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Case Analysis SEPT 29, 2020

LEA 4N 7:30- 11:30 TF SCORE:



 Watch this movie entitled Crown Vic which portrays the life of 2 patrol officers in the US - 1 is
rookie while the other is a veteran officer.

 Identify the specific occupational hazards in which the 2 patrol officers were exposed to as
portrayed in the movie

 Classify these hazards in a systematic manner.  Use the format provided at the end of this page.



1. They following the drill not for safety but for
PHYSICAL compliance

2. New officer will be an errand boy or will be

assigned to cleaning duties

3. Sometimes the superior police officer is using

unnecessary force in the offender

4. Their co police officers are the one who always

violating the law and they didn’t do anything
about it

5. The new police officer has no right to complain

and can’t speak what’s in their mind in front of
the superior officers

6. The two police officers running amok instead

of regulating the peace

7. The police didn’t take action when two of their

officers are related to police brutality

8. The superior didn’t following the right

procedure in front of their subordinates

9. The superior putting the law into his own

hands and killing people without following the
1. The superior pressuring the new officer saying
PSYCHOLOGICAL “don’t fuck up”

2. The superior always curse the job by saying

“fucking job”

3. The superior giving the new officer a reason to

doubt their partner or wife.

4. The superior or even the newbie have a

personal problem that affect their job

5. The co police officer always provoking the 2

main characters in the film which also portrays
the reality

6. The newbie being insulted that he became a

police officer because of the connection

7. Many of the citizen or the offender was


8. “Mind your own fucking business mentality”

9. The superior’s mentality is that the dash cam

were only there waiting for them to fuck up
1. The superior’s mentality is that while
PHYSIOLOGICAL patrolling you have to possess some smoke in
you to avoid boredom

2. Many of the offenders were in their unsound

mind because of the influence of either
alcohol or illegal drugs.

3. The superior teaching his subordinate that his

expectation is different to reality
1. the superior think that the body found in the
SOCIAL scene as burden to his responsibility

2. Most of the offender are very aggressive to the

point that they can do harm to the officers.

3. Most of the offender showed in the film has no

even a little bit of respect to the police officers.

4. The officer didn’t give any sympathy to the

relatives of the victim
5. The community is very chaotic and most of the
offenders are teenagers

6. Most of the offenders are very violent to the

point that they becoming a threat to the safety
of the police officers

7. Citizens had no fear in provoking the police

1. The officer throwing the bubblegum in the
ECONOMIC window without caring on what his
subordinate think.

2. Many of the offenders possess a high caliber

firearm because of secret transaction present
in that place

3. The superior teaching his subordinates that if

he did not go with the flow, the job will eat
him alive.

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