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Lesson Plan Title:​ Cultural Diversity: The little different parts make a whole.

Grade: ​9 - 12 grades

Concept / Topic To Teach: ​Ethnic Groups.

General Goal: ​ Most Countries are formed with ethnic diversity.

Specific Objectives:​ What ethnic groups reside in the USA. The United States officially

categorizes its population into 6 groups: 

● White and European Americans. 

● Black and African Americans. 

● Hispanic and Latino Americans. 

● Asian Americans. 

● Native Americans and Alaska Natives. 

● Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. 

Regardless of all the different Ethnic Groups we all get back together to make a Big 

Strong Country. 
Required Materials: ​Computer, paper and pen,

Anticipatory Set (lead- In): ​Setting up the slide show​ ​with first slide.What particular

characteristic do you see in these pictures?

- Is there any one of you that have never met anybody from other countries? After the

students have answered the questions, I would like to show the map with information

about The Most and Least Ethnically Diverse Cities in the USA

What background do you come from?


Step by Step Procedures:​ introducing each one of us to the rest of the class,

mentioning specially our background’s characteristics, I am going to show the “most and

least cities in the US”map, then we are going to watch the first video.Then Students are

supposed to form groups of 3 to 5 people. There are 6 different ethnic groups in the

USA, they need to choose 1, and research about its characteristics, culture, religion,

languages, food... after that research, they will do a presentation of the ethnic group

they chose. After all presentation we will have an open discussion about similarities and

differences between groups, pointing out the topics or fact that they found more

interesting. The people who are not presenting that day were supposed to take notes for

the Independent Practice. Discussion about those differences about how they make our

lives connect. (Conclusion of the discussion is that our society is necessary

interdependent, but our similarities (being Human and Equal) make us to respect and

accept our differences, as interdependent as we are we are supposed to be working in

the same route, to make a better place for all of us.

Plan For Independent Practice:​ Students have to identify the differences and

similarities between the ethnic groups back in the day in relation on how we do things

now a days. Those differences and similarities make us unrelated, weird or

different.people? No, actually we need our differences to complement our world and

make it to work. The same things that we used to be woirried about are the same

things we are worried about these days.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): ​As of 2015 14% of the United States population is

foreign born compared to just 5% in 1965 (July, 2019). It is estimated that by the year

2055, 48% of the population in the USA will be white, 24% Hispanic, 14% Asian, and

13% Black. It is important to Understand that all of us has made USA what it is now, A

Strong multicultural Country, because in spite of our differences we 2 things that makes

very similar. Human and therefore equal. Little or big contributions from our cultural

background are needed to make this Country capable to understand and appreciate

those contributions In our interdependent Globalized world.

Assessment Based On Objectives:

Possible Connections To Other Subjects: ​Social Values, Music, Science

Contributions, Literature.

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