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International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 301–307

Benchmarking the management of projects: a review of

current thinking
Elizabeth Barber *

School of Business, ADFA@UNSW, University of New South Wales, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

Received 6 December 2002; received in revised form 7 February 2003; accepted 1 August 2003


This paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of benchmarking project management and the difficulties of analysing the
competencies and skills of project managers. Research has shown vast differences in the performance between leading companies
and average companies in performing particular activities. By benchmarking leading companies, many firms have experienced
significant success in upgrading their organisational capabilities. This paper begins the process for benchmarking project managers
in an endeavour to improve management performance of similar projects. As benchmarking can significantly improve the per-
formance of managing companies, it is argued that by benchmarking project management significant improvements can be expe-
rienced in the performance of projects.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Benchmarking; Project management; Management; Evaluation

1. Introduction Lock [23] among others has argued that bench-

marking can make a very significant improvement to
The concept of project management has changed performance. Research has shown vast differences in the
from the traditional notion of a specialist project man- performance between leading companies and average
ager employed by an engineering firm, being tasked to companies in performing particular activities [14]. By
build a hospital, office block or bridge, to numerous benchmarking leading companies, firms have experi-
senior and middle managers in all sorts of organisations enced significant success in upgrading their organisa-
being tasked to consider their role as one of a project tional capabilities [16]. Earlier papers have reviewed the
manager. For example a computer programmer could connection between benchmarking and program evalu-
be tasked to manage a project that introduces a new ation [29,32]. The effectiveness of a project management
piece of software to a firm. A key advantage of con- process will determine whether or not those projects
sidering a work task as a formal project is that it directs play a role in providing a source of competitive advan-
the focus of the job onto the planned outcome. Projects tage for an organisation. Maylor [24] suggests that those
are variously defined but the key element is that it is a organisations that are the most resourceful in seeking
one-off task that has a finite completion. Otherwise the out best practice and making those aspects work for
task is termed a program. As a result of this change in them will be the most successful. This paper continues
management practices there are a huge variety of project this inference and suggests that similar improvements
managers in both the public and private sector who are in the performance of managing companies that occur
managing projects that can range across the organisa- from benchmarking can also be achieved by bench-
tional spectrum. marking the management of projects.
There are three major types of project team forma-
Tel.: +61-2-62688843; fax: +61-2-62688450. tion, namely, the pure project structure, the functional
E-mail address: (E. Barber). project structure and the matrix structure. Different

0263-7863/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.
302 E. Barber / International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 301–307

types of benchmarking processes should be applied to One of the strengths of benchmarking is that it seeks
different team structures. The skills and competencies of to identify key performance indicators to which a pro-
project managers are arguably benchmarked according ject manager might aspire. It is a systematic and struc-
to different perceptions of project managerÕs roles. These tured approach to searching for the best way to choose
roles change to some degree depending on the project and then measure chosen skills and competencies. As
team structure. Some of the problems facing bench- has been shown there are numerous skills and compe-
marking of this elusive subject matter are also discussed. tencies to target in project management. Benchmarking
The general purpose of benchmarking as an evaluative partners should work together to pick out the key per-
tool to provide continuous learning for both the project formance indicators that will help both parties to im-
manager and the project organisation are seen as chal- prove their performances.
lenges that need to be addressed more widely in the For project managers to maintain their capabilities
project management discipline. The paper concludes by and continue to improve, the application of bench-
recommending the adoption of benchmarking as an marking techniques to both skills and competencies will
evaluative tool that stimulates continual improvement in guide the changing skill and competency base require-
project management skills. ments. Those project managers who keep abreast with
Benchmarking can be a continuous process which is the evolving management processes and remain flexible
used to compare and measure the management of one and adaptive to new techniques and technologies should
project to the managerial processes of a leading project benchmark well with the best in class. Benchmarking is
manager. It is essential to find the information or data one of most responsive evaluation tools to creating a
that will guide the specific project manager towards learning organisation that is receptive to both external
improvement [2]. This paper asserts that different pro- and internal best management practices. Benchmarking
jects, and the different structures within those projects, management practices helps accelerate and manage
require different information and data to provide guid- change by encouraging a culture of continuous im-
ance to the specific benchmarking being undertaken. provement in the management of the projects [27].

3. Types of benchmarking
2. General purpose of benchmarking
Types of benchmarking reflect Ôwhat is comparedÕ
Benchmarking must be a continuous process, which and Ôwhom it is compared againstÕ [2]. The former in-
is not just copying or imitating from others. It is a volves comparisons of performance, process and stra-
process of investigation and learning from the best in a tegic benchmarking, whilst the latter involves internal,
class to get useful information for improving and competitive, functional and generic comparisons [12].
changing an organisation or in keeping with this paper a Kasilingam [19] expands Evans grouping of Ôwhom it
project manager. Bent and Humphrey [6] link the indi- is compared againstÕ to include industry and national
vidual competencies with the processes, administrative best in class (Fig. 1). I have expanded this figure further
procedures and systems of an organisation. to include the national and world best practices.
‘‘Benchmarking is the technical core of the Total Quality Man- Internal benchmarking occurs when one sub-division
agement (TQM) process. It identifies the quality of current per- of an organisation compares itself with another subdi-
sonal skill levels and company procedures/methods, and then vision with the intention of finding and applying best
compares this quality with the latest state-of-the-art techniques’’
practice. Performance of similar management processes
[6, p. 45].
or functions within projects can vary widely and once
Kerzner [21] supports this notion. Since the growth compared (benchmarked) the best processes can be ap-
of technology and systematising of project schedules plied. Internal benchmarking to management processes
through computerisation, project administration has of projects is applied when higher level management
become more encompassing and complex. As a result identifies a particular functional or divisional area or
a project manager in the future should be flexible, project manager, or project team of the organisation
adaptable, a quick learner and a good communicator. that has a proven record of accomplishment in manag-
This evolution of project management changed the skill ing projects within its area of responsibility. The orga-
requirements expected of effective project managers. The nisation can examine the completed projects and then
skill base is changing at present to match the business identify the practices that were conducted well and
objectives that are now seen as more important than which enabled them to outperform other areas of the
technical objectives. New skills include knowledge of firm.
the business, risk management and integration skills. Internal benchmarking has a number of advantages
Kerzner predicts that one of the biggest skills for future over external benchmarking. First, the organisation us-
project managers will be risk management. ing internal benchmarking can easily obtain access to
E. Barber / International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 301–307 303

Fifth Generation
Global Benchmarking
Best Fourth Generation
Practice Strategic Benchmarking

Best Practice of
National Company Third Generation
Process Benchmarking
Industry Best Practice
Second Generation
Competitors’ Best Practice Competitive Benchmarking
Internal Best Practice
First Generation
Reverse Benchmarking
Fig. 1. Types of benchmarking: the analysis pyramid [19].
Time to Introduce

detailed information about different projects it has Fig. 2. Benchmarking as a developing evaluation tool [33].
conducted. Second, internal benchmarking reduces the
likelihood of cultural and definition problems which can practices and challenges to accepted practices; and im-
often affect the validity of benchmarking. proves learning for both project managers and the or-
However, multi-national organisations conducting ganisation.
internal benchmarking need to be aware that defini- Watson [33] continued CampÕs understanding of the
tional and cultural problems may still arise if the orga- continuous improvement process and viewed bench-
nisation has acquired firms in different countries. For marking as a process that should evolve as a business
example, a German firm benchmarked the performance process.
of a British subsidiary and the assessment determined Fig. 2 shows the first generation of benchmarking as
that the British firm was performing well below stan- evolving in the early nineties following from Camp [8].
dard. However, there were considerable differences in It was product related and mainly described the xerox
how the two organisations defined particular terms. experience. It was an evaluation/comparison with sim-
These definitional differences resulted in a flawed ilar products. The Second Generation of benchmarking
benchmarking assessment [24]. evolved when product comparisons expanded to eval-
Internal benchmarking has its shortcomings. Often uating similar processes with competitors. This oc-
management styles, values and culture, permeate curred in the mid-nineties. The Third Generation of
throughout the organisation. This may create perceptual evaluation implied that comparisons occurred outside
limitations on how to improve the management of the same industry. Evaluations targeted companies with
projects, leading to a tendency to conduct activities, recognised strong practices independent of the indus-
which only conform to cultural norms. try and competitors. This led to a lot of process
External benchmarking is sometimes referred to as evaluations.
industry or competitive benchmarking. Grant [16] lists Dorf [10] explains performance benchmarking as a
five stages involved in external benchmarking. It takes broad measure such as sales per employee or some other
place when a business compares itself with other or- quantifiable output form. Process benchmarking is ex-
ganisations, which demonstrate best practice in the way plained as a comparison of yields and through put such as
they produce similar services. manufacturing yield rates and direct labour productivity.
It can lead to the discovery of radically different ap- The Fourth Generation is referred to as strategic
proaches to the same problems. It prevents the company benchmarking. It is a systematic process of evaluating
from being internally focused. It reduces incremental alternatives, implementing strategies and improving
process change and minimises low management com- performance by understanding and adapting successful
mitment. With external benchmarking, a company can strategies from external partners who participate in an
develop a concrete understanding of competition, utilise ongoing business alliance. This generation of bench-
new ideas of proven practices and technology, and marking differs from process benchmarking in terms of
generates a higher level of commitment [8]. the scope and depth of commitment among the sharing
The Australian Institute of Project Management companies. Benchmarking is used as a driver that fun-
(AIPM) ([1]; concurs with damentally changes the business, not just to Ôtweak
CampÕs assessment of the benefits of benchmarking. It processesÕ.
identifies leading practices such as: how to best develop Strategic benchmarking is comparing a competitorÕs
and deploy project management processes; provides strategy to oneÕs own in the same market and product
comparisons of project management data with benchmarking compares the features and performance
other organisations; provides confirmation of good of actual products. Gattorna and Walters [15] argue that
304 E. Barber / International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 301–307

unless the strategic direction of the targeted benchmark The difference between skills and competencies can
company is understood, it is unlikely that the compar- perhaps best be distinguished by the definition of com-
ative exercise will prove successful, especially in the petency applied by those with a psychometric leaning
management strategies of projects. Management per- which claims that competence consists of attributes
formance falls under performance benchmarking but is possessed by individuals [18]. These consist primarily of
influenced by the companyÕs strategies. Benchmarking knowledge, skills and attitudes, all of which are directly
project management is a subset within the managerial measurable and quantifiable according to predeter-
performance indicators. mined categories and criteria. Other writers such as
Watson sees future generations of benchmarking in Hunt and Wallace [17] have questioned the accuracy
global applications where business process distinctions and reliability of measurements relating to certain at-
among companies are bridged and their implications for tributes such as knowledge and attitudes. A less obvious
business process improvements are understood. In this but more fundamental limitation to this definition of
era of global project management organisations, this competency is that it equates the possession of attri-
generation of benchmarking should help such organi- butes with competence. Hunt and Wallace [17] argue
sations identify and link with the best in class. that the mere possession of a range of attributes may or
may not in itself ensure competent performance. They
give the example of valuable communication skills that
4. What to benchmark may be measurable but that may be well applied or
misapplied, according to the inclination of the project
‘‘A project manager is a businessman, a psychologist, an ac- manager or according to adverse environments. Barber
countant, a technician, part designer, part nuts-and-bolts. A [4] demonstrates that the core competencies provided by
truly rare combination of skills’’ [7]. the PMI, although measurable on a ranking scale,
Obviously a project manager wears many hats in cannot ensure consistent application by project
orchestrating the projectÕs progress and the firm/client managers.
partnership. This section considers two questions. What Having surveyed 24 studies delineating managerial
are the skills and competencies required? How can they functions, roles, skills and competency units, Hunt and
be measured and evaluated? Wallace advance the working definition for managerial
Wysocki [34] proposes that two levels of characteris- competency as
tics determine the performance of a project manager. At ‘‘. . . the ability to perform effectively in a given context, the ca-
the visible level are skills that can be observed, measured pacity to transfer knowledge and skills to new tasks and situa-
and improved with training. Competencies are hidden tions, and the inclination or motivation to energize these
below the visible level and are more difficult to develop abilities and capacities’’ [17, p. 59].
through training. Competencies can be seen in practice Meredith et al. [25] categorised the skills needed for a
but cannot be measured directly. Wysocki used BloomÕs project manager into six skill areas: communication,
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Cognitive organisational, team building, leadership, coping and
Domain to provide six levels of project management technological skills. Meredith and Mantel [26] compared
skills. They are knowledge, comprehension, application, the requirements of a project manager to those of a
analysis, synthesis and evaluation. He used the Corpo- functional manager and claimed that:
rate Education Center of Boston University to demon-
strate five types of competencies required to be an ‘‘A project manager is a generalist rather than a specialist, a
effective project manager. They are business achieve- synthesizer rather than an analyst, and a facilitator rather than
a supervisor’’ [26, p. 128].
ment, problem-solving, influence abilities, people man-
agement and self management competencies. Katz [20] in his famous article of 1991 also sug-
The Project Management Institute (PMI [30]) has gested that effective project administration rested on
identified eight primary competencies that the effective three basic developable though inter-related skills of
project manager should master. Project managers need human or interpersonal skills, conceptual and techni-
to be highly effective people – people who possess cal skills. He went further and claimed that although
knowledge of the technical details of their jobs as well as interrelated these skills can be developed indepen-
the capacity to get things done. The PMI captured the dently and should be thus sought after to suit ap-
core project management competencies in its Project propriate projects.
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) series. El-Sabaa [11] used KatzÕs three skill types and de-
The eight primary competencies are: scope, time and veloped a table rating the importance leading project
cost management; human resource and communication managers attached to each skill. He then extended the
management and risk, quality and contract management survey to the career path of effective project managers.
(PMI [30]). The most effective project managers appear to have
E. Barber / International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 301–307 305

extensive cross-functional experience. He argued that professional learning, contractors profits, capital sup-
multi-disciplinary resource knowledge is a key compe- pliers, content project teams and economic impacts on
tency of an effective project manager. the affected community.
The cornerstone of evaluating whether a project has The scope of AtkinsonÕs method although logical
been a success or a failure has been the so-called ‘‘Iron would need substantial de-aggregation for benchmark-
Triangle’’. As Atkinson [3] states ‘‘cost, time and quality ing the management of a project.
(the iron triangle) over the last 50 years have become Belout [5] claims that the key areas of interest in
inextricably linked with measuring the success of project evaluating the management of a project are effectiveness
management’’ [3, p. 337]. Atkinson argues that in fact and efficiency. Efficiency is broadly understood as the
these factors will not indicate whether the management maximisation of output for a given level of input or
of a project has been excellent or otherwise. The main resources while effectiveness is directed to the achieve-
thrust of his argument is the so-called Iron Triangle is ment of goals or objectives. This supports the definition
flawed in that evaluating against these criteria really of Hunt and Wallace [17] that also concentrates on ca-
implies trying to match two best guesses (time and cost) pabilities and effectiveness.
and a phenomena (quality) correctly [3]. He argues that Nicholas [28] claims that: ‘‘Variety in the sources of
these three estimations (especially time and cost) are put information increases the validity of the evaluation,
together at a time when the least amount of information particularly when several sources all lead to the same
is available regarding the project – typically in the conclusion’’ [28, p. 414].
planning stages. Gardiner and Stewart [13] agree with As shown, there is surprisingly little agreement
this point and estimate that 50–70% of projects (de- among educators and training program directors of
pending on the type of project) will have significant many leading institutions on what competencies are re-
budget or scheduling overruns. Based on this research, quired to make a good project manager. Nevertheless
initial estimates of cost, schedules and quality should there is a wide variety of sources of information on this
not be the baseline for evaluating management success. topic. Thus, if or when, the skills and competencies can
If the benchmarking process centres on these three be agreed upon, and the measurement thereof is widely
criteria translated loosely as within budget, on time and agreed, then and only then, will benchmarking eventu-
to a prescribed quality then benchmarking the man- ally become widely acceptable. At present the debate
agement processes will be flawed as well. still rages on an agreeable generic benchmark evaluation
Atkinson [3] suggests the adoption of what he called of project managerÕs competencies.
the ‘‘square root’’ to create a more realistic view of the
management of projects (Fig. 3). He combines time, cost
and quality, i.e. the Ôiron triangleÕ into a single criterion 5. Drawbacks with using benchmarking
and added three other criteria. They are information
systems, benefits to the organisation and benefits to the There are a number of reasons why it may not be
stakeholder community. The attributes comprising each good practice to introduce evaluation via benchmarking
of the four components include both tangible and in- of project management. These include the appropriate-
tangible elements, which would make benchmarking ness of the tool, timeliness and cost effectiveness. A main
difficult to undertake. For example information systems problem with using benchmarking of management
consist of maintainability, reliability, validity and in- practices between different projects is that projects by
formation-quality usage. Benefits to the organisation their very nature are unique. All projects will involve
pertain to improved efficiency, improved effectiveness, some elements that cannot be directly translated be-
increased profits, strategic goals, organisational-learning tween one another. There is no secure metric system
and reduced waste. Whilst benefits to the stakeholder than can be used between projects. MaylorÕs statement is
community refer to satisfied customers and users, social very pertinent in relation to benchmarking: ‘‘Figures
and environmental impacts, personal development, without clear explanation of their means of collection
and the meanings of each, with clear bounds established
as to what they include, are misleading’’ [24, p. 271].
Benchmarking may not be appropriate for all manage-
ment processes because there might not be a comparable
management situation.
The lack of comparable objectivity is a difficulty that
is well recognised within project management evaluation
exercises. The intangible factors effecting the manage-
ment of a project include, for example, culture, politics,
Fig. 3. AtkinsonÕs [3] ‘‘Square Root’’. project environment, institutional arrangements and
306 E. Barber / International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 301–307

legislation. Culture, strategy and philosophy differ be- be similar. Three levels of benchmarking of the man-
tween organisations and between different divisions agement of projects can be categorised as functional,
within organisations operating in different environs. generic and competitor benchmarking. Functional
Many factors that may have a significant impact on benchmarking is limited in the level of improvement to
the implementation of a project are outside the direct the specific functional management it can provide. Ge-
control of the project manager, for example, lack of neric benchmarking can be expensive, time consuming
support from higher management, political interference, and difficult to do. Whilst competitor benchmarking on
the economic environment and the cooperation of key a Ôtotal management of the whole projectÕ basis can be a
suppliers. Therefore benchmarking project management difficult endeavour, given that competitors aim to stay
in isolation from the project per se could be in itself very ahead, not help those who compete against them [22].
misleading [9]. Another drawback is that benchmarking does not
Clarke also argues that managing a large and com- and cannot address problems that have not been previ-
plex project involves simultaneously attempting to ously recognised or encountered. If an aspect of the
manage many differing factors (such as people, finances, management is experiencing a difficulty and the com-
risk, priorities, specifications, etc.) and their interrela- parable partner has not experienced a similar difficulty,
tionships. Consequently it is virtually impossible to give it is unlikely that the benchmarking process could pro-
them all your equal attention. Therefore she argues that vide any solution.
you should apply the Pareto rule of separating the im- Often a drawback of benchmarking is based on ex-
portant few from the trivial many [9]. This means that pense. Benchmarking requires excessive time and cost of
you should identify those key factors that will have the gathering and analysing performance data. This can
greatest impact on the success implementation of a consume scarce resources. Benchmarking is not quick.
project and give them the majority of your management Finding the ÔrightÕ company to benchmark the ÔrightÕ
attention. It also means that these key factors should aspects of management with can be time consuming and
form the basis of your management evaluation criteria. expensive. It is also highly risky in that a lot of trust and
Factors that are considered critical to the success of a internal knowledge has to be shared. There may be
project should form the basis of the management unwillingness to share information. Benchmarking does
evaluation criteria. Also when benchmarking the man- not steal results. It is an open and legal study of another
agement of projects the underlying influences of com- organisationÕs management practices [27].
parable projects must be similar. These so-called drawbacks can be offset somewhat by
Benchmarking has often been found deficient because the benefits arising from benchmarking. Whereas audits
it highlights the performance gaps without giving the and other forms of evaluation tend to occur at set points
reasons for these gaps. Sometimes, the performance in time benchmarking can be a continual process that
gaps identified through benchmarking have more to do permits reciprocal benefits to both partners [4].
with the differences in the way the organisations mea- Camp [8] defined benchmarking as ‘‘the continuous
sure and track the performance of their systems, rather process of evaluation of production process, products,
than any meaningful differences in the way each man- and services with reference to those of the strongest
ager controls his or her project. Project management competitors, known as best practice’’ [8, p. 45]. There
today is seen as a systematic process. The management are two key points about his definition. They are the
processes use computerised schedules. If these systems emphasis on the Ôcontinuous processÕ and the compari-
interact differently in the management processes then the son with the ÔstrongestÕ competitor. If this form of
evaluation of the managing of differing processes will be benchmarking was undertaken then some of the above
flawed. mentioned drawbacks would be overcome.
Benchmarking is above all, a comparison. This limits
any evaluation to that of the level that it was bench-
marked against. Not only should a comparison be made 6. Conclusion
between like with like (apples and apples) but what is
often missed is the quality of the apples being bench- ‘‘Considering the role of world-class performers through bench-
marking and adopting their principles is just one tool in the
marked. If the management processes are at the lower
improvement process’’ [24, p. 255].
end of the spectrum of quality management functions
then the performance gap may be quite small. Never- MaylorÕs statement regarding benchmarking is made
theless the scope for improvement might be quite large in the context of gaining the maximum benefit from a
and this larger gap would have shown up if the bench- project not only in outcomes for the immediate project
marked management processes were further up the but also by improving the performance of management
quality management spectrum. So not only does the in future projects. The maximum benefit that Maylor
data need to be similar, the choice of the level of the data describes, can in part, be obtained by effectively evalu-
should be seen as a confounding variable that needs to ating the quality of project management.
E. Barber / International Journal of Project Management 22 (2004) 301–307 307

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