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(Fav BV)—(Phrase TDJ)—(Sermon title SF)—(Butt whipping 8th grade)

(Empty)—Help Worship Leaders—5 people in crowd!

During uncertain times—Go back to what is familiar.
Fav passages—Written from time/place most panic!

Paul dreamed Rome (Preach—Prisoner) (Phil 4 writes)

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your
gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about
anything … Phil 4:4-6

How many you disobeyed command multiple times week? Dnbaaa

Don’t care how holy—How many Bible verses—Greek, Hebrew

Detailed eschatological discourse on book of Revelation—Greek!

Normal—Presentation—Meeting boss—Chemistry Exam—PromPosal!

Open News App—SM—TV—News—(Tiger King, OK)
Bombarded—Stress-Inducing News!

• All different levels anxiety—Kids entertained—Homeschool!

• Worried relative sick—Lost job—Potential global economic crisis!
• Battling anxiety and depression (not even sure why).
• Under attack—Worried—Afraid—Panic—Anxious


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace
of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7

Prayer—Praise—(Precedes Peace!)

Peace guards your heart and mind—Peace GUARDS.

• What you feel—PANIC!
• What you want—PEACE!

How do you have the peace guards your mind? (Pray—Praise!)

• Prayer and praise are the pathway from panic to peace.

Peace Guards Your Heart and Your Minds!—Peace Guards!


Trained—Several Martial Arts—Not good any—Nunchucks!

2 years drunk fights college—Tae Kwon Do—Aikido
1 private lesson Jujitsu—(Karate Kid 30 X)—(Sweep/Wax!)

Trained w/ Jody Nolan—Sparring partners—Chuck Norris!

Are you ready?—Anxiety! (Spinning backfist)

When Anxiety Attacks—Don’t Drop Your Guard!
Peter tells own version deal with anxiety—(Warning!)
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 8 Be alert and of
sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion
looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:7-8 (Fisherman) (On guard)

Devil is always—Swinging—Only hurts—If you Drop Your Guard!


The devil’s target is your mind—His weapon is his lies!

You won’t get thru this! Won’t pay bills! Won’t find job! Marriage survive
Get sick—Alone—Not ventilator—Your life over—If God really loved you…

The devil’s target is your mind—Weapon is his lies—Devil is liar!


Under attack?

Amy & I rarely argue—2 arguments! (Tornado)

One had a word—PG-13 (TVMA)

We dropped our GUARD!

Worry—Prayer needs church—Overwhelming
Can’t meet!—Hundreds employees.
Thousands churches need us—COL—(Free them, Not us)

Cutting back—Spending more!

Higher cost—Higher calling!
You don’t have what it takes…

Shortness of breath—Cast your cares!


When Anxiety Attacks—Don’t drop your guard—(Prayer—Praise)

Prayer—“All we can do is Pray!”

Prayer never our last resort—First line of offense.

Prayer—Not talking fancy, formal prayers—(Dinner, Church service)

Real prayer! Desperation!

Kind you don’t want someone to hear!

Don’t stop with prayers what you want.

Praise him! Prayers and Praise!

Rejoice in the Lord always!


Anyone can praise him when things good—Real faith praise in storm!

Praise him when I feel him—Praise him when I don’t!

I will bless the Lord at all times!

From the rising of the sun until the time it sets—Let name Lord praise!

What’s happened to me—(Prison) Served advance Gospel!
Clear whole palace guard—Chains for X!

Because my chains—Most Xians confident in Lord

Proclaim Gospel without fear!

Praising God for blessings others overlook!

Can’t meet physically—Digitally!

COL—Platform—20,000 churches!

Number People Faith in Christ COL all churches!
This week—Blow by 100k!

Current pace—See more saved than test positive Covid-19 in US!


Don’t drop Guard—(Pray—Praise!)

Praise wherever you are… Kind of praise makes the devil mad!
Passing from FEAR à FAITH… WORRY à PEACE


Rejoicing in the Lord—Always! He is near!

Not anxious about anything—Everything—Prayer—Praise—Present!
Peace of God guards my heart and mind!
You will get through this… Don’t drop your guard….


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