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The Significance Between the Internet Service Provider and Internet Speed

of CEU Manila Students Residing in NCR

An Undergraduate Research

Presented to

Dr. Remy A. Bautista

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

COMA 11 (Math in the Modern World)


Roberto Enrique Cajayon

John Angelo Deogracias

Gio Angelo Escanillas

Clio Piccolo Orias

Daniel Pevidal

September 2020

The study aimed to identify the relationship between the internet speed and the internet

service provider of CEU Manila students who are residing in the National Capital Region.

Survey questionnaires (Google forms) were distributed to and answered by CEU Manila students

who were enrolled in Mathematics in the Modern World during the first semester 2020-2021 to

be able to identify the significance and/or relationship of their internet service provider and

internet speed. A total of two hundred eighteen (218) respondents from different sections of the

said class participated in the study. The researchers used several statistical treatments, namely

the measures of central tendency, ANOVA, and linear correlation, to achieve their desired

objective. The research is patterned in different statistical treatments and analyses that were ideal

to meet the given objective and answer the posed problems.


According to the Speedtest Global Index, the Philippine internet speed is still lying below

the global average. In 2019, the Index reported the Philippines ranking 103rd among the 139

surveyed countries, proving that the country’s internet speed still has a lot of improvement to

accomplish. In the survey, it is found that the country’s average mobile download speed is only

at 15.06 Megabits per second (Mbps), far from the global average of 26.12 Mbps. However, the

Philippines rank 101st (among 179 countries) when it comes to the speed of fixed internet lines,

with an average speed of 19.51 Mbps; however, this is still slower than the global average of

57.91 Mbps. These reports are only based on the 2019 research, and 2020 data are still yet to be

In 2020, the world faced a global crisis, a pandemic brought by the Corona Virus or

COVID-19. This led to the mass migration from physical work to online, requiring everyone to

have a stable internet connection at all times. The pandemic did not spare the education sector in

the Philippines, which forced classes to be conducted online. However, the case in the country is

leading to the question of accessibility: if both teachers and students have stable access to the

internet to conduct and participate in online classes. In line with this, internet service providers

are being rattled by their clients to provide the internet speed that is worth what they paid for.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of the study is to determine the extent of relationship between the

students’ internet speed and their service provider.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the CEU Manila

students’ internet speed and their service provider and home region.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the most used service provider by the students residing in NCR?

2. What is the average speed of the following service providers in NCR:

2.1 Converge
2.2 Globe
2.3 PLDT
2.4 Sky
2.5 Smart
3. Is there a significant difference among the service providers and their internet speed in

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of the society considering that

internet speed plays a vital role in education today. The slower the internet speed justifies the

need for a more effective asynchronous mode of classes. Thus, educational institutions may find

this study informative and helpful in formulating strategies on how to conduct classes that are

more accessible to their stakeholders. School administrators will be guided on how instruction

may be done but with emphasis on the students’ internet speed.

Scope and Limitations

The study only focused on CEU Manila students who were taking Mathematics in the

Modern World during the first semester of the school year 2020-2021. A total of two hundred

eighteen (218) respondents/students taking the said subject participated in the study. The

respondents went into different sections and encompassed several Schools from the said

university, with most of the respondents coming from the School of Dentistry.

Teaching and non-teaching personnel of the university were not included in the study,

thus they were not given survey questionnaires. Although it was ideal to survey the Teaching and

Learning Technology and Information and Communications Technology Departments, the study

only revolved around the internet speed of the students.

Analysis and Interpretation of Results

This section of the research presented the data that were comprehensively interpreted and

analyzed after the administration of the survey questionnaires that were distributed among the

respondents, particularly the college students in the Mathematics of the Modern World Class.
Graphs and tables were used to show a systematic way of presenting the data.

Most used service provider by the students residing in NCR

The figure below shows the division of the respondents according to their service


Figure 1.1 Most used service provider by the students residing in NCR

The data has shown that out of the 87 students that answered the survey, there were 34

students (39%) that uses PLDT as their service provider, 25 students (29%) for Globe, 13 (15%)

students for Converge, 10 (11%) Students for SKY Cable, and 5 (6%) students for Smart. This

concludes that the most of the students in MMW class that live in the NCR Region use PLDT as

their service provider.

Average internet speed of the service providers in NCR

Converge Globe PLDT Sky Smart

28.69231 29.36 29.73529 29.4 34.8

Table 1.1 Average internet speed of the service providers in NCR

The table shows the average internet speed of the five main service providers in NCR.

The fastest service provider is Smart, with an average speed of 34.8Mbps. Second is

PLDT, with an average speed of 29.74Mbps. Next is Sky, having an average speed of 29.4Mbps.

Running short from Sky is Globe, with an average speed of 29.36Mbps. Among the five service

providers, Converge is the slowest, having an average speed of 28.69Mbps.

Significant difference among the service providers and their internet speed in NCR

The given table shows the ANOVA presentation between the service provider and

internet speed of the students residing in NCR.


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 112.24 4 28.06 0.649537 0.6338 2.8660814

Within Groups 864 20 43.2

Total 976.24 24

Table 1.2 Significant difference among the service providers and their internet speed in NCR
The table reveals that the computed value of F, which is 0.649537, is less than the critical
F of 2.8660814. Since the computed value is less than the critical value, the null hypothesis is
accepted. The table also reveals that the P-value which is 0.6338 is greater than the significance
level of 0.05, it reveals that there is no significant difference among the service providers and
their internet speed in NCR.


The researchers conclude that PLDT is the most used service provider of CEU Manila

students living in NCR, consisting of 39% of the respondents.

The researchers also conclude that there is no significant difference in each service provider to

its internet speed in NCR due to the p-value that resulted to 0.64, which is greater than the 0.05

significance level. Therefore, the researchers will not reject the null hypothesis. Although the

internet speed of the service providers show no significant difference, it does not mean that those

cannot be used as primary internet service providers of CEU Manila students.

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