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2 The Teacher’s
Philosophy of
“Education is the most powerful weapon

which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

In this Lesson

 My Philosophy of Education
 Basic features of philosophy of education
 Application of philosophy in the context of learning process

What is your philosophy about schools and education? Since you will
become a teacher, you must have a clear understanding of your strong belief or
philosophy of education. A philosophy will guide your actions in teaching and

Your teaching philosophy is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about

teaching and learning. It develops your ideas with specific, concrete examples of
what the teacher and learners will do to achieve those goals.

This lesson will tackle educational philosophies such as Essentialism,

Perennialism, Progressivism, Existentialism, and Behaviorism. Linguistic Philosophy
and Constructivism.

…“’If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the
way they learn.’ This quote by Ignacio Estrada represents my teaching
philosophy. Teaching and education are not one size fits all.” – Ms.
Thompson, “The Holocaust ~ Empowering Students through the Arts”

At the completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify one’s philosophy of teaching and education
 Gather information on the philosophy of education of experienced teachers
 Clarify how these philosophies are being put into practice

So, are you ready? Then you may now start the lesson

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Knowing Thyself: My
Philosophy of Education
 Identify one’s philosophy of teaching and education.
 Select the appropriate educational philosophies for different domains of
learning and for the different intelligences.

Hello students! Welcome to Activity 1 of Lesson 2. This lesson introduces you
to the different educational philosophies to assess several domains of learning and to
select appropriate methods to match the learning objectives.

ACTIVITY: “What Is Your Philosophy Of Education?”

You used to answer questions, perhaps philosophical statements. This time

you are going to find out, read each of the following statements about the nature of
education. You will have the opportunity interview experienced teacher through video
chat or electronically ways like (text, chat or email) and to decide whether you agree
or disagree with each statement. Use the following numbers to express your response:
4 Agree strongly 2 Disagree
3 Agree 1 Disagree strongly

My Rate Philosophical Statements

2 1. The student learning should be centered around 3Rs only.
3 2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the past.
4 3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities than reading.
4 4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
3 5. Subjects matter is taught effectively when it is broken down into small parts.
4 6. The school subjects should include only essential for all students to know.
4 7. Schools above all, should develop students’ abilities to think deeply, analytical
and creatively than social skill or acquire body of knowledge.
4 8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of
problems they will face outside the classroom.
3 9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There is no objective
universal reality.
3 10. People are shaped much more by the exercise of their free will.
2 11. Students should not be promoted to the next grade until they have read and
mastered certain key material.
4 12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society.

3 13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and
needs of the students
3 14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so.
2 15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information.
4 16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
3 17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curriculum.

4 18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.
2 19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
4 20. Students learn best through reinforcement.
1 21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
4 22. Education should focus on timeless questions such as “What is beauty?” or What is
3 23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools should plan for
more social gathering in their curricula.

3 24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find the meaning
of their existence.
3 25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know.
4 26. Countries must become more competitive economically; hence schools must bolster
their academic requirements for more competition.
3 27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake, rather than
to help them into their careers.
3 28. Schools must plan more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and
3 29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
4 30. Reward students well for learning so they will remember and be able to apply what
they learned, even if they were not able to understand why information is worth knowing.
3 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional Filipino values in students.
3 32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students.
4 33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
2 34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to
2 35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which student
Behaviors are acceptable and which are not.
4 36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books,
people and events.
3 37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like computer science.
4 38. Teachers must stress students the relevance of what they are learning to their lives
outside and inside the classroom.
4 39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn
specific concepts.
4 40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to determine what
they have learned.

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2 1. The student learning should be centered around 3Rs only.

4 2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the past.
2 3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities than reading.
2 4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
3 5. Subjects matter is taught effectively when it is broken down into small parts.
3 6. The school subjects should include only essential for all students to know.
4 7. Schools above all, should develop students ‘abilities to think deeply, analytical and
creatively than social skill or acquire body of knowledge.
3 8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of problems they will
face outside the classroom.
3 9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There is no objective universal
4 10. People are shaped much more by the exercise of their free will.
3 11. Students should not be promoted to the next grade until they have read and mastered certain
key material.
2 12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society.
3 13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and needs of the
2 14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so.
2 15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information.
3 16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
2 17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curriculum.
4 18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.
2 19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
3 20. Students learn best through reinforcement.
2 21.Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
4 22.Education should focus on timeless questions such as “What is beauty?” or What is truth?
3 23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools should plan for more
social gathering in their curricula.
4 24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find the meaning of
their existence.
2 25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know.
4 26. Countries must become more competitive economically; hence schools must bolster their
academic requirements for more competition.
3 27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake, rather than to help
them into their careers.
3 28. Schools must plan more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and women.
4 29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
4 30. Reward students well for learning so they will remember and be able to apply what they
learned, even if they were not able to understand why information is worth knowing.
2 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional Filipino values in students.

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4 32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students.
3 33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
3 34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to be.
3 35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which student
behaviors are acceptable and which are not.
4 36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books, people
and events.
3 37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like computer science.
4 38. Teachers must stress students the relevance of what they are learning to their lives outside
and inside the classroom.
3 39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn specific
4 40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to determine what they
have learned.


2 1. The student learning should be centered around 3Rs only.

3 2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the past.
4 3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities than reading.
3 4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
4 5. Subjects matter is taught effectively when it is broken down into small parts.
2 6. The school subjects should include only essential for all students to know.
4 7. Schools above all, should develop students’ abilities to think deeply, analytical and
creatively than social skill or acquire body of knowledge.
4 8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of problems they will
face outside the classroom.
3 9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There is no objective universal
3 10. People are shaped much more by the exercise of their free will.
2 11. Students should not be promoted to the next grade until they have read and mastered
certain key material.

3 12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society.
4 13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and needs of the
2 14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so.
3 15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information.
3 16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
3 17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curriculum.
4 18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.
2 19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
4 20. Students learn best through reinforcement.

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3 21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
2 22. Education should focus on timeless questions such as “What is beauty?” or What is truth?
4 23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools should plan for more
social gathering in their curricula.
3 24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find the meaning of
their existence.
4 25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know.
3 26. Countries must become more competitive economically; hence schools must bolster their
academic requirements for more competition.
3 27.Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake, rather than to help
them into their careers.
2 28. Schools must plan more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and women.
29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
3 30. Reward students well for learning so they will remember and be able to apply what they
learned, even if they were not able to understand why information is worth knowing.
4 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional Filipino values in students.
3 32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students.
4 33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
4 34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to be.
4 35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which student behaviors
are acceptable and which are not.
3 36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books, people
and events.
4 37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like computer science.
3 38. Teachers must stress students the relevance of what they are learning to their lives outside
and inside the classroom.
3 39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn specific
4 40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to determine what they
have learned.


1. What are your values, beliefs and aspirations as a future teacher?

As a future teacher, I believe that teaching is not just only imparting knowledge, but
also touching their lives and inculcating good values to produce a better individuals. So I must
be dedicated to my profession to produce a better teaching learning process and be an
effective teacher to them. I also have to be honest and fair to all of my students, and be
responsible in everything that I’ll do, because to them we are their role model.
2. What does a perfect teaching situation look like to you and why?

There is no perfect teaching, because there are instances that may come unexpectedly,
but as a teacher we have to be prepared in all instances. We can say that teaching is good
when there is an interaction between the students and teachers, because it shows that the
learners are actively participating in the class discussion that it has a best teaching-learning
process. And of course as a teacher we must not just impart them knowledge but also a good
values and attitudes as an individual.

3. What are your attitudes towards advising and addressing student’s needs?

As a teacher, the best attitudes towards advising and addressing student’s

needs are we have to be willingly listening to their problems, that even though we’re
their teachers, we can also be their friends who are willingly to help them, and can be
a shoulder to lean on. in addressing student’s needs, we are learner-centered so, we
as a teacher, should always cater the needs of the students, use an different strategies,
approach or methods just to provide them the best teaching-learning process.

4. How are the values and beliefs realized in the classroom setting?

In the classroom setting, as their teacher, we have be cautious in our

actions, we have to demonstrate fairness and honesty, and being responsible. We
have to avoid the things that might hinder the learning of the students and treat them
fairly as each students deserve.


As a teacher, one should have a philosophy of education. A philosophy is a

strong that is translated into action. A philosophy will guide you on what you teach,
how you teach, and why you teach among others. The different schools of thought or
philosophies were handed down to us by different philosophers. But as the world
progresses, other philosophies emerged.

Philosophy of Education Basic Features

Aim: Promote intellectual growth of

learners for competence
1. Teacher’s role: Sole authority in the subject
Essentialism matter
Focus: Essentials skills, 3 R’s
Trends: Back to Basics, cultural literacy,

Aim: To educate the rational person,

cultivate intellect
2. Perennialism Teacher’s role: Assist learners to think
with reason (critical thinking, HOST)
Focus: Classical subject, Great Books,
Enduring curriculum
Trends: Use of Gret Books: Bible, Koran,
Classical books

Aim: Education of the whole being, as

unique individuals
3. Existentialism Teacher’s role: Help students define
who they are, their essence
Focus: Self-paced, self-directed, learner
Trend: Individualized learning, values

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Aim: Promote democratic social living

Teacher’s role: Develop lifelong
4. Progressivism learners Focus: Learner-centeredness,
interdisciplinary, outcomes-based
Trends: Humanistic education,
contextualized curriculum, equal
opportunities for all

Aim: Improve and reconstruct

society. Education for change
Teacher’s role: Agent of change and reform
Focus: Transformation of present to future
5. 22 | P a g e landscape
Trends: Global education, convergence,
transformative education

Aim: Develop communication skills in

6. Linguistic different languages (Multilingualism)
Philosophy Teacher’s role: Provide experiential learning
to learn language
Focus: Language and communication
Trends: Mastery of communication skills
(verbal, non-verbal, Para verbal or listening,
speaking writing, reading and viewing)

Aim: Modify and shape learner’s behavior

Teacher’s role: Arrange
environmental conditions to change
7. Behaviorism behavior
Focus: Learners and the learning
environment that act as stimuli
Trends: Education for sustainable
ubiquitous classrooms, multi-sensory stimuli

Aim: Develop intrinsically motivated

Teacher’s role: Teaching students to
learn, how to learn
8. Constructivism Focus: Experiential learning
Trends: UNESCO’S Pillars of
Education; multiple perspective


Interview or observe a teacher on their assessment practices. It may be done

virtually such as video chat/conference platforms or electronically such as texts,
emails and chats.

1. Have you discovered your dominant Philosophy of Education? How do you

feel knowing it? Is your philosophy or firm belief of education reflected in
what you are doing as a future teacher?
Yes, I discovered my dominant philosophy of education. I am happy for
discovering it. As a future teacher, yes it will be reflected as I teach in my future
students in a classroom setting. Being aware of my dominant philosophy, helps me
to become more effective teacher and do my best to have a best teaching-learning

2. In your observations, does an experienced teacher practice what they

Believe in (philosophy of education) in actual teaching? If yes,
Describe the instance/scenario. If No, what could be the reason?

Yes, as I experienced in my cooperating teacher during in my field study, she

practice the philosophy she believe, as the class discussion goes, she start it by
showing a picture, which will let her students to construct their own ideas based on
what they saw in the picture, and she always promote a lifelong learning and have an
equal opportunities to her students when they have a class discussion, that she just
not stick to one students.

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3. Using the first hand experiences or ideas in this activity, what philosophy
In teaching shall I use and how will I use this when I become a teacher in the
future? Give three philosophies

a. Constructivism – when I become a teacher, in discussing my lesson, first I want to

construct students based their own ideas. That they have their free will to share their
thoughts or ideas base on the things that I presented to them.

b. Progressivism - As a future teacher, I want to promote a lifelong learning to my

students to have an effective teaching learning process that they would not feel the
favoritism, I will give them opportunities to showcase their skills and talents, for them to
have a good foundation of learning.

c. Behaviorism – As a future teacher I have to arrange the environmental condition for my

students, which this condition will help the students to have a change of behavior, that
they will feel motivated to study hard. By having a stress free environment I can produce
a conducive learning to all of my students.


You have completed the second lesson: The Teacher’s Philosophy of
Education. Key points covered in the lesson include:

This passage states the significant of teacher’s philosophy of education because it

puts students where they belong in education: at the front and center of a teacher's

These philosophies examined and verified in always ensuring the student needs
are the primary focus of all lessons and schoolwork.

Teacher’s philosophy of education given all children a unique and stimulating

educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally,
and socially. Its desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet
their full potential. Teachers will provide a safe environment where students are
invited to share their ideas and take risks.

There are five essential elements that are conducive to learning:

1). The teacher’s role is to act as a guide;
2). Students must have access to hands-on activities;
3). Students should be able to have choices and let their
curiosity direct their learning;
4). Students need the opportunity to practice skills in a safe
5). Technology must be incorporated into the school day.
 Essentialism – promotes intellectual growth of learners for competence
 Perennialism – to educate the rational person and cultivating intellectual aspect.
 Existentialism – educates the whole being as a unique individuals
 Progressivism – promotes democratic social living.
 Deconstructionism - improve and reconstruct society and educate for change at
the same time.
 Linguistic Philosophy - develop communication skills in different languages
 Behaviorism – modify and shape learner’s behavior.
 Constructivism – develop intrinsically motivated learners.

These are the key concepts that may help you in the next lesson

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