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Thermal conductivity enhancement in MoO3–H2O nano-sheets based

N. Kana a,b,⇑, A. Galmed a,b,c, T. Khamliche a,b, K. Kaviyarasu a,b, M. Maaza a,b
Nano-sciences African Network (NANO-AFNET), iThemba LABS-National Research Foundation, 1 Old Faure Road, Somerset West, Western Cape 7129, PO Box 722, South Africa
UNESCO-UNISA Africa Chair in Nano-sciences-Nano-technology, College of Graduate Studies, Muckleneuk Ridge, PO Box 392, Pretoria, South Africa
National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES), Cairo University, 1 Gamaa Street, Giza, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This contribution reports on the thermal conductivity enhancement of MoO3–H2O nano-sheets based
Received 14 September 2019 nano-fluid. The MoO3–H2O based nano-fluid consists of a set of 2D type nano-sheets with a basal size,
Received in revised form 18 April 2020 approximately ranging from 108  200 nm2 to 415  631 nm2. A Higher Resolution Transmission
Accepted 21 April 2020
Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) observation indicated that the nano-sheets consist of a collection of
Available online xxxx
nano-crystallites (Ø7 nm) with various crystallographic orientations with 15 nm in average diameter.
The Molybdenum is mainly in 6+ electronic valence. Their thermal conductivity measured via standard
Pt wire exhibited an enhancement of about 36%.
Thermal conductivity enhancement
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nano-sheets Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the NANOSMATAFRICA-
MoO3 2018.
Electron microscopy

1. Introduction of nano-particles with host liquid as well as their shape [7]. 1-D
& 2-D nano-particles have the advantage in terms of percolation
Pioneered by Choi as early as 1995 [1], nano-fluids are a novel threshold and ease of heat transfer. Indeed, neighboring 1-D & 2-
hybrid class of heat transfer fluids which have recently been a very D nano-suspensions would reach the percolation threshold (neigh-
attractive area of research due to their specific enhanced thermo- boring nano-particles will likely touch each other) for a lower vol-
physical properties and the corresponding potential benefits and ume concentrations relatively to the standard spherical nano-
technological applications in various strategic fields related to heat particles. In addition, they exhibit a large total surface in contact
transfer & energy efficiency [1–5]. By their nature, nano-fluids con- with the host liquid inducing a likely better stability within the
sist of a dispersion of nano-particles in standard heat transfer host fluid.
water or oil based fluid. Generally, the thermal conductivity of Within the 2-D oxides family resides the Molybdenum oxides
standard oils and water is relatively low compared to that of met- series [10–13]. Due to its lamellar structure (Fig. 1) and weak
als & their corresponding oxides [6]. Therefore utilizing them as van der Waals’ bond between layers, MoO3 has emerged as an aus-
base fluids in a suspension within a standard viscous heat transfer picious candidate for its high-temperature lubricating potential.
medium would allow the enhancement of the effective thermal Being nano-meter thick, MoO3 nano-sheets were found to maintain
conductivity of the hybrid nano-fluids, as per the additive thermo- a constant-sliding contact surface area under different loads, and
dynamic nature of the thermal conductivity. The thermal conduc- thus produced load-independent friction [14–16]. In the 2-D oxi-
tivity of metals and their oxides is at least 2 orders of magnitude des family found is the Molybdenum oxides series. These oxides
relative to organic materials, as well as standard heat transfer flu- can form series of crystallographically oxygen-deficient materials
ids including water, Tetradecane, Ethylene Glycol & mineral oils. known as Magneli phases [11,12], within which the oxygen vacan-
The advantage of the oxides is the stability within the host fluid cies defects induce extended shear structures. Likewise, in their
in view of the chemical interaction within any polar host fluid. nano-scale form and the above mentioned pronounced crystallo-
As reported in the literature so far, the stability of the nano- graphic anisotropy in addition to their electronic multi-valence
particles in suspension is significantly governed by the interface [13]. Due to this latter rich coordination specificity and besides
to the Magneli phases, molybdenum has four thermodynamically
stable oxides, namely MoO2, Mo2O3, MoO3 and Mo2O5 as well as
⇑ Corresponding author.
the hydrated Pentoxide Mo2O5–H2O in addition to the volatile
E-mail address: (N. Kana).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the NANOSMATAFRICA-2018.

Please cite this article as: N. Kana, A. Galmed, T. Khamliche et al., Thermal conductivity enhancement in MoO3–H2O nano-sheets based nano-fluids, Mate-
rials Today: Proceedings,
2 N. Kana et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. (a) MoO6 octahedral as found in the thermodynamically stable a-MoO3 composed of molybdenum and oxygen atoms. (b) Thermodynamically stable orthorhombic a-
MoO3 with layered structure held together by van der Waals’ forces. (c) Metastable monoclinic b-MoO3 (d) e-MoO3, also known as MoO3-II. (e) Metastable h-MoO3. (f) Tunnel
structure along the c-axis of h-MoO3 unit cell [9].

Fig. 2. (a) Scanning Electron Microscopy, (b) High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy & (c) Selected Area Electron Diffraction of the centrifuged MoO3 powder from
the yellow solution.

MoO3(OH)2 [10]. It was shown that MoO3-d nano-suspension can This contribution reports on the thermal conductivity enhance-
be stable for a relatively long period (1 year) as in the case of those ment of MoO3 nano-sheets–H2O based nano-fluid. Such a nano-
synthesized by Laser Liquid Solid Interaction [8]. fluid was engineered by dissolution in H2O2 of pure Mo target.

Please cite this article as: N. Kana, A. Galmed, T. Khamliche et al., Thermal conductivity enhancement in MoO3–H2O nano-sheets based nano-fluids, Mate-
rials Today: Proceedings,
N. Kana et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 5. Thermal conductivity of MoO3 nano-particles hybrid nano-fluid at different

volume concentration and temperature.

2. Experiments, results & discussion

A piece of Mo was cut into two strips of equal dimensions

(5 cm  1 cm). The two pieces were then cleaned and sonicated
for 10 min in ethyl alcohol to remove any impurities on the metal.
Each Mo metal piece was put in a small test tube (25 ml) then sub-
merged in 35% H2O2. During the dissolution, and as expected, an
excess of Oxygen bubbles was observed. The final solution was yel-
low in color pointing to the formation of likely hydrated Molybde-
num oxide MoO3–H2O. In view of the lamelar structure of the
various Molybdenum oxides, it is expected that the Molybdenum
oxidation would be likely followed by the exfoliation phenomenon
and hence the formation of the nano-sheets as summarized in
Fig. 1 because the low Wan der Waals interaction between the
lamelae. The then yellow nano-fluid was investigated by UV–VIS
spectroscopy at room temperature. Transmission Electron Micro-
Fig. 3. XPS spectrum of Mo3d & O1s of the centrifuged yellow nano-sheets. scopy (TEM), Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS) as well as
X-rays Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) were conducted on the
so formed nano-fluid.

2.1. Morphological & structural properties

Fig. 2(a) reports the Scanning Electron Microscopy of the MoO3

nano-particles. They deviate from the classically quasi-spherical
nano-particles obtained by various physical & chemical standards
methods. More precisely, in this case, they consist rather of a set
of 2D type sheets with a basal size, approximately ranging from
108  200 nm2 to 415  631 nm2. A Higher Resolution Transmis-
sion Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) observation Fig. 2(b) indicate
that the nano-sheets consist of a collection of nano-crystallites
(Ø7 nm in diameter) with various crystallographic orientations.
This latter is in line with the polycrystalline pattern as shown in
the Selected Area Electron Diffraction of Fig. 2(c).

2.2. Elemental & electronic valence

Fig. 3 reports the XPS spectra of the Mo3d & O1s of the cen-
Fig. 4. Typical optical Absorbance of the MoO3–H2O nano-fluid. trifuged yellow powder. One can distinguish crystal clearly the
major peak located at 233.03 eV corresponding to the Mo3d5/2
pointing to the 6+ state. There are no peaks within the range of
Not only, have they exhibited a good stability, likely favored by the 229.5–233 eV hence, no Mo4+ [20]. In a pre-conclusion, the Mo is
polar interaction with the surrounding H2O molecules’ dipoles. mainly in 6+ oxidation state & hence, likely, in the form of MoO3.
Ideally, the Mo3d5/2 peak should have been deconvoluted to extract

Please cite this article as: N. Kana, A. Galmed, T. Khamliche et al., Thermal conductivity enhancement in MoO3–H2O nano-sheets based nano-fluids, Mate-
rials Today: Proceedings,
4 N. Kana et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

any Mo5+ component if any which could be attributed to surface mal conductivity enhancement is relatively significant; it reaches
reduction [21]. up 44% for 67% concentrated MoO3–H2O nano-fluids respectively.
It is intended to validate with other meals such as tungsten.
2.3. Optical properties
CRediT authorship contribution statement
The absorption for MoO3 nanoparticles arises at approximately
300 nm (Fig. 4). The maximum absorption peak is observed at N. Kana: Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft,
321 nm in UV region. The strong absorption below 400 nm is Writing - review & editing. A. Galmed: Writing - original draft,
intrinsic and rises from inter band (valence band to conduction Writing - review & editing. T. Khamliche: Visualization. K. Kavi-
band) and exciton transitions. The result indicated that the absorp- yarasu: Visualization. M. Maaza: Funding acquisition, Investiga-
tion of MoO3 nano-particles will enlarged to the visible spectrum tion, Methodology, Supervision, Data curation.
due to the existence of MoO3 that improved the optical absorption
edge. If the concentration of the parameters increases, then the Declaration of Competing Interest
absorption intensities of MoO3 nano-particles will increase. The
optical absorption near the band edge can be calculated by using The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
the relation (ahm)n = A (hm Eg), where, a is the absorption co- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
efficient, h is the plank’s constant, m is the frequency, A is a con- to influence the work reported in this paper.
stant, Eg is the energy and n is the number that characterize the
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Please cite this article as: N. Kana, A. Galmed, T. Khamliche et al., Thermal conductivity enhancement in MoO3–H2O nano-sheets based nano-fluids, Mate-
rials Today: Proceedings,

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