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Tanya Vashishtha 4 Objective Activities [ram eurrenty seeking » company with team of sklled architects y Summer taining a LOA n 204 toennance my educational sna professional kils na stable and [Atended ARCMTSAY in 20 {ynamve workplace | am looking forward teehniques and implement ny eas In arn abou the agvanced [Atfended National Assocation for Student of Arcitctore in 2077 rational setup inet Inrange making ear INTAGH competetanenty selected in 20 Winer in edge mekingcompetonskt) 2018 Taming to gve the bet of my efforts enery an sls in team {nner mbodge making cmpettion(stu) 208 | tenvronment which allows me to grow and improve my sils.1am "Se woths Internship at Design For Fulote PI Lid Lucknow 2020 Passionate sou my work and self mativate to earn about my old Personal Statement rs eee (Work Prof © Eacrvn Su, eelionaem, (6 Girls Polytechnic Lucknow ( BTEUP ) ectrrest e 25} Bachelor Of Archiecture - GL. Bajaj Group OF @ Software Skills ® 2020 insttunan, Mathura AKTU) ‘AuTocAD 20 k @ Academic background — + Studied space and architecture for understanding desig a to crate iors pencdarurove and srcecurt crc aetocene once S¥ETHE a ‘worked with the frm and iranformaton with dive and subar a fi ‘J Anthopemetric studies by designing smal unit. usaoty g [Studies abot the tren of areas in siferentcimatic zones. sesssasecnsenmenssnsanenns: @ {Studes about the vehicular movement and their maintenance on st by designing Bus Depot =eun + Stugy about Vind cy and ge some proposals for the dovelopment — a tote authrty a Uroan Devel arr &; ‘Thesis on TF pain Noida mPpae—-< SCrco-14aco © tanyashishinataggmalicon TANYA VASHISHTHA 3 ssiroessens FRESHER ARCHITECT B 020/998 Hindi. English © A-84., Shakti Apartment,Rohint East, Plot No. -5, 110085 Residence proposed st Mumbi. The building was designed as modern bunglow wit Use of glass emphasis, ‘hadow in the inte alm tok nthe WZ i RESIDENCE, ‘Academic Work ao ROOM PLAN KINDER GARTEN “Academic Work entrance hall established to give spatial coherence to the building improving sense of orientation and flow. There has also been a change of emphasis from prioritising vehicle access, to a more contemporary arrangement which favours pedestri Larger firmament - LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 5 DEPOT eS aa WASHING AREA GRE Lit Tru oF si om STIET FLOOR PLAN Puan SBE = When one worships Krishna with the feathers on his crown, one is blstod with auspcousness, wealth, heath and transcendent knowedge.They represent divin love that enters Ue human heart ana fils one’s entire beng ‘tstasy. The feathers are always inthe direction of Rahal. {es said Lord Kehna cleanses the hol feet of Radha with Peacock feathers, during thelr playtimes in Vrindavan. plying areas and green areas Is symbol of beauty and knowiedge. The eye in the feather represents tre divine wisdom or the third eve of Krishna e helps one atin the supreme knowledge ofthe sel. The ‘cational sector ofthe housing. The feather protects one feom oul eye and destroys all nogatty Uke anger, reed, Jealousy and removes posons. ‘The envionment Is nelghbouthood fiend in the housing GROUP HOUSING ‘Academic Work Technology actity. A ing in nature, connecting hearing, taste smell and ku Is ke abridge. By opening our senses, between us and the natural weld ESIS ‘Academic Work IT PARI YM Office Work Rear Elevation Front Elevation iAcatemic Work. Section AA Section BB PATWAON KI HAVEL! 7 In Jodhpur we had visited Patwon ki Havel During the visit we came across several motifs, carved windows and different sort of seating. For the first time we were introduced to measure drawing ofthe site. We took one part of the haveli and we were asked to measure - draw it, We were divided in to groups and given different sides to make sketches that would show the carving details. >= and important views, We came to know different styles of motft that were used to beautify and also the materials that were used for construction, >= IRAAS HOTEL Jodhpur's first boutique hotel comprises three new buildings in addition to the original four ; a rare and charming complex that reflects in many ways the walled city itself. Indeed, with its sensationalvistas, different styles and angles , a central water body, square and garden; and an all pervasive warm “organic feel" raas is a ‘microcrosm of the city I's practically in the shadow of mehrangarh fort whose towering hilltop figure dominates the city. JODHPUR EDU. VISIT ‘Academic Work DOOR ELEVATION DIVA HOLDER. MEHRANGARH FORT Rising perpendicular and impregnable froma rocky hill that itself stands 120m above Jodhpur's skyline, Mehrangarh is, ‘one of the most magnificent forts in Indi The battlements are ém to 36m high, and as the building materials were chiselled from the rock on which the fort stands, the structure merges with its base. Siil run by the Jodhpur royal family, Mehrangarh is packed with history and legend ee felines wad erat The concep ist Ue traonal raft of Sankneda na contemporary method a ere tmecera Ugg talure The erat 'tromt | ©)———©) Wl Eoniieds Geet Nails toy voed baste 4 colours ike red, white, ory and golden The thin loth ke pope in-between te the light \ pass through easly along with creating a warm 4 Ughing The ambience tat the tate creates very trangul and serene. eee ate y u Length = 200%mm Width 200mm PLAN ELEVATION Height - 600mm "a CONCEPTUAL SKETCH FLOOR LANTERN ‘Academic Work THANK You Design is not making beauty, beauty emerges from selection, affection, integrities and love. - LOUIS KAHN

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