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Technologies for Digital, Distance and Open Education: Defining

What are Those

Nurul Mostafa Kamal Zafari

1. Abstract

Distance education brings education at learners doorsteps. How could this happen? It happens
because of technologies. Multidimensional technologies are used in the delivery,
presentation, monitoring, evaluation of distance education. This paper will focus on the
technologies and devices used in the delivery of distance education, open education and
elearning. Further as in Bangladesh, it is hosting a huge number of Rohingya population and
the hosting communities are also in need of much more educational support during this
COVID 19 homestay period. The paper will try find out some ways to serve the Rohingya
communities and hosting population with educational services to keep the learners attached
with their books and keep alive the continuity of their learning.

2. Keywords

Distance education, open education, digital learning, elearning, massive open online course,
life long learning, deep learning

3. Introduction

Education is the harmonious development of body, mind and soul . Education is the backbone
of a nation. Medium of education is the backbone of educational attainment. While the world
is changing and the way of life is changing, as a result people are engaging in much more
creative way to meet the essential goal of their lives. Education should not aim to idle in the
walled classroom and it should go to people to make them enable to enjoy their lives, to
pursue their dreams and to envision their ultimate destination of happiness. To this extent,
distance and open education and elearning brought a groundbreaking change in the lives of
hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Distance education is aims to provide
education at the doorsteps of the learners from a wide range of universities, education service
providers and institutions. Open education makes sure that people has access to the courses
even if they have no prior degrees that enables life long learning. Elearning is the open
courses provided by the organizations, service providers, companies and corporations for
their own employees or for the general mass where sometimes it requires authorization from
the employers or open in many cases.

4. Technologies used in Distance, Open and Elearning

4.1. Hardware Technologies
Radio and Television: Radio and television broadcasting has been used for educational
purposes for many years. There are different types of broadcast: public, cable, and satellite.
Some of the advantages of radio and television broadcasting are that they Audio- and
videotapes have come to play an increasingly important role as media for distance education.
These technologies are convenient and cost-effective. These media can be used to present the
views of experts, which would increase the credibility of and interest in the materials.
Materials that cannot be communicated by print could be communicated in this way. Video is
a powerful medium in terms of capturing attention, and conveying a lot of information
Cassette and cassette players: Cassette players is used to deliver distance education. The
fantastic side of this media is it could be payed anywhere and cassette players can be used
with a electricity connection or with batteries.
CD-ROM and DVD with DVD Players: CD ROM, DVD and DVD players are the early
media of delivering distance education. Accessibility is very easy into these devices.
Mobile phone: This is a long-range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data
communication over a network of specialized base stations known as cell sites. In addition to
the standard voice function of a mobile phone, telephone, current mobile phones may support
many additional services, and accessories, such as SMS for text messaging, email, gaming,
Bluetooth, infrared, camera with video recorder and MMS for sending and receiving photos
and video, MP3 player, radio and GPS.
Mobile phones are probably the most common device used for educational purposes.
Even though its functionalities are more limited than more advanced mobile devices, such as
laptops and handheld computers, the proliferation of mobile phones (reaching 4 billion
worldwide mobile subscriptions at the beginning of 2009) make this type of mobile
technology widely and broadly available for education. The downside is its small screen and
keyword size that restrict the annotation capability and the content presentation as well as
short battery life that impedes long periods of teaching and learning.
Text messaging, voice communication and pictures are the most used resources to basically
support each of pedagogical models.
For instance, mobile phones are commonly used for behaviourist learning, where students
send frequent vocabulary messages and revision material via SMS text messages. Mobile
phones also allow students to access multiple choice questions and answers, and practical
Smartphone: This is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities, often with
PC-like functionality. Usually, a smartphone is a phone that runs a complete operating system
software providing a standardized interface and platform for application developers. It also
provide advanced features like e-mail, Internet and e-book reader capabilities, and/or a built-
in full keyboard or external USB keyboard and VGA connector. In other words, it is a
miniature computer that has phone capability.
Growth in demand for advanced mobile devices boasting powerful processors, abundant
memory, large screens and open operating systems has outpaced the rest of the mobile phone
market for several years. The inconvenience of this technology is not being generally
affordable and the lack of standards across the different devices (i.e., learning material is
usually device-dependent when generated in a specific device and thus it is not presented in
the same way on every device).
Smartphones help fulfill certain phases of certain complex pedagogical models, such as the
behaviorist, social and context-aware learning paradigms, by making the most of advanced
features offered by these devices (e.g., retrieve and share with peers any type of data from the
Internet, identify the own’s surrounding location by the geographical information available,
review, listen and practice speaking, and provide services such as phrase translation, quizzes
and live coaching, etc.).
Laptop Personal Computer and Tablet Personal Computer: They are also referred as
Notebook PC and are personal computers designed for mobile use and small enough to sit on
one's lap. Both integrates most of the typical components of a desktop computer, including a
display, a keyboard, pointing device, speakers, and often including a rechargeable battery,
into a single small and light unit. A Tablet PC is equipped further with a touchscreen or
graphics tablet/screen hybrid to operate the computer with a stylus or digital pen, or a
fingertip, instead of a keyboard or mouse.
The downside is the relatively short battery life and portability. Since laptops and tablets
offer similar computer power and computing capability than traditional desktop computers,
they can be used to fully support the problem-based learning pedagogical model that by
offering the necessary mobility and full power, allowing learning groups to meet and fully
work in a library, bar, classroom, field etc. On the other hand, these devices are not suitable
for supporting context-aware and social learning, since its size restricts the portability and
usability in certain outdoors locations and for specific learning activities (e.g., field activities,
tourist visits, etc.).
Handheld Personal Computer: They are also referred as Palmtop PC or Pocket
PC, which is a term for a computer built around a form factor which is smaller than any
standard laptop computer. A personal digital assistant (PDA) is considered a handheld
computer. Newer PDA commonly have color screens and audio capabilities, enabling
them to be used as mobile phones (smartphones), web browsers, or portable media
players. Many PDAs can access the Internet, intranets or extranets. Many PDAs employ
touch screen technology.
Handheld devices are commonly used in the classroom for digital note taking. Students can
spell-check, modify, and amend their class notes or e-notes. Some educators distribute course
material through the use of the internet connectivity or infrared file sharing functions of the
PDA. Textbook publishers have begun to release ebooks, or electronic textbooks, which can
be uploaded directly to a PDA. Software companies have developed programs to meet the
instructional needs of educational institutions such as dictionaries, thesauri, word processing
software, encyclopedias and digital planning lessons.
PDA, more commonly than smartphones, are used by learners to support visits to museums,
field studies, etc. by having an interactive audio-visual tour, taking observational notes,
taking photo, querying networked database and comparing data, etc. Also, teachers use this
device to collect learners’ responses and results to tests and field activities and provide
feedback to them. This supports most of the pedagogical models, such as the constructivist
approach, by allowing learners to discover principles for themselves and acquire new
knowledge upon the foundation of the existing knowledge.
Portable media players: This is a consumer electronics device that is capable of storing and
playing digital media. Digital audio players that can also display images and play videos are
portable media players. The data is typically stored on a hard drive, microdrive, or flash
memory. Other types of mobile devices, like mobile phones, are sometimes referred as
portable media players because of their playback capabilities.
Podcasting is currently one of the most populars portable media formats used in education.
Podcasting is a term used to describe a collection of technologies for automatically
distributing audio and video programs over the internet. Podcasting enables independent
producers to create self-published, syndicated "radio shows," and gives broadcast radio or
television programs a new distribution method. Any digital audio player or computer with
audio-playing software can play podcasts. The term "podcast", however, still refers largely to
audio content distribution. They are usually audio and video programs on desktop computers,
laptops, iPods, smartphones, handhelds, and other mobile devices. Hundreds of free
educational programs are available online. Podcasting can support several pedagogical
models, such as context-aware learning, by offering news/issues related to the subject,
books/journals/films reviews, explanation of key concepts/terminologies, background
information about the subject, links to make wider connections, questions students should be
thinking about before the class, etc.
Discussion boards: Internet forums could be described as a web version of a newsgroup or
electronic mailing list allowing people to post messages and comment on other messages.
People participating in an Internet forum may cultivate social bonds and interest groups for a
topic may form from the discussions. Many online courses’ curricula includes the
participation of students in on-line webbased discussions with the aim of sharing and
discussing their ideas. Indeed, the discussion process plays an important social task where
participants can think about the activity being performed, collaborate with each other through
the exchange of ideas that may arise, propose new resolution mechanisms, as well as justify
and refine their own contributions and thus acquire new knowledge.
In addition to these social tools, Semantic Web and ontologies, are also considered in the
context of Web 2.0 for the provision of customized and dynamic learning (e.g., adapting the
learning content in different formats and with different technologies). They are eventually
integrated into advanced Learning Management Systems for mobile education, such as
4.2. Software Technologies
The table below will show the examples of tools used in the distance, open and elearning:
Sl. Area of use Tools
1 Assessment and Survey Respondus, Quiz Builder, StudyMate, Zoomerang,
Tools Survey Monkey, ExamBuilder
2 Asynchronous Email, Announcements, Discussion forum, SMS
3 Digital Repositories Google Scholar, ePortfolio, Equella,Youtube
4 Management and Turnitin, Gradebook, iGoogle, myYahoo
Administration tools
5 Photosharing Flickr, Gallery2, Zoomr, Picasa, Photobucket
6 Podcasts and Podcast, iLecture, iTunesU, MyPod, ePodcast
7 Shared Documents Google Docs, Zoho Writer, SlideShare, Elgg,
8 Social Bookmarking, CiteULike, Simple, Diigo, Connotea, digg,
9 Social Networking Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Ning, LinkedIn
10 Subscribed Content Google Reader, Bloglines, RSS Feeds
11 Synchronous Google Talk, iChat, CUworld, ICQ, Skype, Elluminate
Communications Live, MSN /Yahoo, messenger
12 Virtual Worlds Second Life (SL), Virtual Graffiti, 1eSimulations
13 Weblogs and Blogger, Wordpress, Twitter, RAMBLE, Yammer
14 Wiki PBWorks, Wikispaces, MediaWiki, 1WikidPad, Zwik
15 File clouding spaces Dropbox, iCloud, MI Cloud, Google Drive, One Drive

Assessment and Survey Tools: Survey and assessment tools are used to know the academic
trends and feedback from the students. Those could help the educators and course designers
to review their methodologies or contents for further review. SurveyMonkey or Zoomerang
can be used to get the student feedback in a moment. Respondus can be a great helping tool
in the field of mathematics. MathXL is used for automatic grading and targeted feedback as it
is self-paced and testing management systems. Online examinations tools help students
roaming from multiple choice questions to more sophisticated question criteria.
Visualizations tools help teachers to understand students’ cognitive level. VotApedia helps
large groups by enabling them to answer questions just using their mobile phones. Audience
Response System can help motivate and engage learners by providing simultaneous feedback
on their understanding.
Asynchronous Communication: In educational settings Email is a commonly used
asynchronous communication tool for one-to-one or one-to-many online communication. It
can transmit files that include text, graphics and other multimedia content with or in the
messages. The strengths of email include the immediacy of the technology, the ability to
connect and be connected, ease of use and flexibility. However these may be seen as
weaknesses as they create expectations upon the educator to be always connected and
Other weaknesses include the potential for misunderstandings through lack of non-verbal
triggers such as tone or mood, as well as the need to establish and enforce boundaries and
netiquette. Such weaknesses are accentuated when corresponding with distance students or
students with English as a Second Language (ESL).
Another type of asynchronous communication tool used in higher education is the discussion
forum, which allows participants to post to a bulletin board or forum which can be viewed
and responded to by others at any time. However a major disadvantage of discussion forums
is the length of time it takes to hold a conversation. The use of online discussion forums has
the potential to increase students’ participation and interaction when used as a supplement to
face-to-face learning activities. Announcements are a further type of asynchronous
communication tool useful and widely used in educational settings. An announcement is a
broadcast message to a predefined group of people such as a class of learners. It is a useful
way of notifying the group(s) of breaking news, last-minute events or simply reminders of
key dates.
Announcement tools are often incorporated into learning management systems.
Short message service (SMS) is a method for sending messages to mobile phones and these
are becoming more commonly embedded in higher education pedagogy. Additionally, an
SMS message can be sent from a mobile phone or from a computer connected to the Internet.
Digital Repositories: This category covers a plethora of different content management
systems and the search engines that index them. Digital repositories typical in higher
education incorporate online bibliographic databases that provide abstracts and indexing to
the world’s scientific and technical papers in wide-ranging disciplines. Bibliographic
databases, of which there are more than 100, include PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Web of
Knowledge, Web of Science and Google Scholar and are easily accessible through
institutional libraries.
Another type of digital repository is the learning repository created from combinations of in-
house and third-party resources, enabling academics to retrieve and share these resources.
The ePortfolio is a type of digital repository where the focus is on an individual’s collection
of artefacts. They facilitate the process of collecting, reflecting on, sharing, and presenting
learning outcomes and other professional accomplishments via a digital medium. EPortfolios
have been used in educational contexts such as:
• English language teaching for students to record and demonstrate evidence of learning and
• As a medium for creating awareness of the importance of lifelong learning for students;
• Professionals who are required to provide evidence of competence and professional
• Supporting and empowering women returning to employment;
• As a management system to store lesson plans of student teachers and allow subsequent
evaluation and detailed analysis. The use of ePortfolios can help students better understand
learning goals and reflect on the knowledge and skills they have developed.
Management and Administration Tools: Tools that are used for teaching and the
management of students and their learning include those tools used for administration of
students’ grades and reporting of student progress, and tools for the detection of plagiarism.
Also included here are tools to support the building of groups and provision of infrastructure
to support group work such as private discussion spaces and shared document spaces.
An electronic gradebook is a student information system which stores students’ demographic
data and allows grades and other data to be recorded. The data can be edited, released for
viewing and exported. Tracking and reporting tools provide the means to monitor students’
access to online components of a course or of completion of tasks.
Online plagiarism detection software is used in a variety of ways. It is often a way of
encouraging students to reference correctly and to write assignments in their own words. For
teachers it is a detection tool to ensure that work submitted by students is their own.
Online plagiarism software can also be used purely as an assignment submission tool.
Personalised homepages allow users to pull information such as news, weather, gadgets,
webpage links and RSS feeds from multiple sources into one fully customizable page.
Netvibes, Pageflakes, My Yahoo, iGoogle and Windows Live all allow the creation of
personalised homepages.
Photo Sharing: The use of photosharing websites has the potential to open lines of dialogue,
communication, and learning.
Flickr is an example of a website which enables the publishing of photos online so that they
can be shared with others either publicly or privately. Users can make annotations, leave
comments and have ongoing discussions about the images. The discussion generated by the
group remains visible in Flickr for future reference.
Photosharing sites can be used to compare and contrast images in fashion or art courses.
Students on a field trip, who take photos with their mobile phones, can instantly post them
online. Later the students can reflect and discuss, through the photosharing tool, their
experiences and observation with the rest of their learning community. Another example of
an educational use is the group of photography students who have collaborated across
universities to create and comment on virtual photo albums using Gallery2.
Podcasts and Streaming: The term podcast is a contraction of iPod and broadcast. A
podcast is an audio or video file (educational resources in this case) that can be created and
made available for download from the Internet to a computer or mobile device that is capable
of playing MP3 or MP4 files on demand.
Most podcasts have RSS capability (see subscribed content) allowing users to automate the
process of accessing recent additions. An alternative to podcasts are streamed files which
contain data sent in a compressed format that is played in real time at the destination. Unlike
podcasts, playing a streamed file can lead to stop-start reception depending on the speed at
which the data is transmitted. Such media is becoming commonplace in education,
particularly in distance learning with many of the world’s prestigious universities now
distributing their lectures through services such as iTunes (e.g. Stanford and Harvard).
Considerable research has been undertaken into the use of both teacher-generated and
studentgenerated podcasts in learning environments. The most common use of podcasts is for
delivery of lectures and supplementary recordings. With the advent of iTunesU, podcasting
was touted as the answer to learning anytime, anywhere and high profile universities made
podcasts of lecture series freely available.
Shared Documents: Numerous collaboration applications exist which enable the storing,
editing and reviewing of documents in a virtual space. This can be done by multiple
individuals, either in real time or asynchronously. By using a web browser and an application
such as Google Docs students can access a group’s documents, edit and save them. Shared
document technologies such as Google Docs are considered particularly useful if or when an
institution adopts gmail (google mail) as their email system, which has been the case in many
Australian universities. Such technologies are then extremely convenient particularly for
students. These collaboration technologies enable students and faculty to see what changes
have been made to the documents and by whom. This facility is not confined to text
documents but a group can be working collaboratively on spreadsheets and presentations
which is considered useful in group work situations.
Social Bookmarking: Social bookmarking is the practice of saving a link to a web site as a
public or private bookmark then tagging it with meaningful keywords. These bookmarks are
then available, in an organised manner, from any internet connected device. It is possible to
see how many other users have bookmarked a site, what else these users have bookmarked,
and to search for resources by tags, person or popularity. Commonly used social
bookmarking sites include, Simple and Diigo as well as Connotea and CiteULike
which are aimed predominately at scientists. However there are over 250 other sites that offer
this type of service. In 2008 about 115 million bookmarks existed in alone.
In an educational setting social bookmarking simplifies the distribution of resources such as
reference lists, bibliographies and articles to students and colleagues. Shared bookmarks can
lead to the discovery of further resources while the creation of tags also encourages critical
thinking which suggests they are particularly useful in educational contexts.
Social Networking: Social networking creates online communities where people share
interests and activities. Users are able to choose how they are “seen” within this community
by creating profiles for themselves and can choose what information they wish to share.
While social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Bebo were not developed as
educational tools they have been eagerly adopted by some educational institutions seeking
new levels of student engagement and interactivity. Facebook is a feature of contemporary
student life and transition to university can be eased through interactions with numerous
online communities.
Some educational institutions are concerned by the possibility of postings which might be
considered inappropriate and they addressed this by blocking access to Facebook through
their network. Contrary to the negative perceptions of using this very popular technology in
an educational context, the use of Facebook for academic discussions with postgraduate
distance learning students enhanced student’s learning and insight. Cloudworks is one social
networking site specifically developed for educational purposes. Cloudworks harnesses Web
2.0 principles of connecting and sharing by bringing together teachers/designers to share,
discuss and find new ideas and designs. LibraryThing, another social networking site
developed with an educational flavour, enables users to share information about books that
they have read. Social network can be used to encourage students to read or to undertake
critical reviews. Using technological infrastructures such as Joomla and Drupal, social
networking sites have also been created specifically for individual courses or sub groups
within institutions. Each of these social networking sites have a slightly different focus on
different areas of social interaction making their fit for purpose a necessary consideration
when using them in teaching.
Subscribed Content Delivery (RSS Feeds / Aggregators): RSS, short for Really Simple
Syndication or Rich Site Summary, provides a means of keeping up-todate with content on
the Internet that is updated frequently. It allows content distributors to syndicate content via
an RSS file on the Web which an RSS reader can then easily download and check for
updates. Individuals who subscribe to an RSS feed are notified when new items are added.
The newsreader is accessible via the Internet, desktop computer, an email client or mobile
phone. The feed is in a standardized format, which allows it to be published once and viewed
by many different programs. The reader provides a user interface to monitor and read the
feeds as well as functions that enable users to search, organise, manage and share their RSS
posts. Often email programs and web browsers have the ability to display feeds. Such
technologies pose new possibilities for e-learning and the distribution of teaching materials.
There are any number of general readers easily appropriated for education such as Google
Reader and Bloglines, and there are also specialised aggregators freely available including
MedReader targeting medical and healthcare professionals.
Synchronous Communication: Synchronous communication has many forms and is the
closest technology-supported communication mode to face-to-face communication. It has an
immediacy that asynchronous communication lacks.
Synchronous communication can be text or audio based and can include video, multimedia,
document and desktop sharing. Synchronous communication is facilitated through chat
rooms, instant messaging and video-conferencing and is often used in education.
The need to support distance education and remote learners has prompted the use of
synchronous tools to facilitate communication in environments where face-to-face is not
possible. It has been used in a variety of learning environments, including small group
teleconferences, professional development for teachers, virtual assistants as online facilitators
and supporting acquisition of study and literacy skills..
Although some researchers have found that there are differences in the use of synchronous
tools which are dependent on factors such as culture (Wang and Reeves, 2007) others have
found that using such tools may cut through potential barriers.
Synchronous communication tools brings benefits to student support through efficient
communication. Such tools can also be used to promote cooperation among students who
work individually on their computers at home and to cross national and cultural boundaries.
Weblogs and Microblogs: A blog (weblog) is a web page where the owner writes personal
commentary, or opinions, to which readers have the ability to leave comments. The owner of
the blog directs its content with dated postings of items in reverse chronological order
containing text and images. The blog may incorporate a number of features such as links,
taglines, permanent links, blogrolls and archives. A blog owner requires motivation to post
regularly placing increased pressure on educators using the technology. However various
applications such as RAMBLE and Google’s Blogger Mobile enable bloggers to easily send
messages and images directly to their blog from their mobile phones. Blogs can provide a
shareable student writing space or be used as a mechanism to record a student’s progress.
They can also be used as a digital display of a student’s work and achievements. Blogs have
the potential to improve the correctness, completeness and innovations of achievements by
students. Blogs can also be a way for teachers to share information and experience, though in
their study the use of the blog for knowledge construction was limited.
Wikis: Wikis are a collection of web pages designed to allow multiple authors to create, edit
and delete content at any time and from anywhere and they are particularly suitable for group
work in education. Content is built collaboratively with many users being able to structure the
content, create links and track a history of contributions. The pages within the wiki can be
interconnected and organised as necessary as there is no predetermined structure. The most
well known wiki is the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. As of 2012, Wikipedia had over 19
million articles from 85,000 active contributors in more than 270 languages.
Application of wikis in the academic context include fostering learning in students, the
collaborative writing of a textbook by faculty and students, as a tool to understand artworks
and to improve report writing amongst students.
5. Recommendations
- Available Media and Technology to be explored and utilized at maximum extent in
order to enhance the quality of distance and open education, and elearning.
- Mandatory training to be provided to all the counsellors in using proper technology
that to be used in their classes at contact classes.
- Sufficient investments and funds to be allocated to distance mode of education to
procure the modern technology.
- Teachers should change their traditional way of thinking and to adopt modern ways of
thinking in using media and technologies.
- Digital lessons and Library should be prepared and kept in web sites of universities
for the use their students.
- Regular interactions between Teacher and Learner to be maintained through e-mails.
- Flexible Learning sessions to be arranged according to targeted students time
- All forms of traditional implementations to be diminished at all levels in Distance
- Online exams to be arranged to the students of Distance Education and scope to be
given to then to write exams according to their leisure.
- Educational TV channels should be started or improved and programmes should be
telecast for 24 hours in a day, so this gives a learner more flexibility to learn.
- here should not be any traditional implementation in planning, execution and feed
back in Distance Education.
- The libraries should be digitized and all the books should be available on Web to their
6. Concluding Remarks
Technologies are bringing a tremendous development in the way of distance education. But
still it requires a good amount of attention to strengthen for better inclusion of the people who
are out of reach. Should education only aim to reach the people who are rich and have
abundant opportunities, rather education must be served the people who are not getting the
blessings of education. Can we suggest distance education and online education should be the
next generation education for all. To bring revolution in this newer approach, more
corporations and organizations should come forward and take the opportunities to make the
learning open and life long.

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