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Auditor: Mr. Salomon Azanes

Auditee: Engr. Luis Mariscal

4.4.1 X During the time of audit, the PPD of
Calabanga Campus is not aware of the
QMS; thus, not able to show the context
diagram of his unit. This violates clause
4.4.1 of the international standards.
5.3 X During the time of audit of the Calabanga
Campus, it was found that there is
designated in charge for PPD and
maintenance. This is in compliance with
clause 5.3 of the international standards.
7.1.2 X During the time of audit of the Calabanga
Campus, the person designated in the
office unit is a licensed civil engineer
which makes him competent to his job
demands. This is in compliance with the
clause 7.1.2 of the international
9.1.1 X During the time of audit of the Calabanga
Campus, the unit has no information
maintained for monitoring since the unit
was not able to present the QOPM. This
is a violation on clause 9.1.1 of the
international standards.
College of Industrial Technology
Auditor: Dr. Marabel R. Bernal

Auditee: Dr. Cornelio Funtanar

9.1.1 X During the time of audit, the college was
found to have no documented information
retained as to monitoring of the conduct of
their classes. This is a violation to clause
9.1.1 of the international standards.
9.1.1 X During the time of audit of the CIT of
Calabanga Campus, the College was able
to present the results of the Customer
Satisfaction Survey and was able to hit
their targets and show the result of the
perspectives of their customers. This is in
compliance with clause 9.1.1 of the
international standards.
8.2.2 X During the time of audit, the college was
able to show evidence that they are
complying to the criteria set by CHED as
stipulated by the CMO. This is in
compliance with clause 8.2.2 of the
international standards.
8.5.2 X During the time of audit, the college was
able to present their Risk Register and
Quality Objectives. However, these
documents are not signed. This is a
violation of clause 8.5.2 of the international
Auditor: Mr. Jerome M. Hipolito

Auditee: Mrs. Ester Ibarra

4.4.1 X During the time of audit of the Quality Objectives of
the Records of Calabanga Campus, the QMS
Manual does not include the context diagram for
Record Management and Document Controlling.
This resulted to incomplete Quality Objectives
which are inconsistent with the Risk Register. The
absence of the context diagram of Record
Management and Document Controlling is against
cause 4.4.1 of the international standard.
7.3.3 X When asked how does she contribute to the
attainment of the QO and QP during the time of
audit of the Record Management and Document
Controlling, the auditee was able to mentioned that
providing quality services to customer is among the
tangible ways to contribute to QO of her office and
QP of the university.
6.2.1 X During the time of audit of the Quality Objectives of
the Record Management and Document Controlling
of Calabanga Campus, a number of Quality
Objectives were inconsistent with the processes
reflected in the Risk Register. Moreover, the Quality
Objectives do not cover all the core processes of the
Record Management and Document Controlling.
Case in point: There was no QO for Retention of
documented information as well as disposal of
obsolete documents and there was no QO for
privacy and confidentiality The auditee shall
establish quality objectives at relevant functions,
levels and processes needed for quality management
system by ensuring that the QOs are consistent with
the core processes of the context diagram as well as
with the processes reflected in the risk register,
otherwise, this may lead to the violation of clause
6.2.1 of the international standard.

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