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en DarE_ Le = ee units, PHYSICAL QUANTMES AND! VECTORS 0. cot units and physical quantities so pe ie ee ~~ G Wature of Physics: Oe eS. | be experimental eclence: feekt\\Patierns called physical theories ~ EE foticrns called physical theerie bea well sertobliched theory 6 celled physieot, aus =e . Lp describes a physical phenomencn- = Sati j Time =) G0 seconds eS Length — tre meter ex eee a mass 8 kilograms tileias tobiteta Feo N — standard Maire (| ——> - Tot arses a itity —tragattidles > a ee FUNDAMENTAL UNITS International system Csi ot meric) Electric Charge coloumb c + Temperature kewin kK + Amount of; Substances sis.oMeltn She cel iene a _& bumineus Intensity candela ed Terms added oF equated must olwaye have the | oimensiona A ANDLYNF| soe Us L derive an equation L check 4 dimen si L brew units of © physical Stewplify UWS and _s| RUS oF equation Le pe ees ee ee ee ie ta Lis? Cheng] set [ Rus: Ctergin) / (Hme] > Chime] + [lewin] Conversion of UNITS Lis yeas » 805 Sa 24 bys 2060 seconds: 1 yet 1 96 bat | = Sut, 036, ton _feeends SIGNIFICANT OFICURES AND. SCIEN TFic NOIRHON | se Lot x 104 Cony asf Allon -2ere 00 count | Leading 2erey Dow'T count Cophve Zens DO cunt trailing Zens DO count, IF the number cenfoint a DECIMAL wal te the one with fewest determined by he number gg vector Suankities cS = goslar susoidi sespritea by ae mans kg fime = Gos quantiy wilh beh magnitide end livecion dem toy the east ring _— megnitad + Win ogi aa Components ~ unit Vector displacement vector: J FR mpoug weg : b se vedtor magnie: |W] or A es Fs8 Ly vector sum or resultant Goll ty head Mmethed ) peek fe, eppesile dueckon - a 4 fy + Race Avt toy 4oAeles ea =|) ee ie ies pat + AyS = describer motion ate tat, g average Velocity - _ time rake. chonge of on object _postten between Ihr toitot end final pom - onher Yoo woh Kt nahin Boer be average speed distance 3] time _mnitrval 2 pernalt es mee = Eee Fk ies tei se FT| By fess hve Jangend tne F#m Ho) h xi} | Dare__ Va vs tos Instantaneous accelermtion ~ accelevahon at a fpecife indom in time. Sloot of toe tangent tine im Vt gia i ae ee Lee oe ee X S| eee ee [en peter [thew thes spend ond sirectionTepecm os x [the beet meson ore Sraging® K+ acceleration ee ae —— Ux and Ay from on xX: pet Signs epee Gurvahre ~ tetlereton wee = positive © + Upward: ae 38 6 eit oi St I ‘ eee ‘ot Uniform Accolemtion and Free Fall Uniform Acealeration © Insfontanenat it equal average Uk = Ay + hye mo th Eromplt: __Pitlechusisran"s fismmnskelt ith ecn | acceleration of 20 mis? fe Me frst Ber and walked With oy celerohion by ~S0 My unk she stops: what" her fatal stance Haueled UX vote axe) [ise 8 2a8h Oi Pies | aa - 9+ | free Fatt \ qeniiieral pal = motion. = e neglect aie restrfance © same dean ward accelevotion [menos te Of tits ompnstons Posten , Veleerty and Aeceteratien Vectors te ae TRecall | Vectors corke on exer chro » system = 42 displacement vector Las the particte mover from Bh Py over Ot Ht tmces Gane “ a Le _chonge in “position its Be splacmend vector cg oso = Be ag A Ty C¥T a B3} 2 ” 7 Sea a P57 SPF (ca-%)t tGey)I Z ae + (a-ak a Fiz :P _ spmovd 5 ! Aste cuyiaamen ipo wh ne # Jape. oe — te=t. — ae. vee divided by he Lk deptacement _v between Pant Gand fotot_Hne _ elapse? ____Instontoneaus _veloudy _v echo (2) ore - Jone" ty : | pea -|-: > component in 2b: (edmjs) 24 (19h) LQ unset sun _va| Direction Angle a 2 ola Rope SI oss fant 13mg eae ‘ie ae gf Pom Xe ont a _+ : om | butection oF the Reistemtin Vecwr |___b when“ scteleration 4) pavael te velety, ot 7 1 when acceleration fe Peependicular.,..H_ echt fy | change Hae direction Instantaneow Uelodty Vector = ee ae ee a a o-W aye at a lfm Ws Qze bm Shesiak oro BL Mognitude : Misbolat [3| <2 J atara A may be venived inte Gy ond Sy 1 Prjectile Motion Sith | vertical motion t= cAnitant. jae ee why coniyg Be tne ees A eres z | larttat Velocity camponent =~» Wyte sine ECE + W trajectory a = assume tat the prajecti Sharh at a THe ongin oop Key tardinake system —_|bquotion op —pominla:_y 2 bx cx “L Verticony, Ke _pejectie uo onstend | acceleration» thas, Itt Vertoat_Melecty che A by equal @mound during equal _ tm’ Intervals « ao Example < | A totoreycte stand rider Hees of! tient r" edge °F fe» Surh ah he eae, velocity ff honiontal, with magnitude %6 m/s. He _motorey ce’! Poriton distance from _ of fe GFE) ond vehity — P°*S Fear Re edge gq Re otf site) + = Jo ethane s a x TUR | Wet! SS oo Ditance: of = J 4s)? 4 1a) re 4-7 ba] Jo ms Coso” = 4-0 mM] ge %0m|s sind* + (4° MIs?) ( 0-505) Foes mp so \F |= Seve me) et mls)? ie fo] =e a a= mq my 2 mis = -29" Woximum — Height Lat maximum height , Uy =O 2 alc solu nen ir lawnched A Wid Hrowe 8 slipper with speed 13 m]s ak am angie Go" abeve Ke herizental- Ib | lends oh mf weap tan ind te time of flight and He kt In fance frm the cdge SF he house. GA Lm] z 6+ M/s Singer (e +

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