My Star, My Love

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My Star,My Love

by yncassie

Lee ~~~~~~~
-fan of DBSK, especially Yunho
-attractive, sweet, kind, obtuse with other’s feelings

Kim Jaejoong
-member o DBSK
-hates SM Lee and left the group secretly

Jung Yunho
-member of DBSK

Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin from DBSK

You were a Cassiopeia and you were crazy about Yunho. But one day you met Jaejoong in
person and slowly developed feelings towards him(but you didn’t realize). Suddenly Yunho
came into your life and revealed his feelings towards you. What would you do? And who would
you choose?
Chapter 1


DBSK & SM Lee were in the meeting room.

“YAH! I’m tired of this!” Jaejoong shouted.
“Well, I don’t care! No matter what, you have to take these jobs and make money!” SM roared
back. Furious, he walked away and shut the door with a loud ‘bang’.
“Huh, make money? For you? You fucker,” Jaejoong shouted back bitterly.
“Hyung, I think you better listen to him,” said Changmin, “Before he gets someone to beat you
“NO WAY!!” shouted Jaejoong, “I’m sick of him!”

Late at night, DBSK went back to their apartment.

-Jaejoong’s POV-
* I better get out of here, or else I will be working to death! *
“Oh my God! It’s already 3 in the morning!” Junsu yawned while looking at his watch.
“Let’s take a rest. We have to wake up early tomorrow…oops! I mean today,” Yunho walked to
his room, “Night guys!”
Jaejoong waited until everyone was back in their rooms and he secretly packed his belongings
and left.

-The next morning-

Junsu came out from his room rubbing his eyes. Suddenly, he eyed a letter on the dining table.
Out of curiosity, he instantly took a look of it. After reading the first few lines, he quickly went
to the rooms of the rest of DBSK.
“Hyungs, wake up! Jaejoong hyung’s gone!” he screamed anxiously.
“Wha…what?! Jaejoong hyung’s gone? Why?” Yoochun was totally awake now after hearing
the news.
“He didn’t say,” Junsu was trying to explain, “He just left this on the table and------
“Give me the letter,” Yunho snatched from Junsu’s hand and read it out, “Sorry guys, but I gotta
get the hell out of here ‘cause I have had enough of SM’s shits. I’ll try to contact you once I’m
settled. You’re always hyung’s best friends…”
Everybody was in silence.
Suddenly, Changmin asked, “Should we tell SM? ‘cause DBSK is missing a member right now.”
“But hyung doesn’t want to come back! If we tell him, he’s gonna track hyung down,” Yoochun
pointed out.
They all sighed.
“Right,” Yunho hid the letter, “So we’ll say nothing about this if SM asks.”

Chapter 2

Meanwhile, Jaejoong was walking on the street in disguise.
-Jaejoong’s POV-
* God, this is the first time in all these years that I can finally walk on the street like
a normal guy. * Just when he was trying to enjoy this peaceful moment of
relaxation, a high-pitched voice shouted behind him, “Ooh! Is that Kim Jaejoong
from DBSK?”
Jaejoong turned his head and saw many girls screaming and running towards him,
“Oppa, wait up!”
* Shit! * He fled. Luckily he ran fast enough, leaving those fan girls a few blocks
behind. He was getting tired and was panting so he turned into an alley.
* Oh shit! Dead end! * He was so frustrated but there was no time to think, those
girls were coming.
Out of nowhere, a girl riding a motorcycle came out. (You! ^^)
-Your POV-
You saw a guy standing in the centre of the alley and constantly looking back in
* He looks quite familiar, but I can’t think of where have I seen him before. * You
thought while you were examining him.
“Hey! Do you need help?” you offered.
“Yeah, can you get me out of here? I’ll really appreciate it if you do me this favor,”
Jaejoong answered absentmindedly and kept on looking back to see if the fan girls
had caught up yet.
When you heard Jaejoong’s voice, you finally remembered who he was and you
exclaimed, “Omo, are you Hero Jaejoong?”
* Oh no! Is she a fan girl too? * While Jaejoong was worrying about it the two of you
heard the fan girls’ screams and you knew that they were approaching.
Sympathizing his dilemma and not wanting to get into trouble, you immediately
handed a helmet to Jaejoong, “I think we better get out of here first.”
“Where are we going?” Jaejoong hesitated. After all he didn’t know what kind of
person you were.
“We’ll talk about it after we get out of here, okay?” you became impatient as you
were quite scared about those fan girls, “If you want to stay alive, just hop on!”
Once Jaejoong was settled on the backseat, you sped up and went onto the main
road, but those crazy fan girls never let go. You were not familiar with other paths
and the only way was to go back to your house, so you decided to hide at your

-After a while-
“You can go now. Don’t think they’ll follow that far,” you took off your helmet.
Jaejoong was really confused now, as he didn’t know whether you had a hidden aganda. Yet,
when you took off your helmet, he was stunned by your beauty.
“Do you know who I am?” he suddenly asked.
“Yeah, as I’ve mentioned before,” you wondered why he suddenly acted so weird. * What’s in
the head of these celebrities? Do they all act in this way? *
“And are you going to act like those girls?” he straightforwardly asked.
“No,” you chuckled, “For me,, you’re just a n idol, that’s all.”
“Oh,” after knowing your thoughts, Jaejoong relaxed and tried to be friendly to you.
“So…” he rubbed the back of his head, “Er…thanks.”
“No problem,” you smiled.
“Well, I’m Jaejoong, as you know,” he chuckled nervously, “And you are…”
“I’m ~~~~~~~,” you gave out a hand. Jaejoong took it and shaked.
“Nice to meet you!” both of you said together. Then the two of you laughed.
* She’s so cute, * thought Jaejoong, * and she’s the first girl who treats me as a normal person in
all these years. *

Chapter 3

Can I Stay?
You two were in the garden of your house.
“Wow, your house’s awesome,” Jaejoong was admiring the architecture of it, “Do
you live here alone?”
“No, I live with my parents. I’m not rich enough to own a house like this,” you
laughed light-heartedly.
“So, am I going to meet your parents?” Jaejoong asked while you two walked for a
while and then sat on the bench.
“You won’t be seeing them in a while,” you answered casually, “In fact, they have
just started travelling around the world last month. So I am living alone now.”
You two then started talking about yourselves to know more about each other.
“So…where are you staying right now?” you asked after knowing that Jaejoong had
left the group secretly.
“Er…that’s the thing,” he rubbed the back of his head, “You know, I have no place
to go after I’ve ran away. So I wonder er… if I can… stay with you for a while?” he
asked nervously.
“Sure!” you answered without hesitation, “You can stay as long as you like. Plus my
parents are not around so their room is spared. You can sleep in their room.”
“Thanks, again,” Jaejoong was really grateful as you had helped him a lot. *
~~~~~~~ is really my angel.*
“It’s getting dark, let’s go inside,” you smiled and pulled Jaejoong to the front door.
“Come in,” you beamed.
As soon as Jaejoong walked in, a sense of jealousy rushed through his vein. * No
wonder she doesn’t really care even when she found out I am Jaejoong. *

Inside your house, posters of Yunho were on every single wall. (LoL)
“Wow, do your parents let you put on posters on the walls even in the living room?” Jaejoong
asked in a sarcastic tone, and also a hint of sourness.
“Ow, are you jealous?” you sensed his tone and said playfully.
Then you casually walked to the sofa and sat down, flipping through TV channels in a relaxed
manner and ignoring Jaejoong.
“Hey, you still haven’t answered my question,” Jaejoong sat down next to you and flipped to a
boring channel so that you would focus on his words.
“Well, I stick them up after my parents went onto their vacation,” you shrugged.
“So that’s why you acted in that way in the morning? Because your favourite is Yunho?”
Jaejoong was a bit hurt right now.
“Yeah I really like Yunho, but that’s different ‘cause he’s my idol but you are my friend. I can
take them down if you don’t like it,” you looked at Jaejoong sheepishly, hoping that he wouldn’t
be mad at you for a long time.
“Whatever,” Jaejoong said flatly. He picked up the remote control and flipped through the
“Please…don’t be mad at me,” you gave him the puppy-eyes look.
-Jaejoong’s POV-
* God, don’t look at me in that way, I just can’t stand it! * He felt his heart had skipped a beat
and his cheeks were burning. * Aish, what has happened to me? *
You nervously looked at him as you saw his face turning red and thought that he was really
angry with you. * Oh no! Have I gone too far? *
Just when you were trying to start a conversation, Jaejoong said, “Fine! I give up…… But you
have to put the posters away,” he quickly added.
“Phew! I thought you’re angry,” released, you gave him a quick hug.
“It’s late now, let’s eat,” you walked to the kitchen while Jaejoong was still shocked by your act.
“Jae, can you come and help me? ‘cause I’m not good at cooking,” you said sheepishly.
Jaejoong came around and took the pan from your hands, “From now on, I’ll be responsible for
cooking. Just say it’s for the rent.”
“~~~~~~~ -ah, why don’t you go and watch TV. I’ll call you once the food is ready,” then
Jaejoong continued to cook.
After a few minutes, you smelled a scent of delicious food which made your stomach growled.
“Dinner’s ready,” Jaejoong placed the dished on the table.
Since you two were starving, you started to dig in, “Wow! Jae, you are really a good cook,” you
said with your mouth full, “I haven’t eaten such delicious food after appa and omma have left.”
“So what have you been eating in those days?” Jaejoong asked.
“Every time I tried to cook, it ended up like crap. So I just had to eat instant noodles,” you
“Oh, poor you,” Jaejoong gently stroked your hair, “But you don’t have to worry about it
anymore ‘cause I’ll be cooking for you.”
“Thanks,” you smiled.
That night, you two continued chatting (kind of like knowing each other) until midnight.
“~~~~~~~ -ah?” Jaejoong had just taken a shower and gotten changed. He came back and found
you sleeping serenely on the sofa and didn’t want to wake you up.
-Jaejoong’s POV-
* She is so beautiful when she’s asleep…Oh, what am I thinking? I think I’m starting to fall for
her, even though she only sees me as a friend. I wish I would stand by her side forever. * Then
he carried you in bridal style and brought you back to your room

Chapter 4

-Some time later-
Jaejoong feared that SM would find him and force him to go back to DBSK and to be
his moneymaking machine so he withdrew all the money from his bank account and
transferred it to another account. He changed his cell phone number and sold his
old car and got another one so that there’s no way SM could find him. Not wanting
to catch the attention of others, he earned money from buying stocks. (Just to let
you know why he is so rich yet he doesn’t have to work. LoL)

As time passed, the two of you were really close, but you still didn’t know that Jaejoong had a
crush on you since he had hidden his feelings very well and you were absolutely obtuse when
others had feelings towards you. You two hanged out almost every day and did everything
together. Jaejoong had become your best friend.

One day, Jaejoong suddenly asked, “Why do you like Yunho the most?”
You didn’t know what to answer at that moment, after all you knew Jaejoong would be somehow
jealous, “huh? Oh… ‘cause he’s really good at dancing plus he’s handsome,” you tried not to
exaggerate. * That’s a normal answer, right? * You worried.
Jaejoong was trying hard not to lose his temper, * Stay calm, Jaejoong. Damn! Why does
~~~~~~~ -ah like Yunho? * He didn’t want to be jealous of his good friend, yet it’s definitely a
struggle when he knew that the girl he loved was kind of ‘in love with’ Yunho, “So who do you
like better, me or him?”
“Hey, that’s different. I know you but I don’t know Yunho. You know, it’s different between
liking a friend and liking an idol,” you fought back.
Jaejoong silently sighed. * You still haven’t denied that you like Yunho more that me, ~~~~~~~
-ah. *
‘Jae, can we have lunch now?” you pouted, “I’m hungry.”
“Shouldn’t you call me oppa? I’m older than you.” Actually, Jaejoong really wanted you to call
him oppa, so it sounded more like a couple. (xD)
“But…but I’ve been calling you ‘Jae’ for like two months? Why do you want me to call you
oppa anyways?” you still didn’t get it.
“I won’t cook if you don’t call me oppa FROM NOW ON. Besides, I’m not hungry at all, I don’t
mind skipping a meal,” he smirked and crossed his arms before his chest.
Defeated, you said, “Fine! I’ll call you oppa, okay? Jaejoong oppa, please can we have lunch
Jaejoong smiled and lightly patted your head, “That’s my good girl.” He seemed satisfied with it.
“Do you need any help, Jaejoong…oppa?” you asked.
“No, you just have to wait till the food’s ready, princess,” he continued with the cooking.
* Since when have I been ‘princess’? * you thought. But once Jaejoong had finished cooking,
you quickly put that thought aside.

Let in the night, Jaejoong called Yunho, “hey, it’s me.”

“Jaejoong hyung? Omo, I thought I would never hear from you again.”
“Yah, I’m only hiding from SM, not you guys. By the way, this is my new number. Now you can
contact me, right?” Jaejoong chuckled.
“But where do you live now? Can we visit you?”
“Er…” Jaejoong hesitated. He didn’t know what would happen if you meet Yunho in person.
And, most importantly, would you choose Yunho over him. “Maybe we’ll talk about it next time.
Call me when you have time. Bye.”
Jaejoong went into your room quietly so that he wouldn’t wake you up. You were sleeping
peacefully and seemed that you were having a sweet dream.
-Jaejoong’s POV-
* ~~~~~~~ -ah, forgive me if I don’t give you a chance to meet Yunho. I know you really like
him. But I’m scared that you would leave me if you know him. I really love you. Forever. * He
affectionately gazed at you and then kissed you on your soft cheek.

Chapter 5

Since you were a college student, you were going back to school after the holiday.
“Jaejoong oppa, I’m leaving now,” you hurried down the stairs looking at your
“Hey, what about your breakfast, ~~~~~~~ -ah?” Jaejoong was just about to put
your omelet onto the plate.
“I’m running out of time now---”
“No, you come back here ~~~~~~~ -ah, finish your breakfast and I’ll drive you to
school,” Jaejoong pulled you back and forced you to sit on the chair, “eat up.”
“Okay,” you quickly finished up your food.

-On the way to school-

“Thanks oppa. I thought I was going to be late in the first day,” you said gratefully.
“No problem. Besides, I think you’ll be a bit earlier when you arrived. Just calm down, alright?”
Jaejoong gazed at you and then quickly focused back onto the road.
“Hmm, you must be boring when I’m at school. So what are you going to do, oppa?” you
casually asked.
“Em…maybe I’ll meet DBSK. You know. I haven’t seen them for months.”
“Oh, so you’ll see Yunho too?” suddenly your eyes brightened up. * I really hope that I could
meet him. Plus Jaejoong oppa is his good friend so maybe we’ll become friends too. *
Just then, you arrived at the entrance of your school. “Go now. Call me when you’ve finished,
I’ll pick you up.” Jaejoong flashed a smile and winked at you. But inside, he was hurt by your
“Okay then, bye oppa,” you got out and waved while Jaejoong drove off.
“Hey, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” your good friend Hee Yeong patted your shoulder, “Who’s that handsome
guy in the car, your boyfriend?”
“Huh? No, he’s just my friend. Why do you say that anyways?” you raised you eyebrow and
looked at Hee Yeong.
“Nothing,” she shrugged, “Just that it seems like you two are really close,” she smirked.
“We’re close too. Does that mean that we’re together?” you tugged her arm and said playfully.
“Aish, you’re so dumb,” Hee Yeong rolled her eyes, “Seriously, ~~~~~~~ -ah, do you think you
would feel it if you’re in love with a guy?”
“Of course! I know I love Yunho,” you said innocently.
“Yah! It’s different! Plus that guy, whoever he is, does mean something to you right? If he’s
close enough to drive you to school.” Hee Yeong impatiently said.
“Told you, he’s just a good friend of mine, that’s all!”
“Ha! We’ll see! I say you’re in love with him. Let’s wait for a few months and tell me that he’s
JUST your friend, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” she said.
* Weird. Jaejoong oppa and I are just good friends. Why would Hee Yeong-ah think in this way?
* you silently thought. During lessons, you tried hard to concentrate on your teacher’s lecture but
the question kept on coming back to you.
While you were waiting for your lunch, Hee Yeong walked to you with her tray, “Thinking about
the question that I gave you?”
“No,” you shook your head, hoping that the thought would also leave you.
“Ha, I know you girl. Sure you have a crush on him,” Hee Yeong laughed.

Jaejoong was on his way to pick you up. * Why ~~~~~~~ -ah, why do you care for Yunho more
than me? You don’t even know him. * He was thinking about what you had said previously.
“Hey ~~~~~~~ -ah, are you done?” Jaejoong called you.
“Hi oppa, I’m coming.”
You saw his car and ran forward, “Jaejoong oppa, you’re early!”
“Come on, let’s go home,” he flashed a dazzling smile.
On the way back home, you frequently glanced at Jaejoong and thought about what Hee Yeong
had said earlier. * Do I like him as a guy but not as a friend? *
Suddenly Jaejoong looked at you affectionately, “What’s wrong?”
“N…nothing,” you slightly blushed and quickly looked out of the window so he couldn’t see
your face turning crimson.
* Hee Yeong-ah must be wrong. That’s just impossible. Jaejoong oppa and I are just friends. *

Chapter 6

Hang Out
It had been a while and you were on you holiday again. (XD, wonder which school
you’re in. Always having holidays.)
“Hey, ~~~~~~~ -ah, what should we do now?” You and Jaejoong were sitting on
the coach watching TV.
“Dunno,” you lazily placed your head on his shoulder, which nearly gave him a
heart attack.
“Wha…what! It’s your holiday. Let’s hang out,” he jumped up from his seat and
calmed himself down, “I’ll go and get changed. You should get prepared too,
~~~~~~~ -ah.”
You looked at him puzzled, wondering why he suddenly reacted in that way. “Okay,”
you shrugged.

Since Jaejoong’s disappearance, SM tried not to let the public know about it and DBSK had
attended less functions. As a result, people usually didn’t recognize Jaejoong now. But just to be
safe, he still wore a cap and kept himself as low profile as he could.

The two of you went into a shopping mall.

“It’s been a long time since I came here last time,” you said as you looked at some new shops
that were opened recently.
“It’s been YEARS that I can finally walk into a shopping mall without people screaming and
staring at me,” Jaejoong chuckled.
“Oh, right. That must be bad. I can’t imagine not going into a shopping centre for years,” you
lightly tugged his arms.
“At least I’ve run away. So I can enjoy hanging out now.” * And most importantly, to be with
you, ~~~~~~~ -ah. * He silently thought.
Suddenly, you spotted a jacket which you really liked, “Oppa, can I take a look at that?” you
pointed at the shop.
“Sure, let’s go in.”
You tried it on and asked, “How was it, oppa?”
“Everything’s good on you, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” he dazzlingly smiled.
You blushed slightly. Then you took a look at the price and it was outrageously expensive.
Although you came from a rich family, you decided not to buy it, “Come on, oppa, let’s go.”
“I thought you like that jacket,” he looked at you in surprise.
“But it’s not worth it,” you whispered to him since you were still in the shop.
* She’s so cute, * Jaejoong took out his credit card and gave it to the sales, “I’ll have that.”
“But oppa…”
“No buts. Since you’re a good girl, I’m giving you a prize,” he took the bag containing your new
jacket and handed it to you, “Here, you deserve it.”
“Thanks, oppa,” since you knew it costed Jaejoong a lot, you were quite guilty about it.
You two went on walking and you saw a silver necklace in a shop. * That’s nice, * you decided
to buy it for Jaejoong.
You dragged Jaejoong towards the boutique and asked the shopkeeper, “Can I have a look at that
* Does ~~~~~~~ -ah like this kind of boyish necklace? * He thought.
“I’ll have this. Thank you,” you quickly paid for it after you had examined it.
“Oppa, this looks good on you. Here,” you stood on your tiptoe and clasped it on Jaejoong’s
Jaejoong’s eyes widened, * She bought this for me? *
Seeing this, the shopkeeper thought that you two were couple and quickly added, “Oh! This is
actually a couple necklace and this is for girls,” she handed it to you.
“Oh, but we are not---”
“Let’s have a look. Oh, I think it’s nice on you ~~~~~~~ -ah. I’ll have this,” Jaejoong quickly
“Here,” this time, Jaejoong clasped it on your neck.
“Er…thanks.” * I owe him even more now, * you thought. * Guess that it’s fine for us to wear
couple necklace even though we’re not couple. After all we’re best friends. *

After a while, you guys walked to a plaza and suddenly you spotted an ice-cream store. “Oh, ice-
cream!” you squealed. And without realizing, you grabbed Jaejoong’s hand and rushed to the
“You love ice-cream?” he asked.
“YES! It’s my favourite!” you said as if you were an excited child, “My treat. What flavor do
you want?”
“Chocolate,” whenever Jaejoong looked at you, he just wanted to smile. * God, she’s so cute! *
“Okay. One chocolate and one strawberry please. Thank you.” You handed Jaejoong his
chocolate ice-cream and you started eating your strawberry ice-cream.
“Yummy!” you licked your lips. You two sat on a bench and enjoyed your ice-creams.
“Oppa, do you want some?” you handed Jaejoong your ice-cream.
“Sure. You want a try?” he gave his to you in exchange.
Chapter 7

Amusement Park
The next day you and Jaejoong decided to go to an amusement park. You had been
to the amusement park a few times but you had never tried riding on a roller
“~~~~~~~ -ah, that looks cool. Let’s try it,” Jaejoong pointed at the most scary-
looking roller coaster and exclaimed.
* Omo, * you felt your legs shaking.
“Are you scared, ~~~~~~~ -ah? If you are, we can do something else,” Jaejoong
saw your expression changed.
“No, it’s alright. Seems fun!” you didn’t want to let him down, * Maybe it’s not that
bad after all. Guess it won’t do any harm giving a try, right? *
“Oppa, let’s go,” you quickly pulled him to the roller coaster.
“~~~~~~~ -ah, are you sure you want to do this?” Jaejoong noticed your face
turning pale.
“Yeah, at least I should try once,” you weakly smiled.
As the roller coaster began and slowly accelerated to the top, you tightly shut your
eyes and instinctively grabbed Jaejoong’s hand.
Jaejoong was quite shocked a first but then he lightly squeezed your hand to
reassure you.
* I guess there’s something good about it when ~~~~~~~ -ah’s scared, * he lightly
“ARGH!!!!!!” you screamed and tightly held Jaejoong’s hand from the beginning till
the end.
When the roller coaster finally stopped, you tightly hugged Jaejoong and buried your
head into his chest.
“It’s alright now, ~~~~~~~ -ah, let’s go,” he gently stroked your hair.
“Guess this is my last time playing this,” you looked up and weakly smiled.
After that, you and Jaejoong played some more ‘less stimulating’ rides.

It was getting dark and you wished to look at the sunset, “Jaejoong oppa, let’s go to the ferris
wheel!” Then you noticed that Jaejoong stiffened, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Come on, let’s go,” he gently grabbed your hand and you two walked towards the
ferris wheel.
As you two went in, you started looking out and exclaimed, “Wow, Jaejoong oppa, look! The
sunset is so beautiful! Oppa?” you looked back and saw Jaejoong staring at the floor
expressionlessly, * What’s wrong? *
Then you suddenly realized and laughed, “Oh oppa. You are not afraid of those horrifying roller
coasters but you are scared of riding on a ferris wheel?”
“What! We are now a few stories high and it’s moving so slowly---
So you’re afraid of height?” you slyly smiled.
“Not if it is fast,” he looked at you so as to distract him from looking out.
“That means you are STILL afraid of height,” you teased.
“Yeah, kinda,” Jaejoong finally admitted.
“Aww, you are so cute,” you sat next to him and cupped his face with your hands.
“~~~~~~~ -ah,” Jaejoong gently grabbed your hands and slowly put them down, “I won’t be
scared if you’re with me,” he softly gazed at you.
Then you realized that your faces were only a couple inched apart. You felt Jaejoong’s breath
tickling you and your cheeks burning. You knew you were really red. Yet Jaejoong was still
staring straight into your eyes, making your heart thudded loudly.
Suddenly, you heard ‘snap’ and knew that the camera had taken a shot. (like when the rides
nearly end, they’ll take a photo)

When the two of you left the ferris wheel, a staff came up and said, “Today is our amusement
park’ 15th anniversary and we are giving out photos for free,” she said as she handed the photo
to you.
You looked at the photo and were so embarrassed as you saw the two of you in that ambiguous
Just then, Jaejoong willingly took the photo from the staff’s hand, “Thank you,” he smiled
* This is the best picture ever, * Jaejoong looked at the photo and thought about the scene which
you two nearly kissed.

Chapter 8

Since Jaejoong said he’s good at badminton, (in All About TVXQ season 3) he’s going
to teach you here. LoL.
You were tidying Jaejoong’s room one day and saw his badminton rackets, “Oh
Jaejoong oppa, do you play badminton?” you shouted out.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’d been learning badminton for a few years,” he suddenly popped
his head in.
“Oh, I wish I know how to play badminton,” you pouted.
“I can teach you if you want to learn, ~~~~~~~ -ah. Do you want to try it
tomorrow?” he asked.
“YES!!” you eagerly nodded.

-Next morning-
“Jaejoong oppa, wake up!” you rushed into his room, “let’s go to play badmin---
Then you realized that he was ONLY wearing his shorts, “Omo!” you instantly covered your
eyes with your hands.
“Argh shit, ~~~~~~~ -ah, I’m changing! Knock the door before you come in, okay?” he blushed
in embarrassment.
“I’ll…I’ll wait for you outside,” you quickly got out and closed the door.
* Omo! * you leaned on Jaejoong’s door, burying your face in your palms, * What am I doing?
Why is my heart beating so fast? *
After a while, Jaejoong brought the rackets and stuffs to his car and said to you, “Ready to go,
~~~~~~~ -ah?” he smiled uneasily.
“Yeah, sure,” you got into the car without looking at him. * God! It’s so embarrassed right now!
The two of you was in awkward silence but both of you didn’t know what to say.
You were about to press the button for some music but Jaejoong also planned to do that and your
fingers instantly touched. You felt as if there was a strong electric current and you quickly
shirked. * What’s happening to me lately? *
You finally arrived and you thought that things could not be like this any longer. You tried hard
to act normal, “Oppa, can we start now?”
Jaejoong was so surprised by your sudden change of tone, but he was also pleased that you two
were no longer in that awkward situation, “Sure!” he quickly gave you a racket and started to
teach you patiently.
After a while, when you were able to handle it, you started to play the game with Jaejoong. He
slowly served the ball to you and you played quite well throughout the game. Suddenly,
however, you jumped up to hit the ball and you accidentally sprained you ankle when landing.
“Ow,” you painfully screamed and sat on the floor.
“~~~~~~~ -ah! Are you hurt?” Jaejoong rushed to you and asked in concern.
“I guess so…ARGH! That hurts oppa,” tears were filling your eyes when Jaejoong examined
your injury and touched your ankle.
“It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have brought you here,” Jaejoong was so guilty that he kept on
blaming himself.
“No, oppa, don’t blame yourself. I’m always clumsy,” you smiled encouragingly.
“Come on, let’s go home now,” Before you could react, Jaejoong swiftly carried you in bridal
“Oppa, I can walk---
“Hush, I don’t want to worsen your injury.” * My heart breaks when I see you getting hurt,
~~~~~~~ -ah. *
Jaejoong carried you back home and laid you on the coach, “I’ll get the first-aid kit. Wait here.”
“I can’t go anywhere, remember?” you pointed at your ankle and joked.
“You’re just too optimistic, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” he lightly chuckled. Coming back with the first-aid
kit, Jaejoong treated your sprained ankle carefully.
“Ah!” you winced.
“Oh, I’m sorry, ~~~~~~~ -ah. Tell me if it hurts, okay?” Jaejoong gave you a concerned look
and then treated your ankle more delicately.
“Done!” Jaejoong gently patted your head.
“Thanks, oppa. I don’t know what would happen if you’re not with me,” you said with gratitude,
“But can you help me up? I can’t walk now.”
“At your service, princess,” he carried you in bridal style again and brought you back to your
room. He laid you on bed and tucked you in, “Good night, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” Jaejoong gently
brushed away your bangs.
“Night, Jaejoong oppa,” you smiled sweetly.
Then, Jaejoong gave you an unexpected kiss on your forehead and left, leaving you in
Chapter 9

It was near the end of term and you were going to have your exam soon. Although
you were doing quite well in class you were still very stressed .You started to lose
you appetite and eventually became really thin. You always locked yourself in your
room studying. Seeing your thin figure, Jaejoong was really worried about you,
“~~~~~~~ -ah, take a rest! You’ve been studying for 5 hours non-stop!”
“I’m fine, oppa,” you finally got out of your room and went to the kitchen to get a
glass of water, “call me when it’s dinner time.”
“But it’s only 3 o’clock in the afternoon!” he shouted after you shut the door again.
“Hmm, life is so boring without ~~~~~~~ -ah around,” Jaejoong whined. He tried
watching TV, listening to music, reading books, even composing songs, but there’s
no use, “URGH!!! SOOOOOO BORINGGGG! This is really driving me crazy!”
Then he heard some noise coming from your room, *is there something happening
to ~~~~~~~ -ah?” He quickly ran upstairs and gently knocked on your door,
“~~~~~~~ -ah, are you alright?”
Then he heard you screaming which got on his nerves and he rushed into your
room, “What’s wrong?” He saw you throwing things everywhere.
“Are you okay?” he grabbed your shoulders and lightly shook you.
“Yeah, I guess,” but you started crying.
Jaejoong tightly hugged you and you buried your head in his chest.
“It’s okay now, ~~~~~~~ -ah. Just tell me what’s bothering you,” he gently
stroked your hair.
“I’m okay. It’s just that I’m too stressed and I don’t understand some of the theories
and I get really frustrated,” you hugged his neck and cried again.
“Come, let’s go out,” Jaejoong gently wiped away your tears with his thumbs.
“To where? I still have to revise,” you asked.
“Oh forget about that for a while, okay? You’ve done enough revision today,” he
grabbed you hand and dragged you out.
“Get in,” he opened the door of his car.
Once Jaejoong started driving, you wondered where he was taking you to, “Oppa,
where are we going?”
“Just wait. We’ll be there soon,” he then concentrated back on the road.

“Okay, ~~~~~~~ -ah, let’s get out,” Then Jaejoong walked you to the beach, “Come on,
~~~~~~~ -ah. Do this. It will make you feel better,” he shouted for a long time towards the sea,
“I’m done. Now it’s your turn,” he encouragingly smiled.
“Alright,” you took a deep breath, and then you shouted, “ARH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, it really
works. I feel a lot better now. Thanks, oppa,” you beamed.
“No need to thank me. You are the one who release your own stress, not me. But you have to
promise me, ~~~~~~~ -ah, don’t ever put too much pressure on yourself again,” he looked at you
“I promise, oppa,” you smiled, “Since we’re here now, let’s have some fun!” you ran towards the
seaside. Jaejoong was concerned about you and he rushed forward too. You turned around and
splashed water on him, “got cha,” you laughed and ran away.
“AISH! YOU COME BACK HERE LEE ~~~~~~~!!!” he ran after you and took his revenge.
“YAH! Be careful, Kim Jaejoong. I’m gonna get you,” you pushed him on the ground and he
was completely soaked.
“Not so fast, young lady,” he grabbed you while you were about to run away and you landed on
Suddenly, Jaejoong realized that you were wearing a white T-shirt and now you were soaked
from head to toe. He quickly pulled you up, “It’s getting dark now. Let’s go back before you
catch cold,” he walked in front of you and lead you back to his car so as not to let you see his
face blushed in embarrassment. He quickly grabbed his jacket in the car and cover you up,
“Wear it, or you’ll get cold.”
“How about you oppa? You’re all wet too,” you saw water dripping from his hair.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Plus you will have your exam soon, so don’t get sick,” he tried
not to look at your body. (lol)

Chapter 10

-The next day-
It was already 10 o’clock in the morning but Jaejoong was still in his room.
“Oppa, it’s already late in the morning. Are you okay?” you gently knocked the
door, “I’m coming in.
When you stepped in, you saw Jaejoong was still lying in bed.
* Lazy Jaejoong! * you thought. Then you heard him coughing and sneezing. “Omo!
Jaejoong oppa! Are you sick because of yesterday?” you gently shook him in
“I guess * cough cough * I’m just a little unwell * cough cough *, that’s all *cough *”
he looked at you reassuringly.
“NO, it’s not a LITTLE unwell,” you touched his forehead, “Oh my God! You are
burning! Stay here, I’ll be back soon.” You got out of the room. A couple of minutes
later, you came back with an ice bag and put it on Jaejoong’s forehead, “Don’t
move, okay? I’ll make you some congee and buy some medicine. You gotta take
some rest.”
Jaejoong nodded and closed his eyes.

Later, you were finally back, “Oppa, wake up and eat some congee,” you softly patted his
“Did you make it, ~~~~~~~ -ah?” Jaejoong asked curiously. * ~~~~~~~ -ah mentioned that she
can’t cook… *
“Yeah, hope it isn’t too bad,” you sheepishly said. As Jaejoong started to eat, you worriedly
looked at his reaction.
“Well, not bad at all. In fact, it’s quite good,” Jaejoong gave you a thumbs-up.
“Thanks,” you beamed, “I’ll go out now, so you can rest.” You were about to stand up but
Jaejoong suddenly grabbed your arm, “Don’t go. Stay with me,” he pleaded.
“Okay,” you sat next to his bed and gently brushed his bangs from his eyes, “Just sleep. I’ll stay
Jaejoong closed his eyes. But suddenly he asked, “~~~~~~~ -ah, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, oppa,” you leaned closer.
“Remember the first day that we met? You were so tough then. But now you’re different. You
even stop riding your motorcycle,” he chuckled.
“Really? I don’t even notice that I’ve changed,” you thought for a while, “but Hee Yeong –ah
also said that I treat friends very differently than I treat other people,” you shrugged, “After all,
I’m not good at directions, and now I have a good driver, I don’t have to drive anymore,” you
“So I’m just your driver?” Jaejoong pretended to be angry.
“No no no, I’m just kidding. You are my best friend!” you were worried that he would really get
Jaejoong remained silence as he was deep in his thought. * Am I only your best friend, ~~~~~~~
-ah? Why don’t you know my feelings? *
You didn’t know what Jaejoong was thinking and thought that he was really mad at you,
“Jaejoong oppa, I’m just kidding. Please don’t be angry with me,” you looked at him with puppy
eyes, “Hey, say something!”
“Huh? Oh, don’t worry, oppa will never be mad at you, okay? Silly girl,” he stroked you hair
“Then what are you thinking just now?” you curiously looked at him.
“Noth…nothing,” he lied.
“Okay then, I’ll go out now. You really need to sleep. Or just a nap. And the medicine is on your
desk. Take it when you wake up, okay? Fighting!” you gave Jaejoong a hug unexpectedly and
then you left the room.
After you had left, Jaejoong was as red as a tomato because of your sudden reaction. * I just have
my body temperature back to normal. Now she wants me to have a fever again? God! * He
sighed and sank into his bed.

Chapter 11

Meeting DBSK
Finally! I know you guys are waiting for Yunho!! LoL^^
It had been a while and Jaejoong was fully recovered. You also finished your exam
and resulted in good grades. Everything was back to normal now and the two of you
stuck together everyday as usual.

“~~~~~~~ -ah, let’s go out and have tea,” Jaejoong said eagerly, “Say it’s to celebrate for your
exam results.”
He brought you to this café. “Do you come here often, oppa?” you asked.
“Yeah, I used to come here at least once a week. I think it’s the best café I’ve ever had,” he
chuckled. He held your hand and you two walked into the café.

As you two walked in, you heard a familiar voice shouted out, “Jaejoong hyung!”
* Yunho?! * You instantly looked back and saw YUNHO with the rest of the DBSK in person.
You instinctively let go of Jaejoong’s tight grip.
“Hehe, hyung, is that your girlfriend?” Junsu squealed.
“No,” Jaejoong hesitated, “We’re just friends.” He was thinking about your reaction just now, *
it’s Yunho again, * he silently sighed.
“Guys,” Jaejoong tried to act normal, “This is ~~~~~~~,” he put his hand on your shoulder and
pulled you closer to him, “I’m staying at her place now.”
“Oooh, so you guys are LIVING TOGETHER now?” Yoochun slyly chuckled.
“Hey, get the dirty thoughts out of your mind, Park Yoochun,” Jaejoong gave him dead glares.
But you weren’t listening. * OMO, this is like a dream come true! Seeing Yunho oppa in person
and he smiled at me! Aish, I feel I’m going to explode! *
“Jaejoong hyung, ~~~~~~~ -ah, come sit down,” Changmin said, “I’m hungry, let’s order
You sat next to Jaejoong and Yunho which made your heart beat really quickly. But Yunho
seemed to be deep in his thoughts. He didn’t say a word after he saw you. * Is there something
wrong happening? Oh no, maybe Yunho oppa doesn’t like me. * you worried.
Just then, Yunho leaned closer to you, “~~~~~~~ -ah, do you happen to have a sister or a cousin
that looks like you?”
You slightly blushed because of the distance between you and Yunho. Then you politely
answered, “No, I’m the only child and I don’t have any cousins.”
“What’s wrong?” Jaejoong asked.
“Nothing, just that ~~~~~~~ -ah looks like someone I knew,” Yunho smiled warmly, which
melted you instantly and made you feel weak.
Jaejoong sensed that you had behaved differently so he gently grabbed your hand, “~~~~~~~
-ah, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I guess,” when you met DBSK, especially Yunho, you finally became aware that you and
Jaejoong seemed to be too close. You let go of Jaejoong’s hand, fearing that Yunho would
misunderstand your relationship.
* Why is it always Yunho? * Jaejoong couldn’t stop envying him after he figured out what was
going on.
But the rest of DBSK didn’t realize the tension and they quickly became friends with you after a
few chats.
“Hey ~~~~~~~ -ah, since we’re all older than you, you should call us oppa,” Junsu stated.
“Sure, Junsu oppa,” you giggled.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong was talking with Yunho in private.

“You think ~~~~~~~ -ah is related to her?” Jaejoong asked.
“At first I thought so. But then they are so different. And ~~~~~~~ -ah’s surname is Lee, not
Cho,” Yunho replied.
“Right, I don’t think ~~~~~~~ -ah knows anyone with the surname ‘Cho’,” Jaejoong said, “But
you still can’t get over it, right?”
“It’s been years since she broke up with me,” Yunho simply replied, “But you two…are you
really just friends, hyung?”
“Huh? Oh…yeah, just friends.”

You were still chatting with Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin on another side so you couldn’t hear
Jaejoong and Yunho’s conversation and didn’t know what they were talking about.
“Aw, I miss Jaejoong hyung’s cooking,” Changmin pouted.
“Such an eating machine,” Yoochun chuckled and rubbed Changmin’s hair.
“Why don’t you guys come and eat with us?” you invited.
“Oh great!! How about tonight?” Changmin exclaimed.
“Yeah,” then you shouted out, “Jaejoong oppa, is it okay if oppas come around for dinner
“Sure. Let’s go guys,” Jaejoong pulled you closer towards him as all of you walked out.

Chapter 12

Hi guys! Since today is my birthday I’ve decided to write this chapter. I try to make
this chappie longer XD. Enjoy~
Since then, you and DBSK became close friends (jealous~XD), but you were still the
closest with Jaejoong. They always came around to your home now, as they had
fewer jobs because of Jaejoong’s leave. Although you still felt nervous every time
you faced Yunho, you managed to act normal and treated him just as you treated
the rest of them.

You were at school having lectures while Jaejoong secretly called a meeting.
“Sup, hyung,” Yoochun greeted as DBSK went into your house.
“Hey guys,” Jaejoong started once they were settled, “I need your help. ~~~~~~~ -ah’s birthday
is on this Saturday, and it’s only two days from now. Her parents are still travelling so we should
celebrate with her, right? I want to give her the most unforgettable birthday she has ever had and
we better start to prepare.”
“That’s great! I love parties!” Junsu squeaked.
“Then we better go and buy presents for her now,” said Yunho.
“Right, you guys go to buy presents first. I’ll get some ingredients for the birthday cake and
snacks,” Jaejoong quickly grabbed his wallet.
“I go with you, hyung,” Changmin’s eyes sparkled once the word ‘food’ was mentioned.
“Then I’ll buy materials for decorating the house,” Yoochun offered.
“Thanks for helping, guys,” Jaejoong said gratefully.
“No problem! ~~~~~~~ -ah is also our good friend, right?” Junsu grinned.

Finally, the big day had come.

You didn’t know that DBSK had prepared a party for you.
“Jaejoong oppa, I’ll go back to school for a while,” you shouted out.
“Alright, see you later,” Jaejoong called out and quickly phoned DBSK, “ ~~~~~~~ -ah’s gone
now. Come quickly.”
They came in a few minutes and started decorating the house while Jaejoong was baking your
favorite cheese cake. He also prepared some snacks for all of you.
“Yah, Changmin-ah, stop eating the snacks! Or ~~~~~~~ -ah will have nothing to eat!” Jaejoong
shouted to Changmin.
“Fine. Last one,” Changmin quickly grabbed one and popped it into his mouth.
“Aish,” Jaejoong looked at his watch, “~~~~~~~ -ah is about to leave school now. Yunho-ah,
can you go and pick her up?”
“Sure,” Yunho grabbed the key and went out while the rest kept on preparing.

You were about to leave school. As you walked to the main entrance, you saw Jaejoong’s car. *
Is Jaejoong oppa here to pick me up? *
But as you got closer, you saw Yunho instead.
“Hey, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” Yunho greeted you, “Let’s go home.”
“Hi Yunho oppa,” you sweetly smiled as you got into the car.
Yunho suddenly felt his heart beating faster. * What’s wrong with me? Right, just that ~~~~~~~
-ah looks like my ex-girlfriend, that’s all. Oh, but ~~~~~~~ -ah smiles exactly like her! Gosh,
how can someone be so alike? *
“Yunho oppa, are you okay?” you looked at him with your big eyes, “Is there something
bothering you?”
Yunho couldn’t manage to have eye contact with you. He felt that his cheeks were heated.
Some time later, you finally arrived home.
Yunho opened the door for you. “Thank you,” you beamed as you stepped out of the car.
Yunho’s heart fluttered when he saw you smile. * Damn, what’s wrong with me lately? *
“~~~~~~~ -ah, let’s go in,” Yunho ushered you to the door and pressed the bell.
As soon as the door was opened, you heard a loud roar, “Happy birthday, ~~~~~~~ -ah!”
You saw DBSK warmly welcomed you, “Omo, how do you know today’s my birthday, oppas?”
your eyes filled with tears of joy.
“Aish, ~~~~~~~ -ah, don’t cry. It’s your birthday,” Junsu said.
* I really want to hold her in my arms now, * Jaejoong and Yunho thought at the same time.
“Come on, ~~~~~~~ -ah, don’t just stand there. Let’s have your birthday cake,” Changmin
patted your head and dragged you to the dining room eagerly.
“Do you think of other things other than food?” you let out a laugh.
Right then, Yoochun brought out the birthday cake and DBSK sang the birthday song to you in
chorus. Your eyes were once again filled with tears, “You sang beautifully, oppas. This is the
best birthday I have ever had. I wish that appa and omma were here too,” you quietly added.
Jaejoong heard it and gave you a tight hug, “They maybe back soon, ~~~~~~~ -ah.” Seeing this
scene, Yunho was fumed suddenly.
“Why don’t we give our presents to our birthday girl now,” Yunho said deliberately, wanting to
separate you and Jaejoong.
“Yeah,” you quickly broke away from Jaejoong’s arms.
DBSK took out the presents and you opened them one by one.
Changmin gave you a limited edition T-shirt, “Thanks Changmin oppa. This is the coolest T-
shirt I’ve ever had.”
Junsu bought you a handbag, “Junsu oppa, I love it! Thanks.”
Yoochun gave you a delicate key chain that was made of crystal, “Oh, it’s so beautiful! Thank
you, Yoochun oppa!”
You beamed and hugged each of them.
Then, it was Yunho’s turn, “~~~~~~~ -ah, hope you’ll like it,” he softly gazed at you and handed
you the present. It was a charm bracelet.
“It’s gorgeous. Thanks, Yunho oppa!” you smiled and hugged him.
Jaejoong was burning with anger and he quickly took out his gift, “~~~~~~~ -ah, this is for you.”
You opened the box and found a ring carved with ‘My Angel ~~~~~~~’ on the inside. “Thanks,
Jaejoong op---
Jaejoong tightly hugged you before you could finish your sentence. Then he held your hand and
slipped the ring onto your finger, “Happy birthday,” he whispered into your ear.

Chapter 14

It had been a while after your birthday and you had to go back to school again.
“~~~~~~~ -ah, are you ready? We better go now or you’ll be late,” Jaejoong was
waiting for you at the front door.
“Coming,” you rushed down from the your room.
Jaejoong opened the door for you while you stepped into his car. “~~~~~~~ -ah,
can you go home by yourself today ‘cause I have things to do, sorry,” as Jaejoong
took your hand while his other hand driving on the wheel, you felt your cheeks
heated and your pulse beating faster and faster.
“N…no problem, oppa,” you gave him a warm smile which instantly melted
Jaejoong’s heart.

-After school-
When you arrived home later in the afternoon, you heard noises coming from your house, *
Someone is in my house?! Oh no, is it a burglar? *
You tightly gripped your cell phone in case something went wrong and you quietly opened the
“Yunho oppa!!” you shouted in relief but also a sense of anger, “How did you come in? You’ve
scared me!”
“No, YOU have scared me, ~~~~~~~ -ah. Don’t shout behind my back!” Yunho said.
“You haven’t answered me yet. How did you get in?” you raised an eyebrow.
He shrugged, “The spare key’s just under the mat. I saw Jaejoong used it.”
“So why are you here?” you asked as you took a seat next to him on the coach.
“Just wanna see you,” Yunho casually put his arms around your shoulder, pulling you closer to
him and gently rested his head onto yours.
The sudden touch turned your face as red as a tomato and nearly gave you a heart attack. Both of
you stayed in this position in awkward silence. * Why is Yunho oppa acting so weird lately? *
You looked up and saw him seemingly at ease, * And how can he be so calm? *
“Why are you staring at me?” Yunho teased, “Am I that good looking?”
“Yah…” just when you were thinking how to answer him, the phone suddenly rang. * Saved! *
-On the line-
“Yeoboseyo,” you said.
“Is this Lee Jung Hee’s family?”
“Yes, I’m his daughter.”
“I’m very sorry to tell you that Mr. and Mrs. Lee were killed in a car accident in Paris. Their
bodies have already been sent back to Seoul. Please come and identify their bodies in the
following three days…”
Tears streamed down to your cheeks and filled your eyes which blurred your vision.
“Miss Lee? Miss Lee?”
“Yes, I’m here. Araso, I’ll go tomorrow,” you tried hard to control yourself.
“What’s wrong?” Yunho panicked as he saw you cried.
“Appa and omma…died. They’re gone…forever,” you breathed heavily while you spoke.
* Oh no! * Yunho quickly got up and hugged you tightly. You buried your head into his chest
and sobbed. He gently stroked your hair, rocking you back and forth.
“~~~~~~~ -ah, please don’t cry. Your parents will not want to see you in tears,” he pulled you
closer, “I’m here for you, ~~~~~~~ -ah.”
Right then, Jaejoong was back and he was just going to open the door. But he caught a glimpse
of you and Yunho hugging each other through the window. He was fumed instantly, * So you
two are in love with each other, huh? *
He ran back to his car and drove onto the highway at 200km/h.
A few hours later Jaejoong finally went back to your house. He was still angry and he shut the
door loudly when he came in which made you jump.
“Oh, Jaejoong oppa, you’re back,” you weakly smiled.
Once Jaejoong saw your red and puffy eyes, he knew that you had cried. He anger vanished right
at that moment and asked in concerned, “Babe, why did you cry?”
“My parents…they died in an accident,” you tried to hold back your tears but failed. Then you
started to cry again.
* Oh, so that’s why Yunho hugged her. * Jaejoong felt really guilty for being mad at you when
you were suffering from your sorrow.
“Sorry, I should be there for you,” he softly kissed your forehead and hugged you tightly.
“It’s alright, oppa,” you said while you rested your head on his chest, “At least you’re here now.”

Chapter 15

Oppa Loves Me?

Two weeks had passed after your parents’ death. Although you still went to school
and did things as usual, you seldom spoke now and you had never smiled since that
day. DBSK, especially Jaejoong and Yunho, worried about you a lot.
“This is not good for her,” Yunho frowned, “She might get a depression eventually.”
“I know!” Jaejoong buried his face into his hands, “But what can we do?”
“Maybe we can take her out,” Junsu suggested.
Yoochun shook his head, “She’s the only one who can help herself to come over it.”
Just then, you came back from school.
“She’s back,” Changmin whispered.
“Hey ~~~~~~~ -ah,” DBSK greeted you together.
“Oh, hi oppas,” you weakly smiled. But all of them noticed that there was no joy in
your smile.
They sighed as you went back to your room.

One day, you and Jaejoong went to the grocery store to shop like any other day. He noticed that
the ring he gave you was still on your finger. * She always put that on. * His heart fluttered in
happiness while he smiled.
But then, as he eyed on your wrist, his expression instantly changed. Jaejoong’s attention was on
the bracelet which clasped around your wrist. He examined it only to find that it was the charm
bracelet given by Yunho. He was now burning in envy.
“Do you always wear that bracelet, ~~~~~~~ -ah?” he pointed at it.
“Yeah,” you casually answered, “Like I always wear your ring and Changmin oppa’s T-shirt and
use Junsu oppa’s bag with Yoochun oppa’s key chain on it.”
But Jaejoong was still angry at the fact that you always treated Yunho differently since that day
when he saw you two hugging.
As you two reached home, Jaejoong suddenly dragged you to the living room and sat you on the
“I have something to tell you, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” he looked straight into your eyes seriously.
“Yes, Jaejoong oppa?” you tried to look away but you were mesmerized by his hypnotizing eyes.
“~~~~~~~ -ah,” Jaejoong sat next to you and gently held your hand, “I…I love you.”
You blinked at him in shock. * What? Jaejoong oppa…is in love with me? How is that possible?
* Right before you could react, Jaejoong’s lips crushed onto yours.
Your mind suddenly went blank since you had received too much information in a short time. *
Appa and omma have just died and now Jaejoong oppa says he loves me. * You were so
Jaejoong noticed that you weren’t kissing him back and you were spacing out.
“Mianhe,” Jaejoong drew back and apologized. He stood up and walked away.
“Wait, oppa…” But Jaejoong just ignored you and went straight to his room.
Your head was flooded with millions of thoughts. Part of you denied your feelings towards
Jaejoong, persuading yourself that you only liked him as a friend. But another part of you was
going to explode in happiness after hearing Jaejoong’s words.
* I’m so confused! Someone please come and help me! * you shouted in your head. But once
you had this idea, you instantly thought of your dead parents and your eyes were moisted again.
You ran back into your room and covered yourself under your blanket. “What should I do?” you
silently whispered to yourself.

Chapter 16

Yunho's Feelings
Back in Jaejoong’s room, he was lying on his bed, * Aish! What have I done just
now? ~~~~~~~ -ah is definitely going to hate me! * He covered his face with his

The next day, Jaejoong went out early so as to avoid you. He went to Yunho’s place and seek for
help. He told Yunho his feelings towards you and the situation he was in.
“Hyung, I thought you said that you and ~~~~~~~ -ah are just friends,” Yunho frowned as he
took a sip of his coffee. * Shit. I don't want to be in love with the same girl as my best friend, but
I’m certainly not gonna give up. *
“Well I have a crush on her for a long time. Just that she would never figure it out if I didn’t tell
her. Aish, she’s so obtuse,” Jaejoong whined.
“So what are you going to do now?” Yunho suddenly asked.
“Yah, I don't know how to face her again after my confession,” Jaejoong buried his face into his
palms and sighed. But he didn't tell Yunho about his kissing you that night.
“Hyung, I have something to tell you too,” Yunho solemnly said to Jaejoong suddenly.
“What?” Jaejoong looked up.
“I…I,” Yunho scratched the back of his head and sighed, “I’m also in love with ~~~~~~~ -ah.”
“Huh?” Jaejoong couldn’t believe his ears. He just stared at Yunho in shock, “Are you serious?”
“Sorry,” Yunho looked away.
“Maybe I should go now,” Jaejoong said uneasily and left.

-Jaejoong’s POV-
“What?! Yunho is also in love with ~~~~~~~ -ah? How could he betray me?” he said to himself
in disbelief.
* ~~~~~~~ -ah likes Yunho a lot and now he is in love with her. I simply don't have the
confidence now. If ~~~~~~~ -ah knows, I bet she’ll leave me and go to Yunho. After all I’m just
a friend to her, * he desperately sighed, * ~~~~~~~ -ah might be happier if she’s with Yunho. *
The thought angered him but at the same time hurt him deeply. His heart ached every time he
thought about you.

Meanwhile Yunho went to see you. * Even though they have been living together for a long
time, ~~~~~~~ -ah may not love hyung as a guy. Maybe I still have a chance. *
“Hi, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” he greeted you, “Are you alright? You seem…puzzled.”
“I’m just a bit…confused,” you tried to avoid talking about this topic.
“About what?” Yunho slyly asked.
* Does Yunho oppa know? But it just happened yesterday. How come he seems to know
everything? * you raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” you lied. “Just that I’ve been thinking recently.”
“Boys?” Yunho gave you that I-know-what-you-are-thinking look.
Once you’d heard what Yunho said, you slightly stiffened.
“So?” he asked again.
“Well, sort of,” you hesitated, “Aish, I just don't know!”
“Yunho oppa, have you ever been in love with a girl who doesn't know about your feelings?”
you suddenly asked.
“I’m always in that situation,” he casually answered. * In fact, I am NOW facing that situation.
And you are the one making me like that, ~~~~~~~ -ah, * he silently chuckled.
“So did the girl find out later? How did she react?” you impatiently asked, hoping to get an
answer that could save you from your situation.
“What do you think?” Yunho passed it back to you, “My advice is, be aware of others’ feelings.”
* And hopefully, you will discover my feelings towards you, ~~~~~~~ -ah. *

Chapter 17

You hadn’t seen Jaejoong for nearly a week. He left the house early in the morning
and came back after you were asleep. Although you knew he still came back to
sleep, you really missed him a lot.
One day, you decided that you needed a talk with him so you woke up before the
sun rose and waited for him in the living room.
However, hours had passed but there was no sign of Jaejoong. You went up and
knocked his door, “Jaejoong oppa, I want to talk to you.” But there was no reply.
* Strange. * “I’m coming in now,” you gently twisted the knob and walked in.
The room was so tidy as if no one had used it before. Jaejoong’s belongings were
gone. It was as neat as the day your parents left.
You sank onto the floor and your mind went blank.
* Jaejoong oppa has left me too? * you thought in disbelief and your tears started
streaming down.
“No, I have to find him. What if he’s in trouble?” you wiped away your tears with
your arms and quickly grabbed your cell phone and dialed Jaejoong’s number.
“Jaejoong op---” all you heard was the voice mail.
You kept on dialing but it’s still the same.
“Jaejoong oppa, please I need to talk to you. Call me back when you get my
message, okay?” you left your 15th message in tears.
* Appa and omma had left me. Now you are leaving me too, oppa? * you lied on the
bed and wept quietly.

A long time had passed but you still hadn’t heard from Jaejoong. Later, you decided to call
Yunho and hoped that he was in touch with Jaejoong.
“Yunho oppa,” you sobbed again, “Do you know where is Jaejoong oppa?”
“What’s wrong, ~~~~~~~ -ah?” hearing your shaky voice, Yunho was very concerned.
“Jaejoong oppa is missing. He took all his belongings and he didn't answer my calls…”
“Hold on, I'll come over to your house,” then Yunho cut the line.
A few minutes later, you heard your front door slapped open. You thought Jaejoong was back
and you turned your head immediately, but then you remembered that Yunho was coming.
“Oh, Yunho oppa,” you smiled, but you couldn't hide your disappointment.
“Sorry that I’m not Jaejoong,” he gave you a warm smile.
“No, I’m happy that you are here,” you slightly blushed in embarrassment and then hugged him
Yunho was shocked at first, but then he tightly hugged you back.
“Everyone has left me,” you cried in his arms, “I’m scared.”
“Don’t worry, I’m here,” he gently stroked your hair, * I’ll stay with you as long as you want
me, ~~~~~~~ -ah. *
Your tears had soaked Yunho’s shirt but he didn’t mind. All he wanted to do was to soothe you
and make you happy.
“~~~~~~~ -ah, don't cry,” he cupped your face and wiped away your tears with his thumbs, “My
heart breaks every time you’re sad.”
Your cheeks slightly heated. Then you took a deep breath and nodded, “Right. I have enough
cries today. My eyes will be puffy,” you joked.
“Good that you are optimistic again,” Yunho ruffled your hair.
“Hey! You’ve made my hair untidy!” you raised an eyebrow and pretended to be angry.
“You’re mean to your oppa,” Yunho pouted.
“Just kidding,” you laughed.
Yunho was glad to see you laugh again. You hadn’t truly smiled after your parents’ death and
Jaejoong’s leave.
* I wish we could stay like this forever, ~~~~~~~ -ah, * Yunho gazed at you with much
Chapter 18

The next morning you heard some noise and you woke up.
* Who’s that? * you wondered and quickly walked down the stairs.
“Yunho oppa?” Yunho was standing in the centre of your living room with a huge
suitcase, “What are you doing here?”
Yunho’s eyes nearly popped out from his eye sockets as he saw you only in your
tank top and hot pants. * Stop staring Jung Yunho, you look like a pervert, * he
thought to himself.
“Hey, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” his face turned red and he tried not to look at you, “Umm,
I’m moving in with you. I think you need accompany.”
You looked down and suddenly realized the reason why Yunho had blushed, “Shit!
I’ll be back in a moment,” you quickly dashed back to your room.
A few minutes later, you went back to the living room with your clothes changed
into T-shirts and shorts.
“Hey, sorry,” you sheepishly smiled as you sat next to Yunho on the coach.
“No, I should apologize,” then the two of you blushed again.
“~~~~~~~ -ah, can I stay with you?” Yunho changed the subject so as to end the
awkward situation.
“Hmm? Sure,” you suddenly felt sad when you thought about your parents and
Jaejoong who had once stayed with you in the same house, “Come, I’ll show you the
You were about to grabbed Yunho’s suitcase but he swiftly lifted it up, “It’s heavy,
how can I let you to carry it for me?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Okay then,” you beamed and took Yunho’s hand, giving him butterflies in his
stomach, and lead him to his room.

You and Yunho watched movie for the rest of the day. You constantly reminded yourself that
everything was fine even though deep inside your heart, you felt as if there was a hole. You
didn’t know how to explain it. It was like a part of you was missing. This feeling was even worse
than the sorrow you had when you knew that your parents had passed away.

In the middle of the night, strong wind and rain were slapping and banging on the windows.
Then there was a spark of bright light followed by a deafening roar of thunder.
“ARGH!!” you screamed with tears streaming down your cheeks.
You immediately thought of Jaejoong, wishing him to hold you in his arms and stroke your hair,
telling you that everything was fine. * Please Jaejoong oppa, come back. I miss you. * you
silently prayed as you heard another roar outside.
Once Yunho heard you scream, he quickly dashed into your room.
“What’s wrong, ~~~~~~~ -ah?” Yunho said softly while he sat next to your bed. He worried
when he saw the tears stained on your face.
“Nothing,” you quickly wiped your tears away and reluctantly smiled, “It’s just…Argh!”
Thunder roared again. You instinctively buried your head into Yunho’s chest. He hugged you
closer and gently soothed your back.
“It’s okay, don't be scared. I’m here,” he whispered into your ears and stroked your hair.
“I don’t think it is going to stop soon,” he said as he tugged you in bed, “But don’t worry, just
“Yunho oppa…I can’t,” you murmured.
“You’re really scared of thunder, aren’t you,” he softly gazed at you.
You nodded.
“Do you want me to stay here?” he asked.
“If you don’t mind,” you looked at him pleadingly.
“Alright,” then he suddenly hopped onto your bed and lay next to you. Your eyes widened in
shock. But then you felt safe when he was by your side and you quickly fell asleep.
While you were deep in your dreams, Yunho’s arms snaked around your waist and pulled you
closer to him so that your back was against his chest.
Yunho whispered softly into your ears, “~~~~~~~ -ah, you don’t have to be scared anymore. I’ll
always be there for you.” Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 19

Sweet Yunho
The next morning as you woke up, you found yourself encircled by…ARMS?!
You were about to scream. But then you suddenly remembered yesterday’s
incident. * Right, it’s just Yunho oppa. *
You turned around and were about to wake him up. Just then you realized that your
faces were only inches apart. Your face flushed pink but you couldn’t help but
stared at Yunho’s handsome face that fascinated you all the time. * He looks so
peaceful. Maybe I shouldn’t wake him up. *
You gently broke away from his strong arms. But then, you felt a firm grip on your
wrist, “~~~~~~~ -ah, where are you going?”
You turned around and saw Yunho gazing at you tenderly.
“Morning oppa. I thought you were still sleeping and I don’t want to wake you up,”
you gave him a warm smile.
Yunho’s heart instantly melted, * I wish I could wake up everyday and see her by
my side, being the first one to greet me. *
“I’m up,” Yunho got out of your bed, “Seems like today is a sunny day, ~~~~~~~
-ah,” he looked out of the window and then looked back at you and smiled.
You blushed slightly, “Yunho oppa, er…thanks for yesterday.”
“No problem,” he flashed a smile, “If you’re scared again, just let me know. I’ll be
there for you.”
Yunho went out of your room and shouted, “~~~~~~~ -ah, you better get change
now. We’ll go out soon.”
“Where are we going?” you quickly asked. But Yunho was already gone.

“Yunho oppa, you still haven’t told me where we’re going,” you asked as you two were strolling
along the street.
“To the mall,” he casually said.
“But why?”
“You were frightened yesterday, so you have to calm down and relax. Don't girls love to shop?”
he smiled as you two walked into a shopping mall.
But once you were in the mall, you immediately thought of Jaejoong. You remembered him
buying you presents and exchanging gifts and having a great time eating ice-creams.
You felt your eyes moisted and you swallowed hard, * Jaejoong oppa, where are you? I just want
to know if you are alright. Please, just a phone call will do. *
You didn’t talk much and didn’t pay much attention to the shops. Yunho noticed your expression
changed, “What’s the matter?” he asked in concern.
“Nothing,” you lied.
Yunho knew that your mind was occupied with something but he knew you wouldn’t tell him
about it. Then, he came up with an idea.
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you to somewhere else.
“Yunho oppa, what are you doing?” you asked in shock.
“You’ll know when we get there,” he smiled.
A few minutes later, he brought you to the photo booth.
“Yunho oppa, how do you know I like to come here?” you raised an eyebrow.
“My little sister likes to come here too. So I think this can cheer you up,” he shrugged.
“Thanks oppa,” you beamed, “Let’s go in!”
The two of you went in and took several pictures with cute and lovely poses.
At the last shot, you and Yunho were closed to each other, your cheek against his.
Yunho suddenly turned his face and kissed you on the cheek.
Your eyes widened, “Oppa…”
“I love you, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” Yunho looked deeply into your eyes.

Chapter 20

Yunho suddenly turned his face and kissed you on the cheek.
Your eyes widened, “Oppa…”
“I love you, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” Yunho looked deeply into your eyes.
You looked at him dumbfounded, * Omo, another oppa is in love with me now? *
“You’re so oblivious, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” he lightly chuckled, “Would you ever notice if
no one tells you about it?”
“Yunho oppa, sorry. I…I don’t know. I’ve never thought of this. I…I just don’t know,”
you suddenly felt so frustrated with yourself that your eyes were filled with tears.
“Come on. ~~~~~~~ -ah, maybe we should go home,” he grabbed your shoulder
but you instinctively shook him off, “I need some time to think. I’ll go home later,”
you weakly smiled.
Yunho looked at you walking away, hurt.
You aimlessly walked on the street but you couldn’t think. Then you went back to your house
and locked yourself in your room.
* How can this be happening? Both Jaejoong oppa and Yunho oppa are my friends. But now
they said they are in love with me. What should I do now? Argh! I’m so confused right now! *
You took out your cell phone and dialed.
-On the line-
“Hee Yeong-ah, it’s me.”
“Oh, ~~~~~~~ -ah, what’s wrong?” Hee Yeong heard your voice became shaky.
“I’m just wondering…how can I know if I’m in love with a guy?”
“The guy who drove you to school last time, right?” you heard her smirked.
“Aish, honestly, I really don’t know.”
“Well then, do you miss him most of the time? Do you want him to be always by your side more
than anyone else?”
“Then you’re falling for him.”
“But I’ve always treated him as a good friend!”
“Well most relationships are started off with friendships.”
“Okay…I need some time to think.”
“Then tell me when you’ve reached a decision. Bye.”

You kept on thinking. Then you realized that you had been thinking of Jaejoong since the day he
left. You wished he would come and soothe you when you were frightened. You wanted to share
all your joy with him. You hoped that he would always be by your side no matter what
* Jaejoong oppa, I think I’m in love with you, * you finally discovered your feelings towards
You instantly grabbed your phone and called Jaejoong but he never picked it up.
Then you called Hee Yeong again while you grabbed your leather jacket and key.
“Hee Yeong-ah. I think I really love him.”
“Thank God! You’ve finally figured out!”
“But the problem is, I can’t find him.” You then told her about Jaejoong running away. Of course
you didn’t say it was Hero Jaejoong.
“Are there any places that’s special to the two of you?”
“Thanks. Bye.”
“Wait---” But you had already cut the line.
You ran out and quickly hopped onto your motorcycle. * Where are you, Jaejoong oppa? * you
worriedly thought.
You thought of all those places that you and Jaejoong had went to. You searched for every places
you could think of.
First you went back to the alley which you two first met.
* Shit, there’s no way he would be here. It’s a dead end. * you mentally slapped yourself for how
stupid you had acted.
Then you thought of that day when you had saved Jaejoong, he was riding your motorcycle with
you. * We’re in the same alley. And I’m wearing the same jacket and riding the same
motorcycle. But you are not here oppa. * you felt your eyes moisted again. You swallowed hard
and then continued to look for Jaejoong.
Suddenly, your phone rang. You thought it was Jaejoong and quickly answered it with your heart
pounding rapidly, “Jae-”
“~~~~~~~ -ah! Where are you? I thought you were going home,” you felt a bit disappointed
when you heard Yunho’s voice.
“Yunho oppa,” you took a deep breath, “I’m sorry.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“I…I think I’m falling for Jaejoong oppa…sorry.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” but you heard his tone saddened.
“I’ll go and look for him. Oppa, you’re always my good friend,” you quickly added.
Then you cut off the line and kept on your search for Jaejoong.

Chapter 21

Lost & Found

You went to the shopping mall where you and Jaejoong had your first date.
“Jaejoong oppa, where are you?” you whispered to yourself while you searched
every shop in every floor like mad.
Then you went to the plaza where you two had ice-creams. You sat on the same
bench, thinking of the sweet time that you had with Jaejoong, * Oppa, how would I
not realize my love for you? I was already in love with you before I even notice it.
Aish, I’m such a pabo. * You let out a laugh but tears kept streaming down your
You quickly left and went to Jaejoong’s favorite cafe, where you first met the rest of
DBSK, you also went to the badminton court but Jaejoong was nowhere in sight,
“Damn! Where else can he be?” you hushed to yourself. You were exhausted after
looking for him for the whole day but you didn’t care.
Again you hopped onto your motorcycle and hurried to the amusement park.
* Please be there oppa… * you thought as you sped up to 200km/h. However. When
you arrived, the park was already closed.
“Excuse me, are you sure that everybody has left the park?” you quickly asked once
you saw a staff.
“Yes miss. We double-check it every day before we close the park,” he confirmed.
“Oh, thanks,” you disappointedly sighed and drove away.
“YAH!! Where are you Kim Jaejoong!” you shouted in frustration and then you
started to cry.
* Wait, * you suddenly remembered that you had left out a place, * Last time when I
was stressed, oppa brought me to the beach. * you started the engine and headed
to the beach.

Jaejoong was sitting on the shore. Since it was already dark, everyone was gone. He closed his
eyes thinking of the time when you were playing and splashing with him, * It’s really my best
time when I was with you, ~~~~~~~ -ah, * he felt his eyes moisted and he swallowed hard.
“JAEJOONG OPPA!!!!” he heard a familiar voice shouting behind him.
He turned around and saw you, * Am I dreaming? God, I miss her too much. I must be having
illusions. *
“~~~~~~~ -ah-
Before Jaejoong could finish his sentence, you had already run towards him and tightly hugged
“~~~~~~~ -ah, is it really you? Am I dreaming?” he asked as he pulled you closer.
“Jaejoong oppa, I miss you,” your tears streaming down your face, “ I thought I wouldn’t find
Jaejoong wiped away your tears with his thumbs, “How do you know I’m here---
Suddenly you threw your arms around his neck and shut him up by kissing him. Jaejoong was
shocked by your sudden action. Nonetheless he happily kissed you back. After a while, you drew
back, “I love you, Jaejoong oppa.”
“Did you say you love me just now?” Jaejoong blinked, still didn’t believe what he had just
You shyly nodded.
He leaned in and kissed you again, this time more passionately.
Some time later, you and Jaejoong sat along the beach. Jaejoong’s arm was around your waist
while you rested your head on his shoulder.
“~~~~~~~ -ah,” he suddenly said, “I thought you would choose Yunho over me.”
“But I choose you, oppa,” you sweetly smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek, “I’ve told you,
loving a friend is different from loving an idol…I mean BOYFRIEND,” you quickly added,
emphasizing the word ‘boy’.
Jaejoong seemed to be pleased with your answer, “So, I’m your boyfriend now?” he softly gazed
at you, brushing your bangs away from your eyes and caressed your face to kiss you again.
“One more problem, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” Jaejoong said as he pulled away from the kiss, “I didn’t
drive here.”
“Don’t worry,” you smiled, “We’ll just take my motorcycle, then we go and pick up your things
and go back home.”
“Just like the day when we first met,” Jaejoong’s hand intertwined with yours as you two walked
towards your motorcycle.

Chapter 22

So this is the last chapter, hope you guys like it! And I’ll post my next fanfic on some times later(After my finals maybe)
Anyway, enjoy!
You and Jaejoong rode on your motorcycle, but this time he was the one driving
instead of you.
Your arms clasped around Jaejoong’s waist and tightly hugged him from the back
with your head rested on his back, while Jaejoong’s lips curled into a smile. * YES!!!
~~~~~~~ -ah is now MY girl!! *
When you and Jaejoong arrived home, you suddenly remembered that Yunho was staying in
your place, * Shit! Jaejoong oppa is going to be jealous if he finds out that Yunho oppa has
stayed here when he’s gone. What should I do? * you panicked.
You cautiously walked in, but Jaejoong didn’t notice a thing as he was too happy because of
your confession.
“Jaejoong oppa, let me help you to put your stuff back to your room,” you took his suitcase.
“No.” Jaejoong grabbed your wrist, “It’s heavy. Let me take it.”
“But…” but Jaejoong already took it and headed to his room.
You worriedly rushed up and walked in front of him, “ I’ll open the door,” you faked a smile.

You quickly opened the door, and surprisingly you saw…nothing.

Everything was in the right place, just as the day when Jaejoong left. And there was no sign the
Yunho had stayed before. * Phew, that was close, * you silently thought.
“Mmm, I’ll go and get change now. Take your time, oppa,” you smiled at Jaejoong and then left.
Back in your room, you found a letter on your desk. You opened it and read:
~~~~~~~ -ah, now that I know you love Jaejoong, I feel hurt every time I think of you. But don’t
feel bad about it. It will heal as time passes. Guess that there’s no point for me to stay here (don’t
want to interrupt you two :P), so I’m going back to DBSK, after all I am the leader and I gotta
look after them. Anyway, promise me that we’re still good friends, araso? I wish the two of you
happily ever after. But warn Jaejoong that if he makes you sad, I’ll come back. Just kidding XD.
Your eyes were a bit moisted when you knew that Yunho had left. But you also felt relieved as
you wouldn’t have to deal with two guys. * Sorry, Yunho oppa, I just can’t love you. But you’re
always my best friend, * you lightly chuckled.
“Hey babe,” Jaejoong suddenly popped in and made you jumped slightly, “What’s wrong? Are
you hiding something?” he joked.
You instinctively put down the letter but Jaejoong noticed it, “What are you doing just now?” he
started to get suspicious.
“Nothing, oppa. It’s just Yunho oppa saying that he’s going back to DBSK,” you sat down on
your bed.
“So he gives up? That means he doesn’t love you as much,” Jaejoong teased as he sat down next
to you.
“You’re so childish, oppa. He gave up because I told him that I love you, okay?” you chuckled.
Jaejoong’s face slightly reddened and he felt butterflies formed in his stomach.
“You just don’t know how much I love you, oppa,” you intertwined your hand with his and
sweetly smiled.
“Well, I know that I love you more, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” he affectionately gazed at you and planted a
kiss on your lips.

-A few months later-

“Oppa, where are we going now?” you asked as Jaejoong pushed you into his car and he started
“Shh, you’ll find out later, ~~~~~~~ -ah,” he slyly smiled and continued driving.
“Aish! Why are you always like that,” you whined and looked out of the window.
Jaejoong parked his car and opened the door for you, “ Close your eyes babe, don’t peek,” he
then covered your eyes with his hand.
“But oppa, I can’t see where I’m going!” you nearly tripped and fell while Jaejoong swiftly
grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him while his another hand still covering your eyes,
“Don’t worry. I’m right behind you,”
He lead you to walk for a while, “Okay, we’re here,” he said.
You could feel the mild breeze blowing and you could hear the sound of the waves. Jaejoong
slowly put down his hands, revealing the scene of the beach.
“Why are we here, oppa?” you turned around to face him and smiled curiously.
“We have a lot of memories here,” Jaejoong shrugged, “I think it’s special.”
“And I want us to have another special memories here,” he continue.
“Huh?” you looked at him dumbfounded.
Suddenly, Jaejoong knelt down in front of you and took out a small velvet box from his pocket.
He opened it and revealed a diamond ring, “~~~~~~~ -ah, will you marry me?”
You eyes were filled with tears of joy and you happily nodded, “Yes, Jaejoong oppa.”
Jaejoong slipped the ring onto your ring finger, “Do you like it, Mrs. Kim?”
You threw your arms around his neck and softly kissed his cheek, “You know what, I don’t care
if you were a star. Jaejoong oppa, you are my one and only love. Saranghae.”
“I love you too, ~~~~~~~ -ah. Forever and ever,” Jaejoong smiled and leaned it to give you a
passionate kiss.


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