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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Brief Report

Self-Contained Neuromusculoskeletal
Arm Prostheses
Max Ortiz‑Catalan, Ph.D., Enzo Mastinu, Ph.D., Paolo Sassu, M.D.,
Oskar Aszmann, M.D., and Rickard Brånemark, M.D., Ph.D.​​

Sum m a r y

From the Biomechatronics and Neuro­ We report the use of a bone-anchored, self-contained robotic arm with both sen-
rehabilitation Laboratory, Department of sory and motor components over 3 to 7 years in four patients after transhumeral
Electrical Engineering, Chalmers Univer­
sity of Technology (M.O.-C., E.M.), the De­ amputation. The implant allowed for bidirectional communication between a
partment of Hand Surgery, Sahlgrenska prosthetic hand and electrodes implanted in the nerves and muscles of the upper
University Hospital (P.S.), and the Depart­ arm and was anchored to the humerus through osseointegration, the process in
ment of Orthopedics, Gothenburg Uni­
versity (R.B.) — all in Gothenburg, Swe­ which bone cells attach to an artificial surface without formation of fibrous tissue.
den; the Clinical Laboratory for Bionic Use of the device did not require formal training and depended on the intuitive
Extremity Reconstruction, Division of intent of the user to activate movement and sensory feedback from the prosthesis.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Med­
ical University of Vienna, Vienna (O.A.); Daily use resulted in increasing sensory acuity and effectiveness in work and
and the Center for Extreme Bionics, Bio­ other activities of daily life. (Funded by the Promobilia Foundation and others.)
mechatronics Group, MIT Media Lab,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge (R.B.). Address reprint re­
quests to Dr. Ortiz-Catalan at Chalmers onventional arm and hand prostheses used after transhumeral
University of Technology, Department of amputations are attached to the humerus with a socket that compresses the
Electrical Engineering, Hörsalsvägen 11,
SE-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden, or at stump and are moved by native biceps and triceps muscles without somato-
­maxo@​­chalmers​.­se. sensory feedback. Advanced prostheses for the upper arm use motors activated by
N Engl J Med 2020;382:1732-8. signals from the patient’s remnant biceps and triceps muscles. Patients must learn
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1917537 to contract these muscles to operate a prosthesis that terminates in a robotic hook,
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. gripper, or hand. The devices provide no sensory feedback other than incidental
and indirect visual and auditory cues that the patient notes in observing movement
of the prosthesis and listening to the activation of electric motors. We developed
a self-contained, neuromusculoskeletal prosthetic arm that includes sensory feed-
back from the surface of a prosthetic hand, allowing for intuitive use of the pros-
thesis in daily life.
Prosthetic limbs can be anchored in bone at the amputation stump with the use
of an implant system that includes two mechanical components1: the fixture, a
titanium screw that becomes osseointegrated, or incorporated, into the bone, and
the abutment, which is placed within the fixture and extends out of the body
percutaneously. The prosthesis, which consists of an arm, an elbow joint, and a
hand, is connected to the abutment, which transfers the mechanical load to the
fixture, which then transfers the load to the bone (Fig. 1B). Mechanical coupling
components within the fixture and abutment keep these elements together and
seal their interface.
In four patients who had an existing osseointegrated prosthesis with surface
electrodes to control a prosthetic hand, we removed the coupling components
within the fixture and abutment and replaced them with embedded electrical con-
nectors. The connectors sealed the interface and provided bidirectional communica-
tion between the prosthesis and electrodes that we implanted in nerves and muscles,
thereby creating a self-contained neuromusculoskeletal human–machine interface

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Brief Report

(Fig. 1C). The prostheses were commercially muscles (Fig. 1B).4 These electrodes, like the
available elbows and hands (the ErgoArm and the surface electrodes used in conventional prosthe-
Sensor­Hand, both provided by Ottobock, Duder- ses, detect signals from the patient’s voluntary
stadt, Germany) that included a custom-de- contraction in remaining muscles to set in motion
signed, embedded electronic system for control motors in the prosthetic hand. To obtain sen-
and neurostimulation.2 No other patients at our sory feedback, we placed a spiral cuff electrode
center have received similar implants. around the ulnar nerve in all four patients and
The regional ethics review board of Gothen- placed an additional electrode around the median
burg, Sweden, approved the study, and patients nerve in three patients (Fig. 1B).5 The cuff elec-
provided written informed consent. Each implant- trodes delivered signals for tactile sensory feed-
ed device, which is called an e-OPRA Implant back originating from three sensors on the
System, was manufactured by Integrum in prosthetic thumb through electrical stimulation
Mölndal, Sweden. The study was financed by of the afferent nerve fibers that had been severed
government grants for collaborative projects in the amputation.
between academic centers and industry. There Connection between the implanted electrodes
was no industry involvement in the decision to and the prosthesis was achieved by modifying
implant the devices, in the collection of study the patients’ previously placed osseointegrated
data, or in the writing of this report. The first implant.6,7 The existing abutment screw and the
two authors had confidentiality agreements in central screw (Fig. 1B) were replaced with the
place with Integrum. The first author, who current version of the neuromusculoskeletal in-
worked as a consultant for Integrum with sup- terface, which contains feed-through connectors
port from government-issued grants, wrote the that allow wired electrical communication from
first draft of the manuscript. All authors re- the distal end of the abutment (outside the body)
viewed the data, approved the manuscript for to the proximal end of the fixture (inside the
publication, and attest to the accuracy and com- body). Two leads extend in an intramedullary
pleteness of the data. direction from the proximal end of the fixture
and exit transcortically, where they attach to two
connectors located outside the bone. From these
Me thods
connectors, leads terminating in the neural or
Nerve Transfer for Prosthetic Control muscular electrodes extend to their respective
In preparation for the neuromusculoskeletal in- target nerves and muscles (Fig. 1B). The imped-
terface, three patients underwent nerve transfers ance of the electrodes was monitored over time
to extract neural signals related to the opening to assess the functionality of the electrodes and
and closing of the hand through remnant mus- the communication interface.
cles at the stump.3 The nerve transfers consisted
of rerouting the ulnar nerve to the motor branch Implementation
of the short head of the biceps muscle and re- Four to six weeks after surgery, the patients were
routing the deep branch of the radial nerve to fitted with self-contained arm prostheses that
the motor branch of the lateral head of the tri- required no external batteries, wires, or equip-
ceps. Neuromas at the ulnar nerve and distal ment in order to function and that were con-
branch of the radial nerve were excised. The distal trolled by the epimysial electrodes. In January
ends of these nerves were coapted to the ends of 2017 (one patient) and September 2018 (two
motor branches of the musculocutaneous and patients), electrical stimulation intended to elicit
radial nerves (Fig. 1B). In the fourth patient, tactile perception was coupled to force sensors
natively innervated biceps and triceps muscles in the thumb of the prosthetic hand, providing
were used for prosthetic motor control. graded sensory feedback during grasping of
common objects. The fourth patient did not par-
Neuromusculoskeletal Interface ticipate in follow-up after the initial fitting of
In order to extract signals for motor control of the prosthesis and was therefore not provided
the prosthesis, we sutured electrodes onto the with sensory feedback.
epimysium of the two heads of the biceps mus- Functional prosthetic control was assessed
cles and the long and lateral heads of the triceps through evaluation of the precision with which

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A Normal Neural Anatomy

Musculocutaneous nerve
Distal branch
of radial nerve

Radial nerve
B Anatomy Altered for Neuromusculoskeletal Arm Prosthesis

Lateral branches
of radial nerve
Short head
Ulnar nerve of biceps

Spiral cuff electrodes

Median nerve for tactile sensory

Long head of biceps

Severed branch of
musculocutaneous nerve

Electrode sewn Rerouted ulnar nerve

to epimysium

Electrode connector C

Radial nerve

Rerouted distal
branch of radial nerve
Severed lateral branch
of radial nerve
e-Central screw

e-Abutment Long head

screw of triceps Neural
Abutment Lateral head
of triceps Muscular

Connect to


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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Brief Report

Figure 1 (facing page). Neuromusculoskeletal Arm became unresponsive when he was outdoors. He
­Prosthesis with Targeted Muscle Reinnervation. lives in a cold Nordic climate, where he works
Normal neural anatomy is shown in Panel A. Panel B outdoors as an operator of heavy-duty vehicles.
depicts surgical nerve transfer, muscular and neural Temperature affects the capabilities of electrodes
electrode placement, and the osseointegrated implan­ on the surface of the skin to record myoelectric
tation system for skeletal attachment (abutment and
signals, particularly as the skin becomes dry. He
fixture) and bidirectional communication to the exter­
nal prosthesis (e-abutment screw, e-central screw, and also reported “distressing” phantom limb pain
electrode connectors, with “e” denoting electrical feed­ with an intensity of 6 on a 10-point visual ana-
through). Unlike earlier devices, “e-devices” allow direct logue pain scale on which 0 indicates no pain
communication between a prosthetic hand and elec­ and 10 the worst possible pain. In January 2013,
trodes implanted in the nerves and muscles of the up­
when he was 41 years old, he underwent implan-
per arm. Panel C is a radiographic image of the neu­
romusculoskeletal prosthesis indicating the neural, tation of the neuromusculoskeletal interface. The
muscular, and skeletal interfaces. patient’s prosthetic control with the use of the
implanted electrodes in daily life was reported
in a publication in 2014.8
Patient 2 is a right-handed 46-year-old man
patients could operate their prosthesis in two who lost his left arm as a result of high-voltage
tasks: the minimum increment of force that electrocution in 2011 while working as electri-
could be applied to an object by the prosthetic cian. He initially used an electrically driven pros-
hand during closing (grasping force) and the thesis that was attached to his body with a
minimum incremental activation of the hand socket and controlled by surface electrodes. He
during opening and closing movements (dis- had back pain and discomfort that made it dif-
placement). These evaluations were performed ficult to control the prosthesis. In 2014, he re-
when the prosthetic hand was controlled through ceived an osseointegrated implant to allow skeletal
surface electrodes (before surgery) and again attachment of the prosthesis. The mechanical
when controlled by epimysial electrodes (1 month discomfort related to prosthetic attachment re-
after the prosthetic fitting). In addition, the solved, but the patient reported poor control of
signal-to-noise ratio of these two sources of the prosthetic hand and preferred to use a pros-
control was measured at maximum voluntary thetic “gripper,” which he found to be more use-
contraction before and after incorporation of the ful during manual work. In January 2017, when
epimysial electrodes. Sensory acuity was mea- he was 44 years old, he had nerve transfers and
sured with the use of psychometric tests. For underwent implantation of the neuromusculo-
details, see the Supplementary Appendix, avail- skeletal interface.
able with the full text of this article at Patient 3 is a right-handed 44-year-old man
who had traumatic loss of his right arm in 1997
Patients during an accident while working on an oil plat-
Patient 1 is a right-handed 47-year-old man who form. He had worn an electric prosthesis with a
had desmoid fibromatosis in his right forearm. socket attachment sporadically for 5 years but
In 2003, despite multiple excisional surgeries and abandoned it owing to discomfort and poor
radiotherapy, he required a transhumeral ampu- functionality. In 2013, he reported increasing
tation that left 26 cm of humeral bone. He ini- back pain resulting from the postural imbalance
tially received an electrically driven prosthesis produced by the missing arm. In 2014, he re-
that was attached to the body with a socket that ceived an osseointegrated implant for skeletal
kept the prosthesis in place through the con- attachment of the prosthesis and began using an
stant application of pressure on the stump. He electric hand controlled with surface electrodes,
wore the prosthesis sporadically owing to dis- but he reported poor control over the prosthesis.
comfort caused by the socket. The socket attach- He also reported phantom limb pain, which he
ment was replaced by an osseointegrated pros- described as “stabbing” and “cramping,” with an
thetic implant in 2009, with surface electrodes intensity of 3 on a 10-point visual analogue pain
used to control the prosthesis. The patient had scale. In January 2017, when he was 42 years old,
difficulty operating his prosthetic hand with the he underwent nerve transfers and received an
conventional skin-surface electrodes because it implant with the neuromusculoskeletal interface.

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Patient 4 is a left-handed 44-year-old man fers and implantation of the neuromusculoskel-

who had a traumatic amputation of his left arm etal interface.
while using a rolling machine at work in 2003.
He wore a prosthetic hand sporadically owing to R e sult s
discomfort caused by the socket used for attach-
ment and to poor function related to the surface All patients used signals acquired by the im-
A video showing electrodes used to control the hand prosthesis. planted epimysial electrodes as the source of
use of prostheses
In 2007, he received an osseointegrated implant control for their prostheses in daily life (see
in daily life is
available at for direct skeletal attachment of his prosthesis, Fig. 2; and Video, available with the full text of a procedure that resolved the discomfort caused this article at Because the patients
by the previous socket attachment. In May 2017, were familiar with the operation of a prosthetic
at the age of 42 years, he underwent nerve trans- hand with surface electrodes, they did not re-




Figure 2. Neuromusculoskeletal Arm Prosthesis Used Unsupervised in Daily Life.

Shown are images of Patient 1 (Panels A and B), Patient 2 (Panels C, D, and E), and Patient 3 (Panels F, G, H, and I).

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Brief Report

quire training to use the neuromusculoskeletal prosthesis since the intervention, referred to it
interface. Myoelectric activity, recorded by the as being part of themselves, and reported posi-
epimysial electrodes on the reinnervated mus- tive effects on their self-esteem, self-image, and
cles in Patients 2 and 3, was observed at the first social relations, although these statements were
follow-up, 4 weeks after surgery, and increased not assessed with any established measure.
in amplitude over time.9 Operation of the pros-
thetic hand was switched to these intuitive con- Discussion
trol signals between 10 and 40 weeks after sur-
gery. Precision in prosthetic control improved in We report the effects of the implantation of neu-
all patients (for quantitative results, see Fig. S1B, ral and muscular electrodes to provide control
S1C, and S1D in the Supplementary Appendix). and somatosensory feedback to an osseointe-
Patient 4 did not participate in follow-up but had grated arm prosthesis in four patients, three of
documented use of his neuromusculoskeletal whom had clinical follow-up. The prosthesis was
prosthesis in daily life for 2 years 6 months. effective during the performance of activities of
Sensations elicited through direct nerve stim- daily living without supervision and allowed in-
ulation were referred to the phantom hand in tuitive somatosensory feedback, thereby requir-
all patients (Fig. S1E). The sensations were de- ing no formal training. The procedure augmented
scribed as being similar to a “touch by the tip of the performance of previously implanted osseo-
a pen” and gradually acquired a more “electric” integrated prostheses in these patients. In the
character at higher intensity, with increased future, the new osseointegrated interface will
pulse frequency.10 Initially, patients could per- incorporate other types of neuromuscular elec-
ceive a difference in the intensity of sensations trodes, potentially allowing for the use of more
when the frequency of stimulation was increased sophisticated neural interfaces.
or reduced by 50% (Fig. S1F and S1G). After a There are a limited number of reports on the
month of daily use of sensory feedback, a change long-term implantation of electrodes that pro-
of approximately 30% in the frequency of stimu- vide somatosensory feedback, and these reports
lation could be perceived as an increase or de- have been confined to controlled research envi-
crease in intensity of tactile sensation. ronments.11,12 An exception is a study in two
No serious adverse events, infections, bleed- patients who for up to 13 days wore prostheses
ing, or discontinuation of use of the prosthesis controlled by conventional surface electrodes
due to adverse events occurred as a result of the that allowed tactile feedback enabled by a neural
implants (Table S2). The neuromusculoskeletal electrode through percutaneous leads.13 One of
interface remained functional after 3 to 7 years these patients later used the same system for 49
of use in all three patients who could be fol- days.14 These patients reported improvement in
lowed. Electrode impedance increased for ap- the performance of daily activities despite wear-
proximately 5 months after implantation and then ing the prosthesis for a limited time each day,
remained relatively stable (Fig. S1A). Patients 1 providing support for our findings that implant-
and 3 had complete relief of phantom limb pain. ed electrodes can be used for prosthetic con-
Patient 2 had not had phantom limb pain before trol15,16 and sensory feedback.17-20
the intervention. Patient 1 has become employed The major challenge in enabling sensory feed-
full-time as a result of the improved functional- back in an artificial limb is creating a neural
ity of the prosthesis, which has also allowed him interface that conveys a high amount of sensory
to ski, go ice fishing, and ride a snowmobile. information to the nervous system in a way that
The preferred terminal device of Patient 2 be- is perceived effortlessly by the user. Ideally, the
came a myoelectric hand rather than a gripper number of sensors in the prosthetic hand would
owing to the superior control provided by the match the resolution of the interface, so the
implanted electrodes. He has been able to en- patient would have feeling in all the locations on
gage in rally-car racing and to repair cars with the artificial hand where the sensors are capable
his neuromusculoskeletal prosthesis. Patient 3 of detection. The relevance of the work present-
has been able to orienteer, canoe, and ski while ed here is not in the number of perceived and
using his neuromusculoskeletal prosthesis. All measured sensations but in the achievement of
patients reported having greater trust in their an integrated and fully self-contained prosthesis

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Brief Report

with implanted electrodes that can be used reli- Supported by Integrum, the Promobilia Foundation; the
IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Foundation; Vinnova, an agency
ably in daily life, enabling intuitive control and
in the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation; the
somatosensory feedback of the hand. Swedish Research Council; the ALF (Avtal om Läkarutbildning
In conclusion, we report outcomes for four och Forskning) through a grant from the Västra Götaland
patients after transhumeral amputation, who re- region; and grants from the European Research Council under
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
ceived a neuromusculoskeletal prosthesis that program (grant agreements 687905 and 810346).
allowed intuitive and unsupervised daily use over Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
several years. the full text of this article at

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