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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

NAME: __________________________________ STRANDS: GRADE 12-(HUMSS/GAS)

I. Identification: Identify what is being asked on the following statements below. Write your
answer on the space provided for. (16 points)
1. It is the study of man as a social being.____________________
2. It is the study of past and present events.__________________
3. It is the study of human behavior.__________________________
4. It is the study of social interaction of man to its society.__________________________
5. It is the study of humanity and culture._________________________________
6. It is the study of man’s manifold experiences blended with the harmony of
7. It is the study of physical characteristics of earth._____________________
8. It is the study of state and government._______________________________
9. It is the study of existence of knowledge______________________________
10. It is a community perspective wherein they are interacting with one another._____________________
11. It is a community perspective wherein it is exist in the institutions.________________________
12. It is a community perspective wherein they focus on social and corporate
13. It is a community perspective wherein the leaders undertake such actions to solve problems in the
14. It refers to the notion of state, village or society.___________________
15. It is the study of consumption distribution, allocation of limited resources._________________
16. It is the study of the applications of theories and concepts in the social sciences
17. For him, community is simply a group of people who have something in common.

18. For them community means fellowship that is a group of people who come together for mutual support
and to fulfill their basic needs.

19. The theory that their parts and cannot be analyzed as mere sums of the parts.

20. For him, community is a collection of people who have become aware of some problem or some broad
goal who have gone through a process of learning about themselves and their environment and have
formulated a group objective.

II. Multiple Choices: Choose correct answer inside the box and write the letter of your choice on
the space provided for before the number. (16 points)

A. Demographics I. Health and Welfare Services Q. System Perspective

B. Geographical Location J. Source of public opinion R. Social Perspective
C. Belief and attitude K. Community Power S. Virtual Perspective
D. Local Politics L. Citizen’s Participation T. Individual Perspective
E. Local Economy M. Democracy
F. Income and wealth N. Leadership style
G. Housing O. Laws and rule
H. Educational Facilities P. Social Change

_______1. It has to do with the changes influx in the community.

_______2. It is the rule of law, a just and obligatory to follow.
_______3. It is the art of managing and supervising your peers and subordinates.
_______4. It is a political ideology wherein you freedom.
_______5. The citizens vote during the election time, pay taxes and engagement themselves in the community
extension program.
_______6. It has to do with the power, rule, authority and influence of the leaders in the community.
_______7. It is the thoughts, sentiments, grievances and opinion of the public.
_______8. It has to do with the health and wellness facilities of the people.
_______9. It is has to do with the human population in the community.
______10. It has to do with the physical characteristics of the different places in the community.
______11. It has to do with the ethical, supernatural and religious belief of the people living in the society.

______12. It has to do with the struggle for power, rule, authority and influence in the locality.
______13. It has to do with the distribution, consumption, allocation of the limited resources in your locality.
______14. It has to do with the distributions of income and wealth among the people living in your locality.
______15. It has to do with the shelter of the people living in your locality.
______16. It has to do with the schools, universities in the vicinity of your locality.
______17. Community just like the church si similar to a living creature, made up of different parts that represent
individual functions, activities each operating within specific boundaries to meet the needs of the community.
______18. This perspective describes the social and political networks that connect individuals, organizations and its
leaders. A clear understanding of the different networks is crucial in planning how to engage in community activities.
______19. This communities are social group or groups with a common interest in an organized fashion using internet.
______20. Individuals who are living in a community have their unique sense of membership. Some may even have a
sense of belonging to more than one community.

III. True or False: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise if the statement is wrong
write the word FALSE in the blank. (24 points)
________1. The Social Workers should assist the profession in making social services available to the general
________2. People in the community must not share responsibility.
________3. The local officials in the community must prioritize their own personal interest.
________4. In community civic involvements and community extension activities is important.
________5. As one of the people living in the community, you must ignore important issues with regards to the
political, social, economic aspects.
________6. Most community belongs to the same geographical vicinity.
________7. Interactions with people in the course of seeking and utilizing resources should enhance their
independence and self-determination.
________8. People’s right to their own values and belief system are inviolate.
________9. People living in a certain community must share something common.
_______10. Means to an end are equally important as the ends themselves.
_______11. Human beings want and need to have self-esteem.
_______12. People are capable of making their own choices and decisions.
_______13. Decision making in a community is an important activity to consider.
_______14. It is not necessary to determine the physical resources of a community.
_______15. It is important to identify the different needs of the community that should be addressed.
_______16. The community uses self-organization.
_______17. The community is a group of the people relating each other in the society.
_______18. A community is formed by a similar purposes.
_______19. Competency means the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
_______20. Rights are a moral or legal entitlement to have or to do something.
_______21. Being a professional in a specific field implies that you are an expert in the skills and tools
necessary to do your job.
_______22. History of the area are important to determine its geographical and demographical features.
_______23. The perceptions and thoughts of the people living in the community are important.
_______24. Business sector is also referring as the corporate sector, “the part of the economy made up by the
private companies”.
_______25. Corruption is very rampant problem until today.
IV. Essay: Explain the question briefly but substantially. You will be graded base on the following
criteria. (35 points)

-Structure (flow of thoughts, format, and organization) 10 pts

-Grammar and vocabulary (sentence structure, punctuation, proper usage of words) 12 pts
-Content/ information (critical and original thoughts, must be knowledgeable in social issues) 13pts

Explain how you can apply your knowledge in making research projects in the community if you are tends to
propose such civic and extension activities.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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