Mechanism of The Corrosion Exfoliation of A Polymer Coating From A Carbon Steel

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Mechanism of the corrosion exfoliation of a polymer coating from a carbon steel

Article  in  Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces · November 2009

DOI: 10.1134/S2070205109060173

6 171

2 authors:

A. Nazarov D. Thierry
retired Institut de la corrosion


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ISSN 2070-2051, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2009, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 735–745. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009.
Original Russian Text © A.P. Nazarov, D. Thierry, 2009, published in Fizikokhimiya Poverkhnosti i Zashchita Materialov, 2009, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 653–663.


Mechanism of the Corrosion Exfoliation of a Polymer Coating

from a Carbon Steel
A. P. Nazarov and D. Thierry
French Corrosion Institute, 220 Rue Pierre Rivoalon, Brest, F-29200 France
Received October 30, 2008

Abstract—A mechanism of the atmospheric corrosion of a carbon steel under polymer (paint and varnish)
coatings is studied. The potential distribution around an artificial coating defect was measured in situ with a
scanning Kelvin probe (SKP). The potential gradient between the steel surface at the defect and under the coat-
ing determines the mechanism of the subfilm corrosion. Measuring the galvanic currents in a steel under coat-
ing–steel at defect model system revealed the spatial separation of partial electrochemical reactions. The sepa-
ration was additionally confirmed by the elemental analysis of the metal surface upon removing the coating.
The mechanism of corrosion exfoliation is shown to differ depending on the kind of rate, which determines the
electrochemical reaction at the coating defect. In the presence of aqueous NaCl electrolyte, the defect acts as
an anode, which results in the cathodic exfoliation of the coating. In the case of drier corrosion in an atmosphere
at a humidity of 95%, the steel at a defect acts as a cathode with respect to the surrounding interface, which
leads to the development of anodic zones around the defect.
PACS numbers: 81.65.Kn
DOI: 10.1134/S2070205109060173

1. INTRODUCTION adhesion contact is the effect of alkali formed in the

cathodic reaction of oxygen reduction and the presence of
1.1. Electrochemical Corrosion Studies mechanical strains that promote the exfoliation of coating
under Polymer Coatings [3, 4].
A huge number of steel metal structures are protected Under atmospheric conditions, it is difficult to carry
against atmospheric corrosion with paint and varnish or out standard electrochemical studies under electrolyte
polymer coatings. However, electrochemical processes films and polymer coatings. However, using a noncontact
proceeding that take place under these coatings in the pres- scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) enables one to investigate
ence of thin electrolyte layers are insufficiently studied. the mechanism of corrosion under such conditions [5–13].
At the initial stage, the corrosion rate of a metal is low An SKP can measure the corrosion potential of a metal
and limited by the adhesion at the metal–polymer inter- under a polymer coating, which makes it possible to dis-
face under conditions of the coating saturation with an tinguish cathodic and anodic sites at the interface, estimate
aqueous electrolyte and oxygen. Barrier properties of the the potential gradient, and detect the appearance of gal-
coating with respect to oxygen and water produce a weak vanic cells resulting in the exfoliation of the coating.
effect [1, 2]. This is determined by the fact that the corro- Within anodic zones, the metal surface is active and its
sion rate is much lower than the diffusion rates of the nec- potential is negative, whereas cathodic sites have positive
essary components. However, the formation of defects or potentials. Furthermore, cathodic reaction zones can be
the local loss of adhesion can substantially accelerate elec- identified based on changes in the environment. For exam-
trochemical processes and the subfilm corrosion. ple, replacing humid air with wet nitrogen decreases the
cathodic reaction rate, which decreases the corrosion
Upon the corrosion of steel at a defect in an aqueous potential at cathodic sites [13].
electrolyte, the coating around the defect is cathodically
exfoliated. The exfoliation rate can reach 0.7 cm2/h and A large number of studies of the cathodic exfoliation of
depends on the diffusion of oxygen and water through the coatings using the SKP method was carried out by
coating, as well as the electrolyte cations along the coat- M. Stratmann’s group [5–7]. They used a model polymer
ing–steel interface [3]. The exfoliation rate decreases with coatings with an artificial defect in which an aqueous
an increase in the thickness and adhesion of coating, upon NaCl electrolyte was introduced. It was shown in detail
applying layers inhibiting the cathodic reduction of oxy- that the potential gradient between the active iron surface
gen to the interface [3, 4]. The exfoliation rate substan- in the defect (an anode, a potential of –0.4 V, S.H.E.) and
tially increases at the cathodic polarization of the steel sur- the passive metal surface under the adhesion coating (a
face at the defect. The main cause of the breakage of the cathode, a potential of 0 V, S.H.E.) is the motive force of


the cathodic exfoliation of the polymer coating around the site direction. The alternating current amplitude (ΔVp/s)
defect. The rate determining stage is the diffusion (migra- equals the contact potential difference between the probe
tion) of electrolyte cations along the interface. It was also and working electrode surfaces as follows:
found [9] that carbon steel at the defect acts as an anode I(t) = ΔVp/s(dCp/s/dt). (1)
with respect to the surrounding interface. However, the
potential at the defect becomes more positive with time This potential drop inside the air gap equals the Volta
due to the formation of corrosion products. Corrosion potential difference. On the other hand, ΔVp/s is propor-
products blockade the defect zone and activate a cathodic tional to the difference between the work functions of the
reaction in it. Thus, depending on the exposure, metal at probe material (Φp) and the studied surface (Φw) as fol-
the defect may initially act as the anode, then as the cath- lows [14]:
ode with respect to the neighboring surface. ΔVp/s = (Φp – Φw)/e, (2)
Atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel with a locally
applied corrosion activator (NaCl) obeys similar regulari- where e is the electron charge. Before measurements,
ties [12, 13]. In a humid air around the local NaCl spot, the the probe is calibrated with respect to a certain reversible
originally passive surface of the steel becomes involved in electrode, and Φp/e potential is kept constant. Thus, the
a cathodic process producing Na2CO3 and NaOH. An working electrode potential Φw/e can be determined with
increased NaCl content can promote the spreading of the respect to the reference electrode.
cathodic reaction front by more than 30 mm from the cor- The work function is the actual electron potential in the
roding zone. At a low NaCl content, the extension of the metal taken with the opposite sign [15]. Therefore, mea-
cathodic reaction zone is small, and both processes are suring the corrosion potential with the SKP method corre-
localized within the spot of applied NaCl. The effect of the sponds to measuring the corrosion potential with a con-
spatial separation of partial reactions on the steel surface is ventional reversible reference electrode [16, 17]. How-
explained by the cathodic control of the corrosion process ever, in the SKP method, a probe vibrates over the surface
[12, 13]. At the place of salt application, the anodic disso- and there is no need for it to be in contact with the electro-
lution of iron may be fairly effective, while the rate of the lyte. As a result, an SKP can measure the potential of a dry
counterbalancing cathodic reaction may be substantially metal surface and the potential at a metal–polymer inter-
limited by the diffusion of oxygen through the electrolyte face.
layer. To achieve the maximum possible decrease in the The Φ value is defined as the minimal electron-transfer
Gibbs potential, the system tends to increase the efficiency work from the metal to a point close to its surface. Accord-
of oxygen reduction by spreading the cathodic process ing to the definition, the work function involves two com-
over the neighboring passive metal surface [12]. ponents, i.e., the electron energy inside the metal phase
Coatings on carbon steels and zinc are susceptible to and the potential drop at the metal–air interface. The elec-
the cathodic exfoliation, whereas, on aluminum alloys, the tron energy inside a metal phase is determined by the
anodic front extends from the defect (thread corrosion). A Fermi level (ΦÏ) or the chemical potential of electrons.
local anode is the head of a thread, while the cathodic reac- Because many metals form surface oxide films, the mea-
tion proceeds in the defect of its tail. One may assume that, sured potential is affected by the drops at the metal–oxide
in this case, the efficiency of the cathodic reaction in the (φm/o) and oxide–air interfaces (φo/a) as follows:
defect is higher than that of the anodic one, which is the Φp/e = ΦÏ/e + φm/o + φo/a. (3)
motive force of the anodic front motion [12]. The oxygen
reduction and cathodic exfoliation of a polymer coating In air at a general humidity of 50%, the steel potential
from the aluminum surface are substantially decelerated measured with an SKP increases from 0 to 0.4 V (S.H.E.)
because of the increased electric resistance of the surface with an increase in the oxide film thickness [13]. An
oxide film on aluminum [3]. increase in the air humidity from 40 to 95% increases the
passive-steel potential by 30–50 mV, while the replace-
The object of this work was to study the mechanism of ment of air with argon decreases the potential by 20 mV
the corrosion exfoliation of a polymer coating from a steel [13]. The iron potential at the oxide interface is determined
surface depending on the electrochemical conditions of o
the metal corrosion at the coating defect. by the reversible iron–oxide electrode potential ( E Fe/FeO =
–0.464 V, pH 7). The potential of electrons in an iron oxide
is determined by the flat-band potential, which is Efb =
1.2. Principles of the SKP 0.4 V in mixed iron oxides [18]. Thus, SKP measurements
Operation and Data Obtained of the potential near a carbon steel surface covered with a
In the SKP method, the probe vibrates over the work- thick oxide film are close to the flat-band potential, and the
ing electrode surface. There is an air gap between the probe measures the potential of electrons in the surface
probe and the electrode surface, which produces a variable oxide.
capacitor (Cp/s, Eq. (1) below). Vibrations of the probe Contact between iron and its oxide produces a contact
change the gap, which changes the capacitance and potential difference in the oxide film as follows:
induces alternating current I(t). The electronic unit ampli-
Δφ = Efb – E Fe/FeO = 0.86 V.
fies the current and compensates it by the current of oppo-



Chlorides in humid air break the steel passivity and with a thin polymer membrane, and the circuit is closed
level off the potential drop by decreasing the potential via a zero ammeter. Activating corrosion at one electrode
from 0.3 to –0.35 V [13]. In this case, an SKP measures affects the other metallic electrode, which becomes either
the active metal surface potential. With time, corrosion anodically or cathodically polarized, which results in the
products are formed on the steel surface and can increase appearance of galvanic current in the circuit [12, 13]. In the
the potential back to 0.2 or 0.4 V [13, 19]. case of a sensor where one electrode is covered with a poly-
On a metal covered with a polymer coating, the poten- mer coating while the other corrodes, a change in the cur-
tial is measured in air close to the coating surface. The rent direction provides information about the nature of the
oxide–air interface (Eq. (3)) is replaced with the oxide– reaction, which results in the exfoliation of the polymer.
polymer and polymer–air interfaces. Ionic, donor–accep- A Gamry Reference 600 femtostat was used as the
tor, and van der Waals interactions can either increase or zero ammeter. A sensor consisting of two steel electrodes
decrease the potential of the passive iron surface by 0.1– (with a working surface area of 3 × 1 cm) glued in an
0.3 V depending on the nature of the ionic groups of the Epoxy-resin holder was chosen. The electrodes were sep-
polymer involved in the interaction with the steel surface arated by a polymer membrane with a thickness of
[20]. However, the structure of the electric double layer at 0.5 mm. The electrodes were polished, degreased, and
the metal–dielectric polymer coating interface is studied dried, after which one of them was covered with a polymer
insufficiently. coating. The surface of the other electrode was activated
with NaCl and water additives.
2.1. Technical SKP Characteristics 2.3. Preparing Electrodes and Corrosion Tests
A UBM Messtechnik scanning Kelvin probe (vibrat- Carbon-steel specimens (4 × 4 cm) were degreased
ing capacitor) was used. Each measurement involved two with acetone, washed in deionized water, and dried. Coat-
scans; first, the surface topography was studied, then the ings were applied to their surfaces and hardened. The
potential was measured at selected points close to the thickness of the coatings was measured with PosiTector
working electrode surface. SKP is equipped with a cham- 6000 (Table 1).
ber that enables one to carry out measurements in various A defect in the polymer coating was created with a
atmospheres. In this work, we used air with a relative Multifunction Scratching Tool or Brave. Corrosion tests
humidity of 95%. were carried out in a salt-mist chamber according to ISO
The probe is a needle made of CrNi alloy with a diam- 7253 (5% NaCl, pH 6.5–7.2) and interrupted by SKP mea-
eter of 80 μm, a vibration amplitude of 20 μm, and a fre- surements. For this purpose, the surface was washed with
quency of 2 kHz. The air gap between the probe and the deionized water. Upon corrosion tests, the coating was
studied surface was automatically kept at 50 μm. Before removed in n-methyl pyrrolidone or dimethylformamide
measurements, the probe potential was calibrated in air of at 50°ë in order to estimate the corrosion visually.
95% humidity over the surface of a saturated solution of Controlled NaCl amounts were applied to the steel sur-
the CuSO4/Cu electrode. Potentials are given in the stan- face from a 90% ethanol–10% water NaCl solution (a con-
dard hydrogen electrode scale used in electrochemistry. centration of 0.06 M and a superficial NaCl crystallite
Preliminary calibration experiments [13] showed that the density of 3 to 10 μg/cm2).
adsorption of water and oxygen from air only slightly (by
10–15 mV) changes the probe potential.
At the topographic profiling, the same principle of 2.4. Elemental Analysis of the Metal Surface
vibrating capacitor is used. In this case, the coating is Upon removing the coating, the electrode surfaces
involved in the probe–air–polymer coating–substrate were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
capacitor with a potential difference of 8 V. This may and electron probe energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
result in the appearance of charges induced in the dielec- (EDXS). An analysis was carried out at Brittany Univer-
tric coating. However, the charges are neutralized rela- sity (Brest, France) with Princeton Gamma-Tech equip-
tively rapidly at the electrode exposure in a humid air. In ment.
order to estimate this effect, the potential profiles were
repeatedly measured until the picture stabilized. The sur-
face resolution of the potential profiles was 100 μm and 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
that of the topography profiles was 2 μm in height.
3.1. Visualizing Steel–P1 Polymer Interface with SKP
It is necessary to consider the applicability of an SKP
2.2. Galvanic Current Measurements to visualizing corrosion at the steel–coating interface. Pre-
under Atmospheric Conditions viously, we investigated [13] the development of a subfilm
When investigating the spatial separation of partial corrosion of steels in the presence of a single NaCl crystal
electrochemical processes, it is convenient to use galvanic at the steel–P2 coating interface. As was found, in a humid
corrosion sensors. Two identical electrodes are separated air at a site where the salt crystal was applied, the steel is



Coatings and their thicknesses and descriptions exposure to 48 h widened the area to 4 mm. Adhesion was
absent on the surface where the potential was decreased,
Coatings Thickness, μm Composition and corrosion products were only present within the defect
zone. In this experiment, salt crystals absorbed water to pro-
P1 100 epoxy-vinyl duce an aqueous electrolyte, which led to the corrosion of
steel. Around the defect, the steel was passive, and cathodic
P2 50 alkyd, TiO2 pigment reaction proceeds on its surface resulting in the exfoliation
of the polymer [10, 11]. The steel surface around the reac-
S1 150 epoxy-vinyl/alkyd
silicoorganic tion zone kept the initial positive potential (0.5–0.6 V),
which corresponds to the adhesion of coating. These exper-
S2 440 epoxy-vinyl/alkyd imental data agree with [5–7] that the coating is cathodically
silicoorganic exfoliated at the defect in the presence of NaCl electrolyte
in it.
A similar experiment was carried out upon applying an
active and corrodes and a zone of cathodic exfoliation is aqueous NH4Cl solution. In this case, after 5 h of expo-
formed around it where the coating loses the adhesion. sure, the potential at the defect decreased to only 0.1 V,
To half a steel electrode surface, a fine-crystalline NaCl which indicated the less effective activation of the steel
layer with a density of 10 μg/cm2 was applied from an eth- surface. Upon 24 h of exposure to humid air, the potential
anol solution. The whole surface of the specimen was cov- at the defect was still positive. No active corrosion at the
ered with P1 coating (Table 1) with a thickness of 100 μm. defect or cathodic exfoliation of the coating was noticed
The potential distribution was measured 2 h after reaching (Fig. 2b). The data agree with [3] that ammonia chloride
an air humidity of 95%. At the NaCl-containing interface demonstrates a much weaker ability to exfoliate coatings
(left side of the profile in Fig. 1a), the potential decreased compared to the alkaline metal salts.
from 0.2 to –0.3 V. The negative potential values corre- Figure 3 shows the potential profiles of the steel sur-
spond to the zones of active steel corrosion. The adhesion face without coating with the locally applied 0.1 M NaCl
of coating was lost at the corroded part of the specimen and 0.1 M NH4Cl upon the exposure to air with a humidity
and retained at the residual part containing no activator (at of 95% for 24 h. At the site where NaCl was applied (at the
the right side of the profile in Fig. 1a). left corner of the profile), an area with low potential values
P2 coating cannot inhibit the corrosion process at the covered with corrosion products appears, and at a distance
selected chloride content at the interface. The NaCl den- up to 15 mm, a zone of intermediate potential values cor-
sity was decreased to 3 μg/cm2 at the uniform distribution responding to the cathodic steel surface is formed [12, 13].
of the salt. Exposing the specimen to a humid air resulted In the case of ammonium salt, the cathodic front does not
in the local potential decrease to active values of 0.34 V extend, and the cathodic and anodic reactions take place at
(Fig. 1b). As can be seen, even at a very small NaCl den- the spot where the salt was applied. Here, the corrosion
sity, salt microcrystals cause the exfoliation of the coating potential is positive. At the oxygen reduction in the pres-
and the steel corrosion. Comparing the distributions of ence of alkaline metals, surface zones with a high NaOH
potential and corrosion products (Figs. 1b and 1c) shows concentration appear which promotes the exfoliation of
that the negative potentials correspond to rust clusters. coating. However, ammonium cation is unstable and
Anodic sites are surrounded with areas with potentials forms an aqueous ammonia solution at pH above 9.25.
about –0.1 V, which correspond to the cathodically exfoli- The absence of a mobile cation and its migration to the
ated coating, while the regions with the most positive surrounding surface area inhibits the formation of an alkali
potential correspond to the adhesion contact between the and the exfoliation of the coating.
metal and coating. Thus, SKP can detect the subfilm cor- Under atmospheric corrosion conditions, depending
rosion at the earliest stage. on the salt concentration, the cathodic front spreads over
the surface of the passive metal to a depth of 15–30 mm.
In the presence of a coating, the cathodic zone (of exfolia-
3.2. Corrosion Exfoliation of P1 and P2 Coatings tion) extends from the defect to no more than 4 mm. Thus,
at a Defect the adhesive coating substantially inhibits the develop-
Figure 2 shows potential profiles on a carbon steel cov- ment of the cathodic front.
ered with an alkyd P2 coating and a linear defect with a At a defect in the P1 coating, aqueous 0.5 M NaCl
width of 1 mm. An ethanol NaCl solution was applied to the electrolyte was applied, and the specimen was placed in an
defect zone and dried (a chloride density of 10 μg/cm2). SKP chamber with humid (95%) air. According to the
Then, the specimen was exposed in air with a humidity of topographic profile, the thickness of an electrolyte layer
95%. After 1 h, the potential at the defect decreased to – was 0.5 mm and the potential at the defect decreased to an
0.1 V, which indicated the activation of the steel surface. active value of –0.45 V. The potential at the defect bound-
After 24 h of exposure, the potential decreased to –0.3 V, ary under the coating also decreased, which corresponds
and an area with a width of 3 mm and a potential of 0.1 V to the cathodic exfoliation. An increase in the exposure to
formed around the defect (Fig. 2a). The prolongation of the 24 h increased the exfoliation area of the polymer to 4 mm



E, V (a)
E, V (a)
0.3 0.5
0.2 E, V
0.1 0.6
2.6 0.3
1.6 0.1
1.0 –0.1
0.5 –0.3
E, V
0.3 0 1 2 3 4 5
0.2 distance, mm
10 0.1 E, V (b)
0 0.6
5 –0.1 0.5
–0.2 E, V
0 –0.3 0.6
0 5 10 15 20 0.2
0 0.5
distance, mm 1
(b) 2 0.4
3 0.3
4 0.2
5 4 3 2 1 0
potential, V distance, mm
Fig. 2. Potential profiles measured in the steel–P2 coating
system with a defect (in the middle part of the profile) in air
–0.08 – –0.03 at a humidity of 95% with (a) NaCl and (b) NH4Cl applied
25 mm

to the defect at an exposure of 24 h in humid air.

–0.23 – –0.18

–0.28 – –0.23

–0.34 – –0.28
E, V
25 mm 0.3
(c) 0.2
2 0
0 –0.1

0 5 10 15
distance, mm
E, V (b)
0.4 E, V

25 mm 3
Fig. 1. (a, b) Potential distribution over the steel–P1 coating 2 0.3
interface (in air at a humidity of 95%) and (c) photo of the 1
steel surface. NaCl is applied at a density, μg/cm2: 0.2
(a) 10 (left side of the profile) and (b, c) 3. 0
2 4 6 8
distance, mm
from the defect (middle part of the profile in Fig. 4a),
which is close to the situation with a P2 coating. Water was
Fig. 3. Potential profiles of a carbon steel (in air at a humid-
evaporated at a humidity of 50%, and the specimen was ity of 95%) with (a) 0.1 M NaCl and (b) 0.1 M NH4Cl solu-
again exposed in humid (95%) air. As a result, the thick- tion drops applied (at the left side of the profiles).



(a) (a) –0.3 E, V

E, V –0.2
0 E, V –0.1
E, V –0.2 0.3
0 –0.4 0.2
0 –0.6 0.1
–0.2 0 0
0.5 –0.1 2
–0.4 1.0 –0.2 1
–0.6 1.5 –0.3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 distance, mm
distance, mm (b) E, V
(b) E, V 0.05
0 E, V
E, V –0.2 0.05
0 –0.3
–0.1 –0.4 –0.05
–0.2 –0.5 –0.15
–0.3 0 1.0 2
–0.4 –0.25
–0.5 1.5 –0.35
7 6 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0
4 3 2 1 7
0 distance, mm
distance, mm H × 10, mm (c)
(c) E, V 0.4
–0.05 0
–0.15 H × 10, mm
E, V 0.4
4 4
–0.15 3 –0.4
–0.25 2 2 –0.8
1 1 –1.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0
7 distance, mm
distance, mm

Fig. 4. Potential profiles of the steel–P1 system measured in

air at a humidity of 95% (the defect is at the right side of the Fig. 5. (a, b) Potential profiles and (c) topography of the
profile): (a) exposure with an aqueous NaCl solution steel–P1 system in air at a humidity of 95%: (a) upon 5 h
applied to the defect; (b) upon evaporation of water from the exposure in the salt-mist chamber and (b, c) upon additional
defect (in air at a humidity of 95%); and (c) upon exposure 24-h exposure in air at a humidity of 95%. The defect is at
for 100 h in air at a humidity of 95%. the right side of the profile.

ness of an electrolyte layer at the defect noticeably Another specimen covered with a P1 coating was
decreased. As a result of the better aeration, the potential exposed for 5 h in the salt-mist chamber, upon which mea-
in the middle part of the defect increased (at the right side surements in a humid air in SKP chamber were carried out
of the profile in Fig. 4b), and the active zone corresponded (Fig. 5). At the first measurement in the presence of a
to the boundary between the defect and the polymer coat- phase electrolyte film at the defect, the steel had an active
ing. Thus, the polarity of the galvanic cell was changed potential of –0.4 V. However, under drier conditions in air
and the middle part of the defect became a cathode with with humidity of 95%, the potential at the defect was more
respect to the covered steel where it could anodically dis- positive with respect to the neighboring surface (Fig. 5a).
solve. The specimen was exposed to humid air for 100 h At the defect–adhesive coating interface, a zone with low
(Fig. 4c). Anodic sites with low potentials were now in the potentials (–0.35 V) existed, which indicated the anodic
middle part of the profile along the boundary between the activation of steel. After 24 h of exposure to a humid air,
exfoliated and adhered coating. Replacing air with nitro- the sites of anodic dissolution were localized (Figs. 5b and
gen at a humidity of 95% decreased the potential of the 5c), while in the region of the most negative potential, the
steel surface with an exfoliated coating by 120 mV, which coating was locally swelled because of the formation of
indicated that the surface was involved in the cathodic corrosion products under it. Thus, depending on the corro-
reaction and that the sites with negative potentials were sion conditions at the defect, the coating can be exfoliated
anodically polarized [13]. either cathodically or anodically.



(a) (a)
Fe Membrane


Fe Fe
O Na
C Fe Electrodes
0 2 4 6 8 10
Cl 3
O 3
Fe Fe
Fe Cl 2 1
C Fe

I μÄ/Òm2
0 2 4 6 8 10 1
Fig. 6. EDXS spectra of the steel surface around the defect: 2 4 6 8
(a) upon exposure of the defect with electrolyte solution time, h
applied and (b) upon exposure in humid air. –1 4
3.3. Studying the Spatial Separation 2
of Processes with EDXS
The operation of a galvanic cell formed by the steel in
a defect and steel under a coating is determined by the spa-
tial separation of the electrochemical processes and Fig. 7. (a) Scheme of sensor measuring galvanic corrosion
currents and (b) dependences of current density on expo-
accompanied by the redistribution of sodium and chloride sure: (1) upon application of 0.1 M NaCl solution and (2)
ions. The surface analysis was carried out with the use of upon subsequent exposure in air at humidity of 50, 95, and
electron probe energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy at the 50%; (3) upon application of 0.5 M NaCl solution and (4)
defect boundary upon removal of a part of the coating that upon subsequent exposure in air at humidity of 50, 95, and
has lost adhesion. Two situations of the corrosion of steel
covered with a P1 coating in a humid air for 24 h were con-
sidered. One specimen was exposed in the presence of a carbon, oxygen, and iron lines, while no sodium trace was
layer of aqueous 0.5 M NaCl solution applied to the defect noticed around the defect. At the defect–coating boundary,
(SKP profile in Fig. 4a). The other specimen was exposed islets enriched in chloride were found. The EDXS study
in a salt-mist chamber and then in air with a humidity of shows that, at the corrosion in humid air, rust islets
95% (SKP profile in Fig. 5b). The specimens were washed enriched in iron chloride appear at the defect boundary.
with deionized water and dried, and the coatings that had
lost adhesion were removed. In the former case, C, O, Fe,
and Na were present on the steel surface under the coating 3.4. Measuring Galvanic Currents
at a point 2-mm distant from the defect (Fig. 6a). In the between the Defect and Coating
distribution map of elements, a uniform distribution of
sodium was observed along with small islets enriched in Potential profiles show that there are potential gradi-
sodium. These islets corresponded to the heightened car- ents between the corroded defect and the steel covered
bon content in the carbon distribution map. Thus, EDXS with a coating, which may result in the galvanic corrosion.
reveals the formation of cathodic products, namely Direct measurements of the galvanic current can provide
sodium carbonate and hydroxide around the corroded information about the efficiency of the cell operation. A
metal at the coating defect. Similar products were found scheme of the galvanic-current sensor is shown in Fig. 7a.
on the cathodic steel surface at the atmospheric corrosion One of the steel electrodes was covered with a P2 coating
upon the local application of NaCl [13]. Inside the defect, (with a thickness about 60 μm) and served as an auxiliary
corrosion products were characterized by the lowered electrode in a circuit with a zero ammeter. The working
sodium content. The EDXS spectrum (Fig. 6b) of the electrode, which was the free metal surface, modeled a
specimen corroded in a humid atmosphere involved only defect in the coating, and the current density was normal-



ized to its surface area. In the absence of a corrosion acti- which it was scanned in a humid air (Fig. 8a). The poten-
vator on the electrode surface in humid air or upon the tial of the steel at the defect (left side of the profile) is pos-
application of a deionized water layer, current values no itive and only slightly decreases (by 30 mV) at the defect–
larger than 10 nAcm2 were recorded. coating boundary, which indicates the beginning of activa-
A layer of aqueous 0.1 M NaCl electrolyte with a tion at the interface. Exposure in a salt-mist chamber for
thickness of around 1 mm was applied to the working 96 h results in a decrease in the potential at the defect–
electrode. The positive current about 1.5 μA/cm2 was coating boundary to –0.2 V, which indicates the anodic
measured with the ammeter (Fig. 7b), which corresponds activation at the interface.
to the anodic dissolution of the steel at a defect and the Investigations in the salt-mist chamber were continued
cathodic polarization of the steel under the coating. Upon for 11 and 18 days. After 11 days, local swellings of the
the evaporation of water and formation of a thin electro- coating (0.2 mm in height and 2 mm in diameter) over the
lyte film, the polarity of current changed, and, upon com- corroded anodes became noticeable in the topographic
plete evaporation of water, the current dropped to zero. At surface profile (Fig. 8d). The coating was removed in an
a certain critical thickness of the electrolyte film, the organic solvent and it was found that regions with low
defect surface acted as the cathode, while the surface cov- potentials (local anodes) correspond to the development of
ered with the coating, as the anode. Measurements were corrosion under the coating.
continued at the exposure of the same sensor in air at The same coating was applied to a carbon steel, but the
humidity of 50, 95, and 50%. In humid air, negative cur- thickness was increased to 440 μm by applying an addi-
rent with a density of 1 to 2 μA/cm2 was generated tional layer (S2). Measuring the profiles after 1 and 4 days
(Fig. 7B, curve 2). Similar effects were observed upon of exposure in the salt-mist chamber revealed neither
applying aqueous 0.5 M NaCl solution. An increase in the cathodic nor anodic activity of the interface around the
electrolyte concentration increased the anodic current to defect. Upon 11 days, local swellings of the coating were
4 μA/cm2. Upon the evaporation of water, under a thin noticed in the topographic profile, which corresponded to
electrolyte layer, the polarity of the current also changed, the regions with the low active steel potential. Upon
and the defect acted as a cathode with respect to the elec- 18 days of exposure, the coating was removed in an
trode covered with the coating. In humid air, the defect organic solvent. The areas of the anodic dissolution of the
was still a cathode with respect to the steel covered with steel corresponded to the formation of the iron corrosion
the coating (Fig. 7b). products (Fig. 9). Note that the exterior of corrosion prod-
During corrosion, a rust layer is formed that can affect ucts at the defect and around it was similar. However, the
currents in a galvanic cell. The sensor (Fig. 7a) was used surfaces had different potentials, as well as different con-
in studying the effect of the iron corrosion product layer. tents of chlorine, sodium, hydroxide, and hydronium ions
One electrode was protected against corrosion, while the (Fig. 6).
other was covered with corrosion products that formed
The above data show that, in the salt-mist chamber, the
under atmospheric conditions. A layer of 0.5 M NaCl elec-
corrosion of the steel at the defect results in the develop-
trolyte was applied to both electrodes. A substantial cur-
ment of the anodic process under the coating. An increase
rent about 30 μA/cm2 was recorded. The electrode cov-
in the coating thickness from 150 to 440 μm increases the
ered with the corrosion products acted as a cathode with
time interval before the activation; however, according to
respect to the free steel surface covered with an electrolyte
the topographic profiles (diameter and height of the cor-
layer. The same polarity was observed in humid air, but at
roded anodic zones, Figs. 8 and 9), the subfilm corrosion
a smaller current density of 2 μA/cm2. Thus, due to the
rates are close. In this case, the anodic corrosion rate is
deceleration of either anodic or cathodic reaction, an elec-
determined by the efficiency of the oxygen reduction at
trode covered with a layer of rust is a cathode with respect
the defect.
to the free steel surface. However, the effect of the thick-
ness of the electrolyte layer on the interaction between the
metal in a defect and under the polymer is more important 4. DISCUSSION
than the presence of the corrosion products. In both the
presence and absence of the products, the defect acts as an It is found that a galvanic cell is formed by the steel
anode under a thick electrolyte layer and as a cathode sites at the defect and under the coating, and either
under adsorption moisture layers in air with a humidity of cathodic or anodic current is conducted. The polarity of
95%. the current is determined by the potential gradient
between the two kinds of surface sites, which, in turn,
depends on the electrochemical conditions of the steel cor-
3.5. Studying Industrial Coatings on Steel rosion at the defect.
In the next experiment, an S1 coating with heightened When a thick layer of an aqueous solution is applied to
protective properties was chosen that is used in protecting the defect, the potential here corresponds to the active cor-
steel structures in marine atmospheres. The thickness of rosion of steel and is more negative than the potential of
the coating (150 μm) was also larger than that studied pre- the steel covered with an adhesive coating. The galvanic
viously studied and the defect width was 2 mm. A speci- cell appeared involves an anode (the defect) and a cathode
men was exposed in the salt-mist chamber for 24 h, upon (the neighboring metal–polymer boundary), which agrees



(‡) (b)
E, V
0.5 E, V
E, V 0.3

3 0.1
0.2 4 2 –0.1
0.1 –0.3
4 3 2 1 0 8
0 2 4 6
distance, mm 0
distance, mm
(c) (d)
E, V H × 10, mm
0.4 3
E, Ç 1
0.4 –1 H × 10, mm
0.2 3
0 2
4 4 1
2 –0.2 2 0
0 8 –1
4 6 0 4 6 8
0 2 0 2
distance, mm distance, mm

1 Òm

Fig. 8. (a, b, c) Potential profiles and (d) surface topography of the coating in the steel–S1 system upon tests in the salt-mist chamber,
days: (a) 1; (b) 4; and (c, d, e) 18. Defect is at the left side of the profile. (e) Photo of the steel surface upon removing the coating.
Surface part studied with SKP is marked with a quadrangle.

with the data of [5–9]. It is worth noting that the cell does ([O2] = 0.8 mmol/l and Ddif = 10–8 cm2/s) [21]. Thus, the
not correspond to the differential aeration conditions. The steel surface at the defect should be more aerated than
limiting diffusion oxygen flow through the electrolyte under the coating and act as a cathode. Without coating
solution is close to 15 μA/cm2 ([O2] = 1 mmol/l and Ddif = (Fig. 3a) when the steel aeration around the applied NaCl
10–5 cm2/s). At the same time, the diffusion flow of oxygen spot is the largest, the polarity of the electrodes in the gal-
through the polymer coating is smaller than 0.8 μA/cm2 vanic cell is the same. Thus, the motive force of the



E, V (‡) reaction and can substantially decrease the cathodic area.

0.3 In the case of a fairly thick coating (S1 and S2 systems),
0.1 cathodic exfoliation can be substantially hampered [3].
Cathodic exfoliation is less effective at a lower NaCl con-
–0.1 E, V
tent or when sodium cations are replaced with ammo-
0.2 nium.
Under thin electrolyte films, the steel potential is sub-
stantially more positive [22]. In humid air, the potential at
–0.2 the defect becomes more positive than that of steel cov-
2 ered with a coating (Fig. 5). In the galvanic cell, the defect
0 8 –0.4 acts as a cathode which results in the anodic exfoliation of
0 2 4 6 the coating. Anodic process begins at the defect–coating
distance, mm
boundary and spreads under the coating producing swells.
This kind of atmospheric corrosion of steels covered with
H × 10, mm (b) coatings is usually met under natural conditions [23].
2.5 The reasons for the heightened corrosion potential of
1.5 the steel at the defect can be as follows:
H × 10, mm
0.5 —the acceleration of the oxygen diffusion and the effi-
2.5 ciency of the cathodic reaction that take place on the
1.5 developed surface of the electron-conducting rust;
—the passivation of the steel surface with the corro-
sion products and a decrease in the anodic oxidation rate
4 –0.5 of iron;
2 –1.5 —the anodic polarization of the surface with the elec-
0 8
–2.5 tron-semiconducting layer involving a Fe3+/Fe2+ redox
2 4 6 system. For example, we may assume that the transfer of
0 distance, mm
the anodic reaction from the defect to the surrounding sur-
face is caused by the inhibition of the anodic reaction and
(c) the activation of the cathodic one under thin electrolyte
It is important to understand why the ionic transfer of
sodium or chlorine takes place and why the electrochemi-
cal processes are spatially separated. Galvanic contacts are
usually formed by two different metals with different
potentials. The electromotive force of the element involves
the Galvani potential difference between the metals,
which is the motive force that separates the electrochemi-
cal processes. Concentration cells may form on electrodes
of the same nature. For example, a differential aeration cell
appears due to the different oxygen pressures over differ-
ent electrode sites. However, as was mentioned above, a
galvanic cell, which results in the cathodic exfoliation of
the coating on a steel, does not correspond to the differen-
tial aeration conditions. We may assume that the anodic
1 Òm and cathodic control of the steel corrosion at the defect
determines the mechanism of the exfoliation of a polymer
coating. In the case of the steel corrosion under a thick
electrolyte layer, the diffusion of oxygen and the cathodic
Fig. 9. (a) Potential profile, (b) surface topography, and reaction determine the whole process. The degree of con-
(c) photo of the steel surface in the steel–S2 system upon trol decreases at the oxygen reduction on the surrounding
18 days of exposure in the salt-mist chamber. The defect is passive steel surface under the polymer coating. Under the
at the right side of the profile. Rectangle shows the region
scanned. adsorption electrolyte films, the diffusion rate of oxygen
substantially increases, and the corrosion products, which
have a developed surface, increase the oxygen reduction
current and decrease the anodic reaction rate. Thus, corro-
cathodic exfoliation is determined by the difference in the sion is controlled by the anodic process. To weaken the
oxygen pressure over different zones of the electrode sur- control, the steel surface under the coating around the
face. However, the adhesion coating inhibits the cathodic defect becomes involved in the anodic process.



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