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DENT3C Nutrition in Dentistry

M6 - Energy Assignment



• Convert height to inches then to cm.

5’0 = (5x12 inches) = 60 inches
= 60 inches x 2.54 cm = 152.4 cm

• Deduct factor 100 from ht. in cm. and deduct 10%

Kg = ( Htcm – 100 ) - 0.10 ( Htcm – 100 )

= ( 152.4 – 100 ) - 0.10 (152.4 - 100 )

= 52.4 – 5.24
DBW = 47.2 kg

BMR = 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)
= 655 + (9.6 X 47 kg) + (1.8 X 152.4 cm) - (4.7 X 20)
= 655 + (451.2 kg) + (274.32 cm) - (94)

=1,286.5 calories/day

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TER= DBW x Basal Metabolic Rate Sedentary

=47.16kg x 30 cal/kg
=1,414.8 calories


TER = BMR X Activity factor Sedentary

= 1,286.52 calories/day x 1.2
= 1,543.8 calories/day


• To Compute:

Given: 1inch = 0.0254 m/inch

Weight: 47 kg
Height in meters -> 60 inches x 0.0254m/inch = 1.52m

• BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)2

= 47 kg / (1.52m)2
= 20.4 kg/m NORMAL

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DBW or Desirable Body Weight is the preferred or recommended weight of a person in
accordance to the height. This indicates that a person’s body composition has a good balance of
lean body mass and fat tissue. My calculated DBW is 47.2 kg which is very close to my current
weight which is 47 kg which is classified as normal.
BMR or the Basal Metabolic Rate is said to be the number of calories required to keep
your body functioning at rest. BMR is also known as your body's metabolism. It refers to the
energy that will be used only to maintain vital organs, which include the heart, lungs, kidneys,
nervous system, intestines, liver, lungs, sex organs, muscles, and skin dependent on one’s weight,
height, age, and gender. A higher BMR means one needs to burn more calories to sustain himself
or herself throughout the day. A lower BMR means that the body metabolism is slower. My
calculated BMR is 1,286.5 calories/day. This means that my body burns 1,286.52 calories if I rest
and only perform my normal body functions like breathing for 24 hours.
TER or Total Energy Requirement is the total number of calories that your body expends
in 24 hours, including all activities to maintain energy balance in healthy, normal weight
individuals of a defined age, gender, weight, height, and level of physical activity consistent with
good health. My calculated TER is 1,414.8 to 1,543.8 calories/day. This means that my diet for
the whole day must have this amount of calories for me to healthily do my everyday activities
and my body normal processes. To analyse this along with my BMR, this means that I need to
burn 128.3-257.3 calories per day with activities like walking, doing household chores, studying,
or my usual daily routine for my diet to be just enough for my body.
BMI or Body Mass Index is an inexpensive and easy screening method for weight category
which are underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obese. The results of a BMI
measurement can give an idea about whether a person has the correct weight for their height.
My calculated BMI is 20.4 kg/m which falls in the healthy weight or normal category in
accordance to my height.
With the data calculated, I learned that my weight is considered normal and healthy. This
is due to many factors but mainly with my lifestyle and diet. Everyday, I make sure that I sleep at
11:30PM and then wake-up at 7:30AM. Due to this, I have complete hours of sleep and I am
energized for the whole day. Besides this, my diet consists of foods from healthy sources of
nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins. I always include fruits like apples,
oranges, and kiwis in my diet. Also, I tend to choose healthier foods like yogurt or breads for my
snacks and avoid eating sugary, starchy, and junk foods. I also keep myself hydrated with water
all the time. Moreover, I do not have any vices and I maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition to
this, I tend to move as much as I can and not sit all day. When I have free time, I walk around the
house or do jumping ropes to at least be a little more active to burn even small counts of calories.
Energy is needed by the body to stay alive, grow, keep warm, and move around. This may
be derived from the fat, carbohydrate and protein in the food and drink we part take in our body.

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With the new understanding I gained from this module, I think I am now more conscious with my
calorie intake and activity level which is related to being responsible with the allocation of my
energy of my body. Moreover, learning about DBW, BMR, TER, and BMI enables me to actively
participate in my physical health and be able to maintain my weight in its normal and healthy
state. This may be done by following a healthy-eating plan that is focused on nutrient-rich foods,
such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains and avoid saturated fats. Furthermore, we need to be
more careful with our eating habits like decreasing the amount of snacking time. Another way
for maintaining a healthy weight is using our energy for exercising and burn the extra calories
from the food that we eat. It not required for the exercise to be vigorous; walking or brisk walking
is an effective way of exercising. Lastly, it will be helpful to check our wait more often to be more
aware of our body and health.

Maintaining a healthy weight have many benefits. This include the fewer joint and muscle
pains, improved regulation of bodily fluids and blood pressure, improved sleep patterns, and
reduction of different diseases. Hence, this proves that simple calculations of DBW, BMR, TER,
and BMI are very important in the maintenance of our over-all health.

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