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Organized by
Shri Ram Chandra Mission, United Nations Information Center for India and Bhutan, and
Heartfulness Education Trust


[ to be filled in BLOCK LETTERS in ENGLISH only and signed by the participant and submitted along with the essay]

Name of participant : SUNANDA SINGH


Date of birth ( dd-mm-yyyy )/Age : 20/10/1995 26
Standard : MBA HR

Full name and address of School / College : AMITY UNIVERSITY

City / Town : NOIDA Dist.: State : UP PIN : 201301

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Sunanda Singh

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Poverty is not just a lack of money.” Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate

Amartya Sen the Nobel prize winner for economics who has devoted his life to get the answer
of some extremely basic problems, about which we all must have thought upon once in our
lives. Here, we tend to area unit reaching to verify the statement he used on his twitter
handle wherever he mentioned: "Poverty isn't simply an absence of money; it's not having
the potential to understand one's full potential as a personality's being". thus these days here
I'm reaching to show vital problems or one would possibly because the important question
like "what is the financial condition, however, it's managed and World Health Organization
area unit the poor?". to own a transparent understanding of the conception.

In easy terms, if I say "Poverty is a few things wherever someone financial gain is as low as $1
or $2, wherever it's troublesome for him or her to fulfil his basic necessity and to even meet
necessities for a minimum normal of living. As per Amartya Sen unit, the financial condition
could be a complicated, multifarious world that needs a transparent analysis altogether of its
several dimensions.
In his recent meeting with Network of Policymakers for financial condition Reduction, he
expresses his viewpoints in precise ways that and aforementioned "it isn't right to merely
draw a personal income then apply it across the board to everybody identical method, while
not taking into consideration personal characteristics and circumstances".

I am altogether agreement to his statement because it if not truthful to merely keep

everybody beneath the identical line, there may be various factors like geographical,
biological and social factors that amplify or diminish the financial gain of every individual.

“There area unit systematic disparities within the freedoms that men and girls fancy in several
societies,” says Sen, “and these disparities area unit usually not reducible to variations in
financial gain and resources.” There area unit several alternative areas with gender
disparities, like the division of labour within the menage, the extent of education received,
and therefore the liberties that the various members of identical menage area unit allowable
to fancy. However, folks should look to be accepted in society–the garments they wear and
their physical traits–limits their economic choices, a development fractional monetary unit
refers to as rather than measurement economic condition by financial gain level, fractional
monetary unit recommends shrewd what quantity a private can do therewith financial gain,
taking under consideration that such achievements can vary from one individual to a different
and from one place to a different. Otherwise, however, might we tend to make a case for the
existence of pockets of economic condition in wealthy countries among middle-income
within the inner cities of us, as a result of inadequate services the standard of life (measured
in terms of life, mortality, health, education, and safety) of individuals
World Health Organization earn acceptable incomes and board an expensive society is
comparable—and generally even inferior—to that of the many poor countries within the
remainder of the globe.

Sunanda Singh

Do you have any idea how many children die due to poverty?
As per WHO estimates, there are near around 6.3 million children under the age of 15 died in
2017. For children all over, the foremost risky amount of life is that the 1st month. In 2017,
2.5 million newborns died in their 1st month. A baby born in a geographic area or in Southern
Asia was nine fold additional seemingly to die within the 1st month than a baby born in a very
high-income country. Even among countries, disparities persist. below five mortality rates
among youngsters in a rural area, units are, on average, five-hundredths above among
youngsters in urban areas. additionally, those born to uneducated mothers area unit over
double as seemingly to die before turning five than those born to mothers with a secondary
or educational activity.

Despite these challenges, fewer kids are dying annually worldwide. The quantity of kids dying
beneath five has fallen dramatically from twelve.6 million in 1990 to 5.4 million in 2017. the
number of deaths in older kids aged between 5 to 14 years born from 1.7 million to beneath
1,000,000 within the same amount.

There are many organization who come forward and have taken necessary steps to stop
poverty such as The Hunger Project, CARE, Oxfam, and ONE.

Sunanda Singh

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