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Digital Marketing Strategy


Prepared By – Kartik Jain, E029,

Presented to – Dr. Hitesh Kalro

About Amway
Amway is the World's No. 1 direct selling company with a presence in over 100 countries
and territories.

Amway India is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amway, which has its headquarters in Ada,
Michigan, USA.

Amway India was established in 1995, and it commenced its commercial operations in May
1998 and has emerged as the largest FMCG Direct Selling organization in the country.

Amway India offers the citizens of India an unparalleled opportunity to own and operate their
own business by selling more than 140 distinctive quality consumer products. Amway
products are popular not just in India but across the world. Nutrilite is the world's No. 1
selling vitamins and dietary supplements brand, while Artistry is India's No. 1 premium
skincare brand.

Amway also provides an entrepreneurial opportunity for those who want to run a business.
Currently, Amway India has over 550,000 active Direct Sellers of which 60% are women.

Consumer Persona 1
Amway Protein Powder is the company’s bestselling product. The value selling proposition
is the quality of product.

Due to hectic lifestyle and poor eating habits, many people may be lacking the required
protein in our everyday diet. Nutrilite All Plant Protein powder along with regular diet can
help in filling the protein gap in everyday diet.

Amway Provides and All Plant protein powder for the fitness needs of the adults who are not
able to fulfil this daily requirement.

The following consumer persona is created for an Amway protein powder consumer:

Digital Marketing Strategy
The following areas would be covered in the Digital Marketing Strategy, this provides a
snapshot of the areas that would form our digital marketing strategy.

The above-mentioned areas have the points that we would now be discussing in detail to
create a digital marketing strategy.

The problems that our product is solving for the buyer is that we are providing them a good
quality 100% plant protein powder. The product has a high protein content per serving and
thus also provides value for money as the cost per serving is less. This product would help
them achieve their daily required intake of protein at a minimal price.

Amway does not sell through e-commerce website as it is against their policy.

Why are we remarkable?
The product comes in powder format so it can be consumed with a variety of food and
beverages, the product is affordable as the per serving cost is below the level of various
competitors. This is a protein powder that gives the body wholesome nutrition. It can be used
in multiple ways to consume it for wellness of the body. It provides the body with all the
nutrients, proteins and improves the immunity.

The ingredients are sourced directly from the company owned farms and the ingredients are
DNA traceable which provides a proof of quality ingredients. The product also comes with a
money back guarantee.

The proofs that would be given to prove the credibility would be:

• Testimonials
• Blogs from experts
• Video of Production Process
• Promoting Money-Back Guarantee

Content Strategy

• Blogs/Articles related to fitness and exercise. These articles would be written by

experts in the industry which have domain knowledge, this would build trust among
the consumers. The fitness freaks who research about fitness would be redirected to
buy the protein powder through backlinks. E.g.- Required Protein Intake
• Usage of Product – As the product can be used in various ways therefore videos
would be developed which would have recipes with Amway protein powder. It will
educate the consumers that the product can be mixed with milk, fruit juice or
vegetable juice and consumed. The product can also be sprinkled on rice, soup or
mixed in flour and consumed.
• Testimonials – The influencers of the fitness industry would provide testimonials
about the product and how using the product they have been able to achieve their
fitness goals. The testimonials would be in form of videos and posts.
• Quality – The consumers are looking for good quality product so to build their trust,
the video of production process would be created. This would showcase that how the
product is produced from best quality ingredients which are sources directly from the
company owned farms.

Digital Marketing Strategy – Channel Specific

The strategy for Google search would be divided into SEO and SEM strategy.

SEO – This strategy would be used to promote the product through the website, the desired
action is to get the consumer to the website and make them buy the product. The company
would invest in blogs/articles with backlinks this would help the crawlers of the search
engine to rank our page higher.

The focus would be on to improve the landing page experience of the potential customers.
Google Analytics would be used to analyse the metrics that would lead to such an experience.

SEM – We would use Shopping Ads and Search Ads placed in google search engine.

• Keywords – The keywords that we would bid on would include, “Amway protein”

“best protein powder” – This is a high-volume keyword used by consumers who are
researching about the product, on this keyword website blog ad would be placed

“Buy protein powder” – This would be used by buyers with a high intent purchase,
these users would be shown shopping ads of the products. These are the keywords
in which Amway is not able to rank organically currently

Sample Ads – Search Ad

Shopping Ad

The strategy would be to promote the product through company owned Instagram handle.
Influencer Marketing – It would be core of the marketing strategy for Instagram, we would
tie up with influencers who would promote our product through their handles. The type of
influencers would be
• Fitness Content Creators to reach the target audience who is looking for fitness
• Healthy Food Recipe – This type of creators would help us reach an audience that is
looking for healthy foods, this would help us teach potential customers that how they
can integrate Amway protein in their meals.
We would target Macro and Mid-Tier influencers to be cost effective and reach a wider
audience base. These people would be asked to upload stories and posts promoting Amway
protein powder. They would also be giving testimonials to build trust among the consumers.
They will also give their feedback of the product as they would be given samples.
The potential influencer with whom we can collaborate are:
• Gurbani Judge (VJ Bani) – @banij – She is a famous fitness influencer with
1.3 million followers
• Ranveer Allahbadia – @beerbiceps – He is a fitness and diet coach with
close to 1M followers
• Namrata Purohit – @namratapurohit – She has 304K followers and is a
celebrity trainer
• Shubhneet Jain - @v_for_veggie – He is a food blogger, with 150k
followers, he can help us teach consumers about recipes that can be created
using Amway protein
• Yum Recipes - @yum.recipe – This handle has 1.3M followers and can be
used by us to leverage their reach of audience who is looking for healthy
recipes using various products

• Micro Influencers – These influencers are more effective so we can use the direct
sellers of Amway which could be converted into micro influencers; Amway direct
sellers can be used as a free promotional platform for running our product information
campaign. The company can provide them with the posts which they can promote
through their own handle. Amway can leverage its huge direct seller base using this
marketing tactic.

Instagram Ads – We would also promote our products through Instagram Ads, we would
use Story Ads, the ads have a call to action where the consumers would be given an option
to visit the website through a swipe-up button. These ads would be short and crisp talking
about the product and its benefits. We can create hashtags for promoting Amway protein
powder. Through these ads we can analyse the results and conversions also.

Facebook Ads – We would promote our product through our Facebook page, this would be
educating customers about the product and its correct use. We would put sponsored posts in
the news feed of the customers. We would target audience based on interests, they should
have relevant interests like fitness, sports, diet etc. We would target audience in the age
group of 16-35, who strive to be fit and care about their health.

We should also put non-skippable video ads on Facebook, these ads would be targeting the
audience based on their interests and we would show the quality standards of our production
plant in 20 seconds to build awareness regarding good quality. This would also us to generate
interests in our product. Facebook ads would give measurable results.

Contests/Giveaways – We would run contests and giveaways to engage users on Facebook.

We can start fitness challenges and ask users to post pictures or videos while working out and
share diet and workout tips. In this way we can leverage user-generated content. We can
give sample products to lucky winners and also give them a chance to virtually meet their
favourite influencer. The current customers could also be asked to upload testimonials and
feedback video to influence others.

Consumer Persona 2
Amway also sells products for kids; the second consumer persona would be focusing on
mothers who are looking for nutritional supplements for kids. Amway has a wide variety
of products in this range and we would focus on Kids Protein Chocolate Drink. The
consumers are particular about their child’s nutrition and have checks on the diet in
consultation with their doctor.

Consumer – Kids

Customer – Mother

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Digital Marketing Strategy
The following areas would be covered in the Digital Marketing Strategy, this provides a
snapshot of the areas that would form our digital marketing strategy.

The communication with mothers would focus about the necessity of protein in growth stage
and adolescent stage. We would also talk about consequences of protein deficiency in kids.
The product would be positioned as a supplement to regular food, which itself is not able to
fulfil the required protein of body, specially at young age. The other areas of focus would be
that it is a specialized product, focused only on protein. It would also be positioned as a
product that kids would like because of its great taste.

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The campaign would be centred around using YouTube as a medium for digital marketing.
The campaign would be showing emotional bond between mother and child while focusing
on the Importance of Protein.

YouTube Ads - To showcase importance of Protein and effects of protein deficiency, a video
connecting stories from young mothers will be shared. These Ads would be targeting mothers
by invoking emotions for their children’s health. These would be short 30 seconds videos
showing the importance of protein for a young child. We would also create short 1minute
video of making easy delicious recipes with help of Amway protein. The other video could be
for awareness through 30 second videos showcasing attributes of all plant protein.

These Ads would be targeting mothers, these Ads would be placed on content watched by
mothers like TV serials and other entertainment content.

Shopping Ads on YouTube when people search for kids nutrition, kids protein or best kids
protein, Google Trends showcase the relevance of these keywords

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Brand Integration with Web-Series - Collaboration with Terribly tiny tales to showcase
importance of protein by showcasing Mother-Child bond. We can also work with production
houses like TVF to integrate our product within the web-series, they can show mothers giving
their children Amway protein.

A digital mascot representing an Indian kid could become be the face of campaign on
Instagram and Facebook. Through every minor campaign of ‘Childhood has a story’ we will
be sharing the importance of protein for him. This campaign would focus on Nutrition for
children. The campaign would target mothers, we can use the targeting feature of Instagram
and Facebook to target the right audience.

Facebook and Instagram contest for mothers to create unique recipe with help of Nutrilite All
plant protein. This will help in creating the differentiation of product as most of competitors
come with different flavours, whereas this product is tasteless and can be added to any dish,
thus showing consumers the concept of Tasteless to tasteful. Mothers could be asked to
upload boomerang stories showing the child’s health stories and tag Amway on story and
most creative stories will win Nutrilite All plant protein pack.

The content should be suitable for mobile devices, and special offers could be given to
various user through our page.

We would enter our customer data to create lookalike audience in Facebook which would
help us widen our reach and target the right customer.

We can also use fashion influencer who are relevant for mothers to reach out to a wider

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Apart from SEO and SEM we can also target users through Apps in their mobile devices. We
would target users by displaying Ads in the mobile apps used by mothers.

We can reach a growing audience using mobile phones and tablets by showing the ads in
mobile apps. Display Network campaigns would be designed to show our ads in apps by
default as the placement (the destination for your ad) would match the targeting that would be
set for our campaign.

The Apps which have been identified for our campaign are the apps which are used by

• Candy Crush
• QuizUp

These Apps would have short 20seconds videos explaining mothers about importance of
nutrition for there child. They would be shown the ill-effects children can have due to lack of

The call to action button would take them to our website where they can purchase the

Final Consumer Journey Map

Got Inspired
Research for Buy from
by Social
the Product Wesbite

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• SEM Rush. 2020. Keyword Research. [ONLINE] Available

b=in¤cy=inr. [Accessed 14 August 2020].
• Google Trends. 2020. YouTube Keyword Research. [ONLINE] Available
[Accessed 14 August 2020].
• Karooya. 2020. Google Ad Preview Tool. [ONLINE] Available
at: [Accessed 15 August

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