Agricultural and Forest Meteorology: Miguel Saavedra, Ken Takahashi

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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70

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Physical controls on frost events in the central Andes of Peru using

in situ observations and energy flux models
Miguel Saavedra a,b,∗ , Ken Takahashi a
Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Calle Badajoz 169, Mayorazgo IV Etapa, Ate, Lima 15012, Perú
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima 15081, Perú

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Radiative frosts are a major hazard to agriculture in the tropical Andes of Peru, but there are very few
Received 11 June 2016 studies of their physical controls. In this study we focus on identifying and approximately estimating the
Received in revised form 14 February 2017 effect that physical variables have on both the downward surface longwave flux (LW↓ ) and the minimum
Accepted 17 February 2017
temperature (Tmin ). Through a combination of case studies and statistical analysis of in situ data in the
IGP Huancayo Observatory, we found that low cloud cover (CC), surface specific humidity (q), and soil
moisture are key factors controlling the day-to-day variability of Tmin , which is more pronounced in the
dry/cool season. We found that all frost days had q < 7 g/kg in the dry season and q < 5 g/kg in the wet
Longwave radiation
season, although it should be emphasized that q covaries with CC and soil moisture.
Radiative transfer We successfully validated a numerical soil heat diffusion model with data from a field campaign in
Soil thermal conductivity July 2010 and we used it, together with a radiative transfer model, to estimate the sensitivities of Tmin
and LW↓ to atmospheric and soil variables. With these results we estimated the partial contributions of
these variables to the overall day-to-day variability in Tmin and LW↓ . We found that low cloud cover is the
dominant factor, although specific humidity has a comparable role in the wet season. Lack of information
on the cloud liquid water path is an important source of uncertainty. Enhanced soil moisture has a strong
mitigating effect on frosts, although strong variability of soil moisture in the wet season could contribute
substantially to the development of frosts.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The strong relation between cloudiness and minimum temper-

ature indicates that the net radiative loss in the nocturnal surface
The Mantaro valley in the Peruvian Andes is arguably the main energy balance is a key process for the occurrence of frosts in the
agricultural region in the Peruvian Andes and is the main provider Andes (Lhomme et al., 2007; Sanabria, 2009) and different meth-
of produce of Lima, the Peruvian capital. However, the agriculture ods have been tested to mitigate the impacts on the crops (Morlon,
is extensive, largely dependent on rainfall, and is particularly vul- 1991; Lhomme and Vacher, 2002). Sicart et al. (2010) indicate
nerable to frosts, which can destroy the crops and are, therefore, that clouds increase downward longwave by up to 55% near the
considered the most damaging among extreme hydrometeorolog- Zongo glacier in Bolivia. Furthermore, low clouds are expected to
ical events (Trasmonte et al., 2008; Trasmonte, 2009; Núñez et al., emit more downward longwave radiation (e.g. Geiger et al., 2003;
2012). As reported by Garcilaso de la Vega (1609) in his “Comentar- Dai et al., 1999). Using world-wide station data, Dai et al. (1999)
ios Reales”, the Inca farmers predicted frosts when they observed concluded that the land diurnal temperature range (DTR), i.e. the
cloudless skies at night and produced smoke as a way to mitigate difference between the maximum and minimum temperature, can
the frost damage to the crops. These prediction and mitigation prac- be reduced in 25–50% by the presence of clouds and that their
tices persist in rural communities in the Mantaro valley (Martínez spatial distribution determines that of DTR. They found a strong
et al., 2012), where the absence of late afternoon cloudiness has correlation between minimum temperature and longwave radia-
been verified to increase the probability of freezing temperatures tion, and at the same time with specific humidity, but with cloud
by more than four times relative to cloudy skies (Saavedra, 2012). cover the correlation was weak. On the other hand, Huang et al.
(2006) used models to estimate that a cloud radiative forcing of
8.5 W m−2 is associated with an increase of 0.68 ◦ C in nocturnal
∗ Corresponding author. temperature. Studies developed in the Andes of Peru are scant.
E-mail address: (M. Saavedra). Villegas (1991) indicate that frost in Mantaro basin, in the Andes
0168-1923/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70 59

of Peru, is associated with clear skies and dry air. The occurrence Huaytapallana Cordillera to the east, between the Pacific ocean and
of frost in this region is mainly between April and August, and the the Amazon. In this research, we used three kinds of data: synop-
lowest temperatures during June and July (Instituto Geofísico del tic meteorological data from the Huayao station (WMO Id 84630),
Perú, 2005). data from a collocated automatic weather station and data from a
Sanabria (2009) made use of two models (Lhomme and Guilioni, field experiment in the same site. The soil consists of clay covered
2004; Cellier, 1993) built taking into account physical processes by short grass (2–3 cm high), partly dry due to lack of irrigation
to model minimum temperatures. Sanabria (2009) used long- during the dry season, with a leaf area index on the order of 0.8.
wave radiation and empirical methods (Swinbank, 1963; Brutsaert, Synoptic meteorological data (1973–2006) include daily mini-
1975), but based on their results, they recommended that mea- mum (Tmin ) and maximum (Tmax ) temperature, and precipitation PP
surements be made with pyrgeometers. Sicart et al. (2010) (at 07 local time or LT), as well as air temperature, relative humidity,
implemented a parameterization of this longwave radiation in air pressure and cloud cover observed at 07, 13 and 19 LT. These
tropical mountains using surface air temperature and vapor pres- variables are measured at 2 m height above the soil surface. Air
sure, as well as solar radiation, to estimate the cloud effects. temperature, relative humidity and air pressure were used to cal-
Although clouds are arguably the primary control on longwave culate specific humidity. In the subsequent analysis, the cloud cover
radiation, the air humidity and temperature also play a role in the (CC) and specific humidity (q) are considered as the mean of the 19
clear-sky emission and are key parameters used in empirical mod- LT and 07 LT (next day) measurements to give an estimate of the
els (e.g. Lhomme et al., 2007; Sicart et al., 2010). Another physical nocturnal values. We computed the daily climatology for this data
variable that affects the minimum temperature is the soil thermal using harmonic analysis, using the first six annual harmonics, for
conductivity, which allows thermal exchange between the surface the different measurement times. In order to quantify the variabil-
and the deeper layers, damping the temperature changes at the ity, we calculated the interquartile range (IQR), that measures the
surface, and increases with the soil moisture, which implies that difference between the 75 and 25 percentile and is a measure of
precipitation in previous days can prevent the occurrence of a frost the spread of the distribution. Additionally, the 2, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90,
event (e.g. Geiger et al., 2003). and 98 percentiles for Tmin , Tmax and q are calculated. In the case of
To better understand and quantify the roles of different atmo- CC and PP, we computed the monthly frequency of five categories
spheric variables that control the minimum temperature at a site for precipitation (0 or dry, 0–2, 2–5, 5–10, and 10–42 mm/day) and
in the Mantaro valley in the central Andes of Peru, in this study five categories for cloud cover (0 or cloudless, 0.5–2, 2.5–4, 4.5–6
we used a combination of in situ observations with numerical 1D and 6.5–8 oktas).
models. We first provide a description and climatic characteriza- The field experiment took place in July 15–18, 2010, correspond-
tion of the region of study. Then, we present an empirical analysis ing to the dry, cold season. We measured LW↓ with a Kipp & Zonen
of the relationship between the minimum temperatures and vari- CGR3 pyrgeometer mounted on a 6 m tower to prevent obstacles
ables such as specific humidity, cloud cover and precipitation using in its hemispheric field of view. The measurements were instanta-
long-term meteorological data. After this, we use a soil heat diffu- neous at approximately hourly intervals, as the pyrgeometer could
sion model and an atmospheric radiative transfer model to model not be connected to a datalogger at that time. We also used data
the minimum temperatures at the surface and LW↓ , respectively, from a collocated automatic weather station in this period, which
validated with data from a field experiment. Experiments with the included 2 m air temperature and relative humidity, air pressure,
models are then used to assess the sensitivity of the minimum and wind speed measured at height of 10 m, recorded every 10 min.
temperature and LW↓ to changes in other atmospheric variables. The sensors were a Vaisala thermo-hygrometer HMP35C (accuracy:
±0.2 ◦ C, ±3%RH), Vaisala barometer PTB101B (±0.5 hPa) and Young
2. Study area and data wind monitor 05103 (±0.3 m/s) respectively.
We measured temperature in the soil using seven RadioShack
All the measurements in this study were made in the Huancayo 63-1032 indoor/outdoor digital thermometers. With the outdoor
Observatory of the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP Observatory, (external) sensor, the temperatures at 50, 30, 20, 10, 5, 2 cm below
12.04◦ S, 75.32◦ W, 3350 m.a.s.l.), which is surrounded by non- the soil surface and at 0 cm were measured; while the indoor sen-
irrigated agricultural land in the Mantaro valley, in the central sors measured at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 140 cm above the
Andes of Peru, located 12 km from the city of Huancayo and 7 km surface. The temperature at 0 cm was measured with the digital
from the Mantaro river (Fig. 1), between the western Andes and the thermometer placed on top of the soil surface unsheltered and

Fig. 1. IGP Observatory and topography around this location. At the East are located Huancayo city and Huaytapallana cordillera.
60 M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70

(a) value (nearly 5 mm d−1 ) between January and February, after which
5 it decreases steadily towards May.
The seasonal pattern of the precipitation is also approximately
4 followed by low cloud cover (Fig. 2b) and specific humidity (Fig. 2c),
Rain (mm d )

including the existence of the secondary peak around early October,

even more significant relative to the main peak than in the case of
precipitation and also found particularly pronounced in low cloud
cover at 07 LT, albeit earlier by 2–3 weeks. Cloudiness varies from
1 slightly above 2 oktas in the dry season to over 6 oktas (at 19 LT)
in the peak of the wet season (Fig. 2b), while specific humidity
0 varies from 5–5.5 g/kg to 8.5–9 g/kg (Fig. 2c), larger than the val-
(b) ues reported by Garreaud (1999) for the Altiplano region (3.5 and
6.8 g/kg), probably due to the somewhat lower altitude and the
Low cloud cover (oktas)

07 LT influence of moist air masses from the Amazon on this region (e.g.
Junquas et al., 2017).
13 LT From August to February, low cloud cover at 19 LT is larger than
at 07 LT and 13 LT, reaching a peak of around 6 oktas between
19 LT January and February, while in the dry season it is below 3 oktas
at the three observing times (Fig. 2.b). For specific humidity q, the
3 diurnal variability is generally weak and is more pronounced in
Jun–Aug and Sep–Nov (Fig. 2c). Its minimum occurs around 13–15
2 LT, counter to what would be expected for a valley wind circulation
(c) (Junquas et al., 2017). Furthermore, the hourly data from the auto-
matic station (not shown) indicate dominance of the semi-diurnal
07 LT
Specific hum. (g/kg)

cycle, resulting in a secondary minimum around 05–06 LT, some-

8 what before the 07 LT synoptic observation, so the mean of the 07
13 LT and 19 LT observations may somewhat overestimate the nocturnal
7 average.
19 LT
Tmin follows a similar seasonal pattern to the previous
variables, ranging from around 7 ◦ C in December–February to
0 ◦ C in June–July (Fig. 2d). However, Tmax has a less pro-
nounced seasonality, ranging between 18.5 ◦ C (February) and 21 ◦ C
5 (October–November), with local minima in February and June
(Fig. 2d), most likely due to the attenuation of the wet season solar
20 radiation peak by wet season clouds. The weak seasonality in Tmax
Temperature (°C)

Maximum suggests that Tmin is controlled by longwave radiation from clouds

15 rather than by solar radiation (Sicart et al., 2010). In fact, Tmin shows
a hint of a warm peak in October that approximately coincides with
10 the peak in cloudiness (Fig. 2b).
Minimum Rainfall presents substantial variability. In the peak of the wet
5 season, 75% of all days have non-zero rainfall, while 30% (15%) have
rainfall greater than 5 (10) mm d−1 (see Fig. 3a). If we only con-
0 sider rainy days in the wet season, the conditional frequency of
J F M A M J J A S O N D rainfall greater than 5 (10) mm d−1 is maximum in February, with
values of 42% (22%), compared with 25 and 30% (10 and 15%) in
Fig. 2. Climatology (1973–2006) of daily (a) precipitation, (b) low cloud cover and (c) September and March, respectively, which indicates that the wet
specific humidity (at 07, 13 and 19 LT), and (d) maximum and minimum temperature season peak has not only a larger number of rainy days but also
for the IGP observatory.
a higher proportion of intense rainfall events. In the dry season, in
June and July, less than 15% of the days have non-zero rainfall, most
unburied, beneath the grass. The sensor has a diameter of 5 mm and of it below 2 mm d−1 (see Fig. 3a). Consistent with the above, the
length of 2 cm, so it did not disturb the grass. These thermometers frequency of nocturnal clear skies decreases from 50% in the dry
were not recording, so instantaneous readings were taken jointly season (May–July) to a minimum of under 16% in January–March
with LW↓ . The thermometers were selected from a set of 40 after in the wet season. On the other hand, frequency of low cloud cover
intercalibration between themselves, showing errors <0.5 ◦ C rela- above 6.5 oktas increases from less than 15% in the dry season to
tive to the average, even though their nominal accuracy is ±1.8 ◦ C. 40% in the wet season (see Fig. 3b).
The variability of Tmin in the dry season (IQR = 4.3 ◦ C) is greater
3. Climatology in the IGP observatory than in the wet season (IQR = 2.5 ◦ C), but this seasonal change is
larger for the lowest percentiles. For instance, the 2% percentile
In this section we report the thirty-three year (1973–2006) varies between −6.1 ◦ C in July to 2.7 ◦ C in February, while the cor-
climatology for the IGP Observatory. The seasonal cycle of pre- responding values for the 98% percentile are 7 ◦ C and 9.5 ◦ C (Fig. 3d).
cipitation (Fig. 2a) is primarily uni-modal with a wet season from If we consider that frosts occur for Tmin below 0 ◦ C, then these are
September to March (austral spring-fall) and a dry season between seen to occur more than 50% of the time in June and July (more
May and July (austral fall-winter), with values below 0.5 mm d−1 . than 25% between May and August; Fig. 3d). In the wet season,
The onset of the rainy season starts in August and reaches an initial when crops are more vulnerable to frosts, these are much rarer.
peak in early October of around 2.3 mm d−1 , after which it decreases The variability of specific humidity shows a somewhat simi-
slightly and starts increasing from the end of October to the peak lar seasonal pattern to Tmin , with IQR decreasing from 1.8 g/kg in
M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70 61


Cloud type
mm/day _ Cs _ Ci Cs _ Cs _ Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs _ (a)

2 6 1 8 6 1 6 7 3 3
0 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-42
Rain frequency (%)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ As Ac _ _ _ _ As _
100 8 2 1
Sc Sc Sc St Cu Sc _ _ _ _ _ Cu _ Cu Sc
80 8 6 8 2 1 8 1 1 8

q at 2m (g/kg)
Temp. at 2m (°C)
60 20 10
15 8
10 6
20 5 4
0 0 1.4 °C 2
(b) January 17, 2005
oktas 14 15 16 17 18
Cover frequency (%)

0 0.5 - 2 2.5 - 4 4.5 - 6 6.5 - 8


Cloud type
Cs Cs _ Ci Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs x Cs Ci Ci Ci (b)

4 7 8 8 8 3 7 5 1 x 3 8 7 8
Ac _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x _ _ _ _
2 x
60 Sc Cb Sc _ _ _ _ Cu Sc _ x _ _ Cu _
2 1 8 1 2 x 1

q at 2m (g/kg)
Temp. at 2m (°C)
20 10
15 8
0 10 6
11 5 4
specific humidity (g/kg)

10 0 0.8 °C 2
9 November 23, 2005
8 20 21 22 23 24

Cloud type
6 Cs Cs _ Cs Cs _ Cs Cs Cs Cs _ Sc _ _ _ (c)

1 3 6 4 1 6 1 3 1
5 Ac Ac _ Ac Ac _ _ _ _ _ Cs _ As _ _
4 10 7 1 1 1 1 4
_ Cu Sc Sc Cu Sc _ Cu _ _ _ _ Sc Sc Sc
3 2 3 8 1 2 8 1 4 8 8

q at 2m (g/kg)
Temp. at 2m (°C)
2 20 10
10 15 8
Minimum temp. (°C)

8 98 10 6
6 90 5 4
75 0 0.4 °C 2
2 October 15, 2006
0 50 12 13 14 15 16
-2 25
Cloud type

-4 2 _ _ Ci _ Cs Cs _ Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs _ _ (d)

7 4 3 8 6 7 7 4 2
-6 Ac _ _ _ _ _ As _ _ _ _ Ac _ _ _
8 8 1
(e) _ Ns St St Cu Sc _ _ _ _ _ Cu _ Cu Sc
8 1 8 4 2 1 3 8

q at 2m (g/kg)
Temp. at 2m (°C)
Maximum temp. (°C)

98 20 10
22 90
15 8
20 50 10 6
25 5 4
18 10
February 17, 2007 -0.3 °C 2
16 2
14 14 15 16 17 18
Time (days)
Fig. 4. Hourly air temperature (◦ C; thick, red line) and specific humidity (g/kg; thin,
Fig. 3. Monthly frequency of occurrence (%) according to ranges in (a) precipi- blue line) at 2 m from the automatic weather station, and cloud cover (oktas) and
tation, and (b) low cloud cover (19 and 07 LT mean). Monthly percentiles of (c) cloud type observations at synoptic times in the IGP Observatory during selected
specific humidity (19 and 07 LT mean), (d) minimum temperature and (e) maxi- frost events in the Mantaro basin: (a) January 17, 2005, (b) November 23, 2005, (c)
mum temperature. The data was collected in the IGP observatory in the 1973–2006 October 15, 2006, and (d) February 17, 2007. (For interpretation of the references to
period. color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

the dry season to 1.1 g/kg in the wet season, although it does not
present a marked asymmetry between the high and low percentiles These occurred within the frost-unfavorable wet and warm season,
(Fig. 3c). Conversely, the variability of Tmax increases from the dry between October and February, and therefore they were excep-
to the wet season, approximately doubling the IQR to 3 ◦ C (Fig. 3e). tional events. In order to learn what the conditions were before
and during the frosts, we analyzed the specific humidity and air
4. Observational analysis of frost events temperature at 2 m, cloud type and cloud cover, and precipitation
on the three days prior to each event.
4.1. Case studies Tmin in the selected days ranged from −0.3 ◦ C to 1.4 ◦ C (Fig. 4).
During each of those nights, specific humidity was below 5 g/kg,
We have selected four cases of frost events that produced impor- in the 2% percentile (Fig. 3c), in all cases except January 17, 2005,
tant damage to crops in the region: January 17, 2005, November 23, which had under 7 g/kg (10% percentile) but also the highest Tmin
2005, October 15, 2006, and February 17, 2007 (Trasmonte, 2009). (Fig. 4).
62 M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70

Table 1 stronger in the dry season (correlation coefficient r = 0.83) than in

Daily precipitation (mm) in the days preceding the selected frost events.
the wet season (r = 0.6), probably due to the smaller variability in
January, 2005 12 13 14 15 16 the latter. However, since the variability in q in both seasons is most
Precip. (mm) 1.02 0 20.07 0 0 likely due to the same mechanism, i.e. changes in inflow from the
November, 2005 18 19 20 21 22 Amazon, a single relationship applied to the two seasons combined
Precip. (mm) 0 2.54 0.51 0 0.25 produces a better fit (Fig. 5a; r = 0.88). In the dry season, all days with
October, 2006 10 11 12 13 14 Tmin < 0 ◦ C had q < 7 g/kg, while all days with q < 4 g/kg had Tmin < 0 ◦ C.
Precip. (mm) 0.25 0 0 0 0 In the wet season, very few days had Tmin < 0 ◦ C and all of these had
February, 2007 12 13 14 15 16
q < 5 g/kg (below the 2% percentile). According to the regressions
Precip. (mm) 4.06 3.05 7.11 0.25 0 coefficients, a 1 g/kg decrease in q implies a 1.93 ◦ C decrease in Tmin
in the dry season, but only 1.03 ◦ C in the wet season. Although the
above provides a useful reference for prediction purposes, it should
Another common factor is the lack of low cloud cover those be noted that from a physical perspective, q could be a proxy for a
nights (between 19 LT and 07 LT; Fig. 4), except for November 23, combination of correlated factors, including enhanced cloud cover
2005, which only had 2 oktas (stratocumulus) at 19 LT (Fig. 4b), con- and soil moisture, as discussed later.
sistent with reduced nocturnal LW↓ . Additionally, mid-level clouds The relationship between low level CC and Tmin is illustrated in
were also not observed, except in the night of January 17, 2005 Figs. 6a and 7a, in which we show that Tmin increases as CC increases,
(only 2 oktas). On the other hand, substantial high cloud cover probably due to the increase of LW↓ emitted by the clouds. In the
(cirrostratus) was observed before, during and after these events, dry (wet) season, clear nights have a median Tmin of around 6 ◦ C
confirming that high clouds are not relevant for the occurrence (4 ◦ C) lower than in overcast conditions. However, there are few
of frosts. It should be noted that the morning before the frost in clear night samples in the wet season, so there is a larger scatter
November 23, 2005, low clouds were also absent but a frost did not in the distribution (Fig. 6a). The correlation coefficients between
occur. Tmin and CC are r = 0.69 and 0.48 for the dry and wet season, respec-
During the two days prior to each frost event, daily precipita- tively, which is weaker than the one found for q. Furthermore, CC
tion was zero or near zero (0.25 mm d−1 in November 22, 2005; is also correlated with q (r = 0.63 and 0.40), so it is not straightfor-
Table 1), which is an indication of reduced soil moisture during the ward to empirically separate their effects on Tmin . In fact, fitting a
frost events. The largest precipitation event (20 mm d−1 ) took place multiple regression model using both q and CC as predictors of Tmin ,
three days before the frost in January 17, 2005, which probably results in only a slightly higher r2 (0.74 and 0.43 for the dry and wet
helped mitigating the frost. On the other hand, except for the event season, respectively) than using only q (0.69 and 0.36), albeit sub-
in January 17, 2005, the maximum temperature in the day prior to stantially higher than with CC (0.47 and 0.23). It should be noted
each frost did not show any indication of reduction, as would be that the estimates of q and CC might both have errors, in the first
expected in the case of advective frosts. case associated with the measurements of air temperature and rel-
In general, common conditions prior to these exceptional frost ative humidity, and in the second case due to the subjectivity of the
events include reduced specific humidity (i.e. clear-sky emission), visual estimation. This leads to uncertainty in the relative strengths
absence of low clouds, and lack of precipitation (i.e. soil moisture) of their correlations with Tmin .
in the preceding two days. All these factors were probably impor- As a proxy for soil moisture in a particular day, we consider
tant for the development of these frosts. In the following section if each of the preceding two days had above-zero precipitation
we investigate these relations statistically using the longer term (wet or “W”) or not (dry or “D”) and we can classify each case
record. into four categories coded as DD, WD, DW, and WW (in the case
of WD, D is for the day before and W for the day before that), in
4.2. Statistical predictors of Tmin presumed increasing order of soil moisture. As expected, we find
that Tmin increases with soil moisture in both wet and dry seasons
We now analyze statistical relationships between Tmin and (Figs. 6b and 7b), although with a larger median range in the dry
other variables from the station observations (1973–2006) in the season (around 5 ◦ C) than in the wet one (2 ◦ C). However, since
peak of the wet season (December–February) and the dry season precipitation is related to cloudiness, this could in part reflect the
(May–July). All correlations shown are significant at the 95% level. influence of the latter, so we separate these effects by looking at
We find a positive linear relationship between the nocturnal (19 the cloud effects for the two extreme soil moisture conditions (DD
and 07 LT mean) specific humidity (q) with Tmin (Fig. 5), which is and WW).

(a) (Wet + Dry) season (b) Wet season (c) Dry season
r = 0.88 r = 0.60 r = 0.83
Tmin (°C)

slope = 1.92 °C/(g/kg) slope = 1.03 °C/(g/kg) slope = 1.93 °C/(g/kg)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
q (g/kg)
Fig. 5. Tmin versus q (19 and 07 LT mean) for wet+dry season (a), wet season (b) and dry season (c), including linear correlation and regression fits with 98% confidence
M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70 63

(a) 8
8 (a)
6 4
All cases 0
All cases
0 -4
0 0.5-2 2.5-4 4.5-6 6.5-8
10 0 0.5-2 2.5-4 4.5-6 6.5-8
(b) 8
8 (b)
Minimum temperature (°C)

6 4

Minimum temperature (°C)

0 -4
(c) 8
8 (c)
6 4
DD cases 0
DD cases
0 -4
0 0.5-2 2.5-4 4.5-6 6.5-8
10 0 0.5-2 2.5-4 4.5-6 6.5-8
(d) Low cloud cover (oktas) 8
8 (d)
6 4
WW cases 0
WW cases
0 -4
0 0.5-2 2.5-4 4.5-6 6.5-8
0 0.5-2 2.5-4 4.5-6 6.5-8
Low cloud cover (oktas)
Low cloud cover (oktas)
Fig. 6. Minimum temperature under different precipitation and cloudy conditions
in the wet season. (a) Minimum temperatures for different cloud cover cases. (b) Fig. 7. The same as Fig. 6 but for the dry season.
The first character of each XX label is referred to two days before and the second
the day before, D means the daily precipitation is zero and W means the day was
rainy. (c) Minimum temperature according different cloud cover conditions when Table 2
there is no precipitation in the preceding two days (DD). (d) Minimum temperature Thermal conductivity (k) and thermal capacity (c) for clay soil and under different
according different cloud cover conditions when there is precipitation in the pre- conditions of soil moisture ().
ceding two days (WW). The minimum and maximum of the box represent the 25
 (% volume) 0 10 20 30 40
and 75 percentile, the center of the dark circle represent the median and the limits
of the arms of the boxes the 10 and 90 percentile. −1 −1
k (W m K ) 0.25 1.0 1.5 1.68 1.8
c (106 J m−3 K−1 ) 1.25 1.67 2.09 2.51 2.93

From Geiger et al. (2003).

We find that, in both seasons, the cloud effects on Tmin are
stronger in the DD (Figs. 6c and 7c) than in the WW condition
Figs. 6d and 7d, reflecting the mitigating effect of soil moisture to a soil moisture of 2%. While LW↑ was calculated using the
that of CC variability. In clear nights, Tmin is lower by 2–3 ◦ C in the Stefan-Boltzmann law and an emissivity ε = 0.98, and Q0 cm was
DD cases relative to WW (Figs. 6c,d and 7c,d), although it should be estimated as a residual from the near-surface soil heat budget
noted that in both seasons there are relatively few clear nights in (Q0 cm = Q3.5 cm − c∂[T]/∂t(0 − 3.5 cm), where Q3.5 cm is the energy
the WW condition. flux at 3.5 cm depth estimated by finite differencing between 2
and 5 cm, and c[T] is the heat content in the 0–3.5 cm layer).
4.3. Field campaign and LW↓ measurements For Night I, the temperature at 0 cm before 22 LT, was estimated
by extrapolating the 2 cm values using the 0–2 cm gradients from
The field campaign provided us with more detailed informa- the corresponding times in Night III. We were fortunate that the
tion on the processes affecting Tmin . It lasted three nights in the three nights had distinct conditions, reflected in the respective 2 m
dry season, which we label as Night I (July 15–16, 2010), Night (0 cm) minimum temperatures of −1.9 ◦ C (−6.4 ◦ C), 5.6 ◦ C (1.2 ◦ C),
II (July 16–17, 2010), and Night III (July 17–18, 2010). In addi- and 0.3 ◦ C (−3.4 ◦ C; Fig. 8a,b). Night II had full low cloud (stratocu-
tion to the data described in Section 2, the upward longwave mulus) cover, rare for July (Fig. 3b) in contrast with Nights I and III
flux (LW↑ ) and net upward diffusive energy flux at the soil sur- (Fig. 8a). On the other hand, the specific humidity increased from
face (Q0cm ) during the three nights were estimated assuming a around 3 g/kg in Night I to around 5–6 g/kg in Nights II and III. In all
thermal conductivity (k) of 0.4 W m−1 K−1 and thermal capacity cases, the nocturnal (after 22 LT) 10 m wind speed was below 1 m/s,
(c) of 1.33 × 10−6 J m−3 K−1 . Considering these two last values the strongest diurnal wind (around 3 m/s) occurred before Night II.
and using linear interpolation from the Table 2, we estimate The only precipitation in that month was on July 9 (5 mm), so the
64 M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70

Night I Night II Night III 350


[ W m-2 ]
20 300

[ m/s - g/kg - °C ]

15 LW↑ 250

10 200

Temp. at 2m

Specific hum. at 2m

Wind speed
-3 Cs As Cs Sc Sc Sc Sc -- Cs
6 1 7 5 8 8 3 0 7

(b) Time (day hour)

0 cm
2 cm
30 5 cm
Temperature (°C)

10 cm
20 cm
20 30 cm
50 cm


15 12 16 00 16 12 17 00 17 12 18 00 18 12
Local time (day hour)

Fig. 8. (a) Temperature and humidity at 2 m height, wind speed at 10 m, cloud cover, estimated LW↑ and LW↓ recorded during campaign from 15 to 18 July, 2010 (19–07 LT
is shaded). (b) The temperatures on the soil surface and at 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 cm below (the completed 0 cm temperature for Night I are indicated with dots).

day-to-day changes  are probably not relevant in the comparative Table 3

Nocturnal near-surface energy budget terms (in W m−2 ) during the field campaign.
analysis of the three nights.
LW↓ , LW↑ , Q3.5 cm and Q0 cm .
To describe the soil thermal wave propagation, we take the
mean 50 cm soil temperature (14.8 ◦ C) as reference, as it pre- Energy fluxes Night I Night II Night III
sented little variation throughout the campaign (14.5–15.7 ◦ C), and LW↓ 239 300 252
express temperatures as anomalies relative to this reference. Thus, LW↑ 302 336 314
around 06 LT at the end of Nights I and III, the surface (0 cm) LW↑ − LW↓ 63 36 62
Q3.5 cm 51 26 47
temperature anomaly was −21.2 ◦ C and −18.2 ◦ C, respectively, and
c∂[T]/∂t (0–3.5 cm) −14 −5 −13
this cold signal progressed downward so that, at 10 cm depth, the Q0 cm 65 31 60
anomaly peaked around 10 LT with an amplitude of around 22% Q0 cm − (LW↑ − LW↓ ) +2 −5 −2
relative to the surface (Fig. 8b). During Night II, the variability in
LW↓ led to a double minimum, with the largest around 02 LT and
an anomaly of 13.5 ◦ C at the surface. At 5 cm depth, this complex vertical distribution. Thus, for example the  = 2% estimated from
structure disappeared while at 10 cm the peak anomaly was also linear interpolation from Table 2, is slightly smaller than the values
observed around 10 LT with a relative amplitude of 25% (Fig. 8b). of 2.7–5.3% estimated from Metop ASCAT Soil Moisture DataViewer
The above suggests a vertical e-folding scale and propagation speed (2017). In addition, Lu et al. (2007, 2009) found that k is almost
of the thermal wave of around 8 cm and 2.5 cm/h, respectively, con- insensitive to moisture in nearly dry clay soils with moistures as
sistent with the analytical solution for homogeneous soil under mentioned before; and increases as  exceeds 6% approximately,
diurnal surface forcing using parameters corresponding to dry clay so in our case this implies  = 8%. It is also possible that downward
soil (see Section 5.1). sensible heat flux played a role (Grant, 1974; André and Mahrt,
With respect to (LW↓ ), it initially decreased throughout Night I, 2000; Sun et al., 2003), but in a minor contribution due to the sta-
resulting in a nocturnal (19–07 LT) mean of 245 W m−2 . In Night II ble conditions and weak wind (see next paragraph). We note that
LW↓ increased, having a mean value of 300 W m−2 , probably asso- the Q1 cm (not shown) estimated from the 0 and 2 cm temperatures
ciated with the increase in q and CC, with some hourly variability was implausibly higher than the net radiative flux, indicating that
on the order of 50 W m−2 (Fig. 8a). The following day and through- our measurement at 0 cm, which corresponds to the grass canopy
out Night III, LW↓ decreased again and had a nocturnal mean of and not the soil surface, was inadequate for estimating the diffusive
255 W m−2 , associated with the reduced cloudiness, since q stayed heat flux, although it appears to have been adequate for estimating
relatively similar to Night II (Fig. 8a). Since air temperature was LW↑ .
higher in Night II, it could have also contributed to increasing LW↓ . Consistent with the surface cooling and weak nocturnal wind,
We estimate the mean net upward radiative flux for Nights I, II, and the atmospheric surface layer developed a very strong shallow
III as 63, 36, and 62 W m−2 , respectively (Table 3). inversion (below 20 cm altitude) (Fig. 9), with gradients of up to
The mismatch between the net longwave flux and Q0 cm indi- 16, 10 and 16 ◦ C/m in Nights I, II, and III, respectively (the gradi-
cates a downward surface energy flux on the order of 5 W m−2 ent for Night I was probably larger before 23 LT, but the necessary
(Table 3), which could be partly due to errors in the measure- data is not available). Between 20 and 140 cm above the surface,
ments of surface temperature by digital thermometer and lack the inversion was also strong (between 1 and 5 ◦ C/m) but not as
of accurate information on the local soil parameters and their much as at the surface.
M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70 65

140 Section 4.3). The model (Eqs. (1) and (2)) was discretized explicitly
with a time step t = 60 s and a vertical grid spacing of z = 1 cm.
100 We should emphasize that this model does not include grass cover.

Night I
The inclusion of this or plant canopy would be expected to lead
to lower skin temperature and higher soil surface temperature at
60 night (Deardorff, 1978; Herb et al., 2008).
40 The model also can be solved analytically, assuming LW↓ as a
20 periodic forcing with angular frequency ω, for the soil temperature:
0 F0
T (z, t) =  ez/d ei(z+vt)/d e−i ,
Height above the surface (cm)

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 (3)
140 2
(b) ( +
) + 2

where the e-folding scale is d = 2k/(cω), the downward prop-

Night II
19h 02h
80 agation speed of the the thermal wave is v = 2kω/(c), the
22h 04h effective surfacedamping coefficient associated with soil heat
00h 06h transfer is = kcω/2, the phase-shift between the forcing
and the surface T is given by tan = /( +
) and
= 4ε(T0 )3 ,
where T0 is the reference surface temperature around which the
0 Stefan–Boltzmann law is linearized.
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
140 For the simulation of the three nights in the field campaign
(Section 4.3), we used homogeneous soil parameters corre-
100 Night III sponding to nearly dry clay (i.e.  = 2%, k = 0.40 W m−1 K−1 and
c = 1.33 × 106 J m−3 K−1 , based on Table 2), as well as a surface
emissivity ε = 0.98 corresponding to grass (Wilber et al., 1999;
60 Snyder et al., 1998). With these values, d = 7.4 cm and v = 1.9 cm/h,
40 similar to that observed in the field campaign (Section 4.3). The sim-
20 ulations for each night ran from 19 to 06 LT, using measured LW↓
0 as forcing and the observed ground temperature profiles at 19 LT as
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 initial conditions (Fig. 8). At the bottom (z =−50 cm), the tempera-
Temperature (oC) ture was set to the initial temperature at 19 LT, these were 14.8 ◦ C
for the first night and 14.7 ◦ C for the others. The ground temper-
Fig. 9. Nocturnal air temperature profiles above the soil surface at different times atures were generally well simulated, reproducing adequately the
during Nights (a) I, (b) II, and (c) III.
differences between the three nights and the variability in Night II
(Fig. 10), which confirms that the variations in LW↓ were the dom-
5. Numerical modeling of the sensitivity of Tmin and LW↓ inant factors controlling the surface temperature. However, there
was a negative bias that developed particularly through Nights I
5.1. Heat diffusion/energy balance modeling of Tmin and III of up to 3 ◦ C. This could be partly due to the neglect of the
small downward sensible heat flux (order of 5 W m−2 ; Sun et al.,
We have argued in Section 4.3 that the amplitude and propa- 2003).
gation of the nocturnal thermal wave matches well the theoretical We now test the effect that different factors have on Tmin
prediction of a diurnally-forced model of heat diffusion in homoge- through sensitivity experiments. The control model configura-
neous soil. Here we implement a numerical version of the ground tion had the initial ground temperature profile set to 15 ◦ C, with
heat diffusion model in which the surface energy balance is given the bottom temperature fixed at Tb ≡ T(z = −50 cm) = 15 ◦ C, k and
by the forcing by LW↓ , the response of LW↑ and heat diffusion into c for  = 0% and  = 30%, and surface emissivity ε = 0.98, forced
the ground. We then test the sensitivity of Tmin to changes in LW↓ , by a constant LW↓ = 280 W m−2 (the initial radiative imbalance is
initial conditions in temperature, , and soil emissivity. 111 W m−2 ). All runs start at 19 LT and end at 06 LT. For the sensi-
The heat-diffusion equation for the ground below the surface tivity experiments, we hold the control parameters fixed except for
(z ≤ 0) is: the one that is varied. We quantify the sensitivity of Tmin to a generic
  factor x, keeping everything else fixed, with the partial derivative
∂T ∂ ∂T
(c) =− −k (1) ∂Tmin /∂x.
∂t ∂z ∂z
The response of Tmin to LW↓ is close to linear between 200
where T is the soil temperature. In the subsequent section the val- and 350 W m−2 , with a mean sensitivity of 16 × 10−2 ◦ C/(W m−2 )
ues of Table 2 is used. (Fig. 11a). For the night-to-night fluctuations of around 50 W m−2
At the surface, we assume that shortwave (solar) radiation and we observed in the field campaign, this indicates variations in Tmin
the turbulent latent and sensible heat fluxes are negligible during of 8 ◦ C, although, in the Bolivian Andes, the variability in LW↓ in
the night, which is an adequate approximation for the conditions the dry season is up to 100 W m−2 and somewhat smaller in the
of the field campaign (Section 4.3). Thus, the boundary condition at wet season (Sicart et al., 2010). If  = 30%, the mean sensitivity is
the surface (z = 0) is: 8 × 10−2 ◦ C/(W m−2 ), half as in the dry case. Thus, changes in LW↓
can be expected to have more impact on Tmin in the dry season than
−k = ε LW↓ − T 4 (2) in the wet one and could partially explain the larger Tmin variability
∂z in the former (Fig. 3d).
where the left side of the equation indicates the ground heat flux, We assess the effect of  as it varies between 0 and 40% by
LW↓ is imposed as a forcing from the field campaign or using ide- considering its effect on k and c (Tab. 2). The results indicate
alized values, and LW↑ is estimated with the Stefan–Boltzmann that Tmin increases with  and the sensitivity is largest for dry soil
law using a surface emissivity ε. The other boundary condition conditions, exceeding 0.6 ◦ C/% for moisture under 2% (Fig. 11b).
is implemented by prescribing T at z =−50 cm as a constant (see Therefore, increasing  from 0% to 5% increases Tmin by 3.2 ◦ C.
66 M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70

20 20 20
Night I (a) Night II (b) Night III (c)
15 15 15
Temperature (°C)

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 Obs. at 0 cm 0
Mod. at 0 cm
-5 -5 Obs. at 10 cm -5
Mod. at 10 cm
-10 -10 -10
19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
Local Time Local Time Local Time

Fig. 10. Modeled (dashed lines) and observed (solid lines with dots) data used for validation of the model at the surface and 10 cm below. Triangles indicate values
reconstructed from observations.

However, the sensitivity is strongly reduced for higher , so an how LW↓ itself is affected by different atmospheric properties by
increase from 20% to 40% would increase Tmin by 1.6 ◦ C. Although carrying out sensitivity experiments with the radiative transfer
the variability of  should be larger due to episodic precipitation in model called Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
the wet season (Fig. 3a), preliminary measurements of  in the IGP (SBDART; Ricchiazzi et al., 1998). This model solves the radiative
Observatory (December, 2015–February, 2016) show typical vari- transfer equation for a plane-parallel atmosphere using discrete
ability in the 20–30% range, which by itself implies variability in ordinate radiative transfer (DISORT) (Liou, 1973; Stamnes et al.,
Tmin of the order of 1 ◦ C. However, in extreme cases, lack of precip- 1988). SBDART requires profiles of atmospheric pressure, temper-
itation for several days (e.g. Section 4.1) could alone theoretically ature, absolute humidity and ozone density as input and calculates
lower Tmin by up to 7.5 ◦ C (Fig. 11b). the vertical radiative fluxes as output. This model has previously
Larger values of Tmax are usually an indication of consider- been tested to model longwave radiation in cloudless and overcast
able absorption of solar radiation in the soil surface. If this extra conditions (Viúdez-Mora et al., 2009, 2015; Panicker et al., 2008).
heat could be stored long enough, it could perhaps mitigate the To calculate the cloud effects, SBDART requires the following input
subsequent frosts. Here we assess the sensitivity of Tmin to the variables: cloud height and depth, cloud cover, effective cloud drop
temperature at the beginning of the night (19 LT) by setting the radius (re ), and liquid water path (LWP, the mass of liquid water per
initial conditions that goes from an initial value of Ts at the sur- unit area in the atmospheric column).
face to 15 ◦ C at the bottom. For this we use an exponential profile Our control atmospheric profile has an idealized boundary layer
T(t = 0, z) = 15 ◦ C + (Ts − 15 ◦ C) exp(z/d), with d = 7.4 cm for the con- with depth zBL = 1200 m, within which the specific humidity (qa ) is
trol parameters (Eq. (3)). We tested values of Ts ranging between set to a constant value of q0 = 6 g/kg and the atmospheric tempera-
10 and 20 ◦ C and found that Tmin has very low sensitivity to the ture (Ta ) decreases from a surface value of T0a = 10 ◦ C with a lapse
initial surface temperature, with only 0.12 ◦ C increase in Tmin for rate 9.8 ◦ C/km. Above zBL , we used the mean July, 2010, Ta and qa
each 1 ◦ C increase in initial Ts (Fig. 11c). For  = 30%, this is further profiles from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, noting that Ta and qa are dis-
reduced to 0.08 ◦ C. These results indicate strong damping, so that, continuous at the boundary layer top. Pressure was estimated using
in these experiments, Ts approaches half-way towards its equilib- the hydrostatic equation and the ideal gas law using a surface pres-
rium value1 in 1 h, although the subsequent adjustment is slower sure of 690 hPa, consistent with the altitude of the IGP Observatory
(after about 6 h, the departure from the equilibrium value is 20% (3330 m.a.s.l.). The ozone profile used is representative of tropical
from the initial value). regions McClatchey et al. (1972). Cloudiness was set to zero in the
The previous experiments tested the effect of a transient ini- control, but for the sensitivity experiments, we considered an ide-
tial surface warming. Now we test the influence of heat flux from alized homogeneous low cloud with a 200 m thickness and base
the deep soil by keeping the initial Ts = 15 ◦ C while using different at 1000 m above the surface, with re fixed at 10 ␮m while LWP is
values of the fixed bottom temperature Tb . Similarly to above, we varied from 10 to 100 g/m2 and cloud cover between 0 and 8 oktas;
using the exponential profile T(t = 0, z) = Tb + (15 ◦ C − Tb ) exp(z/d), these parameters are based on radar and satellite data and global
with Tb ranging between 10 and 20 ◦ C. The results (Fig. 11d) indicate observations (WMO, 1987; Minnis et al., 1992; Boers et al., 2000;
a higher sensitivity than to the initial surface temperature: around Pawlowska et al., 2000; Wang and Sassen, 2001; Gao et al., 2014).
0.21 and 0.42 ◦ C increase in Tmin per degree increase in Tb for  = 0% We note that SBDART represents the effect of cloud cover by mod-
and  = 30%, respectively. Considering that the range between the ifying the cloud optical depth by a factor of CC1.5 , with CC between
10 and 90 percentiles of Tb are 2 ◦ C and 1.3 ◦ C in the dry and wet sea- 0 and 1. For the sensitivity experiments, T0a was varied between 4.5
son, respectively (not shown), and  = 30%, the associated variability and 15.5 ◦ C and q0 between 3 and 10 g/kg.
in Tmin is 0.8 and 0.5 ◦ C, respectively. As q0 increases from 3 to 10 g/kg, LW↓ at the surface increases
Experiments have shown that the surface emissivity in the approximately linearly, although the rate decreases from 6.3 to
8–12 ␮m band increases around 0.06 as clay soils become wetter 4.5 W m−2 /(g/kg) (Fig. 12a; Ruckstuhl et al., 2007). Thus, in events
(Mira et al., 2007; Sanchez et al., 2011). We tested the effect of vary- such as in November 23, 2005, and October 15, 2006 (Fig. 4b and c),
ing the surface emissivity ε from 0.9 to 1.0 (not shown) and found in which specific humidity decreased from around 7–8 to 3 g/kg at
a modest overall decrease of Tmin of 1 ◦ C. a temperature around 10 ◦ C, this would result in a reduction in LW↓
of approximately 25 W m−2 . The sensitivity of LW↓ to q0 increases
5.2. Radiative transfer modeling of LW↓ with temperature, so that for q0 = 6 g/kg, it increases from 2.50 to
2.72 W m−2 /K as T0a increases from 5 to 15 ◦ C (Fig. 12a), making this
In the previous section we showed that LW↓ is the dominant effect also significant in the wet/warm season.
factor controlling the day-to-day variability in Tmin . Here we assess LW↓ also increases approximately linearly with T0a , with sensi-
tivity rates increasing slightly from 2.3 to 2.8 W m−2 /K, as well as
increasing with q0 (Fig. 12b). However, the values should be taken
In equilibrium, Ts ≈ (F − εTb4 )(kzb−1 + 4εTb3 )
+ Tb , where Tb is the prescribed as an upper bound, as we are assuming a uniform Ta change in the
temperature at z = zb . boundary layer, whereas nocturnal cooling is concentrated near the
M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70 67

(a) 15 (a)

LW↓ (W m-2)
Tmin (°C)


-5 220 Ta0 = 5 °C
θ= 0%
-10 Ta0 = 10 °C
θ = 30 % 200
T0 = 15 °C
200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 180
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LW↓ ( W m-2 )
q0 (g/kg)
(b) 8 (b)
q0 = 3 g/kg
6 260
q0 = 6 g/kg

LW (W m-2)
q0 = 9 g/kg
Tmin (°C)

2 230

0 220
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 200
(c) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
θ (%)
Ta0 (°C)
8 (c)
6 320
LW↓ (W m-2)
Tmin (°C)

4 θ= 0% 300

θ = 30 % 280
260 LWP = 10 g/m2
LWP = 50 g/m2
LWP = 100 g/m2
10 12 14 16 18 20 220
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ts (°C)
Low cloud cover (oktas)
(d) 10
Fig. 12. (Top and middle) LW↓ sensitivity respect changes of temperature and spe-
8 cific humidity in the boundary layer. (Bottom) Sensitivity of LW↓ respect changes of
6 cloud cover with different LWP.
Tmin (°C)

4 θ= 0%
order of a magnitude for CC above 4 oktas (Fig. 12c). In the case
2 θ = 30 % of intermediate thickness (LWP = 50 g/m2 ), the low CC regime has a
0 smaller sensitivity (around 25 W m−2 per okta) but extends to a CC
-2 of around 2.2 oktas. For the thin clouds (LWP = 10 g/m2 ), a change
from clear sky to overcast sky results in an overall increase in LW↓
10 12 14 16 18 20 of 67 W m−2 , while for the thicker clouds (LWP = 50 and 100 g/m2 )
the increase is 95 W m−2 , similar to the results of Viúdez-Mora et al.
Tb (°C)
(2015) for a cloud base of 1000 m.
Fig. 11. Minimum temperature Tmin as a function of varying (a) LW↓ (W m−2 ), (b) soil
There are almost no estimates of LWP in the Andes. An annual
humidity (%), (c) initial surface temperature Ts (t = 0) (◦ C) and (d) bottom temperature mean LWP in the Andes of Ecuador using NOAA-AVHRR (Advanced
Tb (◦ C) in the sensitivity experiments. Very High Resolution Radiometer) shows values between 75 and
300 g/m2 , suggesting that the thick cloud regime could be more
surface. Since T0a is expected to also be affected by the changes in typical of clouds in the Andes, but this is primarily associated with
LW↓ , which could be initially driven by changes in specific humid- convective clouds (Bendix et al., 2005). More detailed measure-
ity and clouds (see below), this could be considered at least partly ments are required, particularly for the low clouds that are more
as a positive feedback that amplifies frosts. relevant to frosts.
On the other hand, although LW↓ increases monotonically with
cloud cover, how it does depends strongly on LWP (Fig. 12c). For 5.3. Relative contributions to the variability in minimum
optically thin clouds (LWP = 10 g/m2 ), LW↓ is approximately linear temperature
on CC, with a mean sensitivity of about 8 W m−2 per okta. However,
for optically thick clouds (LWP=100 g/m2 ), the sensitivity exceeds In this section we try to assess the relative importance of the
40 W m−2 per okta at low CC (<1.5 oktas), but decreases by an contributions to the variability of Tmin by the different variables and
68 M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70

Table 4 are smaller, resulting in a substantial but much smaller contribution

Estimated partial contribution to the variability of LW↓ and Tmin , for  = 0% (for  = 30%
to LW↓ and Tmin of around 11 W m−2 and 2 ◦ C, respectively, com-
in parenthesis). The observational value of ıTmin is also indicated.
pared to the dry season. In the case of thin clouds (LWP = 10 g/m2 )
x ıx Contribution Contribution the sensitivity varies less with CC and the differences in the con-
to ıLW↓ to ıTmin
tributions between the dry and wet are associated only with ıCC,
(W m−2 ) (◦ C)
potentially explaining 7 ◦ C and 4 ◦ C of ıTmin , respectively. Which
Dry season (MJJ) thickness regime is more appropriate for this region is unclear,
CC (thick) 5.5 okt 86 12.9 (6.9)
although thick clouds are probably more likely in the wet season,
CC (thin) ” 43 6.5 (3.7)
q0 3.6 g/kg 19.4 2.9 (1.6) when specific humidity is higher.
T0a −0.7 ◦ C −1.8 −0.3 (−0.1) Specific humidity variability ıq0 has a contribution to LW↓ and
Observed – – 10.8 ıTmin comparable to that of ıCC in the wet season (Table 4). In the
Wet season (DJF)
dry season, the contribution of ıq0 is larger than in the wet season,
CC (thick) 3.4 okt 11 1.7 (0.9)
CC (thin) ” 27 4.1 (2.2) partly due to the enhanced sensitivity at low q0 , but even so, it is
q0 2.3 g/kg 11.0 1.7 (0.9) substantially smaller than that of ıCC (Table 4). With respect to
T0a −1.5 ◦ C −3.9 −0.6 (−0.3) air temperature, our estimated effect of ıT0a is a small reduction of
Observed – – 6.1 ıTmin (Table 4). The reason for this opposing effect is that the clear
sky that favors low Tmin also results in high surface insolation that
increases the maximum temperature during the previous day. This
parameters by considering the sensitivities (Sections 5.1 and 5.2)
effect is minor relative to that of CC and q0 . In all of the previous
and their climatological ranges of variability (Section 3). Since the
cases (including CC), for wet soil ( = 30%), the contributions to ıTmin
primary driver of Tmin is the atmospheric longwave radiation, we
through LW↓ decrease by a half. This is probably more relevant in
first estimate the influence of the atmospheric variables x (q0 , T0a
the wet season but can be used as a mitigation measure for crops
or CC) on the variability of the latter (ıLW↓ ) as
in the dry season.
 ∂LW ↓ In general, low cloud cover appears to be the dominant factor
ıLW ↓ = ıx, (4) controlling the variability of Tmin , although in the wet season, the
x humidity also plays a comparable role, while  has a large mitigat-
ing effect. The total estimate of ıTmin (Eq. (5)) is 8.4–15.5 ◦ C and
where the contribution to ıLW↓ by each variable x is the product of
1.5–2.8 ◦ C in the dry and wet seasons, respectively. This is roughly
the corresponding sensitivity (∂LW↓ /∂x) and the variations ıx.
consistent with the observational values (Table 4), although it is
Similarly, the contributions to the variability of Tmin is estimated
somewhat overestimated for the dry season, for which thick clouds
produce a large part of this, perhaps due to inadequacies in the
 ∂T treatment of clouds in SBDART, and underestimated for the wet
ıTmin = ıx, (5)
∂x season, but this could be enhanced by strong temporal variability
of  that, in the extreme case that it varies from 0 to 30%, it would
where in this case x stands for LW↓ , , Ts (t = 0), Tb and ε. result in a contribution to ıTmin of 7.6 ◦ C, which would take the total
To estimate the ıx, we composite the data according to whether estimate above the observed (10–12 ◦ C).
the 2 m minimum air temperature is below its 10 percentile (“cold”)
or above its 90 percentile (“warm”) and ıx is calculated as the aver-
age x of the warm group minus the average x of the cold group. 6. Conclusions
This is done separately for the dry and wet seasons, so we neglect
the contributions from Tb and ε, which vary little within each sea- Radiative frosts are one of the main hazards for agriculture in
son (see Section 5.1). Additionally, q0 is taken as the mean 2 m the tropical Andes of Peru but they are poorly understood from
specific humidity at 19 LT of the previous day and 07 LT of the a physical perspective. This study was focused on characterizing
current day, while T0a is estimated as the maximum 2 m air temper- and understanding the physical controls on the minimum temper-
ature of the previous day, as it is expected to be a better indicator ature in this region, combining case studies, field measurements,
of the boundary layer temperature above the surface layer due to statistical analysis, and theoretical and numerical modeling.
daytime convective mixing. The surface soil temperature at 19 LT Firstly, we characterized the climatology in the IGP Observatory
(Ts (t = 0)) is taken to be similar to air temperature at 2 m since, in the central Andes of Peru (3330 m.a.s.l.), focusing on air tem-
although the surface air at 19 LT can be more than 2 ◦ C colder than perature, specific humidity, low cloud cover, and precipitation. We
at 2 m (Fig. 9), its day-to-day variability is probably a reasonable found that the unimodal precipitation regime, with pronounced
proxy of ıTs (t = 0). Because we do not have long series of  mea- wet and dry seasons (peaks in December–February and May–July,
surements, we consider the range between dry ( = 0%) and wet respectively), is similar to the seasonal pattern of the specific
( = 30%) soil. Variability (ıx) of CC, q0 , T0a , and , their estimated humidity, low cloud cover and minimum temperature, while the
partial contribution to the variability of LW↓ [(∂LW↓ /∂x)ıx, only for maximum temperature has relatively weak seasonality. Since our
q0 , T0a , CC] and the estimated partial contribution to the variability interest is the extreme low temperature events, we also character-
of Tmin [(∂Tmin /∂LW↓ )(∂LW↓ /∂x)ıx for q0 , T0a , CC, and (∂Tmin /∂x)ıx ized the seasonality of the day-to-day variability. The variability of
for Ts (t = 0)], for  = 0% and  = 30% are shown in Table 4. the Tmin is more pronounced in the dry season and, considering 0 ◦ C
According to our calculations, the largest contribution to the as the threshold for frosts, we found that these occur over 50% of
variability of LW↓ and Tmin is by far due to cloud cover. For the case the time in June and July, while during the wet season, which is
of thick clouds (LWP = 100 g/m2 ), we find that the typical variabil- when crops are more vulnerable, frosts are much rarer.
ity (associated with the variability of Tmin ) in CC, i.e. ıCC, produces We analyzed four frost events that produced damage to crops
changes in LW↓ and Tmin of around 86 W m−2 and 13 ◦ C, respec- in the wet season and found common characteristics during those
tively, in the dry season (Table 4). This is partly due to the large events: absence of low cloud cover and reduced specific humidity
ıCC in this season but also to the high sensitivity of LW↓ in the during the nights of these events, and lack of rainfall in the pre-
low CC/high LWP regime (Section 5.2, Fig. 12c). The wet season is vious two days. These observations were then confirmed with a
cloudier and so both the variability ıCC and the sensitivity of LW↓ statistical analysis of long term data (1973–2006), that showed a
M. Saavedra, K. Takahashi / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239 (2017) 58–70 69

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