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Drafting Pleading and Conveyancing

Item Text Option Text 1 Option Text 2 Option Text 3 Option Text 4
Criminal Complaint U/S 420 IPC is filed in JMFC Session Court District Court High Court
For release
Bail Application is filed by accused After arrest Before Arrest from custody Both A & C
A decision of a maintenance application U/S 125 Cr.PC can be Criminal
challenged in Appeal Revision Review Writ
What part of the deed decide whether it is a public trust Beneficiary Object Trustee teretary
Transfer of
securing for Possesion of Transfer
Transfer of payment of on without
In a mortgage transfer of property is for ---- Ownership debt cansidaretion consideretion
Dishonour of cheque can be remedied by---------- proceeding Civil proceeding Both Either A or B
Adoption deed can be made only by person govern by ----law Hindu Muslim Parsi Christan
To out line in the c- To open d- The
form of rough To make final Microsoft submission in
The meaning of drafting is notes document office court
Plaint or written Certified
According to CPC pleading means statement Order Judgment copy
Document Document
submitted in Document Document in conveyance
The meaning of conveyance is court issued by court evidence property
There are …. Golden Rules of pleading Two Three Four Five

In small word
How the title is written In capital only In bold only In italics only only
Applicant/ Petitioner / Plaintiff/ Complainant/
In the civil suit how parties are mentioned ? opponent respondent defendant accused
The paragraphs in the plaint are numbered as 1. 2.3 A.B.C I.II.III a.b.c
Total value of Total owner of Place and Title of the
What is description of property property property measurement property
According to According to
Whether adjournment application is interlocutory application No Yes case evidence
for Elucidating
any matter in for Collecting for Assisting for collecting
A court commissioner is appointed.... dispute evidence parties money
Legal hears can bring on record in circumstances of Insolvency Epilepsy Death Leprosy
Anticipatory bail granted by session court can be cancelled by emergency
high court No Yes As per case only
Complaint under section138 of negotiable instrument Act lies Supreme magistrate
before which court Session court High court court first class

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