LK 3.3 - Ali Al Afan - 7755767668110012 - SMP Muhammadiyah 8 SKA

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Choose the correct answer!

1. Dodi : What’s wrong, Budi? You look unhappy.
Budi : My family will move to Bali this week.
Dodi : A. Poor you!
A. Poor you!
B. Are you kidding? That’s so fast
C. I hate Bali
D. I don’t care
E. I couldn’t do that

2. Alex : Good afternoon, Mr. Hermawan

Mr. Hermawan :Alex! Thank you for coming
Alex :I am very sorry to hear about your daughter. It must be
very hard for you.
Mr. Hermawan : It is, but I have to let her go. She had suffered for years
because of cancer.
The underlined utterance expresses C. sympathy
A. advice D. invitation
B. surprise E. agreement
C. sympathy

3. Dedi : I really don’t know what I have to do to make Mr. Burhan pass me next
Dodi : Mr. Burhan exam will be about understanding. You just have study hard
and make sure you understand all the materials.
Dedi : Oh..that’s the problem. I have a problem in understanding the materials
Dodi : Don’t worry. I’ll help you.
The underlined sentence shows A. support
A. support D. compliment
B. necessity E. preference
C. agreement
4. Dono : Dini, what are you going to do this Saturday
Dini : Nothing
Dono : How about going to the cinema tonight?
Dini : Sure
Dini is … an invitation C. accepting
A. offering D. holding
B. refusing E. assuring
C. accepting

5. Bertha : Gaby where will you spend your holiday?

Gaby : I don’t know, any idea?
Bertha : Why don’t you join us going to Bali!
Gaby : it sounds great!
Bertha is … C. offering an invitation
A. refusing advice D. giving help
B. showing disagreement E. making a request
C. offering an invitation

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