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Studies: Novice Illusion

1- Grants a random novice level Illusion spell. All Illusion spells are 20%

Studies: Apprentice Illusion

1- Grants a random apprentice level Illusion spell. For each "influence" spell you
know, get a 3% chance to ignore all incoming melee damage. Eligible spells: Calm,
Fear, Fury, Frenzy Rune, Anarchy. Stacks multiplcatively.

Studies: Adept Illusion

1- Grants a random adept level Illusion spell. For each "influence" spell you know,
get a 3% chance to ignore all incoming Destruction spell damage. Eligible spells:
Calm, Fear, Fury, Frenzy Rune, Anarchy. Stacks multiplcatively.

Studies: Expert Illusion

1- Grants a random expert level Illusion spell. Critical hit chance agains anyone
affected by influence spells or phantom debuffs grows by 30%. Destruction spell
power against anyone effected by influence spells or phantom debuffs increases by

Studies: Master Illusion

1- Grants a random master level Illusion spell. Unlocks Illusion's "focus" perks.
Casting a spell with base cost of 100 or higher makes you ethereal for 5 second.

Deep Analysis
1- Spell "Insight" can be dual cast to affect undead, machines and daedra, and
displays the exact difference to the target, as well as its resistances.

Unknowable Horror
1- Spell "Fear" can be dual cast to affect undead, machines and daedra, and lasts
30% longer.

Debilitating Terror
1- "Spell Fear" absorbs small amounts of stamina and magicka while active.

1- Illusion buffs last 30% longer and can be dual cast to affect Daedra, undead and


Transcendental Mantle
1- In addition to any other effect, Illusion buffs increase the target's health
and stamina.

Soothing Voice
1- Spell "Calm" can be dual cast to affect undead, machines and daedra, and lasts
30% longer.

1- Spell "Calm" absorbs small amouts of health while active.

Raging Heart
1- Spell "Fury" can be dual cast to affect undead, machines and daedra, and lasts
30% longer.

Maniacal Surge
1- Spell "Fury" additionally increases melee weapon damage and movement speed of
Quiet Casting
1- Spells are silent to cast and 30% more expensive while sneaking.

Hallucinating Echoes
1- Increases maximum phantom count by 1.(*) Can dual cast phantom spells to create
phantoms with one spell.

(*) In PerMa, phantoms have a separate summon counter, and mechanics that differ
regular summonable creatures.

Waning Presence
1- After summoning a phantom, the caster turns silent and invisible for 7 seconds.
not affect spell casting sound though; just movement.

Retaliating Echoes
1- An enemy that kills a phantom suffers from -30% magic resistance for 15 seconds.
2- An enemy that kills a phantom suffers from -30% magic resistance and -200 armor
for 15 seconds.

1- Spells that would normally require a phantom as target now work on everyone
by Fear, Fury or Calm as well.

Phantom Host
1- For each living phantom, you deal 4% more weapon damage, take 4% less weapon
and Illusion spells are 4% cheaper to cast. Caps out at 5 phantoms.

Recursive Insanity
1- When casting a phantom spell at a target influenced by Fear, Fury or Calm, an
additional phantom is spawned.(*)

(*) Yeah, 3/4 phantom spells require you to target an enemy.

Focus: The Minddweller

1- Fear, Fury and Calm are 25% cheaper to cast. Grants the spell "Lose Hope". "Lose
instantly kills a target influenced by Fear, Fury or Calm if it is of lower
level than
the caster.

Focus: The Puppetmaster

1- Increases maximum phantom count by 2. Grants the spell "Phantom Army". "Phantom
is the only phantom spell that doesn't need to be targeted at an enemy. It is

caster-centered and spawns as many phantom warriors as your phantom count

So, if max phantom count is at 5 and you have one phantom out, four phantoms
be spawned.

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