50 Is A Very Good Number Indicating Success by Contact With or

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50 will break through social barriers and reach a top position through their intelligence and capabilities. Brilliant talkers, linguistic skills. Forthright in their speech and high confidence levels in all they undertake.
The thought process is fast and furious, almost aggressive! They can fit well into any profession. Engineering, especially IT would be just perfect. Excellence is a given, and they are recognized as luminaries in
their chosen fields. The 50 is almost totally fearless, and never anticipates defeat. The spouse would augment income and lifestyle. It's suitable for all, but best for those with a prominent 5 or 8. Mercedes Benz,
General Electric, Sanofi Aventis, Roche Holding, Spencer Pratt, Annette Bening, Paul Greengrass, Sachin Tendulkar, Mahima Choudhury, Sunil Bharti Mittal & Bishen Singh Bedi are famous 50s.

50 is a very good number indicating success by contact with or

by being a member of a large organisation or society.
Natives have good judgement and a sense of
discrimination. It would be more propitious to be guided by
their own ideas and intuition than by the advice of others,
which may not be so sound
Name Number 5 in Numerology gives the Power to charm people, Exude Dynamism, lead a Luxurious Life & to Enjoy Fame and Prominence. They Spend Money
lavishly. This Number is suitable for trade.

Name Number 5 People are very versatile in their lifestyle. When Name Number 5 people take daring risk, Nothing is impossible for them to achieve. This Number
makes people fond of new business ventures and they are never afraid of failures. 

Name Number 5 People are Lucky and successful and are liked by all 

Below is list of Name Number 5 People : - 


DHIRUBHAI AMBANI - Name Number - 41

STEVEN JOBS - Name Number - 41
SUNIL BHARTI MITTAL - Name Number - 50
RATAN TATA - Name Number - 23
VIJAY MALLYA - Name Number - 23


ANGELINA JOLIE - Name Number - 41

KAJOL - Name Number - 14
NICOLE KIDMAN - Name Number - 41
VIKRAM BHATT - Name Number - 32


TOSHIBA - Name Number - 23

BOEING - Name Number - 23
MERCEDES BENZ - Name Number - 50 
RALPH LAUREN - Name Number - 41
GENERAL ELECTRIC - Name Number - 50 

Name Number 5 in Numerology is considered as assurance for Succe

Academic Excellence

Free name numerology reading for 50 says that you excel in your studies right from school. You can score the State first rank. Not satisfied your academics, you build
your knowledge from many other sources.

Numerology for 50 makes you an ideal teacher. You can be an endearing lecturer. You soon rise to the positions of a Professor and become the Dean or Chancellor of a
University. You create scholars and set records.

ss and Fame.
Succeed In Business

Free name numerology reading for 50 conveys that if per chance your childhood does not permit schooling, you study all by yourself. You stand first in correspondence
education. You enter into business and earn a lot.

Numerology for 50 says that you are unexcelled in business. You can be successful in any kind of business. Like fish takes to water, you enter into any business and
come out successful. You build enormous wealth.

Name Number 50             
Your name number is the same as Sachin Tendulkar, Matthew Hayden and Roger Federer. You will excel if you are in sports and teaching. You speak well and
have a good command over your language. Your mind works fast but sometimes you tend to think negative. If you are in the field of arts, an extra A, I, J or Y in
your name can give you success fast.

Read more: http://scienceray.com/mathematics/izodiaque-name-numerology-name-number-meaning-number-five/#ixzz2KURwR5kQ

Your are Abhijiit Deshmukh

Your Name Number is 50

The events that take place in your life are influenced by the planet MERCURY

The interpretations for your name number are 

Intelligence is your investment; know more secrets about keeping yourself lucky always!

For detailed readings regarding your name numbers consult the book (revised edition) or the Author

The purpose of the number 50 is to promote fusion between body and soul, mind and spirit.  Life is a continuing education for the number 50, as this energy seeks to learn their real values
relating to their ultimate goals and aspirations,  and learning to obey their inner feelings to ‘know thyself’.  The happy disposition of the 50 Destiny number attracts friends and good fortune and
they know how to take advantage of all the blessings  --  Mentally, Physically and Spiritually.  

The focus of 50 is to attain greater stability.  The law of 5 is 'freedom in action', and when coupled with the vibration of the number 0, this energy is amplified.

The number 50 is masculine, introvert and relates to the star sign Leo.  The related planet is Mercury and the Tarot Card representative of the 50 / 5 vibration is the Heirophant. 

The 50 Destiny number individual will have the opportunity to learn the true meaning of change in their life.  Life for the 50 / 5 energy will be filled with freedom, constant change, curiosity,
adventure and un-attachment.  The 50 / 5 energy will live more, see more and experience more life experiences than any other vibration.  

The number 50 symbolizes the principle of multiplicity, progression and passion.  50 / 5 signifies the need for change, variety and new growth.  50 is the broadcaster, disseminating information
and asking questions.  

The 50 vibration loves pleasure and needs to watch over-indulgence and impulsiveness.  The impulsive nature of the 50 / 5 Destiny number allows them to enter a situation, then be able to
discard it just as quickly.  The 50 energy does not hold onto anything that creates monotony in their life. 
50 is the number of progress and growth, for without change there is stagnation.

The 50 energy appears to be outgoing and extrovert  -  but the natural introverted energy leads them to an interest in the unknown and metaphysical studies.

The lesson for the 50 / 5 person is that 'one must learn that true freedom can only come from within.' 
When 0 is combined with another number, the potential of that number is magnified and amplified.  It magnifies, enhances and increases the potential and dimension of the number, bringing
success and perfection to its’ qualities and attributes., ie. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 etc with the protection and Divine Consciousness of the number Zero.  
Numerology For Day Number 5 With Life Number 1

When You Have 5 & 1

Numerology of 5 and 1 is packed with all the Super Powers. You are very inventive and forceful.

You will command recognition, trust, and respect in the society. From Politics to Trading you
can be successful in anything that you do.

Yet you will lose all these powers if your name is defective.

What Will Suit You?

If you have a name in 2, 4, 7 or 8 it applies brakes and prevents your progress. You cannot be

Therefore to get lucky names, baby names or business names for 5 and 1, you must take the
advice of a gifted numerologist to design your names. Such correct names alone can ensure your

Numerology Compatibility
Lucky Tips For 5 & 1
Subject Lucky Tips
Ruling Planets Mercury and Sun
Lucky Planets Mercury and Sun
Lucky Numbers 5 and 1
5, 14, 23,
Lucky Days
1, 10, 19, 28
Unlucky Days No Such Days!
5, 14, 23, 32, 41
Name Numbers
50, 59, 77
For Lucky Names
19, 37, 46, 64, 73, 91
Contract, Agencies
Lucky Business Commission, Vehicles
Fire, Power, Steel
5, 14, 23, 32, 41
Name Numbers
50, 59, 77
For Lucky Business
19, 37, 46, 64, 73, 91
Lucky Colors Grey, Yellow, Light Blue
Unlucky Colors Black
Diamond, Zircon
Lucky Gems
Golden Sapphire
Piles, Diabetes
Diseases Neurology Complaints
Hyper Tension, Heat
Remedy Name Change In 5 or 1

Take Scientific Help

If after trying else where, you do not get success, you can use our expert assistance, through the
contact us page. We shall give to you, your most successful Lucky Baby Names, Business
Names and Lucky Personal Names!

We shall rectify your signature, and give your Lucky Numbers, Lucky Days, Gems, and Colors
by scientific analysis and numerology. We shall verify and confirm their accuracy with Lecher
Antenna to ensure your Success!
The number 50 is a combination of the vibrations and
energies of number 5 and number 0.  Number 5 resonates
with healing, personal freedom, adventure and
curiosity, opportunity and courage, making positive life
choices and changes, adaptability and versatility,
motivation and progress.  Number 0 resonates with the
attributes of eternity and infinity, continuing cycles and
flow, and the beginning point. The number 0 stands for
potential and/or choice, and represents the beginning of a
spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may
entail.  It suggests that you listen to your intuition and
higher-self as this is where you will find your answers.
Number 0 reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the number
it appears with; in this case of 50, the number 5.

When the Angel Number 50 appears repeatedly it is a

message from your angels to do with your health,
wellbeing and lifestyle choices.  Your angels want to help
you to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices that will
enhance and benefit you in many ways;  physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Be assured that your
angels love and support you through these transitions.
Allow your angels to guide and assist you.

Angel Number 50 also brings a message to live your life

as it suits you personally, and do not allow your fears or
other people’s opinions deter or hinder you.  Have
the courage to make positive changes that are in-line with
your personal lifestyle choices and ensure that you remain
true to yourself, always.
Number 50 also relates to number 5 (5+0=5) and Angel Number 5.

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