Summary and Insights of The Webinar

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Summary and Insights from the Webinar entitled “The Basics of

Ethics as Applied in Academic Research”

Resource Speaker: Dr. Sandy C. Lasa, RN

Ethics in research applied a broad ethical principle to the responsible conduct of
research and the use of any outcomes resulting from research. It focuses on the
research participant but considers community and environment in ethics. Dr. Lasa
discussed the importance of ethics in research which were the following; it is right the
thing to do, for the protection of research participants, provide advocates for research
participants, preserve credibility trust, and accountability.

The components of ethical research were as follows; for good of man or the social
value, scientific soundness, ethical soundness, researcher appropriateness, and
community involvement. Scientific soundness answers the questions will the data be
valid and credible and will it be for the good of man. Ethical soundness value the
research participant as a person with inherent dignity who should be: an end and not a
mean, protected against harm and wrong, respected as a person, and equal to other

We should keep in mind that considerations of the well-being of research

participants take precedence over the interests of science or society. Respect the
person as one with feelings, previous experiences, own values and beliefs, and dignity
and self-worth. Informed a consent document is a document explaining the reason for
recruiting the participant and written in a language that the participant can understand.
The purpose of the said document is to protect research participants from possible
injustice, exploitation, misinformation, doubts, and to promote their welfare and
interests. The IC is taken to protect the researcher, institution, or sponsor from undue
claims and expectations of participants. Elements of informed consent were full
disclosure, adequate comprehension, and voluntary choice.
The element of adequate comprehension necessitates that the person is of sound
mind, not in a situation where his understanding of mental faculty is compromised and
the person has adequate education and is old enough to understand the disclosures.
The consent of parents or immediate guardian will have to be obtained. The child who
has reached the age of reason must also be explained to sign the consent. The child’s
negative attitude or expression of distress to any procedure must be respected as a
sign of non-participation.

The ideal ethical researcher is one who submits proofs of qualification together
with his proposals such as updated evidence of training in research and research ethics
and references when required, humble and collegial, diligent, and competent.


As I watched the webinar entitled, “The Basics of Ethics as applied in Academic

Research”, by Dr. Sandy Lasa it broadens my knowledge and insights about the basics
of ethics as it is applied in academic research. Ethics for me would be a logical
understanding of right and wrong that sets out what people should do and should not do
whether it be in fairness, virtues, obligations, or rights. It is necessary to continuously
examine our standards to ensure that they are reasonable and have a continuous effort
within our moral beliefs to make us a holistically better person.

I learned a lot especially on the components of ethical research for example the
ethical soundness which includes that we should value the person as someone to be
protected against harm and wrong and the types of harm that participants can be
subjected to one is the Psychological risks like for example the emotional suffering. As a
researcher, we need to anticipate and be careful in making questions on the research
instrument because it might trigger the emotional trauma of the respondent. We should
also be careful about choosing the respondent and we should find respondents who
were open to their past experiences.
Dr. Lasa gave a case scenario on a community survey on the prevalence of
domestic violence among secondary school students. There is a question that if the
result shows that 50% of the students have been abused, should it be reported to the
police. The one who should obtain the consent first is the Department of Education
(DepEd) and the asked for the approval of the principal, parents, and the student. The
social risks should be discussed on the proposal stage especially if the topic is domestic

As a branch in philosophy, it deals with the dynamic of decision making

concerning what is right and wrong. Scientific research works, as all human activities, is
overseen by the individual, community, and social values that made me realized how
important ethics as applied in academic research.

I realized that ethics is an essential part of any research project and has become
a cornerstone for conducting effective and meaningful research. Whether a researcher
is a psychologist, educator, or anthropologist, the primary responsibilities are to help
protect participants and the aim should be clear: to consent ought to be obtained,
protecting the participants from harm and privacy should be ensured.

Insights from the Webinar entitled “Creating Healing

Spaces in this Time of Pandemic and Beyond”: A
Conversation with Rev. Al Fuertes

The webinar highlights our resilient, what keeps us going as professionals

and as an individual, and the reason why we need to create healing spaces. In the
COVID-19 spectrum given by Rev. Al Fuertes, I realized that at first, I am in the fear
zone because I transmit my anger and fear- related emotions to others especially to my
family and friends. I keep on saying that the end of the world is near and the COVID-19
pandemic is one of the signs of end-time but later on as I keep on reading books
especially the Bible I can say that I am on the Growth Zone because I think on how I
can help others through the use of online platforms I send them with encouraging words
to cope with this crisis. Also, I find ways to adapt to changes because change is the only
permanent thing in this world and we should be flexible in adapting to the changes
especially, in the technology.

COVID-19 pandemic impacts us on various aspects of life and it has multi-faceted

effects on each one of us. I learned also that stress is the tension, strain, and pressure
we experience when we face a demand or expectation that gradually or suddenly
changes our ability or manage to cope or manage our lives but if the manifestation of
stress in our body or prolonging for more than 30 days then it is an indication perhaps
that stress becomes a trauma-based from the clinical studies.

Each one of our responses to stress differently and we should reflect on the
fragmentation unfolding ourselves. I realized how important to establish our healing
spaces that are grounded on our felt reality for healing spaces are multi-dimensional
and calls for a holistic approach. I agree that healing is a social process that we need
someone to cry, talk to, and lean on as we establish a healing relationship.

I learned that mourning is the outward manifestation of grief. Grief is universal

regardless of our universal background but how we express the grief that is cultural and
contextual and we expressed grief in many ways.

We should allow healing spaces on ourselves, take care of ourselves, and believe
that we have a better world after this pandemic. Reflection is necessary and is grateful
to live by the grace of God. The Almighty Father, my family, friends, pupils, purpose in
life keeps me going and I know that there is a time for everything we just need to trust
and obey God.

I am impressed with the resource speaker Rev. Fuertes on how he discussed the
topic and answered the questions of the participant. His thorough knowledge that made
me realized how important to continuously grow while learning about life.
Submitted by: JAIRAH M. BAUSA/MAGC Student

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