Women in Armed Forces - Research Paper

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Women In Armed Forces

Not every woman is defined by tiaras, dresses, and heels. For some, it
may as well be guns, uniforms, and combat boots.

Mythology is replete with instances of warrior women who were revered

right from the Amazons of Scythia to the Kali in India, women have
portrayed fierce qualities of warfare and conflict. Rani Lakshmi Bai to
Joan of Arc, women across the globe show strength and vigour to fight
for their cause.

Society is gradually moving towards becoming an egalitarian community,

however, there is still this social stigma where women in the armed
forces are considered unfit for combat roles. Women are currently only
commissioned in the medical, legal, educational, signals and
engineering wings of the army.

With generally lower muscle mass and growth hormones, female

soldiers are labeled as physically weak. Contrary to reports by numerous
studies such as "Live Science", that women exhibited about 40 percent
less upper-body strength and 33 percent less low-body strength on
average, women can still live up to the standard strength requirements
put up by the armed forces. In addition to this woman are biologically
more capable of flying aircraft as they have shorter arteries in their neck,
which aids in supplying oxygen faster to the brain as compared to men.
With adequate physical training, emboldening and support women will
surpass the stereotyped misconceptions.

Out of the five big personality types - extroversion, agreeableness,

conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience; militaries
prefer conscientious. Consciousness contains the quality of self-
efficacy, orderliness, dutifulness, being resilient and having self -
discipline, and cautiousness which are more common in women. more
women also tend to be better are multi-tasking, stress management and
have strong psychological abilities which are essential qualities while
serving in this field. Also, women who volunteer are much more driven
than males who have drafted. Certain sensitive and delicate jobs in the
armed forces require intrapersonal skills and communicative skills which
are highly developed in women,

Some male soldiers who have been brought up traditionally, have been
taught to protect women at all times. Seeing them struggle during
combat, they may falter and be emotionally conflicted which may distract
them from completing the mission. Some men do not have the
experience to work with women and may not know how to behave.
However, the armed forces have a strong judicial system and women
have the full right an opportunity to let their voice be heard against any

Furthermore, warfare will happen under the ambit of technology, where

the war will no longer be of strength but of technology. Both men and
women can be trained effectively and equally to handle and command
such modern warfare.

The Israeli army serves as a remarkable example in providing equal

opportunities to both men and women. The Israel Defence Forces claim
that nearly 50% of Israel’s lieutenants and captains are women. The
compulsory conscription for both, men and women along with mixed –
gender battalions in the IDF make a bold statement which aid in giving
women the recognition and opportunities they deserve. Apart from the
Israeli army, the Russian military also provides equal prospects to
women. Currently, about 326,000 women are associated with the
Russian military, including the 45,000 soldiers as well as the civil
personnel in military universities, along with logistical and medical

The slow induction of women in the Indian armed forces is due to the
logistical and infrastructural limits. India’s border is of varied terrain
hence, building infrastructure in such terrain is going take a large
number of resources and time. Also, the slow induction will aid in the
adjustment of male soldiers who come from traditional backgrounds are
apprehensive to work with women.

Nevertheless, the Indian army is working hard on incorporating women

as soldiers. The Assam Rifles and the central military police are
incorporating women as soldiers, and are giving hard training to them.
With the large integration of women in the armed forces, there are
certain issues arising in the army. Women involved in the medical,
logistical, judicial and educational branches of the army; the JAK and
AEC and more have received a permanent commission, however, the
few women in the Ordnance Corps and other such service arms are yet
to receive a permanent commission.

Lt. Col Reema Sobti, one of first 12 women to receive a permanent

commission is currently posted in Kumbathang near Kargil stated, “To
increase the number of women in the army, there needs to be a change
in the mind-set. People need to understand that now women are also
physically and mentally strong like the men and if there can be women
terrorists there can also be women soldiers”. She was commissioned in
2001 and was sent to the field for the first time to field in 2011, which
showcases the apprehension of the Indian Army to post women in
conflicted regions. She divulged into how more women could be
incorporated in the army. She brought about new ideas such as
emphasising the need to be more government institutions exclusively for
women like the military school, Sainik School and Rashtriya Indian
Military College. She believes that such institutions will help in increasing
the number of women in the Armed Forces.

So, the question arises, can women endure the physical and
psychological rigors of sustained combat operations and are they willing
to accept the attrition and medical issues that go along with integration?
The answer can be seen in the valour, courage, and strength of all the
women in the armed forces who have to constantly prove themselves to
their male counterparts to be treated indifferently. Their constant struggle
and achievements disregard all arguments made by misogynists. Hence,
proving all the misconceptions wrong, women are and will be an integral
part of the Armed force. Women, if given equal chances to command
frontline posts and serve their country from their very border, would only
display great feelings of strength and patriotism similar to their male
counterparts and help in moving towards glory.

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