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We, the Students of Chanakya National Law University, herein referred to as University constituted
under the Chanakya National Law University Act 2006, having joined the protest out of immense
concern for our beloved alma mater demands that:-

1).Cancellation of appointment of new Vice Chancellor Prof.(Dr.) P. Ishwara Bhat:- It is pertinent to

note that Prof. (Dr.) Ishwara Bhat has had two 'No-Confidence' petitions against him by the Student
Juridical Association, NUJS during his six year tenure. Prof. Bhat's style of administering affairs at
NUJS including problems under the heads such as corruption, arbitrariness in appointment of Faculty,
his inaction against the allegations of sexual harassment, financial embezzlement, transparency,
academics, infrastructure, health and hygiene, curbing student liberties out of retribution,
mismanagement of University Funds. In light of the above contentions raised against him, we
implore you to address this issue as a matter of utmost importance, as his alleviation to this position of
High Integrity is extremely questionable.

2).No extension and non- continuance of the incumbent Vice Chancellor to hold any post in the
University:- We are highly aggrieved with various issues of concern under his administration since
the inception of the university including lack of transparency in allocation of funds, absence of
permanent faculty and academic initiatives, no infrastructural development, no accountability and
transparency in administrative procedures, absence of administrative support for organising cultural
and academic events among others. Hence, no interim post shall be created for him such as Chairman
or Pro- Chancellor.

3).Procedure for the appointment of new Vice Chancellor: - The procedure for the appointment should
begin from the preliminary stage of inviting applications for the same. Students of CNLU should be
made aware of the procedure, criteria, and actions taken for the appointment of the new Vice
Chancellor with absolute transparency.


We also demand that the current registrar Prof.(Dr.) S.P Singh should not continue on the post of
registrar. He is holding this post from the last 10 years and the whole administration of CNLU has
degraded a lot during his tenure. We have all the required evidence for proving his maladministration
in the working of our university.

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