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Lesson plan

Lyceum: „Pro Succes”

The 7 th form
Student: Militaru Cristina
Teacher: Stropşa Irina
Date: 17.02.2014
Lesson 19

Theme „Round up”


 Linguistic
 Pragmatic

The pupil will develop the following subcompetences:

- Develop and practice the productive skills (writing, speaking) and the receptive skills (listening, reading);
- Find on the map sea port cities;
- Speak about historical figures as Ciprian Porumbescu, Grigore Vieru, Mihai Eminescu;
- Open brackets and report the dialogue;
- Image and describe our city in 50 years.
Visual aids: textbook, copybook, poster with the image of historical figures.
Techniques: conversation, explanation, brainstorming, dialogue, exercise.
Forms of activity: whole class work,pair work individual work.
Nr. Stages of the Timin Techniques & Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity
lesson g forms of
1 Introduction 1’ Conversation T greets class and checks Ps greet the T .
attendance The P on duty answers.
2 Checking up 5’ Whole class The T asks Ps to read their Ps read the home task and check how
homework work homework. right it is .
3 Warm up 3’ Whole class The T asks Ps to image our city in Ps share their ideas.
work 50 years and to describe it.

4 Presentation of 5’ Whole class T shows to Ps poster with the Ps speak all they know about these
new material work image of historical figures they figures and write their thoughts in
should know: their copybooks.
a) Ciprian Porumbescu
Conversation b) Grigore Vieru
c) Mihai Eminescu
The T asks Ps to remember about Ps due to this exercise improve their
Vocabulary 2’ Exercise the sea ports they studied and tells pronunciation skills
them to name them, pronounce
them correctly and show them on
the map.

Oral-speak 7’ Conversation Everybody open the books on page Ps read the text and translate it.
practice 74 and T asks Ps to read and
Whole class translate the text about some other
5 work past celebrities.
6 Grammar 5’ Whole class The T tells to the Ps to open the Ps write the exercise.
work brackets from the ex. 3 on page 75
in order to remind the new studied
7 Feed-back 4’ Dialogue The T asks Ps to continue the In the exercise nr. 3, Ps report the
Pair work exercise reporting the dialogue. dialogue and talk about furniture.
8 Evaluation 5’ Individual work The T shares by a sheet of paper to Ps complete the sheets.
every P and gives them 5 min. to
Poster comment the quotation.
9 Homework 1’ The T asks pupils to note their Ps note their homework.
homework. Ex. 3,6 on page 74 and
ex. 1,2 on page 75.

„Crabbed age and youth cannot

live together: Youth is full of
pleasance, age is full of care.”

W. Shakespeare

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