b-3087 Final Project Choices

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Name ____________________________________________

Chosen Project _____________________________________

Language Arts 7 – Reading
Mr. Sheets

Prisoner B-3087 Projects

Directions​ Choose a project from the list. Pay attention to detail. Class work time is a part of your final grade.
Pay attention to the rubric. Ask questions! Have fun while making the project.

Project 1: Build a 3-D Replica

Build a replica of a barracks found in the concentration camps.
1) Explain:
a. How were they built?
b. What materials were used?
c. Where did the builders get the materials?
d. Who built the barracks?
e. What were the conditions like while building the barracks?
f. Discuss your building process. What challenges did you face? What worked well? Do
you think the builders faced the same challenges you did? Why or why not?
2) Write a report answering the previous questions with links of the websites where you found
your sources (200 word minimum).
3) Build a replica of the barracks
a. Mr. Sheets will provide materials
b. Using the materials, sketch out how you will build your model
c. Take measurements of your sketches
d. Build a scale model of the barracks – be creative!
4) Presentation
a. Present your model on the due date and talk about the barracks by answering questions
from number 1
i. Discuss your building process. What challenges did you face? What worked
well? Do you think the builders faced the same challenges you did? Why or why
b. Answer questions from the class

Project 2: Map out Yanek’s Journey
Trace Yanek’s journey on a map of Europe. Use colored pencils and follow the color directions.
1) Using a blank map of Europe (provided by Mr. Sheets), research and trace Yanek’s journey
a. Label each country (black)
b. Label each country’s capital with a star and name the capital (blue)
c. Label each of Yanek’s concentration camps (10 locations) with a dot and name the
camp (red)
d. Label the city of Kraków with a dot and name it (orange)
e. Trace the route of Yanek’s journey (purple)
f. Label each death march route
i. Death March 1 (green)
ii. Death March 2 (brown)
g. Measure the distance from each place in order to calculate the total distance of Yanek’s
journey (a scale will be provided)
2) Presentation
a. Present your model on the due date and talk about the map
b. Explain the routes, starting from Kraków to the end in Munich
c. Answer questions from the class

Project 3: What is Your Experience?

Put yourself in Yanek’s shoes. What would you experience?
1) Write about what your experience would be like if you were in Yanek’s position.
2) How would you feel? What would you see? What would you hear? What would you smell?
Write in detail using your senses. Think about each concentration camp and death march
Yanek went through. Think about Yanek’s time in the Kraków ghetto. Think about Yanek’s time
after the U.S. liberated Dachau.
3) Present your experience using Google Slides
a. Slide Requirements:
i. Title slide with name and title of presentation
ii. 10-15 slides with experiences
iii. Ending slide
iv. Total number of slides: 12-17
v. Slides must have pictures

Project 4: iMovie Scene Creation
Pick a scene from the book and recreate the scene. Film the scene on iMovie.
1) Pick a scene or event from the book and recreate the scene or event.
2) Film the scene using iMovie
3) iMovie Requirements:
a. 1-2 minutes in length
b. Title
c. Scene description
d. Credits
4) 200-word written description of the project.
a. What difficulties did you face while creating the project?
b. How did filming the project make you feel?
c. How did the scene you pick impact Yanek?
d. What did you enjoy about creating the project?
e. What did you not enjoy about creating the project?
f. Was there anything that surprised you about creating the project?
5) Presentation
a. Give a short overview of your project
b. Show your iMovie to the class
c. Answer questions from the class

Project 5: Research Holocaust Survivors

One of Hitler’s goals was to dehumanize people of the Jewish faith and others. By researching
survivors, we can humanize these people. One way of doing so is by seeing these people as unique
1) Research ​two​ Holocaust survivors
2) One survivor must be Jewish
3) The other survivor should be someone who is not Jewish
4) For each survivor, find the following:
a. Name of person
b. Pictures of the person
c. Place of birth
d. Birth date
e. Childhood info
f. Interests/hobbies
g. Audio/Video recordings of the person (if you can find any)
h. Career information (if applicable)
i. Family information
j. Age when they entered concentration camps (if applicable)
k. Number and names of concentration camps they were in
l. Date of death
m. How do you think Yanek would relate to these survivors?
n. Do you relate to these survivors in any way?
5) Presentation
a. Present on Google Slides
b. Write a 150-word minimum description of each survivor
c. Slide presentation must include:
i. Title Slide with presenter name
ii. 12-14 slides (per survivor) with information from number 4
iii. Closing slide

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