Future Trend of Protein Utilization: A Seminar

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Central Campus of Technology

Dharan-14, Hattisar

June 16
Central Campus of Technology

Dharan-14, Hattisar

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Future trend of protein utilization

1. Program Coordinator

2. Commentator

June 16

Protein supply is crucial, nutritionally, and environmentally. This work describes some potential
demand scenarios and provides an overview of existing protein sources in terms of their ability
to provide proteins for the future, considering supply and opportunity relating to nutritional,
environmental, technological and market/consumer domains. Itconcludes that various factors
affect the ability of protein sources for the future.A growing global population, combined with
many factors such as socio-demographics, has put pressure on global resources to provide not
only more food but also a variety of food. In particular, increasing demand for animal-based
protein can have a negative impact on the environment, greenhouse gas which require more
water and more land. Resolving this "perfect storm" will require the permanent production of
existing protein resources, as well as alternative sources of direct human consumption. Recent
studies have emphasized the role of livestock as part of the solution to greenhouse gas emissions.
This suggest that animal-based protein is beneficial in the context of sustainable food and food.
Novel proteins need new value chain and focus on issue such as production value, food safety,
scalability and consumer acceptance. Bettr alignment of political sources, and wider intervention
in the role of government as well as the role of development/commercialization the involvement
of wider stakeholders in a governance role, as well as the role of development/commercialization
are essential to tackle protein sources and ensure food security. The food industry can also
contribute to a sustainable future by the development of novel plant protein products (NPFs) and
continual innovations in food preservation and waste reduction..

1.1 Introduction

Proteins (Greek word: prōteios, "primary" or "of first") are biochemical molecules consisting of
polypeptides joined by the peptide bonds between the amino and carboxyl groups of amino acid
residues (Boudreaux, January 9, 2020). Twenty different kinds of amino acids are linked together
by a peptide bond to make a protein molecule. The amino acids of a protein classified as polar,
nonpolar, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, acidic, basic, aliphatic, and aromatic (Vaidya, 2017). 20%
of the human body is made up of proteins. Proteins are the large, complex molecules that occupy
20% of the human body and, they are critical for the normal functioning of the cells. Protein
plays a crucial role in the human body, so they are essential for the structure, function, and
regulation of the body's tissues and organs (Khan, 2018). Abnormality in protein structure will
lead to molecular diseases with profound alterations in metabolic functions (D.M. et al., 2017)

Proteins contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen as the major components while Sulfur and
Phosphorus are minor constituents. Nitrogen is characteristic of proteins. On average, the nitrogen
content of ordinary protein is 16% by weight (D.M. et al., 2017). In the early 19th century the
importance of protein was found by Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius, and term as protein, a
word derived from Greek prōteios, meaning "holding first place (Koshland, June 26, 2020)."

1.2 The biological value of proteins and protein content of foods

Proteins play a crucial role in the food supply. They are organic compounds that differ in
biological value, which is calculate on the base of the presence of so-called eight essential amino
acids (Grigg, 1995). A lack of proteins is a significant cause of malnutrition in the world
;currently, it is over 800 million people (Alexandratos, 2009), still at the same time, around 1.6
billion people are overweight (Organization, 2014).
There are significant distinctions in the protein content of foods, ranging from no proteins at
all in sugar or vegetable oils, to 12% in eggs and up to 36% in dried skimmed milk. The highest
content of proteins in the plants food is present in peanuts and soybeans, but they are not
consumed in large quantities. The protein content of pulses (beans, peas,and lentils) is higher
than that of meat, fish, eggs,or fresh milk, while cereals have intermediate content of proteins.
One- third of total protein is derived from animals, and in that group of foods meat is the most
important. Animal-based food is generally richer in the protein content than plant-based food, but
the majority of the proteins in the world were derived from plant foods (Markiewicz, 2010).
According to Gilland (2002), animal-based proteins have a closer to human physiological
requirements amino-acid composition than plant-based proteins. Gilland (2002) also reported
that animal origin foods also have higher biologically utilizable contents of minerals (Ca, P, Zi, I,
Zc, and Mg), as well as vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and B12) than most plant-based products (Science,

1.3 Health benefits of protein

Protein is very important part of every cell in our bodies. It is needed for building and repairing
tissue, making enzymes, hormones and much more (Osterweil and Mathis, 2004). our entire
body uses protein in some way,  here are some of the specific ways protein benefits our body.

 Increases Muscle Mass and Strength

So many studies have shown that eating plenty of protein increases muscle mass and strength.
Therefore, consuming adequate amounts of protein helps to maintain our muscle mass and
promotes muscle growth when we perform strength training (Pasiakos et al., 2015). Maintaining
a high protein intake can also help prevent muscle loss during weight loss (Mettler et al., 2010).
 Protein is good for bones

Most long-term studies indicate that proteins, including animal proteins, have significant benefits

for bone health (Bonjour, 2005). People who eat more protein better support bone mass with age
and have a much lower risk of osteoporosis and fracture. This is particularly important
for women who are at high risk for osteoporosis after menopause. Eating lots of protein and
staying active is an excellent way to prevent this from happening (Munger et al., 1999).

 Reduces Cravings

The craving for food is different from the normal appetite. Not only does your body need energy

and nutrients, but your brain needs rewards (Rogers and Smit, 2000). However, craving can be
incredibly challenging to control. One of the best prevention methods is to increase protein
intake. A study in overweight men showed that increasing protein to 25% calories reduced
cravings by 60% and the desire to bite half at night (Leidy et al., 2011).

 Boosts Metabolism and Increases Fat Burning

High protein intake may boost our metabolism significantly by helping to burn more calories
throughout the day (80–100 more calories burned each day).

 Lowers Blood Pressure

The major cause of chronic kidney diseases, stroke and heart attack is due to high blood
pressure. Many studies have noted that high protein intake can lower blood pressure. In addition
to lowering blood pressure, a high-protein diet also lowered LDL (bad) cholesterol
and triglycerides, according to a study (Appel et al., 2005).

 Does Not Harm Healthy Kidneys

Many people falsely believe that high protein intake is harmful to our kidneys. It's true

that limiting protein intake may benefit people with pre existing kidney diseases (Levey et al.,
1996). In fact, many studies emphasize that a protein-rich diet does not have a detrimental
effect on people without kidney diseases (Manninen, 2004).

 Helps Our Body To Repair Itself After Injury

Protein can help our bodies heal after injury. It's makes perfect sense, as it forms the main
building blocks of our tissues and organs. Numerous studies have shown that eating more protein
after an injury can help to regain speed (Russell, 2001).

 Helps To Stay Fit as Our Age

The most severe cases are called age-related sarcopenia, which is a causes of weakness, bone
fractures, and deterioration in the quality of life among older adults (Hida et al., 2014).Eating
more protein is one of the best ways to reduce age-related muscle worsening and prevention of
sarcopenia (Paddon-Jones et al., 2008).

ordinary proteins sare 16% by weight.

All proteins are polymers of amino ac
ordinary proteins is 16% by weight. All proteins are polymers of amino acids
1.4 Existing protein source

 Plant Based Protein (Cereals)

Globally , Cereal proteins are taken as majn diatery source of protein. The storage
protein such as prolamins, globulins and germins contain 10-15% protein content (Van der
Spiegel et al., 2013). Protein is important diet for human so wheat accounts largest plant source
in western and European diet in the form of bread (8 g of protein per 100g) (Shewry and Halford,
2002). Rice(7-9% protein) and maize (9-12%protein) are also stapled food consumed globally
but in west Africa millet is consumed extensively (Jansen et al., 1962). Rice does not contain
large amount of protein content but its ultimate rice protein flours have been prepared previously
by the process of enzymatic treatments with carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes to yield products
with 91% protein (Shih and Daigle, 2000) . In comparision to others cereals, oats protein and
amino acid content is of high quality comparable to that of soy protein (Cavazos and Gonzalez
de Mejia, 2013).  Oats protein contains a higher content of the essential amino acid lysine and
has a lower proline and glutamic acid content.

Cereals are not only good source of protein but it  can also provide a significant health benefit
because it is a rich source of bioactive peptides (Hernández-Ledesma et al., 2011).

 Pulses

Pulses are an important source of protein, pulses includes peas, lupin, chickpea, beans, and other
seeds from the pods of legume plants. Nutritionally pulses contain approximately 10% moisture,
21–25% crude protein, 1–1.5% lipids, 60–65% carbohydrates, and 2.5–4% ash. Peas are easily
grown and easy to process and can contain 25% protein (Boye et al., 2010). Chickpea flour has
excellent emulsification properties and can be used as an extender in emulsified meat products
(Withana‐Gamage, 2009). Lupin seeds can contain approximately 40% protein, are non‐starch
leguminous seeds and have high fibre content (Evans et al., 2003). Soy protein account high
amount of protein content among all the pulses (38-40%) (Klose et al., 2009).

 Animal Based protein

Ruminants play a key role in converting fibre‐containing materials into protein with a high
nutritional value and meat can contain 20–25% protein depending on the sourceand fat content.
They are nutritionally complete, containing all the essential amino acids which are bioavailable
and easily digested. Meat protein also includes vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B9,
B12, D, and E (Berner et al., 1985). Meat is a valuable livestock product and is the first‐choice
source of animal protein for many consumers. Byproducts can also be used as an excellent
protein source and indeed a source of bioactive peptides. Specific meat proteins have essential
physiological activities. For example, collagen has a positive influence on the bioactivity of bone
formation protein and ectopic bone formation, enhancing bone healing (Bhakta et al., 2013).
Furthermore, bioactive peptides can generate from meat proteins by hydrolysis, cooking, and
fermentation (Lafarga and Hayes, 2014).

Proteins from meat can be broadly classified as water-soluble (sarcoplasmic proteins), insoluble,
or soluble (Myofibrillar proteins) in high or low concentrations of salt. Myofibrillar proteins
account for about 55% of muscle proteins and contain actin, titin, and myosin (Herzog, 2014).
Blood is a common byproduct in proteins and can be divide into the cellular elements that
include platelets, white, and red blood cells and plasma that contains albumin, fibrinogen, and
globulin (Bjelanović et al., 2015).

 Furthermore, fish protein is also a rich source of protein, and it is also highly digestible. Fish
protein is rich in essential amino acids such as methionine (6.5% compared to 5.7% essential
amino acid compared to animal meat) and lysine (19.6% compared to 19.0% essential amino
acid compared to animal meat) and also a rich source of bioactive peptides (Sampels, 2014).
Thus, Reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (C.F.P.) in 2015 supports the marine
sector being a vital source of protein. Fish is beneficial to human health due to the presence of
long-chain omega 3(n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acid (P.U.F.A.) (Henchion, 2017).

 Dairy

Milk and dairy products are nutrient-dense foods, supplying energy and high-quality protein with
a range of essential micronutrients (especially calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and
phosphorus) in an easily absorbed form (Pfeuffer and Watzl, 2018). Two types of protein are
found in milk: whey (20%) and casein (80%). Both protein found in milk are of high-quality,
based on science-based rating scales, and both contain all essential amino acids in amounts
sufficient quantities to support the multiple function of proteins in the body (Phillips et al.,
2009). .

 Fungal and Microbial Protein

Mushrooms and truffles are a rich protein source and proteins from fungal and microbial sources
have considerable promise and indeed have been commercialized (Boland et al., 2013; Wiebe,
 Algeal Proteins

Algae include both microalgae and seaweeds (macroalgae). Microalgae protein includes some
cyanobacteria, which have potential use in human and animal nutrition as they can cultivate
without competing for land, water, or even with crops. It can be grown using wastewaters with
high concentrations of nitrogen (N2) and phosphorus (P). They have a favorable nutritional
profile, having a protein fraction with an equilibrated amino acid profile and a lipid fraction in
which essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (P.U.F.A.s) are present (Munoz and Guieysse, 2006).
Isochrysis T‐Iso (Coccolithophyceae) is a marine species with great potential for lipid production
due to its fatty acid composition (Roleda et al., 2013). This microalga is also used as a feed
constituent in hatcheries, principally for molluscs but also for young fish and crustaceans, since it
has a crude protein average content of above 40% (Hayes et al., 2015). In contrast, Spirulina
platensis (Cyanophyceae) is a gram‐negative cyanobacterium, with soft cell walls that consist of
complex sugars and protein. The Pre‐extraction of proteins from algal biomass is being explored
globally at present (Muñoz et al., 2015).

Seaweeds have higher protein yield per unit area (4–15 tonnes/Ha/year) as compared to
terrestrial crops, such as soybean, pulse legumes, and wheat (0.6–1.2 tonnes/Ha/year, 1–2
tonnes/Ha/year, and 1.1 tonnes/ha/year, respectively). Protein can account for up to 47% of the
dry weight of macroalgae, depending on species, time of cultivation, and harvest. Due to the
harsh environment and phototropic life, algae are often exposed to high oxidative and free
radical stresses which leads toward the production of natural protective systems such as,
carotenes, chlorophylls, and phycobiliproteins (pigments) and polyphenols (e.g. catechins,
flavonols, and phlorotannins), that play a beneficial role to human health (Bleakley and Hayes,

The red seaweed Porphyra species is traditionally used in Wales to make a food item known as
laverbread. Bakery and pasta products, being the most widely consumed food products in the
world, are some of the best potential vehicles for the delivery of bioactive compounds.
Previously, wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) was incorporated into pasta to improve its
biofunctional properties and found that incorporation of up to 20% wakame enhanced
interactions between starch granules and the protein matrix (Fitzgerald et al., 2012).
 Insect

Entomophagy is the eating of insects and is practiced in 113 countries in the world where over
2000 insect species are considered edible (MacEvilly, 2000). Most commonly consumed insect
in the world are beetles (31%), caterpillars (18%), bees, wasp and ants (14%), grasshoppers,
locusts and crickets (13%), cicadas, leafhoppers, planthoppers, scale insects and true bugs (10%),
termites (3%), dragonflies (3%), flies (2%); and others (5%) (Van Huis et al., 2013). Insects are
reported as an excellent source of protein in the literature, with consumption of 100 g of
caterpillars able to provide 76% of the daily required amount of proteins (F.S. et al.,
2009) , protein content in fresh locust is the between 13–28 g / 100 g for adult locust, 14–18 g /
100 g for larvae, as compared to 19–26 g / 100 g for beef (Nowak et al., 2016). Besides, insect
protein, except for palm weevil larvae, which is oil fat, often has a high‐quality amino acid
profile with high contents of phenylalanine and tyrosine and generally meets the requirements
for good‐quality protein except for the amino acid methionine (Durst et al., 2010). The
nutritional profile of many insects is perfect for humans. It is also highly digestible (77-98%)
and too high in protein (crude protein 40-75% in dry weight basis) (Klunder et al., 2012) and
also a good source of essential amino acid as well as high in Vit B1, B2 and B3and the minerals
iron and zinc (Belluco et al., 2013).9812326587

From the recent studies, it has been said that in the western world, insect protein is taken as an
alternative source during the period of emergency (Borello et al., 2017), supported by
organizations such as the F.A.O. (Van Huis et al., 2013).

1.5 Protein Demand

Protein demand is increasing globally due to socio-economic changes such as rising incomes,
increased urbanization, aging populations and, recognition of the vital role of protein in a healthy
diet (Popkin et al., 2012). Protein demand for the past eight years had been increasing
significantly. For example, in 2014, more than half of consumers consumed foods that are high
in protein content, up from 39 percent in 2006 and, nearly three-quarters of consumers indicated
they used high-protein foods/beverages in the past year (van Zanten et al., 2016). The current
protein demand for the7.3 billion inhabitants of the world is approximately 202 million tonnes
globally. The fig given below shows significant variation in protein demand, depending on the
level of per capita demand assumed.

Fig: Evolution in protein consumption per capita (g/capita/day)

 Source: Henchion (2017)

1.3 Protein Trends & Technologies Market Information

Globally, the protein trends & technologies market consists of four regions: the Americas,
Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.  North America is the largest market. The
Concentration of dominant market players and the increase in the number of biotechnology &
pharmaceutical companies boost the growth of this market in North America. Europe is the
second-largest market. The Asia Pacific shows the fastest growth in this market. The market
shows a steady increase in the Middle East & Africa.

Figure 1: Global Protein Trends & Technologies

Source: (M.S.F.R., 2016)
1.6 Protein supply
Plant-based foods provide the largest amount of protein since 2000. However, the supply
of protein from other sources such as aquaculture and non-conventional protein is increasing
rapidly. Future protein supply may be affected by four major trends: health and moral reasons,
governance and regulations, environmental restrictions, and changes in diet for technological
advances. These trends are expected to reverse the growth of plant-based nutrition and
aquaculture production. Based on these trends, three scenarios were developed to understand
how the protein supply could be in 2025. In all scenarios, vegetable protein will be the
dominant source of protein in terms of volume, while meat-based protein would be the largest
category of value. Aquaculture and non-conventional protein prices are expected to see the
largest growth, and later fall in absolute terms. At the regional level, in addition to plant-based
proteins, China is likely to be the largest market for all categories (F.I.A.L., 2019)
Source: United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (2020)

In this graph, we look at the per capita protein supply estimates for the continent from 1961 to
2017. Overall, the per capita global protein supply has increased by about a third during this
period, from 61 grams in 1961 to 82 grams in 2014. Protein supply has risen mostly in Africa,
Asia and South America. In recent decades, protein supply to Europe, Oceania, and North
America has almost stopped (United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization 2020).

1.7 Global protein consumption

There are different ways to create more sustainable food production and consumption so to
analyze it; it is precious to explain how people in various countries are supplied with dietary
proteins from the plant- and animal-based sources (de Boer et al., 2006). According to Grigg
(1995), there are four noteworthy factors, which influence the spatial variation in the quantity
and source of proteins consumed in different parts of the world:
• the difference in the cost per gram of protein;
• differences in incomes
• the difference in local environmental conditions, which determine the choice of staple
• religious taboos that influence meat consumption.

In the developed world, the primary sources of proteins are meat and cereals, while in the
developing countries, considering individual commodities, it is wheat, milk, and rice,
respectively. According to World Health Organization (2003), protein availability increased in
both developing and industrialized countries but decreased in the transition countries . The global
supply of protein has been growing, but the distribution of the increase in the protein supply is
unequal. Per capita plant protein supply is slightly higher in developing countries, and animal
protein is three times higher in developed countries. The highest protein consumption level
occurs in North America, Europe, the former U.S.S.R., Australasia, and Argentina, while the
lowest is to be found in South Asia and tropical Africa, particularly West and Central Africa
(Grigg, 1995).

1.8 opportunities for protein in the future

Protein demand is expected to continue growing rapidly in the future, but the drivers of this
demand may differ from the past. Global protein consumption has increased 40% since
2000, more than half of the increase due to Asia. Although population growth has
been the primary driver of protein demand in the past, accounting for approximately 80% of the
growth in global protein demand since 2000, growth in the consumer class
and urbanization rates could replace Population growth as key factors driving future protein
demand. Compared to 2018 levels, global protein demand is expected to increase by 20% by
2025 (F.I.A.L., 2019). Meat could account for 20% of the global protein market in 2025 by
volume, and an even higher 44% by value. While the fastest growth projected for non-traditional
proteins – insects, in particular, its market size in 2025 expected to be less than 1% of the global
protein market.
Several significant changes are needed to meet future protein demand, each representing a
substantial opportunity for the global food and agriculture field: growth in global protein demand

 Redirecting proteins back into the value chain

Up to a third of food production goes waste. Returning these wastes to the value chain, if
possible, will have significant benefits on the environment and economy.

 Greater use of plant-based protein sources

It is developing the alternative protein sources that are not only nutritionally beneficial but also
of consumer preference in terms of taste and texture, representing an excellent opportunity for
the protein industry.

3. Increasing the use of novel protein sources

By-product waste products such as whey protein, vegetable oil byproducts, potato protein

or byproducts, or biofuels such as burner kernels or jatropha offer a more excellent choice of
protein sources and given increasing demand.

 Future progress

Continuous improvements to existing structures and processes are required to improve the
sustainability of the proteins supply chain and cross-sectoral cooperation to achieve the future of
the protein.

 Increasing livestock biodiversity:

Increase the quality and variety of foods consumed worldwide. This could find a way to bridge
the critical nutrient gap for proteins.

 Agricultural policies and regulation

Continuous progress in the application of innovation in the food industry and the need for an
environment that supports agricultural policy for new technology.
 Improving plant and animal breeding to increase yields and protein quality :

Africa has a large amount of unusable agricultural resources that can be developed to improve
stability in the protein supply chain. Sub-Saharan Africa (S.S.A.) accounts half of the worlds
with barred arable land. It has a large, growing and underused agri-manpower and vast ponds of
unused water sources.

 Agri-food technologies :

The food value chain is about to face a second "green revolution". Advancements in agriculture
and food technology have the potential to strengthen the value chain of agriculture and food
industries value by increasing productivity and reducing organized waste in large numbers. Key
emerging technology areas include genomics, microbiota, digital and food processing
technologies. Agri-food technologies

1.9 Conclusion
 In summary, adequate consumption of high-quality protein is essential for optimal
growth, development, and health in humans. An appropriate mixture of animal- and plant-based
foods is a practical way to ensure a balanced provision of dietary allowance for the young and
the adult.
 Consumers are now demanding increased transparency across food chains. They are
consistently looking for access to company information, nutritional, and health benefits of food
products, including novel proteins as well as sustainably sourced ingredients. Sustainable
nutrition is becoming famous in terms of processing food products, including proteins.
 Consumption of protein sources should be based 'on‐the‐go' nutrition trend and easily
accessible product formats. These innovations themselves may help to tackle issues such as
increasing obesity and food waste in the future.
 Successful protein supply chain shift can be realized only if it is based on a combination
of linkages that will satisfy a whole set of constraints: crop choice, envisioned use of by-
products, consequences for other natural resources, food-related issues conceived by critical
stakeholders in the market, questions put forward by governmental and non-governmental policy
makers and contours of an evolving "global food economy"
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