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Starting from August 2004, Resonance is publishing in the Classroom section, a series
of short articles, ‘Earthquake Tips’, related to earthquakes, their effects on civil
structures, and design and construction of earthquake resistant buildings. The concepts
are clearly explained with sketches and analogies. We hope the Resonance readers will
benefit from this series of articles.

Earthquake Tips have been brought out by the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT
Kanpur and sponsored by Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council,
New Delhi, India. These articles are reproduced here with permission from IIT
Kanpur and BMTPC, New Delhi.

C V R Murty
Indian Institute of Technology
Learning Earthquake Design and Construction
Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, India 7. How Buildings Twist During Earthquakes?

Why a Building Twists

In your childhood, you must have sat on a rope swing – a wooden

cradle tied with coir ropes to the sturdy branch of an old tree.
The more modern versions of these swings can be seen today in
Twist in buildings, earthquakes.
the children's parks in urban areas; they have a plastic cradle tied
with steel chains to a steel framework. Consider a
rope swing that is tied identically with two equal
ropes. It swings equally, when you sit in the middle
of the cradle. Buildings too are like these rope swings;
just that they are inverted swings (Figure 1). The
vertical walls and columns are like the ropes, and the
floor is like the cradle. Buildings vibrate back and
forth during earthquakes. Buildings with more than
one storey are like rope swings with more than one

Figure 1. Rope swings and buildings, both swing

back-and-forth when shaken horizontally. The former
are hung from the top, while the latter are raised from
the ground.(a) Single-storey building, (b) Three-storey

86 RESONANCE ç November 2004


Figure 2. Identical vertical

Uniform Movement
of Floor members placed uniformly
in plan of building cause
all points on the floor to
move by same amount.

Identical Vertical Ground
Members Movement

Thus, if you see from sky, a building with identical vertical

members and that are uniformly placed in the two horizontal
Figure 3. Even if vertical
directions, when shaken at its base in a certain direction, swings
members are placed uni-
back and forth such that all points on the floor move horizontally
formly in plan of building,
by the same amount in the direction in which it is shaken (Figure more mass on one side
2). causes the floors to twist.

Again, let us go back to the rope

swings on the tree: if you sit at one
end of the cradle, it twists (i.e., moves
more on the side you are sitting).
This also happens sometimes when
more of your friends bunch together
and sit on one side of the swing.
Likewise, if the mass on the floor of
a building is more on one side (for
instance, one side of a building may
have a storage or a library), then
that side of the building moves more
under ground movement (Figure 3). Light Side
This building moves such that its of Building
floors displace horizontally as well
as rotate.
Heavy Side
Once more, let us consider the rope Ground Shaking
of Building

swing on the tree. This time let the Figure 3: Even if vertical members are placed

RESONANCE ç November 2004 87


two ropes with which the cradle is

tied to the branch of the tree be
different in length. Such a swing
also twists even if you sit in the
middle (Figure 4a). Similarly, in
buildings with unequal vertical
members (i.e., columns and/or walls)
also the floors twist about a vertical
axis (Figure 4b) and displace hori-
zontally. Likewise, buildings, which
(a) Swing with unequal ropes have walls only on two sides (or one
side) and thin columns along the
other, twist when shaken at the
Vertical Axis about
which building twists ground level (Figure 4c).

Buildings that are irregular shapes

in plan tend to twist under earth-
quake shaking. For example, in a
propped overhanging building
(Figure 5), the overhanging portion
Ground swings on the relatively slender
Movement columns under it. The floors twist
(b) Building on slopy ground and displace horizontally.

Wall What Twist does to Building


Twist in buildings, called torsion

by engineers, makes different
portions at the same floor level to
Columns move hori-zontally by different
Columns amounts. This induces more damage
in the columns and walls on the side
(c) Buildings with walls on two/one sides (in plan)
that moves more (Figure 6). Many
buildings have been severely affected by this excessive torsional
Figure 4. Buildings have
unequal vertical members; behaviour during past earthquakes. It is best to minimize (if not
they cause the building to completely avoid) this twist by ensuring that buildings have
twist about a vertical axis. symmetry in plan (i.e., uniformly distributed mass and uniformly

88 RESONANCE ç November 2004



Figure 5: One-side open ground storey building

placed vertical members). If this twist cannot be avoided, special Figure 5 (left). One-side
calculations need to be done to account for this additional shear open ground storey build-
forces in the design of buildings; the Indian seismic code (IS ing twists during earth-
quake shaking.
1893, 2002) has provisions for such calculations. But, for sure,
Figure 6 (right). Vertical
buildings with twist will perform poorly during strong earthquake
members of buildings that
shaking. move more horizontally
sustain more damage.
Suggested Reading

[1] C Arnold and R Reitherman, Building Configuration and Seismic Design,

John Wiley, USA, 1982.
[2] H J Lagorio, EARTHQUAKES An Architect’s Guide to Non-Structural Suggestions/comments may be
Seismic Hazard, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 1990. sent to:

C V R Murty
Learning Earthquake Design and Construction Indian Institute of Technology
8. What is the Seismic Design Philosophy for Buildings? Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, India

The Earthquake Problem

Severity of ground shaking at a given location during an

earthquake can be minor, moderate and strong. Relatively speaking,
minor shaking occurs frequently, moderate shaking occasionally
and strong shaking rarely. For instance, on average annually
about 800 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0-5.9 occur in the world
while the number is only about 18 for magnitude range 7.0-7.9
(see Table 1 of IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 03 at www.nicee.
org). So, should we design and construct a building to resist that
rare earthquake shaking that may come only once in 500 years or Earthquake design philosophy,
even once in 2000 years at the chosen project site, even though ductility.

RESONANCE ç November 2004 89


the life of the building itself may be only 50 or 100 years? Since
it costs money to provide additional earthquake safety in
buildings, a conflict arises: Should we do away with the design of
buildings for earthquake effects? Or should we design the buildings to
be “earthquake proof” wherein there is no damage during the strong but
rare earthquake shaking? Clearly, the former approach can lead to
a major disaster, and the second approach is too expensive.
Hence, the design philosophy should lie somewhere in between
these two extremes.

Earthquake-Resistant Buildings

The engineers do not attempt to make earthquake-proof buildings

that will not get damaged even during the rare but strong
earthquake; such buildings will be too robust and also too
expensive. Instead, the engineering intention is to make buildings
earthquake-resistant; such buildings resist the effects of ground
shaking, although they may get damaged severely but would not
collapse during the strong earthquake. Thus, safety of people
and contents is assured in earthquake-resistant buildings, and
thereby a disaster is avoided. This is a major objective of seismic
design codes throughout the world.

Earthquake Design Philosophy

The earthquake design philosophy may be summarized as follows

(Figure 1):

(a) Under minor but frequent shaking, the main members of the
building that carry vertical and horizontal forces should not be
damaged; however building parts that do not carry load may
sustain repairable damage.

(b) Under moderate but occasional shaking, the main members

may sustain repairable damage, while the other parts of the
building may be damaged such that they may even have to be
replaced after the earthquake; and

(c) Under strong but rare shaking, the main members may

90 RESONANCE ç November 2004


Figure 1. Performance ob-

jectives under different in-
tensities of earthquake
shaking – seeking low re-
pairable damage under
minor shaking and col-
lapse-prevention under
strong shaking.

sus-tain severe (even irreparable) damage, but the building

should not collapse.

Thus, after minor shaking, the building will be fully operational

within a short time and the repair costs will be small. And, after
moderate shaking, the building will be operational once the
repair and strengthening of the damaged main members is
completed. But, after a strong earthquake, the building may
become dysfunctional for further use, but will stand so that
people can be evacuated and property recovered.

The consequences of damage have to be kept in view in the

design philosophy. For example, important buildings, like
hospitals and fire stations, play a critical role in post-earthquake
activities and must remain functional immediately after the
earthquake. These structures must sustain very little damage
and should be designed for a higher level of earthquake protection.
Collapse of dams during earthquakes can cause flooding in the
downstream reaches, which itself can be a secondary disaster.
Therefore, dams (and similarly, nuclear power plants) should be
designed for still higher level of earthquake motion.

RESONANCE ç November 2004 91


Damage in Buildings: Unavoidable

Design of buildings to resist earthquakes involves

controlling the damage to acceptable levels at a reasonable
cost. Contrary to the common thinking that any crack
in the building after an earthquake means the building
is unsafe for habitation, engineers designing earthquake-
resistant buildings recognize that some damage is
unavoidable. Different types of damage (mainly
visualized though cracks; especially so in concrete and
masonry buildings) occur in buildings during
earthquakes. Some of these cracks are acceptable (in
Figure 3: Diagonal cracks in columns jeopardize
Figure 2. Diagonal cracks terms of both their size and location), while others are not. For
in columns jeopardize ver- instance, in a reinforced concrete frame building with masonry
tical load carrying capac- filler walls between columns, the cracks between vertical columns
ity of buildings – unaccept- and masonry filler walls are acceptable, but diagonal cracks
able damage.
running through the columns are not (Figure 2). In general,
qualified technical professionals are know-ledgeable of the causes
and severity of damage in earthquake-resistant buildings.

Earthquake-resistant design is therefore concerned about

ensuring that the damages in buildings during earthquakes are
of the acceptable variety, and also that they occur at the right
places and in right amounts. This approach of earthquake-
resistant design is much like the use of electrical fuses in houses:
to protect the entire electrical wiring and appliances in the house, you
sacrifice some small parts of the electrical circuit, called fuses; these
fuses are easily replaced after the electrical over-current. Likewise, to
save the building from collapsing, you need to allow some pre-
determined parts to undergo the acceptable type and level of

Acceptable Damage: Ductility

So, the task now is to identify acceptable forms of damage and

desirable building behaviour during earthquakes. To do this, let
us first understand how different materials behave. Consider
white chalk used to write on blackboards and steel pins with solid

92 RESONANCE ç November 2004


two extremes – the ductile and the brittle.

(a) (b)
Total Horizontal Earthquake Force

on Building

Earthquake Design Criteria, EERI, USA


Photo from: Housner & Jennings,


Horizontal Movement of Roof of Building

relative to its base
(a) Building performances during earthquakes:

Brittle failure of a reinforced concrete

heads used to hold sheets of paper together. Yes… a chalk breaks Figure 3. Ductile and brittle
easily!! On the contrary, a steel pin allows it to be bent back-and- structures – seismic de-
forth. Engineers define the property that allows steel pins to bend sign attempts to avoid
structures of the latter kind.
back-and-forth by large amounts, as ductility; chalk is a brittle
(a) Building performances
during earthquakes: two
extremes – the ductile and
Earthquake-resistant buildings, par-ticularly their main
the brittle. (b) Brittle failure
elements, need to be built with ductility in them. Such buildings
of a reinforced concrete
have the ability to sway back-and-forth during an earthquake, column.
and to withstand earthquake effects with some da-mage, but
without collapse (Figure 3). Ductility is one of the most important
factors affecting the building performance. Thus, earth-quake-
resistant design strives to predetermine the locations where
damage takes place and then to provide good detailing at these
locations to ensure ductile behaviour of the building.

Suggested Reading

[1] F Naeim (Ed.), The Seismic Design Handbook, Kluwer Academic Pub-
lishers, Boston, USA, 2001.
[2] J Ambrose and D Vergun, Design for Earthquakes, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1999.
Suggestions/comments may be
sent to:

RESONANCE ç November 2004 93

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