3B - English File Intermediate Workbook 22.04 PDF

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‘Men want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. (scar Wilde, ish writer 38—Stereotypes - or are they? 1 GRAMMAR articles: a /an, the, no article Think (Gi the girs ate better at learning languages the languages than boys the boys. Did you lock door | the door when you lec house | the house this morning? My sister is married to German [a German. He's engineer |an engineer Idon't sully like fs the ih, but salmon [the salmon we had lst night was delicious We goto cinema the cinema oncea week | the week. Don't worry! t's not the end end ofthe world | world Do you think women the womenare more sensitive than men / the men? What beau beauifa day! Let's have lunch Ja lanch in the garden wusneene b Are the highlighted phrases right (/) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases. 2 PRONUNCIATION ‘4, sentence stress, Pal oF /Biz/? GIVE) Listen and complete the sentences. 1 Tilike to__speak to the _manager 2 tveputthe onthe ratmmeerlaee 3 es has loveless the clouratsyou —_ a lovely dress 2. Hetshoping to visi his pares igeeweskana C1 . <= 5 Sheneedsioseea about 3 DhieimoNey doesn't make people happy. hae. 6 Wewano fora 4 My grandther shoal when he was ieee 5 They goto the dentist about twice the year. "6 Eisseeregadn wed repeats Gopy the ryt ¢ §GTTEY Listen and repeat the phrases. Pay 6 Have you watched DVD that Tent you? attention to the pronunciation of the. 1 The conversation was about the woman next door: 2 The university invited a guest ro speakat the meeting. 3 Isometimes go to the theatre in the evening, 4 Wertook the lift instead of walking up the stairs, 5 The office gave me al the information I needed. 6 The grey skirtisnice, but I prefer the black one. 7 That was one of the best meals I've ever had. 8. WhatHOIgychild! Where are his parents Oadadkad 10 Tove Bats, bur my boyfriend does ike them. [I 11 Herhusband sts in froncof eTVallday. CI 12 She always getstothework achalfpastfive. — [] 3 READING a Read the article once and put the headings in the correct place. A Men are better navigators than women B Women talk more than men C Men don see colours as well as women Stereotypes supported by science Men havelaltepuitation for wearing clothes that don't look good together ~ if men do look good, it’s because their girlfriends or wives have helped them get dressed. Why's that? Science says: Let's take a look at chromosomes — the parts of our DNA that control many things about us. The colour red is carried only by the X chromosome. Women have two X chromosomes. and so they are IHRBIIKENY to be able to see red, Men only have one X chromosome Howe we see colour depends on the abilty to see red, blue, and green. s0 women are more likely to see colours better. Being able to see colours well was important in prehistoric times when women looked for fruit for food, They had to be able to tell the difference between the types of fruit on the trees so that they didn’ choose a type that was (POISONOUS. For them, seeing different colours meant they could survive 2 a Most men have a natural ability to read maps while women usually need to turn them round. How come? Science says: Men are able to see the size and positon of things ‘much quicker than women, This ability is called ‘spatial awareness Researchers discovered in a study of fouryearold children that only ‘one gir nas this ability for every four boys. Once again, the explanation can be found in the past. Do you remember those prehistoric women? Well, wile they were looking for fruit, the men travelled long distances to hunt animals. When they had caught enough, they had to find their way home again. And this is where they learnt ‘spatial awareness’. The women didn't need it because they hardly ever went out of sight oftheir homes, but forthe men, it was ital 3 Humans are social animals, so why is it that men don't like sharing their problems while women tell their best friends everything? Science says: The answer isin the brain. The parts ESHOMSROIESOR language are 17% larger ina woman's rain than in a man's brain. Als, women use both the left and the right side of the brain to use language, ‘while men use only one side — thei strongest side, And there's more The part ofthe brain that connects the two parts together — the corpus callosum ~ is larger in women too, which means that they can move information from one part to the other part more quickly. Nobody is sure why these alfferences exist, butt’ clear that women have a iefinitsaavamtage’ over men when it comes to communication. Read thearticle again, Choose the rightanswers 1 Men can find it difficult to perceive. aw one colour. © any colours 2. Seeing colours wellhelped prehistoric women. a find interesting things to eat. cook food correctly choose the right fruit. 3 The results ofthe study showed that. a four-year-olds don't have spatial awareness. bb boys learn spatial awareness before girls © girls don't have spatial awareness. 4 Women didn't need spatial awareness in prehistoric times because. a themen were always with them bb they never left home. © they didn’t travel far from home, 5. Menare worse at communicating because, a. partof their brains are smaller. b their brainsare 17% smaller, € their brainsare larger. 6 The function of the corpus callosum in the brain a tocommunicate between both b to store different languages. ¢ tocontrol the language process. Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. ‘Complete the sentences with one of the highlighted words or phrases. 1 Iesa__definite advantage to have good exam results if you want to go to university 2. Don'teat those mushrooms you found outside! They could be 3. Who's making this mess? 4 She's oacceptif you invite her partner as well. 5 Italian people for being great cooks. 6 Is I finish the report before the end of the day 4 VOCABULARY collocation: verbs/ 6 LISTENING adjectives + prepositions 4. GIR Liseeno a ratio phone-in programme. Which a Gireld the correct prepositions speaker has the most traditional view about men doing ie the cooking? 1 Nick] 2 Eve[] 3 Frank] 4 Martina [] 1 They're arriving at {on (@ London on Friday 2 That sutease belongs for | from |to me. 3 Shall weask someone at | for | of directions? 4 We might go camping, butie depends in [of Jonthe weather. 5 Everybody laughed about | at / rome when I fell off the chair 6 Who's going to pay for /of| with the meal? 7 dreamt about [from | with my old school friends last night. 8 That girl reminds me about | of to my cousin. 1b Complete the sentences with the correct prepésinons b_ Listen againand mark the sentences T (true) or F (False), 1 Tony used to be married _to _ Teresa. } Nickicnnemployed, = D Nereida orien 2. He wouldnt like ro bea chef _ bees i ae 3. Eve cooksall the mealsin her house 3 They're worried their 4 She spends a lot of time cleaning the kitchen, _ eon 5. Frank chinks that girls work harder than they used ro a Weretavvespinceenel abstrice 6 Frank thinks that girls nowadays can cook. — a 7 Martina’ partner does all the cooking _ 5 'mvery different ay sister. 8 Mata respects men that can cook - 6 Adam's very good _maths. © Listen again with the audioscript on p.71 7 Pmed up this weather. 8 He's famous. his rolein Sherlock Holmes. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES & WHEN AREPREPOSITIONS Learn these words and phrases. STRESSED? ecg STEED Listen and complete the dialogues almost foxmoost slightly slat 1 A Whodid you _argue __with ? whereas /weor'sez ee aheny, according to /a!koxdin) tu: 2. AWhosreyou ? infact /in ‘okt ce range from. freinds fron 3 A What aeyous0 2 tendto tend to Bim about my be sceptical of / bis ‘skeptkl a 4 AWhatare you 2 Bim tothe ED GSB rues Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm.

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