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Black Dot is an ancient symbol for blackness; it is the black seed of all humanity,

archetype of humanity, the hidden doorway to the collective unconsciousness-

darkness, the shadow, primeval ocean, chaos, the womb, doorway of life.

These original titans found that all life came from a black seed, all life was
rooted in blackness, and all things possessed a memory of their collective
ancestors. Blackness, the universal solvent of all, was seen as the one reality
from which life's loom spun. All colors, all vibratory energies were but a shade of
black. Black was the color of the night sky, primeval ocean, outer space,
birthplace and womb of the planets, stars and galaxies of the universe; black holes
were found at the center of our own galaxy and countless other galaxies. Black was
the color of carbon, the key atom found in all living matter. Carbon atoms linked
together to form black melanin, the first chemical that could capture light and
reproduce itself. The chemical key to life and the brain itself was found to be
centered around black neuromelanin.

Inner vision, intuition, creative genius, and spiritual illumination were all found
to be dependent upon pineal gland blood; born chemical messengers that controlled
skin color and opened the hidden door to the darkness of the collective unconscious
mind, allowing the ancient priest-scientist to visualize knowledge from the mind's
timeless collective unconscious memory banks.

Indeed, Black Dot was found to be the hidden doorway to universal knowledge of the
past, present and future.

Blackness, as symbolized by the Black Dot, is the seed of humanity, the archetype
of humanity, the black hidden doorway of historical unity with one's ancestors.

All black structures are used with the same symbolic meaning of hidden doorway to
the collective unconscious. For instance, the Black stone of the Ka'ba of Mecca;
Black stone of Pessinus, stolen from Hannibal's city of Carthage to Rome in the
last Punic War; all Black Pyramidion; the black capstone usually found at the apex
of pyramids, which were themselves symbolic of the mind, Ptah, and the hill that
arose from chaos (conscious awareness, doorway, to the collective unconscious); The
internal structures of the Great pyramids of Khufu being symbolic of the all black
world of Amenta (Massey, 1973; Churchward, 1978). The upper most chamber of the
Great Pyramid, the Kings chamber is an all-black room again symbolizing inner
vision, the all seeing eye of Horus, Black Dot doorway to the collective

In the Great Lakes region of Africa, numerous human skeletal remains have been
found that are in excess of six million years old and in Chad, 5 million years old.
It is believed that so called modem man, Homo sapiens, evolved from Homo erectus ,
more than 2 million years ago which in turn evolved from Homo habilis which
descended from the early primate ramapith-erectus.

According to African Historian, Dr. Ben Jochannan, the ancient Egyptians clearly
defined their African origin in the papyrus of Hunefer, "We came from the beginning
of the Nile where God-Hapi dwells, at the foothills of the mountain of the Moon."
Dr. Ben Jochannan's interpretation of this ancient record, "The Mountain of the
moon," identifies Kenda's Kilimanjaro (a Kenya-base Ki Swahili word created by the
indigenous Africans) and or Uganda's "Rwenzori Mountain." The Egyptians originated
from Africa, south of the Sahara.

Albert Churchward and Wallace Budge have shown that the oldest Egyptian god was
Bes, an African Pygmy or Twa (Annu) person.

The human type was not given to any before Ptah; so that (Bes) shows that the
ancient Egyptian left an indelible proof in their mythology of their decent from
the first human, which was the Pygmy.

The Holy Land of the ancient Egyptians was named Holy because it was the birthplace
of man. The Khui Land, great lakes region of Africa at the head of the Nile, is the
birthplace of the ancestors of the Egyptians; the Annu the so called Pygmy or Twa
People, parent of all humanity.

Clearly Europeans must not forget Europe's first historian, Herodotus, who said
that "the Egyptians, Colchians, Nubians, and Ethiopians have thick lips, broad
nose, and wooly hair and are burnt of skin"

Furthermore, we have learned that a deficiency of the vitamin causes the bone
bending disease named rickets.

numerous European Neanderthals skeletal findings of rickets are critical physical

evidence that the first people in Europe were black skinned.

Black Dot, the eye of the mount representing the North Pole star direction finder
was known as Anup or Horus in Egypt, Sydik in Phoenicia, Anu in Babylonia, Tai- Yih
in China, Avather or Zivo in Mesopotamia, Ame-No-Foko-Tachi-Kami in Japan and
various other names in different parts of the world.

The critical question, then, is how to relate to one's blackness. Needless to say,
there are a variety of examples of how people relate to their historical blackness.
Some examples include racism, mental slavery, outright denial of blackness,
avoidance of black ancestry, and a general fear of being overwhelmed by blackness.
Most people today are lost because they continue to avoid their historical black
selves. All people must answer the complex question of blackness for themselves,
but certainly Black people today, the victims of centuries of racism must uplift
themselves to fully understand that racist people,

"The Primate of the Gods Ptah conceived in his heart everything that exists and by
his utterance created them all. He is first to emerge from the primeval waters of
Nun in the form of a primeval hill. Closely following the hill, the god Atom also
emerges from the waters and sits upon Ptah. There remains in the waters four pair
of male and female gods: (I) Nun and Naunet-the primeval waters and the counter
heaven; (2) Huh and Hauhet-the boundless and its opposite; (3) Kuk and Kau- ket-
darkness; (4) Amun and Amaunet-the hidden and it�s opposite.

four pairs of opposite principles, together with two other gods: Ptah Representing
Mind, Thought, and Creative Utterance; while Atom joins himself to Ptah and acts as
Demiurge and executes the work of creation.

However, it was Ptah or the mind that was the primate (first, chief, main) god that
arose out of the primeval waters of chaos (collective unconscious). Ancient
Egyptians built pyramids as a symbolic image of the hill, Ptah rising out of the
primeval waters of earth. The capstone of the pyramid, the Pyramidion, was usually
an all-black granite obesidan stone. Then too, in the case of the upper most King's
chamber of the great pyramid of Khufu at Ghizeh is a room in which all four walls,
ceilings and floors are black granite stone in color. Thus, the god Ptah is
pictured as Black in color. Ptah being defined as the primate of Gods again
signifies how the mind is the chief link to the primeval ocean, chaos and
collective unconscious. The fact that the apex of the hill was black again shows
how ancient Africans considered blackness to be the primate or main doorway to the
collective unconscious.

The internal structure of the Great Pyramid of Khufu was symbolic of the all black
underworld of Amenta, the all black doorway to the collective unconscious. Passage
through Amenta, or the development of blackness, produced: an expansion of
consciousness (inner vision), spiritual consciousness, illumination, unity with
nature, an activated pineal gland, creative genius, and godlike powers attained by
man on earth, or the functional development of the extrasensory powers.

The eye of Horus is thus the third eye, a regenerated or transformed eye, the eye
of magic. Close examination of an eye of Horus, reveals that the Black Dot is the
pupil or 1/ 4 and it is the point through which light enters the eye. Through the
process of initiation, psychological integration, expansion of consciousness, and
translation of the unconsciousness, the ancient African Mystery School student,
through a process of initiation, passed from a state of the lower self-awareness,
small case eye (i), into the Higher Self (I). Capital I also refer to the column or
backbone in the human body, temple, which contains a string of glands along the
column, with each higher gland yielding progressively greater hormone output. This
progresses with the pineal gland, or third eye, at the top of the spinal column and
culminates with the development of an expanded state of conscious

The Egyptian Mystery System had as its most important object, the deification of
man and taught that the soul (mind) of man, if liberated from its bodily fetters,
could enable him to become godlike, attain inner vision and hold communion with the
immortals, (sons of Light).

The brain structure, locus coeruleus, offers strong biological scientific evidence
that directly support the Ancient African claim that Black Dot is the doorway to
the temple, the mind and collective unconscious.

The Name Locus Coeruleus Literally Means Black Dot. Locus is a Latin word, stlocus
locum, meaning point or dot. Coeruleus is derived from the Indian Sanskrit name
caeruleus yamas, meaning Black.

Locus coeruleus literally means Black Dot. We have reviewed the evidence that
coeruleus is an Indian Sanskrit name borrowed from Ethiopians in India and that it
came from the Ethiopian word CELENO.

The locus coeruleus is black because it contains large amounts of melanin, the same
chemical that produces skin color

Its cells provide the principle noradrenergic nerve supply to many areas of the
brain, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, and amygdala areas that make
up the major portion of the limbic cortex. The locus coeruleus also supplies part
of the norepinephrine found in other brain areas such as hypothalamus, thalamus,
and habenula (deep pineal), cerebellum-lower brain stem and spinal cord (Kobayashi,
1975). Importantly, the locus coeruleus affects memory, as one would expect because
melanin affects memory

Additional evidence of the role of the locus coeruleus as a doorway to the

collective unconscious is present in the biological evidence that the locus
coeruleus is the uppermost point in an all-black neuromelanin nerve tract that runs
from the brain stem into the spinal cord.

The melanocyte is a pigment cell, found in skin that produces the black pigment
melanin, and skin color. Our skin is an organ that covers the entire body.

melanocytes, though found in the skin, originate embryo logically from the neural
crest, an early prefetal structure which later evolves into the brain, and later
migrates into skin sites.

The melanocyte can release its hormone, melanin, by two different paths. One way is
by direct injection of melanin into skin cells as they grow out of the deep dermis-
skin layer and pass through the melanocyte containing layer on their way to the
epidermis (surface of the skin). Another way is for white blood cells to engulf
melanin particles in the skin and then return to the blood circulatory tree inside
of the white cell, traveling throughout the body, capable of being deposited in
countless sites, circulating melanin.

Rods are sensory organ receptors that produce black and white vision by literally
capturing light when it passes through the pupil and reaches the retina. Cones are
sensory organs that produce color vision by capturing light and converting it into
the chemical message which is also passed along to the optic nerve and then the
brain. melanin is present throughout the retina in a layer just below the surface
of the rod and cone containing retina, All human eyes contain retinal melanin,
without which, one would be permanently blind. Light, (vision) is literally born
from darkness, melanin

Melanin is also present in the inner ear nucleus. It has been shown that melanin in
the inner ear of the fetus helps to direct inner ear nerve growth such that the
nerve's (retinogenic-clostrate) projections, from one ear to the ear on the
opposite side, allow coordinated hearing and vision.

"Melanin pigmentation which follows exposure of skin to solar radiation (sun-

light) is known to involve two distinct photo biological processes. The first is
immediate pigment-darkening, tanning. Or direct pigmentation. The second is
described as new pigment formation, melanogenesis." In fact melanin is black
because of their unique physical property that allows it to be an excellent
electrical conductor or semiconductor. Melanin is black because it absorbs light,
colors or energy

Black Dot. Is the doorway to the collective unconscious, the doorway through which
chaos, hierarchy of energies, God. Macrocosm. Passes through to become the
individual human mind.

And it is in the oldest layer of the brain, the brain stem. that the black nerve
tracts are found. Forrest (1972, 1975) shows that defects in the black neuromelanin
tract can sometimes bring out behavior that was once used by humanities' ancestors.
Thus, when we consider the biological features of melanin, its memory storage and
capacity, its presence in old brain centers, increased brain pigmentation in more
advanced biological species, and innumerable reports of persons with detailed
memory images of ancient historical concepts; the evidence is indeed overwhelming.

The pineal hormone, melatonin, a brain hormone released at night that induces skin
color formations, acts upon the dream system to increase the movement of sensory
images from the brain stem to the cortex, unconscious to consciousness, memory
readout. Serotonin, is a pineal hormone released during daylight, that increases
the flow of memory images from the centers of the brain (consciousness) to
unconscious, memory storage (Becker, 1981).

In fact the primary medications used to treat psychosis, an illness whereby people
poorly translate unconscious memory images, are phenothiazines; medications that
are believed to work by dopamine blockage (Maclean, 1970). Basically, stimulants
and allucinogens, such as amphetamines, LSD, DMT, mescaline, all increase
melatonin, dopamine and melanin. Whereas, tranquilizers such as phenobarbital,
decrease melatonin, dopamine and melanin formation.

The locus coeruleus is literally a brain doorway to the collective unconscious. It

is a critical brain center that. When activated, will begin R.E.M. sleep, that
phase of sleep in which we can recall dreams, the actual review of images from the
collective unconscious
Black Dot defines the hidden doorway through which the transforming soul energy of
Uraeus passes.

melatonin initiates dreams or R.E.M. sleep by activating the locus coeruleus, Black
Dot, the 12th and uppermost in a chain of 12 deeply pigmented mid brain/ brain stem
nuclei, The Amenta Nerve Tract, I 33 Tissue of Horus (Neuromelanin/ Brain Melanin)
in relationship to the Flesh of Ra( Skin Melanin).

Dreams have long been considered by many to be a royal road to the unconscious,
making visible the soul, spirit, body and mind of various realms of consciousness.
Thus, the pineal gland which was named by ancient Africans as the Eye of Horns is
the eye of inner vision, that form of vision or consciousness that was the very
goal of an entire educational process of the ancient Africans of Ta-Merry.

The pineal gland is located at the posterior end of the third ventricle and the
pituitary gland, the hypthalamus anterior end of the third ventricle. The third
ventricle has long been held to be the "vault of initiation." The perfectly clear
fluid of the third ventricle has been named the "dew", the fluid that crystallizes
spirit or light as it descends from the heavens to the earth

The cerebro-spinal fluid is produced within the brain ventricular system and flows
throughout the inner ventricular chambers of the brain and leaves the brain near
its base and then flows over the entire surface of the brain and the spinal column.
Modem science has now come to see that many important hormones produced in many
sites throughout the body are found within fluid and travel in it much like a vast
freeway to activate many receptor sites along the walls of the various chambers of
the brain's internal ventricular system.

The notion of the bird representing the soul is indeed and old African Annu
concept. A human-headed bird, Ba, was used by ancient Egyptians to represent the
soul. Whereas, the Benu bird, Annu Ben Ben bird or stork was used by these Africans
to represent the spirit (Lamy, 1981). Thus, to find the symbolic soul-spirit bird
placed atop Pharaoh Tut-ankhAmun's head at death 1,000 years before the birth of
Herophilos, shows a clear error in the Greek claim that Herophilos discovered the
pineal and defined the soul to be in the brain ventricular system.

Ptah, who represented the mind or Memphite Cosmology hill emerging out of the
primeval waters of Nun (space, great lakes region of Africa, blood, cerebro-spinal

Symbolically, Horus represents the union of opposites, male and female, just as the
pineal gland is found in the exact mid-line of the brain between the masculine left
cortical hemisphere and feminine right cortical hemisphere. It has been said by
authors that the pineal actually greatly increases in it's hormone output and
synchronization with other glands in the brain and along the spinal column axis as
psychic energy is developed and raised to progressively higher levels along the
spinal column

This is the physiological basis of the ancient African Statement that, of the three
grades of students, those at the intelligence level of student had received mind or
nous and developed inner vision, activated pineal gland, release of higher hormone
output of the dream activating hormone, melatonin. Furthermore, the next and
highest grade of student, sons of light, were said to not only have mind and inner
vision but also unity with light, a clear reference to even more sophisticated
relationships between personal behavior, psychological-physiological
transformation, and pineal gland links to light in a multitude of ways (sunlight,
starlight, moonlight, biological aural light).

During the 9th dynasty, 3000 B.C., before the first Eurasian invasion of Egypt by
the Hyksos a Pharaoh passed on to his heirs the following wisdom, according to Dr.
Jacob Carruthers (1984), "Lo the miserable Asiatic, he is wretched because of the
place he's in, short of water, bare of wood. It's paths are many and painful
because of mountains. He does not dwell in one place. Food propels his legs. He
fights since the time of Heru."

Interestingly, the pineal gland controls both the parathyroid and thyrocalcitonin
for in examples where the pineal gland was removed in laboratory animal
experimentation, pinealectomy resulted in hyperplasia of the Para follicular cells
of the thyroid and hypo function of the parathyroid, all of which could be restored
to normal by the administration of the pineal hormone melatonin

There appears to exist an even more profound relationship of calcium to the pineal
gland. Calcium in the form of hydroxyl appetite or bone fonnation is found in the
structure of the pineal gland, from small particles the size of fine sand grains to
large solid nuggets that are actually visible upon physical inspection of the
pineal postmortem or in skull x-rays.

When the pineal gland is heavily infiltrated with large amounts of calcium (pineal
calcification), though remaining pineal tissue continues to manufacture and release
melatonin it does so in greatly reduced amounts. People with a non-calcified pineal
gland will usually possess a blood serum level of about 70 Ng. However, people with
a calcified pineal gland will experience a 50% decrease in blood serum levels such
that they average melatonin.

There are racial differences in pineal calcification that broadly parallel the
intensity of skin pigmentation. The darker the skin pigmentation the lower the
incidence of pineal calcification.

the passage across the abyss of Daath, the Doorway to one�s own god, and higher
self. In the left upper picture of the unwrapping of the head of Pharaoh Tut-ankh-
Amun there appears two rope-like lawaya that separates the upper crown of the head
from the lower part of the head. Perhaps this is a symbolic reference to the lower-
mind, animal and the higher-mind spiritual, dimensions of man. If this is the case,
then the dark space in between the two levels would symbolically represent
Blackness, as the abyss or desert that must be traversed as one move from a lower
animal, instinctual level to a higher spiritual plane. To cross such dimensions one
would have to develop a greater sense of self that acknowledges the ancestors and
the reality that despite great losses of material wealth of the past, something far
greater than material matter survived each such event and continued on to create
new material visions. It is Blackness that heralds the birth of a new day, a new
being. It is this darkness that bridges the realm of the lower animal mind, limited
physical sensory organs to the higher mind, expanded consciousness and highly
operative sensory perceptions. This Black inner world goes by many names (Aquarian
Spiritual Center 1967), Daath, Daas, Antahkarana, Link, Bridge Between Two Worlds,
The Cross, and 777.

Uraeus is a symbol for the soul, the power of the soul, or in essence, soul power.
It was at least 2,000,000 years ago when the early Africans, the seed people of all
humanity, first used the Uraeus symbol to denote man's soul. With the early African
priests-scientists, the soul was not just a mere object of religious or
philosophical speculation. It was, rather, the object of intense, highly
disciplined, scientific study upon all conceivable subjects and concluded that the
operative quality of the soul and the essence of life energy were synonymous.

Long ago, ancient Africans discovered that life energy on all planes moved along a
helical-serpentine path and subsequently symbolized this notion in the form of a
serpent, Uraeus. The serpent was also utilized as a symbol of the soul because it
best alluded to many attributes and hidden components of the soul as well as the
processes involved in its development.

They found that the image of a serpent best captured multiple operations of soul
energy. This soul energy was found to travel along a path that also looked like a
snake (the spine). If the energy were allowed to remain at the beginning of the
path, at the base of the spinal column, then the organs located at that particular
site were energized. The organs at the base of the spine are the sex organs, and
when energized, produce a type of consciousness that is largely focused upon the
physical plane, leaving the individual obsessed with physical desire such as
indiscriminate lust, overwhelming greed, and insatiable quests for power. However,
when this same energy is developed and moves upwards to the top of the spinal
column. The organ at the top of the brain, the pineal gland, becomes energized, and
a process that produces a higher level of consciousness in which the third eye or
mind's eye becomes operative.

Ancient African scientists found that as a person develops a soul-eye

consciousness, the powers of perception become vastly magnified. This enabled the
individual to perceive a deeper true reality with greater clarity. On this level,
heaven was in fact tangible and frequent spiritual "highs" were not uncommon. With
an operative soul-eye, the individual was reported to have developed god- like
powers of intra or extra sensory perception, through the amplification of each of
the five physical senses. Moreover, by having complete control of the physical
body, the individual with an operative soul-eye was reported to be capable of
materialization and dematerialization (teleportation).

Usually the Uraeus serpent was placed over the mid- forehead, site of the pineal
gland, symbolic of soul energy raised to this level and of cosmic consciousness.

scientists.The scope of the ancient African scientist's analyses of the soul was
infinite. However, it must be realized that the greatness of their work is the by-
product of highly developed soul-eyes. With their expanded levels of consciousness
and faculties of perception, they produced extraordinary works, most of which are
completely beyond the comprehension of today's western scientist.

only when the soul-eye level has been attained can one truly experience and make
operative the foregoing: royalty being synonymous with one's ability to exercise
complete control over the physical body, magician ship the ability to utilize
advanced knowledge in the manipulation of energies beyond physical comprehension;
and priesthood the ability to communicate with other advanced masters of vast
powers, all of whom are working towards the fulfillment of soul tasks and positive
growth of the universe. The African priest-scientists found that travel along the
Uraeus, serpentine path would result in death or change in one's current level of
consciousness. On the path, one must first be resurrected from the lower level of
physical desires and become initiated through a demanding, disciplined,
educational, soul- developing process which, when completed, ultimately transforms
the aspirant' into a master, one in full communication with his or her soul in
which all things are possible.

Black people today have not yet defined their soul essence. Very few know their
history, culture, language or basic physiology. Without such knowledge, the basic
master plan or foundation for the scheme of things will remain a mystery .A type of
slavery persists wherein the soul remains virtually imprisoned.

Thus, if all parts of a person are constructed from a basic blueprint located
within the soul, then self-containment literally means prevention of the soul's
blueprint from growing. Moreover, since the mind is also a part of that which is
constructed. Soul containment likewise stifles the growth of the mind. It is here
that we can see the manner in which soul containment produces mental bondage. With
soul containment, the mind is unable to develop its full capacity. The person in
such condition is alienated from their soul in which lies the key for total mental
as well as spiritual and physical development. The mind can become fully developed
only when life energy Of the soul reaches and energizes the pineal gland. Until
this occurs one cannot proceed along the serpentine path leading from physical to
cosmic consciousness.

True freedom has not been achieved today because most African peoples and their
leaders are virtually excommunicated from the origin of their souls. They are not
in continual contact with their inner self nor with nature. Rather, they only
occasionally obtain a glimpse of themselves, however, these soul visions are
usually mistaken, viewed as unreal dreams or fantasies, and being viewed as such
they don't come into physical manifestation. The dream is real, the failure to make
the dream manifest is the fantasy.

Symbols are sensory experiences which may be expressed singularly or in conjunction

with any of the other physical senses. Thus, a symbol can be experienced as simply
one single visual image of a picture that can be smelled, tasted, touched, or

Symbols are memories, actual experiences witnessed by the individual. It is the

meaning, understanding, perception/ cognition, feeling-intuition, product,
activity, or that portion of the universe which is illumined by the soul eye, or
life force. A symbol is a memory of a sensory experience organized into a gestalt
or whole idea, which in itself is a building block making up the structure called
the mind.

Ernest Jones (1948) defined the qualities of symbols as those which: (a) represent
some "other" idea; (b) represent the primary element or object through some basic
similarity; (c) have sensory qualities similar/ pertinent to a primary element
which is abstract and/ or complex; (d) make use of thought forms which are ancient,
both ontogenetically and phylogentically; (e) are a manifest expression of a hidden
idea, and (f) are chosen spontaneously and unconsciously because they feel "right".

Ernest Jones (1948) defined the qualities of symbols as those which: (a) represent
some "other" idea; (b) represent the primary element or object through some basic
similarity; (c) have sensory qualities similar/ pertinent to a primary element
which is abstract and/ or complex; (d) make use of thought forms which are ancient,
both ontogenetically and phylogentically; (e) are a manifest expression of a hidden
idea, and (f) are chosen spontaneously and unconsciously because they feel "right".
Symbols have also been defined (Massey, 1974) as conscious perception of sensory
experiences which is sub stituted for unconscious mental content. They are also
seen as the basic element where indirect representations of unconscious material
are: built-dreams, fantasies. Hallucinations and language. Implicit in the
foregoing is the idea that one root idea may be expressed as many different
symbols. That is many diversified symbols can be used to represent the same thing.
This fact is due to the inherited manner in which the mind perceives or attaches
meaning (i.e. ascribes symbols) to experience.

Exoteric/ surface symbols are exact, more precise and consciously representative of
something. Examples can be seen in signs. Figures and abbreviations used to express
terms and concepts in mathematics, chemistry, physics. Weights and measures,
astronomy, medicine and so forth. Esoteric/ deeper, inner vision symbols are more
implicit than exoteric symbols and are produced by deep unconscious processes.
Esoteric symbols of occult, spiritual, and philosophical truths. Have been further
divided into the four following classes: geometrical, natural- totemic, phallic,
and astrological.

Geometrical esoteric symbols are believed to be those forms first utilized by man
in his attempt to express ideas and communicate with others. (i.e., lines. circles.
squares. triangles) (Budge. 1934). Natural- totemic, esoteric symbols are natural
forms found in earthbound nature that were used to express ideas. Phallic esoteric
symbols are those utilized by the ancients to denote the humans sexual Organs /
death / rebirth / reproduction / genesis / genetic / ancestral/ microcosmic.
Astrological esoteric symbols are those utilized to express ideas and concepts
relative to cosmic/ macrocosmic objects external to the planet earth.

the universal symbol Uraeus represents the operation of the supreme duality
between: God-gods (angels), the macrosom-microcosm, esoteric-exoteric, invisible-
visible, ideal-material, spirit-matter, inner-outer, chaos-order, truth-illusion,
all-part, unknown-known, good-bad, pure-impure, total consciousness-limited
consciousness, knowledge ignorance and master-slave.

God is defined in Black Gnostic Studies (1967) as a hierarchy of energies-

electrical, magnetically, gravitational and nuclear, as well as spiritual (mental).
Types of energy differ only in their rate of vibration or speed of movement. The
faster the speed of energy, the wider its sphere of influence and the greater the
number of planes or levels of consciousness upon which it operates. The slowest
moving energy is crystallized as matter; the fastest moving energy is spirit or

To illustrate the universality of the serpent symbol Uraeus, we will now review
several uses of the symbol in an esoteric, geometrical, natural totemic, phallic,
astrological form.
As a geometrical symbol, the serpent was pictured as swallowing its tail to form a
circle. The Egyptians use the circle to represent the serpent because they believe
that the serpent's body had no appendage other than the head with its mouth. Thus
all circular objects were named serpents. It is also interesting to note that a
serpent sitting in a coiled or spiral position can be viewed as several circles
juxtaposed one on top of the other.
Looking at natural totemic symbols the snake found in nature, we have several
important considerations. Lightning was considered a serpent because of its zigzag
movement across the sky which was similar to the zigzag movement of a snake across
the ground. Lightning also makes a hissing type of sound like the sound made by
snakes. The rainbow was considered serpent of the sky. Women were serpents because
they experienced a 28 day menstrual cycle like the 28 day cycle of the moon,
another circular shaped object already named serpent. The head of the serpent
represented the first 14 days of the waning or descending phase. Time was named
serpent because it measured change from night to day based upon the interplay of
two circular, serpentine objects, the sun and moon. Even milk, a product of
mammalian animals, was named serpent as it was produced by women who had been
transformed into mother's following nine months (nine lunar or serpentine cycles)
of gestation of the fetus.
Most importantly the serpent displayed attributes that were similar to the
operation of the mind. Snakes were seen to be able to shed their skins and
transform into a new skin, leaving behind the old, dead skin. This process was
likened to the transformation which takes place when the individual transforms and
leaves behind the dead state of consciousness of mental slavery and moves into a
new state of soul eye or mastership. Snakes were able to stare at their prey and
mesmerize it in a trance so they could move in and swallow it. Mesmerization has
often been deemed the use of mind control; the use of invisible, rapidly moving
energy too fast for the physical eye to see. It also alludes to the master
individual's capacity to hold a symbol still and thereby focus on it in order to
swallow or understand the whole of its meaning.

Phallic associations with serpents are all too obvious. The male sex organ, the
penis, is shaped like a snake and just as some snakes spurt out a white milky fluid
that affects life (poison-death), so does the male penis spit out a white milky
fluid that affects life (sperm-life).
The astronomical, esoteric-symbolic use of the snake was defined in an earlier
section where it was stated that the sun and moon, being circular, represented the
circular mouth of the serpent and were named serpent.

The Uraeus-pineal gland is the third eye, good serpent and key to the unconscious
mind. It is the key to a level of conscious awareness, vision and understanding
that becomes increasingly operative during the ascension of an individual from
lower levels of mental slavery (unawareness or ignorance, undeveloped unconscious)
to higher levels of mastership.

It was understood that pineal anatomy was significantly influenced by sunlight,

darkness, the unconscious, ascension and blackness, melanin or skin color.

The Ancient African scientists achieved knowledge required for harmonic union with
soul (self) and environment through the opening of the pineal, which is the key to
the transformative unconscious, the infinite cosmic computer. This biological
computer of life was itself the essence of godhood in humans, infinite, omnipotent,
omnipresent; an endless source of knowledge where all emerged, adhering to
universal law and justice.

Many Africans believe in the concept of the underworld or Amenta. Everything that
was of the underworld was painted Black. The modern name for the underworld is the
unconscious mind. The pineal gland, through its hormone serotonin or melatonin, is
a key to the unconscious (Carman,

It unlocks the unconscious mind and makes it accessible to the aspirant. Uraeus,
the pineal gland, enables one to utilize the eye of Horus to envision the
unconscious; thereby greatly expanding one's comprehension or level of

Most importantly, the Uraeus-pineal relationship to skin color is found in the

pineal hormone melatonin released during darkness. Melatonin is also a hormone that
controls the production of melanin (black color) in the skin. With

Osiris represents the masculine left brain cortical hemisphere (logic). Isis
represents the feminine, right brain cortical hemisphere (intuition). The child
Horns was produced by the union or synthesis of Osiris and Isis and exemplified a
balance between feeling and logic.

The unconscious mind or Amenta is contained within the mind of every person. We are
all latent with undeveloped genius, undeveloped infinite and immortal universal
computers. The unconscious mind by definition means that consciousness or knowledge
which we are unaware of.

The purpose of the education was to draw the knowledge out rather than pour it in.
Thus, African People will not be intellectually and spiritually liberated until
they can look within.

From an Ancient African psychological perspective a mental slave operates at the

concrete mind level and defines as reality only those things which can be perceived
by the five physical senses-visions, hearing, smell, touch and taste. However, this
is an inadequate operative mode for two reasons. First, the physical sense
receptors have activation ranges, a certain range of energies or vibratory
frequencies that record sensory experiences. If the energy is either faster or
slower than the receptor's range, the person is unaware or unconscious of the

"The third ventricle is a vaulted chamber of initiation. Around it sits three

kings, three great centers of life and power: the pituitary body, the pineal gland,
and the optic thalamus. The third ventricle is supposed to be the seat of the soul,
located between the eyes and just above the root of the nose. It is here that the
jewels are placed in the forehead of the Buddha�s, and it is also from this point
that the serpent rose from the crown of the ancient Egyptians."

Another view of the levels of the unconscious, infinite memory is given by Roberto
Assagioli (I965). The lower unconscious contains elementary psychological
activities which coordinates bodily functions, fundamental drives, primitive urges,
com plexes, inferior imagination, uncontrolled parapsychological processes
{uncontrolled ESP), pathological manifestations such as phobias, obsessions,
compulsive urges, paranoid delusions and repressed/ suppressed memories from one's
own lifetime. Middle unconscious is where ideas are easily available and
recallable. Higher unconscious contains higher intuitions, inspirations, altruistic
love, genius, illumination, latent higher psychic functions and spiritual energies.

collective unconscious is the ancient memories of past life, the psychic net of the
cosmos, primeval waters, Ptah, and the word.

our African roots and highly advanced African contributions are alive today in the
collective unconscious level of our mind. For example, we may see snakes in our
dreams, and mistakenly read that as a bad omen, neglecting the original African
meaning because our oppressor mistakenly defines all snakes as evil.

Inner vision occurs as intuition on the spiritual level of consciousness.

Intuition, the direct perception of reality, occurs with a developed pineal. A
developed pineal increases melatonin output when there is a balance between the
male and female parts of one's consciousness. The male part of consciousness is the
left brain and seat of logical linear thought. The female part of consciousness is
the right brain and seat of intuitive non-linear thought. To know one's self is to
become intimate, in a psychological sense, with one's self, and to peer into one's
unconscious during R.E.M. (dream) where there occurs pineal and clitoral erection,
called psychological intimacy.

The most important thing in the development of Uraeus and rebirth of the African
mind is for one to know and study inner self. One must discover the seven levels of
knowledge that are operative within us all. Know your dreams, feelings, sensations,
logic, intuitions, visions, beauty and perfection. Treasure the temple (mind,
body), African history, African science and African religion. Reclaim the ancient
African methods Uraeus development: 10 Virtues, 7 Liberal Arts, Memphite Theology
and the Negative Confessions.

the Ancient Kemetic purpose of education was the deification of man through a
process of "salvation". Salvation was clearly seen as a separation, and awakening
of the soul or higher mind from the chains of the lower mind, flesh, dense material
body. Upon awakening, one attained freedom of the soul with full use of unlimited
powers. It is at this point that one did converse and communicate with the gods in
order to return to one's own latent godhood state of being.

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