A Call To Reform in Sabbath Keeping A: 40, No. 29 Sydney, Monday, July 20, 1936

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Registered at the General Post

40, No. 29 Sydney, Monday, July 20, 1936 Office, Sydney, for transmission
by Post as a NeWElpapeZ-

A Call to Reform in Sabbath Keeping

A T the Autumn Council of the General
Conference, when much careful study
was given to the need of greater faithful-
ship around the family altar, and again
at the setting of the sun at the close of
the Sabbath, rededicating ourselves and
bath school. There is hurrying, jostling,
and impatience. Thus unholy feelings come
into the home. The Sabbath, thus dese-
ness in adhering to the standards that have our children to the Lord; crated, becomes a weariness and its coming
been recognised by us as a people from the is dreaded rather than loved.
" (c) Putting aside all secular papers,
beginning of our existence, the following and refraining from the use of the radio ex- "We should not provide for the Sabbath
recommendations were adopted relating to cept for proper religious programmes; a more liberal supply or a greater variety
Sabbath-keeping: of food than for other days. Instead of
" (d) Refraining from unnecessary jour-
"WHEREAS, The Sabbath was given this the food should be more simple, and
neys and car trips;
as one of God's greatest blessings to man, less should be eaten, in order that the
a day of 'rest and gladness,' a time of " (e) Not engaging in idle conversation, mind may be clear and vigorous to com-
spiritual refreshing; and, nor in thinking our own thoughts, nor in prehend spiritual things. Overeating befogs
`speaking our own words.' the brain. The most precious words may
"WHEREAS, The Sabbath is not only be heard and not appreciated, because the
a sign of God's love to man, but also a "4. That great carefulness be exercised
mind is confused by an improper diet. By
sign of man's loyalty to God, and in in the manner of raising money and dis-
overeating on the Sabbath, many have done
true Sabbath observance is evidenced our posing of literature during our Sabbath
more than they think to dishonour God.
fidelity to our Creator, our fellowship with services, so that we ever keep the spiritual
"While cooking upon the Sabbath should
our beloved Redeemer, therefore be it re- purpose of the Sabbath before our churches.
be avoided, it is not necessary to eat cold
solved that: "5. That we consecrate ourselves and food. In cold weather let the food pre-
"1. We earnestly heed the admonition our children to God, seeking to enter into pared the day before be heated. And let
of the Word of God to 'Remember the His glorious rest, of which the Sabbath is the meals, though simple, be palatable and
Sabbath day, to keep it holy,' not doing a type, thus giving to the world a testi- attractive. Provide something that will
our own work, nor finding our own pleasure mony to the truth of the Sabbath in the be regarded as a treat, something the
on God's holy day. lives of those who hallow it." family do not have everyday.
"2. That we dedicate the Sabbath to Refraining from work does not neces- "At family worship let the children take
the worship of God and the uplift of our sarily constitute perfect Sabbath-keeping. a part. Let all bring their Bibles, and
fellow men by We should make a very careful study of each read a verse or two. Then let some
the fuller meaning of the Sabbath. It familiar hymn be sung, followed by prayer.
" (a) Faithfully attending the Sabbath came to mean nothing to the Jewish people . . . In a simple petition tell the Lord
school, the worship hour, and other divine but a burden. There is a deep fundamental your needs, and express gratitude for His
services; purpose in the Sabbath, and it is intended mercies. Thus you invite Jesus as a wel-
" (b) Gathering our children into the to be a great blessing to Gad's children. come guest into your home and heart. In
family pew,. thus encouraging reverence Carefulness in all that is pointed out in the family, long prayers concerning remote
for the house of God, the place of prayer; these recommendations, is required, but let objects are not in place. They make the
us become acquainted with the true nature hour of prayer a weariness, when it should
" (c) Spending the other hours of the and purpose of the Sabbath that it may be regarded as a privilege and blessing.
Sabbath in visiting the sick and afflicted, be to us more than it was to ancient Make the season one of interest and joy.
teaching the Word of God, distributing Sabbath-keepers.
our truth-filled literature, or otherwise "The Sabbath school and the meeting for
ministering to sin-sick humanity; THE SABBATH IN THE HOME worship occupy only a part of the Sab-
bath. The portion remaining to the family
" (d) Teaching our children the wonders In the "Testimonies for the Church,'' may be made the most sacred and precious
of God's universe and His creative power Vol. 6, pages 356-359, we are admonished: season of all the Sabbath hours. Much of
by often 'walking with them in the "Before the setting of the sun, let the this time parents should spend with theix
.fields and groves,' studying with them the members of the family assemble to read children. In many families the younger
lesson book of nature, and telling them God's Word, to sing and pray. There is children are left to themselves, to find en-
of God's wondrous love, thus leading need of reform here, for many have been tertainment as best they can. Left alone,
them to consider the Sabbath a blessing remiss. We need to confess to God and the children soon become restless, and be-
rather than a burden. to one another. We should begin anew to gin to play, or engage in some kind of
"3. That we pledge ourselves to re- make special arrangements that every mischief. Thus the Sabbath has to them
newed consecration in the observance member of the family may be prepared to no sacred significance.
of God's holy day by honour the day which God has blessed and
sanctified. "In pleasant weather let parents walk
" (a) Sacredly guarding the beginning with their children in the fields and groves.
and the ending of the Sabbath, having all "Let not the precious hours of the Sab- Amid the beautiful things of nature tell
the preparations fully made before the set- bath be wasted in bed. On Sabbath morn- them the reason for the institution of the
ting of the sun; ing the family should be astir early. If Sabbath. Describe to them God's great
they rise late, there is confusion and work of creation. . . . Show that it was
" (b) Welcoming the blessed day by wor- bustle in preparing for breakfast and Sab- sin which marred God's perfect work;
that thorns and thistles, sorrow and pain A Missionary Volunteer band was out
and death, are all the result of disobedience preaching in a certain village. A devil-
to God. Bid them see how the earth. possessed man was impressed with what
though marred with the curse of sin, still he heard and challenged the group by say-
reveals God's goodness. ing, "If you cast out the evil spirit that
takes possession of me, I will serve God."
Read with them the interesting stories "If you believe in Jesus Christ, the spirit
in Bible history. Question as to what they will leave you," was the answer. "All
have learned in the Sabbath school, and right, I believe. Now you pray for me,"
study with them the next Sabbath's lesson. was the response and the request of the
The green fields, the lofty trees, the tormented man. Those Missionary Volun-
glad sunshine, the clouds, the dew, the Progress in Nigeria teers took the matter to God without de-
solemn stillness of the night, the glory lay. The following Sabbath this man was
of the starry heavens, and the moon in What a densely populated country ! That present at the services and has not been
its beauty, all bear witness of the Creator. is the first impression received upon visit- bothered by the spirits since.
Not a drop of rain falls, not a ray of light ing Nigeria. Statistics tell us that twenty- Some women were attending our meet-
is shed on our unthankful world, but it two million people live within its borders. ings. Everyone in the home compound did
testifies to the forbearance and the love of In other words, one-seventh of Africa's not approve of this, hence the witch doctor,
God. . . . population lives in Nigeria. We have turned or the Juju priest as he is otherwise called,
our attention to the less populous areas of was asked to intervene. First he threat-
"As the sun goes down, let the voice of this vast continent in times past, mostly ened the women, and then he used medi-
prayer and the hymn of praise mark the because of the bad reputation the West cines, expecting to intimidate them. Fin-
close of the sacred hours and invite God's Coast of Africa has had climatically. True, ally he restorted to charms, expecting them
presence through the cares of the week it is the black man's country. On the to fall ill, but nothing happened, except
of labour. other hand, climate is no excuse for ne- that the women continued to worship God.
"Thus parents can make the Sabbath, as glecting the most densely populated This series of failures caused the doctor
it should be, the most joyful day of the country in all Africa. to conclude that witchcraft was of little
week. They can lead their children to re- Eight families plus one single woman profit. He attended the Sabbath services
gard it as a delight, the day of days, the comprise the present European staff of himself. One Sabbath he invited the mem-
holy of the Lord, honourable. workers in Nigeria. They are heroically bers to his home, and in their presence
developing a staff of native workers, as burned all his fetishes and idols.
"I counsel you, my brethren and sisters, well as organising the growing member- One young evangelist told of an elderly
`Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it ship to become an evangelistic force. You woman who had been bedridden for nine-
holy.' If you desire your children to ob- need not be a mathematician to figure out teen years. She sent for him, saying: "I
serve the Sabbath according to the com- that each family is responsible for about
mandment, you must teach them by both have -spent much on witch doctors and in
2,750,000 people. However, with the power sacrifices for my health, but am no better.
precept and example. The deep engraving of God great things are done. So in I have spent 1,200 manillas [£60] and sac-
of truth in the heart is never wholly ef- Nigeria the slender force of workers are rificed goats, dogs, chickens, snails, and
faced. It may be obscured, but can never happy to link up with Almighty God in eggs without number. I have heard about
be obliterated. The impressions made in service, and they have not been disap- you having helped my neighbour. Will
early life will be seen in after-years. Cir- pointed with the results.
cumstances may occur to separate the chil- you introduce me to your doctor?"
Two thousand five hundred new members "I shall be glad to," was the response,
dren from their parents and their home, were added to the Sabbath schools during "and He will charge you nothing but faith
but as long as they live the instruction the year 1935, bringing the total number and obedience." "I prayed for her," said
given in childhood and youth will be a of adherents up to 10,000 in Nigeria. Cer- the evangelist, "and she was relieved of
blessing.,, tainly the harvest is ripe! The cry is, her sickness. Three months later we
GUARDING OUR THOUGHTS AND "Where are the reapers?" burned her idols. She is now a member
WORDS In the midst of rejoicing over increased of the baptismal class."
membership and a good financial showing, I was impressed with the way these men
"When the Sabbath commences we a cup of sorrow was given the believers to told of God's wonders. It seemed to them
should place a guard upon ourselves, upon drink. Miss Wharrie, the Union treasurer, the natural thing, and a part of the preach-
our acts and our words, lest we rob God by had just returned from furlough full of ing of the gospel. Workers with faith in
appropriating to our own use that time life and plans for aggressive advance. In God and power to do exploits for Him are
which is strictly the Lord's. We should the midst of preparation for the annual needed everywhere. Pray for the work
not do ourselves, nor suffer our children to committee session she was struck down in Nigeria. C. V. ANDERSON.
do, any manner of our own work for a by the dreaded mosquito. Cerebral malaria In the " Advent Survey."
livelihood, or anything which could have laid her in the grave after only five days'
been done on the six working days. Friday illness. I entered a house of sorrow, our
is the day of preparation. Time can then sister having been laid to rest the day
be devoted to making the necessary previous to my arrival. Memorial services "Sabbath-Day Hospital"
preparation for the Sabbath, and to think- were held on the Sabbath. Both European
ing and conversing about it. Nothing which and African workers mourn the loss of a Some time ago, while one of our col-
will in the sight of Heaven be regarded beloved and faithful worker. porteurs was canvassing for the "Signs
as a violation of the holy Sabbath should of the Times" magazine in an interior
The camp meetings are wonderful things. city in the province of Shantung, China,
be left unsaid or undone, to be said or They create a great spirit of oneness and he came to a small hospital. Looking at
done upon the Sabbath. sacrifice. In the Awtun district, at least the sign hanging near the door, he saw
"God requires not only that we refrain twenty groups of believers were represent- the characters, "An Hsi Yuan " (Sabbath-
from physical labour upon the Sabbath, ed, some having walked as far as sixty day Hospital). Our colporteur was at-
but that the mind be disciplined to dwell miles to attend. Especially noticeable was tracted by this strange name, and as he
upon sacred themes. The fourth command- the increased number of women attending. met the doctor in charge he spoke to him
ment is virtually transgressed by convers- That is taken as a hopeful sign of an about this.
ing upon worldly things, or by engaging awakening among them. At least a dozen "Some time ago," replied the doctor,
in light and trifling conversation. Talking mothers were present from one church, "a man visited me, and I subscribed for
upon anything or everything which may with a bundle of food on the head and a a magazine called the 'Signs of the
come into the mind, is speaking our own baby tied on the back. These mothers had Times.' " The doctor continued by saying
words. Every deviation from right brings walked fifteen miles to be present. The that through reading the "Signs" he had
us into bondage and condemnation." South-Eastern Nigerian camp meeting learned of the seventh-day Sabbath, and
—"Testimonies for the Church," Vol. 2, pages numbered over 4,000 in attendance. was endeavouring to keep it. When the
702, 703. A large girls' school compound was in colporteur announced that he was a
process of erection at the time of my visit Seventh-day Adventist and was bringing
at Aba. It is hoped that this girls' school the "Signs of the Times" magazine to
"It's a wise man who has his after- will meet a long-felt need in South-East him again, the doctor was very happy.
thoughts first." Nigeria. He did not know that there were other
Seventh-day Adventists, but was en- the work will continue. At the very least
deavouring to live out the truths he had there will be about 500 cases to go aboard
found in the magazine. the "Mataroa." To take them off we shall
The proprietor of the "Sabbath-day have to use all our boats. Imagine six
Hospital" readily subscribed for the boats leaving Bounty Bay piled high with
"Signs" magazine for another year. Our cases of oranges, crew, and even some pas-
colporteur told him more of the special sengers. The islanders have recently built
truths for this time, and directed him for two strong new boats, over thirty-six feet
further study to our evangelist working in long.
that area. There, I have just extinguished the small
The "Signs of the Times" does win kerosene lamp by which I have been writ-
souls. Its purpose is to make Sabbath- ing. I can now see by the light of day. A Remarkable Season
keepers and prepare a people to meet the We shall in a very short time have our
Saviour when He returns. WEEK OF PRAYER AT N.Z. M.C.
regular family worship. We are singing
JOHN OSS. the "Christ in Song" through, and have It would seem that the 1936 Week of
reached No. 296, Prayer has been everywhere an outstand-
"Walking with Thee, my God, Saviour ing season of real blessing to the church
Has Open Order to Board Any benign, of God. It was certainly so at the New
Daily confer on me converse divine." Zealand Missionary College. The Lord in
Liner Passing Island We find that there are many sweet hymns no way disappointed our highest expecta-
that we do not know, and sometimes I tions, and a more definite working of the
Sydney, Saturday.— With an open order ask to have these sung at meetings. Spirit and more earnestness in results it
to board any liner he can stop, Mr. Fred We had company last night. At our would be difficult to imagine. There were
Christian, a descendant of Fletcher Chris- evening worship I counted twenty-one on no flights of feeling, but a quiet working
tian, of the Bounty Mutineers, is to leave our small verandah. I am certain that all was manifest, which was good to behold
Pitcairn Island at the end of next month enjoyed the simple, quiet worship time. We and to share.
for Sydney. Mr. Christian is an elder of sang a hymn and I read nearly all the Prior to the beginning of the week,
the Seventh-day Adventist Church on Pit- 107th Psalm, commenting on some of the thoughts were turned to heart-searching
cairn Island, and he has been invited to verses. and clearing of the highway, ready for
attend the Australasian Conference of There is a plan on foot to organise the coming of the Heavenly Guest whom
Seventh-day Adventists which will begin mothers' meetings, beginning with the first we expected to have among us in a special
in Melbourne on August 31, and continue of the new quarter. Let us pray that the way. And from the very first meeting
for a fortnight. mothers of Pitcairn will take a deep in- it was apparent that God in His love had
Early in the week a passage order was terest in this all-important subject. It already answered our requests for the
posted from Sydney to enable him to join seems to me that every branch of the work Spirit's power to be present. As the week
ships of any line passing close to the island. of our people depends upon the mother proceeded with studies on the Christian
The island has a small wireless transmitter, and the homd life. Of course we should life, Week of Prayer readings, and that
and it is expected that this will be used not leave the fathers out, but mothers have which makes such a season memorable—the
in an endeavour to divert the first passing the greatest responsibility. prayer bands—the spirit of intercession
vessel after the order is received. He will ROY P. CLARK. deepened, and the power to witness grew,
be placed aboard by small boat from the Hearts that had not known a Saviour's
island. love responded, many whose experience had
The handful of people in Sydney who not been bright were revitalised, and one
know Mr. Christian say that he has never Youthful "Signs" Workers and all shared in a very blessed refresh-
been near big cities in his life. He once Readers of the "Record" are always in- ing. When the week closed with the
made a trip to Tahiti, but his travels other- terested in missionary work, whether it vesper service of praise, there was not one
wise have been in the open boats built on be in the distant foreign fields or here in single student who had been unable to
Pitcairn Island chiefly to the uninhabited our own fair homeland. The following is express in prayer, or praise, or testimony
Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno islands. Pit- a story of quiet persevering endeavour by the saving power of the God of Jacob. It
cairn Islanders make occasional and some- two very youthful Missionary Volunteers. was a wonderful yet solemn time, long to
times perilous journeys to these islands to Ruth Holmsby lives with her parents be remembered.
gather coconuts and firewood. near Liverpool, N.S.W. After personally The lead in the exercises of the week
The liner he may catch probably will canvassing each home in her community, was taken by Brother Aubrey Mitchell, Mis-
end its voyage in Auckland, and he will Ruth now sells twelve copies of the "Signs sionary Volunteer secretary of the local
have to join the first vessel sailing from of the Times'' every week. conference. His inspirational talks in the
there for Sydney. It is doubtful whether June Smith also has a "Signs" round, chapel periods, as well as the quiet and
Mr. Christian will reach Australia many which is growing every week. Liverpool helpful personal interviews in the school
days before the conference begins. is a hard town in which to sell gospel homes, were powerful factors in the hands
—Melbourne " Herald," July 4, 1936. literature, and there are many fierce dogs; of the Lord to the spiritual attainments of
but June goes on steadily with her good the week. We believe that the results of
work. this Week of Prayer will have a very wide
These two small workers, who are great and lasting significance in the lives of
Busy Days on Pitcairn Island friends, collected for the last Appeal for many of the young people, and to the
Missions, and their efforts helped the Giver of every good gift our grateful
The sound of hammering is heard on praise is offered.
Pitcairn. What do you think it can mean church to reach an overflow.
During the present "Interpreter" cam- G. H. GREEN-AWAY.
before the light of dawn? You never could
guess. Someone is nailing boxes together paign there may be many adults who
to pack oranges. If you could only be could obtain orders for the "Signs," and
here on the island today, what a sight yet feel they have not the time to de- Essentials for Workers in
you would see! Men will be wheeling liver them personally every week. Could
hundreds of cases of oranges to the land- not these orders be passed on to willing Training
ing place. The islanders will be so busy juniors, who have the necessary time, and
who would be delighted to have a part This was the title of some helpful in-
today and tomorrow that the school board struction given in the form of chapel ad-
has decided to omit school so that the in such a good work?
The writer is a Christian today as a dresses to the students of A.M.C.
children may help. Already there are many Those who would serve efficiently in any
cases of fruit at the landing, waiting for result of Adventist neighbours calling with
"Signs," and because of their friendly cause must train. The course of training
the steamer which will arrive tomorrow is determined by the nature of the service
about 2 p.m. persistence in the face of an unpromising entered, and for those who aim for the
The captain of the "Mataroa" sent attitude. ARTHUR PEACH.
Master's service, the essentials are laid
word through another ship that he will call down in His Word in what has been called
for cargo for New Zealand. Last week To find his place and fill it is success "Peter's ladder."
tons of oranges were packed, and today for a man.—Phillips Brooks. Faith is the foundation, and upon it
are added by diligence all that the quali-
fied worker must have. Thus diligence
consists of the steady application of the
•••••••... ••••
in the best binding. Who knows but what
another Captain Joseph Bates may be found
on board one of these liners as the result
daily lessons and experiences. "Nothing
can be gained without constant effort and •• Colporteur Work of a good marine colporteur?"
continual activity." Perseverance is re- A REMARKABLE DREAM
quired that "with all diligence," with- "During his spare time Brother Bazzay
watchfulness, virture may be added to held Bible studies at Dhanabad. He called
faith. With Our Colporteurs in India at the bedside of a man who, with tears
Manliness, courage, vigour, and firmness streaming down his cheeks, said, 'I am sick
to principle in face of ridicule are de- The following experiences are taken because I did not obey Jesus. Jesus ap-
noted by virtue. It is not a passive attri- from our church paper published in India, peared to me in a dream and told me to
bute. Knowledge is added to virtue, and the "Eastern Tidings," dated June 1, give up smoking and other filthy habits
knowledge is power. Our first desire should 1936: and "follow not men, but ME, for I am
be to know Him, and all other knowledge the truth." I want to be in the truth.
will be added. ON THE TEA ESTATES I will give up smoking and other bad
Temperance follows knowledge naturally habits. Pray for me and give me a cal-
when there is an understanding of the 'Among the Tamils there are outstand-
ing colporteur activities. Brother E. D. endar for my daily guidance.' Our col-
principles which call for temperance. True porteur gave him a Morning Watch Cal-
temperance is mastery over self, over pas- Wilmott is constantly finding new recruits.
Recently a young man accepted the mes- endar and an old Sabbath school lesson
sions and evil propensities. pamphlet and encouraged him to be true
Patience is the natural fruit of temper- sage who held a very responsible position
on a tea estate. He did not feel that he to his God."
ance. It includes patience in enduring
trial, as well as in acquiring knowledge could stay in that work any longer because
of the urge in his heart to tell others. He LED ASTRAY BY THE LORD TO
and in the execution of all duties. FULFIL TWO PURPOSES
therefore resigned from his splendid post,
To the character must also be added took a prospectus for 'Our Day' and the
godliness, and with it brotherly kindness Tamil magazine, and began work right "While working with two colporteurs
toward those in the church, and more love there on the tea estates. Every month he in northern India, we canvassed a man who
for the souls for whom Christ died. sells over 100 rupees' worth of literature, asked us to call at his house that night.
Obedience is essential, that is, doing Late in the evening we started out to find
and is very happy in his new service." his place. We were new to the town and
exactly as the Lord commands. If we are
ready and obedient, He will work on our walked a long distance, wondering if we
SUCCESS WITH THE MEDICAL were on the right road, but feeling im-
behalf. Only by obedience to the One in PROFESSION
command will success attend our service. pressed to go on. Presently we met a
"In the Telugu area Brother M. B. respectable-looking man on the road who
The apostle Paul was one who laid the stopped us and asked, 'Are you selling
foundation of this great Christian move- Israel has a large group of yeung men who
are having excellent success. One of them health books?' 'Yes,' we said. 'I have
ment, in the finishing of which we are been looking for you all day,' he con-
called to assist. Listen to his adyice given who is working for our health magazine,
secured a medical directory and took down tinued. 'I have to leave town tonight for
through Timothy: "The things that thou a long journey, and want some of your
hast heard of me, . . . the same commit the names of all those who made a profes-
thou to faithful men, who shall be able sion of medical practice. There were forty- books before I go. I want six books from
to teach others also." Thus our aim should nine in number. He visited every one of you. I have already seen one at a friend's
these men, and secured forty-seven place." 'Here you are,' we replied, and
be to pass on to others all that we have handed him the books and he gave us
acquired, either from study or association. orders."
thirty rupees [£2]. After this we
The successful trainee will be dis- A PLAIN HOME TRUTH inquired of him and he told us that the
tinguished by the order and arrangement man we wanted lived about four miles
found in all to which he sets his hand. "A railway employee who gave his order from there, and he asked how we came to
There will be definitely a time and a place to one of our colporteurs, used his in- that end of the town. We thanked the
for everything, and neatness and thorough- fluence to help our bookman to secure Lord for leading us in that direction, thus
ness will mark his work and his person. seven other orders. To one man who tried enabling us to sell six books. Later we
Those who, "like good soldiers of Christ to make an excuse that in these days found the man for whom we were looking,
Jesus," are loyally working for His cause there was no money for such things, his and sold him two books, one for a friend
will accept without complaint their share railway friend said, 'And yet you spend who was there when we arrived, and one
of sacrifice. Their conversation will indi- more than the amount of the subscription for himself. Had we not been delayed we
cate their attitude toward life; useless on "grog" at one sitting.' Immediately would not have met his friend, for he had
wrangling and talk that is not elevating the man brought out the money. The same just arrived when we got there. The Lord
will have no place among those seriously colporteur called on the sub-judge in a dis- truly does work with the colporteur."
in training. Our standard is high. Let us trict centre, and found him engrossed in
maintain it. working out a crossword puzzle. 'He im- HOW A RUNAWAY HORSE HELPED
In connection with the work of God mediately started asking me what I would
there must come to all, as to Isaiah, a put down in certain cases,' the colporteur "Not long ago, while working in Jhansi,
vision of God: then in the light of His reports. 'He seemed so pleased with my we were in search of a certain subscriber
holiness we shall see ourselves as we really advice that he at once paid me the full to the 'Watchman' whose subscription had
are. A realisation of our condition and the price of the book, five rupees, and helped expired. We searched for a long time
cleansing with "the live coal from the me to secure six more orders.' " without success, and finally decided to give
altar" will prepare us to answer the call, up the chase and do some canvassing for
"Who will go for us?" Let us pray for VISITING SHIPS new orders. We had not gone very far
such a vision, and that we may be ready when the driver of the carriage in which
when the call comes. "Being crowded for territory led a col- we were riding lost control of his animal,
porteur to try the water's edge. At and we found ourselves going somewhere
True courtesy is needed to bring to per- Eranakulam, the newly opened harbour, we did not intend to go. Presently the
fection those ready to accept the call. he received permission to go aboard the horse swerved to the left and entered a
Many have gone out as workers, unfitted steamers. He reasoned that if hawkers gate and ran on till it came to the house.
in this respect, whose discourteous manners could sell brass and ivory ware and all The driver here succeeded in controlling
repel rather than attract souls to Christ. sorts of curios, why could not our message the animal and brought it to a stand still.
God would have His people models of be sold, too? In faith he went aboard one As the carriage stood in front of this
courtesy. of the big ocean greyhounds and approached house, our eyes fell upon the signboard of
To be successful we must give attention the passengers and crew. To his joy he the occupant, and what do you think we
to these things. Then shall we be servants soon discovered that the people were only saw? There right in front of us was the
of power, and appreciated for what we too glad to buy our literature. On one name of the very man we had been looking
are worth as we take our place in His vessel he approached the captain and the for all the morning! We were not long
service._ ELSIE WOOD. chief engineer. Both purchased big books in securing his subscription for the 'Watch-
man,' and were soon on our way again. with him he met several other priests who fortunate enough to be able to meet even
I have no doubt that the reins of this had bought books. They told him, "You occasionally with others of like faith.
runaway horse were in the hands of the are a wonderful man; we cannot under- The next few days were spent at Port-
angel of the Lord." stand how you sold us those Protestant land, the oldest settlement in Victoria.
books. The books are good, but it is too The little group of members here, with
bad that they are not Catholic." Then the bright and happy faces of the chil-
the colporteur told them he had another
Encouragement at the hook he would like to sell them, and forth-
dren, make one feel at home immediately.
Publishing House with sold six copies of "The Great Con- After spending some happy hours with
troversy" to the same priests who had friends at Yambuk, Koroit, and Woodford
Letter after letter comes to our pub- bought "Toward the Golden Age." This we arrived at the city of Warrnambool.
lishing house in Poona, India, expressing colporteur went to the old city of Cusco Here the meetings were in full swing, and
interest in our literature. Mohammedans, and repeated his work there. He wrote well attended. Although some families
Hindus, and Christians of other missions me that he would not let a single priest found it difficult to come in because of
write, telling how they have been impres- escape. In Ecuador our colporteurs had dairying work and long distances to travel,
sed with some book or magazine of ours, similar experiences. The Lord really yet the promise of the Lord to give
and asking for more. Just today a letter touched the hearts of some of these men, so strength to the weary was again definitely
came from a Mohammedan gentleman, as they would buy the books and become fulfilled, for almost every member was
follows: acquainted with the truth. found at the night services.
"I am staying with my friend named 3. L. BROWN, At the close of last year it was the
, B.A., L.L.B., who is the district Home Miss. Sec. Sth American Division. writer's privilege to baptise a mother and
judge. In his library I found in Urdu her son, who were then received as mem-
`Health and. Longevity,' written by one of bers of the Warrnambool church. Two
your doctors. This is the first, last, best, VICTORIA daughters and a younger son were being
and most wonderful book in the Urdu prayed for, and a few weeks before the
Office Address: 8 Yarra Street,
language. . . . Will you be kind enough to Hawthorn, Vic. Week of Prayer both daughters took .a
let me know the price, and the main ob- Telephone: Hawthorn 3425 very definite stand. Soon their test came.
ject for the existence of the Oriental President's Home 'Phone: W 5082 The factory in which they were employed
Watchman Publishing House? I will be unmuvuuunnmmuunmmnumuummuuumuuuumnmuuunmumuuuunufi did not generally work on Sabbaths. A
most thankful if I can secure a catalogue rush of work came, however, which called
of publications from your press. And please Some Week of Prayer for overtime work that ran into Sabbath
let me know how I can join with you in morning. Our two sisters were the very
this good work." Experiences first to be asked, to come to work on Sab-
This week the Government Inspector of bath morning. They explained that their
Factories (a Mohammedan gentleman) With the coming of the Annual Week of religious convictions would not permit them
paid us a visit. After inspecting our fac- Prayer, it was necessary for us to plan a to comply with the request. The result
tory he came into my office and talked for long itinerary among the companies and was they were both given a week's notice.
nearly an hour, asking questions about our believers scattered throughout the south- When the rest of the employees in that
work and beliefs. He is a reader of the western district of Victoria. So once more department learned the circumstances con-
"Oriental Watchman," and is much im- we packed our car with luggage and camp- nected with their dismissal, they ap-
pressed with it. He said he would be in ing equipment, preparatory for a five- proached the management and requested
Poona over the week-end, and would at- weeks' tour. The
that the two girls be reinstated.
tend our church service on the Sabbath, The services at Camperdown were held request was immediately granted. While
and this he did. a week early. From the outset, joy came the majority of the employees associated
God's Spirit is going with the "Oriental to our souls as we saw, even in spite of with these two sisters have little or no
Watchman" and the Tamil "Nalwazhi" inclement weather, almost the entire mem- spiritual experience, yet when it came to
and the Burmese "Kin Saung," and our bership, including a family of four who a matter of principle they were not afraid
other books, tracts, and periodicals. Every have recently taken their stand, present at to stand for those whom they knew had
morning as our publishing house family, every evening meeting. been wronged. Truly God works on be-
consisting of about fifty men and women, half of those whose hearts are sincere to-
meets for worship, earnest prayer is offered A s the church at Geelong had recently ward Him.
for the colporteurs going out with the pages lost by death its much-loved pastor, Brother
which we print here. J. 0. WILSON. Michaels, the writer was asked to include We have been holding studies in two
that district in his itinerary. It does not other homes in the Warrnambool district.
take long for a newcomer to feel at home The wife in one had already commenced
when he arrives, for practically the first the observance of the Sabbath and was
Specialising on Priests time, in the midst of a company of be- attending our services. The husband,
lievers. It can truly be said that when though he believed in the Sabbath, could
"And a great company of the priests the time came for us to push on, we were not sever his connection with his former
were obedient to the faith." Acts 6:7. sorry that we could not remain for the last church, where he often took an active part
One of the most interesting features of Sabbath in this centre, as we were much in the services. On visiting the home dur-
the colporteur work in the Inca Union, impressed by the keen interest taken in the ing the Week of Prayer we were met at
South America, was the placing of our services. Truly this family of God is "a the door by the wife who said, with eyes
literature in the hands of the priests. In good family to belong to.' , glistening with delight, "I have some
Bolivia our books were sold to a large good news for you. My husband has de-
number of the priests in the old capital. Proceeding to Hamilton, we arrived in cided to attend our church." The husband,
The colporteur who worked there said he time to join that warm-hearted company who came in a few minutes later, said he
would pass no priest, for they were re- in their ringing testimonies on the last had finished with the other church, and
sponsible to God for giving a false Sabbath of their Week of Prayer. We now he was coming to the one which
gospel to the people, and he did not want were glad to learn that all who had en- taught the Scriptures.
them to have an excuse in the day of gaged in special prayer and the study of
judgment. Therefore he canvassed the those excellent readings, either with others The lady of the other home said to us
priests as he saw them walking along the or in their own homes and camps, had been on our last visit, "Now I have something
streets. richly blessed of God. for which I have been looking for years,
One day I was in La Paz and the col- and nothing will ever make me give it
The isolated believers at Casterton and up." That was only her fifth study with
porteur came to me and said, "See this Lyons were in their usual good spirits. It
name. While walking down the street this us. Surely her heart was ready for the
really does one's own soul good to see the truth. This sister needs our prayers, as
morning to the office, I sold a book to a courage with which our people uphold the
priest, and in the afternoon delivered the her husband is much opposed to our teach-
banner of truth in remote parts. Our hearts ings. As yet he knows nothing of his
volume to the priest and also sold him go out to them because of their isolation,
several Sabbath School Picture Rolls." and our own faith in the message is wife's stand, but she is determined to
In Sucre the colporteur visited the sec- hold on.
strengthened as we see the good Christian
retary of the bishop, and while speaking experience enjoyed by those who are not Passing on from Warrnambool, we called
at the home of a farmer with whom we His spiritual influence still binds many aloud. Recall the thought expressed by
have had several studies. This interest souls to the great message of love and of one father, new to the message, that his
was first aroused through Sister Ritchie's high spiritual living. As a leader of the school child kept him up to his daily study.
distributing the "Interpreter." Though flock, he has left an example of the life Right habits are being formed, even by
convinced of the importance of Sabbath lived in Christ. infants and youth. Think of the homes
observance, this man was at a loss to In all his activities hi connection with where the open Bible plays such an im-
know how to keep the day as it should be the church he sought the advice of the portant part that even the children hesi-
kept. We made this case one of special local elder, Brother Davies; even in small tate to start the day without the family
prayer, and that night the victory was matters he considered it no trouble to gathering and the Sabbath school lesson.
gained. He decided there and then to obey travel from one end of the city to the Think of the imprint being left daily on
the Lord. The following week I received other that he might confer with the local minds of old and young alike!
a very impressive letter, telling of his joy- elder. He was wonderful in visiting and Think also of the divided homes, where
ful experience in his new-found faith. We shepherding his flock in both city and mothers are seeking, single handed, to lead
are now praying for his two daughters. country. His one concern in his ministry the children in the paths of righteousness
There is much more we would like to was the acceptance of, and loyalty to, the in spite of opposition, stealing the oppor-
say. At Beech Forest, the Spirit of the fundamentals of the message. tunities for the daily study of the Sab-
Lord broke through barriers that had On behalf of the Ballarat members, bath school lessons. A heart-breaking let-
arisen through a little misunderstanding, J, R. BROWN. ter came recently telling how an unbeliev-
and now the believers are all as one happy ing husband had discovered a Bible under
family, worshipping in a regularly organ- his wife's pillow, and tore it up, along
ised Sabbath school. with other papers, saying, "Religion has
broken up our home." She adds, "Do not
At Colac what seemed to be mountains write just now, but pray for my health
of difficulty became as a plain under the and my husband." Shall we not pray for
mighty influence of prayer. This little the struggling parents of divided homes?
company is now happy as the result of One grandmother passed away this year.
another Week of Prayer victory. She had been instructing the grand-
While it took us a long time to cover children regularly from the Bible, but re-
our territory, and we were glad of a rest Sabbath School Work in ceived the promise from the granddaughter
after so many night meetings, day visit- of school age that she would take up
ing, and long hours of travelling, yet we North Queensland the work where grandma had to leave it,
and study herself, and teach little brother.
felt more than repaid by the evidences "An open Bible for the world" is the
of the manifold grace of God, seen in the Since that time, these children have faith-
different places visited. sentiment and the object of the Sabbath fully kept their promise, reading the
School Department of this denomination. Morning Watch texts, praying, and study-
I want to express my hearty appreciation "The effort to grasp the great truths ing their regular Bible lessons.
of the good help given by my wife and of Revelation imparts freshness and vigour An isolated mother tells how her little
"Topsy;" and when Pastor Meyers comes to all the faculties. It expands the mind, girl enjoys the Sabbath school lessons, and
around my field with me shortly in the in- sharpens the perceptions, and ripens the brings two playmates to the home Sab-
terests of the young people, I know he judgment. The study of the Bible will bath school, thus sharing their joys.
will appreciate that which these sisters ennoble every thought, feeling, and aspira- One young woman, who has recently ac-
have- endeavoured to do for the Junior tion as no other study can. It gives cepted this message, has returned to her
members. stability of purpose, patience, courage, and duties on a station away out west, 200
Will you please mingle your prayers with fortitude;, it refines the character, and miles from a railway, and over 800 miles
ours that the Lord will enable us to do sanctifies the soul. An earnest, reverent from Townsville, and has started a Sab-
even greater things, and that when Jesus study of the Scriptures—bringing the mind bath school for the children of the station
comes to make up His jewels there will of the student in direct contact with the home. She writes: "Yesterday we had
be a wonderful gathering of souls from Infinite Mind—would give to the world Sabbath school with the whole family.
this south-western portion of the Lord's men of stronger and more active iqtellect, The boys had been studying the lesson
great vineyard in Victoria. as well as of nobler principle, than has each morning and knew their memory
P. G. FOSTER. ever resulted from the ablest training that verses well. It made them take much
human philosophy affords." more interest in the school to see their
During the past year, over 400 scholars father and mother there, too."
in North Queensland have endeavoured to There is another way in which we have
Tribute of Respect to the be in daily touch with heaven by means of been sharing our Sabbath school blessings.
Late Pastor Michaels an open Bible. Some have missed only During the past year the sum of £364 4s.
one day, or one or two special occasions, has been given by our North Queensland
The Ballarat church members have many and 330 have been awarded cards for per- Sabbath schools to help provide workers
happy recollections of our late dear Pastor fect quarterly records—an average of 82 to open Sabbath schools in the islands of
Michaels. He came to Ballarat many years for the year. the sea.
ago as a colporteur, canvassing that in- To gain some idea of the blessings re- I believe our united prayer is, —
spired book, "The Great Controversy Be- ceived from the "open Bible," we recall "Blest Word of God! Send forth Thy light
tween. Christ and Satan." Several mem- the joy of even the infants in our homes O'er every land and every sea,
bers who are still with us remember well as they count the days of the week for Till all who wander in the night
Brother Michaels' telling them of his pile Sabbaths to come; and hear the tiny tots Are led to God and heaven by thee,"
of books over seven feet high, ready for telling their playmates through the fence ETHEL M, THRIFT,
delivery. Many times during his canvass- the stories learned in the Sabbath school Nth. Qld. Sabbath School Secretary.
ing work he warmed the hearts of the lesson. One lad of tender years, after his
believers by his presence and by relating mother had been to the mission, found
his experiences in the book work. himself for the first time in Sabbath school.
In 1932, he responded to a call to take Eyes and mind alert, he learned things new The Sabbath School a
the pastoral oversight of the Ballarat to him, and retold the same Bible stories
church. Throughout the district he was to the children next door, to grandma, Soul-Saving Agency
known as a tireless worker for God. His and to auntie, and wanted to call in the TWO EXPERIENCES
pony and jinker were to be seen at all boarders also. Come into another home;
hours and in all weather conditions travel- peep through that door, now slightly ajar, As we view the great work of the Ad-
ling the roads, conveying truly a pioneer and see an eight-year-old girl sitting up vent movement today, we often lose sight
with a message. The testimony borne by to the table in her pyjamas to do daily of the large part that the Sabbath school
those who knew him, is that he never failed study. This was a regular thing before plays both in leading souls to the Master,
to keep an appointment. the family altar had been erected, See and in sustaining their spiritual life. I
His bright, warm Bible stories, presented that older girl taking the children through would like to relate two experiences which
during his recent five years of ministry the lesson and praying with them,—this speak for themselves:
in this church, are never to be forgotten. before the parents had learned to pray While at Avondale, it has been my privi-
lege to pay many missionary visits in the completion, and in a few weeks the con- such as these, which were among the last
surrounding neighbourhood. One of these tractors will be commencing on the new that came from a heart so tried and faith-
will always be outstanding in my memory. conference office and young people's hall, ful: "Lay aside the world and hold to
At first the call consisted merely of giv- on the same allotment. The office will oc- Jesus. He has done His part, and we
ing papers, but after a time Bible studies cupy the ground floor, while the second must do ours." "I am going to rest; I
brought forth good fruit. The lady of this floor will be a good. sized. hall for our will meet you all in heaven." On Sab-
home has passed through many severe trials Adelaide young people. bath afternoon, June 13, we laid our sister
as she has lived the truth and endeavoured A. H. FORBES, in the Wangaratta Cemetery till 'the day
to win her husband, who is addicted to the S.A. Conf. M.V. Sec. break, and the shadows flee away," while
terrible habit of drink. But in spite of all to the mourners we ministered the com-
these things, she is now rejoicing in the fort that the "blessed hope" affords. May
message, and still has strong hope that her WEDDING BELLS we, with all the loved and loving who
husband will yet be saved. mourn their loss, share in the glad re-
The Sabbath school pamphlet soon found union of that great day. Sister Nippress
its way into this home; and how often the FRENCH-WITHERS.—On Sunday even- is survived by her husband, four daughters,
Sabbath school lesson became the means ing, June 20, the North Sydney church was and three sons. Her daughter Pearl is en-
of breaking the bread of life, and led to filled to its utmost capacity with relatives gaged in Bible work in the West Australian
the discussion of many important questions and friends to witness the wedding of Conference, while another daughter, Aileen,
that concern the ways of God and the new George Albert French of North Sydney and is a graduate nurse of the Sydney Sani-
life in Christ Jesus. But that is not all. Winifred Elsie Withers, daughter of Mr. tarium. G. G. STEWART.
The Sabbath school lesson has reached. the and. Mrs. Alfred, Withers of Parramatta.
hearts of the children. The young ladies The company united in showering upon the QUICK.— Brother James Daniel Quick
who have visited this home on Sabbath happy young couple their heartiest con- was born at, Spring Mount, Victoria, Aug-
afternoons, have rejoiced to hear the chil- gratulations as they walk the pathway of ust 12, 1868, and passed peacefully away
dren repeat the memory verses and tell life together. May the blessings of God in the Ballarat Public Hospital on June 8,
portions of the lesson. attend them all the way. 1936. Brother Quick had been ailing for
Among all the spiritual exercises of the R. GOVETT. several months, but the end came suddenly.
Sabbath, the Sabbath school is the most He embraced the Advent message in 1912
cherished in my heart. There is a reason under the personal labours of Brother Alf
Davies, and was baptised with his wife in
for this. I shall never forget the first day
that I attended a Sabbath school. That OBITUARY the same year by Pastor J. E. Steed. Later
first visit resulted in the greatest experi he had the joy of witnessing the baptism
ence of my life. It was there that I took of eight of the nine children of his family.
LOVEJOY.— On June 14, in the Royal For twenty-four years Brother Quick, was
my stand for Christ. Through the in- North Shore Hospital, Margaret Lovejoy,
fluence of the Sabbath school I was led to a member of the Ballarat church. During
at the age of sixty-one years, passed peace- the recent Week of Prayer our brother's
decide definitely for the truth. A won- fully to rest. Sister Lovejoy accepted the
derful experience of hope, peace, and vic- testimony was one of assurance and con-
message of present truth under the labours
tory followd that decision which I always fidence in God and His message, and his
of Pastor F. W. Paap at Galston about plea was for all to hold fast to the truth,
look upon as a miracle of divine grace. twenty-seven years ago. During the later
Can you wonder that I love the Sabbath no matter what man might do or say. The
years of her life, she endured much last Sabbath morning , of his life, as the
school? CHARLIE SOUTHWELL. physical suffering, but through it all mani- writer stood by his bedside he again ex-
fested a patient and cheerful spirit. We pressed his confidence in the Lord. The
laid her to rest in the Anglican cemetery, esteem in which Brother Quick was held
Notes from Adelaide Dural, to await the voice of the Life-giver by a large circle of friends was evidenced
on the resurrection morning. She leaves to by the number of floral tributes and the
(From a Letter) mourn their loss four sons and. three last respects paid by so many, both .at
It was planned for me to spend the daughters and many grandchildren, to
the home and the graveside. On Jun,e 10
Week of Prayer with the Prospect church, whom we extend heartfelt sympathy. we laid him to rest in the Creswick ceme-
and we arranged. to have early morning E. PERRY.
tery to await the call of the Life-giver. To
meetings for the young people. The the bereaved wife, five daughters, and four
MUNRO.— On June 30, at the residence
weather was glorious through the week and sons, we extend our heartfelt sympathy, be-
of her sister, Mrs. Ford, at Glen Iris, Mel-
we had a splendid time. The average at- bourne, Alice Louisa (Dolly), the beloved lieving our brother will rise again on the
tendance was thirty-four, although on one wife of Walter G. Munro, and daughter of resurrection morn, when death will give
occasion there were forty-two young the late Alfred and Rose Walker, formerly place to life evermore.
people present. G. J. PARKER.
of Bendigo, fell asleep in Jesus at the age
I am proud of the young people in Pros-
of sixty-one years. We laid. her to rest in
pect; I was thrilled by the way they came the Burwood Road Cemetery, to wait the
out to the meetings, and. I know that very call of Him who said, "I am the resurrec- Return Thanks
definite help was received. The evening tion and the life." Words of sympathy
services also were very well attended. and prayer for the bereaved by Pastor G. Mrs. J. D. Quick and family sincerely
When one or two of the other churches thank the many kind friends for the love
G. Stewart and the writer were spoken at
learned that we were having early morn- L. CURROW. and sympathy expressed in telegrams, let-
the graveside.
ing meetings, it was decided that the ters, personal expressions, and beautiful
Kensington folk would meet at six-thirty NIPPRESS.— At the age of sixty-one floral tributes received during their recent
for an hour on the last Sabbath morning. years, Sister Isabel Nippress, of Wan- sad bereavement. Will each friend please
Pastor Patching had a very successful garatta, Vic., passed peacefully to rest on accept this as an expression of their deep
meeting with them. As a result, the Ken- June 11, after ten days' illness caused by appreciation and gratitude.
sington members have decided to have two shock and. chill following the death of her
prayer meetings a week,—one at six-fifteen Mrs. W. Blakey of Cooranbong desires
brother, whom she had nursed through his
every Sabbath ni3rning, as well as the to thank sincerely all who assisted her in
last sickness. Sister Nippress accepted the
Wednesday night meeting. nursing her late mother, Mrs. Ann Furby,
Advent message through reading a few old
We had. cards printed with extracts from copies of the "Signs of the Times" about during her recent illness, also those who so
the Spirit of Prophecy as a Souvenir for twenty-seven years ago. Later, her be- kindly assisted with their cars during that
the Prospect 1936 Week of Prayer. lief was confirmed through her attendance time and at the funeral services.
Miss Ineen Cornwell of Melbourne has at a tent mission conducted at Whitfield Mrs. E. J. Upham sincerely thanks kind
recently connected with the teaching staff by Pastors Smart, Waldorf, and C. Head. friends for the sympathy and love ex-
at the Prospect Central School, where her Among our members none was more con- pressed. in letters and telegrams in her
work is greatly appreciated, as well as by sistently loyal than Sister Nippress, who recent sad bereavement, especially Pastor
the Adelaide church members, who have ap- was indeed an "example of the believers," Whitehead and members of the Concord
pointed her as young people's leader for both in devotion to and service for God. church. The prayers of God's people and
the ensuing period. Missionary work was her delight. Her the assistance rendered have been much
The Adelaide church building is nearing loved ones have cause to treasure words appreciated.

Ite•-••••rerrren......errrrpwrrrtyrnwerrevwcf years will be elected, and other- business On entering the Auditorium for the first
transacted. time, I thought, Wherever in such a crowd
gutztratuoiattrarb We have had several inquiries from as this shall I find any of the people I
THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE those thinking of attending as to accom- know? Just then as I looked over the sea
modation and other matters. We are plan- of heads I caught sight of a familiar face
OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS ning lodging accommodation for the dele- in the centre of a company of people. It
gation at the Victoria Palace, Little Col- was Rangoso, the Solomon Island chief.
lins Street, and the Melbourne Sanitarium Almost the same instant he saw me, and
Editor: Viola M. Rogers Health Food Cafe is planning to care for up went his hand in welcome. What a
the boarding needs of those attending the scene! Here was this black brother, once
Single Subscription, per year, post paid . 5/- a cannibal, from away over yonder in the
Order through your conference office, or Visitors other than delegates can secure Solutions, standing in this seething mass,
send direct to the Avondale Press,
Cooranbong, N.S.W. accommodation in any section of Mel- and on glimpsing one he knew, forgetting
bourne, and even at the Victoria Palace. for the time everything and everybody
Printed weekly for the Conference by the
The Secretary of the Victorian Con- around, he came forward to give me a
ference, Brother F. J. Butler, will be glad hearty handshake.
to assist any who may need counsel as to Whilst we were speaking with this
The clipping from the Melbourne accommodation, or visitors can make their brother, another, not black, came forward,
"Herald" which we reprint on another own arrangements. All will be heartily took my hand, and with his happy smile
page, was given prominence in Sydney, welcomed to this meeting. welcomed me to America, at the same time
Brisbane, Melbourne, and Newcastle dailies May God's richest blessing attend this expressing his wish for God's richest bless-
on the same day. important gathering. To this end we should ing to rest upon us during our visit among
all pray. S. V. STRATFORD, them. This was Pastor Fulton.
It is with sorrow that we record the Acting Secretary. One after another they came, and all
sudden death of Pastor R. Govett on July with that lovable way, until I could only
9. When in seemingly excellent health, remark, Oh, this is marvellous! When first
Pastor Govett was suddenly cut down by I accepted this message my friends and
a paralytic stroke, and passed away within Incoming Missionaries relatives said scornfully, "What are you
a few hours. Much sympathy is felt for going to do? You will starve. Nobody
Sister Govett and their son Robert. An From every organised mission field in will want you; you will be friendless and
obituary notice will be given later. the South Pacific, the leaders of the work helpless." And here I was surrounded
will soon be gathering in Melbourne for the with men from all parts of the globe, ex-
From Vilirupu, Papua, Sister C. B. largest and most important meeting in this
Mitchell wrote by the latest mail: "We pressing their welcome to such a meeting
Division. Each field will be represented as this. Truly this is a wonderful family
are pleased to have all the news again. We by its superintendent, as follows: G. L.
rejoice with the church in all that prospers to belong to.
Sterling, from Eastern Polynesia; H, B. P. Soon I found my way to the Austral-
God's work, and sorrow with those who Wicks, from the Cook Islands; R. Reye,
are passing through sorrow. When all the asian delegates' seats. During the days
Samoa; H. L. Tolhurst, Tonga; R. W. Lane, that followed, many were the inspiring
news is read we sit and talk it over as Fiji; G. H. Engelbrecht, New Hebrides;
only those do who are far away from home messages received. For what purpose has
W. 0. Broad, Solomon Islands; G. Pea- that large map been placed there? was
and loved ones. At present we have the cock, New Guinea; and W. N. Lock,
`Diari' and Pastor Lock with us. There the question that ran through the minds of
Papua. the vast audience one morning, as the Sec-
was a big 'Sail-Oh' yesterday, and sure In addition, our veteran missionaries,
enough, it was the `Diari.' Brother Lock retary of the General Conference came for-
Pastor and Mrs. G. F. Jones, are coming ward to read his report. Not long had we
brought all our goods and had news to in from Lord Howe Island; while •New
tell us that we had not heard, so we sat to wait for the answer. "You will see by
Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands will be our map," said Pastor M. E. Kern as he
and listened-in. Today my husband and represented by Miss C. F. Guiot.
he have gone on a visit to an outstation. proceeded, "that the vision Sister White
Nor is the meeting to be without its had years ago is being rapidly fulfilled.
They will return tomorrow, so we must native representatives. Ratu Mosese
have our mail ready, as one never knows She said she saw jets of light spring up
(Moses) is coming from Fiji; and for the here and there, illuminating the whole
when he may have another chance to send first time Pitcairn Island is sending a
mail to Port. Parcels and letters have world, and the map before you shows that
delegate. Having been invited by the this is the very thing that has taken place.
just been sent over from a neighbouring Union Conference Committee to select a
plantation, to go to Port by the `Diari.' " Each decade of the progress of this mes-
representative, the church on Pitcairn has sage is shown by the globes that will light
"We rejoice to see how the message is appointed its elder, Brother Fred Chris- at their set time."
spreading," Sister C. E. Mitchell continues, tian. Brother Christian writes that he has The first ten years had only one little
"and to see people come and ask to be long cherished a desire to visit Australia, light, showing the founding place. Later a
baptised. We have been conducting a and is delighted to accept the invitation. few more shone forth, and then more, and
baptismal class here for a few months. more, and still more, until the whole map
Last Sabbath just before meeting time the was a blaze of light. So thrilled. was I,
policeman, the ex-policeman, and some
other leading village men came over to
Some Impressions I looked to see what effect the display
had on Rangoso, who was seated along-
the mission to join the class. They have With almost 25,000 miles of travel be- side of me. With eyes almost standing
been taking studies in their own village, hind me, I arrived at the colossal Audi- out of his head he exclaimed, "Hann na
but wanted more. Everywhere we hear torium in San Francisco on the morning of tina! Kisa gua tie!" (You by the thous-
good reports, and people calling for May 26, only a few hours before the open- ands! You, my friends!) And he continued,
teachers." ing of the greatest world conference of "Oh, if only my people in the Solomon
Seventh-day Adventists. As I stepped Islands could see this! It's beyond me.
from the train in which we had been The Seventh-day Adventists are every-
speeding toward this place for the past where; the message of Revelation 14 is
Fourteenth Session three days, it seemed that everywhere fulfilled." This is just what it seemed to
Seventh-day Adventists were to be seen, me, that the third angel's message has
AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE belted the world, and with the switch in
bent on one object, that of hearing mes-
The fourteenth session of the Austral- sages of progress from the uttermost parts Goad's hand He could turn it and in a
asian Union Conference of Seventh-day Ad- of the world. Conductors on trains and moment of time all who have not heard
ventists will convene at Central Hall, Lit- trams knew it. Taxi drivers had driven it could hear.
tle Collins St., Melbourne, Victoria, on hundreds from trains and wharves to the The whole Conference impressed me as a
Tuesday, September 1, at 7.45 p.m., when all hotels where these visitors were to stay. wonderful testimony of God's saving grace.
delegates are requested to be present. Hotel waiters had shown the thousands It showed most forcibly that amidst
Reports of the various activities of the to their rooms. Cafes had cooked tons of all the turmoil and strife of the world, its
Union Conference, together with local con- food for these hungry men and women; trials and temptations and persecutions,
ference work, will receive attention. The and scarcely was there a business place God has a people who are standing true
officers of the Union for the coming four without some notice of welcome. to Him. J. D. ANDERSON,

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