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Power Gained by Fluid

The power gained by the fluid from a pump or fan can be expressed as:

P = m w (1)


P = power

m = mass flow rate

w = specific work

Specific Work

Specific work - w - can be expressed:

w = g h (2)


h = head

g = acceleration of gravity

Mass Flow Rate

Mass flow rate - m - can be expressed:

m = ρ Q (3)


ρ = density

Q = volume flow rate

Combining (1), (2) and (3) the power gained by the fluid from a pump or fan can be expressed as:

P = ρ Q g h (4)

With specific weight expressed as:

γ = ρ g (5)


γ = specific weight
equation (4) can be modified so the power gained by the fluid from a pump or fan can be expressed

P = γ Q h (6)

Since head can be expressed as

h = (p2 - p1) / γ (7)

equation (4) can be modified so the power gained by the fluid from a pump or fan can be expressed

P = Q (p2 - p1) (8)

Example - Head Rise of a Inline Pump

An inline water pump works between measured pressure 1 bar (1 105 N/m2) and 10 bar (10 105 N/m2).
Density of water is 1,000 kg/m3. The volume flow is measured to 1 10-3 m3/s.

The actual water head (water column) can be calculated using (7):

h = (p2 - p1) / γ

= (p2 - p1) / ρ g

= ((10 105 N/m2) - (1 105 N/m2)) / (1,000 kg/m3) (9.81 m/s2)

= 91.7 m - water column

The power gained by the fluid can be calculated using equation (4):


= (1,000 kg/m3) (1 10-3 m3/s) (9.81 m/s2) (91.7 m)

= 899.6 kg.m2/s3 (W)

= 0.9 kW


Horsepower is the imperial (British) unit of power. A horsepower is the ability to do work at the rate of

• 33,000 per min or

• 550 per second

Note that Power is "Work per unit time" and work is "Force through distance". In gravity systems Force
is Weight - mass multiplied with gravity.

The total horsepower developed by water falling from a given height is the product of the mass flow
rate in pounds per minute times the falling height in feet divided by 33,000. It can be expressed as:
Php = mmin h g / 33000 (1)


Php = power (horsepower, hp)

mmin = mass flow rate per minute (lbm/min)

h = head or height (ft)

g = acceleration of gravity (32 ft/s2)

(1) can alternatively be expressed as:

Php = msec h g / 550 (1b)


msec = mass flow rate per second (lbm/s)

(1) can also be expressed as:

Php = γ Q h / 33000 (1c)


Q = volume flow rate (ft3/min)

γ = specific weight (lbf/ft3) (weight is force)

Water Horsepower for Flow in gal/min

Water horsepower for flow in gal/min can be expressed as:

Pwhp = SG Qgal h / 3960 (1d)


Q = volume flow rate (gpm)

SG = specific gravity

h = head (ft)

SG for water is 1.001 at 32oF and 0.948 at 240oF.

• Specific Gravity for some common Fluids and Liquids.

Shaft or Brake Horsepower

The brake horsepower is the amount of real horsepower going to the pump, not the horsepower used
by the motor. In the metric system the unit kilowatts (kW) is used.
Due to hydraulic, mechanical and volumetric losses in a pump or turbine the actual horsepower
available for work on or from the fluid is less than the total horsepower supplied.
Shaft or Brake Horsepower for a Pump or Fan

The brake horse power - bhp - for a pump or fan can be expressed as:

Pbhp = ( γ Q h / 33000 ) / η (2)


Pbhp = brake horse power (horsepower, hp)

Q = volume flow rate (ft3/min, cfm)

η = overall efficiency
Shaft or Brake Horsepower for a Turbine

The brake horse power - bhp - for a turbine can be expressed as:

Pbhp = η ( γ Q h / 33000 ) (2b)

Input Horsepower to the Electrical Motor

The input horsepower to the electrical motor for a pump or fan can be expressed as:

Php_el = Pbhp / ηe (3)


Php_el = (m h / 33000) / (η ηe) (3b)


Php_el = input power to the electrical motor

ηe = mechanical efficiency of the electrical motor

Horsepower in Kilowatts and other Units

Horsepower can be converted to other common units as:

• 1 hp (English horse power) = 745.7 W = 0.746 kW = 550 = 2545

Btu/h = 33000 = 1.0139 metric horse power

Transforming horsepower to kiloWatt can be expressed as:

PkW = 0.746 Php (4)


PkW = power (kW)

Together with the equations above it's possible to express (4) in many common combinations as:

PkW = 0,746 (m h / 33000) / η ηe (5)

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