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Short Quiz 1

Which statement is NOT true about the passage of the Rizal Law?
The correct answer is: Sen. Claro M. Recto opposed the passage of Rizal Law for he believes that the novels are not meant to i

Which describe the social conditions in the Philippines during the 19th century?
The correct answer is: II and IV

The objective of the passage of Rizal Law in 1952 is to boost or rekindle the dwindling [‘shrinking’] sense of Filipino identity an
The correct answer is: Strong American presence in the Philippines

Multiple Choice: Which describe the social conditions in Spain during the 19th century?
The correct answer is: I and III

Who authored the Rizal Law?

Sen. Claro M. Recto Correct

What is the legal basis of including the study of the life and works of Jose Rizal in the curriculum of high school and college?
R.A. 1425

Evaluate the following statements: I. To reach more Filipino students, the novels and other works of Jose Rizal are to be trans
Both statements are true.

Which is NOT an objective of the Rizal Law?

Promote intellectual development

When was the Rizal Law passed?


Evaluate the following statements: I. College students are required to read the unexpurgated versions of the Noli Me Tangere
The correct answer is: Statement I is true.

Short Quiz 2

What are the contributions of the Propaganda movement in the history of the Philippines?
The correct answer is: I-II-IV

Who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands (haciendas) owned by the friars like the Rizal family?

Who are the principalias?

The correct answer is: I and IV

Which event was viewed by the Spanish government officials as a move to overturn the Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines
The correct answer is: 1872 Cavite Mutiny

What was the aim of the secularization movement?

The correct answer is: Transfer of authority over parishes from regular priests to the secular priest

What is the aim of secularization movement?

The correct answer is: Transfer of authority over parishes from regular priests to the secular priests.

Which statement on the term "Filipino" is NOT TRUE?

The correct answer is: It was a derogatory term for the native inhabitants as used by the Spaniards.

Why were the GOMBURZA executed?

The correct answer is: I-III

Arrange the following events in chronological order. I. 1872 Cavite Mutiny II. Execution of the Gomburza
The correct answer is: I-II-IV-III

Which is NOT part of the contents of the La Solidaridad?

The correct answer is: Spanish literature, culture and society

Short Quiz 3

Matching Type choose the correct answer

The correct answer is: Literary piece by Jose Rizal which talks about love for one’s language – Sa Aking mga
Kabata, Literary piece by Jose Rizal which won first prize in UST in 1879 – To The Filipino Youth, A story
which had left deep impact on Jose Rizal – The Foolish Butterfly, Title of the book which young Jose Rizal
and his mother used to read – Children's Friend, Literary piece by Jose Rizal which won first prize in Ateneo
Municipal – Junto Al Pasig

What is the full name of Jose Rizal?

Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

When was Jose Rizal born?

June 19, 1861

Where did Jose Rizal start his formal education?

Ateneo Municipal

What course did Jose Rizal finish in UST?


Who influenced young Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores?

His Nanny

What is the full name of Jose Rizal?

Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

What is the title of the book read by Rizal and his mother when he was young?
The correct answer is: Children's Friend
What story read by Rizal when he was a child which had left an impact on him?
The correct answer is: The Foolish Butterfly

Who is Jose Rizal’s father?

The correct answer is: Francisco Mercado

Who is Jose Rizal's mother?

The correct answer is: Teodora Alonso

What course did Rizal finish in Ateneo while studying at UST?

Land Surveying

What is the meaning of the surname 'Rizal'?

correct answer is: Green Fields

Where did Jose Rizal start his formal education?

The correct answer is: Ateneo Municipal

What literary piece made Jose Rizal won the first prize in Ateneo?
The correct answer is: Junto Al Pasig

Which literary piece made by Jose Rizal is about the love for one’s language?
The correct answer is: Sa Aking Mga Kabata

What made Jose Rizal shift to the ophthalmology course while in UST?
The correct answer is: His mother was going blind.

When was Jose Rizal born?

June 19, 1861

Which DOES NOT describe Jose Rizal as a young boy?

answer is: Hard-headed

What school was known for its equal treatment of Filipino and Spanish students during Rizal's time?
Ateneo Municipal

Which is TRUE about the intellectual development of Jose Rizal?

The correct answer is: The intellectual development of Rizal was shaped by the people around him who imparted knowledge a

What was the first degree finished by Rizal in Ateneo Municipal?

Bachelor of Arts

Who influenced Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores and legends?

His nanny

What was the first course taken by Rizal in UST?

correct answer is: Philosophy and Letters
What literary piece made Jose Rizal won the first prize in UST in 1879?
A La Juventud Filipina

How many children were there in the Rizal family?


Short Quiz 4

In his passport, Jose Rizal was a resident of __________.

Sta. Cruz

What did Rizal bring with him when he left Manila for Europe?

What was the name used by Jose Rizal in his passport going to Europ2?
Jose Mercado

What was the name of the ship that Rizal rode in from Singapore to Europe?

What was the name of the ship that Rizal boarded from Manila to Singapore?

In ‘El Amor Patrio’ how should men profess or express their love for the country according to Jose Rizal?

In his prose ‘El Amor Patrio’ how did Rizal describe or associate compared the patria with _______________.
The correct answer is: nature

Who translated the ‘El Amor Patrio’ when it was featured in the Diariong Tagalog in 1882?
Marcelo H. del Pilar

How did Jose Rizal describe the feeling of “love of the country”?
The correct answer is: It's innate and constant feeling among humans

What is the El Amor Patrio all about?

The correct answer is: An essay written by Rizal expressing his love for the country.

Assignment 001

What is the legal basis of the Rizal Law?


Jose Rizal’s ‘On the Indolence of the Filipino’ criticizes the incompetence of the Spanish officials designated in the Philippines.
What is the organization established by Ilustrados that aims to demand reforms and push for the assimilation of the Philippine
Propaganda Movement

The Philippines during the 19th century was at the height of industrialization and modernization.

Students who feel that their religious beliefs are offended by Rizal’s novels are exempted from taking the Rizal course.

Assignment 002

The disbandment of La Liga Filipina because of the arrest and exile of Jose Rizal marked the end of the Propaganda movement

The Filipinos who became wealthy because of the economic boom brought about by the opening of the Philippines in the inte

Filipino nationalism is shaped by the conglomeration of the events that happened in the world and in the Philippines.

The transfer of authority of Philippine parishes from the regular priests to the secular priest was called

The middles classes in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization is known as

Assignment 3

Where did Jose Rizal start his formal education?

Ateneo Municipal

When was Jose Rizal born?

June 19, 1861

Who influenced young Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores?


What course did Jose Rizal finish in UST?


What is the full name of Jose Rizal?

Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

Assignment 4

The goal of Jose Rizal’s trip to Europe was to observe the European society and to acquire knowledge that will be used in dem
What is the title of the poem written by Jose Rizal which expresses his hopes for the betterment of the Philippines?
To The Flowers of Heidelberg

What is the first organization joined by Jose Rizal in Europe?

Circulo Hispano-Filipino

What is the title of the essay written by Jose Rizal which deals with love for one’s country?
El Amor Patrio

Jose Rizal’s trip to Europe was known to all the members of Rizal’s Family.

What literary piece made Jose Rizal won the first prize in UST in 1879?
A La Juventud Filipina

Who influenced Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores and legends?

His nanny

What is the objective of the mass-based Filipino nationalism?

Freedom and independence of the Philippines from Spain

Which DOES NOT describe Jose Rizal as a young boy?


Which statements are TRUE about Filipino nationalism?


What was the poem To the Flowers of Heidelberg all about?

Rizal's call and hope for the betterment of the Philippines

What are the legacies of the Propaganda movement?


What caused the dwindling of Jose Rizal’s money in Europe?

His father was having hard time sending him money due to Spaniard's suspicion.

What country colonized Spain at the turn of 19 th century?


What was the first degree finished by Rizal in Ateneo Municipal?

Bachelor of Arts

Which DOES NOT describe the social, economic and political conditions in the Philippines in the 19th century under the rule of
Civil war broke out due to desire for the throne

What was the first organization joined by Jose Rizal in Europe?

Circulo Hispano-Filipino

Jose Rizal, finished the Noli Me Tangere in Feb 22, 1887. Who helped him in publishing the novel?
Maximo Viola

To what social class did Jose Rizal and his family belong?

What school was known for its equal treatment of Filipino and Spanish students during Rizal's time?
Ateneo Municipal

Why did the Catholic Church oppose the passage of Rizal Law?
Jose Rizal's novels are anti-clerical and anti-Catholic.

Among the voluminous books read by Jose Rizal, which one was about free people?
The English Revolution

Which idea is NOT part of Jose Rizal’s congratulatory toast for Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo?
The freedom of the Philippines from Spain

hat group of people occupies the highest social status in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial rule?

What were the courses took and finished by Rizal at the Universidad Central de Madrid?

Which group of people were not colonized and have preserved their own culture?

When was Jose Rizal born?

June 19, 1861

What made Jose Rizal shift to the ophthalmology course while in UST?
His mother was going blind.

Which is TRUE about the intellectual development of Jose Rizal?

The intellectual development of Rizal was shaped by the people around him who imparted knowledge and values to him.

What inspired Jose Rizal in writing the poem To the Flowers of Heidelberg?
Longingness for his town and loved ones

What movement was established by Ilustrados that exposed the conditions of thePhilippines and asked for reforms from Spain

How many children were there in the Rizal family?

What were the problems experienced by Jose Rizal in Europe?

What was the first course taken by Rizal in UST?

Philosophy and Letters

Which is NOT a reason for the disbandment of Circulo-Hispano Filipino?

Spanish censorship

Which DOES NOT describe the Noli Me Tangere according to the report of the committee appointed by the governor-general t
The correct answer is: Anti-revolution

Who helped Jose Rizal in the printing of the El Filibusterismo?

Valentin Ventura

Why did Jose Rizal leave the Philippines for Europe in February 1888?
The correct answer is: To avoid persecution from the Spanish authorities

What group was organized by Jose Rizal which encourages Filipinos to be proud of their race?
The correct answer is: Indios Bravos

Where did Jose Rizal plan to establish a colony so that they could be free from the Spaniards?
The correct answer is: Borneo

What country or place impressed Jose Rizal because of its people's courtesy, cleanliness and industry?
The correct answer is: Japan

Why did the people of Calamba write a petition to the administrator of public islands of Laguna?
The correct answer is: To stop the increase in the rent of lands

Who convinced Jose Rizal to go to Europe?

The correct answer is: Paciano Rizal

Which was an implication of the Noli Me Tangere?

The correct answer is: The manifesto demanding the ouster of the Spanish friars

Which is NOT part of Jose Rizal's Jose Rizal’s predictions in 'The Philippines: A Century Hence'?
The correct answer is: Spain will maintain her possession of the Philippines and defend it from other colonizers

How is the La Liga Filipina different form the Propaganda movement?

The correct answer is: In the La Liga Filipina, all Filipinos will work together to improve their lives and the country while in the

Arrange the events chronologically.


What caused the disbandment of La Liga Filipina?

The correct answer is: Jose Rizal was arrested and exiled to Dapitan.
The funds of the La Liga Filipina were used for __________.
The correct answer is: II and III

When was the La Liga Filipina established?

The correct answer is: July 3, 1892

Which is NOT part of the aims of the La Liga Filipina?

The correct answer is: Demand reforms from Spain

How could one become a member of the La Liga Filipina?

The correct answer is: I and II

Who accompanied Jose Rizal in going back to the Philippines on June 21, 1892?
The correct answer is: Lucia Rizal

Which describes the membership of the La Liga Filipina?

The correct answer is: Membership is open but certain requirements and tests must be passed.

What is the motto of the La Liga Filipina?

The correct answer is: One like all

Multiple Choice: I. Execution of Jose Rizal


What was the content of Jose Rizal’s manifesto on December 15, 1896?
The correct answer is: Statement of Rizal that condemns the revolution

How did Jose Rizal describe the revolution in his December 15, 1896 manifesto?
The correct answer is: Absurd and disastrous

Who were the intended audience of Jose Rizal in his December 15, 1896 manifesto?
The correct answer is: The revolutionaries

Which DIRECTLY caused the arrest of Jose Rizal?

The correct answer is: The outbreak of Philippine revolution

What are the charges against Jose Rizal?

II and III

Where was Jose Rizal detained after being arrested and brought back in the Philippines?
The correct answer is: Fort Santiago

What ship carried Jose Rizal to Barcelona, Spain?

The correct answer is: M.V. Isla de Panay

Who disguised as a sailor in order to rescue Jose Rizal while on board of a ship going to Cuba?
The correct answer is: Emilio Jacinto

Which was NOT emphasized by Jose Rizal in his December 15, 1896 manifesto?
The correct answer is: The revolution was justified by the failure of the Spanish authorities to grant the reforms needed for the

Why did Jose Rizal’s friends and family members wanted him not to go back to the Philippines?
The correct answer is: Spanish authorities will plot against him due to the Noli Me Tangere

Why did people flock to Calamba?

The correct answer is: For them to be treated by Jose Rizal

What was the real motive of the governor-general in assigning Jose Rizal a personal escort?
The correct answer is: To spy on Jose Rizal's plans and activities

Why was Jose Rizal summoned by the governor-general to Malacañan Palace?

The correct answer is: To discuss the contents and implications of the Noli Me Tangere

What did Rizal do in Calamba after he returned from Europe?

The correct answer is: He put up a clinic

Assignment 006

What group continued to support the aims of the Propaganda movement after the disbandment of the La Liga Filipina?  
The correct answer is: Cuerpos Compromisarios

Whom did Jose Rizal had fallen in love with while he was in Dapitan? 
The correct answer is: Josephine Bracken

What grouped continued to waged a revolution after the disbandment of the La Liga Filipina?
The correct answer is: katipunan

When was the La Liga Filipina established? M/D/Y-month/00/0000

The correct answer is: july/03/1892

What is the title of the poem written by Jose Rizal which reflects his contentment of his life in Dapitan?
The correct answer is: Mi Retiro

Assignment 007

Where was Jose Rizal detained after being brought back to the Philippines?
The correct answer is: Fort Santiago

Where was the last poem written by Jose Rizal hidden? 

The correct answer is: Alcohol burner

Jose Rizal’s Mi Ultimo Adios was translated in Tagalog in order to inspire the revolutionaries.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Jose Rizal was arrested because he was implicated in the outbreak of the Cuban revolution?
The correct answer is 'False'.

The Katipunan attempted to rescue Jose Rizal while he was on his way to Cuba in order to join the revolution.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Which novel was dedicated to the Filipinos?

The correct answer is: MAKAMISA/Etikang Tagalog

Which novel was first written in Tagalog?

The correct answer is: MAKAMISA/Etikang Tagalog

Which novel which talks about reform and revolution as means of achieving social transformation?
The correct answer is: El Filibusterismo

Which novel reflects the religious fanaticism of the Filipinos?

The correct answer is: Noli Me Tangere

What term was used by Jose Rizal to describe the abuses and injustices committed by the Spanish authorities and clergies and
The correct answer is: THE SOCIAL CANCER

What is the ‘defect’ of Filipinos which was criticized and discussed by Jose Rizal in his novels? Which work of Jose Rizal exp
Religious fanaticism To The Young Women of Ma

To whom did Jose Rizal dedicate his third novel? Which is not part of Jose Riza
To the Filipinos The Philippines will be coloni

What are the topics discussed by Rizal in NoliMe Tangere? Which work of Jose Rizal pre
I and III Philippines: A Century Hence

What is the reason for the failure of the revolution in the El Filibusterismo? Which statement is  NOT tru
The rebellion was led by selfish interests and motives The Spanish conquest brough

Which describe the ‘social cancer’? Which statements are TRUE

I and III Statements I, II and III 

Why did Jose Rizal write his third novel in Tagalog? Which statement is not true
To be understood by the Filipinos The Filipinos were indolent e

What are the topics discussed by Rizal in El Filibusterismo? What qualities should not be
II and IV Servitude and obedience to t

What is meant by filibustero? Which could be inferred abo

Revolutionary Women were not allowed to
What was the effect of ‘social cancer’ to the society as portrayed in the Noli Me Tangere? All are qualities of Spartan w
Stagnation and backwardness subservience to their husban

To whom did Jose Rizal dedicate the Noli Me Tangere? Which work of Jose Rizal exp
To the Philippines On the Indolence of the Filip

Why did Jose Rizal issue a manifesto in December 15, 1896? Which act was issued by the
The correct answer is: Defend himself from the accusations against him Act 137

Which disgusted Jose Rizal when he visited United States of America? Which DOES NOT describe Jo
The correct answer is: Discrimination to the Chinese and negro  Anti-Spanish authorities

In his work "To the Young Women of Malolos" why did Rizal praise the young women of Malolos Which are NOT stated in Jose
The correct answer is: They petitioned the Governor-General for their right to be educated II and IV

Where was Jose Rizal secretly buried after he was executed? Who is the character in Jose
The correct answer is: Paco cemetery Dona Victorina

Which was NOT part of Jose Rizal’s intentions in his December 15, 1896 manifesto? Jose Rizal’s alleged retraction
The correct answer is: Swear allegiance to Spain and remain a loyal subject marry Josephine Bracken

Who gave the title ‘Mi Ultimo Adios’ to Jose Rizal’s last poem? Where is the setting of Jose R
The correct answer is: Mariano Ponce Pili

What could be inferred from the meeting of Jose Rizal and Dr. Pio Valenzuela about the plans of Which proves that the study
The correct answer is: Jose Rizal viewed the revolution as premature. All of these

After the disbandment of the La Liga Filipina, members reorganized and the ‘society’ was split Which poem expresses the im
The correct answer is: Cuerpo de Compromisarios  To My Fellow Children

What did Rizal mean in these lines: “O lovely: how lovely: to fall that you may rise! To perish that Which poem depicts Rizal’s lo
The correct answer is: Sacrificing one's life for the country is a great honor. To The Flowers of Heidelberg

Which of the following could be inferred about Jose Rizal in his poem ‘Mi Retiro’? What could be inferred from
The correct answer is: Rizal's contentment of his life in Dapitan These lines depict Jose Rizal'

The aim of the La Liga Filipina is to continue asking reforms from Spain for the betterment of the Philippines.
Who is the revolutionary
The correct answer is 'False'.  Elias

What could be inferred about the status of women in the society from Jose Rizal's 'To The Youn Which among the following i
The correct answer is: Women were not allowed to be educated like men Some Filipinos petition for th

Jose Rizal’s family did not approve his relationship with Josephine Bracken because the thought Which document invoked the
The correct answer is 'True'. The testimonies of Pio Valen

Which could be inferred from the following stanza of the ‘Mi Ultimo Adios’? Which is emphasized by Jose
“On the field of battle, fighting with delirium, The youth must use their kno
others give you their lives without doubts, without gloom.
The site nought matters: cypress, laurel or lily: Who embodied the abuses a
The correct answer is: I and IV Padre Agaton

After the disbandment of the La Liga Filipina, members reorganized and the ‘society’ was split i Which poem expresses Jose
The correct answer is: Katipunan Mi Ultimo Adios

How did Rizal earn or acquire surgical instruments and medical books while in Dapitan? Which is a representation of
The correct answer is: By sending specimens to Europe The social classes in the Phili

What was the activity of Jose Rizal and his students in the subject ‘nature study’? To whom did Jose Rizal dedic
The correct answer is: Collecting specimens of flowers, plants, shells, insects and reptiles. To his mother, Teodora Alon

In his letters on December 30, 1896, to whom did Jose Rizal apologize for the pain he had caused All of the following qualities
The correct answer is: Francisco Mercado Uncompromising

Who was Jose Rizal referring to in these lines: “Farewell, sweet foreigner – my darling, my delightWhich poem expresses Jose
The correct answer is: Josephine Bracken Mi Retiro

Why did Rizal’s family oppose the marriage of Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken? How could Filipinos of today
The correct answer is: They suspected Josephine Bracken as a spy sent by the Spanish authoritiesJose Rizal must be read in the

When Dr. Pio Valenzuela confided the plans of the Katipunan, Jose Rizal viewed the revolution a Which is NOT a part of the cr
The correct answer is 'True'. Those who are venerated an

Which directly caused the deportation of Jose Rizal to Dapitan? What are the topics discusse
The correct answer is: The La Liga Filipina I and II

Who was the woman whom Jose Rizal had fallen in love with in Dapitan? Which is a proof that Jose Riz
The correct answer is: Josephine Bracken  Many of Rizal's family were

What were the pieces of evidence presented against Jose Rizal? What could be inferred from
The correct answer is: Accounts about Jose Rizal's name used as password and battle cry of the r Sacrificing one's life for the c

The establishment of the La Liga Filipina directly caused the arrest and deportation of Jose Rizal t Who were regarded by Jose
The correct answer is 'True'. Spanish clergies

Which work done by Jose Rizal presented a historical review of the Philippines encompassing the Who among the characters in
The correct answer is: The Philippines: A Century Hence Basilio

What did Jose Rizal give Josephine Bracken before he was executed? What could be inferred from
The correct answer is: A book- 'Imitation of Christ' The Tagalog language was fo

All the members of the La Liga Filipia were Filipinos came from wealthy and powerful families. Which poem emphasizes tha
The correct answer is 'False'. To The Filipino Youth
Which work done by Jose Rizal corrected what has been falsified and distorted past and culture inAll of the following Filipino h
The correct answer is: Annotation to the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas Emilio Jacinto

How did Jose Rizal help in the improvement of agriculture in Dapitan?

The correct answer is: He purchased agricultural tools and taught the farmers in using these.
the novels are not meant to inspire nationalism and patriotism.

g’] sense of Filipino identity and nationalism. What was believed to have caused the dwindling [‘shrinking’] sense of Filipino identity and na

of high school and college?

ks of Jose Rizal are to be translated into English, Tagalog and major Philippine dialects.

rsions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo as part of the Rizal course.

iars like the Rizal family?

colonial rule in the Philippines?

im who imparted knowledge and values to him.

designated in the Philippines.

e assimilation of the Philippines to Spain? Answer

aking the Rizal course.

of the Propaganda movement.

g of the Philippines in the international trade were called Indios.

nd in the Philippines.

edge that will be used in demanding reforms for the Philippines.

of the Philippines?

19th century under the rule of the Spanish colonial regime?

wledge and values to him.

d asked for reforms from Spain?

nted by the governor-general to review the contents of the novel? It is __________.

ther colonizers

and the country while in the Propaganda. movement, the illustrados were the only ones working for the betterment of the Philippines.
ant the reforms needed for the betterment of the people

t of the La Liga Filipina?  

e revolution.

Essay which expresses Jose Rizal’s love for the country. The December 20, 1898 proclamation of Gen. Emil
El Amor Patrio 1

Essay which explains the effects of rampant abuses and injustices of the Span
In his December 15 Manifesto, Jose Rizal swore his
Philippines: A Century Hence 0

Essays in which Rizal argued that the religion-centered education paralyzed In

December of15,
to advance
On the Indolence of the Filipinos 0

Essay which expresses Jose Rizal’s insight on the important role of women inAside from Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio is also give
To The Young Women of Malolos 1

Essay in which Rizal argued that Filipinos will win the freedom of the countryAccording
ffrom Spain
if  Spain will
for one
Philippines: A Century Hence 1

Which work of Jose Rizal expresses his views about the roles of Filipino women? How did the Americans promote Jose R
To The Young Women of Malolos  II and III

Which is not part of Jose Rizal’s prediction on the events that could happen in the Philippines? What is Jose Rizal’s most significant lega
The Philippines will be colonized by other European power after she gains independence from SpHis ideas on patriotism and nationalism

Which work of Jose Rizal predicted the inevitable collapse of Spanish colonial rule in Asia and the liberation
Is Jose Rizalofan
Philippines? her
Philippines: A Century Hence  No. He was venerated as a hero even be

Which statement is  NOT true about the historical analysis of Jose Rizal about the Philippines in his
is Rizal
an ‘ambivalent’
The Spanish conquest brought the Filipinos civilization which they didn't have before. He never made a clear stand in the revo

Which statements are TRUE about Jose Rizal’s analysis on the indolence of the Filipinos? What are the information stated in the
Statements I, II and III  I and II

Which statement is not true about the indolence of the Filipinos according to Jose Rizal? What could be inferred from the letter o
The Filipinos were indolent even before the colonization of the Spaniards. Jose Rizal's idea that revolution against

What qualities should not be possessed by Filipino women for them to fulfill their genuine roles Which proves that Filipinos already ven
Servitude and obedience to the friars The Dec. 20 1898 proclamation issued b

Which could be inferred about Filipino women during the Spanish colonial regime from the stor Which statementis TRUE about the sele
Women were not allowed to be educated like men. Statement III
All are qualities of Spartan women that Filipino women must emulate except __________. According to the National Heroes Comm
subservience to their husbands Andres Bonifacio

Which work of Jose Rizal explains the causes and implications of lack of national sentiments of theWhich proves Jose Rizal’s anti-revolutio
On the Indolence of the Filipinos His Dec. 15, 1896 manifesto

Which act was issued by the Americans that created the Rizal province?

Which DOES NOT describe Jose Rizal’s third novel?

 Anti-Spanish authorities

Which are NOT stated in Jose Rizal’s December 15, 1896 manifesto to some Filipinos?

Who is the character in Jose Rizal’s novels who wanted to become a Spaniard or European in order to acquire higher social status?
Dona Victorina

Jose Rizal’s alleged retraction was a requirement for him to _________.

marry Josephine Bracken

Where is the setting of Jose Rizal’s third novel?

Which proves that the study of Dr. Jose Rizal is still relevant?
All of these

Which poem expresses the importance of one’s own language?

 To My Fellow Children

Which poem depicts Rizal’s longing to his family and home town?
To The Flowers of Heidelberg

What could be inferred from these lines in the poem To The Flowers of Heidelberg:
These lines depict Jose Rizal's hopes for his loved ones, his countrymen and the Philippines.

Who is the revolutionary character in the Noli Me Tangere?

Which among the following is the impact of the Noli Me Tangere?

Some Filipinos petition for the ouster of the friars

Which document invoked the perception that Rizal was ambivalent or fence-setter?
The testimonies of Pio Valenzuela

Which is emphasized by Jose Rizal in the poem To The Filipino Youth?

The youth must use their knowledge and talents for the benefit of the country.

Who embodied the abuses and defects of Spanish friars in Jose Rizal’s third novel?
Padre Agaton

Which poem expresses Jose Rizal’s love for the country and his countrymen?
Mi Ultimo Adios

Which is a representation of the Bapor Tabo in the El Filibusterismo?

The social classes in the Philippines

To whom did Jose Rizal dedicate the poem MiRetiro?

To his mother, Teodora Alonso

All of the following qualities of Dr. Jose Rizal were used by the Americans to promote him as the national hero of the Philippines except _

Which poem expresses Jose Rizal’s contentment of his life in Dapitan?

How could Filipinos of today attain a better understanding of Dr. Jose Rizal?
Jose Rizal must be read in the context of the time and society he belongs to.

Which is NOT a part of the criteria for the selection of Philippine national hero?
Those who are venerated and acclaimed by the Filipino people

What are the topics discussed by Jose Rizal in his third novel?

Which is a proof that Jose Rizal was not anti-revolution according to Dr. FloroQuibuyen?
 Many of Rizal's family were members of Katipunan.

What could be inferred from these lines in the Mi Ultimo Adios: “O lovely: how lovely: to fall that you may rise! To perish that you may liv
Sacrificing one's life for the country is a great honor

Who were regarded by Jose Rizal as enemies or hindrances of progress, education and reform?
Spanish clergies

Who among the characters in Rizal’s novel advocated reform and education?

What could be inferred from these lines in the poem To My Fellow Children: “But these were lost -- by furious waves were overthrown   l
The Tagalog language was forgotten because of Spanish colonization.

Which poem emphasizes that the youth are the hope of the father land?
To The Filipino Youth
All of the following Filipino historical figures are in the list of candidates for Philippine national hero except ?
Emilio Jacinto
ense of Filipino identity and nationalism?
tterment of the Philippines.
898 proclamation of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo roves that Rizal was already venerated as national hero by the Filipinos.

Manifesto, Jose Rizal swore his allegiance to Spain.

1898 manifesto, Rizal not only condemned the revolution but also emphasized that Philippines must remain a colony of Spain.

l, Andres Bonifacio is also given an implied recognition as the Philippines’ national hero.

nal Heroes Committee, for one to be considered as national hero of the Philippines he/she must have a concept of nation and had contribu

he Americans promote Jose Rizal as the country’s national hero according to Renato Constantino?

ose Rizal’s most significant legacy to the Filipinos at present time?

on patriotism and nationalism

al an American-sponsored hero?
as venerated as a hero even before the Americans came.

zal dubbed as an ‘ambivalent’ hero?

made a clear stand in the revolution.

the information stated in the alleged retraction of Dr. Jose Rizal?

ld be inferred from the letter of Jose Rizal to Ferdinand Blumentritt on January 26, 1887which states: “A peaceful struggle shall always be
s idea that revolution against Spain is inevitable

oves that Filipinos already venerated Jose Rizal as national hero before the Americans recognized him as such?
20 1898 proclamation issued by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo

tementis TRUE about the selection of the Philippine national hero?

to the National Heroes Committee, who is given an implied recognition as the Philippines’ national hero aside from Dr. Jose Rizal?

oves Jose Rizal’s anti-revolution stance?

5, 1896 manifesto

ire higher social status?

ero of the Philippines except __________  

rise! To perish that you may live! ...”?

ous waves were overthrown   like bancas in the stormy sea, long years ago”?
a colony of Spain.

ept of nation and had contributed to the nations destiny.

ceful struggle shall always be a dream, for Spain will never learn the lesson of her South American colonies”?
de from Dr. Jose Rizal?
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Prelim Exam
It deals with how the technology that arises from science is applied in industries.
Select one:
a. Science
b. Academic Science
c. Discovery Science
d. Industrial Science
It is the dimension of science that alludes to the authority of the author of scientific knowledge and its corresponding recogniti
Select one:
a. Sociological and Communal Dimension
b. Cognitive or Philosophical Dimension
c. Psychological Dimension
d. Logical Generalizations
Clear my choice
It is an accumulated and organized body of knowledge that is intended to solve real-world problems.
Select one:
a. Science
b. Discovery Science
c. Academic Science
d. Industrial Science
Clear my choice
It shows the impact of science on societal values and cultural beliefs.
Select one:
a. Science as a Social Enterprise
b. Logical Generalization
c. Academic Science
d. Science as a Cultural Resource
It refers to the way scientific knowledge is transferred from an area of science to a territory of technology.
Select one:
a. Science
b. Discovery Science
c. Industrial Science
d. Academic Science
It is the principle describing the quest for unconventional knowledge through systematic investigation and experimentation.
Select one:
a. Discovery Science (A)
b. Industrial Science
c. Academic Science
d. Science
It is the scientific statements that scientists make based on the results of experimentation.
Select one:
a. Sociological and Communal Dimension
b. Cognitive or Philosophical Dimension
c. Psychological Dimension
d. Logical Generalization (a)
It is the dimension of science that pertains to the transmission of scientific knowledge to a particular sector of society.
Select one:
a. Psychological Dimension
b. Cognitive or Philosophical Dimension
c. Sociological and Communal Dimension (a)
d. Logical Generalizations
Producing acetate out of carbon dioxide and sunlight using nanowires and bacteria, and subsequently producing valuable chem
Select one:
a. Experiment
b. Hybrid Technology (a)
c. Scientific Knowledge
d. Social Enterprise
The high density of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere brings about which of the following :
Select one:
a. Scientific Community
b. Photosynthesis
c. Climate Change
d. Emission (a)
A valuable chemical that can be used as a biofuel.
Select one:
a. Acetyl-CoA
b. Acetate
c. S. ovata
d. n-butanol (a)
It is the dimension of science where the published article corresponds to.
Select one:
a. Sociological and Communal Dimension
b. Logical Generalizations
c. Cognitive or Philosophical Dimension (a)
d. Psychological Dimension
It functions as a workhorse to break down carbon dioxide to acetate.

Select one:
a. Photosynthesis
b. Social Enterprise
c. Emission
d. S. ovata (a)
It is an established illustrated idea by the blog post that discusses a breakthrough in biotechnology in a published article where
Select one:
a. Hybrid Technology (a)
b. Scientific Community
c. Scientific Knowledge
d. Social Enterprise
The blog post describes how the researchers conducted a relatively original _________.
Select one:
a. Emission
b. Experiment (a)
c. Hybrid technology
d. Photosynthesis
What process did the researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory adopted in order to convert carbon dioxide
Select one:
a. Social Enterprise
b. S. ovata
c. Emission
d. Photosynthesis (a)
Converting harmful greenhouse gases to valuable chemicals both reduces emissions and provides necessary products that hel

Select one:
a. Experiment
b. Environment (a)
c. Bacteria
d. Scientific Community
It is the conversion of greenhouse gas to value-added chemicals can diminish
Select one:
a. Climate Change
b. Experiment
c. Photosynthesis
d. Emission (a)
It published the Public Health Service (PHS) policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
Select one:
a. World Medical Association
b. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
c. NIH Office of Protection from Research (A)
d. Public Health Service
It refers to the reduction of frequency or level of pain and distress that animals experience in biomedical experimentation.
Select one:
a. Replacement
b. Public Health Service
c. Refinement
d. Justice
It refers to the use of lower species in biomedical experimentation as much as possible.
Select one:
a. Justice
b. Refinement
c. Public Health Service
d. Replacement
He utilized the plural form of technoscience which is technosciences to underline empirical and sociological approach.
Select one:
a. Gilbert Hottois
b. Donna Haraway
c. Bruno Latour
d. Jean Francois Lyotard

The following are trends of science and technology in school except:

Select one:
a. Concern for the Environment
b. Emphasis on Technology
c. Widening perspective
d. Social institutional Context
A research which demonstrates ethical misconduct and therefore shows the need for ethical and legal guidelines in using hum
Select one:
a. Gene Therapy
b. Drug
c. In Vitro
d. Tuskegee Study
It is under the cultural influence of science that is based on subjective values and political goals for the way things should be in
Select one:
a. Personal Consistency
b. The Joy of Science
c. Opinions of authorities
d. Ideological Principles

Unlike the philosophical enterprise of science, technoscience

Select one:
a. Is identified as fundamentally linguistic
b. Can be physically manipulated
c. It is seen as a theoretical activity
d. Is known to be more important to society

The general tendency of the science and technology in schools is widening of perspective and a gradual redefinition of what co
Select one:
Bruno Latour insisted on networks and hybrid mixtures and denounces the myth of a pure science, distinct from technologiess
Select one:
Quantum computing aims to solve problems that cannot be answered by a simple machine examples of the problems that it c
Select one:
a. Production of new Materials for different industries
b. Development of new molecules
c. Optimization problems
d. Problems related to Logarithmic Functions
The _________ formalized the Declaration of Helsinki in 1964.
Select one:
a. World Medical Association
b. Institutional Review Board
c. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
d. Public Health Service
Aside from metabolism the initial phase of clinical testing using human subjects also determines what of the drug regimen?
Select one:
a. In Vitro
b. Side Effects
c. Gene Therapy
d. Drug
One of the members of IACUC must be a __________.
Select one:
a. Public Health Service
b. Replacement
c. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
d. Refinement
It is the institute or office where all IRBs should be registered.
Select one:
a. Animal Models
b. Informed Consent
c. Office for Human Research Protection
d. Clinical Trial
It is a process where new drugs are tested for effectiveness and safety using human subjects.
Select one:
a. Clinical Trial
b. Office for Human Research Protection
c. Animal Models
d. Food and Drug Administration
It is what IRB requires researchers to obtain from human subjects.
Select one:
a. Office for Human Research Protection
b. Clinical Trial
c. Animal Models
d. Informed Consent
Technosciencerefers to the strong interactions in contemporary scientific research and development between that which trad
Select one:
In Liquid Biopsy, which of the following is needed to know if a person has cancer
Select one:
a. Blood
b. Spinal Fluid
c. Interstitial fluid
d. Urine
Hydrogen powered cars were too pricey largely because of the fact that it uses platinum which is rare, so in order to cut the co
Select one:
a. Uranium
b. Cesium
c. Iron
d. Paladium
The person who illustrated the diffusion of technoscience crossed with the postmodern and social-constructivist discussion in
Select one:
a. Gilbert Hottois
b. Bruno Latour
c. Lyotard
d. Donna Haraway
Genomic Vaccines take form of what in order to encode desired proteins in a cell.
Select one:
a. Gene degrading proteins
b. Nucleic Acid
c. DNA or RNA
d. Antibodies
It is an organization that has a policy which requires that the number of IACUC members be a minimum of five.
Select one:
a. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
b. Public Health Service
c. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
d. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
It is a substance where the use of human subjects in biomedical research is essential in its development and for it to be used f
Select one:
a. In Vitro
b. Drug
c. Side Effects
d. Gene Therapy
The following statement are stated in the module as those who needs science except:
Select one:
a. Industry which is important to the nation
b. Universities and Research Institution
c. The invention of Internet for the people around us
d. The citizens and importance of S&T to have a democratic form of freedom
Which ofthe following is not true about the need of qualified teachers in science and technology?
Select one:
a. The lack of qualified teachers is not beneficial to the society especially to the research and its industry
b. Competence to modern labor
c. They play a key role in development of people for the S&T sector
d. It constitute to the improvement of science and Technology
The term technoscience first important appearance was on an article written by
Select one:
a. Lyotard
b. Donna Haraway
c. Bruno Latour
d. Gilbert Hottois
Industry needs people with high qualification in S&T especially nowadays that modern industry also called as "Wisdom Industr
Select one:
In producing sustainable communities the researchers plans to use what in order to produce electricity?
Select one:
a. Agricultural wastes
b. Fossil Fuel
c. Solar panels
d. Turbines
It was the one who generally accepted the principles contained in the Belmont Report.
Select one:
a. World Medical Association
b. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
c. Institutional Review Board
d. Public Health Service
The Millennium Development Goals include the following except:
Select one:
a. Spread HIV and Malaria
b. Reduction by one half of the proportion of people in the world whose income is less than one dollar per day
c. Reduce the number of people that who suffers from hunger
d. Reduction of child Mortality
The first step of clinical trial which is done after research and screening of the substance.
Select one:
a. Drug Treatment
b. Development Stage
c. Clinical Testing involving humans
d. Preclinical Trials
It is the code which has statements that upheld the protection of human subjects, the analysis of the risk as contrasted to the
Select one:
a. Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Science
b. The Laboratory Welfare Act
c. Declaration of Helsinki
d. International Regulation
Which of the following is included in the Belmont report?
Select one:
a. Three basic ethical considerations in using humans as subjects for research
b. A report on the increase of animal use in the past year
c. The rights of scientist in using animals in any way to cure diabetes
d. The role of the government in addressing the need for money of the human subject which is partly a result of poverty
It is an act which has a goal on protecting the researchers from acts of violence perpetrated by groups of anti-animal research
Select one:
a. Anti-black Market Act
b. Test Subject Protection Act
c. Animal Subject Welfare Act
d. Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act
One of the members of the Institutional Animal Care Use Committee who would oversee all aspect of animal care is required t
Select one:
a. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
b. Medical technologist
c. Biologist
d. Nurse
Academic science refers to which of the following?
Select one:
a. The manner of changing ideas through the improvement of technology from the society.
b. The way scientific knowledge is transferred from an area of science to territory of technology
c. The role of the academe to produce scientist with the right kind knowledge to solve the issues of the society
d. The exact manner of how knowledge is created from universities to the industry to support business
Science as a cultural resource shows which of the following?
Select one:
a. How people cope up with new knowledge
b. How technology recreated culture
c. The impact of science on societal beliefs and values
d. The role of culture in the growth of knowledge

What is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)?

Select one:
a. It is the use of computers to solve mental problems that can be observed by scanning
b. It is a deep learning tool used for solving/doing visual activity
c. It is a network of wires that tends to track brain activity to be able to understand how some brain diseases manifests
d. It is a highly unstable A.I. capable of solving mathematical problems
It has the purpose and responsibility of uplifting the spirit of humanity in order to reverse the crisis in values that has resulted
Select one:
a. Bio-diplomacy
b. Bio-economics
c. Bio-education
d. Bio-legislation
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Question 11
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Liquid Biopsy is capable of detecting which of the following?
Select one:
a. Early signs of cataract formation
b. Cancer
c. Alzheimer's Disease
d. Vitamin deficiency
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Question 12
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Question text
According to the article the US-centric that Maienschein adopted is disappointing because;
Select one:
a. It was very one-sided form of reasoning without looking at the possible positive forms of scientific research being talked abo
b. It doesn't consider the time and the knowledge invested in research.
c. It doesn't represent the general fact that it's basically in the field of science and not in religion.
d. It fails to appreciate the growing global anxiety that big businesses will control and selfishly exploit the fruits of science.
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Question 13
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He was the one who recalled Hartsoeker's understanding and argued that the destruction of sperm is wrong as well as mastur
Select one:
a. Thomas Hunt Morgan
b. Pinhas Elijah
c. Nicolaas Hartsoeker
d. Jane Maienschein
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Question 14
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The following are the three principle proposed by William Russell and Rex Burch where animal research should conform to exc
Select one:
a. Refinement
b. Resurrection
c. Replacement
d. Reduction
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Question 15
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The one who believes that ensoulment occurs 40 days after conception
Select one:
a. Christians
b. Muslim
c. British
d. Jews
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Question 16
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It is the second stage of clinical trial where it involves testing on animals?
Select one:
a. Clinical Testing involving humans
b. Development Stage
c. Preclinical Trials
d. Drug Treatment
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Question 17
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Which of the following would best describe how science affects culture?
Select one:
a. Science has improved the way people celebrate their culture especially now in the day where we have social media
b. Culture is changed by science by changing the people supporting it except the fact that religion is not largely affected by sci
c. Culture can't be affected by science
d. Science can shape the cultural views of the people, their understanding about the world and the thoughts they have
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Question 18
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It is a project which aims to identify the role of every cell in the body and their identity.
Select one:
a. Proteomic Analysis
b. Cell Survey Analytics Study
c. Single-cell protein
d. Human Cell Atlas
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Question 19
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It has a concept that focuses on the interdependence of all forms of life, and calls upon diplomats and other people of influen
Select one:
a. Bio-legislation
b. Bio-diplomacy
c. Bio-education
d. Bio-economics
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Question 20
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Which of the following is the definition of science according to the module?
Select one:
a. A set of laws and theories that support our knowledge of the world around us
b. The perception of the people around us which affects culture and behavior of everyone in the same community.
c. The manner of improving technologies and knowledge to further understand the world around us.
d. An accumulated and organized body of knowledge that is intended to solve real-world problems.
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Question 21
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The person who argued that if science is to improve the lot of humans, then scientists must hone their moral thinking and be m
Select one:
a. Nicolaas Hartsoeker
b. Thomas Hunt Morgan
c. Pinhas Elijah
d. Jane Maienschein
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Question 22
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According to the article the person who believes that the sperm contains a homunculus?
Select one:
a. Pinhas Elijah
b. Robert Winston
c. Nicolaas Hartsoeker
d. Jane Maienschein
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Question 23
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Which of the following is the meaning of "in vitro"?
Select one:
a. A process taking place inside the organism body
b. A term used to describe the artificial way of reproduction
c. A process performed outside the living organism
d. It is defined as the importance of research when it comes to reproduction
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Question 24
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It is an unethical study where it used a hundred of African men where to be able to study syphilis.
Select one:
a. HIV Project
b. Science Advancement Research
c. Tuskegee Study
d. Black Propaganda Study
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Question 25
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The following are the three generally accepted principles of the institutional Review Board on the Use of Human Subject excep
Select one:
a. Justice
b. Beneficence
c. Respect for the Person
d. Aspects of Life Science
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Question 26
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The following are tools or technologies that is very important in precision farming
Select one:
a. Global Positioning System
b. Analytics software
c. Robots and sensors
d. Android Operating System
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Question 27
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In 2000, all 189 member state of the United Nations adopted what to set goals for achieving specific targets by certain dates.
Select one:
a. Biopolicy
b. Biopolitical agreement
c. Environmental Law Declaration
d. Millennium declaration
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Question 28
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Which of the following countries has highly contributed to the growing knowledge about IVF and cloning where the first mam
Select one:
a. Britain
b. Germany
c. United States
d. China
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Question 29
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Discovery science is the principle describing the quest for unconventional knowledge through what?
Select one:
a. Systematic investigation and experiment
b. Organized Skepticism
c. Laws and Theories Presented from before
d. Confirmed Ideas and General Knowledge
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Question 30
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Which of the following would perfectly define what an acetogenic organism is?
Select one:
a. Organism who tends to consume acetate to be able to produce glucose
b. It is an organism capable of surviving an environment with high acetic acid content
c. It is an organism capable of producing acetate from carbon dioxide in an anaerobic environment.
d. It is an organism highly capable of processing water to be able to produce acetone
It is a project which aims to identify the role of every cell in the body and their identity.
Human Cell Atlas

Which of the following is the meaning of "in vitro"?

A process performed outside the living organism

The person who wrote "Whose View of Life?".

Jane Maienschein

Industrial science deals with which of the following?

How the technology that arises from science is applied in industries
Which of the following is the first stage of obtaining scientific knowledge?
d. Describing the natural or physical world or event through expert observation

In 2000, all 189 member state of the United Nations adopted what to set goals for achieving specific targets by
b. Millennium declaration

It is the lessening of pain that an animal subject should undergo to.

b. Refinement

The following are the required personnel for an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee except for:
d. Nurse

Which of the following is the third principle of the nurmberg code.

b. It validated the use of animals for biomedical experimentation

The first step of clinical trial which is done after research and screening of the substance.
a. Development Stage

The person who argued that if science is to improve the lot of humans, then scientists must hone their moral th
d. Jane Maienschein

Which of the following is included in the Belmont report?

a. Three basic ethical considerations in using humans as subjects for research

In the statement'Imitatio Dei is morally positive' what is the meaning of the italicized word?
a. Imitation of God

Discovery science is the principle describing the quest for unconventional knowledge through what?
a. Systematic investigation and experiment

The following are the three generally accepted principles of the institutional Review Board on the Use of Human
d. Aspects of Life Science

It is a new policy which is needed to guarantee that we have a harmonious future.

d. Biopolicy

Which of the following would best describe how science affects culture?
c. Science can shape the cultural views of the people, their understanding about the world and the thoughts the
B.I.O.'s educational and awareness-raising programs are directed at which of the following?
d. Restoring the stability of our human and natural environments

The Millennium Development Goals include the following except:

a. Spread HIV and Malaria

This refers to the use of lower species of animals as much as possible.

b. Replacement

According to the article the person who believes that the sperm contains a homunculus?
b. Nicolaas Hartsoeker

Which of the following would best explain how culture affects science?
c. The researcher will always try to do research which is always related to the culture that people have

Science as a social enterprise relates to science itself as an interplay between which of the following?
a. The industry that offers technology and the people relying on it

Which of the following countries has highly contributed to the growing knowledge about IVF and cloning wher
a. Britain

Which of the following is the definition of science according to the module?

b. An accumulated and organized body of knowledge that is intended to solve real-world problems.

It is concerned with preserving the wealth and beauty of the natural world, securing the health of the earth's po
c. Bio-economics

The one who believes that ensoulment occurs 40 days after conception
b. Jews

In the article who among the following is said to have an early understanding of genetics, modern in vitro fertil
c. Jane Maienschein

It urges the scholars, decision-makers, diplomats, business and civic leaders to actively contribute to the develo
d. International University for the Bio-environment

In the process of mimicking photosynthesis what is the use of nanowires?

b. They prevent bacterial growth by continuously degrading and exposing other organisms(bacteria)to its partic
and its corresponding recognition.

gation and experimentation.

cular sector of society.

uently producing valuable chemicals using out of acetate using engineered bacteria is an example of what?

gy in a published article where it is passed on to the world of technology for use in industries.
rder to convert carbon dioxide to biofuels?

es necessary products that helps the

omedical experimentation.

sociological approach.
d legal guidelines in using humans for biomedical research.

or the way things should be in society.

gradual redefinition of what counts as valid school science.

ce, distinct from technologiessusceptible to good and bad usages.

mples of the problems that it can aims to solve are the following except:
what of the drug regimen?

ment between that which traditionally was merged into science and technology.

s rare, so in order to cut the cost researchers are planning to replace it with what
al-constructivist discussion in North America.

nimum of five.

opment and for it to be used for new therapy.

also called as "Wisdom Industry" needs highly qualified scientists and engineers to survive in a competitive global economy.
dollar per day

f the risk as contrasted to the benefit of the experiments, and the performance of experiments only by scientist.

partly a result of poverty

roups of anti-animal research militants

ect of animal care is required to be which of the following?

of the society

rain diseases manifests

sis in values that has resulted in serious environmental deterioration.

ntific research being talked about in the article

exploit the fruits of science.

rm is wrong as well as masturbation.

esearch should conform to except for:

we have social media
n is not largely affected by science

d the thoughts they have

ts and other people of influence to engage in a collective endeavor in international relations and act as a bridge between global communiti
same community.

e their moral thinking and be more ready to listen to the opinions of ordinary people
e Use of Human Subject except:

cific targets by certain dates.

d cloning where the first mammalian clone and early work on embryonic stem cells was initiated?
hieving specific targets by certain dates.

mmittee except for:

s must hone their moral thinking and be more ready to listen to the opinions of ordinary people

e through what?

Board on the Use of Human Subject except:

world and the thoughts they have

that people have

f the following?

bout IVF and cloning where the first mammalian clone and early work on embryonic stem cells was initiated?

world problems.

the health of the earth's population, providing fair rules of trade, and guaranteeing equal educational oppurtunities for ev

etics, modern in vitro fertilization, and stem-cell biology.

ly contribute to the development of a life-supporting society.

anisms(bacteria)to its particle

lobal economy.
dge between global communities at the national and cultural diversity.
was initiated?

tional oppurtunities for every country in the world can be a source of genuine profit, both monetary and social.
etary and social.

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