Keynote 3 Unit Quizzes Unit 1

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Unit 1 Quiz: Making a Difference

Complete the conversation. Circle the correct words.
A: Do you know who 1 (inspires / inspired) me? You do!
B: Me? Wow. Thanks. What did I do?
A: I always see you 2 (help / helping) others out.
B: Well, if I can 3 (make / made) a difference in someone’s day, I’ll try.
A: I should do more to 4 (taking / take) care of others.
B: You’re really good at repairing things, you know.
A: You’re right. I think I’ll start 5 (offer / offering) to help fix things more often.

Complete the paragraph using the correct form of the words in parentheses.
My friend Ralph was there for me after my accident. He 1 (bring) me food
every day. He even made me soup. Ralph and I have known each other a long time, so we
are like family. We 2 (be) friends since we were kids. I have
(help) him out over the years, too. One time, when he couldn’t pay
his rent, I 4
(lend) him money. Even though we’re not related, we always
do anything we can to 5
(help) each other out.

Complete the quotes from Mark Bezos’s TED Talk using the words in the box.

acts of generosity matter poverty volunteer

Back in New York, I am the head of development for a non-profit called Robin Hood. When
I’m not fighting 1 , I’m fighting fires as the assistant captain of a volunteer
fire company …

… In both my vocation at Robin Hood and my avocation as a 2 firefighter,

I am witness to acts of 3
and kindness on a monumental scale, but I’m
also witness to 4
grace and courage on an individual basis. And you
know what I’ve learned? They all 5

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Unit 1 Quiz 189

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