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Perks [Ranged Weaponry]


Eagly Eye (0/30/60) (X)

1- Pressing the block button while aiming with any "Ranged Weaponry" weapon will
the view.
2- Pressing the block button while aiming with any "Ranged Weaponry" weapon will
the view more and slow time by 30%.
3- Pressing the block button while aiming with any "Ranged Weaponry" weapon will
the view moremore and slow time by 45%.

Point Blank (20/45) (X)

1- +15% shortbow damage against targets that are between 30 and 20 feet away. +25%

shortbow damage against targets that are between 20 and 10 feet away. +35%
damage against targets that are less than 10 feet away.
2- +15% shortbow damage against targets that are between 30 and 20 feet away. +35%

shortbow damage against targets that are between 20 and 10 feet away. +55%
damage against targets that are less than 10 feet away.

Mobility (40)
1- Move at full speed while having a shortbow drawn.

Flanking (50/70) (X)

1- Shortbow attacks that hit the target's side or back (90 degrees in both
deal 25% more damage.
2- Shortbow attacks that hit the target's side or back (90 degrees in both
deal 40% more damage.

Prominent Flanker (60) (X)

1- Shortbow attacks that hit the target's side or back (90 degrees in both
stagger the target. Only works once per target every 15 seconds. Staggers
even targets
that would be on "stagger cooldown" (see combat mechanics).

[COMBAT HIT SPELL priority 2]

Arrowhail (70/95)
1- Shortbow attacks that hit in quick succession deal 10% more damage per
successive hit.
The target may change between hits. Stacks up to 30% after four hits. After 4
without a hit, the counter resets.
2- Shortbow attacks that hit in quick succession deal 10% more damage per
successive hit.
The target may change between hits. Stacks up to 50% after six hits. After 4
without a hit, the counter resets.

[COMBAT HIT SPELL priority 3]

Power Draw (20/40)
1- You can draw a longbow for 3.5 seconds in total for a damage bonus of 30%.
2- You can draw a longbow for 5 seconds in total for a damage bonus of 50%.
Delivers the
first rank's effect after 3.5 seconds.

Keene's Lance (30/50) (X)

1- +25% longbow damage against targets that are between 40 and 70 feet away. +40%
longbow damage against targets that are between 70 and 100 feet away. +65%
damage against targets that are more than 100 feet away.
2- +25% longbow damage against targets that are between 40 and 70 feet away. +55%
longbow damage against targets that are between 70 and 100 feet away. +85%
damage against targets that are more than 100 feet away.

Baneful Elan (45/65)

1- Longbow attacks always stagger a moving target.
2- Longbow attacks always stagger a moving target. Once per target, a longbow hit
it to the ground.

[COMBAT HIT SPELL priority 2]

Prey (60) (X)

1- Longbow attacks that hit the target's back (25 degrees in both directions) deal
100% more damage.

Takedown (70/85)
1- Against staggered enemies, longbows have their critical hit chance increased by
and their critical hit damage increased by 100%.
2- Against staggered enemies, longbows have their critical hit chance increased by
and their critical hit damage increased by 150%.

Coup De Grace (90)

1- Ranged weapons deal double damage against enemies below 30% Health.

Advanced Missilecraft (20/35) (X)

1- Unlocks "strong" and "strongest" bolt variants for crafting.

These bolts deal more damage than regular bolts.

2- Unlocks "barbed" bolt enhancement.

"Barbed" bolts deal 5 bleeding damage per second and slow the targets down by 20%
for 6 seconds. Explosion has a 60 unit radius.

Aspiring Engineer (40/55) (X)

1- Unlocks "recurve" crossbow modification. "Recurve" crossbows deal
additional damage. Unlocks crafting recipe for "Crossbow Modification Kit"
at the forge.

Crossbow Modification Kits are used as ingredients for crossbow enhancements.

Ingredients for one Crossbow Modification Kit: 3 iron ingot, 2 steel ingot, 5
lockpick, 1 dwemer cog
2- Unlocks "lightweight" crossbow modification. Lightweight crossbows have their
reduced by 30% and fire 10% faster.

Proficient Engineer (50/65) (X)

1- Unlocks "Arbalest" crossbow modification. "Arbalest" crossbows deal
50% more damage against blocking targets and have their weight increased by
2- Unlocks "silenced" crossbow modification. "Silenced" crossbows have their sneak
damage multiplier increased by 0.5, but fire 15% slower.

Crossbow Technician (80) (X)

1- Can put two crossbow modifications on a single crossbow.

Mastery: Skillshot (95) (X)

- Grants the lesser power "Skillshot". When used, Ranged Weaponry weapons deal 50%
more damage and ragdoll targets at 10 feet range or less when at least half
for 15 seconds. Can be toggled of by using the lesser power again before the
duration expires.May be used twice after resting.

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