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JOLLY BEH ("Company") is pleased to enter into this Employment Agreement

(“Agreement”) with you following the provisions specified below:

I. Employment Details
Hiring Date: AUGUST 1, 2019
Employee Number: 154302
Contact Information:
Telephone Number/s: 09559841333
Address: Brgy. Abuyon San Narciso Quezon
Type of Employment: [X] Probationary
[ ] Regular
Position/Designation: Technician, Manufacturing
Division/Outlet: Manufacturing
Place of Assignment: Canlubang
Gross Compensation:
Basic Pay: 13,000.00
Meal Allowance: 2,300.00
Total: 15,300.00

II. Terms and Conditions

1. Hiring. Provided all requirements for employment have been complied with and
clearance from physical, medical and dental examinations has been obtained to the
satisfaction of the Company, and Representations in this Agreement being true and
correct, you shall be hired by Company, effective on the Hiring Date, for the
Position/Designation in the Division/Outlet in the Place of Assignment specified in the
Employment Details, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You shall
report for duty on the Hiring Date. You shall diligently perform your duties in accordance
with the requirements of the Company.

2. Probationary Employment. As stated in the Basic Provisions, you understand and

agree as follows:

(a) You will be considered for acceptance as a regular employee (“Regularization”)

within 6 months from Hiring Date, based on your performance;
(b) Prior to Regularization, you shall not receive any of the benefits given to regular
employees unless such are agreed upon in your job offer document.
(c) Your employment may be terminated for failure to meet Company standards at
pre-agreed measurement periods prior to Regularization, without prejudice to
other legally recognized grounds for termination;
3. Compensation. Your compensation shall be the Gross Compensation specified in the
Basic Provisions. You understand and agree that any additional payments or benefits of
whatever nature, shall be disbursed entirely at the Company discretion and shall not,
even in the case of repetition, serve to establish any claim against the Company.

In addition, you understand and agree that you’re Basic Pay and Meal Allowance covers
all the days of the month including rest days and holidays. For the purposes of
computing daily rates of salary-rated benefits (e.g. Sick/Vacation Leaves, etc.), the
following formula shall be used:

Monthly Base Pay x 12 months

Daily Rate = _________________________________________________

365 days

Your Gross Compensation shall be subject to withholding taxes as required by law.

You hereby accept your Gross Compensation as sufficient and full consideration for all
of your undertakings under this Agreement.

4. Review. Your performance and Compensation shall be reviewed at least once a year
following the JFC Philippines Annual Salary Review schedule.

5. Compliance with Company Rules and Policies. You shall comply with all Company
rules and policies, including without limitation the Company’s Code of Conduct, Code of
Ethics, Conflict of Interest Disclosure requirements and such other rules and policies as
may now exist and/or may hereafter be implemented by the Company. It shall be your
responsibility as an employee to study and know the rules and policies immediately upon
their implementation and comply accordingly.

6. Work Hours. Unless otherwise indicated in the Basic Provisions, you shall render full
time services exclusively to the Company. You shall comply with the required work hours
of the Company and hereby waive the right to compensation for time lost from required
work hours on account of absences or other circumstances, in accordance with
Company policies.

7. Other Assignments. You understand and accept that throughout your employment,
you may be assigned to any position/designation in any division/outlet or any place of
assignment, and/or given such other assignments as the Company deems fit, for such
period as the Company may deem appropriate, subject to the requirements of applicable

8. Expenses. The payment or reimbursement by Company of any and all expenses

incurred by you in connection with the performance of your duties shall be in accordance
with the prevailing Company policies. The Company shall not be responsible for
expenses incurred by you in the execution of your duties unless the Company, prior to
the incurrence of such expenses, duly authorized the same in accordance with the
Company’s prevailing approval policies.

9. Confidentiality. From the date of execution of this Agreement, you may have access to
non-public or proprietary information, intellectual property, know-how or other
information that are capable of generating economic benefits and have certain business
value (“Confidential Information”) including without limitation Company records and/or
information on the Company’s financials, activities, processes, methods, techniques,
customers, suppliers of goods and services, strategies, concepts, recipes, menu items,
promotions, plans, prospects, templates, designs, systems, formulas and the like. You
not shall disclose the Confidential Information to any person, make any copies of the
Confidential Information, or use the Confidential Information for any purpose, other than
as expressly authorized by the Company. You shall take such action as may be
required to protect such Confidential Information. You hereby acknowledge that all such
Confidential Information is the property of the Company, and that confidentiality is
essential to the Company in order to protect the value of the Company, and that any
violation of this undertaking will cause the Company irreparable damage. Your
confidentiality obligation under this Agreement shall survive the termination of this
Agreement and/or your employment for any reason. You shall inform all future
employers of this confidentiality obligation.

10. Ownership of Intellectual Property. All intellectual property conceived, created or

developed by you (whether alone or in collaboration with others) from Hiring Date until
the termination of your employment for any reason, in relation to the actual or anticipated
business activities of the Company, or that result from or are suggested by work you do
for the Company or its related entities, including without limitation any ideas, concepts,
inventions, know-how, processes, methods, techniques, strategies, concepts, recipes,
menu items, promotions, plans, templates, designs, systems, formulas and the like, shall
belong solely to the Company, and you hereby unconditionally, completely and
irrevocably assign to the Company, as its sole and exclusive property, all your right, title
and interest in and to such intellectual property. You shall immediately provide full
details of such intellectual property to the Company, including all assistance necessary
and desirable to enable the Company to make use of such intellectual property. You
shall execute all documents and do all things necessary or in the opinion of the
Company desirable to give effect to this provision and to protect such intellectual
property in the name of the Company. This provision shall survive the termination of your
employment for any reason. You shall inform all future employers of this obligation.

11. Non-Competition.

(a) From Hiring Date until the termination of your employment, other than as
expressly allowed in writing by the Company, you shall render services to the
Company exclusively and shall not sit as a director, officer, or consultant of, or be
employed by or render services to, or control, manage or operate (or participate
in any capacity in the control, management or operation of) any entity other than
the Company;

(b) From the date of termination of your employment until the 2nd anniversary hereof,
other than as expressly allowed in writing by the Company, you shall not sit as
director, officer, or consultant of, or be employed by or render services to, or
control, manage or operate (or participate in any capacity in the control,
management or operation of) any entity engaged in the restaurant business in
any territory where Jollibee Foods Corporation or any of its subsidiaries (the “JFC
Group”) or is franchisees as such are operating restaurants as at the time of
termination of your employment; and any territory where the JFC Group has
publicly disclosed, as a the time of termination of your employment, an intention
to operate restaurants (whether company-owned or franchised).

This provision shall survive the termination of your employment for any reason. You
shall inform all future employers of this non-competition obligation while it is in effect.

12. Non-Solicitation. You shall not, directly or indirectly, hire, attempt to hire, solicit or
encourage the departure of any employee of the Company, or call on, solicit, interfere
with or endeavour to entice away from the Company, any prospective or current client or
supplier of the Company.

13. No Other Agreements. You understand and accept that there can be no verbal
agreements between you and the Company or any of its agents/representatives
affecting this agreement and that no alterations or variations of the terms hereof shall be
binding upon either party to this agreement unless the same is confirmed in writing duly
signed by both you and the Company.
14. Termination. In the event that you voluntarily decide to terminate your
employment with the Company, you will provide the Company with at least 30 days’
written notice prior to the effective date of resignation, unless a shorter period is
expressly approved by the Company. Upon termination of your employment, you shall
promptly deliver to a designated Company representative, all documents and other
records, which relate to the business activities of the Company or any material which
belongs to the Company.
The Company may terminate your employment in accordance with Company policies,
subject to the requirements of applicable laws.
15. Representations & Warranties. You hereby represent and warrant to the Company
that all the information provided by you to the Company as part of the application
process (including your curriculum vitae and compensation information) was and is true
and correct, and that you have not withheld any material information from the Company
prior to the execution of this Agreement. You hereby represent and warrant to the
Company that, other than as expressly disclosed to the Company in writing: (a) you have
not been the subject of any disciplinary proceeding, termination of employment, or
request from any previous employee to resign in lieu of disciplinary action, or
arrangement with your previous employer to be allowed to resign in lieu of disciplinary
action; (b) you have not been, and are not currently, a party to or the subject of any
criminal or civil proceeding; (c) You are not in violation of, and your execution and
performance of this Agreement will not cause you to be in violation of, the terms of any
Agreement/s with your previous employer/s (including without limitation any non-
competition undertaking); (d) there is no dispute between you and your previous
employer/s in relation to any mater.
You understand and agree that your representations and warranties herein are an
essential consideration for this Agreement, breach of which shall entitle the Company to
terminate your employment or impose such other disciplinary action as it deems fit,
subject to the Company’s due process requirements and without prejudice to the
Company’s other remedies under applicable laws. You shall indemnify the Company
and hold the Company free and harmless from any breach of the foregoing
representations and warranties.

16. Confirmation. Your signature affixed below indicates your understanding and
unconditional acceptance of the foregoing terms and attests to the truth of all information
herein incorporated and agreed on, including the representations and warranties herein.
17. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be given no effect and
shall be deemed not to be included in this Agreement, without invalidating any of the
remaining provisions of this Agreement. The parties shall then use all reasonable
endeavours to replace the excluded provision with a substitute provision, the effect of
which is as close as possible to be intended effect of the excluded provision.



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