves that they rarely practice. The U.S. brings two marathoners The Olympic basketball competi-
So far the prediction of the U.S. women’s team led by the legendary “We have the speed so we can just at opposite ends of their careers. tion has largely been an American
dominance led by the American coach Karch Kiraly poised to medal. concentrate on getting the baton Galen Rupp, winner of the U.S. tri- coronation since the NBA started
women has proved true. As of Thurs- Triathlete Gwen Jorgensen has been around and keeping it safe.” als, is running just his second mara- sending its best in 1992. The U.S.
day afternoon, the U.S. had 31 gold largely unbeatable for two years. She Asked what a final victory in the re- thon at age 30. Meb Keflezighi, who women have lost gold just once since
medals and 94 overall, followed by will try to work her magic Saturday lay would do for his legacy, Bolt said, won silver in 2004, is 41 years old 1984, the men only once since 1992.
Great Britain with 21 and 55. The U.S. morning under the crucible of Olympic “Someone told me that it would make and has run more than 20. If this There have been chinks in the ar-
women have won 19 gold medals and pressure on Copacabana Beach. me immortal. I’ll go with that.” isn’t his last race, it’s pretty close. mor this year though. Even with the
48 overall, compared with 11 gold and Friday afternoon, Maggie Steffens The rivalry is no less fierce on the Rupp, fifth in the 10,000 on Saturday, likes of Kevin Durant and Klay
41 overall for the men. Another five will lead the U.S. women’s water polo women’s side, where upstart Ameri- has speed in the final miles. Ke- Thompson, the men have eked out
medals, one of them gold, have come team’s quest for a second consecutive cans Tori Bowie and English Gardner flezighi has proved he can get to a three-point wins twice so far. They
from mixed events. gold against Italy. will try to out-run the defending podium in tough conditions and on a were losing to Australia at halftime
But there is still the matter of the Here are some weekend highlights: world champion Jamaicans, who are flat course. in group play before squeaking out
final weekend of competition. This led by 100-meter gold and bronze “This sets up pretty well for Meb,” a win. In the semis Friday, they will
one brings special poignancy. For all Track and Field medalists Elaine Thompson and said his coach Bob Larsen. “He knows have to get by Spain, who pushed a
the breakout performances from im- One of the great rivalries in sports Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce. how to race.” better U.S. team in the 2012 Olym-
pressive 19-year-olds, such as gym- today is the U.S. vs. Jamaica in the The U.S. will rerun the 4x100 relay pic final. The Aussies likely await in
nast Simone Biles and swimmer Ka- sprint relays. In relays, the ultimate preliminary Thursday night. Either Soccer the final. The days of automatic
tie Ledecky, who each won four gold individual sport becomes a team way, the U.S. will seek revenge Satur- Olympic soccer generally takes a gold medals appear to be over for
medals, these Games seem all about competition. The small island nation day night in the 4x400 relays. Felix back seat to other major tourna- the U.S. men.
the swan song. that has less than 1% of the popula- will take her star turn in the event and ments, in part because rules allow The women are more of a sure
Just as Michael Phelps won five tion of the U.S., has been virtually LaShawn Merritt will try to win back a only three players on each team older thing. They had an average margin
gold medals and a silver and prom- unbeatable during Bolt’s electric ca- gold medal that the U.S. lost in 2012 than 23 years old. of victory of 42 points through the
ised he was done after a triumphant reer, which began in earnest in Bei- when Merritt and a teammate suffered But this tournament is different. quarterfinals, but even they needed
swim meet, the sublime Jamaican jing when he was 21 years old. leg injuries before the final. It’s in Brazil, the game’s spiritual a second-half burst to beat Japan
sprinter Usain Bolt says his Olympic Bolt’s ability to win races so effort- And for those who still crave an in- home, and Neymar and his mates are Tuesday. It’s a veteran team with its
career will end with the 4x100-meter lessly, mugging for the cameras as he dividual track race, Mo Farah of Great on a redemption mission after losing own crew of aging and rickety
relay Friday night. It’s hard to imag- approaches finish lines, has left the Britain will go for a repeat 5k-10k gold to Germany 7-1 in the World Cup Olympic swan-songers.
ine sprinter Allyson Felix, the most world breathless. Coming into the medal double. Farah’s finishing kick is semifinals here two years ago. Ney- “Right now, it’s more your
decorated U.S. woman in track and Games, the mission for Friday night downright clinical. He fell in the mid- mar fractured his back in the quarter- mind—it’s mind over matter,” said
field, making another American team was to provide Bolt with an unprece- dle of the 10,000 and still won. final that year and ever since the guard Diana Taurasi, who is playing
four years from now. She is 30 years dented capstone of his career—a third drubbing by Germany he has pledged for her fourth consecutive team
old and first ran in the Olympics in straight sweep of the 100, 200 and the Men’s Marathon to win an Olympic gold for his coun- gold medal in Rio and may be at the
2004, when she was 18. 4x100-meter gold medals. In nearly every other marathon, try at home. end of her Olympic road. “I’m 34.
Neymar, the Brazilian soccer star, “We are very motivated,” said the top runners are chasing prize It didn’t start out well, with draws Everything hurts.”

Did Pool Favor Some Swimmers?

BY RACHEL BACHMAN heats got slower. They posted times fected outcomes in longer races isn’t

about a half percent slower in the clear. But in the one-length 50-meter
RIO DE JANEIRO—The 50-meter subsequent round—even though pace race, swimmers in the high-number
Olympic freestyle is an all-out sprint tends to quicken as events progress. lanes appeared to gain a benefit. In re-
that confers upon its winner the title Of the three male and three fe- sponse to the 2014 study, a representa-
of fastest swimmer in the world. male medalists in the 50 freestyle fi- tive of Myrtha Pools acknowledged at
But a disturbing question is aris- nals, five swam in lanes 4 through 8. the time that “the times would say
ing about the 50-meter competitions The exception was American An- there was” a current in the pool.
just completed here at the Rio thony Ervin, who won the 50-free Myrtha constructed the pool used
Games: Did a current favor athletes gold medal swimming in lane 3. Per- at the 2013 world championships in
on one side of the pool? nille Blume of Denmark won the Barcelona and it also constructed the
Three scientists who previously women’s 50 free in lane 4. pool used at the Rio Olympics. Both fa-
published peer-reviewed work show- “It’s a big deal. This is horrific,” cilities are so-called temporary pools,
ing that a current influenced 50- said Stager, whose co-researchers built especially for a competition and
meter races at the 2013 world cham- were Chris Brammer, a doctoral can- then deconstructed.
pionships say that the same problem didate in exercise physiology at Indi- Contacted this week, Trevor Tif- Researchers studying Olympic results in Rio de Janeiro have found that
appears to have existed in the Olym- ana University, and Eastern Michigan fany, chairman of the board for swimmers posted faster times in the higher-numbered lanes, including the 50-
pic pool in Rio. Led by Joel Stager, University professor Andrew Cornett. Myrtha Pools USA, said company offi- meter men’s freestyle, with unusually high regularity.
director of Indiana University’s Officials at FINA, swimming’s cials floated a large jug in the Rio pool
Counsilman Center for the Science of world governing body, said they before and during competition to test A paper published in March by slower while heading toward the start-
Swimming, the three researchers say were reviewing the analysis. for a current. the same authors in the Journal of ing blocks than they swam while mov-
that Olympic results this month sug- The alleged irregularities in times “We were required to do tests to Sports Sciences analyzed the results ing away from them, according to an
gest that a current boosted 50-meter at Rio’s pool appear to parallel those show that there was no movement of from 17 swimming competitions analysis of split times by Brammer.
competitors in the higher-numbered documented in two published papers water, and the tests were conclusive from 2000 to 2013. Swimmers in lanes 6 through 8
lanes of the eight-lane pool. by Stager, Brammer and Cornett. that there was no movement of water,” It found that biases in times showed the reverse, logging faster
As evidence, they note that of the One paper studying the 2013 world Tiffany said. If any current had been linked to specific lanes and direc- times while moving toward the start-
eight men and eight women who championships, published in 2014 in detected, “obviously it would have tions occurred more often in tempo- ing blocks than they did away from
swam fast enough during the 50- the journal Medicine & Science in been of concern to us and of concern rary pools like the one in Rio than in them, according to Brammer. The
meter semifinals to qualify for the fi- Sports & Exercise, showed that the to FINA,” swimming’s international permanent pools. closer swimmers were to lanes 1 and 8,
nal, all but one swam in lanes 4 highest-numbered three lanes in the governing body. In Rio, the lane bias also showed up the outer lanes of the pool, the greater
through 8. Moreover, athletes who eight-lane pool were faster in one di- “If we saw there was a current, in the 800-meter and 1,500-meter the effects on times, he said.
swam in lanes 5 through 8 during rection, and the lowest-numbered we’d have done something about it,” races, the other events analyzed by the The International Olympic Com-
preliminaries or semifinals and faster in the other. Tiffany said. “There was no indica- researchers. Swimmers in lanes 1 mittee didn’t immediately respond
moved to lanes 1 through 4 for later Whether the suspected current af- tion whatsoever.” through 3 swam as much as .6 seconds to a request for comment.
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Euro vs. Dollar

1.1336 s 0.41% FTSE 100
6868.96 s 0.14% Gold
1351.20 s 0.63% WTI crude
48.22 s 3.06% German Bund
yield -0.079% 10-Year Treasury
yield 1.536%

1.15 6500 1290 45 0.20 1.50

1.10 6000 1240 40 0.00 0.75

1.05 5500 1190 35 -0.20 0.00

As of 4 p.m. ET Sources: Tullett Prebon; SIX Financial

© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | B1

Uber to Test Self-Driving Taxis Uptick

Brent crude-oil futures price
$120 a barrel

Car-hailing service to Corp. XC90 sport-utility vehi- implying a value of around ers have said it will be many Silicon Valley roads. 100
cles on the road in Pittsburgh, $680 million based on Uber’s years before autonomous vehi- Ride-hailing companies say Thursday: $50.89
soon launch effort in where some customers will be most recent valuation. cles are ubiquitous. their services help reduce the 80 2.1%
U.S.; strikes deal with able to summon them for Uber Chief Executive Tra- Ford Motor Co. this week need for car ownership as
short trips within the city. The vis Kalanick has said he ex- set a goal of producing fully only dedicated drivers or driv-
Geely’s Volvo for cars SUVs will have a human helper pects computer-controlled ve- self-driving vehicles with no erless cars would be needed

in the driver seat in the event hicles to one day replace the steering wheel or pedals in the future. By enlisting au-
BY GREG BENSINGER a trip goes awry. company’s legions of human- within the next five years. tonomous vehicles, Uber also
AND JOHN D. STOLL As part of that effort, Uber operated cars. Such autos, in General Motors Co., which eliminates the need to pay its
reached a $300 million deal concert with others on the has invested $500 million in fleet of contracted drivers, 20
Uber Technologies Inc. will with Swedish car maker Volvo road, are believed by some Lyft, also plans to test auton- many of whom have been agi-
enable customers in Pitts- to co-develop additional au- regulators and industry exec- omous Chevrolet Bolt taxis tating for higher wages and 0
burgh later this month to tonomous SUVs. utives to be safer and more with its partner next year us- benefits such as more com- ’14 ’15 ’16
summon rides from autono- The San Francisco company reliable than traditional auto- ing technology it acquired prehensive insurance. Source: WSJ Market Data Group
mous vehicles, a bid to be the also agreed to acquire Otto- mobiles, which are prone to earlier this year in a $1 bil- Volvo will conduct much of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
first in a race among automo- motto LLC, a Silicon Valley human error. lion deal for startup Cruise the initial engineering on a
bile and technology companies
to make driverless cars widely
startup working on self-driv-
ing tractor trailers. That deal
could be valued at about 1% of
Others share in Uber’s
dream, including the largest
U.S. auto manufacturers and
Automation Inc.
And Alphabet Inc.’s Google
has taken a lead on developing
platform for an XC90 SUV that
is capable of piloting itself.
Uber and Volvo will use that
Oil Firms
On Thursday, Uber said it
would soon put 100 Volvo Car
Uber equity, according to a
person familiar with matter,
Lyft Inc., Uber’s chief rival in
ride hailing. But Uber and oth-
driverless vehicles, with test
vehicles already cruising along
technology as the foundation
Please see UBER page B3 Need Rally
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Even More
China: The LONDON—A rally that
pushed international crude-oil

Priciest prices above $50 a barrel

Thursday is a welcome sign for
many energy companies but

Market not enough to kick-start an in-

dustry in the midst of a two-
year slump, executives said.
Investors are about to be
welcomed to New China. By Sarah Kent,
But can they afford the en- Selina Williams
try ticket?
The long-awaited an-
Meat Casino 2005 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16*
and Erin Ailworth

nouncement of the Shen- For nearly a century, “We’re in a little bit of an

zhen-Hong Kong trading link meatpackers physically 75 upswing at the moment and
means easy bought and sold everybody’s got a smile on
access to a cattle for cash, setting a their face because we might
market fa- market price. But over time be at $50 a barrel,” said Tony
vored by the these transactions declined. 50 Durrant, chief executive of
privately Now, a handful of cash Premier Oil PLC, a British oil
owned con- trades serve as a proxy for company with operations
STREETWISE sumer, much of the industry's base from the North Sea to the
JAMES health-care price, prompting big swings 25 Falkland Islands.
MACKINTOSH and technol- in futures prices. But, Mr. Durrant said in an
ogy stocks PERCENTAGE OF interview on Thursday, “ev-
that ought CATTLE-MARKET ery day of every week I’m
to be the winners from the TRADING BY TYPE 0 talking to our joint-venture
remaking of China. partners around the world
Cash Formula Forward contract Negotiated grid
Unfortunately, others got and I hear people still cancel-
A negotiated transaction A contract to buy or sell at a An agreement to buy or A negotiation between a
there first. Shenzhen is the between a buyer and a base price that is discovered sell at a fixed or base price, buyer and a seller that
ing projects.”
world’s most expensive ma- seller who exchange cattle elsewhere—such as the like a futures contract, results in an agreeable Oil prices remain far below
jor market, one of only two for an agreed-upon price national cash market more than two weeks into base price, with specified the $100-a-barrel area that
tracked by Absolute Strategy average—plus or minus the future premiums and discounts for energy companies had become
Research trading at more *2016 data through May premiums or discounts higher or lower meat quality accustomed to during a nearly
than 20 times forward earn- Source: USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News (data); decadelong run that ended in
Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post/Getty Images (photo) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
ings (the other is New Zea- 2014, when a global oversup-
land). The transformation of ply of crude sent prices skit-

A Mad Market for Cattle Futures

China is priced in already. tering down to as low as $27 a
The opposite is true for barrel in January. On Thurs-
the state-owned banks and day, Brent crude, the interna-
smokestack stocks listed in tional benchmark, breached
Shanghai. Shanghai is no lon- BY KELSEY GEE makes major moves for no rea- has highlighted the extent of been around a long time aren’t $50 a barrel for the first time
ger screamingly cheap, as it son,” said Blake Albers, a cat- the problem. Revenue from putting as many positions on,” in six weeks and, along with
was when its trading link to CHICAGO—Wild swings in tle feeder in Wisner, Neb. cattle sales is forecast to drop said Dan Norcini, an indepen- the U.S. benchmark, entered
Hong Kong was announced in the cattle futures market have The decision to delay new 3.9% this year to $73.6 billion, dent livestock-futures trader in bull-market territory.
2014. But like other emerg- prompted some traders to call contract listings is the culmina- after falling 5.7% in 2015, ac- Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. “It’s just The rebound isn’t enough
ing markets, its sub-13-times it “the meat casino.” tion of alarms raised by the ex- cording to U.S. Department of not worth the risk anymore, yet to solve the problems of
price/earnings ratio is well In response, the world’s change and industry groups this Agriculture data. when there’s no rhyme or rea- even the biggest and most re-
below developed markets. largest futures exchange has year that problems in the physi- Live-cattle futures climbed son to these price swings.” silient oil companies.
Investors face a dilemma. refused to list new contracts, cal marketplace have affected as high as $1.4155 a pound be- Through July, futures vol- It won’t be until next year
Shanghai is deservedly leaving ranchers with fewer futures—a highly unusual melt- fore free-falling to $1.1580 ume fell 1.9% compared with that BP PLC plans to generate
cheap, dominated by banks tools to hedge the $10.9 billion down in a market that has at- over seven weeks this spring. the same period in 2015, and enough cash to be cash-flow
that are widely believed to market. CME Group Inc. said tracted more speculators. That represents more than a was down 9.7% from 2014, ac- neutral—meaning it can cover
be understating bad loans that is because trading of Few producers complained $10,000 drop in income for a cording to CME data. its capital spending and divi-
and with a long tail of un- physical cattle has become so as cattle prices surged to re- single contract. Many produc- Each futures contract repre- dend payouts—with oil prices
wanted miners and state- scant that the futures market cord highs in 2014 and early ers have lost money as prices sents the obligation to buy or Please see OIL page B2
controlled industrials. Shen- can’t get the signals it needs 2015. But as prices this sum- tumbled to a five-year low of sell 40,000 pounds, or around
zhen offers growth, but at a to set prices. mer sank to five-year lows, fi- $1.07525 a pound this summer. 35 head, of cattle. While few  Stocks in Europe end streak
high price: 25.7 times esti- “It’s madness. The market nancial strain on the industry “Guys like me who have Please see CATTLE page B2 of losses........................................ B5
mated earnings for the next
12 months. The median com-
pany trades at an eye-water-
ing 67 times trailing earn-
ings, according to research
house Gavekal.
Harley-Davidson to Pay
Adjust for the very high
expected profit growth in
Shenzhen, though, and New
$15 Million in Emissions Suit
and Old China seem about
equally valued, according to BY ARUNA VISWANATHA vironmental Protection its cheating on diesel-emis-
calculations by Kinger Lau, AND BOB TITA Agency. sions tests, and other car mak-
chief China equity strategist “We disagree with the EPA’s ers including Mercedes-Benz
at Goldman Sachs. Put an- Harley-Davidson Inc. position,” a spokeswoman for maker Daimler AG face similar
other way, valuations seem reached a $15 million settle- Harley said. “But we’re going investigations.
entirely rational—so long as ment to resolve U.S. claims to move forward and settle” “Given Harley-Davidson’s

you agree that profit growth that it violated air-pollution the complaint. prominence in the industry,
of close to 25% a year is likely laws amid growing govern- As part of the deal, which this is a very significant step
from the more-expensive ment scrutiny of vehicle emis- involves no admission of toward our goal of stopping
companies. As Mr. Lau says, sions on the road. wrongdoing by the company, the sale of illegal aftermarket
“Expectation for New China is The company made or sold Harley will stop selling the de- defeat devices that cause
definitely pretty high.” 340,000 “super tuner” devices vices by Aug. 23. It also harmful pollution on our roads
One argument for cough- that improved engine perfor- agreed to buy back and de- and in our communities,” said
ing up for New China is that mance but increased engine stroy any of the devices still in John Cruden, who runs the
Old China is so obviously po- exhaust to levels beyond the stock at dealerships. Justice Department’s environ-
litical. The 10 largest banks emissions levels the company The settlement comes as ment division.
in Shanghai make up more had certified with regulators, German auto giant Volks- The EPA discovered the al-
than a fifth of its market according to a complaint and wagen AG is in negotiations leged violations through a rou-
value, with the smallest of consent decree, both filed with the U.S. government that tine inspection and launched
them about the same size as Thursday by the Justice De- could result in a multibillion- an investigation.
Please see STREET page B2 partment on behalf of the En- dollar criminal penalty over Please see SETTLE page B2 Harley-Davidson is the sales leader in the U.S. motorcycle market.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B2 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Acton Capital Partners
Alibaba Group.............B3
Event Horizon Capital &
Ferrero International..B4
Fiat Chrysler
National Australia Bank
News Corp...................B4
Wal-Mart Pushes Up Profit
Ford Motor..................B1
Premier Oil..................B1
Retailer’s upgrades
FrontPoint Financial
Services Fund...........B8
Samsung Electronics..B3
at U.S. stores attract
Atlas Copco.................A6
Australia & New
G-H Sonterra Capital Master shoppers’ attention;
Fund .......................... B8
Zealand Banking Group
General Motors...........B1
GEO Group..................A7
Spotcap ....................... B5 low gas prices a boon
Starmind ..................... B5
Banca Monte dei Paschi Goldman Sachs Group B5
HarperCollins Publishers T-V
di Siena.....................B7 BY SARAH NASSAUER
BancorpSouth Bank....B7 .....................................B4 Target..........................B2


Hershey.......................B4 Tencent Holdings........B3
C-D Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is
Hormel Foods..............B4 Twitter ........................ B3
Chocoladefabriken Lindt HSBC ........................... B8 21st Century Fox........B4 reaping the benefits of spend-
& Spruengli...............B4 Uber Technologies ...... B1
Chonqing Casin I-M ing heavily to improve stores
Enterprise Group......B5 Intel.............................B3
Vanguard Group..........B8 and draw shoppers, a sign that
CHX Holdings..............B5 International Business retailers need to work hard to
Vestas Wind SystemsB4
Citigroup......................B5 Machines...................B3
Visium Asset lure customers in an era of
CME Group..................B1 Lenovo Group.........B3,B8
Management ............ A1 changing shopping behavior.
Corrections of America Macquarie Group ........ B8
.....................................A7 Macy's.........................B2 W-Z Wal-Mart, previously the
Credit Suisse Group ... B5 Mars............................B4 Wal-Mart Stores.........B2
Mondelez International Westpac Banking........B8
poster child of staid retailers,
Domo...........................B3 .....................................B4 Zhejiang Geely Holding reported strong second-quar-
DP World.....................B4 Morgan Stanley..........B5 Group.........................B3 ter results on Thursday, with
sales at established stores up

INDEX TO PEOPLE for the eighth consecutive

quarter and more shoppers
visiting for the seventh period
A Hsieh, Arthur..............B3 R in a row. The retailer recently spent billions to make the company’s U.S. stores more efficient and pleasant.
Ailes, Roger ................ B4 I Raytcheva, Anna.........B5 The report followed weak
Ashe, Neil ................... B2 Ike, John .................... W2 Reider, Rachel............W2 sales from rival Target Corp. gains and low gasoline prices earnings Thursday. Those cus- the company were up 1.8% at
B Rodina, Maria............W2 and mixed results from other are boosting household bud- tomers are visiting more of- $74.26 late Thursday.
K U.S. chains. Analysts said gets. But retailers touting ten, Mr. Foran said. Consumers are still “a little
Barnett, Kimberly......W2 Roger, François-Xavier
Kalanick, Travis...........B1 Americans are willing to shop, clothes, electronics and house- Executives attributed sales more cautious than the num-
Beldock, Brett............W2 .....................................B4
Kennedy, ChristopherW2 but favor stores that offer a hold staples from physical gains in the U.S. to improve- bers might indicate,” said
Biederman, Jay...........B3 Kerin, John..................B5 S deal, slick service or an expe- stores are struggling to adjust ments they have made to Brett Biggs, the retailer’s fi-
Blaszczak, David.........A1 Korbmacher, Martin....B5 Sallick, Peter ............. W2 rience that is difficult to pitch to other changes in consumer stores, as well lower gasoline nance chief. “But overall, we
Bottenbruch, Dagmar.B5 Seehaus, Frank ........... B5 online, such as buying bulky behavior. prices that left shoppers with are seeing a consumer that is
Burnham, Betsy.........W2 Swinehart, Meredith.W2 lumber or fresh produce. Americans are being asked more money to spend. For the acting quite steadily.”
Lamel, Rachel............W1
C T This week home-improve- to spend more on health care first time in nine quarters, Wal-Mart is paying heavily
Lau, Kinger..................B1
Carandini, Filippo.......W2 ment chain Home Depot Inc. as costs rise, and are choosing Wal-Mart’s e-commerce sales to boost sales. “Unfortunately,
Lehman, David............B2 Thomas, Phillip..........W2
Chappell, Jamie.........W1 reported a 4.7% jump in sales to spend more on services rose faster than the previous the price of this stability has
Levandowski, Anthony Triebel, Toby ............... B5
Corbat, Michael...........B5 at established stores for its such as travel and entertain- quarter. Sales were hurt by de- been a multiyear erosion in
.....................................B3 Truong, Quyen ............ B7 latest quarter, while TJX Cos., ment. And online retailers, flationary food prices, execu- margins and profitability,”
Cosby, Charlotte........W2 Lore, Marc...................B2 V the parent of T.J. Maxx, Home- mainly Inc., are tives said. John Zolidis, retail analyst at
D Lu, Jay.........................B5 Goods and other off-price gobbling up more spending. For the quarter ended July the Buckingham Research
Vari, Joe......................B3
Darcy, Bill...................W1 Lu, Shengju.................B5 chains, posted a 4% increase. Wal-Mart has poured bil- 31, Wal-Mart reported earn- Group, wrote in a note.
Viola, Fabrizio.............B7
Dennis, Richard...........B8 M Vollmer, Andrew.........B7 However, many apparel retail- lions recently into making its ings of $3.77 billion, or $1.21 a Wal-Mart’s operating in-
Dudley, Bob.................B2 Marakby, Sherif..........B3 ers and department stores U.S. stores more efficient and share, up 8.6% compared with come fell 7.2% in the latest
W have reported lower foot traf- pleasant, boosting employee a year-earlier profit of $3.48 quarter, mostly because of in-
F Moon, Wesley.....W1,W2
Wai, Wong Ming.........B3 fic and falling sales. wages and improving e-com- billion, or $1.08 a share. vestments in e-commerce and
Foran, Greg..................B2 Murad, Laith..............W2
Myama, Hymie .......... W2
Watson, Robin............B2 Target Chief Executive merce operations as it tries to Revenue edged up 0.5% to store-employee wage in-
H Brian Cornell said patchy con- fend off Amazon and keep $120.85 billion. creases.
Hager, Dave.................B2 N-P sumer spending was to blame. shoppers happy to roam its On Thursday, Wal-Mart Earlier this month, Wal-
Yuamqing, Yang..........B3
Henderson, Emily......W2 Norreri, Valeria...........B4 Macy’s Inc.’s executives 3,500 giant U.S. Supercenters lifted its profit outlook for the Mart agreed to purchase dis-
Herron, Dave...............B5 Pittenger, Robert........B5 Z pointed to encroaching compe- for paper towels or milk. fiscal year ending in January. count online retailer
Hoerger, Axel..............B5 Profumo, Alessandro..B7 Zolidis, John................B2 tition from online retailers. It “With transitions like this It also said sales at existing Inc. for $3.3 billion. Including
plans to close 100 stores, or you tend to gain first with ex- U.S. Wal-Mart stores, which the purchase and latest re-
14% of its physical store base, isting customers,” said Wal- rose 1.6% in the fiscal second sults, profit could fall as much

OIL outs are an important source

of income.
In June, when oil prices
were around $50 a barrel,
later this fiscal year.
A strong job market, wage
Mart U.S. CEO Greg Foran, on
a conference call to discuss
quarter, would rise 1% to 1.5%
in the third quarter. Shares in
as 9% this year, Mr. Biggs said
in an interview.

Continued from page B1

at $50 to $55 a barrel, even af-
ter a series of huge cost cuts.
Exxon Mobil Corp. has said it
Royal Dutch Shell PLC an-
nounced new spending cuts to
keep up its dividend payments,
adhering to what Chief Execu-
STREET Bulls Shop in Shenzhen
Shenzhen-listed stocks went to a big premium over Shanghai in
recent years as hopes grew for China’s economic rebalancing, but this
would be in a similar position tive Ben van Beurden called a Continued from page B1 year they have made no headway. Continued from page B1
next year at $40 to $80 a bar- “lower forever mind-set.” Shell the biggest company listed in The lawsuit said Harley-Da-
rel and Chevron Corp. has said is planning around prices in Shenzhen. If China makes 12-month forward price/earnings ratio vidson has made the tuners
it would balance its cash gen- the low $40s this year, rising bank equity holders share the 50 times earnings since 2008, including around
eration and spending at $52 a to $50 in 2017 and the mid- pain of the eventual bailout 15,000 “Screamin’ Eagle elec-
barrel next year—after as $60s in 2018. needed to deal with bad debts, 40 Shenzhen tronic fuel injection Race Tun-
much as $5 billion in asset The factors driving the mar- Shanghai’s market will be hit Shanghai ers” and around 325,000
sales. ket rally include the shrinking hard. 30 “Screamin’ Eagle Pro Super
As oil crosses back into $50 of an oil and gasoline glut. Yet, the future of Shenzhen Tuners,” which bypass emis-
territory, some U.S. shale pro- Last week, the International stocks is almost as political, sions control functions.
ducers with strong balance Energy Agency said crude-oil for all that its companies tend 10
The tuning devices were
sheets are starting to drill production would fall behind not to be state-controlled. The sold separately from Harley’s
again. For instance, Apache consumption for the first time government has a lot of say 0 motorcycles. The company
Corp., based in Houston, set its in years. over the pace of the rebalanc- said the devices were intended
2004 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
budget for 2016 assuming an On Wednesday, the U.S. En- ing of the economy from infra- for motorcycles used in
average oil price of $35 a bar- ergy Information Administra- structure, construction and A-share indexes closed-course racing competi-
rel, but higher prices in recent tion said U.S. crude inventories production to consumption, tions to increase the speed of
months have allowed it to add shrank by 2.7 million barrels and frequently slows the shift 0% the bikes. The devices also
a rig in Texas and keep two last week and gasoline stocks by boosting lending to Old –5 could be deployed for on-
drilling in the North Sea that it fell by 2.2 million barrels. China, as it did this year. As street motorcycles. The com-
was planning to release. At the same time, Saudi well as directing bank finance, –10 pany said it had sold the prod-
But Dave Hager, chief exec- Arabia, the world’s top crude- central and regional govern- –15 uct under “an accepted
utive of Devon Energy Corp., oil exporter, has signaled that ments decide on the pace of regulatory approach” for more
said many U.S. producers need it was willing to cooperate shutdowns of unwanted old –20 than two decades.
oil to hit $60. “I don’t think with other big producers in- factories and mines, and of –25 The company said the after-
you can generalize and say side and outside of the Organi- new investment. market-devices explained to
that $50 oil would signal a zation of the Petroleum Ex- Perhaps the simplest proxy –30 users the tuning levels at
strong recovery,” he said in a porting Countries, a 14-nation for the shift is the exchange Jan. 2016 Feb. March April May June July Aug. which an engine would be out
recent interview. “There are cartel the kingdom is part of. rate. If the yuan, also known of compliance with the EPA’s
many areas that are not as Energy companies have ex- as the renminbi, is strengthen- Note: through Wednesday regulations.
strong in economics.” pressed more optimism about ing, money is switched from Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Harley-Davidson also alleg-
Wood Mackenzie is fore- 2017. producers to consumers, from edly sold 12,682 motorcycles
casting that oil prices will av- The volatile recovery ties in exporters to importers. that Shenzhen hasn’t been driven economy, but also that that didn’t meet regulatory re-
erage $55 a barrel in 2017, as with the view that many large Since it began weakening a outperforming this year, it will happen faster than is quirements. The company
long as demand for oil holds oil companies have touted over year ago, China’s currency has matching Shanghai’s 12% loss. priced in already. didn’t include those vehicles,
up and U.S. production doesn’t the past few months: that the fallen against the dollar at the To justify buying into New Given the financial and po- from model years between
kick back in. The Scottish en- broad oversupply that sent fastest rate since its 1994 de- China at these prices, inves- litical difficulty of managing 2006 and 2008, on EPA certifi-
ergy consultancy said oil com- prices crashing would fade in valuation, before rising a little tors need to think not only the decline of the old and in- cation applications, according
panies have cut about $1 tril- the second half of the year, al- in the past month. It should that the country will be able debted state-owned industries, to the lawsuit.
lion of capital investment in lowing the market to tighten perhaps be no surprise, then, to shift to a consumption- that requires a lot of faith. The company agreed to pay
new oil and gas projects, from as storage tanks are gradually a $12 million penalty and
the shale fields of Texas to oil drained. spend $3 million on a clean-air
deposits in the North Sea,
from 2015 to 2020.
For the largest companies,
the uptick to $50 a barrel
How fast that ultimately
happens is crucial for big oil
companies. BP Chief Executive
Bob Dudley, who coined the
CATTLE means financial traders spend
most of the week with limited
up-to-date data.
“There is very little under-
around 18 months to grow to
slaughter weight, meaning
ranchers are exposed to possible
price swings in the 2017 winter.
Harley-Davidson noted in
its latest quarterly financial
report that it expected to pay
doesn’t help much in their phrase “lower for longer” Continued from page B1 lying information to use,” said Steve Sunderman, a partner a fine related to the case but
quest to maintain their divi- about oil prices, said last traders actually deliver or re- David Lehman, CME’s manag- at a feedlot in Norfolk, Neb., re- added it had reserved money
dend payouts to investors this month he is no longer “as pes- ceive livestock, they look to the ing director of commodity re- calls watching cattle futures for the case.
year. simistic as some.” price of cattle sold at auctions search. The CME has listed prices earlier this year rise and Harley is the sales leader in
The giant businesses don’t Earlier this week, Robin and at feedlots to keep futures only one live-cattle contract fall by more than one cent in the U.S. motorcycle market,
offer investors compelling Watson, CEO of oil-services prices anchored to the real since March and it is set to ex- just 15 minutes, unprecedented accounting for about half all
growth prospects as they company Wood Group PLC, world. But structural changes pire in October 2017. leaps in a market more accus- large motor bikes sold each
struggle to replace the millions said the end of low oil prices to the way cattle are bought The CME has formed a tomed to daily moves of frac- year. The company said last
of barrels they pump each could be in sight. and sold have made it harder working group with cattlemen tions of a penny. The swings month that it would cut ship-
year, making fat dividends an “It certainly feels like we’re to see physical market prices. to discuss fixes, including ways made him uneasy about locking ments of motorcycles this year
important selling point for in- around the bottom,” he said in For nearly a century, meat- to increase the number of cash in a hedge for his cattle on a because of falling sales in the
vestors. For many retirees who an interview. packers and producers would traders. The exchange short- Friday, when prices had climbed U.S. that the company attri-
buy stocks directly or through —Bradley Olson in Houston haul animals to stockyards and ened trading hours for the live- over $1.15 a pound only to settle buted to riders’ anxiety about
pension funds, the regular pay- contributed to this article. auction barns, to physically stock futures contracts in Feb- at $1.12975, thinking the market the U.S. political climate and
buy and sell thousands of cat- ruary to confine market would likely climb further. global economic conditions.
tle almost daily for cash. activity to the daytime, when “You lose confidence in The company now expects
The number of participants liquidity is higher, after ranch- your decision,” he said. shipments to be about 1%

The Mart negotiating prices started to

decrease in the 1980s and to-
day, only small number of cash
ers complained that specula-
tors had too great an impact on
prices in the evening trading.
Some in the cattle industry
blame high-frequency traders.
But CME said that opening up
above to 1% below last year’s
volume. The company also
lowered its projected operat-
trades—which take place just “Every aspect of the cattle markets to a diverse group of ing profit-margin range.
once or twice a week—serve as futures contract is under re- investors, including hedge Harley last month issued a
a proxy for the base price used view to see if there’s a way to funds and algorithmic traders, recall order for more than
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the futures market. That summer. They typically need 2015, the exchange said. forward unexpectedly.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | B3


Samsung’s Shares Set a Record Close

Technology company’s Apple Inc.’s market cap of The stock has traded almost tisan Partners Asset Manage-
$562 billion—the world’s larg- Tech Titans exclusively within a fixed band ment Inc., which manages $95
market cap hits $210 est—remains nearly three Samsung Electronics' shares rose 4.7% on Thursday to a record, since the beginning of 2012, billion in assets, and has been
billion, puts it within times that of Samsung. making the company the third Asian technology firm valued at more even as Samsung became one betting on Samsung for the
Samsung’s surge comes af- than $200 billion. of the world’s best-known past three years.
reach of Alibaba ter the Suwon, South Korea- technology brands, outselling In an interview, Mr. Vari
based company reported its Company Home Market capitalization, in billions† Apple by as much as three chalked up Samsung Electron-
BY JONATHAN CHENG most profitable quarter in two smartphones to one at one ics’ improved fortunes to the
Tencent Holdings China $248
years last month, as operating point. company’s long-term focus
SEOUL—After three years of profit at its mobile unit Alibaba Group Holding* China 242 Investors, however, re- and its improved shareholder
struggle, shares of Samsung jumped 57% in the April-to- Samsung Electronics South Korea 210 mained unimpressed with returns.
Electronics Co. set an all-time June period from a year ear- Taiwan Semiconductor Taiwan 145
Samsung’s paltry dividends Artisan Partners began buy-
closing high Thursday, capping lier. Manufacturing and unconvinced about the ing shares of Samsung in late
a 30% rally this year that un- The company’s recent surge company’s ability to sustain its 2013 and has steadily boosted
SoftBank Group Japan 81
derscores the technology gi- gives its stock even more sway smartphone lead, as other its shareholdings in Samsung
ant’s improved fortunes. over South Korea’s stock mar- Tata Consultancy Services India 78 once-dominant mobile-phone over the past three years, Mr.
Shares of the world’s larg- ket, where it is already the Baidu* China 60 players like Nokia Corp., Mo- Vari said. Samsung is the big-
est maker of smartphones by biggest component on the torola and BlackBerry Ltd. gest shareholding in Artisan’s
Keyence Japan 44
shipments rose 4.7% to finish country’s market cap-weighted quickly lost their crowns. $11.1 billion International
the day at 1,640,000 Korean benchmark, the Kospi compos- Hon Hai Precision Industry Taiwan 44 Unlike those companies, Value Investor fund, account-
won ($1,480) apiece, giving ite index. Sony Japan 42 Samsung has bounced back af- ing for 5.2% of the fund at the
Samsung a market capitaliza- Samsung accounts for about ter two difficult years in end of June.
tion of 232 trillion won ($210 21% of the South Korean stock *As of New York’s Wednesday close †As of Thursday smartphone wars to reassert Samsung’s continued in-
billion). market by market cap, and is Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. itself as the industry’s domi- vestment in semiconductors
That makes Samsung five more valuable than the index’s nant player. and display panels—on the
times as valuable as Japan’s eight next biggest companies over the same period amid ings for the first time in sev- Samsung has managed to magnitude of almost $20 bil-
Sony Corp. and puts it within combined, a list that includes slumping iPhone sales. eral years, according to data push its mobile-profit margin lion a year—has given it a
reach of Chinese internet gi- Hyundai Motor Co. and SK Samsung’s price-to-earnings from FactSet, while Apple’s ra- back up to 16%, the highest technological lead over rivals
ants Alibaba Group Holding Hynix Inc., the world’s second- ratio, a measure of the pre- tio has gradually fallen to level since 2014, after the com- like Micron Technology Inc. in
Ltd. and Tencent Holdings largest producer of memory mium that investors assign to about 12.6 times at the end of pany’s profit margin was rav- memory chips and LG Display
Ltd. as Asia’s most valuable chips. a company relative to profit July. aged by competition from low- Co. in smartphone displays.
technology companies. The tech giant’s stock gains, expectations, has nearly Samsung’s rise this year cost Chinese handset makers. That positions Samsung well
It also puts Samsung ahead which have boosted the com- caught up with Apple for the into fresh record territory “These guys pulled them- to ramp up its sales of smart-
of Intel Corp., Coca-Cola Co. pany’s value by 44% over the first time in about three years. comes as vindication for long- selves up from the abyss,” said phone components to handset
and Visa Inc. in market-cap past year, stand in contrast to Samsung shares recently rose suffering shareholders of the Joe Vari, a San Francisco- companies like Apple and ri-
rankings, though main rival Apple, which has fallen 5.8% to trade above 10 times earn- company. based portfolio manager at Ar- vals in China, analysts said.

Twitter Targets Lenovo Turns to Property for Boost

Extremist Content BY EVA DOU

BEIJING—Sales of personal
shown in other operating in-
come in our financial state-
ments,” Mr. Wong said, ac-
Share Reaction
Lenovo’s share price, intraday
ground to close at 5.47 Hong
Kong dollars (71 U.S. cents)—
still a 2.2% rise from Wednes-
computers might be on the cording to the transcript. minute-by-minute day’s close. The company said
BY YOREE KOH tacks, Twitter said. wane, but at least there is real “We will continue to look its net income rose 64% from
Other metrics—such as the estate. for such asset-monetization a year earlier to US$173 mil-
Twitter Inc. said on Thurs- amount of time it takes to re- Electronics manufacturer opportunities to fund some of lion. Sales fell 5.6% to US$10.1
day that it has suspended spond to flagged accounts for Lenovo Group Ltd. posted our investments to drive our billion, from US$10.7 billion.
235,000 terrorist-related ac- suspension, the lifespan of fiscal first-quarter earnings business growth.” Lenovo said revenue for its
5.55 Aug. 18:
counts over the past six these accounts and the number Thursday that beat analysts’ Some industry analysts PC and smart-device business
months, nearly double as of followers these accounts are estimates, but only because questioned the company’s de- HK$5.47 declined 7%, while mobile
many as in the previous pe- able to accrue—have “all de- of the sale of a property in cision to include the property sales fell 6% and its data-cen-
riod, reflecting stepped up ef- creased dramatically” over the Beijing. Its sales of PCs and sale in its operating profit, ter business rose 1%.
forts to curb the proliferation last six months, said Twitter in mobile devices continued to given that real estate isn’t a The company is facing the
of extremist content on the so- a blog post. decline. continuing business for the same stiff winds affecting its
cial media site. Experts have noticed a drop Lenovo reported operating technology company. industry rivals. World-wide,
Twitter, which relies mostly in Islamic State’s presence on profit, a metric that investors “At my first glance at the PC shipments declined 4.5% in
on users to flag content before Twitter as well. An analysis of use to gauge a company’s per- numbers, I thought it was the second quarter and growth
it takes action, said in a blog English-language pro-ISIS formance, of US$245 million great,” said Arthur Hsieh, a 4p.m. 9:30 a.m. Noon 4p.m. in the smartphone market
post it has recently invested in Twitter accounts in 2015 for the quarter ended June 30, tech-sector analyst at UBS. Wednesday Thursday slipped to 0.3%, according to
bigger teams reviewing re- showed that the frequent sus- more than doubling from “But the more I dive into the Source: FactSet market-research firm IDC.
ports 24 hours a day, and bet- pensions have limited the US$96 million a year earlier. details, the more I think it is THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Lenovo said this year that
ter spam-detection tools and reach of repeat offenders, ac- Executives, speaking on a really not that great.” integrating its acquisitions of
language capabilities. cording to a report from the conference call, attributed 49% Lenovo said the company by a tech company would be Motorola Mobility and an IBM
One third of the suspended George Washington Univer- of the latest sum, or US$120 consistently has classified listed as a one-time, nonoper- server unit has been more
accounts were identified sity’s Program on Extremism million, to the property sale. property sales as operating in- ating item, he said. But com- challenging than expected.
thanks to the spam tools, released in February. Chief Financial Officer come, “as these transactions panies using International Fi- Lenovo Chief Executive
Twitter said. Earlier this year, a lawsuit Wong Wai Ming said during form an integral part of the nancial Reporting Standards, Yang Yuanqing said on a sepa-
“There is no one ‘magic al- the call that the sale of the operating activities of Len- or IFRS, have the option to list rate call with reporters that
gorithm’ for identifying ter- property, which it will lease ovo.” it as an operating or nonoper- the company was investing
rorist content on the internet,”
The site suspended back, was part of efforts to The earnings highlight an ating item, he said. heavily in marketing and re-
Twitter said in its blog post. 235,000 terrorist- “monetize our noncore operat- accounting difference between The reported operating- tail channels for its smart-
The efforts come after ing assets” to free up cash to the U.S. and countries such as profit figure of US$245 million phone business. “We defi-
Twitter came under fire for al-
related accounts reinvest in the business, ac- China, said Wang Xin, an as- easily trumped expectations of nitely believe we are on track
lowing terrorist-related con- over past six months. cording to a transcript pro- sistant professor of accounting US$187 million, according to to turn around the business,”
tent to proliferate on its site. vided by the company. at the University of Hong Thomson One Analytics. Len- he said.
It became the social media “This transaction resulted Kong. Under the U.S. Generally ovo shares jumped sharply
site du jour for Islamic State was brought against Twitter on in recording over US$120 mil- Accepted Accounting Princi- Thursday on the initial earn-  Heard on the Street: Selling
in recent years for its public behalf of the widows of two U.S. lion in capital gains, which is ples, or GAAP, a property sale ings report, but gave up some property can’t fix it all......... B8
and anonymous nature that government defense contractors
made it easy to spread its pro- who were killed in a shooting
paganda, recruit acolytes,
raise money and brag about
its accomplishments on the
spree attack in Jordan last No-
vember. The suit claimed that
while Islamic State was respon-
sible for the attack, Twitter
Battle Over Startup’s Books Heats Up
Twitter prohibits the pro- helped contribute to the attack BY ROLFE WINKLER
motion of violence and terror- by allowing the terrorist group
ism on its platform. But new to spread its propaganda on the A legal battle is escalating
accounts could pop up more service. A federal judge between software startup
quickly than Twitter could ruled last week that Twitter Domo Inc. and one of its for-
take them down, thanks to the isn’t legally liable for the pro- mer managers, who is fighting
ease with which users can cre- ISIS propaganda tweets that led the company for financial in-
ate new accounts on Twitter to the contractors’ deaths. formation.
with just an email address. Even so, Twitter stops short Jay Biederman sued Domo

Twitter said it has “made of proactively searching for in Delaware on Monday, three
progress in disrupting the terrorist content, differing months after The Wall Street
ability of those suspended to with more aggressive tactics Journal chronicled his at-
immediately return to the employed by Facebook Inc. tempts to obtain the startup’s
platform.” The latest round of over the past year. In an un- financial statements so he
suspensions comes after Twit- usual step, Facebook said that could estimate the value of his
ter said in February that it had hours after the San Bernar- shares in the company.
suspended 125,000 since the dino, Calif. shooting attack in The lawsuit follows two le-
middle of 2015. December it had on its own gal actions that Utah-based
There were particular searched and removed the Domo filed against Mr. Bieder-
jumps in suspensions immedi- Facebook profile of one of the man in June, the week after
ately following terrorist at- alleged shooters. the Journal story ran: a com-
plaint alleging defamation and
breach of contract, and a de-

UBER lier led Google Maps and the

development of the Moto X
With about 90 employees,
mand for arbitration.
The defamation complaint
points to allegedly “disparag-
ing posts about Domo” that
Domo executive Julie Kehoe looking over data on a wall board at the Utah-based startup in March.

rights under section 220, Robert Rice, a lawyer de- Journal’s Startup Stock
Continued from page B1 Otto is working to retrofit big Mr. Biederman put on his Domo “sought to muzzle” him fending Mr. Biederman in Tracker. Morgan Stanley said
to develop their own self-driv- rigs to travel without driver Facebook page before the by filing the litigation in Utah. Utah, said, “Mr. Biederman is Domo shares were worth $5.04
ing vehicle technologies, intervention. Mr. Levandowski Journal story ran. Domo, Domo is based in Utah, but in- doing everything humanly pos- a share as of May.
which may one day be avail- has said he expects regulators which was valued by investors corporated in Delaware. sible he can do to defend him- In January 2015, the com-
able for the Swedish auto would look more fondly on ve- at $2 billion in March, claims A Domo spokeswoman said self against Domo’s claims.” plaint says, Mr. Biederman re-
maker’s customers to pur- hicles that operate primarily in its complaint that the posts the company had asked Mr. The episode dates back to quested financial information
chase. on highways, rather than have harmed its business. Biederman to sign a nondisclo- 2011 when Mr. Biederman was to determine the value of his
Under the agreement, Uber dense urban streets. The dispute illustrates the sure agreement before provid- hired by Josh James, a friend stock. His suit filed Monday
will buy XC90 SUVs manufac- Uber recruited researchers challenges for small sharehold- ing financial records, but that and Domo’s founder and chief says he was fired days later.
tured by Volvo. Volvo, owned and scientists from Carnegie ers in gauging the health of he refused to do so. She said executive. Mr. Biederman al- He again requested Domo’s fi-
by China’s Zhejiang Geely Mellon University, which is private tech startups, which Domo wouldn’t comment fur- leges that Mr. James promised nancials in January 2016. A
Holding Group Co., has been based in Pittsburgh, hired the keep their financials concealed ther on pending litigation. him a specific ownership per- Domo executive told him
among the more aggressive hackers who wirelessly took for competitive reasons. Many It is customary for private centage in the company, but shareholders aren’t entitled to
players in the established auto control of a Jeep in 2015, and tech workers receive stock companies to ask shareholders after receiving his shares, the financial information since the
industry when it comes to de- earlier this year hired former awards when they join fast- to sign a nondisclosure agree- company declined to tell him company is private, according
veloping and advocating for Ford executive Sherif Marakby growing startups, and later ment when seeking financial what stake they represented. to an email attached as an ex-
autonomous vehicles. to head its global vehicle pro- question their shares’ worth. information. Mr. Biederman holds 64,166 hibit to Mr. Biederman’s suit.
Ottomotto, known as Otto, grams. Mr. Biederman is invoking Mr. Biederman’s suit says Domo shares that would be Under Delaware law, share-
is helmed by Anthony Levan- Uber and Volvo said they section 220 of Delaware’s cor- Domo’s lawyer sought to in- worth $540,919 at the $8.43-a- holders may get their com-
dowski, a founder of Google’s would work together on dy- porate law, which can compel clude “onerous provisions” in share price at which Domo pany’s financial data whether
self-driving car program, who namic mapping, object identi- locally incorporated companies the confidentiality agreement sold stock to investors last the company is private or pub-
left the company toward the fication and other technical such as Domo to open up their that would deprive him of his year. But some mutual-fund in- lic, as long as they state a
end of January. He was joined hurdles that face many books to shareholders. stockholder rights. The Domo vestors have since marked proper reason. Delaware law-
by Lior Ron, another former companies working on driver- Mr. Biederman’s lawsuit spokeswoman didn’t comment down their Domo shares, ac- yers say “valuing shares” is
Alphabet employee who ear- less cars. says that after he asserted his on those provisions. cording to The Wall Street considered a valid reason.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B4 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Nestlé Chases Premium Tier Lawsuit Claims Bosch

Helped VW Dupe Test
As overall volume falls
Semisweet BY WILLIAM BOSTON their case is “based almost en-
in chocolate market, Nestlé holds a strong but declining share of the global chocolate market. tirely on information produced
the firm seeks growth Top six confectionery companies by market share Lawyers seeking compensa- by Volkswagen,” publicly avail-
tion for owners of cars af- able documents, and their own
in high-end segment Mondelez Chocoladefabriken fected by Volkswagen AG’s research. Bosch has provided
Mars International Nestlé Ferrero Hershey Lindt & Sprüngli emissions-cheating scandal are few documents, “none of
BY SAABIRA CHAUDHURI turning up the pressure on which merit consideration,”
12 auto-parts supplier Robert they said.
KitKat owner Nestlé SA is Bosch GmbH, and they are The updated complaint
raising its game in high-end 10 cites an email dated May 31,
getting assistance from an un-
chocolate to chase revenue 8 expected corner: Volkswagen. 2013, from a U.S.-based Volks-
growth as overall chocolate vol- Attorneys representing wagen employee concerning 2-
ume declines. 6 hundreds of thousands of liter diesel vehicles that refers
Global chocolate volume fell 4 Volkswagen car owners in the to a “proposed strategy” to
1.1% last year and is likely to be U.S. filed a 742-page brief in “get the executive order (from
flat this year from a year earlier, 2 San Francisco federal court CARB) based on the ‘Bosch’
according to Euromonitor. In this week that relies heavily strategy.” CARB is the Califor-
the U.S., the world’s largest on documents provided by nia Air Resources Board, a
chocolate market, consumption 2012 ’14 ’16 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’12 ’14 ’16 Volkswagen to support allega- state environmental regulator.
peaked in 2005 and has de- Source: Euromonitor International THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. tions that Bosch, which sup- A Bosch spokesman said in
clined 3% on average over the plied the engine control unit an emailed statement that the
past 10 years, according to UBS. tions about its long-term chocolate brands international, now sold through Ama- used in its diesel vehicles, company was “cooperating
But revenue has grown 3% a growth prospects. highlighting their provenance Inc. in the U.S., the worked “hand-in-glove” with with the investigations in vari-
year on average since 2001, the The chocolate industry has and heritage. Consumers, par- U.K., Germany and China, and the German car maker. ous jurisdictions, and is de-
firm said, as companies have been consolidating over the ticularly millennials, have an in- at airports in Dubai, Singapore The allegations against Bo- fending its interests in the liti-
sold health-conscious shoppers past decade, delivering effi- creasing desire for products and Switzerland. sch aren’t new but have ac- gation. As a matter of policy,
pricier offerings with complex ciencies to a handful of large with strong local stories. In February, Nestlé said it quired greater urgency in the and due to the sensitive legal
flavor profiles, organic ingredi- competitors that have helped Nestlé in March said it would was taking its pistachio-laden wake of the $15 billion settle- nature of these matters, Bosch
ents and less sugar. them battle falling volumes. invest €60 million ($68 million) Turkish chocolate brand Da- ment on behalf of U.S. Volks- will not comment further con-
That is forcing mainstream Mondelez International Inc.’s over three years to take its Ital- mak to the U.S. The company wagen customers and U.S. au- cerning matters under investi-
chocolate companies such as recent $23 billion bid for Her- ian chocolate brand Baci Perug- described Damak—which uses thorities. Bosch wasn’t a party gation and in litigation.”
Nestlé to shift gears. shey Co. failed, but analysts ina global. It agreed to sell six pistachios from the Gaziantep to that settlement and still
On Thursday, Nestlé reported expect further consolidation. other Italian chocolate brands region of Turkey—as “an ad- faces civil litigation.
3.1% organic growth from a year The top six competitors con- to fund its focus on the hazel- venturous taste experience not Bosch supplied the engine
Updated suit claims
earlier in its confectionery busi- trol 60% of the market, ac- nut-studded bonbon. found in any other chocolate.” control unit, which Volks- ‘inconceivable’ parts
ness for the six months ended cording to Euromonitor. Valeria Norreri—a Nestlé Analysts have criticized wagen programmed to recog-
June 30, below growth in cate- Nestlé, which bought 60% of brand manager who worked on Nestlé for its chocolate perfor- nize when its diesel vehicles
maker wasn’t aware
gories such as water, pet care Chinese candy maker Hsu Fu the international rollout of the mance in recent years, noting were undergoing emissions of improper use.
and coffee. François-Xavier Chi in 2011, has mostly stayed company’s San Pellegrino water, its laggard position in the cate- tests. The Stuttgart-based
Roger, Nestlé’s chief financial away from making sizable ac- which is now sold in 145 coun- gory relative to its dominance company has said that it isn’t
officer, called confectionery “a quisitions in confectionery. The tries—is leading a new interna- in coffee, water, infant nutrition responsible for how its com- The plaintiffs’ lawyers are
difficult category,” adding that company has shown interest in tional confectionery unit that and other businesses. ponents are integrated into now pressing Bosch to provide
growth was down year-to-year buying Ferrero International aims to turn Baci Perugina into The Swiss company’s confec- vehicles by customers. information “but the evidence
with “no category growth over- SA but has been unsuccessful so a global name. tionery business, along with fro- But the lawsuit claims Bo- already proves that Bosch
all in the U.S.” far, leaving its chocolate portfo- “Sales results of several zen food, also increasingly looks sch didn’t allow manufacturers played a critical role in [the]
Overall, Nestlé posted first- lio skewed toward mainstream countries confirm that the prod- at odds with its ambition to be- to make changes without its scheme to evade U.S. emission
half net profit of 4.1 billion chocolate with brands such as uct has the potential to win in come a health and nutrition be- consent, saying it was “incon- requirements,” they said in the
Swiss francs ($4.26 billion), KitKat, Crunch, Butterfinger foreign markets,” she said in hemoth, leading analysts to sug- ceivable, then, that Bosch did court filing. Bosch’s actions,
down 8.9% from 4.5 billion and Smarties. March. gest it could eventually look to not know that the software it they said, “demonstrate that
francs over the same period in As consumers have displayed Nestlé last year decided to exit U.S. chocolate. Nestlé didn’t was responsible for defining, Bosch was a knowing and ac-
2015. Revenue of 43.2 billion a taste for upscale chocolate, take its almost-200-year-old immediately respond to a re- developing, testing, maintain- tive participant in the decade-
francs was equivalent to or- Nestlé has worked to position Swiss chocolate brand Cailler quest for comment. ing and delivering contained long illegal enterprise to de-
ganic growth—which strips some of its existing brands as international, in a bid to enter Hershey, Mars Inc. and an illegal defeat device.” fraud U.S. consumers.”
out the effects of currency premium offerings in certain what it described as “super- Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Allegations that Bosch was Bosch’s electronic diesel
changes, acquisitions and di- markets. premium chocolate,” tradition- Sprüngli AG all have bigger U.S. aware of the rigging first control unit, called the EDC
vestments—of 3.5%, aided by KitKat runs stores in Japan ally the province of names businesses than Nestlé, and emerged immediately after Unit 17, contains specific algo-
strong sales in North America. that last year sold a limited-edi- such as Lindt, Godiva and Fer- Hershey and Mars have also U.S. authorities disclosed that rithms to adjust fuel levels, air
The company has missed its tion version of the chocolate rero. The hazelnut-and-almond been pushing into high-end Volkswagen had rigged diesel pressure, recirculation of ex-
sales target of organic growth wafer covered in a layer of real chocolate, made with milk col- chocolate of late. engines to cheat on emissions haust gas to lower NOx emis-
of 5% to 6%—dubbed the gold foil for ¥2,016 ($20). lected within roughly 30 kilo- tests. sions, and injection rates of
“Nestlé Model”—for three More recently, Nestlé has meters of the Cailler flagship  Heard on the Street: Nestlé’s The plaintiffs’ attorneys ar- urea, the fluid used to break
years running, raising ques- moved to take some of its local store in Broc, Switzerland, is stock is bittersweet ............. B8 gue that the Clean Air Act not down NOx into harmless com-
only forbids the use of defeat ponent parts before it is emit-
devices but also forbids the ted from a car’s tail pipe. EDC

Publisher Pursuing Ailes Memoir

sale of components used as Unit 17 also is used on diesel
defeat devices if the seller is vehicles from several manu-
aware that the component will facturers, including Volks-
be used as such. wagen, BMW AG and Daimler
BY JEFFREY A. TRACHTENBERG Booksellers say they are Plaintiffs’ attorneys said AG’s Mercedes-Benz.
anxious to find out if the book,
Roger Ailes has a story to “Settle for More,” also con-
tell. And HarperCollins Pub- tains revelations regarding Mr.
lishers is still eager to publish
it, despite Mr. Ailes’s recent
Ailes. Ms. Kelly has been pub-
licly silent on Mr. Ailes’s resig-
Business DP WORLD
Ports Operator
ouster as the head of Fox
News, another branch of the
nation, but New York Maga-
zine reported in mid-July that Watch Slows Capacity
Rupert Murdoch media empire. she told investigators that he Dubai-based global ports op-
A HarperCollins employee made unwanted advances to- erator DP World on Thursday

says the publishing house is ward her years earlier, which said it has slowed the addition
willing to push ahead with the he has denied. of new capacity amid an uncer-
memoir Mr. Ailes signed on to It couldn’t be learned VESTAS WIND SYSTEMS tain outlook for trade growth,
write four years ago—depend- whether Mr. Ailes’s deal to despite posting a 50% jump in
ing on how frank and compel- exit Fox News includes a non-
Deliveries Help Drive first-half profit on the back of
ling the manuscript proves to disclosure agreement that pre- Strong Earnings acquisitions.
be when it is submitted. vents him from publicly dis- Denmark’s Vestas Wind Sys- DP World is among the
Meanwhile, 21st Century cussing his departure. A tems, one of the world’s largest world’s largest ports operators.
Fox, the parent company of Roger Ailes and his wife, Elizabeth Tilson, in New York last month. spokesman for 21st Century makers of wind turbines, posted DP World’s net profit for the
Fox News, continues to inves- Fox declined to comment on a strong rise in second-quarter six-month period climbed to
tigate accusations of sexual and media, this person said. Times articles to see what I the terms of Mr. Ailes’s exit. net profit thanks to higher deliv- $608 million from $405 million a
harassment against Mr. Ailes, HarperCollins believes that was like.” Mr. Barnett declined to eries in the U.S. and Germany. year earlier. Revenue rose 10.2%
which includes a lawsuit by a a memoir by Mr. Ailes, who His situation changed dra- comment. A lawyer for Mr. The company said net profit year over year to $2.1 billion,
former anchor. formed deep ties to the Re- matically in July. Former Fox Ailes didn’t respond to a re- more than doubled to €278 mil- helped by the acquisitions of
21st Century Fox and News publican establishment before News host Gretchen Carlson quest for comment, and Mr. lion ($313.8 million) in the three Jebel Ali Free Zone in the United
Corp, which owns HarperCol- building the leading cable sued Mr. Ailes, alleging that Ailes didn’t respond to a writ- months to June 30, from €125 Arab Emirates and the Prince
lins and The Wall Street Jour- news network, has plenty of she was fired after rejecting ten request for an interview. million in the same period a year Rupert terminal in Canada.
nal, were split in 2013 and still potential commercial appeal, his sexual advances and com- Mr. Ailes, a veteran televi- earlier. Revenue grew 46% to —Nikhil Lohade
count the Murdoch family as a even though it is unclear how plaining about a hostile work sion producer and political €2.56 billion from €1.75 billion.
major shareholder. Mr. Mur- much Mr. Ailes would be able environment. Mr. Ailes, who consultant who worked with Vestas’s strong earnings high- HORMEL FOODS
doch, who is executive chair- to say about his recent resig- has denied the allegations, re- former Presidents Richard light how wind-turbine makers
man of both companies, as- nation. signed after agreeing to an Nixon, Ronald Reagan and have recovered from a difficult
Spam Sales Boost
sumed the role of chairman “This book has so much po- exit package valued at more George H.W. Bush, led the period at the start of the de- Company’s Outlook
and acting chief executive of tential,” said the HarperCollins than $40 million. launch of the Fox News Chan- cade, when many governments Hormel Foods Corp. boosted
Fox News after Mr. Ailes re- employee. “But you can’t pub- The number of women who nel in 1996. He helped build questioned their support for re- its outlook for the year again as
signed July 21. lish it in the middle of all this have come forward to investi- the network into the country’s newable energy and big projects revenue and profit rose, thanks
Long before the contro- uncertainty. The legal process gators to say they also were most-watched cable news net- were put on hold. to the continued strength of its
versy broke out, HarperCollins has to run its course, as does victims of Mr. Ailes has work while playing a key role Crippled by losses, Vestas Spam and Skippy products.
and Robert Barnett, Mr. Ailes’s the election. You need time, climbed into the double-digits, in the careers of such Fox had to cut jobs and sell a num- For 2016, the food maker
agent, struck a book deal in space and perspective. Books according to people familiar News stars as Bill O’Reilly and ber of factories in 2012 and now anticipates earnings of
2012, according to the Harper- by celebrity authors get de- with the matter. Ms. Kelly. 2013. $1.60 to $1.64 a share, up from
Collins employee familiar with layed all the time.” HarperCollins already is Mr. Ailes’s first book, “You Now, Vestas is expanding its previous guidance of $1.56 to
the situation. Mr. Ailes told the Holly- planning to publish a memoir Are the Message,” was written again, with U.S. deliveries grow- $1.60. This is Hormel’s third
Mr. Ailes’s memoir was en- wood Reporter last year that by Fox News anchor Megyn with Jon Kraushar and pub- ing 45% on the year to 779 guidance increase for the year.
visioned as a behind-the- he was writing his memoir for Kelly, which promises the lished in 1987 by Irwin Profes- megawatts, partly due to the Hormel earned $195.7 million,
scenes tale that blended HarperCollins because he scoop on her feud with Donald sional Publishing, an imprint country’s extension last year of or 36 cents a share, up from
larger-than-life figures from didn’t want his son “to have to Trump when it comes out a owned by McGraw-Hill Educa- a key tax credit until 2023, with $146.9 million, or 27 cents a
the worlds of politics, business collect a bunch of New York week after the election. tion. a gradual reduction as of next share, a year earlier. Revenue
year. rose 5.2% to $2.3 billion.
—Kjetil Malkenes Hovland —Anne Steele Will Shut Down Next Week

BY LUKAS I. ALPERT ministered bankruptcy auction M. Bernstein at a hearing lished. One of those stories,
AND TOM CORRIGAN for Gawker Media Group on Thursday afternoon. If ap- which featured a sex tape in-
Tuesday with a bid of $135 proved, the sale is expected to volving former professional
The scandal-plagued enter- million. Gawker Media also in- close in early September. wrestler Hulk Hogan, ulti-
tainment and gossip site cludes the sites Deadspin, Life- said in its post mately forced the company
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES says it will shut hacker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, that staffers will be assigned into bankruptcy.
down next week after Univi- Jezebel and Kotaku. to other editorial roles at one Hulk Hogan, whose real
sion Communications Inc. The sale agreement submit- of the six other sites or at Uni- name is Terry Bollea, filed an
won a bankruptcy auction to ted to the court includes a vision. Gawker Media staffers invasion-of-privacy suit
acquire its parent company clause that allows Univision to unionized last year, and the against the company and won
two days ago. decide to exclude union says that Univision has a $140 million jury verdict.
A person familiar with the from the deal, up to three days agreed to recognize the exist- Gawker Media filed for
matter said the site will cease before the acquisition closes. ing contract. chapter 11 bankruptcy protec-
publishing new stories Monday Univision’s acquisition still had been at the tion in June after a Florida
but archives will be preserved. has to be approved by U.S. center of series of damaging judge upheld the verdict.
Univision won a court-ad- Bankruptcy Court Judge Stuart lawsuits over posts it had pub- Gawker has appealed. Vestas’s results highlight a recovery among wind-turbine makers.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | B5


An Era Ends at Citigroup


The big bank’s last proprietary trader is leaving, amid a post-financial-crisis retrenchment
BY CHRISTINA REXRODE buy and sell for the firm’s own tivities to those on behalf of cli- mortgage firms Fannie Mae and
account, rather than to match ents. To comply with the rule, Freddie Mac.
Citigroup Inc.’s last real pro- investing clients with securities. Citigroup sold or spun off busi- Citigroup still has some trad-
prietary trader is leaving the The firm’s trading roots go nesses, including an emerging- ers that can engage in Volcker-
building. back to Salomon Broth- markets hedge fund and a pri- compliant proprietary trades.
Anna Raytcheva, a Citigroup ers, whose 1980s trading ex- vate-equity unit. It also closed But Ms. Raytcheva’s desk was
trader who most recently ran a ploits were featured in the down Citi Principal Strate- the last stand-alone effort of
proprietary-trading desk at the book “Liar’s Poker.” That firm gies, its dedicated proprietary- any significant size at the bank,
New York bank, is leaving to was ultimately folded into Citi- trading desk, in January 2012. people familiar with the matter
open her own hedge fund next group, whose billions of dollars Such retrenchment has been said.
year. in trading losses during the fi- common at big banks over the Citigroup closed the desk in
Ms. Raytcheva said in an in- nancial crisis prompted re- past five years, with proprietary May, saying that trading oppor-
terview this week that she ex- peated taxpayer-led bailouts. traders decamping to hedge tunities had dried up and that Anna Raytcheva is leaving Citigroup later this month.
pects to leave the bank later this Banks used to routinely en- funds and other less-regulated the capital could be better de-
month. The move follows Citi- gage in proprietary trading. Be- industries. ployed in client-facing busi- focusing primarily on U.S. Ms. Raytcheva, who grew up
group’s decision earlier this fore the financial crisis, Citi- The Volcker rule makes ex- nesses. Also, Ms. Raytcheva said macro trends. in communist Bulgaria, joined
year to close the proprietary- group and other large banks, ceptions for some assets, includ- she found it limiting to run a Ms. Raytcheva said her hedge Citi as an interest-rate-options
trading desk that Ms. Raytcheva including Goldman Sachs ing municipal bonds and other proprietary trading desk that fund, which doesn’t yet have a trader in 1994, four years before
ran. The lender, run by Chief Ex- Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley government securities. The five- could deal only in a narrow set name, would focus on global it merged with Salomon Broth-
ecutive Officer Michael Corbat, had multiple desks dedicated to person unit that the 44-year-old of financial instruments. bets in markets including for- ers parent Travelers Group. She
has a long history with proprie- the lucrative but risky practice. Ms. Raytcheva most recently “The industry is going eign exchange. Most of the rose through the ranks of Citi-
tary trading and has held on to But the “Volcker rule,” part ran, called the strategic-trading through a structural change,” other employees from Ms. Ray- group’s fixed-income unit and
the strategy years longer than of the post-financial-crisis regu- desk, traded the bank’s own she said. “I think there is an op- tcheva’s former desk have during the 2008 financial crisis
other big banks. latory overhaul, banned most money in U.S. Treasurys and portunity for smaller, more-nim- stayed at the bank, trading on held a senior role that involved
Proprietary traders at banks types of so-called prop trading other securities issued by gov- ble players.” She also said behalf of clients, a bank spokes- managing risk for the bank’s
are high-paid employees that and shifted banks’ trading ac- ernment agencies, including she wanted to expand beyond woman said. corporate treasury department.

Stocks in China Firm Wants to Revive Chicago Bourse


Europe A Chinese-led group of in-

vestors sees their takeover bid

Rebounds for the Chicago Stock Exchange

as a way to reinvent the strug-
gling venue as a bridge be-
BY RIVA GOLD tween U.S. and Chinese mar-
AND IRA IOSEBASHVILI kets, and a Western listings
outpost for Chinese firms.
U.S. stocks strengthened But first, they have to per-
Thursday, as oil prices rose suade Washington that it isn’t a
and the dollar weakened. Beijing plot to undermine
The Dow Jones Industrial American financial markets.
Average added 23.76 points, or “You have the proclivity for
0.1%, to 18597.70 at 4 p.m. exploitation and espionage,”
Thursday in New York. The S&P said Rep. Robert Pittenger, a
500 and the North Carolina Republican and
THURSDAY’S Nasdaq Com- one of 45 lawmakers who wrote
MARKETS posite Index the Obama administration this
both gained year demanding a review of the
0.2%. sale’s national-security risks.
The Stoxx Europe 600 rose “There’s extraordinary pressure
0.7%, snapping a four-session put on all these companies by
losing streak. the state—that’s a given,” said
Minutes from the Federal Mr. Pittenger, raising concerns
Reserve’s latest meeting, re- about what a Chinese-run com-
leased Wednesday, offered lit- pany might do with broad ac-

tle guidance for investors who cess to one of the engines of

were expecting a clearer mes- the $26.3 trillion U.S. stock
sage on the path of interest market.
rates from the U.S. central The Chicago exchange said
bank. in February that a group led by The original Chicago Stock Exchange building entrance is preserved outside the Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago.
“Given that the Fed did not Chongqing Casin Enterprise
tip its hand yesterday, the Group would acquire CHX exchange for $22 million, ac- panies and railroads, the CHX eclectic mix of Chinese compa- the fact that stock exchanges
market is left to meander until Holdings Inc., the exchange’s cording to people familiar with was until the early 1990s Amer- nies, including a property de- have regulatory duties under
next week,” said Tom Carter, owner, without announcing the the matter. While it generated ica’s second-largest exchange. veloper, an insurance company, U.S. laws and maintain access
managing director and trader terms of the sale. only $19.5 million in revenue It has fallen from a market- two municipal commercial to the life cycle of every order.
at JonesTrading International Advocates of the deal say last year, its license remains share peak of 10.6% in 1989 to banks, a private-equity fund, Its oversight arm will have ac-
Services LLC. the possibility of seeing the ex- valuable because new ex- less than 1% this year, partly and a micro lender, according cess to every trade, quote and
Fed Chairwoman Janet Yel- change turned into a spy out- changes face a gantlet of regu- because it was slow to adapt to to its website. cancellation—as well as a code
len is scheduled to give a post is remote, and that politi- latory barriers. an era dominated by high-fre- Jay Lu, the son of Casin’s indicating the trader behind
speech next week at the cen- cians who don’t understand The sale still needs approval quency traders. majority shareholder, Shengju it—once regulators activate an
tral bank’s annual conference trading have overstated the from the Securities and Ex- In 2006, a consortium of Lu, is a U.S. citizen and is also expanded audit trail of orders
in Jackson Hole, Wyo. risks. change Commission, as well as marquee Wall Street firms, in- investing in the deal, according that will start receiving data as
U.S. stocks have notched “That’s not why investments the Committee on Foreign In- cluding Goldman Sachs Group to people familiar with the early as next year. Having ac-
all-time highs in recent weeks, are made,” said Dave Herron, a vestment in the U.S. led by the cess to those records could al-
while European stocks have former chief executive of the Treasury Department, which low a foreign entity to copycat
staged a steep recovery from exchange. “No one would trade reviews national-security impli-
Investors have to show it isn’t a Beijing a U.S. firm’s strategies, accord-
their post-Brexit lows. on the entity if they thought cations. The committee’s ques- plot to undermine U.S. financial markets. ing to U.S. traders.
Even with those highs, their information could be re- tions include whether the Chi- The SEC review seeks to en-
“people are not feeling as leased.” nese government would have sure that new owners could ef-
good as you might think they’d The political scrutiny and influence over exchange own- Inc. and Bank of America Corp., matter. Along with Jay Lu, fectively carry out their regula-
feel,” said Seth Masters, chief prospective Chinese involve- ers, according to people famil- invested $20 million in the ex- other entities held by U.S. in- tory duties by ensuring the
investment officer at Alliance- ment has cast the spotlight on iar with the matter. change to gain a voice in the vestors would own more than independence of its oversight
Bernstein’s wealth-manage- an exchange that clings to a “The CHX is confident that debate over the future of ex- 50% of the exchange’s parent function. Some critics think the
ment arm, pointing to deterio- small niche in the U.S. trading [the committee] will make an changes, which were once bro- company, North America Casin deal deserves even stricter
rating measures of investor world, used mostly by brokers informed, non-political decision ker-owned utilities rapidly Holdings Inc., the people said. scrutiny. These critics note that
sentiment. who buy stocks and exchange- and find that there is no incre- transforming into for-profit The investors hope that will di- China tightly restricts foreign
“We’ve gotten really used traded funds, and hedge posi- mental risk,” Chicago exchange companies. lute concern about China’s in- ownership of domestic compa-
to very low interest rates. tions using the Chicago-based CEO John Kerin said in a state- Hard up for cash, the ex- fluence. nies, thus a U.S. firm is unlikely
That creates vulnerability if futures and options markets. ment. change signed an agreement in Some traders and exchange to be allowed to buy a stake in
anything changes,” he said. The current owners, which Founded in 1882 as a re- 2015 with Chongqing Casin, officials, speaking privately, say a Chinese exchange.
The WSJ Dollar Index, include several Wall Street gional platform for shares of based in Chongqing, China. Ca- one of the biggest concerns —Kane Wu
which measures the dollar banks, have agreed to sell the Midwest farm-equipment com- sin owns majority stakes in an about Casin’s bid stems from contributed to this article.
against a basket of 16 curren-
cies, was down 0.5%.

German Bankers Turn Into Tech Entrepreneurs

U.S. crude oil rose 3.1% to
$48.22 a barrel, extending re-
cent gains on hopes the world’s
largest exporters would revisit
a deal to freeze output. BY EYK HENNING “Many of the startups we’re Club of the world’s 50 biggest loans to small and midsize en- rizon Capital & Advisory
In Europe, miners re- talking with over a potential startups: online fashion re- terprises. GmbH, a firm that invests in
bounded, tracking metals FRANKFURT—More German investment are founded by for- tailer Zalando SE and Rocket “Whenever a portfolio in young companies and advises
prices higher. Antofagasta bankers are trading ties for T- mer bankers and business con- Internet SE, which itself devel- our region is looking at raising startups on strategy and fund-
gained 5.3%, Anglo American shirts and trying to boost the sultants,” said Frank Seehaus ops startups. more than €20 million ($22.6 raisings. Mr. Korbmacher said
rose 1.7% and BHP Billiton country’s struggling tech- of German venture-capital firm For entrepreneurial bankers, million), we can’t just rely on former colleagues initially
climbed 2.8%. startup scene. Acton Capital Partners GmbH. the shortage of new-venture Europe or just Germany,“ said smiled at what they called his
Earlier, Japan’s Nikkei Stock Axel Hoerger spent 20 years “Those people stand out be- funding is itself an opportu- Martin Korbmacher, who was “rather esoteric move for a
Average fell 1.6%. rising through Goldman Sachs cause they know how to pres- nity. Ex-Goldman Sachs banker chairman of Credit Suisse AG’s banker.”
Group Inc. and UBS Group AG. ent the value drivers of busi- Toby Triebel in 2014 founded German and Austrian invest- His investments include Zu-
Last year, he shifted gears and ness models.” Spotcap, an online credit plat- ment bank until 2011. rich-based Starmind, a knowl-
Comeback launched a messaging The trend started after the form that provides short-term He then founded Event Ho- edge-management company
Antofagasta’s daily share price app called Poltergeist. financial crisis. It is picking up that uses artificial intelligence
“At some point I thought I’d speed, as many European lead- to automatically route any em-
650 pence
seen enough in banking and ers are calling for more home- ployee’s question to the right
Thursday: 571
decided to take a break and grown tech champions, indus- expert within an organization.
start something on my own,” try officials said. “Europeans need to find their
550 Mr. Hoerger said. The situation is especially own solutions instead of rely-
The 48-year-old, who has acute in Germany, where ven- ing on Silicon Valley,” he said.
500 hired a chief executive for his ture-capital firms last year in- Dagmar Bottenbruch, who
venture and started a new vested less than $1 billion in previously ran the German op-

450 banking job, said Poltergeist young German companies, ac- erations of Dutch lender Ra-
has around 200,000 users and cording to the country’s pri- bobank NV, is now co-chief ex-
400 continues to grow. vate-equity and venture-capital ecutive at Crosslend GmbH, a
“The first few months were association, BVK. Across Eu- platform that securitizes loans
350 thrilling,” he said. He is “now rope, the figure is roughly $15 of all sizes and markets them
looking to raise funds that pro- billion, still dwarfed by the to investors.
pel us to the next stage.” U.S.’s $75.3 billion, according “There is abundant liquidity
2015 2016 He isn’t alone among Ger- to Dow Jones VentureSource. on the market,” she said, “but
Source: FactSet man bankers with Silicon Val- Only two German compa- it doesn’t flow to where it’s
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ley dreams. nies are in the Billion Dollar Attendees at a July tech conference in Berlin. needed.”
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B6 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
16486.01 t 259.63, or 1.55% Year-to-date t 13.39% 342.91 s 2.44, or 0.72% Year-to-date t 6.26% 2187.02 s 4.80, or 0.22% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.91 21.70
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low20033.52 14952.02 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 385.43 303.58 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.57 17.65
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.09 2.04
All-time high: 2190.15, 08/15/16

* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

17500 360 2200

65-day moving average

17000 65-day moving average 350 2160

16500 340 2120

16000 330 2080

Session high
DOWN UP 15500 320 65-day moving average 2040

Session open Close

Close Open

15000 310 2000

Bars measure the point change from session's open Session low
14500 300 1960
May June July Aug. May June July Aug. May June July Aug.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2463.46 15.03 0.61 2033.03 • 2466.78 5.4 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1711.57 10.24 0.60 1471.88 • 1956.39 –0.3 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 915.61 5.94 0.65 691.21 • 1044.05 15.3 3.250 Australia 2 1.434 72.5 71.4 93.0 121.4 1.444 1.624 1.936
4.250 10 1.880 34.6 36.4 41.3 55.5 1.917 1.999 2.749
Americas DJ Americas 528.31 1.47 0.28 433.38 • 529.24 8.4
1.250 Belgium 2 -129.3 -127.3 -89.7 -0.595 -0.579 -0.175
-0.583 -132.5
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 59269.00 –54.83 –0.09 37046.07 • 59417.88 36.7
1.000 10 0.119 -141.5 -140.3 -134.7 -120.7 0.150 0.239 0.987
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 14691.69 –5.91 –0.04 11531.22 • 14855.69 12.9
1.000 France 2 -0.568 -127.8 -129.6 -122.1 -89.5 -0.567 -0.527 -0.173
Mexico IPC All-Share 48445.17 186.24 0.39 39256.58 • 48956.06 12.7
0.500 10 0.137 -139.7 -137.9 -137.1 -122.0 0.173 0.215 0.975
Chile Santiago IPSA 3229.51 8.81 0.27 2730.24 • 3253.99 9.7
0.000 Germany 2 -0.613 -132.2 -134.8 -133.4 -97.2 -0.618 -0.641 -0.249
U.S. DJIA 18597.70 23.76 0.13 15370.33 • 18668.44 6.7
0.000 10 -0.079 -161.3 -160.0 -159.9 -154.6 -0.048 -0.014 0.648
Nasdaq Composite 5240.15 11.49 0.22 4209.76 • 5271.36 4.6
0.250 Italy 2 -0.076 -78.5 -81.0 -74.9 -61.1 -0.080 -0.055 0.111
S&P 500 2187.02 4.80 0.22 1810.10 • 2193.81 7.0
1.600 10 1.078 -45.6 -44.1 -33.2 -39.3 1.112 1.253 1.802
CBOE Volatility 11.55 –0.64 –5.25 11.02 • 53.29 –36.6
0.100 Japan 2 -0.191 -90.0 -91.0 -102.5 -71.7 -0.180 -0.332 0.005
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 342.91 2.44 0.72 303.58 • 385.43 –6.3 0.100 10 -0.078 -161.2 -162.8 -181.6 -181.8 -0.076 -0.230 0.376
Stoxx Europe 50 2861.73 14.15 0.50 2556.96 • 3305.96 –7.7 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.591 -130.0 -130.9 -129.1 -93.8 -0.579 -0.597 -0.216
Austria ATX 2267.49 15.95 0.71 1929.73 • 2515.09 –5.4 0.500 10 0.017 -151.7 -150.0 -149.1 -137.0 0.052 0.095 0.825
Belgium Bel-20 3518.09 22.57 0.65 3117.61 • 3773.73 –4.9 4.450 Portugal 2 0.522 -18.8 -25.2 -0.7 -37.8 0.478 0.687 0.344
France CAC 40 4437.06 19.38 0.44 3892.46 • 5011.65 –4.3 2.875 10 2.894 136.0 131.2 153.8 27.3 2.864 3.124 2.468
Germany DAX 10603.03 65.36 0.62 8699.29 • 11430.87 –1.3 0.250 Spain 2 -0.180 -88.9 -89.5 -84.6 -59.7 -0.166 -0.153 0.126
Greece ATG 572.25 4.76 0.84 420.82 • 731.18 –9.4 1.950 10 0.922 -61.2 -57.3 -34.2 -22.1 0.979 1.243 1.973
Hungary BUX 27700.12 –90.85 –0.33 20452.90 • 28100.59 15.8 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.645 -135.4 -137.9 -132.9 -120.5 -0.650 -0.635 -0.483
Israel Tel Aviv 1468.41 3.38 0.23 1378.80 • 1708.46 –3.9 1.000 10 0.076 -145.8 -148.5 -141.1 -152.8 0.068 0.175 0.666
Italy FTSE MIB 16673.58 145.22 0.88 15017.42 • 23011.01 –22.2 1.250 U.K. 2 0.145 -56.5 -57.2 -51.8 2.6 0.158 0.175 0.748
Netherlands AEX 451.69 4.12 0.92 378.53 • 474.87 2.2 2.000 10 0.552 -98.2 -98.5 -75.9 -29.8 0.568 0.827 1.896
Poland WIG 47967.07 –39.68 –0.08 41747.01 • 52634.79 3.2 0.750 U.S. 2 0.710 ... ... ... ... 0.730 0.694 0.722
Russia RTS Index 975.04 9.65 1.00 607.14 • 987.07 28.8 1.500 10 1.534 ... ... ... ... 1.553 1.585 2.194
Spain IBEX 35 8550.10 63.10 0.74 7579.80 • 10797.50 –10.4
Sweden SX All Share 502.57 4.11 0.82 432.78 • 530.82 –0.5 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8189.73 35.93 0.44 7425.05 • 9236.71 –7.1 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 52989.66 679.96 1.30 45975.78 • 54760.91 4.5 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 8/17/2016
Turkey BIST 100 77970.93 –176.89 –0.23 68230.47 • 86931.34 8.7
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 6868.96 9.81 0.14 5499.51 • 6955.34 10.0 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
343.00 3.25 0.96% 449.00 322.50
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1470.01 –1.55 –0.11 1188.42 • 1479.05 5.8 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 1014.25 -1.75 -0.17% 1,186.25 868.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5507.80 –27.20 –0.49 4765.30 • 5587.40 4.0
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 444.50 1.50 0.34 551.50 425.25
China Shanghai Composite 3104.11 –5.44 –0.17 2655.66 • 3664.29 –12.3
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 110.450 -1.950 -1.73 125.475 105.250
Hong Kong Hang Seng 23023.16 223.38 0.98 18319.58 • 23151.94 5.1
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 3,118 39 1.27 3,216 2,728
India S&P BSE Sensex 28123.44 118.07 0.42 22951.83 • 28208.62 7.7
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 141.95 3.85 2.79 157.65 119.40
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 16486.01 –259.63 –1.55 14952.02 • 20033.52 –13.4
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 20.04 0.32 1.62 21.22 12.92
Singapore Straits Times 2836.98 –6.37 –0.22 2532.70 • 3083.07 –1.6
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 69.07 0.26 0.38 77.98 54.19
South Korea Kospi 2055.47 11.72 0.57 1829.81 • 2055.47 4.8 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1817.00 32.00 1.79 1,886.00 1,423.00
Taiwan Weighted 9122.50 4.80 0.05 7410.34 • 9200.42 9.4
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.1805 0.0170 0.79 2.3290 1.9710
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1357.90 9.10 0.67 1,384.40 1,066.00
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 19.750 0.102 0.52 21.225 13.930
Currencies London close on Aug. 18 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,695.50 8.50 0.50 1,695.50 1,451.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 18,335.00 65.00 0.36 18,650.00 13,225.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Thu YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 4,772.00 -36.50 -0.76 5,070.50 4,320.50
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 1,884.00 16.00 0.86 1,909.00 1,598.00
20% Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,265.00 -4.00 -0.18 2,306.50 1,467.00
Yen Bulgaria lev 0.5795 1.7255 –4.1 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 10,220.00 -180.00 -1.73 10,950.00 7,750.00
Croatia kuna 0.1515 6.602 –5.8 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 156.20 1.00 0.64 159.30 150.80
Euro zone euro 1.1336 0.8822 –4.2
2578.00 -65.00 2,669.00 2,171.00
WSJ Dollar index
s Euro Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0420 23.837 –4.2 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX -2.46
0 Denmark krone 0.1523 6.5649 –4.5 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 48.80 1.28 2.69 53.02 33.28
Hungary forint 0.003654 273.67 –5.8 NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5395 0.0323 2.14 1.6047 1.0081
Iceland krona 0.008563 116.78 –10.3 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.4164 0.0277 1.99 1.5121 0.9930
–10 Norway krone 0.1226 8.1573 –7.7
0.2643 3.7835 –3.6
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.707 0.048 1.81 3.0220 2.0490
2015 2016 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01572 63.610 –11.5 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 51.02 0.94 1.88 53.81 32.51
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1197 8.3572 –1.1 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 457.00 14.75 3.34 481.75 307.00
Thu Thu
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0447 0.9572 –4.5
Turkey lira 0.3415 2.9282 0.4 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1290 7.7539 0.04
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0400 25.0280 4.3
Argentina peso-a 0.0671 14.9020 15.2
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
66.8404 1.0
13112 –5.2
U.K. pound 1.3142 0.7609 12.1 Cross rates London close on Aug 18
Brazil real 0.3096 3.2297 –18.5 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009997 100.03 –16.8
Canada dollar 0.7826 1.2779 –7.7 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002953 338.64 –0.03 Bahrain dinar 2.6522 0.3770 –0.02
Chile peso 0.001524 656.10 –7.4 Australia 1.3011 1.7100 1.3591 0.0130 0.1678 1.4748 1.0182 ...
Macau pataca 0.1252 7.9862 –0.2 Egypt pound-a 0.1126 8.8801 13.4
Colombia peso 0.0003434 2911.79 –8.3 Canada 1.2779 1.6794 1.3348 0.0128 0.1648 1.4484 ... 0.9823
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2507 3.9894 –7.3 Israel shekel 0.2652 3.7705 –3.1
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.7292 1.3714 –6.3 Kuwait dinar 3.3184 0.3014 –0.7 Euro 0.8822 1.1595 0.9214 0.0088 0.1138 ... 0.6904 0.6780
Mexico peso-a 0.0553 18.0712 5.1
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 104.750 –0.1 Oman sul rial 2.5976 0.3850 0.003 Hong Kong 7.7539 10.1909 8.1006 0.0775 ... 8.7894 6.0677 5.9596
Peru sol 0.3027 3.3035 –3.3
Philippines peso 0.0216 46.293 –1.2 Qatar rial 0.2747 3.640 –0.1 Japan 100.0340 131.4700 104.5200 ... 12.9010 113.4000 78.2900 76.8900
Uruguay peso-e 0.0350 28.610 –4.3
Singapore dollar 0.7464 1.3398 –5.5 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2667 3.7501 –0.1 0.9572 1.2581 ... 0.0096 0.1234 1.0854 0.7492 0.7357
Venezuela bolivar 0.100100 9.99 58.4 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0009023 1108.29 –5.8 South Africa rand 0.0748 13.3681 –13.6
U.K. 0.7609 ... 0.7948 0.0076 0.0981 0.8626 0.5954 0.5848
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0068719 145.52 0.9 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7686 1.3011 –5.2 Taiwan dollar 0.03184 31.407 –4.6 U.S. ... 1.3142 1.0447 0.0100 0.1290 1.1336 0.7826 0.7686
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 85.28 –0.35 –0.41 –5.43
China yuan 0.1508 6.6303 2.1 Thailand baht 0.02894 34.560 –4.1 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.51244% 0.20040% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 4540.00 -3.20 -25.14 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 243.40 -0.25 -11.94 Last: 142.41 t 0.04, or 0.03% YTD s 4.5%
Three month 0.81100 0.32910 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 203.00 5.18 32.94 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 1932.00 0.23 26.61
Six month 1.21011 0.53280 48.75 ... 4.61 77.68 High
HK$ AIAGroup 1299 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 3836.00 -1.26 -18.59 € SAP SAP -0.03 5.86
One year 1.51544 0.85760 1577.00 -2.98 -8.92 70.17
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 5900.00 -1.76 -21.21 € Sanofi SAN 0.17 -10.73 Close moving average 135
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 26.72 -0.19 -4.33 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 42.98 -0.56 3.29 € SchneiderElectric SU 60.87 1.43 15.81 Low 130
One month -0.37143% -0.10429% 20.86 -0.24 16.80 106.25 0.85 18.21
AU$ BHP BHP AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 29.99 -0.56 -10.64 € Siemens SIE
Three month -0.32029 -0.02643 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.47 0.29 0.29 AU$ Woolworths WOW 23.75 0.76 -3.06 € Telefonica TEF 8.93 1.16 -12.73 125
Six month -0.20229 0.05200 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 98.15 -0.25 -5.99 € Total FP 43.65 0.70 7.91 120
One year -0.07343 0.15671 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.76 ... 20.94 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 13.08 -0.23 -32.99
Euribor ¥ Canon 7751 2891.00 -0.93 -21.33 CHF ABB ABBN 21.41 1.18 19.21 € Unilever UNA 41.31 0.24 3.02
One month -0.36900% -0.09100% ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 16855 -1.46 -21.97 € ASMLHolding ASML 93.90 0.83 13.75 £ Unilever ULVR 3598.50 -0.43 22.96 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12
Three month -0.29900 -0.03000 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 5.74 0.53 8.10 € AXA CS 18.00 0.45 -28.68 € Vinci DG 67.72 1.09 14.51 June July Aug.
Six month -0.19100 0.04200 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 19.04 0.42 -24.14 € AirLiquide AI 98.80 0.38 -4.68 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 236.00 0.28 6.79
One year -0.04800 0.15900 HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 98.45 1.55 12.51 € Allianz ALV 131.90 0.34 -19.35 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 248.00 ... -4.02
Yen Libor AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 73.12 -1.24 -14.51 € Anheuser Busch ABI 111.70 0.18 -2.36
DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.07100% 0.05371% ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 8595.00 -1.35 -24.93 £ AstraZeneca AZN 5046.00 -0.45 9.30
Last: 2861.73 s 14.15, or 0.50% YTD t 7.7%
Three month -0.02579 0.09214 ¥ Fanuc 6954 17120 -1.18 -18.79 € BASF BAS 72.75 0.93 2.87 $ AmericanExpress AXP 65.63 -0.08 -5.64
Six month 0.00286 0.13229 ¥ Hitachi 6501 479.30 -2.20 -30.69 € BNP Paribas BNP 43.38 -0.06 -16.94 $ Apple AAPL 109.08 -0.13 3.63 2925
One year 0.09886 0.24614 TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 85.70 0.82 6.06 £ BT Group BT.A 393.40 -0.61 -16.60 $ Boeing BA 134.97 0.19 -6.65
$ Caterpillar CAT 83.37 -1.23 22.68 2850
Offer Bid ¥ HondaMotor 7267 2987.50 -1.34 -23.59 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 5.20 0.42 -22.08
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 132500 -1.85 -11.07 € BancoSantander SAN 3.72 0.13 -18.43 $ Chevron CVX 103.53 1.28 15.08 2775
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 4.90 0.41 4.70 £ Barclays BARC 160.65 0.31 -26.61 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 30.48 -0.78 12.24
One month 0.5500% 0.4500%
$ CocaCola KO 44.09 0.07 2.63
Three month 0.9000 0.8000 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3912.00 -1.44 -12.50 € Bayer BAYN 96.80 1.20 -16.41
¥ KDDI 9433 3170.00 -2.19 0.51 £ BP BP. 435.55 0.65 23.04
$ Disney DIS 96.63 -0.25 -8.04 2625
Six month 1.2500 1.1500
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2074.50 0.07 2.29 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4834.00 -1.27 28.19
$ DuPont DD 69.46 1.22 4.29 2550
One year 1.5500 1.4500
$ ExxonMobil XOM 88.91 0.91 14.06
Latest 52 wks ago ¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 -1.72 -30.43 CHF FinRichemont CFR 60.15 1.43 -16.57 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12
$ GenElec GE 31.43 0.43 0.88
¥ Mitsui 8031 1295.00 -0.31 -10.41 € Daimler DAI 62.01 0.39 -20.07 June July Aug.
Prime rates $ GoldmanSachs GS 166.06 0.24 -7.86
¥ Mizuho Fin 8411 166.20 -1.13 -31.75 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.39 0.59 -6.84
U.S. 3.50% 3.25% $ HomeDepot HD 134.80 -0.99 1.93
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2674.00 -1.09 7.65 £ Diageo DGE 2168.50 -0.44 16.81
Canada 2.70 2.70 $ Intel INTC 34.97 -0.14 1.51
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 27.27 -0.66 -9.70 13.74 1.25 -0.43
Hong Kong
5.00 ¥ NipponStl&SmtmoMtl 5401 2068.00 -0.10 -14.40

GSK 1674.50 -0.36 21.96
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 20
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 4691.00 -2.92 -3.00 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 543.80 0.17 1.42 $ JohnsJohns JNJ 120.69 -0.51 17.49 Last: 18597.70 s 23.76, or 0.13% YTD s 6.7%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.05%
¥ NissanMotor 7201 961.10 -2.56 -24.88 € INGGroep INGA 10.57 1.10 4.19 $ McDonalds MCD 117.07 -0.03 -0.91
Britain 0.25 0.50
¥ NomuraHldgs 8604 452.10 -1.97 -33.43 £ ImperialBrands IMB 4060.00 -1.10 13.20 $ Merck MRK 63.63 0.54 20.47 18500
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ Panasonic 6752 1020.00 -0.68 -17.78 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 1.90 0.80 -38.44 $ Microsoft MSFT 57.60 0.07 3.82
HK$ PetroChina 0857 5.34 -0.74 4.91 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 157.40 0.87 8.63 $ NikeClB NKE 57.22 0.63 -8.45 18000
Australia 1.50 2.00
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 40.70 2.52 -5.13 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 53.87 0.73 -26.28 $ Pfizer PFE 35.19 0.14 9.01
U.S. discount 1.00 0.75 17500
Fed-funds target 0.25 0.00
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 30.40 -0.49 -0.65 € LOreal OR 172.70 -0.63 11.20 $ Procter&Gamble PG 87.42 0.53 10.09
Call money 2.25 2.00
AU$ RioTinto RIO 49.32 -0.48 10.31 £ NationalGrid NG. 1081.50 1.07 15.36 $ 3M MMM 179.17 -0.39 18.94 17000
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 1640000 4.73 30.16 CHF Nestle NESN 79.50 1.47 6.64 $ TravelersCos TRV 117.78 0.31 4.36
Overnight repurchase rates 16500
U.S. 0.57% 0.21%
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4384.00 -0.07 -21.01 CHF Novartis NOVN 78.45 -0.13 -9.62 $ UnitedTech UTX 109.30 0.33 13.77
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 6455.00 -4.61 5.15 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 309.50 0.06 -22.61 $ UnitedHealthGroup UNH 142.17 0.32 20.85 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 3383.00 -1.60 -26.55 £ Prudential PRU 1396.50 -0.07 -8.79 $ VISAClA V 80.23 -0.75 3.46 June July Aug.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 110.00 0.73 17.33 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7418.00 -0.15 18.10 $ Verizon VZ 52.86 -0.58 14.37 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 176.00 -0.56 23.08 £ RioTinto RIO 2465.00 1.17 24.53 $ WalMart WMT 74.26 1.82 21.14 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | B7


Agency Goes Undercover in Bank Probe

Regulator deploys Undercover operations are its pertain to personal informa-
common in criminal probes. tion collected from individuals
‘mystery shoppers’ to But they are rarely used by reg- and don’t apply to cases such
ferret out any lending ulators in civil law-enforcement as that of BancorpSouth, add-
cases because of limits imposed ing, “The bureau will continue
bias in mortgages under the 1974 Privacy Act and to use all available tools, as the
other concerns. circumstances warrant, to fur-
BY YUKA HAYASHI That law maintains that gov- ther its mission of protecting
AND ARUNA VISWANATHA ernment officials must identify consumers from discrimina-
themselves if seeking informa- tion.”
WASHINGTON—In 2013, a tion from individuals. Some CFPB critics have previously
loan officer at BancorpSouth agencies interpret that as pro- raised questions about the
Bank’s Madison, Ala., branch hibiting any covert investiga- agency’s tactics, including the
received visits from two people tions. agency’s reliance on educated
with similar profiles within 10 The CFPB and others argue guesses to identify minority


days of each other, both saying it doesn’t apply to “mystery borrowers in auto-lending dis-
they were first-time home buy- shopping,” because that tactic crimination cases and the un-
ers—one white, the other black. is used only to seek informa- usually heavy application of
The employee allegedly steered tion that would be available to fines for a real-estate transac-
the black customer to a smaller any member of the public, and tion law, now contested in
and more expensive loan, even doesn’t involve eliciting per- court by lender PHH Corp. In a
though her stated income and sonal information about indi- case revolving around the
credit score were higher than viduals. scope of the CFPB’s investiga-
the white applicant’s. The agency won’t discuss tive authority, a district court
When the Consumer Finan- the extent of its use of such BancorpSouth signed a $10.6 million settlement with the CFPB and the Justice Department in June. in April ruled against the
cial Protection Bureau took ac- mystery shoppers, and the Ban- agency’s attempt to compel a
tion against the bank in June corpSouth case is the only one sis on combating so-called red- ment on June 29. It didn’t ad- see more and more aggressive college accrediting agency to
for allegedly discriminating in which the CFPB has dis- lining—a bank’s refusal to lend mit wrongdoing and it disputed civil law-enforcement activity hand over oral testimony in an
against African-American cus- closed deploying them. to residents in certain neigh- the findings, though it didn’t by the government, so that civil investigation.
tomers in mortgage lending, Quyen Truong, a partner at borhoods marked by a hypo- specify which parts. The bank law enforcement borders on, if Spokesmen for the SEC and
the federal watchdog agency Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP thetical red line on a map—and also criticized the methods not bleeds into, criminal law the Financial Crimes Enforce-
disclosed that the aspiring bor- who served as the agency’s other forms of alleged lending used in the case. enforcement,” said Andrew ment Network, the Treasury
rowers were “mystery shop- deputy general counsel until discrimination against minority “We have concerns with the Vollmer, a former deputy gen- Department’s anti-money-laun-
pers,” or undercover investiga- May, said implementing the borrowers. “To this day, the way the information was col- eral counsel at the Securities dering unit, said their agencies
tors, sent in by the agency. mystery-shopping program lines of segregation remain evi- lected, and selectively re- and Exchange Commission who don’t use undercover opera-
The case is the latest exam- “took significant efforts but it’s dent and their impact persists,” leased,” the Tupelo, Miss., bank now teaches at the University tions.
ple of the five-year-old CFPB been up and running.” She CFPB Director Richard Cordray said in a statement, adding that of Virginia’s law school. “What In 2011, criticism from Re-
testing boundaries with its en- added that the agency devel- said in a July 19 speech, as he it has “zero tolerance for this we do not have are the corre- publican lawmakers prompted
forcement tactics, a pattern oped the program “after evalu- pledged to fight “active dis- type of behavior” from employ- sponding protections of the the Department of Health and
that has sparked clashes be- ating all the potential legal re- crimination.” ees. criminal law-enforcement sys- Human Services to drop plans
tween the agency and the fi- strictions.” BancorpSouth signed a $10.6 The CFPB’s use of under- tem for the accused.” to use mystery shoppers dis-
nancial industry and Republi- The use of mystery shoppers million settlement with the cover investigators “is a worri- Sam Gilford, a CFPB spokes- guised as patients to probe care
can lawmakers. signals the CFPB’s new empha- CFPB and the Justice Depart- some precedent, because…we man, said the privacy act’s lim- access at doctors’ offices.

Italian Bank Executives Probed

BY GIOVANNI LEGORANO the investigation stems from law, being under investigation by the sale of the bad loans.
a complaint filed by some doesn’t imply guilt or directly The plan is being closely
MILAN—Banca Monte dei shareholders, who claimed lead to indictment. watched as Monte dei Paschi
Paschi di Siena SpA Chief Ex- they incurred losses on hold- The news comes as the emerged as the worst-capital-
ecutive Fabrizio Viola and tje ings in the bank due to the bank is readying a plan to sell ized bank after recent stress
bank’s former chairman, Ales- incorrect booking of two de- roughly €28 billion ($31.61 tests carried out by the Euro-
sandro Profumo, are being in- rivatives, which date back billion) in bad loans, which pean Banking Authority, and


vestigated by prosecutors for several years. have been one of the main as it has been a source of ma-
possible false accounting and Prosecutors in Milan are drags on its profitability. In jor instability for the coun-
market manipulation in rela- also carrying out other inves- parallel, the bank said it try’s banking system.
tion to past derivatives trans- tigations revolving around would initiate a capital in- Since the beginning of the
actions, two people familiar the two transactions involv- crease of up to €5 billion, or year, the bank’s shares have
with the matter said Thurs- ing former executives at the more than seven times its lost more than 80% of their
day. bank, who have denied any current market value, to value, while Italian banks
According to the people, wrongdoing. Under Italian cover for the losses generated have shed half. Alessandro Profumo, left, and Fabrizio Viola are under scrutiny.

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B8 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Brexit Still
Makes Case
Nestlé’s Stock Tastes Bittersweet OVERHEARD
The most investors in in recession-struck Brazil Memories on Wall Street

For Easing Nestlé have to fear may be a

less-fearful investment envi-
Gimme a Break
Nestlé annual organic growth*
and Russia has proved sur-
prisingly resilient. Analysts
also are divided on whether
are short in part because
trading is a young person’s
Markets have moved on There was plenty to get 8% U.K. supermarkets can pass When the Federal Re-
quickly from Brexit. But gloomy about in second- on higher import costs to serve raised rates in De-
questions about its impact quarter results from the 6 First half: shoppers during a price war cember for the first time
remain firmly embedded in Swiss branded-goods com- 3.5% and possible post-Brexit since 2006, commentators
the minds of policy makers. pany. At 3.1%, organic 4 slowdown pointed out that a signifi-
Little clarity has emerged growth—a key measure of The second reason why in- cant number of those buy-


in the wake of the U.K.’s June sales performance that strips vestors seem happy to shrug ing and selling bonds
23 vote to leave the Euro- out currency movements— 2 off Nestlé’s growth problems hadn’t experienced such
pean Union. Prime Minister was the weakest in years. It may be its status, for now, as an event in their profes-
Theresa May has declared also fell short of analysts’ 0 a haven in stormy seas. The sional lives.
that “Brexit means Brexit,” a forecasts of 3.5%. 2004 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 company sells such a bewil- A far smaller percentage—
succinct but empty slogan, The key culprit is falling dering array of brands in certainly none under the age
*Excludes portfolio changes and currency
with little follow-up on the prices in developed markets. effects such an encyclopedic list of of 40—were in the field for a
actual logistics of Britain’s In the first half Nestlé’s Source: the company countries that Robert Wald- seminal event that saw its
extrication. In terms of im- brands, which range from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. schmidt, an analyst at Libe- anniversary on Wednesday:
mediate effects, U.K. eco- KitKat to Nescafé to Shred- rum, likens it to a stock port- Russia’s debt default.
nomic data have swung to ded Wheat, were 0.7% figure, implying second-half tives. For the same reason, folio whose benchmark index The reverberations crip-
and fro: While July’s pur- cheaper than in the previous growth of 5%. Mr. Roger said price in- is global growth. pled hedge fund Long Term
chasing managers’ indexes year. Intense price competi- Mr. Roger’s assurances for creases would be necessary There is a paradox here: Capital Management and
showed a sharp downturn, tion in China, where Chief Fi- 2016 are underpinned by in the U.K. following June’s Weak numbers from Nestlé might have brought down
July retail sales rose sharply. nancial Officer François-Xa- price increases Nestlé has Brexit vote and the pound’s act as a bearish indicator, the world financial system
But the U.K. vote clearly vier Roger said the food-and- pushed through already in plunge. prompting investors to push if not for Fed intervention.
hung over the July meetings beverage market was Brazil, Russia and other The risk is that raising its defensive shares to ever- Though LTCM wasn’t partic-
of both the Federal Reserve showing zero growth, is an- emerging markets. Since prices encourages shoppers higher earnings multiples. A ularly exposed, it was in-
and the European Central other problem. many of the group’s input to trade down to cheaper low-growth world may not be volved in many other
Bank. The Fed minutes use Mr. Roger insisted the sec- costs are priced in dollars, brands. This would under- good for Nestlé’s numbers, crowded trades that un-
the term “Brexit” 20 times; ond quarter would mark a the devaluation of the Brazil- mine Nestlé’s strategy of but it is good for Nestlé’s wound in unison.
the ECB account kicks off by “cyclical low” in pricing. He ian real in particular has “premiumization”—pushing stock. A global recovery Masters of the universe
noting the vote as the most pledged full-year growth on weighed on its margins, off- consumers toward posher could be oddly painful. have less rope with which to
significant event since the a par with last year’s 4.2% setting cost-cutting initia- products. Until now, business —Stephen Wilmot hang themselves these days
governing council last met. in the aftermath of a simi-
True, there is relief here larly unexpected event.
that the immediate impact
proved contained. The Fed
notes that, in the near term,
Lenovo: Selling Property Can’t Fix Everything But there have been warn-
ings that mom and pop, who
have even shorter memories,
the prompt recovery in fi- Is the world’s largest per- pricing pressure. The com- Lenovo’s data-center busi- are in a similarly crowded
nancial markets alleviated sonal-computer maker also a Dial Down pany managed to churn out a ness, often seen as a bright trade. Years of ultralow inter-
uncertainty. But both institu- property developer? Per- Lenovo’s smartphone shipments slight gain in profit through spot, also is in the red. The est rates have pushed them
tions sound cautious on lon- haps. cost savings. company blamed “business into funds owning stocks or
ger-term effects. The ECB On Thursday, Lenovo re- 25 million But unless revenue picks transition” and competition bonds offering at least a little
says uncertainty could affect ported a 64% increase in net 20 up, such maneuvers will be in China. This shows the lim- bit of yield.
the global economy “in deep- income for the last quarter, 15 harder to pull off. itations of Lenovo’s approach Vanguard Group took the
er and less predictable ways” far exceeding analysts’ esti- 10 The company’s other busi- to compete on prices. Len- unusual step last month of
than through direct trade. mates. The earnings beat, 5 nesses looked even worse. ovo’s research-and-develop- closing a dividend-growth
And both the Fed and the however, didn’t come from Smartphones continued to ment expenses have fallen mutual fund to new investors
ECB note that one possible selling more computers, but lose money. Management’s 9% during the quarter from a and a recent paper co-au-
reason for market resilience from the sale of a property 2014 ’15 ’16 hope to turn around that year earlier. Without new thored by a Fed economist
was that investors expected in Beijing. The transaction Sources: the company; IDC segment by moving up the technology that sets its warned of the possibility of
looser monetary policy—and resulted in more than $120 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. value chain will be challeng- products apart, there only is “run-like behavior” in such
not just in the U.K. million of capital gains, ing. Samsung’s Galaxy 7 and so much cost-cutting can do. funds when rates eventually
Brexit as a global phenom- slipped into its operating Sales of personal comput- a new iPhone coming in Sep- Lenovo might look cheap rise.
enon will wax and wane. But profit, instead of being ers continued to slide, tember will continue to rule trading at around 10 times That doesn’t mean yields
as a long-term source of un- booked as one-off nonoper- though at a slower pace. PC the high-end segment. In Le- forward earnings. But with- can’t keep falling, but retail
certainty and potential dis- ating income. Excluding that, shipments fell 2%, but reve- novo’s home turf of China, it out a meaningful pickup in investors unprepared for capi-
ruption, it looks likely to re- Lenovo’s operating profit nue for the segment—which faces an uphill battle against sales, it could well be a value tal losses may be playing a
main a factor on the side of would be halved and would includes tablets and ac- incumbent leader Huawei trap. There are only so many game of Russian roulette
easier monetary policy. have come in much lower counted for 69% of the to- and upstart brands such as buildings it can sell, after all. without realizing it.
—Richard Barley than consensus estimates. tal—dropped 7%, indicating Oppo and Vivo. —Jacky Wong


Legal Pain for Australian Banks

in the summer months.
Finance Saudi Arabia produced 10.550
million barrels a day in June, up

BY ROBB M. STEWART Watch from 10.270 million barrels in

May, JODI data shows.
—Summer Said
MELBOURNE, Australia—A
lawsuit filed in the U.S. ac- STANDARD BANK
cuses Australia’s biggest
banks and a number of inter- CHINA
African Lender Says
national investment banks of
Home-Price Gains Earnings Increased
fixing Australia’s primary in- Standard Bank Group Ltd.,
terest-rate benchmark. Held Pace in July Africa’s biggest lender by assets,
The lawsuit echoes allega- Average home prices in July reported an uptick in earnings
tions against three of the were up 0.7% from a month ear- helped by its focus on the conti-
Australian lenders by the lier, almost matching June’s nent, despite a regional drought,
country’s securities regulator, 0.71% pace and slowing from lower commodity prices and poor
which accuses them of manip- May’s 0.84%, according to calcu- growth in several countries.
ulating the bank-bill swap lations by The Wall Street Jour- The Johannesburg-based bank
rate between 2010 and 2012. nal based on data released by said headline earnings, which
All three have denied wrong- the National Bureau of Statistics. strip out certain exceptional and
doing. Compared with a year earlier, one-off items, rose 4.7% to 10.86

Filed by two U.S. invest- the average price of a new home billion South African rand ($808
ment funds and a trader, the in 70 cities was up 6.1% in July, million) in the six months to
lawsuit casts a wider net, accelerating from 5.52% in June. June 30 from the same period
claiming that more than a The gain marked the seventh the previous year.
dozen banks and two broker- consecutive month of year-over- Poor performance in part of
ages intentionally and sys- year increases. West Africa was offset by higher
tematically manipulated the —Dominique Fong growth in East African countries,
benchmark rate and rate- said Ben Kruger, the bank’s chief
based derivatives prices to SAUDI ARABIA executive. —Alexandra Wexler
gain hundreds of millions of
dollars or more in illegitimate NAB is among the lenders named in the suit, filed by two U.S. investment funds and a trader.
Nation Exported MONGOLIA
profits. More Oil in June Rates Rise to 15%
The filing names, among tled based on the bank-bill to comment on continuing le- Before late September Saudi Arabia increased its oil
others, Australia & New Zea- swap rate, since at least Jan- gal action. Other defendants 2013, the Australian bench- exports in June as it pumped at Mongolia’s central bank raised
land Banking Group Ltd., uary 2003, were overcharged weren’t immediately reach- mark was based on submis- near-record-high levels while its benchmark interest rate to a
Commonwealth Bank of Aus- and underpaid in their own able for comment. sions from up to 14 local and burning less petroleum for elec- record 15% as it battles a crash-
tralia Ltd., National Austra- transactions, and were unable The lawsuit was filed in overseas banks. After elimi- tricity than the same month last ing currency and investors dump
lia Bank Ltd., Macquarie to accurately price deriva- the U.S. District Court for the nating the highest and low- year, official data showed. its government bonds.
Group Ltd. and Westpac tives based on the benchmark Southern District of New York est, the Australian Financial Crude exports in June rose to The Bank of Mongolia in-
Banking Corp. rate or determine their set- on Tuesday, according to a Markets Association would 7.456 million barrels a day, the creased rates by 4.5 percentage
The Australian Securities tlement value. copy viewed by The Wall calculate the mean of the highest for the month of June points, putting its benchmark
and Investments Commission Street Journal. rest. Since September 2013, since 2012, compared with 7.295 rate above those of most other
had previously filed lawsuits In June, the Australian Se- the benchmark has used an million barrels in May, according countries, including Nigeria’s 14%
against National Australia
The lawsuit alleges curities and Investments electronic compilation of the to figures provided by the king- and Brazil’s 14.25%. The bench-
Bank, or NAB, Westpac and that the defendants Commission began legal ac- midpoint in the locally traded dom to the Joint Organisations mark rate in Ukraine is 15.5%.
ANZ. tion against National Austra- market for reference bank Data Initiative. The Mongolian currency, the
The suit, which seeks
manipulated money- lia Bank in federal court in bills, eliminating the need for The country’s new energy togrog, has fallen 16.7% in the
class-action status, is led by market transactions. Melbourne, alleging “uncon- submissions from the banks. minister, Khalid al-Falih, pledged past two months to 2,256
Sonterra Capital Master scionable conduct” and mar- On Thursday, ANZ said in June that Riyadh had no inten- against the U.S. dollar after
Fund, FrontPoint Financial ket manipulation with regard there had been no allegations tion of flooding the market, but reaching a one-year high in the
Services Fund LP and trader Westpac denied the allega- to rate setting between June by the Australian regulator of since then, its production has in- wake of the U.K.’s vote to leave
Richard Dennis. It alleges tions in the claim and said 2010 and December 2012. The collusion among the banks it creased at a rate faster than it the European Union.
that the defendants manipu- that if served, it would de- commission began similar has taken action against. needs to meet domestic demand —Gregor Stuart Hunter
lated money-market transac- fend the allegations vigor- proceedings against Westpac
tions during the fixing win- ously. ANZ and Common- in early April and against
dow for the bank-bill swap
rate, made false rate submis-
wealth Bank also said they
planned to defend against any
ANZ a month earlier.
Since 2012, the regulator
sions, bought or sold money- action, while National Austra- has been investigating banks’
market instruments at a loss lia Bank reiterated that it trading dating back to 2007 [ Search by company, category or country at ]
to create artificial derivatives didn’t agree with the claims in Australia’s bank-bill swap-
prices, and shared proprie- previously made by Austra- rate market, the benchmark NAV —%RETURN—
tary information on deriva- lia’s securities regulator. Mac- used in the country’s mar-
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
tives based on the bank-bill quarie declined to comment. kets. The probe came after Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
swap rate. A spokesman at HSBC rate-fixing scandals else- CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 08/12 USD 303036.29 8.2 3.8 -7.7
The result, the suit alleges, Holdings PLC, which was where, including one over
was that anyone who engaged among the international manipulation of the London Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
in U.S.-based transactions banks named in the U.S. suit, interbank offered rate, or Li- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
priced, benchmarked or set- said the company wasn’t able bor. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:
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Arnold Palmer Goes
Back to the Golf Course
Dan Neil
What barbecue test-chauffeurs
is to Texans, the Aston Martin
this delicacy is Lagonda Taraf,
to Hawaiians a 195-mph limo

© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | W1

The End of the

Lukewarm Bath
For decades, safely ‘tasteful’ bathrooms have
been decorated in tepid neutral shades.
But now resale-be-damned color—from truly
cool blues to emphatic black—is on tap again


BLUE PLANK SPECIAL A bathroom in Millahue, Chile, designed by Alex and Carrie Vik, owners of Viña Vik retreat and VIK Winery, features board-like UonUon porcelain tiles from 14OraItaliana.

the process. Renovating with help from As home-design trends shift, Mr. Gia- Mr. Moon. His more fearless clients,
New York designer Wesley Moon, Mr. vos appears to be ahead of the curve. he said, are thirsting for color and “ready

Giavos binged on color in one of the full Even if the powder room has traditionally to rebel.”
N RECENT DECADES, Americans baths, tiling the walls and floors in celery been a canvas for decorating bravado, the A gutsier palette may also reflect con-
have maintained that the most de- green and pink respectively. Bonus: Black full bath has long been a neutral zone. fidence in the strengthening real-estate
sirable—and resalable—bathrooms Osborne & Little wallpaper featuring Permanent tiles, vanities and fixtures market, said Jamie Chappell, who tracks
should be scrupulously boring. A snowy swans floating through green wa- don’t come cheap and homeowners trends as creative director of San Fran-
compulsively neutral color scheme ter lilies with coral flowers. typically play it safe, following the lead cisco’s Fireclay Tile. Sales of existing
has been the ideal: soothing whites, timid Mr. Giavos knew he was bucking of housing developers. Result: an under- homes reached a nine-year peak this
taupes, muted wood or stone. But graphic common wisdom—the extroverted tiling, stated Calvin Klein-like aesthetic that May, according to the National Associa-
designer Constantine Giavos of Manhattan in particular, was a resale red flag—and won’t offend anyone. Lately, however, tion of Realtors, and Bill Darcy, CEO of
was having none of it. This year, he and his own mother-in-law expressed skepti- designers say more clients are willing to the National Kitchen and Bath Association
his wife, Rachel Lamel, a fashion execu- cism. He shrugged. “We really wanted go in a Gucci-like direction: idiosyncratic, (NKBA), noted that “consumers are
tive, moved into an Upper East Side to love the space,” he said. “That’s so colorful, even ornamented. “It’s a re- stretching themselves.” Mr. Darcy is mid-
apartment, escaping their old beige-tiled overlooked. Wouldn’t you rather enjoy sponse to the boredom of two-and-a-half bathroom design himself, leaving behind
“absolute mediocrity” of a bathroom in the place you live?” decades of neutral bathrooms,” said Please turn to page W2
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Continued from page W1 According to a 2015 survey of de-
beige tiles in his previous home signers belonging to the NKBA, be-
and opting for blue walls and dark tween 10% and 15% of its members
cabinets: “My wife and I are fairly expect to decorate more baths in
traditional people, but we’re using green, blue and black this year. Why
bolder colors than we ever have the absence of reds? Biology, appar-
before.” ently. A study at Australia’s Curtin
Not that we’re likely to revisit University, published in 2015, found
the candy-pink sinks and toilets of that blue surroundings physiologi-
the mid-20th century or the mauve cally calmed students, while red
molded-plastic shower stalls of the and yellow increased heart rates.
1970s—excesses that left American Biorhythms aside, cool tones
homeowners with a design hang- offer an entry point for the color-
over, noted Peter Sallick, CEO and shy, said Los Angeles designer
creative director of Danbury, Conn.- Emily Henderson, because they
based bath-fittings firm Water- evoke water and feel intrinsic to the
works. To detox, he said, designers bathroom. Misadventures in reds,
turned to the crisp, white subway pinks and oranges are more likely
tile, Carrara marble and polished to yield rooms of the “we must
chrome that are still popular today. change this...tomorrow” sort.
The recession in 2008 pushed the For New York architect John
achromatic trend further, with Ike—who installed high-energy
risk-averse consumers favoring aquatic-colored tiles in the guest
bath of his San Diego home—the
trendier the tone, the shorter-lived
its allure. “Purple, orange, acid
‘Purple, orange, acid green—you can tire of these,”
green—you can tire of he said.
Moody, cooler shades that have
these,’ said one architect. no whiff of faddishness enrich an
early-20th-century master bath in
Riga, Latvia, designed by Filippo
styles that were “very McMansion Carandini and Maria Rodina of
feeling, very depersonalized.” Milan’s Linee Studio. They covered
Over the years, whether borrowing the walls in Farrow & Ball’s Break-
Edwardian spit-and-polish from the fast Room Green, then painted
Ritz or Zen-inspired earthiness doors and woodwork in F&B’s
from Canyon Ranch, a neutral bath Stone Blue. Mr. Carandini recom- Watery Hues Make Sense
became codified as “calming” and mended less saturated hues, Blues and greens suit a
eminently tasteful. noting that “full tones look cheap. bathroom’s purpose as well as
Since 2014, however, Mr. Sallick’s If you like red,” he advised, “use a the SoCal location of architect
firm has added 160 new hues to its light pink and bring in reds with John Ike’s San Diego home.
ceramic tile lines—Peacock Green details like towels.”
and Marmalade among them—and If you use similar paint colors at
doubled its nonneutral offerings least somewhere else in the rest of Adventurous sorts are also ex-
overall. At Fireclay Tile’s headquar- your home, entering your bathroom ploring the absence of color. While
ters, Ms. Chappell has been watch- won’t seem like an abrupt swerve browsing online images of bath-
ing a similarly colorful story unfold. into peacockitude. Mr. Carandini rooms glammed up in black tile and
“The packing table used to be a sea also chose Stone Blue for the ebony paint, Mr. Giavos wondered
of white tile and maybe a handful nearby living room. That way, he why he’d rarely seen such inky
of blues and greens,” she said. said, it’s not “a regular house with spaces in the analog world. He and
“Now it’s the opposite.” a ‘crazy’ bathroom.” his wife, guided by Mr. Moon, took
the plunge in their apartment’s
master bath, choosing oil-black Ann


Sacks tiles (oversize for a more
modern look), smoked mirrors and
faucets in a toned-down French
Gold finish. “I have this weird fetish
for super-luxurious ’80s style,” Mr.
Giavos admitted.
For some, shiny black bathrooms
trigger unwelcome memories of
reckless nightclub antics. Mindful of
that, Los Angeles designer Betsy
Burnham used soft, matte blacks in
the master bath of a local client’s
home. “Not harsh, not glossy, noth-
ing Italian modern,” she said of the
lightly distressed vanity painted in Muted Beats Candy Bright Mid-toned Farrow & Ball paint lends a
Benjamin Moore Ebony King, the Riga, Latvia, bathroom by Linee Studio quiet, palatable personality.
dusky mosaic marble underfoot and
the antiqued-glass mirror. Paradoxi-
cally, the clients reported that it Swinehart, a features editor at the rooms are an ideal place to splash
brightened their mornings. décor site Remodelista, can attest. out a little. “They aren’t rooms you
For now, most sinks and toilets Bored by her bathroom’s “lifeless socialize in, or rooms where you
remain starkly white, but Pirch, mismatch of tepid ivory hues,” she spend hours on end,” she pointed
the high-end kitchen-and-bath re- painted the walls a flat pitch black. out. She’s heard the most regrets
Pattern Need tailer with a newly opened show- The result “felt like a dungeon.” She from “people who have stayed safe
Not Overwhelm room in New York’s Soho district, determinedly groomed herself in but wished they’d done something
In an Oakland, Calif., touts matte black MGS faucets and the gloom for a year before repaint- more interesting.” In what is truly
bathroom, Christina a swooping charcoal Apaiser tub. ing the space a light gray. Her take- the most intimate space in the en-
Zamora used the Neutrals still sell best, said Pirch away: Don’t blacken a tiny bath. “In tire home, success lies in finding
same geometric chief marketing officer Laith a large room, you have space for the sweet spot between overly
Heath Ceramics’ Murad, but an edgier aesthetic is contrasting elements: a claw-foot bland and over-the-top. “In the
Half Hex Mix tiles emerging: “Think of fashion in the tub, a generous rug, an ample mir- morning, you need a room that
in two colorways for late 1990s. It’s all about colors ror,” she said. In a small room, doesn’t demand much of you,” said
a graphic but not that accentuate shape.” choose subtle complex shades. Mr. Ike. “On the other hand, you
overly loud effect. Of course, even professionals Still, for Charlotte Cosby, head may want to start your day with
commit color blunders, as Meredith of creative at Farrow & Ball, bath- a little thrill.”

pea greens and acid greens,” (a deep aubergine) and Rectory

WC WISDOM FROM PROS said Mr. Kennedy. “They aren’t
so great on the skin.” Said Ms.
Red (a black-tinged crimson).
Drummonds, a British bath-
Beldock, “The color that’s hip- fittings firm, newly showing
Homeowners are more likely to bust out in the pest right now is blush because within Lapicida’s space in New
it makes you look beautiful.” York’s D&D Annex, will custom
bathroom with a designer’s help. Here, some privy tips Think superficially. The paint one of their cast-iron
same color tile can be jewellike soakers, such as this multihued
said Cambridge architectural in a gloss finish and earthy in a Liffey model. Liffey Bathtub,
designer Kimberly Barnett. matte finish, explained New York $10,350, 212-794-0157
“Not that a room can’t be designer Phillip Thomas. Go for Throw back, but modern-
quirky and different,” but high shine if your bathroom ize. Retro looks need refresh-
colors should feel as if could benefit from more light, ing. While their celery-and-pink
“they belong to the same and less reflective finishes for palette nods to the 1950s,
composition.” quieter but still-saturated color. the tiles in the guest bath of
Check your closet. New  Steep in it. “We’re seeing Mr. Moon’s recent project are
York’s Wesley Moon asks clients clients paint the underside of an updated 6-inch square, and
to show him a favorite outfit, tiles and material in his office,” powder-coated pendants. Mini free-standing baths in the frameless glass
then riffs on the colors and said Hymie Myama, a client Pendants, from $225 each, stronger shades,” said shower and recessed
 Get tap happy. Boston textures. of New York architect John Ike. Farrow & Ball’s Charlotte medicine chest have
designer Rachel Reider recently Don’t bring home strays. “He lays them all out so we Remain in light. At a Cosby. Top choices: Pelt modern lines.
juiced up a neutral bathroom Tones and patterns lovely in one can see them.” client’s request, New York
with a lemon-yellow Vola sink setting (say, a Marrakesh hotel)  Forget wimpy accesso- designer Brett Beldock recently
spigot, a 1968 design by mid- may be painfully wrong in ries. Palm Springs designer decked a master bath in bur-
century master Arne Jacobsen, another (your minimalist home). Christopher Kennedy is a fan of gundy and chocolate brown,
offered in 19 powder-coated ”Context is crucial,” counseled white bathrooms punctuated by illuminated it with high-voltage
brights and metallics. “It’s a Filippo Carandini, a Milan bold strokes and art that LED fixtures and a lighted
fairly easy change up,” said Ms. designer. makes a statement. He’s even mirror. “Have great light on
Reider. Vola HV1 Faucet, from Build a mood board. Putting installed a sculpture in a your face and overhead,” she
$1,300, samples of flooring, fittings and shower stall. “I always find it recommended, “and install
Don’t start from scratch. paint together makes the big a bit juvenile to say, ‘Just bring dimmers so you can opt for the
Your house has a working pal- picture easier to visualize. “John in colors in towels and bath ambience of a dark bath.”
ette, so draw from those hues, has an exhaustive selection of mats.’” Try these graphic Flatter yourself. “We avoid
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | W3


Be Cool,
Caffeinated ...OR PICK UP
ROOTS For those
skipping caffeine,

Or Not turmeric and black

pepper provide the
kick in a creamy
iced latte.

Cold brewing makes a killer iced coffee.

But even the decaf crowd can charge up
with a refreshing turmeric latte

acidic cup that offers a

complex expression of the
flavors of the beans you’ve

AST YEAR, on selected to brew. Matt
a monstrously Swenson, director of U.S.
hot day in July, operations for Nobletree
I moved from an Coffee, a farm-to-cup opera-
apartment build- tion based in Brooklyn,
ing chilled to sweater tem- suggested using medium-
perature by central air con- roast beans grown in Brazil,
ditioning to a hundred-year- which will produce a bold,
old house outfitted with chocolaty iced drink that
a collection of ancient, un- lends itself to sweetener
derperforming window units. or a splash of milk.
On good days, I like to talk Coffee abstainers deserve
about what a joy it is to a summer drink to match
fully experience the seasons cold brew’s charisma, and
again outside the confines of for that role I nominate the
a hermetically sealed high iced turmeric latte, a quirky
rise. On bad days, there is beverage that came to my
a lot of cold brew. attention when the version


from Café Gratitude in
Los Angeles was featured
in “America’s Best Break-
Cold brew is nothing fasts,” Lee Brian Schrager
short of a revelation and Adeena Sussman’s atlas
of morning meals.
when it’s 85 degrees Turmeric, an earthy tast-
in your pre-dawn ing, vibrantly yellow spice
in the ginger family, was MAKE YOUR
kitchen. until recently best known BEANS COUNT...
for its inclusion in curry Cold brewing makes
powder. Now, its potent a uniquely flavorful
Cold brew—coffee brewed anti-inflammatory proper- and mellow iced
with cool rather than hot ties are giving it a star turn coffee.
water—is nothing short of among wellness enthusiasts,
a revelation when it’s 85 who mix it with non-dairy
degrees in your predawn milk to create an elixir
kitchen and the thought of widely referred to as
boiling water makes you feel “golden milk.” The turmeric
faint. The process is simple: latte at Café Gratitude was Cold-Brew Iced Coffee Cafe Gratitude’s Turmeric Latte
Steep coffee grounds for half one of the first on the This recipe produces enough coffee concentrate to make Turmeric root can be found at health food stores and many super-
a day or more in room-tem- scene—though it’s worth multiple servings. You can store the concentrate in the refrigerator markets. Some peel it before juicing, but that’s not necessary here.
perature water, and then noting that haldi ka doodh, and partake over the course of the following week. If you can’t find the root, substitute3/4 teaspoon turmeric powder dis-
strain off a coffee concen- a hot mixture of turmeric ACTIVE TIME: 5 minutes TOTAL TIME: 18 hours (includes solved in 2 tablespoons water. TOTAL TIME: 15 minutes SERVES: 1
trate that can sit in the and cow’s milk, has long cold-brewing coffee) SERVES: 1
refrigerator for at least figured in Indian cuisine. For the turmeric juice: 1 cup unsweetened
a week. When you want an Café Gratitude’s concoction For the concentrate: For the iced coffee: 4 ounces fresh turmeric root almond milk
iced coffee, pour some of the is made with almond milk, 3 cups filtered water 1/
2 cup cold brew
4 cup water 1 tablespoon honey or agave
concentrate over ice along raw honey and turmeric 11/4 cups medium-coarse concentrate For the latte: 1/
8 teaspoon freshly ground

with a little additional water juice. It also includes black ground coffee (slightly 1/
2 cup filtered water, 2 tablespoons turmeric juice black pepper (optional)
and, if you’re so inclined, pepper oil, which, according coarser than for a chilled
some milk or cream. No to Ryland Engelhart, the drip coffee maker) Whole milk (optional) 1. Make the turmeric juice: Combine turmeric root and water in
more settling for a weak restaurant’s co-owner, sub- a blender or food processor and purée, scraping down sides from time
brew because you’ve poured stantially improves the 1. Make the concentrate: In a large French press or other quart-size to time, until smooth, about 2 minutes. Pass through a fine-mesh
hot coffee over ice. And it body’s ability to access vessel, combine ground coffee with 3 cups room-temperature water. sieve or cheese cloth, pressing on solids. You should have about 1/2 cup
certainly reduces the labor turmeric’s many vaunted Stir to combine and let sit 18 hours. Strain coffee into a clean ves- juice—more than you’ll need for this recipe. Store in a sealed container
involved in the morning health benefits. Whether sel, either by depressing the plunger of the French press or straining in the refrigerator up to 4 days for use in more lattes.
coffee ritual. or not those interest you, the liquid through cheese cloth. Press on grounds to release as 2. For the latte: In a small saucepan, heat almond milk and honey
The benefits of cold brew the drink is savory but much liquid as possible. You should have a little over 2 cups coffee over medium heat, stirring, until honey is dissolved, 3-4 minutes. Let
transcend convenience light, a small reminder concentrate. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator up to cool to room temperature. Fill a tall glass with ice, add turmeric juice,
and keeping your cool. Ex- that caffeine isn’t the only 1 week for use in more cold-brew iced coffees. and top with almond milk and pepper, if using.
traction at lower tempera- invigorating way to start 2. Make the coffee: Fill a large glass with ice and add coffee and —Adapted from “America’s Best Breakfasts” by Lee Brian
tures yields a richer, less a hot day. water. Stir. Top off with whole milk, if desired. Schrager and Adeena Sussman


Grilled Lamb Chops With Herbed Labneh


“COOKING OVER fire is the most primitive Middle Eastern yogurt cheese, laced with
thing you can do,” said chef Curtis Stone. a chimichurri of herbs and olive oil. That
He gets in touch with his inner caveman at chimichurri also dresses a side dish
the huge grill that anchors his new Gwen of wax beans, haricots verts and radishes.
Butcher Shop & Restaurant in Los Angeles. Mr. Stone finds the smoky flavor
This recipe, Mr. Stone’s third Slow Food the fire imparts to the meat irresistible.
Fast contribution, calls for grilling lamb rib “After all these thousands of years, you’d
chops over blazing heat just long enough to think we would have come up with
achieve a good char on the outside and something better, but we clearly ha-
a tender, rosy interior. The chops are served ven’t,” he said. “This is just the best
The Chef: over a thick schmear of labneh, the creamy tasting way to cook.” —Kitty Greenwald
Curtis Stone
TOTAL TIME: 35 minutes SERVES: 4
His Restaurants:
Maude and Gwen Kosher salt and freshly chopped oregano drizzling
Butcher Shop & ground black pepper 11/2 tablespoons finely Juice and zest from 1 lemon
Restaurant, both in 3/
4 pound yellow wax beans chopped thyme 1/
2 cup labneh or full-fat

Los Angeles 3/
4 pound haricots verts Aleppo pepper (optional) Greek yogurt
3 cup finely chopped parsley 3 cup plus 1 tablespoon 12 lamb rib chops
1/ 1/

What He 11/2 tablespoons finely olive oil, plus extra for 3 radishes, thinly sliced
Is Known For:
Making the leap 1. Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil and olive oil to taste. In a large bowl, toss beans
from top kitchens over high heat. Light grill. with remaining chimichurri. Season with salt,
in Australia 2. Add wax beans and haricots verts to boiling lemon juice and/or more oil to taste.
and England to water and cook until just crisp-tender, about 5. Season lamb chops with salt, pepper and
American TV. 2 minutes. Transfer beans to an ice water bath. 1 tablespoon oil. Grill meat over high heat until
Intimate restaurants Once cooled, remove beans and thoroughly dry. seared and medium-rare within, 1-2 minutes per
that pay tribute 3. Next, make chimichurri sauce: In a small side. Off heat, season meat with a sprinkle of
to great bowl, combine parsley, oregano, thyme, Aleppo salt and a squeeze of lemon juice.
ingredients. pepper and a pinch of salt, smashing with 6. To serve: Arrange beans on a serving platter.
spoon or fork until herbs start to break down. Scatter radishes over beans, season with pepper
Stir in 1/3 cup olive oil, lemon zest and 2 tea- and drizzle with oil. Next, smear a generous
spoons lemon juice. Season with salt to taste. amount of labneh over a large platter. Arrange
4. In a small bowl, stir 1½ tablespoons chimi- chops over labneh and drizzle everything with oil. SCHMEAR CAMPAIGN Serving the lamb chops over the creamy labneh,
churri sauce into labneh and season with salt Serve both platters family style. instead of smothered in it, lets guests choose how much sauce to take.
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A Legging to
Stand On

Often dismissed as a faux pas, the
body-hugging not-quite-pants are being recast
(and embraced) by the high-fashion set

leggings that are polished at how to use them in their

and luxurious—in short, leg- wardrobes.”
gings that are appropriate Of course, there are leg-
anywhere but the gym. “At gings and then there are leg-

OR MANY, leg- one point, seeing leggings in gings. Those dreamed up by
gings are fash- everyday life looked sloppy,” Céline creative director
ion’s bad penny, said Saks Fifth Avenue SVP Phoebe Philo are made of the
coming back and fashion director Roopal smoothest black matte
again and again Patel. “It meant you weren’t stretch fabric, with zips at
thanks to regrettable mo- getting dressed and making the calf, and cut to univer-
ments of mod, 1990s grunge an effort.” sally flatter.
revivals, various fitness Leggings’ presence on the “It’s all about finding the
crazes and Gigi Hadid’s Snap- fall runways of brands such right ones,” agreed Gina To-
chat. To others, they’re the as Céline, Valentino and Vic- var, fashion director of Ama-
most comfortable item in the toria Beckham has fashion- zon Fashion. “They’re not all
closet, a go-to that’s easier to minded individuals like Ms. created equally and some are
wear than jeans and even Patel seeing things differently. far better suited for a work-
slimming, when styled right. Among the most telling mo- out.” If you’re wearing leg-
With the rise of “athleisure,” ments: In his much antici- gings as a style statement,
some women go to extremes, pated debut as artistic direc- she recommended options in
dressing as if in a perpetual tor of Balenciaga, Demna faux leather, smooth but
state of heading to-or-from- Gvasalia paired stirrup sturdy ponte knit, or velvet.
the-gym, no matter the occa- pants—leggings’ kissing One of fall’s freshest ver-
sion. The debate rages on: cousin—with couture-crafted sions is the knit legging, with
Leggings...trashy or trés chic? puffer jackets. “Leggings are its shades of sweet balletic
This fall, perhaps in reac- the cat with nine lives,” Ms. romance. On Valentino’s run-
tion to the look’s worst abus- Patel added. “This evolution way, finely ribbed iterations
ers, designers are offering has made women look again strolled by in black and pink,
tucked into the brand’s signa-
ture Rockstud heels and flats,
TIGHT DONE RIGHT // HOW TO WEAR LEGGINGS topped with flaring dresses
WHEN YOU’RE NOWHERE NEAR THE GYM and tailored wool peacoats.
Victoria Beckham also
showed ribbed knit styles but
in a heftier wool. They
draped cozily over the ankle,
and were layered under pol-
ished windowpane coats and ON THE GAM When cleverly cut from luxe fabrics, leggings can be a valid style statement.
long belted sweater vests. Leggings, $155,; Loewe Dress, $2,350,; Mules, $475,;
With the new prominence Ellipse Ring, $305,; Molten Ring, $225,
of leggings, there’s a pair for
every woman. At Saks, Ms. leather look for winter, as trans-occasional,” said Grit fall’s decidedly un-athletic
Patel said, leggings come in long as she can get the pro- Seymour, creative director of looks haven’t changed her
all manner of luxe materials: portions of what she wears Wolford, which offers a vast opinion. “Instead, put on
technical stretch nylon, on top right. “I like it when I collection of high-quality leg- tights or straight-leg black
leather, new treatments of feel covered, like a riding gings. A good pair can be the jeans,” she said. Leggings, she
denim, sequins and velvet. look with a blazer and boots,” key to wearing that other- maintained, are for walking
You might try the Row’s wise too-skimpy shift dress the dog. “Don’t wear leggings
body-sculpting leggings in a to the office or a sheer lace unless you’re also wearing a
scuba-like stretch nylon/elas- dress for evening. As demon- sports bra.”
tane for $450 or one of the ‘Leggings are the cat strated at left, leggings can Stylist and creative consul-
many options in leather and with nine lives. This make a dress with a high tant Danielle Nachmani is an-
suede by Saint Laurent and side-slit appropriate for other naysayer. Like Ms.
Vince, to name a few. evolution has made work, add some edgy warmth Friedlander, she views leg-
The influx of fashionable women look at them to a sequined spaghetti-strap gings as a uniform of com-
leggings is good news for dress, and prevent a tweed- fort. However, she is recon-
women, such as New York again.’ and-sequin minidress from sidering her stance after
lawyer Sharon Makowsky, veering too revealing. seeing fall’s runways. Her ad-
who have been designating Despite the current cheer- vice is to keep the look clean,
certain leggings in their she said. “That looks less like leading for leggings, nonbe- pairing leggings with a white
Left: Leggings, $350,; Dress, $2,495, Calvin wardrobe as special “dress- workout clothes.” lievers persist. Ruthie Fried- shirt or creating a tonally
Klein Collection, 212-292-9000; Rings, $325 and $265, up” wear. Ms. Makowsky One element of leggings lander, content editor for New matched look. “Then it’s pur-; Heels, $945, Middle: wears black Lululemon leg- that can’t be ignored is their York-based agency the Wall poseful, and it doesn’t look
Knit Pants, $980, Valentino, 212-355-5811; Nina Ricci Dress, gings for weekend outings, efficiency as a wardrobe Group, last year penned a dic- like you’re going to gym,” she
$5,690, Ikram, 312-587-1000 and Heels, Nina Ricci, 33-01-8397- keeping them in a separate problem-solver. “They are tatorial essay for ti- said. Might she wear leggings
7212. Right: Leggings, $590, and Dress, $8,100, Céline, 212- drawer from those she works shaping and concealing, mul- tled “Please Let’s Stop Wear- herself? “Who’s to say? I’d be
535-3703; Pumps, $675, Gianvito Rossi, 646-869-0201. out in. She’s contemplating a tifunctional, trans-seasonal, ing Leggings as Pants.” And open to trying.”



In place of two ties
that can be fashioned
With lanky, elegant sleeves and into a bow, this
asymmetric scarf can
an off-kilter bow, this top has the
either hang loose or
power to play many roles be knotted to
the side.
IF YOUR CLOSET held an awards ceremony,
the bow-neck silk blouse would win Most
Dependable. It might also win Most Likely
to Succeed. And perhaps Most Likely to Get
a Second Date. Fully bow-tied, the classic top
exudes executive confidence. With the ties
loosely intertwined and hanging down, it has
a free-spirited allure. No wonder many women
own more than a few. So why buy one more?
Italian label Sportmax offers a compelling CUFF
argument to do so. New for fall, its silk geor- STUFF
gette blouse is refreshed by a tunic length The longer cuffs
that falls anywhere from mid-thigh to the fall over your hands

knee, depending on your height. “I like the instead of primly

idea of this kind of proportion you can wear buttoning closed
in different ways,” explained Sportmax cre- at the wrist.
ative director Grazia Malagoli. The blouse
layers smoothly over leggy, tailored trousers
or a flaring midi skirt for a modern long-
over-long look. Or wear it alone as a dress,
with bare legs now, and tights later. TUCK
Instead of the standard-issue twin neck VS. TUNIC
ties, a single scarflike piece hangs asymmetri- With a longer
cally down the front; it can also be woven silhouette, it has the
through a loop on the left side of the collar versatility to be tucked
to create a half-bow. The elongated cuffs in, layered over or
are more louche than ladylike. Ms. Malagoli worn solo.
likes the way they fall and move as a woman
goes about her day: “They give a strong
attitude.” Tunic Blouse, $765, Sportmax,
212-674-1817 —Rebecca Malinsky
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | W5

Kahuku Superette

Honolulu’s Ahi
The seaside Kahuku area, on
Oahu’s North Shore—an hour
drive from Honolulu—is famous
for its corn fields, colony of

food trucks selling fresh
shrimp, and Kahuku Superette.
When Tina Lee took over the
Superette, a nondescript gen-
eral store, in 1992, she started
making a secret sauce for her
Poke, a Hawaiian raw-fish salad, is suddenly poke that drew locals and tour-
ists from around the island, as
everywhere. But it still tastes best in its rightful well as the high-school stu-
home, served with a side of sun, sea and no fuss dents from across the street (if
you show a school ID, you get
free rice with your poke).
them with salt harvested from the Ms. Lee, originally from
ocean, inamona (roasted and Korea, took a cue from kimchi
crushed kukui, or candlenut) and recipes and ferments soy sauce
I DON’T KNOW why it took the limu (seaweed). But it wasn’t until with heaps of fresh ginger and
rest of the country so long to catch the 1970s that poke’s popularity other mystery ingredients. It
on to poke. I’ve been hooked on began to grow, thanks to advances makes for a pleasant, mildly
Hawaii’s beloved raw-fish dish, in commercial fishing, which made pungent poke that pairs best
pronounced poh-kay, ever since deep-sea, large fish such as ahi with rice. Her shoyu poke is the
I moved to Oahu, nearly 10 years more available. Hawaii’s multicul- star, but I prefer the under-
ago. As common to the islands as tural influences, a result of the stated limu ahi, slicked with
hamburgers are to the mainland, it’s Japanese, Chinese, Filipino and sesame oil and sprinkled with
Hawaii’s version of ceviche, minus Korean laborers imported to work limu, green onions, chili flakes
the citrus, often made with cubed the sugar and pineapple planta- and sesame seeds. Whatever
ahi (yellowfin or bigeye tuna) and tions, contributed new seasonings you order you’ll be getting
seasoned with soy sauce and ses- to the poke mix. some of the best ahi around,
ame oil. Rare is the supermarket or These days, while you can get firm and free of sinew. Get
social gathering that doesn’t have poke made with everything from your poke to go and head
poke. Elsewhere, you might bring beets to beef, ahi poke still reigns straight to Waimea Bay, one
wine and cheese to a party; in Ha- supreme. The three local favorites of my favorite spots on Oahu
waii, it’s more likely beer and poke. are shoyu ahi (flavored with soy for its wide, sandy beach
Now that poke is popping up all sauce), limu ahi (also called Hawai- and deep clear waters just past
over the continental U.S., from ian-style, made with Hawaii’s the shorebreak (56-505
San Francisco to New York, I find crunchy, salty seaweed) and spicy Kamehameha Hwy).
myself thinking: It’s about time. ahi (a creamy concoction made with
Still, for variety and freshness, no- spicy mayonnaise). And it’s gener-
where beats Honolulu, the capital ally a no-fuss affair, scooped into THE POPULAR POKE
(and culinary center) of poke’s a plastic deli container and eaten Ono Seafood
birthplace state. “Poke is Hawaii’s with toothpicks or chopsticks, or, Oddly stuck to the side of a two-story building,
food,” said chef and poke evangelist for a more filling meal, served cold not too far from Diamond Head, this little sea-
Sam Choy. “No other food has the over hot rice. Sure, you can find food market is a candy store for seafood lovers.
kind of history [on] the islands.” artfully plated iterations at some You’ll find a fridge stuffed with sashimi, fish
(Mr. Choy launched Poke to the swanky island restaurants, but the jerky, little bags of dried cuttlefish and smoked
Max food trucks in Seattle, in 2013, very best versions come out of octopus and various pickled and marinated sea-
and a brick and mortar restaurant hole-in-the-walls that look like weeds. Behind the counter, mother-and-daugh-
of the same name, also in Seattle, backdrops from the original 1970s ter owners Judy Sakuma and Kim Brug (right)
earlier this year.) “Hawaii Five-0.” The spots listed mix the poke to order. The most popular, shoyu,
In Hawaiian, the word “poke” here, for example, may not win any comes coated with soy sauce that’s slightly
means to slice or cut crosswise into design awards, but they take great sweet and infused with shards of ginger. Order
pieces. The dish has existed in some care with their ahi and their mari- the shoyu as a poke bowl, and they’ll scoop it
form for centuries. Ancient Hawai- nades. The key, as Mr. Choy put it, over hot rice and drench it with extra sauce. The
ians would harvest reef fish (the is “the yin and yang of flavors—the Hawaiian-style poke is just as good, made with
small fish you might see when snor- salty, the sweet, the freshness of crisp limu and sea-salt crystals, nutty inamona
keling in Hawaii), slice and season the seafood, the crunch.” and flakes of chili pepper. The picnic tables next
to the parking lot fill up quickly; take your poke
bowl to someplace a little more scenic, like
nearby Kaimana Beach, Waikiki’s quieter and
less touristy strand (747 Kapahulu Avenue).


Tamashiro Market Ahi Assassins
As pink as Waikiki’s Royal Hawaiian hotel but much less regal (note the giant Fisherman Joshua Schade and
red crab on the facade), Tamashiro opened in 1947 in the Kalihi neighborhood. his partner, Erika Luna, opened
It offers one of the widest varieties of seafood in Honolulu and caters to Kalihi’s Ahi Assassins, where the busi-
multicultural residents, which means you’ll find the Filipino cascaron, a fried, ness cards and staff T-shirts
sweet, sticky rice ball and the Samoan version of poke, oka, marinated in coco- read “Slayed, weighed and fil-
nut milk and lemon juice. You can try before you buy, but even so, I can never leted in Hawaii,” in 2014 after
decide between ahi shoyu and kajiki (blue marlin), in which the white fish is years of selling Mr. Schade’s fish
speckled with black sesame seeds (802 North King St., straight off the boat to family
and friends. The takeout-only
spot is tucked into the second-
floor corner of a small office
THE PERFECTIONIST’S POKE complex in Manoa, near the

Maguro Bros University of Hawaii; look for the

In Honolulu’s Chinatown, inside Kekaulike Market, you’ll find Maguro Bros’ little pennants printed with ahi out-
seafood counter with a few tables. The setting doesn’t have the scope or size of lines strung on the balcony like
Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market, where Junichiro Tsuchiya, one of the brothers, worked as prayer flags. Inside, guys with
a fish buyer, but it has its own energetic charm, particularly around noon when strong forearms break down fish
the businessmen in aloha shirts stream in for lunch. In the glass refrigerated case, beside the poke display case.
you’ll see hunks of fresh ahi (“maguro” means tuna in Japanese), which the The Lunatic is my favorite varia-
Tsuchiya brothers meticulously transform into poke. They mix to order ever-so- tion here, with a garlicky sauce,
gently, adding light touches of finely ground inamona to the ahi limu, for example, hint of sugar and a heat that
and infusing shoyu with ume (preserved plum) and shiso (an herb that tastes of slowly builds (2570 S. Beretania
basil, mint and fennel) for an unusual brightness (1039 Kekaulike St. #113). St.,


With Pokémon Go city tours now on offer
everywhere from San Francisco to Reykja-
vik, it was inevitable that tour operators
would start plotting entire vacations around
the augmented-reality mobile game. The
travel company Zicasso now sells bespoke
Pokémon-inspired trips through Australia
and/or New Zealand, designed with families
in mind. A private guide will show travelers
around, say, Sydney Harbour or Milford
Sound, while giving tips on hunting down
Pokémon, including Australasia’s resident
Kangaskhan. For parents who shudder at
the thought of a Pokémon vacation—imag-
ining a glut of screen time and gazillion dol-
lars of cellphone charges—there’s good THE GUINNESS EXPRESS
news: All itineraries are customizable, so Belmond, the company which operates the famed
you can spend ample Venice Simplon-Orient-Express as well as three other

WINGING IT TO CUBA time cruising along the

Great Barrier Reef or
touring trains in the United Kingdom, is expanding its
array of luxury locomotives. The 40-passenger Belmond
In the latest sign that Cuba’s days as on, American will offer daily flights other places still too Grand Hibernian will rumble across the Republic of

a verboten destination are over, now from Miami to Cienfuegos and remote for Pokémon. Ireland and Northern Ireland, starting Aug. 30., on two-,
you can book a commercial flight Holguin at fares from $180 round- And Zicasso is offering four- and six-night round-trip journeys departing from
there from the U.S. with a little trip. (Other cities will follow, as will a portable hot spot Dublin. What takes so long in a country this small? Itin-
mouse-clicking. Whereas once you more airlines.) Still, don’t expect to for travelers who eraries include daily excursions such as falconry lessons
had to fly to Cuba on an airline char- spend your stay sipping mojitos on book by Oct. 1, 2016 at Ashford Castle or a round of golf in Killarney. Mean-
ter or via a third country, JetBlue is a beach; the U.S. only allows its citi- and travel by Dec. 31, while, the observation car doubles as an Irish pub, com-
selling direct tickets starting at $99 zens to visit Cuba for one of 12 rea- 2017 (from $2,499 plete with live music and a bottomless glass of Guin-
one-way on its thrice-weekly hops sons, including humanitarian projects a person for a 7-day ness. The Grand Hibernian will run through October,
from Fort Lauderdale to Santa Clara or educational activities (; trip; then resume in April, 2017 (from about $3,570 a per-
set to launch Aug. 31. From Sept. 7 —Barbara Peterson —Sydney Lazarus son, for a two-night journey; —S.L.
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W6 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Aston Martin Lagonda: The Thoroughbred Limo

the West Midlands, is where LET ‘ER RIP, JAMES
we lay our scene. Two weeks The limited-edition
ago, the weather was nice, Aston Martin Lagonda
and when the weather is nice Taraf is essentially a
in England, sonnets and oil 195-mph limousine.
paintings just happen. A fresh
breeze curled the treetops.
Clouds tumbled. Bands of
sunlight moved across open
fields as if searching for peas-
ants to transfigure.
And so close to the factory!
Yes, about that: The Mid-
lands is the historic heart of
the British car industry, in-
cluding Gaydon, home to Jag-
uar Land Rover and Aston
Martin. The Midlands is also
a global center of stubborn-
ness. The pastoralism visitors
enjoy is only by dint of


bloody rows over land use,
zoning, agricultural subsidies
and NIMBY-ism going back
to the Middle Ages.
Where’s this going? The
roads. Just outside the indus-
trial zones and motorways,
the roads pipe down to nar-
row, hold-your-breath country
lanes. And the car in hand,
the Lagonda Taraf, by Aston
Martin, is as wide as church
doors. By all rights, a car and
a half. Shrubbery snapped the
left-side mirror as I gave way
to an oncoming lorry. Jeez!
That mirror is about half my
annual salary. savage torque at mid-clock— sourced from Mercedes-Benz. The highlight of my car the Zagato-bodied Vanquish. a safe bet they don’t involve
The Taraf—a $1 million, and eight-speed rear trans- While these devices function year is next weekend, when In this respect, Aston is doing many naturally aspirated V12
195-mph super-sports limou- axle. The presence and aural- vastly better, I miss the gor- I serve as an honorary judge regular business like pre-war engines, spring suspensions
sine—is nothing less than ity of the powertrain has geous, awkward steampunk of at the Pebble Beach Concours luxury automakers with and mechanical limited-slip
a commissioned piece built been retrenched beneath the old dials. I predict this era d’Elegance, in Monterey, Calif. coach-building boutiques. diffs. The Taraf appears at
for the company’s Middle the Taraf’s deeper drifts of of Aston switchgear will be While I’m no authority on In any event, with only 200 the twilight of the old Aston
Eastern financiers, who are soundproofing, and you can hugely collectible. As long as classic cars, I know what clas- copies, many of them des- regime, a bell-jar of all that
also clients, if the usual ar- only dig them out again with collectors don’t try to tune sic-car experts look for in tined for private collections has been winning, charismatic
rangements apply. Since 2014, a very heavy foot. the stereo. awarding Best in Show. The in faraway places, the Taraf is and self-styled about Aston
Aston Martin has rounded Taraf also inherits the How does the Taraf drive? Taraf has the cut of a car a born unicorn. in the 21st century, from the
up more than $700 million in prominent driveline tunnel, Well, the driver is an em- that could earn Best in Show, Bloodline: The car world is big-Brit 12s to the crazy lux-
funding to reboot the com- and the bondage-tight leather ployee, so who really cares? circa 2066, let’s say. on the threshold of a techni- ury-Zeppelin controls.
pany in the next five years, hillock dividing the cabin east Beyond that, the Taraf feels I thought you’d ask, so cal transformation, the details You want one. You know
with three new car lines and west. Compared to an- familiar, with the same stiff, I have a list. of which are hazy, but it’s you do.
(sports car, GT, and super- resolute timber as the other Imposing beauty: Well,
luxury Lagonda sedan) and Astons built on the aluminum we’ll see about the beauty,
a crossover to be built in VH monocoque. The Taraf’s won’t we? But the Taraf is
Wales, the DBX. Aston is go- The Taraf is as close stately skin is lightweight car- certainly an eyefull—17.7 feet
ing after Rolls-Royce and bon-fiber, not pressed alumi- nose to tail and almost 6.3
Bentley, cheeky monkey. to an instant classic num, as with the Rapide S. feet wide, and not a wasted
Along the way, discreet as I have ever driven. As a result the larger car inch. The Taraf combines fine
gentlemen made discreet weighs about the same as line and sheer scale, a multi-
inquiries about building the smaller, around 4,500 plier of magnificence.
a proper limousine. Yes, the pounds. The sport of the car Backstory: You have the
answer came back, it would other super-sport limousine, is roundly girdled and modu- geopolitically rich tapestry
be feasible to modify the the Bentley Flying Spur, the lated for this application, but of pampered sheiks being
aluminum structure under Taraf’s owner accommoda- the Taraf can still rip. Confi- whisked across the desert in
the (cramped, beautiful) tions are decidedly cozy. They dence builds, eventually. the back of their custom As-
Rapide S sedan, extend the make the Bentley look like But it’s like graduating from ton Martins, a notion some-
wheelbase 7.9 inches, and a chrome-plated bedpan. a medium to an extra-large where between Scheherazade
devote that extra space to The Taraf uses Aston’s broadsword. and Daniel Yergin. The Taraf
the rear-cabin accommoda- legacy cabin electronics, Want one? Too bad. Most has historical resonance and 2017 ASTON MARTIN LAGONDA TARAF
tion. Such a car appeared much of which dates back of the 200 Tarafs are spoken will speak to future genera-
in draft form at the 2014 more than a decade. Among for, and nearly all of them are tions much as the gilded car-
Geneva motor show, cast in the fantasia: the crystal key- headed to the Orient as fast riages in the Hermitage do. Price, as tested: $1 million Power/torque: 540 hp at
a wrathful shadow of car- fob, crystal-button gear se- as cargo 747s can carry them. I predict History will also ask Powertrain: Front-mid 6,650 rpm/465 pound-feet
bon-fiber and turreted black lectors, the cluster of rotary The Taraf is not homologated who in their right minds mounted naturally aspirated at 5,500 rpm
glass. It took its name and dials capped in pewter-like for sale in the U.S. market. would want to ride in the 5.9-liter DOHC V12 with Length/weight: 212.5
inspiration from the pencil- alloy, and the world’s least Wait. Two hundred copies, back seat at 180 mph. variable valve timing: inches/4,500 pounds (est.)
thin Lagonda of the 1970s. readable GPS screen. practically all sold, not even Rarity: Aston Martin seems eight-speed automatic rear Wheelbase: 125.6 inches
Mechanically, the Taraf In Aston’s new cars, like U.S. legal? Then why even to have passed some critical transaxle with manual-shift 0-60 mph: 4.4 seconds
retains the Rapide’s naturally the DB11 I’ll review next week, write about it? Because the threshold in making limited- mode; rear-wheel drive with EPA fuel economy: N.A.
aspirated 5.9-liter, 540-hp the cockpit electronics and Taraf is as close to an instant series cars. Examples include limited-slip differential. Trunk capacity: 14 cubic feet
V12—a sonorous glory, with rotary controller are all classic as I have ever driven. the One-77 (with 77 made) or


A Trick for Clearer Calls on Your Smartphone

Q I have a hard time
hearing people when
The bigger challenge is
background noise. Few
I’m making a call with my Bluetooth headsets block
smartphone. Is there a way ambient sound competently.
to improve the sound quality? One easy fix: Replace the
headset’s stock eartip with

A Despite all the audio-

enhancing technology
packed into them, smart-
a noise-isolating one, like
Comply’s Isolation T-Series
Foam Tips ($7 per pair).
phones fall short when it Audiophiles often use these
comes to phone calls for with earbud headphones,
two reasons: 1) Holding your but the tips will work with
smartphone’s speaker directly Bluetooth headsets that have
next to your ear can be a chal- earbud-like tips.
lenge because it’s difficult Jabra’s Eclipse Bluetooth
to sense where the speaker headset ($100) is a light-
is; and 2) If you take calls weight, low-profile model
outside the quiet of your that’s compatible with
home (yappy pugs notwith- Comply’s T200 size tips.
standing), background noise In my tests, the difference in
is a problem. call quality is drastic, espe-
A quality Bluetooth headset cially when you’re talking
can help, since its speaker on a noisy street or cacopho-

nestles right in your ear. nous train station.

Although some early headsets
suffered from poor audio Have a lifestyle problem that
quality, I’ve had no problems a gadget might solve? E-mail
with the latest models. us:
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‘The collector’s need is precisely

for excess, for surfeit, for profusion.
It’s too much—and it’s just enough
for me.’ —Susan Sontag


© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | W7

Hard-Core House Collectors

Self-diagnosed house addicts are a rare category of buyers who acquire homes out of
love of real estate rather than practical need: A designer falls for French châteaux.

Beverly Hills Rancho Mirage Idaho Malibu


BEN’S BUNGALOWS Writer, actor and economist Ben Stein, above, in the living room of his Beverly Hills, Calif., home. He owns 13 homes with his wife, Alexandra Denman. They own one in Malibu, two
in Rancho Mirage, two in West Hollywood and two in Washington, D.C., among others. They own four condos in the same building in Sandpoint, Idaho, to eliminate the possibility of noisy neighbors.

wood condominiums. Then there are two Washing- of property buyers who acquire homes not neces-
ton, D.C., apartments, a house in Rancho Mirage, sarily to rent them out, flip them or because they
Calif., and a condo to boot. And there are others. need a place to stay. They do it for the thrill of the
Some people collect wine or paintings. Others Though an economist by trade, Mr. Stein said purchase and the fantasy a new home can inspire.
like stamps or model trains. Then there’s Ben his investments—none of which are rented out— In some cases, multiple home buyers come out on
Stein, a writer, actor and economist, and his wife, don’t represent a cagey financial plan. Instead, top financially. In other cases, their proclivity for
Alexandra Denman: They collect homes. it’s a syndrome: “I would say I’m a house ad- property has dismal financial consequences.
The couple owns 13. They’ve got a house in Bev- dict,” Mr. Stein joked. Many well-off Americans own more than one
erly Hills and one in Malibu, plus two West Holly- Self-diagnosed house addicts are a rare category Please turn to page W8


Amid global turmoil, Turkish buyers see condos in South Florida as a stable investment—and a vacation venue.


Long a hub for Latin Amer-

icans, Miami is now attracting

newcomers from across the

Atlantic: affluent Turkish
home buyers looking for sta-
ble investments in real estate. United States
In the past two years, A $3.275 million
Turkish buyers have set their Manhattan ‘jewel box’
sights on Miami’s condo de-
velopments, purchasing large
properties for use as second

or third homes. Overall, lux-

ury-condo developers are
seeing about 5% of precon-
struction inventory sold to

buyers from Turkey, accord-

ing to developers.
“There’s a good return on
investment, and the returns
are in dollars,” says Hilal Europe
Borque, who in December Italian farmhouse with
opened a Miami franchise of modern updates
Istanbul-based Turyap Realty.
Real-estate agents estimate
about 10,000 Turks live in the
city part time. Many potential
buyers are also interested in
meeting the requirements for
the EB-5 visa, which after an
investment of at least
$500,000 eventually allows

them to acquire permanent

U.S. residency.
Earlier this year, three
units at the Ritz Carlton Res- Australia
SCENE IN SOUTH FLORIDA The Miami skyline, top, from Biscayne Bay. Above, from left: a Le Corbusier sculpture in the Design Dis- idences Sunny Isles Beach Queensland retreat
trict; the beach in Sunny Isles Beach, Fla.; the Miami airport, where Turkish Airlines last year added a daily Istanbul-to-Miami flight. Please turn to page W12 with a golf course
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W8 | Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



terior designer Timothy Corri-
gan serially buys French châ-
teaux. Le Château du Grand-
Luce, right, is currently on the
market for $11.4 million; Châ-
teau de Gallerande, above.


OWNING ON OAHU Thomas Yue owns three houses on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. Though two of his homes on the North Shore represent an investment of millions, Dr. Yue spends most of his time
in a more modest house near Makakilo. He also is in contract to buy two condos in Ward Village. From left to right: his home near Makakilo, a North Shore home, Dr. Yue, view from a Ward Village condo.


tate agent Robby Browne, top,
owns a home in Bridgehamp-
ton, N.Y., left, and five apart-
ments in two buildings on New
York’s Central Park West. Two
of the units, above and below.

Continued from page W7 while others demonstrate that pas- driven by the bottom line. Beyond noise issues, he theo- Shore homes were renovation and
home: The 2013 Survey of Con- sion, not profit, is the guiding Part of Mr. Stein’s motivation: “I rized that his love of homes building projects that he enjoyed
sumer Finances from the Federal force. Comparable units to one he don’t like noisy neighbors,” he stems from his mother’s interest creating, “like you would with a
Reserve showed that just under owns on Central Park West cur- said. His sensitivity to noise in property at time when Jewish work of art.”
40% of respondents in the top 10 rently sell for about three times prompted him to buy not one but families like his were barred from Timothy Corrigan, 58, is a
percentile of income owned at what he paid for it, and he makes four condos in a resort-style build- purchasing in many neighbor- Paris- and Los Angeles-based in-
least one second home. World- $18,000 a month renting it out. ing on Lake Pend Oreille in Sand- hoods of Washington, D.C., where terior designer who suffers from
wide, people with at least $30 mil- His four apartments in one point, Idaho, where he and Ms. he grew up. an exotic strain of real-estate ad-
lion in assets have an average of building seem less logical: He lives Denman spend summers. Starting “It very much means some- diction: He buys French châteaux,
2.9 properties, according to a re- in one, uses another for guests, in the mid-2000s, they purchased thing to me that I can live wher- serially.
port published last year by global and has two small units—under their own three-bedroom unit, plus ever I want now,” said Mr. Stein. In the late 1980s, he reno-
research firm Wealth-X and So- 100 square feet each—that he uses the one next door and two down- Thomas Yue, an anesthesiologist vated his first château in Nor-
theby’s International Realty. The for storage, he said. stairs, so that no neighbors can and president of Regional Anesthe- mandy and sold it for under $1
world’s 2,479 billionaires have an The West Village apartments cause “any vibrations,” he said. sia Services, a provider of doctors million. In 1992, he renovated an-
average of four homes apiece. represent his long-held ambition It was a neighbor’s loudly ring- and nurses in Minnesota, owns other about 60 miles southwest
True house collectors easily to move downtown—“but in the ing telephone that prompted Mr. three houses on the Hawaiian is- of Paris and sold it for roughly
blow past the averages. end I can never bring myself to,” Stein to purchase the apartment land of Oahu and is in contract to $1.6 million. In 2003, he bought
Robby Browne, a real-estate said Mr. Browne. After realizing he next door to his in a West Holly- buy two condos in Ward Village, a and sold a Loire Valley château
agent with Corcoran Group in couldn’t face the move, he leased wood building. Why didn’t he just new development under construc- within a year when a different
Manhattan, owns four apartments the unit he is selling. He still sell his unit next to the noisy one? tion between downtown Honolulu one became available. Today, that
in a building on Central Park hasn’t decided if he’ll move into or He loves the “fantastic view” from and Waikiki, for a total of $3.7 mil- château—a 40,000-square-foot
West, and one unit in another rent out the new one. the building and enjoys the peace lion. He also has a house in St. palace on 74 acres about an hour
park-side building one block Mr. Browne said he has almost and quiet in the apartment, he Paul, a ski condo in Vail, Colo., an by train from Paris—is on the
away. He is currently shedding a always made money on the 22 said. Plus, that condo could sell for apartment in San Francisco and market for $11.4 million.
West Village apartment, which is properties he has bought and sold roughly $700,000, said Anna Sad- another in Millbrae, Calif. He His total take from his château
on the market for $5.35 million, over the past 30 years, though not owska, an agent at Teles Proper- doesn’t rent out any of his proper- sideline: zero, he said. He has lost
only to buy another one, which is as much as he would have if he’d ties—over a half-million more than ties, he said. money on every one—and will lose
in contract for $6.5 million. He invested in gentrifying parts of he paid for it in 1997. Though two of his homes on money again, even if the current
also spent roughly $1.5 million Brooklyn or Queens. Mr. Stein declined to discuss Oahu’s North Shore represent an property sells for the list price.
building a house in Bridgehamp- Though buying in prestigious how he has fared financially from investment of about $11 million, “The restoration of châteaux is
ton, N.Y., near the beach. neighborhoods can be a sound fi- his real estate, but said, “if I’d put Dr. Yue spends most of his time in not a moneymaking business, but I
Some of Mr. Browne’s acquisi- nancial investment, house collec- the money in the stock market, I a more modest house about 30 just love the process,” said Mr.
tions have been very lucrative, tors say they are not primarily would have done way better.” miles south, he said. The North Corrigan.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Friday - Sunday, August 19 - 21, 2016 | W9


An ‘Experimental’ Hillside Home

A Luxembourg couple builds a modern home with odd angles to appeal the senses—’like an artwork’

To the north of Luxembourg
City, an origami of a house clings Site prep, framing,
to the steeply sloping terrain. foundation
Step inside and it is clear this is
a home with an utter disregard $295,000
for symmetry, straight walls or
conventional geometry. Insulation, siding,
“So many houses just look the windows
same. We did not want to build a
house which looked like a shoe- $190,000
box,” says Eliana d’Alimonte, a 40-
year-old high-school teacher, of Plumbing, electric
her home in the small European
country of Luxembourg. $117,000
Mrs. d’Alimonte and her husband,
Valerio, 45, spent 18 years saving up Painting, décor
to build a modern home. They
bought a small apartment in Luxem- $53,000
bourg City in 1998 and patiently
worked their way up the property Bathrooms
ladder from there, renovating homes
and even building two apartments. $15,000
In 2008, the couple paid
€400,000, or about $450,000, for a Kitchen
sloping 4.5-acre lot that had for-
merly been used to grow fruit and $59,000
vegetables in Mühlenbach, a leafy
neighborhood 2 miles north of the Built-in furniture
city center.
They asked François Thiry, a $22,000
partner at Polaris Architects in
Luxembourg, to design something Landscaping,
fresh, relaxed and creative. “We ORIGAMI HOME The sloping garden room
wanted a house which appeals to kitchen wall in the d’Alimonte fam-
the senses, like an artwork, and ily home, above, seen from the $77,000
that was maybe a little experimen- mezzanine floor. Valerio and Eliana
tal,” says Mr. d’Alimonte, who d’Alimonte, far left, with their chil- Professional fees
works for an organization that dren, Carlotta, 8, and Edgar, 6.
promotes Luxembourg tourism. From the outside, the d’Alimonte $100,000
After six months of design work house is a puzzle clad in gray tiles.
during 2009, Mr. Thiry came back Below, an orange sofa is one of the TOTAL
to them with a plan for a geomet- few spots of color in the 2,691-
ric, four-story, concrete house square-foot home. $928,000
molded into the slope of their
tricky site. Inside the 2,691-square- a flight of stairs, a master bedroom
foot home, the lower floor features tucked into the very peak of the


a double-height kitchen and dining building, with an en suite bathroom
room, with one wall sloped sharply and a small, private balcony.
inward. A window has been care- Work on the two-year, $928,000
fully inserted into this inward- project began in the fall of 2010.
sloping wall, while to the rear of Simply preparing the site and build-
the room double glass doors open ing the structure were engineering
onto a small deck, with a short challenges that took more than a
path leading down to a lawn. year to execute. First, a section of
Above the kitchen—and at the hillside had to be dug out to
street level—is a cutout mezzanine provide a level lot, and deep founda-
giving space for a living room and tions dug to prevent the house from
study overlooking the dining area. slipping down the hillside. With the
To help furnish the oddly cast-concrete structure, reinforced
shaped space (no room in the with steel, in place, work was able to use a minimum of different ma- color in the room—a deliberate deci- things are a little different. “The
house is a simple square or rectan- to begin on the interior. terials so that it would be as sim- sion. Mr. d’Alimonte says he wanted children want to climb up the
gle) built-in cabinetry and shelves The kitchen walls are clad in pan- ple as possible. We did not want a a house that was about “architecture walls and jump—we have to ex-
display books on art, design, archi- els of concrete formed in timber house that showed off.” not decoration” so as not to detract plain that it is not a playground,”
tecture and film. To bring in maxi- molds to imprint a wood-grain pat- The kitchen floor is pale gray from features like a central staircase says Mrs. d’Alimonte.
mum light, a large picture window tern; still visible are circular marks polished concrete, and the room it- with concrete treads, and balus- And it isn’t only children who
overlooks the garden. in these walls made by the horizon- self is skewered with sloping sup- trades made of engineered wood. are fascinated by the origami
On the two upper floors are bed- tal steel poles that supported the porting columns. To complement With its hard surfaces and house. “Sometimes we have been
rooms for the couple’s children, building during its construction. this industrial feel, the kitchen sharp lines, anxious parents might here and have been able to see a
Carlotta, 8, and Edgar, 6, and a fam- “We did not want a polished cabinets and work surfaces are see the d’Alimonte family home as person with their nose up against
ily bathroom. There is a also “par- house, and you can see the hands stainless steel. something of a deathtrap. Carlotta the glass of the front door, trying
ents’ apartment” consisting of a of the men who worked here,” says An L-shaped sofa in a marma- and Edgar have adapted well, but to see what the house can be like
double-height sitting room and, up Mr. d’Alimonte. “We also wanted lade-orange is the only splash of when their friends come over, inside,” says Mr. d’Alimonte.


A Classic Hamptons House Lists for $18.95 Million

In East Hampton Village,
N.Y., an early example of Shin-
gle-style architecture is going
on the market for the first time
in a century with an asking
price of $18.95 million, accord-
ing to listing agent Peter M.
Turino of Brown Harris Stevens
of the Hamptons.
Built in the 1890s, the
roughly 10,000-square-foot
home is “the quintessential
Shingle-style Hamptons
house,” said local architect Er-
ica Broberg Smith. “This is
probably the most copied
house in the Hamptons.”
The 10-bedroom house, within
walking distance to Main Beach,
sits on 3.3 acres. With a gambrel
roof and deep wraparound porch,
it has been preserved largely as it
was when it was built, Mr. Turino
said. He added that a new owner
will likely want to renovate.

The house was designed for

Schuyler Quackenbush by his
wife’s brother, architect Cyrus
L.W. Eidlitz, who lived across
the street, according to the
book “East Hampton (Images
of America)” by John W. Rae.
Around 1915, it was purchased house passed to their daughter erty is owned by their estate. ily “are scattering and making cated to another part of the with a swimming pool on
by Ogden M. Edwards and his Katherine and her husband H. In a statement, the family their lives elsewhere.” property. The family rented it out roughly 1 acre, that property is
wife Lela Harkness. Willis Nichols. The Nicholses said they are selling because In the 1940s, one wing of the for years before selling the parcel. listed with Brown Harris Ste-
In the 1940s ownership of the died in the 1980s and the prop- the many branches of the fam- home was removed and relo- Now a three-bedroom house vens for $7.5 million.
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A Golf Legend Stays on Course

After leaving the pro tour, he returned to live where he grew up—next to a Pennsylvania country club

My father taught me to play golf. He showed me how to grip a club when I was 3 and gave
me my first valuable lesson: hit the ball hard, then go find the ball and hit it hard again. My
father was the greenkeeper and golf pro at Latrobe Country Club. He learned from the club’s
original pros, who were Scottish.
Our first home was in Youngs-
town, Pa., a little town near the
country club. It was a normal two-
story, white frame house across
the street from my paternal grand-
parents. My grandmother was a
terrific cook, and I loved her
homemade bread and pies, espe-
cially apple and cherry.
My father, Deke, started work-
ing at the Latrobe Country Club’s
nine-hole golf course as a young
man in 1921 after being on the
crew that built the course. He be-
gan teaching members after be-
coming the golf pro in 1931.
When I was 6, we moved to a
small three-story frame house next
to the golf course. It was comfort-
able and had a big fireplace in the
living room that was going most of
the winter. At first we didn’t have


a furnace.
What made the house special
was that the country club’s sixth tee
was 50 yards from our front door. I
didn’t practice there when I was lit-
tle, only in areas just off the course.
My bedroom was often cold.
The house was exposed, so the
wind used to blow through my
room. But I was barely there ex-
cept to sleep. I was out on the golf
course every chance I got.
Once I started grade school, my
mother, Doris, became the club’s TEE TIME Clockwise from above left: Arnold Palmer in his office last year; with
bookkeeper. She eventually took his father, Deke, and sister Lois Jean, in 1935; playing at the Latrobe Country
up golf and became a fairly good Club, around 1952; and at about age six, with his sister at his home.
player. She called me “fella” and
taught me to be a gentleman—how you ever throw a club like that day in 1960 when I returned home
to be polite, how to talk to people again, you’ll never play in another from the golf course. Winnie always
and how to act at dinner. She tournament.” Grace mattered—win made a pitcher of ice tea for lunch.
thought that was important. or lose. To give the tea a little lift, I
As soon as I was old enough, I Today, my wife, Kit, and I live suggested we try a ratio of 75% tea
worked the grounds at the course. near the third hole at the Latrobe and 25% sweetened lemonade. I
I learned how to set cups on the Country Club. When we were first liked it so much I’d take it out to
greens, mow the fairways and trim married in 2005, we were in the the golf course in a thermos.
the fringes. original house where I lived with Then some years later, I was in
I was even able to earn some my first wife, Winnie, who died in Palm Springs where my company
pocket change. At the sixth hole, 1999, and where we raised our two was building a new golf course. It
there was an irrigation ditch that daughters—Peggy and Amy. was 115 degrees out there. A a
crossed the fairway about 100 Kit and I wanted to change bunch of us went to have lunch. I
yards from the tee. I’d lay in wait- some things about the house but asked the waitress if she could
ing for lady golfers to come along. Amy objected. She said, “Daddy, make my tea-lemonade mixture.
Then I’d offer to drive their this is the house I was raised in. At the next table, a woman who
balls over the ditch for a nickel. I’d from my early years quite well. and onto the green. It taught me You can’t change that.” My solu- recognized me said to the wait-
come home each day with about The first came during the high- that as long as I could hit the ball tion was to build a new house, ress, “I want an Arnold Palmer—
30 cents, which came in handy for school championships in 1946. My straight, I’d have a big advantage, about 50 yards away. what he’s having.” From there, the
ice cream and movies. ball wound up in the rough behind so I worked on doing just that. It’s a two-story home with a ce- name spread. I still drink it today,
When America entered World a row of trees at the old course at The second lesson occurred dar-shake roof built into a land- but now I add a little cherry juice.
War II in 1941, the golf course was Penn State. The trees were too tall around the same time. I missed a scaped hillside. What makes it spe- —As told to Marc Myers
short on labor. I began putting in to hit the ball over, so I had to short putt at a junior tournament cial is that it has a lot of glass. I
full days in the summer of ’42, find another way. I picked a nar- in Pittsburgh. In frustration, I like a lot of light. I like to look out Arnold Palmer, 86, won 62 PGA
mowing the fairways and greens in row gap between the trees and fo- threw my putter over the gallery at the trees and the course and the Tour events from 1955 to 1973 and
the morning, working in the pro cused on the space, blocking out of fans and some small trees. surroundings. seven major championships. He
shop in the afternoon and working everything else. Though I wound up winning the I still mix ice tea with lemon- was awarded the Presidential
as a caddie in-between. I hit the ball hard with a 5-iron, tournament, my father let me have ade—what became known as an Ar- Medal of Freedom in 2004 and the
I remember two golf lessons and it shot right through the gap it on the way home in the car. “If nold Palmer. I came up with it one Congressional Gold Medal in 2009.


The Playboy Mansion Sells for $100 Million

The Playboy Mansion is no “I look forward to eventually
longer owned by Playboy. rejoining the two estates and
The sale of the mansion to enjoying this beautiful property
next door neighbor Daren as my private residence for
Metropoulos closed this week years to come,” he said in a
for $100 million, said a spokes- statement.
person for Mr. Metropoulos. The Playboy Mansion, pur-
According to public records, it chased by Playboy Enterprises
is the highest price ever paid in 1971 for $1.05 million, is Mr.
for a Los Angeles residence. Hefner’s longtime home and is
The roughly 5-acre Holmby famous for its parties. The

Hills estate was listed in Janu- roughly 20,000-square-foot

ary for $200 million. As part of home has 29 rooms. Mr. Hef-
the deal, Playboy Enterprises ner added a heated swimming
founder Hugh Hefner, 90, will pool and a grotto in the 1970s.
continue to occupy the mansion The property also contains a
for his lifetime. Playboy will pay zoo with exotic birds and mon-
Mr. Metropoulos $1 million a keys, and is one of the only
year for upkeep of the property homes in Los Angeles to have
while Mr. Hefner is living there, a zoo license.
according to people with knowl- The sale price includes many
edge of the transaction. of the statues on the property
Mr. Metropoulos, a 33-year- and the contents of the game
old principal at private-equity room, including pinball ma-
firm Metropoulos & Co. and a chines, according to people
current co-owner of Hostess with knowledge of the transac-
Brands, bought his current tion. The price doesn't include
1920s house, which had been most of the mansion’s furni-
used by Mr. Hefner’s former ture.
wife to raise their two children, The listing agents were Gary
from Mr. Hefner in 2009 for Gold and Drew Fenton, of Hil-
$18 million and has restored it. ton & Hyland, and Mauricio
He said he intends to connect Umansky, of the Agency. Jade
the two estates after Mr. Hef- Mills, of Coldwell Banker Pre-
ner’s tenancy ends, creating a views International, represented
7.3-acre compound. Mr. Metropoulos.
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Continued from page W7
under construction were sold to
Turkish buyers for about $4 mil-
lion each, says Edgardo Defortuna,
a developer and founder of For-
tune International Group, a real-
estate firm. The building, co-devel-
oped by Fortune and Chateau
Group, offers mostly three- and
four-bedroom units, along with a
kids club, and 2.2 acres of land-
scaped outdoor area set along the
Just two years ago, “we’d hardly
get interest, let alone any sales,”
said Mr. DeFortuna. Last month, the
company website recorded a sharp
uptick in visitors from Turkey. A
high-end real-estate website, Luxury
Portfolio, cites a 58% increase in
web traffic from Turkey in June,
compared with June 2015.
Turkish buyers are typically
looking for larger beachfront units HELPFUL INFLUX OF NEW BUYERS A view of downtown and Biscayne Bay. The increase in sales to Turkish buyers has helped offset an overall decline in Mi-
to host extended family, says Reid ami’s luxury market, which has created a glut of unsold units, agents say.
Boren of Two Roads Development.
Mr. Boren is increasingly market-
ing Miami to Turks looking for
more stable investments, espe-
cially after the country’s recent
coup attempt. Terror attacks
across Europe and a tumbling lira
back home have also helped fuel
Turkish interest.
“We call this ‘Plan B,’ and it’s
part of our marketing strategy”
for buyers from the country, says
Mr. Boren, who traveled to Istan-
bul last month and hosted sales
presentations at a luxury hotel. Af-
fluent Turks typically own second
homes in the South of France and
London, but many now view the
U.S. as a more stable investment
than those locations, he adds.
Mr. Boren recently sold an $8.6
million, two-story penthouse unit
in his 399-unit Biscayne Beach
building to a Turkish buyer. The
building, which is scheduled for
completion in December, is lo-
cated in Miami’s Edgewater


neighborhood and will have a pri-
vate beach. The penthouse comes
with a private rooftop pool and
the buyer added a wine fridge
and replicated the master bath to
create a second master suite, Mr.
Boren says. “The Turkish buyers’
level of sophistication is ex-
tremely high.”
Gulsah Cantas, founder of Istan-
bul-based interior architecture and
design firm Kontra, has visited Mi-
ami numerous times on behalf of TRAVELING AGENT Real-estate agent Nurdan Yildirim has a mostly Turkish clientele. Ms. Yildirim is shown with a model of the Auberge Miami, a 60-story lux-
clients for the past two years. Cur- ury-condominium tower that will go up in midtown. In June, she traveled with developers at the Related Group to Istanbul to host sales presentations.
rently she is working on interiors
for four Turkish clients in Miami.
Last month, she scouted out the
Louver House, a 12-unit South
Beach preconstruction building
with units from $1.9 million to $3.6
million, on behalf of several poten-
tial buyers. “Life is easier here,”
said Ms. Cantas. “There’s good
weather, good food and it’s fun.”
Turkish developers are also in-
vesting in the area. Last year, the Is-
tanbul-based Suzer Group partnered
with another real-estate firm, ASSR
Capital, to buy a nearly 1-acre
oceanfront property for $41 million
with plans to spend another $105
million to build a luxury hotel, says
founder Baran Suzer. Separately,
Mehmet Bayraktar, a Miami-based
developer who previously worked
on mixed-use projects in Istanbul,
has developed Island Gardens, a ma-
rina with slips for superyachts on
Miami’s Watson’s Island. Nearby ho-
tels and restaurants are slated for
completion in 2019.
Because of the Turkish influx, a
newly built consulate was com-
pleted earlier this year in Miami’s
Brickell City Tower. And Turkish
Airlines in October 2015 added a

daily Istanbul-to-Miami route.

For Turkish buyers, Miami’s lux-
ury condos can be more affordable
than the similarly exclusive areas of
Istanbul or Bodrum, a seaside desti-
nation, where prices are more than
three times more per square foot,
says Carlos Rosso, president of the
developer Related Group. His com-
pany’s building, Residences by Ar-
mani Casa in Sunny Isles Beach, has
gotten a lot of interest from poten-
tial buyers in Turkey. “They want
names that are instantly recogniz-
able,” Mr. Rosso says.
In 2014, Tugba Koc, 33, pur- PRICE DIFFERENCES Rendering of the Louver House, a luxury 12-unit South Beach pre-construction building where units sell from $1.9 million to $3.6 million.
chased a two-bedroom condo in For Turkish buyers, Miami’s luxury condos can be more affordable compared with similarly exclusive areas of Istanbul or Bodrum, a seaside destination.
the Icon building in Miami’s South
Beach, where similar units sell for agent who worked with Ms. Koc on many are eager to hold face-to- The full-service building with a re- staggered payments where half of
close to $2 million. The family the deal, says the increase in sales face meetings, she adds. sort-type feel was a draw for Ms. the home price is paid after con-
moved in after a yearlong renova- to Turkish buyers has helped off- In November, Hulya Uyar paid Uyar, who wanted to be farther struction is completed. Often, de-
tion, which included knocking set an overall decline in Miami’s $700,000 for a two-bedroom condo away from the crowds of South tails of the sale are ironed out
down walls to create an open floor luxury market, which has created a on the 16th floor of Hyde Beach Beach. “The [development’s] beach over the phone, but Ms. Fucci and
plan and updating the marble floor. glut of unsold units. “The local House, located north of Miami in club was very important,” said Ms. part of her team visited Istanbul
The ability to walk to nearby res- people here are not really buying, Hallandale, Fla. When construction Uyar who spends a few months of twice in the past six months to
taurants and stroll along the beach so there’s huge competition be- on the building is finished in late the winter in the city. meet potential buyers. When her
is key, said Ms. Koc who owns the tween developers.” In June, she 2018, condo owners will be allowed Peggy Fucci, founder of real-es- clients arrive in the U.S., they’re
property with her sister and par- traveled with developers at the Re- to rent their furnished units for up tate agency OneWorld Properties ready to close the deal. “When
ents. “We have a view of the ocean lated Group to Istanbul to host to 150 days a year, allowing the 49- Brokers, says her new Turkish cli- they come to Miami to shop,
and downtown,” she said. sales presentations. Despite recent year-old cosmetics importer to ents are eager to invest in precon- they’ve already decided that they
Nurdan Yildirim, the real-estate security issues in the country, earn income on her investment. struction properties that have want to live here,” she says.

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