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The use of vancomycin with its therapeutic and adverse effects: a review

Article · February 2015

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10 authors, including:

Marcelo R Bacci David Feder

Faculdade de Medicina do Faculdade de Medicina do ABC


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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences

2015; 19: 694-700

The Use of vancomycin with its therapeUtic

and adverse effects: a review
Discipline of Pharmacology, Morphology Department, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo
André, Brazil
Institute of Environmental, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biological Sciences
Department, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, Brazil
Institute of Environmental, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Earth Exact Sciences
Department, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, Brazil

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Vancomycin (VCM)

is a tricyclic glycopeptide antibiotic As this drug is very little absorbed by the gas-
produced by Streptococcus orientalis. Widely trointestinal tract; it is, thus, intravenously ad-
used in hospitals, it is indicated to fight severe ministered3 and its mechanism of action is the in-
infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria, hibition of the bacterial cell wall biosynthesis or,
especially with the advent of MRSA (methicillin- in other words, the inhibition of peptidoglycan
resistant Staphylococcus au- reus), penicillin-
resistant pneumococci among others.
biosynthesis4. It is, therefore, bactericidal for re-
Furthermore, it is indicated for the treat- ment productive bacteria1.
of patients allergic to penicillins and VCM is generally prescribed to combat se-
cephalosporins. Dose recommendations, dilution vere infections caused by Gram-positive bacte-
rates and types of infusion are controversial ria, to fight microorganisms that are resistant to
and also result in toxic effects. Aim of this
paper was to perform a literature review
other antimicrobial agents or still indicated to
showing the thera- peutic and adverse effects patients who are allergic to penicillins and
of vancomycin. cephalosporins1,5. As a consequence, it is very
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a much used in intensive care units (ICU) for the
literature review of recent articles published on treatment of not only hospital infections and sep-
MEDLINE and SciELO databases in English, sis, but also of pneumonia cases, empyema, en-
Portuguese and Spanish.
RESULTS: The main adverse effects of van- docarditis, osteomyelitis, soft tissue abscesses
comycin are: hypotension, phlebitis, among others1,6,7.
nephrotoxi- city, ototoxicity, hypersensitivity This drug is not the first-choice agent owing to
reactions, red man syndrome, neutropenia, its adverse effects like hypotension and tachycar-
chills, fever, inter- stitial nephritis. dia, phlebitis, nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity7, hyper-
CONCLUSIONS: The use of vancomycin is
still very common; however, inadequate doses
sensibility reactions, chills, exanthema and
and prolonged therapy pose a risk of increasing fever1, and the fact that peripheral IV complica-
min- imum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), tions are a major concern8. The literature reveals
resulting in subtherapeutic levels, treatment that the use of inappropriate doses and prolonged
failures and toxicity. Therefore, further therapies increase the risk of toxicity which, in
studies should be conducted to optimize the turn, favors the onset of adverse effects1,4,9,10-14.
administration of van- comycin, monitoring
treatments from the begin- ning in order to Some experimental studies show the induction
ensure a safe and effective use of the drug. of oxidative stress through the increase of reac-
tive oxygen species (ROS) generation as impor-
Key Words:
Vancomycin, Toxicity, Endothelial injury,
tant adverse effects like nephrotoxicity and
Oxidative stress. phlebitis15-17. Moreover, the literature is very con-
troversial regarding recommended doses, dilution
rates and types of infusion, which indicate how
IntrodUction little is known about this antibiotic in terms of
pharmacology and safety, particularly its effects
Vancomycin is a complex tricyclic glycopeptide in newborns and children18-22.
antibiotic produced by Streptococcus orientalis1,2.

694 Corresponding Author: Felipe Ribeiro Bruniera, MD; e-mail:
The use of vancomycin with its therapeutic and adverse effects: a

The aim of this study is to perform a review on age of 6 hours in patients with normal renal func-
the adverse effects of vancomycin, which can tion. In case of renal failure, the half-life is ap-
help health professionals rethink the current proximately 7 days3.
available protocols and minimize such effects.
Mechanism of Action
The mechanism of action of this antimicrobial
Materials and Methods agent is via the inhibition of bacterial cell wall
biosynthesis or, more specifically, the inhibition
Articles on vancomycin and its adverse ef- of peptidoglycan biosynthesis. It is, therefore,
fects, published on MEDLINE and SciELO data- bactericidal for reproductive bacteria1.
bases in English, Portuguese and Spanish, have The bacterial cell wall contains peptidoglycan
thoroughly been studied, revised and updated. that encircles the whole bacteria 4. In Gram-posi-
tive bacteria this substance is more significantly
General Aspects present, and it forms large and insoluble layers
Vancomycin is an unusual complex tricyclic on the outer part of the cell membrane, totaling
glycopeptide antibiotic, produced by Streptococ- up to 40 layers which consist of multiple
cus orientalis, which has usefully been employed skeletons of amino sugars: N-acetylglucosamine
for approximately 50 years1,2. Its molecular and N-acetyl- muramic4. The latter contains lateral
weight is 1,500 daltons1, and its structural formu- short peptide residues with cross-links, which form
la is shown in Figure 1. a high-level resistant polymeric chain4. The drug
inhibits this polymerization or the
Absorption, Distribution and Excretion
transglycosylase reaction once it binds with high
As vancomycin is little absorbed by the gas- affinity to the C-terminal D-alanyl D-alanine
trointestinal tract, it is thus intravenously admin- residues of lipid-linked cell wall precursors and
istered3. In adults, a single intravenous dose of 1 blocks the linkage to the gly- copeptide polymer 1.
g produces plasma concentrations of 15 to 30 As a result, it hinders the cross-links of peptides
µg/ml 1 hour after a 1- to 2-hour infusion1. from binding to tetrapeptide side chains, namely, it
The redistribution phenomenon in vancomycin prevents its linkage to the growing tip of the
concentrations makes the analysis of peak plas- peptidoglycan4.
ma concentration of the drug more difficult, as
there is a variation according to the individual’s Antibacterial ActiVity
age3. The medication is eliminated by renal ex- Vancomycin is especially prescribed to fight
cretion, and only 5% of the drug is metabo- Gram-positive bacteria. The strains are consid-
lized3,18. Around 90% of the administered dose is ered sensitive if the minimum inhibitory concen-
excreted by glomerular filtration 1. Its plasmatic tration is  4 µg/ml1.
half-life ranges from 4 to 11 hours, with an aver- In general it is effective against Staphylococ-
cus aureus, S. epidermidis, S. pyogenes, S. pneu-
moniae, streptococcus viridans and species of
Bacillus, Actinomyces, Clostridium and
Corynebacterium1. On the other hand, a great
part of Gram-negative bacilli, mycobacteria and
fungi are resistant to vancomycin1,3.
This antibiotic has become even more relevant
with the advent of MRSA (methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus)24 and penicillin-resistant
pneumococcal infections1 besides other bacterial
resistance mechanisms against beta-lactam an-

FigUre 1. Structural formula of vancomycin23.

Therapeutic Use

F.R. Bruniera, F.M. Ferreira, L.R.M. Saviolli, M.R. Bacci, D. Feder, et
On the whole vancomycin al. hydrochloride is in-
travenously administered in hospitals, and it is
commercially available in sterile powder form for
dilution1,18. Guidelines recommend a dilution of 2.5 to 5.0

The usual dose for adults is 30 mg/kg/day and the evaluation of the renal function are para-
fractioned in 2 or 3 doses; however, higher doses mount actions to be taken from the beginning of
may be prescribed1. Although the established pe- the treatment with vancomycin so that the drug
diatric doses vary according to the age range de- administration can be safe and effective, espe-
scribed below1,3, no consensus has been reached cially in children and newborns1,3,9,10-14. Contrari-
regarding the adequate dose of vancomycin for ly, the use of inadequate doses and the prolonged
children. therapy increase the risks of subtherapeutic and
toxic levels of the drug which favor the develop-
• 15 mg/kg in the beginning, followed by 10 ment of resistant microorganisms and the onset
mg/kg every 12 hours for newborns (first week of adverse effects1,3,7,9-14,26,27.
of life)1;
• 15 mg/kg, followed by 10 mg/kg every 8 hours AdVerse Effects of Vancomycin
for newborns from 8 to 30 days of age1; Vancomycin is not an agent of first choice ow-
• 10 mg/kg every 6 hours for infants and older ing not only to its adverse effects, like hypoten-
children1; sion and tachycardia, phlebitis, nephrotoxicity,
• Children with bacterial endocarditis: 20 mg/kg ototoxicity5, hypersensitivity reactions, chills, ex-
administered over 1 to 2 hours. Infusion must anthema and fever1, but also to a major concern
be interrupted 30 minutes prior to the begin- on peripheral IV complications 8. Besides, like
ning of the surgery3. mentioned before, international consensus guide-
lines for the rational use of vancomycin are still
Standard doses as well as infusion dilution, controversial and very little is known on the safe-
rate and type (continuous or intermittent deliver- ty of this drug18-22. As a result, the literature es-
ies) are still controversial, and very little is tablishes the use of inadequate doses and pro-
known about the pharmacological effects or safe- longed therapy, increasing the risks of toxic lev-
ty of this drug in pediatric patients, especially in els and the onset and worsening of adverse ef-
This medication must be used with extreme fects1,3,9-14.
caution in patients with impaired renal function. The main adverse effects of vancomycin are
Doses should be adjusted and such patients must described below.
be monitored, thus, minimizing the risks of
nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity among others3. HypersensitiVity Reaction
Antimicrobials and anticonvulsants are the
Posology, Efficacy and Toxicity drugs more commonly associated with hypersen-
In 2009 an International Consensus Guidelines, sitivity reactions. However, all drugs are poten-
aiming to optimize the administration and thera- tially able to cause such effects28.
peutic monitoring of vancomycin, was published These reactions may be triggered by im- mune
and it raised still unanswered questions. Howev- or non-immune mechanisms, and cuta- neous
er, despite the general concern and perception of manifestations stand as one of the major
increased MICs, treatment failures and its toxici- alterations. They are classified as severe when
ty, vancomycin has been widely used in many cutaneous lesions are extensive or when they
health centers20. affect multiple organs. Drug hypersensitivity
Some studies show that the recommended dos- syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic
es established in published guidelines are not al- epidermal necrolysis and acute exanthematic
ways adequate since they do not reach therapeu- pustulosis figure among the most severe causes28.
tic serum levels in a timely manner in patients Urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, macular rash-
with normal renal function9,25. Other recent stud- es, eosinophilia, vasculitis, transient anaphylaxis,
ies suggest that the recommended vancomycin and, occasionally, vascular collapse have been
doses should be used only to start the antimicro- re- ported as vancomycin-induced reactions.
bial therapy and that there is no ideal standard The drug has also been associated with Stevens-
dose7,26. On the other hand, Giachetto et al 27 John- son syndrome in at least one patient29,30.
highlight alterations in pharmacokinetics para- Nevertheless, the most common manifesta-
meters in children in critical condition. tions are macular cutaneous rashes and anaphy-
Therefore, therapeutic monitoring, dosage in- laxis, including hypotension, dyspnea, urticaria
dividualization, the establishment of ideal doses or itching1,30.
Cutaneous rashes, like maculopapular exan- lation during endotoxemia and sepsis in rats.
thema, are characterized by itchy or non-itchy Moreover, another study corroborates these
spreading lesions that may start on the trunk and findings8 when it reports that patients receiving
upper limbs. Such rashes tend to disappear with- vancomycin are more likely to present greater
in 7 to 10 days after medication suspension28. peripheral IV complications when compared with
Urticaria generally occurs within 7 to 14 days patients under the administration of other types
after exposition to the drug. It is characterized by of antibiotics.
short-lasting erythematous urtical lesions. How- It is important to point out that vancomycin is
ever, the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissues irritating to tissue, and it must be given by a se-
may be affected in some cases, and in severe cas- cure intravenous route of administration. Pain,
es, they are associated with anaphylaxis28. tenderness and necrosis occur with inadvertent
Overall, anaphylaxis caused by drugs is re- extravasation1,30.
sponsible for around 13-20% of the total Thrombophlebitis, which may be associated
cases28. It is a potentially severe case triggered with chills, exanthema and fever, is also an event
by immunoglobulin-E (IgE) mediated reactions, related to infusion. However, occurrence fre-
characterizing the type-1 hypersensitivity mech- quency and severity many be minimized, like
anism. It is an allergic condition in which the mentioned before, by slowing the infusion rate of
cardiac output and blood pressure levels are al- the drug and by performing the rotation of ve-
tered31. The major effect is related to the hista- nous access sites1,30.
mine and other inflammatory mediators re-
leased by basophils and mastocytes, causing va- Ototoxicity
sodilatation, bronchoconstriction, capillary per- The literature reveals a great amount of cases
meability increase, autonomic nervous system of hearing loss associated with the use of van-
activation and mucosal hypersecretion. There- comycin. The mechanism is based on the direct
fore, it is necessary to be aware of the most se- damages caused by the drug to the auditory
vere cases, like hypotension, bronchial spasms branch of the eighth cranial nerve. In some cases
or laryngeal edema31. the damage is irreversible, and there is a direct
relation to the high drug concentrations in the
EVents Related to Infusion
plasma (60 to 100 µ/ml). In most cases, however,
The drug must be slowly infused, at a maxi- patients already presented renal dysfunction or
mum rate of 10 mg/minute, over a period of at pre-existing hearing loss, or even, they were un-
least 60 minutes, with rotation of venous access der treatment with other ototoxic drugs1,29,30.
sites3,5. Adverse effects are, therefore, avoided Therefore, the use of vancomycin should be
since fast IV infusion may cause pain, phlebitis, avoided in patients with previously diagnosed
erythema, urticaria, flushing, hypotension, tachy- hearing loss. Vertigo, dizziness and tinnitus are
cardia and the red man syndrome1,5,32. side effects that have seldom been reported, but
The red man syndrome is characterized by the tinnitus may be a symptom before the onset of
onset of intense redness over the upper part of hearing loss which demands the immediate inter-
the body (“red neck”) or painful trunk muscle ruption of the drug administration1,29,30.
spasms. These reactions generally disappear
within 20 minutes, but they may linger for many Alterations in Free Radical Balance
hours. It is a common yet unpredictable situation Such balance alterations may be explained by
that occurs owing to a direct toxic effect of van- an imbalance between the generation and elimi-
comycin over mastocytes, releasing histamine1,32. nation of free radicals. Oxidative stress is defined
In this case, there may occur a sudden drop in as a tissue damage caused by the imbalance be-
blood pressure followed by dyspnea, angioede- tween pro- and antioxidant factors. This fact, in
ma, urticaria and pruritus. The physiopathology turn, is associated with cell injury by lipid perox-
is related to the negative inotropic effect and the idation, oxidative damage of proteins and DNA
vasodilator action stimulated by the histamine re- lesions34,35.
lease. In acute cases the use of antihistamines, Endothelial cells are important modulators of
corticosteroids or IV fluids may be required29,30. normal hemostasis. The perfect balance between
An experimental study performed in 2010 33 anti- and prothrombotic activities of the endothe-
reveals that the drug may also directly influence lium determines whether thrombus formation,
on the vascular tonus, affecting the microcircu- propagation or dissolution occurs34. One of the
major effects of oxidative stress is the impair- class of drugs40. Previously, the first reported cas-
ment of biological activity of NO and the resul- es of vancomycin nephrotoxicity were associated
tant endothelial dysfunction35. with the impurities found in the production of the
Some experimental studies in animals show drug. With the improvement of the production
the induction of oxidative stress by increase in process and the gradual removal of impurities
the production of reactive oxygen species from drugs, renal lesions have been attributed to
(ROS)15,16 and expression changes of many com- other mechanisms41. Despite the fact such mech-
plement system transcripts and of the inflamma- anisms of action are not clearly known, studies
tory pathways with the use of vancomycin. Such show that nephrotoxicity is present in 7-17% of
events are responsible for some of the adverse ef- patients who use the drug intravenously in the
fects of the drug, like nephrotoxicity, phlebitis treatment of infections by methicillin-resistant
and local pain17,36. Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)40.
A literature review published in 2012 reports The available clinical laboratory exams can
renal toxicity associated with the use of van- only show renal injuries caused by the use of
comycin in 10-20% and 30-40% of the cases in vancomycin when nearly 50% of the total renal
conventional and high doses respectively. Elyasi tissue is affected. Therefore, studies firstly try to
et al37 concluded that the probable mechanism for elucidate the physiopathology, and some labora-
such injury is related to the induction of oxida- tories invest in the discovery of early ways to
tive stress by increase in the production of ROS. identify secondary kidney disorders as a result of
A study by Robibaro et al 38 not only reveals medication therapies40.
endothelial dysfunction with the use of van- Some studies suggest that acute interstitial
comycin but also states that high concentrations nephritis (AIN) is the main mechanism of van-
of the drug lead to considerable damages in en- comycin-induced nephrotoxicity. In this case, there
dothelial cells. These results may explain the is an immunological reaction with the presence of
common collateral effects associated with gly- diffuse edema and inflammatory infiltrate in the in-
copeptides, like phlebitis and infusion site pain. terstitium, which is composed of mononuclear
In another 2012 study performed with Wistar cells, mainly T-lymphocytes and macrophages. In
rats, researchers report 39 that thymoquinone, the some cases, plasmocytes and basophiles can be
tested substance, not only produces a protective found, and eosinophils and neutrophils are com-
mechanism against the nephrotoxicity induced monly present. Some systemic alterations like
by vancomycin but also suggests the important fever, eosinophilia and exanthema can also be ob-
role played by the VCM in the oxidative stress served in selected cases of AIN. It is important to
induction. identify the renal injury in such cases once the re-
nal function is recovered when the use of the med-
ication is discontinued. However, if administration
The percentage of the cardiac output delivered
is maintained, the kidneys are highly affected with
to the kidneys is approximately 20-25%. This
possible irreversible damage, especially in the el-
corresponds to 1.100 ml/min, allowing a high
derly population30,34.
rate of glomerular filtration which is necessary
In a study with animal models, Dieterich et al40
for the regulation of body fluid volumes and the
used a genomic analysis to try to elucidate renal
concentrations of solutes31.
transcriptional responses after the use of van-
Kidney diseases, classified as severe or mild,
comycin. The main conclusions from the experi-
are among the major causes of death and inca-
ments were: whenever the drug is administered in
pacitation in many countries. Many of their se-
high doses, it accumulates in proximal tubular cells
vere forms, which are able to affect blood ves-
which, in turn, undergo the process of necrosis; the
sels, glomeruli, tubules and the renal interstitium,
participation of oxidative stress, like mentioned be-
may lead to renal insufficiency, the term that is
fore, as well as mitochondrial damage in van-
used to define kidney malfunctions31.
comycin-induced renal injury were evident; some
Glycopeptide antibiotics like vancomycin are
previously known gene expression markers to de-
widely known as toxic substances, and therefore
tect toxicity were dramatically altered when the an-
indications for their use should be very precise –
tibiotic was present in high doses; last and most
normally patients with severe diseases or those
important, a potential participation of the comple-
who present hypersensitivity reaction to beta-lac-
ment system and of inflammatory mediators in the
tam antibiotics are eligible to therapy with this
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