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(3 points, total) A discrete random variable has five possible outcomes with cumulative probabilities as shown in the foll

Outcome Probability (PDF) Cumulative Probability (CDF) Expected Value

-2 0.05 0.05 -0.1
-1 0.1 0.15 -0.1
0 0.45 0.6 0
1 0.15 0.75 0.15
2 0.25 1 0.5

(a) (1 point) Fill in the missing values in the column labeled Probability.
(Please fill in table above.)

(b) (1 point) What is the probability of getting a negative number?

0.15 P(X<0) = P(X<= -1) = P(X= -1) + P(X= -2)
Or you can take CFD value at x = -1, i.e. cell C6.
(c) (1 point) What is the expected value of this random variable?

0.45 You must show work to receive credit. Work could be as simple as coding your answer
For example, if the question asked you to add up the values of cells G25, H25 and I25, y
cell and the correct answer of 46 would appear, but then I'd also be able to see the for
click into the answer cell and see "=sum(G25, H25, I25)" and that would be sufficient fo
ities as shown in the following table:


This applies to entire quiz.

example 5 18 23
le as coding your answer as in the box to the left as an Excel formula
f cells G25, H25 and I25, you could write =sum(G25, H25, I25) in the answer
lso be able to see the formula/equation that used, i.e. I'd be able to
hat would be sufficient for your work.
2. (3 points, total) Your basketball team travels every Saturday during the winter, and you are wondering how snow might
Historically, on any given day in the winter, there is a 7% chance that snow would impact travel on tha

(a) (1 point) Let X be the random variable that counts the number of trips that are impacted by snow. Define the binomial p

n p
4 0.07

(b) (1/2 point) What is the expected value of X, i.e. what is the number of days during which you would expect snow to imp


(c) (1/2 point) What is the standard deviation of X?

VAR 0.2604
STD.DEV 0.510294

(d) (1 point) What is the probability that snow will impact travel on at least half of your next four trips? (Your answer cell sh

0.026728 2.67%
wondering how snow might impact your next four trips.
w would impact travel on that day.

y snow. Define the binomial parameters, n and p, that are relevant for this situation.

ou would expect snow to impact travel?

our trips? (Your answer cell should involve an Excel formula that 'shows work' of where answer comes from.)

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