Animal Farm Class Worksheet

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Animal Farm: Chapter 3

Q.1: Comprehension Choose the best answer.

1. What was the problem with the farm tools?

A. They were broken.

B. They were made for human hands.

C. The animals had burned them.

2. Why did Boxer ask the cockerels to call him a half-hour earlier in the morning?

A. It takes him a long time to get ready.

B. He is a heavy sleeper.

C. He wanted to do more work.

3. Why did the animals enjoy their food more?

A. The animals produced it for themselves.

B. Muriel is a better cook than Mr. Jones.

C. They were able to drink milk with their meals.

4. Where do you find the pictures of a hoof and horn?

A. On the barn.

B. On the sign for the farm.

C. On the new flag.

5. Who enjoyed the slogan “Four legs good, two legs bad,” the most?

A. The Sheep.

B. Boxer.

C. Muriel.
Q.2: Who?
Instructions: Identify the character from the quote or description.
1. “Day and night we are watching over your welfare.” Squealer

2. He was the admiration of everybody. Boxer

3. They did not work, but directed and supervised the others. The pigs

Q.3: Answer the following questions.

1. Why don’t the pigs do any work? Do you think this will be a problem? Explain your answer.

2. Do the animals work as efficiently as Jones and his men did?

3. Who gained leadership of the animals? Why?

Q.4: Identify by matching

Name Identity
(---------) Old Major A. Foolish, pretty white mare; liked sugar & ribbons
(---------) Boxer B. Donkey; oldest animal on the farm
(---------) Clover C. Raven who spoke of Sugarcandy Mountain
(---------) Benjamin D. Huge, strong horse; not very smart, but of good
(---------) Mollie E. More vivacious pig than Napoleon
(---------) Snowball F. He began the whole idea of the revolution.
(---------) Squealer G. Motherly, middle-aged mare
(---------) Moses H. Not much of a talker; but good at getting his own way
(---------) Napoleon I. A brilliant talker

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