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1 Jenis ekspresi bahasa Inggris

Tuliskan jenis eskpresi bahasa Inggris yang tidak

terdapat di materi ajar daring (dalam jaringan = online),
kemudian susunlah dalam bentuk percakapan.

1. Percakapan ketika memperkenalkan seseorang ke orang lain (expressing introduction)

Alex introduces his assistant to William.

Alex : Hi! My name is Alex Litterman, the new manager.

William : Hi! I’m William O’Brian. Nice to meet you, Mr. Alex Litterman.

Alex : Nice to meet you too Mr. William, by the way please meet Mr. Steve Lynch, he’s my

William : Hi Mr. Steve, How do you do?

Steve : Hi Mr. William, How do you do?

2. Percakapan menyatakan waktu (expressing time)

Mr. White : Hello?

Mrs. Brown : Hi, Mr. White. This is Mrs. Brown. I’m calling from Australia.

Mr. White : What are you doing in Australia?

Mrs. Brown : I’m attending a conference in Sydney this week. Remember?

Mr. White : Oh, right. What time is it there?

Mrs. Brown : It’s 10:00 P.M. And it’s four o’clock in Los Angeles, right?

Mr. White : Yes, four o’clock in the morning.

Mrs. Brown : 04:00 A.M.? I’m really sorry.

Mr. White : That’s OK. I’m awake now.

3. Percakapan ketika sedang menawarkan sesuatu (expressing offering something)

Waiter : What would you like to eat, Sir?

Homer : Well, I’d like salad, please.

Waiter : What kind of dressing do you like? We have French, Italian, and blue cheese.

Homer : Blue cheese, please.

Waiter : Salad with Blue cheese, Is there anything else?

Homer : Yes, I’ll have some garlic bread and a glass of mango juice.

Waiter : How about you madam, what do you want to order?

Marge : Pizza – large, with ice tea, please.

Waiter : Wait for a moment please. The food will be ready not more than fifteen minutes.

Homer : Sure.

4. Percakapan tentang expressing symphaty (ungkapan simpati)

Jane : Hi, Cruz. What’s up? You look so sad.

Cruz : Yeah, I lost my wallet. I don’t know

It’s stolen or dropped somewhere.

Jane : Really? I’m sorry to hear that.

Cruz : Thanks.

Jane : Maybe you forgot where you put it in, right?

Cruz : I think so Jane.

Jane : Have you looked for your wallet?

Cruz : No. I haven’t. I’ll try to find it.

Jane : That’s nice. I hope it will be found soon.

Cruz : Thanks a lot Jane.

5. percakapan berisi ucapan selamat atau congratulation

Mitha : Hi good morning Nisa

Nisa : Good morning Mitha

Mitha : Why do you look so happy?

Nisa : I have a good news Mitha

Mitha : I think I know it, I have heard that you got the promotion on your office, I know it from

Nisa : Yes Mitha, you are right

Mitha : Congratulation on getting a new job, Nisa

Nisa : Thank you very much, Mitha.

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