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Test de evaluare initiala

Anul scolar 2011-2012

Limba engleza
Clasa a V a L1

Numele si prenumele elevului:

Data sustinerii testului:

I. Put in “am”, “are”, “is”: (2 points)

1. This woman ______ my teacher.

2. The boy ________ at school.
3. They _________ friends.
4. The dog _________ in the house.
5. I _______ a good girl.

II. Translate into English: (3 points)

1. Eu sunt un elev. _________________________________

2. Ea are o masina rosie. ______________________________
3. Peter are un stilou albastru. ____________________________
4. Aceasta este scoala mea. ___________________________
5. Noi avem doua brate si doua picioare. ________________
6. Unde este cainele? _______________________________
7. Eu pot sa citesc. _________________________________
8. Care este numele tau? ____________________________
9. Cati ani ai? ______________________________________
10. Eu am o camasa verde. _____________________________

III. Translate into Romanian: (2 points)

1. My mother is in the bedroom. _________________________

2. There is a girl in the car. ______________________________
3. His eyes are green. ___________________________________
4. My grandfather has cows, pigs and horses.__________________
5. I listen to music. ______________________________________

IV. Choose the right colour: (2 points)

The sky is white

A bear is blue
An egg is brown
A leaf is yellow
The sun is red
An apple is green

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