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Who am I?

My name is Mónica Rodríguez Bogantes. I’m a 20-year-old girl moved by connections; I decide every single day to
connect with people who inspires me and motivates my soul to express my inner art. I love designing visual projects and taking
artistic classes.

What is communication?
Communication is a marvelous, complex process where the individuals involved transmit and exchange their
thoughts, ideas, feelings and opinions to convey a message. This can be a verbal or non-verbal process in which each
individual interacts, decodes, and interprets the information given and received.

Expectations for the course:

I sincerely have high expectations for the course. This course, I know for sure, would become one of my favorite ones
since its aim goes beyond building any enlightening-individual edification.

Some background information about myself

and the intercultural experiences I have had:
I’ve enjoyed meeting people from different cultures and
learning from them since some years ago. I remember
when I met a group of native speakers who came from
Indiana to my high school; I was genuinely terrified, for I
knew the language would be a significant barrier to
interact with them; they didn’t speak a single word in
Spanish, they didn’t even understand Spanish, and I
wasn’t enough prepared to establish a conversation with
none them. It was that specific event what motivated me
to study a foreign language to avoid experiencing this
kind of situations ever again. Missing the chance to
properly connect with people who speak a different
language, or individuals who have unalike cultural
costumes from mine made me understand the importance of learning different ways, techniques and languages to create bonds
and to learn from those encounters. On the other hand, for quite some time, for example, I’ve been tremendously interested on
religious aspects from the Thai culture, popular aspects from the Korean identity and cultural-communicative manners from
the Canadian and the American culture. I think of communication as a great opportunity to intimate and meet new stories, new
perspectives, and new lives told through different souls who have been molded by completely different circumstances and
cultural factors.

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