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Test on Pronouns

Fill in with the personal pronouns

13. My sister Jane loves books. This novel is for ………………………….. .

14. The students study English. ……………………….. study English.
15. The man is strong. ………………………… is strong.
16. You know what? - It's for ……………………. .
17. My mother is kind. …………………….. is kind.
19. You and I are students. ……………………….. are students.
20. The books are on the desk. ……………………….. are on the desk.
21. The nurse is in the car. ……………………… is in the car.
22. My neighbour wants to go to California next year. The guide book is
23. for ……………… .
24. Here is another souvenir. I don't know what to do with …………….. .
25. The buses are on the road. ……………………….. are on the road.
26. The policeman is strong. ………………………… is strong.
27. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for ……………………… .
28. My name is Maria. …………………….. am 24 years old.
29. Cindy and I play tennis. …………………………. go there together.
30. Gitta and Joey are my best friends. ………………… live round the corner.
31. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for ……………………… .
32. Laura doesn't play football. ……………………………. plays volleyball.

Fill in with the possessives

21. Tom and ………………. friends play football on Sundays. 

22. You live in France, but what is ………………. name ? 
23. These are ……………. books. We got them during our last holidays. 
24. I live with ………………. boyfriend.
25. We have a very big balcony at the front of ……………. flat.
26. Thank you for the flowers. It was kind of you to
remember …………….. birthday.
27. My dog is always licking ……………. balls.
28. Yesterday I saw Diana with ……………. husband. They were shopping
with ……………….. children.
29. When Craig gets home from work, he likes to wash ……………. face, take
of …………… work clothes and work on  ……………. computer.
30. I want to buy ……………. flat. How much do you want for it?
31. Put the book in ………………….. place on the shelf.
32. Nicole and Tom have sold …………………… house.
33. Who is that girl you work with? I can never remember ……………. name. 
33- 'I can't find …………… umbrella. Can I borrow ………….?' 'Of course, take it.΄
34-We live in this house. It's …………………...
35-Tom has taken ………………… car to the garage to be repaired.
36-I share the bedroom with ……………. sister. ……………….. room is very cosy.
37-The teacher is angry because the students haven't done ………………. homework.
38-I have my passport but Jane has lost ………………….. She needs to take a new
one to go with me on holiday.

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