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With deep love, reverence and appreciation CMP ate dirt from Guru's birth place.

CMP comes to taste the sweetness of Radharani's love, in the mood of her compassion
and love giving love to all people.

Devotee - means one who pleases Krishna. We orient our Words, thoughts and life in
such a way that Krishna is pleased
with us but to please Krishna is not a matter of our preferences, likings. Krishna
has taught how to please him through
BG, SBGVTM and he himself comes in the mood of Radharani who pleases here the most
to teach us by his example.

SP is pre-eminent Guru for all of ISKCON devotees.

We may not eat now, but the spirit of holiness and how we humble ourselves ....
and it is the doorway to path home, loving DS to Krishna.

Krishna tells to Uddhava, service to, respect to, pleasing my devotees more than
service and respect pleases me.

Gopi bhartyur pad kamalyor das das das anudas

To be the SOSOS is the path to Krishna's heart i.e. what pleases Krishna.

Now we are caretakers of ....

(1922) Ulta danga junction road - place where we can really meditate upon the
greatness of Guru Disciple relationship.

There are so many problems all times but only 1 true solution - reviving our
relationship with Krishna,
BODD always continues in all situations therefore we cannot wait, we cannot
postpone the real solution to the problems.
(Jiv jago Jiv Jago .....) - we are sleeping in Avidya, we must realize we are all
eternal, full of knowledge and full of
love for Krishna.
Ananda is not pleasure of this world howeever satisfying it is to our mind and
senses nor it is the pleasure of heavenly worlds
and nor of liberation, they are hardly like drop compared to the ocean of love for

CMP compared Bhakti to a vast limitless ocean, just tasting a part of drop of love
from that ocean completely satisfies
the soul it is prema.

BVT so much of his energy in preaching KC, establisihing foundational principles

for worl wide bhakti he did in Calcutta.

CMP and so many of his associates performed the pastimes in the area which is now

How the Acharyas who value this place, who are we to think we are entitled to be
there, it is the blessing given by
Vaishnavas, we progress in spiritual life and empowered to the degree we humble
ourselves for this blessing.

How can we call abode of Lord to be our own.

CMP - I am just praying to be a speck of dust at your lotus feet, not that I wan to
play with you.....
Because until we attain that consciousness to be an insignificant particle of dust
at the lotus feet of Krishna, that is
the gateway to Krishna's abode as friend, gopis.
Until we reach this stage we are not given the experience of realization of what SW

We cannot even understand what BG, SBGVTM really is until we please Krishna

What it means to be a speck of dust at lotus feet of Krishna?

It is not just a literal thing, it is the spirit to truly humble ourselves to serve
him. Lotus feet - represents object
of service.
Humility like a tree, tolerant like a tree, detachment from getting respect - then
Krishna reveaks his sweetness
then Krishna reveals himself and then we can do Kirtaniya Sada Harih.

When we get that taste of hearing and chanting then Krishna gets so pleased that he
cleanses our heart from material diseres,
conceptions and in the clean heart light of love and devotion shines in our heart
to reflect Krishna's beauty and
mercy into our lives and for other through us.

How to gain that taste for hearing and chanting?

By associating and
Servant - State of consciousness where we are not demanding but grateful to serve.
Service cannot be grabbed, it is the
mercy of Krishna.

This is the mood all devotees need to cultivate

With humble, grateful heart, with courage and enthusiasm and determination serve.

Example of Raghunath das goswami in Pani hati is the path way to Real KC for each
and every devotee in whatever particular
ashram or varna we may be in.
RDG taught us how to attain the highest perfectional stage of love of Krishna.

Sahajiyas feel entitled to enter into Krishna's pastimes in Vrindavan through

imitations and immature forms of meditation.

RDG is teaching by his example how to enter into the mood of Gopi's.

RDG met Haridas Thakur - He wanted what he had, this is real pleasure, this is
real wealth, wealth of the heart, ananda.
Haridas Thakur in the expression of his taste for holy name, he detached himself
from eveyrthing and RDG wanted that,
wahtever temptations, whatever his parents were trying to give him the enjoyment of
this world, he did not care, he
wanted what HT had.
From his own efforts he was not able to come out of all the bondages of material
affection, he went to Pani hati,
because NP was visiting there.

NP established namhatta.
NP blessed RDG, and devotees blessed him.

Then the doors opened for RDG.

Holy places are not just geographical places but also we can take those places in
our mind and heart all over to the world

But the bhava of how much we appreciate these hole places to serve that place is
the real connection of the heart.

Mercy of Krishna is the most powerful energy in the entier creation.

Maya is all powerful, whatever material intelligence, abilities we have it is jus

the insignificant energy of maya.
How can we overcome maya? By taking shelter of Krishna because he is the source of
all energies.

To think ourselves very fallen, unentitles, undeserving, to chant, hear SBGVTM -

this consciousness is the common thread
of all characteristics of great saints.

By Krishna's mercy can only one free oneself from maya, clutches of ahankar.

worms in stool - enjoying whatever beauty we have....

For worm stool is the most attractive thing.

Pit of stool - not material world -but material consciousness.

Devotee sees eveyrything as Krishna's energies, sees every situation as an
opportunity to serve Krishna,
Krishna's property, ernergy is never stool, it is that forgetfulness of Krishna
which is the stool.

To be from this inclination of material enjoyment, prestige and adoration - na

dhanam na janam na sundarim....
I do not want wealth, name, fame, prestige not even the sex pleasure, I do not want
to be a scholar, mystic person,
I do not want liberation from suffering also, I only want to please you Krishna
- In this state of consciousness when we are in and we
act in Krishna is pleased, it attracts
Krishna's mercy

RDG humbled himself at the feet of every devotee - not a detail but a principle.
It was not just artificial.
They see our intent - why we do what we do?
RDG was really feeling himself as SOSOS.

Bodily concept is that I am this body and therefore all the designations I identify
is who I am and so many things in
my possession are mine, it is the cause of fear, envy, greed, lust and this bodily
conception of life creates so many
divisions among people.

Respecting the spirit soul - in every one's body.

Showing honor to spirit soul through that body not that because you are soul we
step on him.

In order to really connect to that mercy, follow in footsteps of RDG.

Character of limitless appreciation and gatitude to serve the devotees, chant his
holy names - that is the way to be in

Service attitude - this determination to carry on our service whatever obstacle

there may be. That is what attracts Krishna.

We do not take shelter but we give our heart, life, soul then we recieve shelter of
process is to give up our false ego to serve.

Cooperate with one another to expand this mission.

People think love is sexual enjoyment, love is family affection, love is

philanthropic BUT actual love is expressed through
sacrifice, through tapasya, through putting higher principles of what we do to
please our Gurus.

Whatever disagreement we have we orient it somehow or other under the principle of

what will please our SM and SP.

We may be husbands, wives, are the same principles we aspire to live in.

How to develop my love and affection for my SM?

In our society all SM are assisiting SP in his mission. By following the teachings
of SP in his books,
by living in the way favourable for happiness'
of devotees in movements, and living with conviction
and enthusiasm to help spread this movement,
to transcend all boundaries of politics, sectarian boundaries among Vaishnavas, to
be really a family that is living
happily together and trying to expand our movement, to try to pursue that goal
every SM of our movement wants.

Every day take shelter of the holy names of Lord hrough Japa, Kirtan, every day
read SP books, hear SBGVTM from Vaishnavas
and we should be eagerly seeking these opportunities to be with the devotees and
serve the devotees and by Krishna's
grace he increases our taste in hearing and chanting and he increases our
empowerment to truly attract others to KC.

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