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Green language school

Prep. (1)

First Term (2020-2021)




Green Language School (2020-2021) 1 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:…..../……./…… Getting Started p.4-5-6

Green Language School (2020-2021) 2 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term


*Check the new words (Getting Started) S.B p.111

E X(1). Finish the following with(in-on at):
I've got a lot of things to do. On Friday I've got an important football

match. It's ………… 5 p.m. and ……… the evening there is a good film on TV.

............ the weekend I've got homework to do and I've got exams................
October. The first exam, history, is ...........2nd October. But I do other

things..........the weekends! ............Saturdays I go swimming......... the morning and

I see my friends............. the afternoon. I do school work ..........Sundays,

but...........6 p.m. ........... Sunday we often go to the cinema.

E X(2). Choose the correct answer:
1-Eating too much (rice-salt-vegetables-fruits) makes you fat.

2-Cairo is the biggest (country-city-village-town) in Egypt.

3-My favourite movie will be (in-on-at) TV tonight.

4-She goes to school every day (in-on-by) her father's car.

5-The students stood (in-on-at) a circle to play the game.

6-My school is across (of-on-from) the post office.

E X(3). Rewrite the following:
1-The children are at the school. (Where)
2-There is a ball under the table. (Make a question)
3-I usually do my homework at 7 every night. (When)
4-Where is my book? (under the desk)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 3 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

5-Judy goes to school in the morning. (Make a question)
6-When does Ahmed play football? (every Friday)


* Grammar Reference ( + have got) p.98-99

E X(1). Choose the correct answer:

1-Lila (am-is-are) my best friend.
2-The queen of England (aren't-hasn't-isn't) my aunt.

3-Kylie and Jane (are-have got-has got) watches.

4-Emma (have-hasn't-haven't) got a mobile phone.

5-(Has-Have-Is) he got an MP3player?

E X(2). Complete the following with the correct forms of and have got:
1-No, we................... a star wars DVD, but we ...................... spider-man3.
2-No, we..............ten. We............... twelve!
3-................. your mum from Lebanon?
4-............... you ................. a computer at home?
E X(3). Rewrite the following:
1-Mr. Jim is our school PE teacher. (Make a question)
2-Yes, he has got a car. (Has)
3-What are you interested in? (play football)
4-kim has got a bike. (Negative)
5-Emma has a car. (Negative)
6-Lisa has got two sisters. (Make a question)
Green Language School (2020-2021) 4 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

* Grammar Reference (Getting Started) p.99-100

E X(1). Complete the dialogue with subject pronouns:
Damien: At school ………'ve got a very good basketball team and the
teacher, Miss Jane, is great. …… is a basketball expert!
Nathan: What? The players at your school are very bad! ……………'ve
got no idea about basketball ! Now, Mr. Carter at our school is
a basketball expert……… has got five championship medals!
E X(2). Circle the correct answer:
1-Is that (him-his) new car?

2-They are (my-mine) favourite team.

3-I've got (her-hers) email address. But what's (their-theirs)?

4-Are these (your-yours) DVDs?

5-That dog isn't (mine-my).It's (hers-her).

6-(Our-Ours) mobile phones haven't got cameras.
E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-This is my friend. (My-She-Her) name is Nora.
2-I'm going to see a doctor. (I-Me-My) arm hurts.

3-This is (Mona-Mona's-Mona is) car.

4-(Am-Is-Are) there any buses in the street?

5-Is that your (brother-brother's-he) computer?

6-(A-An-The) meat we ate yesterday was very delicious.

E X(4). Rewrite the following:
1-No, there aren't any buses in the street. (Are)
2-That is Basma's bag. (hers)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 5 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

3-Is there a bird on the tree? (Are)
4-Those are my pens. (Make a question)
E X(5). Correct the underlined words:
1-A car he bought was very expensive. (…………………)
2-Are there a dog under the car? (…………………)
3-This is mine book. (…………………)
4-I gave he a present in his birthday. (…………………)

Unit (1) "Friends"

Date:...../...../..... Lesson (1) "Reading" p.10-11

*Check the new words page.111-112

E X(1). Read the passage, then answer the questions:

"Our Future Friends"
Do you want a friend that does what you want to do? A friend that
always listens when you speak? Then Papero is the friend for you! Papero, a
small robot from Japan, is the friend that's never moody and it is always fun.
Papero does things that your human friends don't always do. If you're
unhappy, Papero tells you jokes, and if you have lots of homework, Papero helps
you. Ask Papero a question and it looks for the answer on the internet, you can
listen to songs on Papero too, and it has a lot of good stories.
But Papero isn't a perfect friend. Parents can connect it to the
internet and see and listen to their children. The robot's eyes are cameras, and
it has 8 microphones. So, Papero tells your parents if you don't do your
homework. Papero is popular with parents because it helps in the house and cook
meals, too.
*Answer the questions:
1-Why do people like Papero?
............................................................................................. ...................................
2-How does Papero makes his friends happy?

Green Language School (2020-2021) 6 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

3-How does Papero can see and listen?
4-What is the problem about Papero and homework?
5-What does Papero do in the kitchen?
6-Where does Papero look for information?
E X(2). Correct the underlined words:
1-My father likes to exercises every morning. He is a lazy person. (.....................)
2-No one likes Dan. He's a good person. He only thinks about himself.(................)
3-My friend Mark is a liar. He always tells the truth. (......................)
4-Julia is nervous with people she doesn't know. She is a friendly. (..................)

Date:..../...../..... Lesson(2)"Grammar& communication" p.12-

*Check the Grammar reference p.100-101

E X(1). Complete the dialogue with the present simple verbs in brackets:

At home I ........(be) always in my bedroom! I................. (listen) to music all

the time because I ................ (have got) a fantastic new MP3 Player. My sister
.......................(have got) a new computer. She...............(go) on the internet and she
................ (write) a lot of emails too. My mum and dad ................(be) always in the
kitchen. They usually................. (talk) about work. We ...................(have) dinner at
7p.m. and then we...........(do) different things. My dad usually ................(watch)
TV and my mum...................(read)the newspaper. I always ..........(go)to my
bedroom and..................(send)text messages to my friends.

E X(2). Rewrite the following:

1-Lucy always walks to school. (Negative)

2-I watch TV every night. (My sister)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 7 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
3-Kelly usually goes shopping on Sundays. (Make a question)

4-Kareem plays football on Fridays. (What)

...................................................................................................................... .............
E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-Diana (do-does-did) homework after school.
2-(How-What-When) do you wake up?-At 6 a.m.

3-She doesn't (do-does-did) her homework today.

4-(Do-Are-Does) Salma and Mona visit their grandma at the weekend?
E X(4). Correct the underlined words:
1-My sister read a book every week. (........................)

2-Bill don't have a note book. (........................)

3- Sally play basketball in the playground. (.........................)

4-When does he has dinner? (..........................)

Date:..../...../..... Lesson(3)"Grammar& communication" p.13-15

*Check the Grammar reference p. 101

E X(1). Rewrite the following:

1- Ahmed and Ali sing songs. (never)
2-Dina lives at 4 Henley Road. (Make a question)
3-She studies her lesson. (sometimes)
4- A teacher plays with children. (them )
5-My father catches a fish. (it)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 8 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

E X(2). Choose the correct answer:
1-Ali (sometimes-often-never) goes to bed late. He always goes to bed early.

2-Amira watched many mammals. She watched (they-them -she – her).

3-(Who-What-Which) does Tom live with?-With his family.

4-(How much-How often-Where) does he play tennis?-Twice a week.

5-Julia gave (I-me-my) a present in my birthday.
E X(3). Correct the underlined words:
1-I ever eat fish. I don't like it. (.......................)

2-This is my friend Basma. Did you meet them before? (.......................)

3-My car don't work when it's cold. (.......................)

4-When does Beth go to school?-by car. (.......................)

Date:...../...../..... Lesson (4) "Writing" p.16-17

E X(1). Punctuate the following:
1-where do they play
2-we go to school at 8 o clock
3-she s very generous
4-sarah and dave live in Manchester
E X(2). Write a descriptive paragraph about: " My best friend"





Green Language School (2020-2021) 9 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Unit (2) "The arts"
Date:...../...../..... Lesson (1) "Reading" p.18-19

*Check the new words page.112-113

E X(1). Read the passage, then answer the questions:

"A young film actress"
Thirteen-year-old Dakota Fanning is a young Hollywood film star and she
works with actors like Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts. When she's at home, she
lives with her family in Los Angeles.
Dakota doesn't go to school, but a teacher comes to her house to give her
lessons. Her friends are other young actors like Daveigh Chase that work with
Dakota is working in Australia .Her mum always travels with her, but not
her teacher. Dakota is working on a film of the book Charlotte's Web. This film
isn't easy because the actors are performing with animals and robots animals.

Dakota loves acting but she also enjoys doing other things. She's
learning French in her own time, and also paints, listens to music and likes riding
her little horse, Goldie.
*Answer the questions:
1-Where does Dakota work?

2-How does learn normal school subjects?


3-Who doesn't travel when Dakota is working?

4-Why is Charlotte's Web difficult for the actors?

5-Which language is Dakota studying now?

E X(2).Give the word for the following definition:
1-A place where actors and singers give their performances. (...........................)
2-A person who acts in films. (...........................)
3-To make music with your voice. (...........................)
Green Language School (2020-2021) 10 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Date:..../...../..... Lesson(2)"Grammar& communication" p.20-
*Check the Grammar reference p.102

E X(1). Rewrite the following:

1-She always lives in London. (now)
2-I'm visiting my grandpa this week. (on Mondays)
3-Do you read the newspaper every day? (tomorrow)
4-Sara is cooking now. (Make a question)
................................................................................................... .......................
5-My mum and dad are rehearsing a musical. (Negative)
................................................................................................ ..........................
E X(2). Choose the correct answer:
1-Who are you (send-sends-sending) an email to?
2-(Do-Have-Are) your friends playing football now?
3-My grandmother (watch-watches-is watching) TV every night.
4-What (do-is-does) she doing?
EX(3). Correct the underlined words:
1-Lila is watches TV now. (.......................)
2-Look !They leave today. (......................)
3-Is your sister does homework at the moment? (.......................)
4-My brother studies tonight. (......................)
EX(4). Complete the dialogue with words in the box:

audience-good fun-moment-play-problem-rehearsing-stage-star
Nick: Hi, Rob. Are you in the school play?
Rob: Yes, I am. It's in two weeks. So, we are.................a lot. But we've
got a ..................... We haven't got an actor for the lead role. Are
you busy at the ............................?
Nick: No, but.
Rob: Oh, please, Nick. Just think. Nick Mastin the............... of the
school play!
Nick: Acting on the.......... in front of a big............. No, thank you!
Rob: But it's.................................
Nick : Not for me!
Green Language School (2020-2021) 11 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Date:..../...../..... Lesson(3)"Grammar& communication" p.21-23

*Check the Grammar reference p. 102

E X(1). Complete the text with present continuous and Present simple forms of the verbs:
This weekend is special because we..........................(stay) at my grandparents'
house. We usually ...............(come)here in the summer, but this weekend is
different. It's grandma's birthday today and we..............(have) a big party for
her. Grandma......................(love)having parties and she ..............(like)singing. Today
she is 80 years old and she ...........................(sing)with my sisters at the moment!
She's fantastic! My dad ...................(not sing)with my mum. He..................... (sing)
karaoke with a microphone! My dad always ................(sing) at home, but we..........
(hate) listening to him because he........................(not sing)well.
E X(2). Correct the mistakes in each sentence:
1-We're never studying at weekends.
2-My sister don't mind helping me with Math.
3-On Fridays we're usually playing football.
4-You listening to music at the moment.
5-Jo and Sara isn't wearing trainers.
6-I prefer films but today I go to the theatre.
E X(3). Rewrite the following:
1-Ahmed never tells lies. (always)
2-She is watching her favourite show now. (Make a question)
3-Jack always arrives at school early. (never)
4-It's my habit to watch TV at night. (I usually)
Green Language School (2020-2021) 12 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
E X(4). Choose the correct answer:
1-The children school at the moment.
(are going-went-go-have gone)
2-The heat and light.
3-Look! That boy................................ his bike too fast.
(ride-rides-is riding-rode)
4-We……………………..question number five now.
(were answering-are answering -are answered-am answering)

Date:...../...../..... Lesson (4) "Writing" p.24-25

E X(1). Complete the sentences with(and-but):

1-We like acting.............. we like going to the theatre.

2-Judy is friendly with her friends ............... she is shy with new people.
3-My dad doesn't like flying.............. today he's catching a plane to New York.
4-I've got lots of homework..............I've got an exam tomorrow!
E X(2). Write an e-mail to your friend Harry to tell him about :

What you did in the last summer holiday. Your e-mail address is
Your friend's e-mail is


Green Language School (2020-2021) 13 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Unit (3) "Television"
Date:...../...../..... Lesson (1) "Reading" p.26-27

*Check the new words page.113-114

E X(1). Read the passage, then answer the questions:

"Is there life without TV?"

When people meet Cory Rundle from Philadelphia, USA, they think he's a
normal boy, but he has a secret. He doesn't watch TV! After a year without
television, Cory has 5000 $from his dad in the bank.
Cory is happier than before. Now he enjoys chess, baseball and he has a
new guitar. What do British teenagers think about life without TV?

Jack:"If you don't watch TV, you can't talk about the programmers in
the class."
Megan: "No television? No problem! I prefer chatting on the internet and
listening to music."
Jessica:"I think that TV's great and I watch it every day. Why do
people always say that it's bad?"
Lewis:"TV's important and with the news we learn about the world."

So TV's as popular as always, but next time you see a new American pop star
playing his guitar on television, answer this question: Is it Cory Rundle?
*Answer the questions:
1-How is Cory different?
2-How do Cory's parents feel?
3-What musical instrument has he got?
4-What sport does Cory play?
5-Where does jack speak to his friends about TV?

Green Language School (2020-2021) 14 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:..../...../..... Lesson(2)"Grammar& communication" p.28-
*Check the Grammar reference p.103

E X (1). Complete the sentences, using the adjectives in brackets:

1-Scotland is ...................................(big)than Wales.
2-Comdey films are usually ...................................(funny)comedies on TV.
3-I think music is ............................................(interesting)art.
4-My marks are.........................................(high)than last term.
5-Is your dad.......................(old) than your mum?
6-An MP3 player is...........................................(expensive)than a CD player.
E X (2).Rewrite the following:

1-Today it's 15˚C in Paris and 25˚C in Rome. (hot)

2-Mark tells bad jokes. Phil tells good jokes. (funny)
3-A normal circus is boring. The Cirque du Soleil is interesting. (interesting)
4-Marta is always friendly. Tom changes a lot. (mood)
5-Dad is 85 kilos. Mum is 55 kilos. (thin)
6-Frank listens to his friends. Anna never listens to her friends. (sympathetic)
7-The bears are dangerous. The lions are dangerous too. (
E X (3).Complete the sentences with the words in the box:
brilliant great hilarious terrifying

1-I think mike's jokes are very funny, but yours are...............................
2-Dracula films are frightening but that Frankenstein film is...............

3-You have an A in Maths! That's not surprising. It's..............................!

4-It was a really good game. Chelsea were .................................
Green Language School (2020-2021) 15 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Date:..../...../..... Lesson(3)"Grammar& communication" p.29-31

*Check the Grammar reference p. 104

E X(1). Complete the dialogue:

Use (was/were-can/can't/could/couldn't)
Dad: Do you like Mrs. Roberts? She ............. my music teacher too.
Liam: Yes, she's the most friendly teacher.
Dad: After five years with her I................ play the guitar.
Liam: Really?................ you play it now?
Dad: No, I .................! Ask mum!
Liam: And..................... you good at other subjects?
Dad: English and History.............. Ok, but Maths lessons ............... very
boring. We................ use computers in class when we............. at school.
Liam: We............... use computers now, too.
E X(2). Put the words in the correct order:

1-to-must-go-ten o'clock-You-at-bed.
............................................................................................................................ ....
E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-I (can-can't-was) play the piano, but I want to learn.

2-We (were-must-mustn't) study for tomorrow's exam.

3-He's hilarious! He (can-can't-was) tell very good jokes.
E X(4). Correct the mistakes in each sentence:
1-They mustn't to talk during the exam. .................................................

2-Do you can ski? ...............................................................................

Green Language School (2020-2021) 16 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:...../...../..... Lesson (4) "Writing" p.32-33
E X(1). Choose the correct answer:
1-Cairo is sunnier (that-than) London.

2-He's the (laziest-lazier) student in our class.

3-We've got (the worst-worst) team in the world.

4-My sister is (younger-youngest) than your sister.

5-Chiense is (most difficult-more difficult) than English.

6-Our house is not as big (than-as) yours.

EX (2).Write a report about:
"The subjects that you study at school this year .Which one is easy and which
one is the most difficult. Ask your classmates.


Green Language School (2020-2021) 17 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Unit (4) "In to the blue"
Date:...../...../..... Lesson (1) "Reading" p.38-39

*Check the new words page.1114-115

E X(1). Complete the text with words in the box:

Cards flight gate get off get on land

miss Passports take of through tickets up

Fly with Jolly E-Jet, the internet airline!

Buy your Jolly E-Jet.................. from our website. Remember your ...................
and collect your boarding .................. from our airport machines. Don't wait at

check-in! Our passengers never .......................Jolly E-Jet planes because they

have more time. Walk ....................the ...................... and your holiday begins!

........................the plane and meet our wonderful.................... attendants. Then

when the plane ........................ and goes.............

into the sky, enjoy a jolly E-Jet. When our planes......................, our passengers
don't want to .................... ! Remember: www.jolly –the future of

flying ,today!

Green Language School (2020-2021) 18 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:..../...../..... Lesson(2)"Grammar& communication" p.40-
*Check the Grammar reference p.105

E X (1). Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box:

arrive chat laugh like miss phone

record rehearse shout start watch
I............ my TV career yesterday! All the actors ................... at the studio at
ten o'clock and we..................... for the show in the morning.
Then we.................. it in the afternoon with an audience. It was a comedy and the
audience ........................ a lot. In the evening I ...............
It on TV with my mum and dad. They said that I was very good and that
they.................... it a lot. Four of my friends................. me on my mobile and they
all....................."you're a star!"the only bad thing that was my best friend
........................ the programme. He's on holiday in the USA, but I................... with
him by email all evening! It was a great day.
E X(2). Rewrite the following:
1-We are happy. (yesterday)
2-I walk to school every day. (last week )
3-She is hungry now. (2 hours ago)
4-They study English. (last night)
E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1 - I ( want – wanted – wanting) to drink water yesterday.
2-He (buy-buys-bought) a new bike yesterday.
3-I (am not – wasn't – can't) at home yesterday.
4-Ali (don't – aren't – didn't) live in London last year.
5-The cat was on the table, then it jumped (off-down-out of) the table.
6-Walk (over-into-along) the yellow line to reach the hospital.
7-He threw the ball (over-up-into) the fence and it landed on the car.

Green Language School (2020-2021) 19 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

E X(4). Correct the underlined words:
1-He jumps very fast last week. (……………………)
2-She were angry yesterday. ( ……………………)
3-I study English last Friday. (……………….....)
4-They play tennis yesterday. (……………………)
5-He watches TV last night. (.....................)
6-I see a wonderful film last weekend. (.....................)

Date:..../...../..... Lesson(3)"Grammar& communication" p.41-43

*Check the Grammar reference p. 105

E X(1). Rewrite the following:

1-They went to the cinema last week. (Make a question)
2-He watches TV every night. (last night)
3-Yes, he visited his mum. (Did )
4-I visited my grandma last week. (Negative)
5-They played volleyball yesterday. ( When )
6-What did your mother make? (a cake)
E X(2). Choose the correct answer:
1-How (do-does-did) she go to school yesterday?
2-Did he ( play-plays-played) the guitar?
3-Ali (buy-buys-bought) cheese last week.
4-She didn't (give-give-gave) her the candy.
6-No, he (is-wasn't-was)at work last Sunday.
E X(3). Correct the underlined words:
1-People haven't got phones in the past. (........................)
2-Where did you visit the pyramids?-last week. (.........................)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 20 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

3-No, he can't catch the plane yesterday. (..........................)

Date:...../...../..... Lesson (4) "Writing" p.44-45

*How to write a postcard:

Dear:......(recipient's name)........


................(the message)............................... Recipient's name

recipient's address
See you soon

........(Sender's name).......
E X(1). Write a post card to your friend to tell her about:
Your visit to London. Use (firstly/after that/finally).
Your name is Sara. Your friend's name is Jane smith. Her address is 22
Brighton Street, U.K.

............................................................................................................ ................................

Green Language School (2020-2021) 21 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Green Language School (2020-2021) 22 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Model Unit (1)

E X(1). Complete the dialogue:

Ben: Hi, Lisa. .......... are you?
Lisa: Not fine. I............... got a problem. I can't go to the picnic on
Saturday. My mum and dad say "no".
Ben:............. don't they want you to go?
Lisa: Because they want me to............. homework.
Ben: But it's a school picnic............. do you want to go with?
Lisa: The girls from the gymnastics club.
Ben:............ you parents know them?
Lisa: Yes, they..........., and they like them. My mum .............they're
friendly. I don't understand.
Ben:.............. she know that you're................. with them?
Lisa: Oh, no! She doesn't.
Ben: Well, tell your parents! You can say 'those girls from the gym'.
E X(2). Read the passage, then answer the questions:
My best friend

My best friend at school is Vanessa Jamison. She's very hard-

working in class and she's a good student. I 'm not lazy, but I find school work
very difficult. I'm good at sport, but Vanessa isn't. She likes playing basketball,
but she never plays in the school team.

Vanessa and I are different, but she's a good friend. Vanessa

helps me with my school work and I help her with basketball. We like the same
pop groups and watch the same TV programmes. We also like to play jokes on
our friends at school, but our friends don't always like our jokes.
*Answer the questions:

1-Who helps Alison with her school work?


2-What is Alison good at?


3-What is common between Alison and Vanessa?

Green Language School (2020-2021) 23 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

E X(3). Choose the correct answer:

1-Amira watched many mammals. She watched (they-them -she – her).

2-She doesn't (do-does-did) her homework today.

3-(How much-How often-Where) does he play tennis?-Twice a week.

4-Julia gave (I-me-my)a present in my birthday.

5-She doesn't (do-does-did) her homework today.

6-(How-What-When) do you wake up?-at 6 a.m.

E X(4). Rewrite the following:
1- A teacher plays with children. (them )
2-When does Alex travel to London? (every summer)
3-I watch TV every night. (My sister)
4-Yes, there is a girl on the bicycle. (Are)
E X(5). Correct the underlined words:
1-My car don't work when it's cold. (........................)
2-My father likes to exercises every morning. He is a lazy person.
3-Bill don't have a note book. (........................)
4- Sally play basketball in the playground. (.........................)
5-I ever eat fish. I don't like it. (.......................)
E X(6). Write a descriptive paragraph about:

" My best friend"





Green Language School (2020-2021) 24 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term


Model Unit (2)

E X(1). Complete the dialogue with words in the box:

audience-good fun-moment-play-problem-rehearsing-stage-star
Nick: Hi, Rob. Are you in the school play?
Rob: yes, I am. It's in two weeks. So, we are.................a lot. But we've
got a ..................... We haven't got an actor for the lead role. Are
you busy at the ............................?
Nick: No, but..
Rob: Oh, please, Nick. Just think. Nick Mastin the............... of the
school play!
Nick: Acting on the.......... in front of a big............. No, thank you!
Rob: But it's .................................
Nick: Not for me!
E X(2). Read the passage, then answer the questions:
"A young film actress"
Thirteen-year-old Dakota Fanning is a young Hollywood film star and she
works with actors like Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts. When she's at home, she
lives with her family in Los Angeles.
Dakota doesn't go to school, but a teacher comes to her house to give her
lessons. Her friends are other young actors like Daveigh Chase that work with
Dakota is working in Australia .Her mum always travels with her, but not
her teacher. Dakota is working on a film of the book Charlotte's Web. This film
isn't easy because the actors are performing with animals and robots animals.

Dakota loves acting but she also enjoys doing other things. She's
learning French in her own time, and also paints, listens to music and likes riding
her little horse, Goldie.
*Answer the questions:
1-Where does Dakota work?

2-How does learn normal school subjects?

Green Language School (2020-2021) 25 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term


3-Who doesn't travel when Dakota is working?

4-Why is Charlotte's Web difficult for the actors?

5-Which language is Dakota studying now?


6-What other things does Dakota like doing?

................................................................................................... ...............................
E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-Look! That boy(ride-rides-is riding-rode) his bike too fast.
2-(Do-Have-Are) your friends playing football now?
3-I've got a new suit. The (jacket-skirt-necklace) and trousers are black.
4-My grandmother (watch-watches-is watching) TV every night.
5-We (are going-go-went-gone) shopping every Thursday.
6-I like my(necklace-trainers-skirt and earrings to be the same colour.
E X(4). Rewrite the following:
1-Jack always arrives at school early. (never)
2-Basketball is my favorite sport. (like)
3-It's my habit to watch TV at night. (I usually)
4-Do you read the newspaper every day? (tomorrow)
5-Sara is cooking now. (Make a question)
6-I don't like to sing at all. (hate)
E X(5). Correct the underlined words:
1-Lila is watches TV now. (.......................)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 26 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

2-Ali plays football now. (........................ .)
3-Is he stays in a hotel? (........................)

E X(6). Write an e-mail to your friend Harry to tell him about :

What you did in the last summer holiday. Your e-mail address is
Your friend's e-mail is

................................................................................................................ ..

Model Unit (3)

E X(1). Complete the dialogue:

Nancy: Hey Allan, what all alone?

Allan: I ................for Jenna. We always .......................lunch together on

Saturdays. We What about you?

................. shopping?

Nancy: No. I .................... a lot of time today.

Allan: I don't understand. You don't work on Saturdays. So, what's the

Nancy: Today is a special day.

Green Language School (2020-2021) 27 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Nancy: Well, Frank's father today so I the
station to pick him up.

E X(2). Read the passage, then answer the questions:

Nowadays, we have the internet and the telephone .So, we are able
to communicate with people instantly. In the past, people had other ways of
getting messages. for example, some used people (known as messengers) while
others used animals. One the most common ways was to use carrier pigeons.
The carrier pigeons were the first 'animal system' in the world. You can
write a message on a piece of paper and attach it to the pigeon's leg. The
pigeons can take the message and fly back with a reply.
The ancient Egyptians and Persians used this kind of communication 3000
years ago to deliver news. Later, the Greeks used the birds to carry the news
of the Olympic games such as the names of the winning athletes.
*Answer the following questions:
1-How did people send messages in the past?
............................................................................................. ......................................
2-What part of the carrier pigeon's body carries the message?
3-Who were the first people to use carrier pigeons?
4-Why did people use carrier pigeons in ancient Greece?
E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-We (were-must-mustn't) study for tomorrow's exam.

2-He's hilarious! He (can-can't-was) tell very good jokes.

3-He's the (laziest-lazier) student in our class.

4-We've got (the worst-worst) team in the world.

5-My sister is (younger-youngest) than your sister.

6-Chiense is (most difficult-more difficult) than English.

E X(4). Rewrite the following:

Green Language School (2020-2021) 28 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

1-Mark tells bad jokes. Phil tells good jokes. (funny)

2-A normal circus is boring. The Cirque du Soleil is interesting.


3-Frank listens to his friends. Anna never listens to her friends.

4-The bears are dangerous. The lions are dangerous too. (
5-I don't think there's a better teacher than Mr. Dan in our school.
E X(5). Correct the underlined words:
1-They mustn't to talk during the exam. (.......................)

2-Could he using computer when he was two? (........................)

3-The shark is bigger then the crab. (.........................)
E X(6). Write a descriptive paragraph about:

"Your favourite TV show"








Green Language School (2020-2021) 29 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Model Unit (4)

E X (1). Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box:

arrive chat laugh like miss phone

record rehearse shout start watch
I............ my TV career yesterday! All the actors ................... at the studio at
ten o'clock and we..................... for the show in the morning.
Then we.................. it in the afternoon with an audience. It was a comedy and the
audience ........................ a lot. In the evening I ...............
It on TV with my mum and dad. They said that I was very good and that
they.................... it a lot. Four of my friends................. me on my mobile and they
all....................."you're a star!"the only bad thing that was my best friend
........................ the programme. He's on holiday in the USA, but I................... with
him by email all evening! It was a great day.
E X(2). Read the passage, then answer the questions:
Last Friday a friend of ours invited us to spend the weekend on his
farm. We had a very happy weekend. We returned home very late. Father
unlocked the door and we went onto the flat. Mother said," listen, I can hear
someone in the living room." We heard it too.

"There are two men in there." father said. They are talking.
Then he called out loudly."Who is there?"but no one answered father opened
the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was empty, but father
noticed something. The radio was on! My sister and I laughed a lot.
*Answer the following:
1-Why did they think there were people in the living room?

2-Where did they spend the weekend?


*Choose the correct answer:

Green Language School (2020-2021) 30 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
3-This family consists of (two-three-four-five)persons.

4-(Father-Mother-Sister-Their friend)first heard the voice.

E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-In the past, man ( live – living – lived ) in caves.

2-They (go-goes-went)to the cinema last Friday.

3-No, he (is-wasn't-was)at work last Sunday.

4-They (get off-got off-gets off)the train at the wrong station.

5-Tom didn't(catches-catch-caught)any fish the pervious day.

6-Ahmed ( help – helped – helping ) his father last week.

7-He(buy-buys-bought) a new bike yesterday.

E X(4). Rewrite the following:

1-Yes, he visited his mum. ( Did )

2-I visited my grandma last week. (Negative)
3-I walk to school every day. ( last week )
4-She is hungry. ( was )
5-She goes to school everyday. (yesterday)
E X(5). Correct the underlined words:
1-Where did you visit the pyramids?-last week. (........................)

2-I study English last Friday. (……………….......)

3-They play tennis yesterday. (…………………..…)

4-No,he can't catch the plane yesterday. (..........................)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 31 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

E X(6). Write a post card to your friend to tell her about:
What you did in your birthday party last week. Use (firstly/after
Your name is Sally. Your friend's name is Jessica Winston. Her address is 22
Brighton Street, U.K.

............................................................................................................ ................................
............................................................................................................ ................................
............................................................................................................ ................................

Green Language School (2020-2021) 32 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Sample Test ( 1 )

E X(1). Complete the dialogue:

Ben: Hi, Lisa. .......... are you?

Lisa: Not fine. I............... got a problem. I can't go to the picnic on

Saturday. My mum and dad say "no".

Ben:............. don't they want you to go?

Lisa: Because they want me to............. homework.

Ben: But it's a school picnic............. do you want to go with?

Lisa: The girls from the gymnastics club.

Ben:............ you parents know them?

Lisa: Yes, they..........., and they like them. My mum .............they're

friendly. I don't understand.

Ben:.............. she know that you're................. with them?

Lisa: Oh, no! She doesn't.

Ben: Well, tell your parents! You can say 'those girls from the gym'.

E X(2). Read the passage, then answer the questions:

"A young film actress"
Thirteen-year-old Dakota Fanning is a young Hollywood film star and she

works with actors like Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts. When she's at home, she
lives with her family in Los Angeles.

Dakota doesn't go to school, but a teacher comes to her house to give her
lessons. Her friends are other young actors like Daveigh Chase that work with


Green Language School (2020-2021) 33 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Dakota is working in Australia .Her mum always travels with her, but not
her teacher. Dakota is working on a film of the book Charlotte's Web. This film
isn't easy because the actors are performing with animals and robots animals.

Dakota loves acting but she also enjoys doing other things. She's
learning French in her own time, and also paints, listens to music and likes riding

her little horse, Goldie.

*Answer the questions:
1-Where does Dakota work?

2-How does learn normal school subjects?


3-Who doesn't travel when Dakota is working?


4-Why is Charlotte's Web difficult for the actors?


5-Which language is Dakota studying now?


6-What other things does Dakota like doing?

E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-We (were-must-mustn't) study for tomorrow's exam.

2-He's hilarious! He (can-can't-was) tell very good jokes.

3-He's the (laziest-lazier) student in our class.

4-They (go-goes-went)to the cinema last Friday.

5-No, he (is-wasn't-was)at work last Sunday.

6-They (get off-got off-gets off)the train at the wrong station.

Green Language School (2020-2021) 34 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

7-Tom didn't(catches-catch-caught)any fish the pervious day.

8-Ahmed ( help – helped – helping ) his father last week.

E X(4). Rewrite the following:

1-I walk to school every day. ( last week )
2-I watch TV every night. (My sister)


3-Yes, there is a girl on the bicycle. (Are)

4-It's my habit to watch TV at night. (I usually)
EX(5)Correct the underlined words:
1-Ali plays football now. (.........................)

2-Is he stays in a hotel? (..........................)

3-They play tennis yesterday. (……………………....)

4-No, he can't catch the plane yesterday. (..........................)

E X(6). Write a paragraph about:

"A day in a farm"





Green Language School (2020-2021) 35 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Sample Test ( 2 )

E X(1). Complete the dialogue:

Nick: Hi, Rob. Are you in the school play?

Rob: yes, I am. It's in two weeks. So, we are.................a lot. But we've
got a ..................... We haven't got an actor for the lead role. Are

you busy at the ............................?

Nick: No, but..

Rob: Oh, please, Nick. Just think.. Nick Mastin the............... of the

school play!
Nick: Acting on the.......... in front of a big............. No, thank you!

Rob: But it's .................................

Nick : Not for me!

E X(2). Read the passage, then answer the questions:
Last week, Yasser and his Ahmed went fishing on a small boat. The weather was
sunny. They were happy as there were a lot of fish to catch. Suddenly, a storm
blew. Their boat was turned over because the wind was strong and the waves
were high and they lost all the
fish they caught.
They reached a nearby island, and they stayed there for two days eating
dates and bananas. They saw a ship, they waved to it and they returned home

*Answer the following:

1-Why was the boat turned over?

Green Language School (2020-2021) 36 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

2-How long did they stay on the island?

3-When did they go fishing?


*Choose the correct answer:

4-Yasser and Ahmed returned home with (few-some-a lot of-no) fish.

5-The underlined word "it" refers to the(boat-island-ship-storm).

E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-He (buy-buys-bought) a new bike yesterday.
2-I ( played – play – playing ) football last Friday.
3-She (were-must-mustn't) study for tomorrow's exam.
4-He's hilarious! He (can-can't-was) tell very good jokes.
5-They (get off-got off-gets off)the train at the wrong station
E X(4). Rewrite the following:
1-Yes, he visited his mum. ( Did )
2-When does Alex travel to London? (every summer)
3-Do you read the newspaper every day? (tomorrow)
4-Sara is cooking now. (make a question)
5-I visited my grandma last week. (Negative)
E X(5). Correct the underlined words:
1-They leave now. (......................)
2- Sally play basketball in the playground. (.........................)
3-Could he using computer when he was two? (........................)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 37 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

E X(3). Write an e-mail to your friend Patrick to:
Invite him to your birthday party next week. Your e-mail address is Your friend's e-mail is

Green Language School (2020-2021) 38 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:............... Green Language School Quiz (1)

E X(1). Complete the sentences with present continuous forms of the verbs in the box:
1-She .........................with the school choir.
2-The actors..................... a new play at the moment. 8
3-My brother ........................... for his exams.
4-Can I call you later? I............................ TV!

5-They.............................. photos for their school project.

6-I don't believe it! my dad............................. a tracksuit today.

7-The circus artists ........................... gymnastics.
8-My grandma .................... an email for the first time.
E X(2). Rewrite the following:
1-I don't like to sing at all. (hate) 4
2-Sara is cooking now. (Make a question)
3-Jack always arrives at school early. (never)

4-I'm leaving now. (They)


E X(3). Correct the underlined words: 3

1-Is your sister does homework at the moment? (....................)
2-Mariem is watches a film now. (....................)

3-What does Adam has? (...................)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 39 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:............... Green Language School Quiz (2)

E X(1). Choose the correct answer:

1-This is my friend.(My-She-Her)name is Marie.
2-There are (a poster-poster-posters) in the shop.
5 5
3-Are these (your-yours-your)DVDs?

4-She never had (a-an-the) accident.

5-Eating too much (rice-salt-vegetables-fruits) makes you fat.

E X(2). Rewrite the following:

1-That is Bella's bag. (hers)

2-Emma has a car. (Negative)

3-English is my favourite subject. (Make a question)

E X(3). Correct the underlined words:

1-This is mine book. (…………………) 4
2-Ali does got a car. (....................)

3-Are there a dog under the car? (…………………)

4-The park is across on the bank. (......................)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 40 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:............... Green Language School Quiz (3)
EX (1).Write a report about:
"The subjects you study at school this year .Which one is easy and which
one is the most difficult. Ask your classmates. 15


E X (2).Rewrite the following:

1-Lila is short. Jane is short too. (


2-Maths is difficult. English is quite easy. (more)


3-The theatre is more boring than the cinema. (exciting)

4-Dad is 85 kilos. Mum is 55 kilos. (thin)
5-Lunch is bad at school. Lunch is good at home. (better)
Green Language School (2020-2021) 41 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:............... Green Language School Quiz (4)

E X(1). Complete the dialogue with the present simple verbs in brackets: 7 15

At home I ........(be) always in my bedroom! I................. (listen) to music all

the time because I ................ (have got) a fantastic new MP3

Player. My sister .......................(have got) a new computer. She...............

(go) on the internet and she ................ (write) a lot of emails too. My mum and
dad ................(be) always in the kitchen. They usually................. (talk) about work.
We ...................(have) dinner at 7p.m. and then we

...........(do) different things. My dad usually ................(watch) TV and my

mum...................(read)the newspaper. I always ..........(go)to my bedroom
and..................(send)text messages to my friends.
E X(2). Choose the correct answer:
1-(Who-What-Which) does Tom live with?-With his family.
2-I always (does-am-do)my homework in the evening.

3-She doesn't (do-does-did) her homework today.

4-(How much-How often-Where) does he play tennis?-Twice a week.

5-When (do-are-have)you usually watch TV?
E X(3). Rewrite the following:
1-She watches TV at night. (Make a question)
2-He does his homework after school. (Negative)
3-No, I don't play tennis. (never)

Green Language School (2020-2021) 42 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Date:............... Green Language School Quiz (5)

E X(1). Complete the following with(did-was-were):

1-They..........................not very happy about the game. 15
2-..................... she tell you about the exam?

3-Our teacher...................... not give us a test.

4-.................... Shakespeare from France?

5-When..................... my dad phone?

6-We........................ at cinema at 8 p.m.

E X(2). Rewrite the following:

1-They went to the cinema last week. (Make a question)

2-She is hungry now. ( yesterday)


3-Yes, he broke the window. (Did....?)

4-I visited my grandma last week. (Negative)
E X(3). Choose the correct answer:
1-What (do-did-does) she do yesterday? 5
2-He threw the ball (over-up-into) the fence and it landed on the car.

3-Ahmed (help – helped – helping) his father last week.

4-Tom didn't (catches-catch-caught) any fish the previous day.

5-Ali (don't – aren't – didn't) live in London last year.

Green Language School (2020-2021) 43 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term


Unit (1)
selfish ‫اناني‬ moody ‫متقلب المزاج‬
hard-working ‫نشيط في العمل‬/‫مجتهد‬ shy ‫خجول‬
honest ‫صادق‬/‫امين‬ sporty ‫شخص رياضي‬
sympathetic ‫متعاطف‬ generous ‫كريم‬

Celtic ‫اللغات االوربيه‬ pastimes ‫وقت الفراغ‬
twins ‫توأم‬ gymnastics ‫العاب القوي‬
picnic ‫نزهه‬ text message ‫رساله نصيه‬

fictional ‫خيالي‬ character ‫شخصيه‬
friendship ‫صداقه‬ human qualities ‫صفات بشريه‬
solutions ‫حلول‬ intelligence ‫ذكاء‬
together ‫معا‬ problem ‫مشكله‬

Unit (2)

stage ‫مسرح‬ curtains ‫ستائر‬
actor ‫ممثل‬ musical ‫مسرحيه موسيقيه‬
audience ‫جمهور‬ rehearsing ‫يتدرب‬


Green Language School (2020-2021) 44 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

earrings ‫حلق لالذن‬ tracksuit ‫بدله رياضيه‬
necklace ‫عقد‬ suit ‫بدله‬
trainers ‫حذاء رياضي‬ tie ‫ربطه عنق‬

acrobats ‫بهلوان‬ contortionist ‫العب بهلواني‬
incredible ‫ال يصدق‬ flexible ‫مرن‬
string ‫خيط‬ juggler ‫بهلواني‬

Unit (3)
documentary ‫برنامج وثائقي‬ weather forecast ‫النشره الجويه‬
reality show ‫برنامج من الواقع‬ Soap ‫مسلسل درامي طويل‬
quiz show ‫برنامج مسابقات‬ cookery programme ‫برنامج طبخ‬

hilarious ‫مضحك‬ brilliant ‫عبقري‬
astonishing ‫مدهش‬ awful ‫فظيع‬
terrible ‫فظيع‬ fascinating ‫رائع‬/‫مدهش‬

Unit (4)
gate ‫بوابه‬ get on ‫يركب‬
boarding card ‫تذكره طيران‬ get off ‫ينزل‬
flight attendant ‫مضيفه طيران‬ land ‫تهبط الطائره‬
escalator ‫ساللم متحركه‬ take off ‫تقلع الطائره‬
passport ‫جواز السفر‬ catch ‫يمسك‬/‫يلحق‬

Green Language School (2020-2021) 45 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

Question bank

Green Language School (2020-2021) 46 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

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Green Language School (2020-2021) 48 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Green Language School (2020-2021) 49 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Green Language School (2020-2021) 50 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Green Language School (2020-2021) 51 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Green Language School (2020-2021) 52 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Green Language School (2020-2021) 53 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
Green Language School (2020-2021) 54 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term
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Green Language School (2020-2021) 84 Top Score - Prep.1 First Term

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