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Advertisement Campaign Critique Assignment

- Kartik Jain (E029)

Campaign – Too Yumm! – Launch Campaign #WhyChipsVirat

Snacking brand Too Yumm! launched their multigrain healthy chips in India, with a TV, print
and social media campaign starring India’s cricket icon Virat Kohli.

The snacks category in India is growing at a fast pace, and has been dominated by decades-
old established brands such as Lays and Kurkure. Potato chips have been positioned as
extremely tasty and no one can stop at one chip once a pack is opened. These brands had a
strong presence as they had big advertising budgets and strong distribution channels, thus
competition was tough in this category.

Challenge – The consumers had a belief that healthy is never tasty which had been deeply
ingrained in their minds. Established players in the segment had failed to change this belief
in the past also.
Objective - To create an impactful launch campaign for Too Yumm! Multigrain and make
consumers believe that Too Yumm! Multigrain Crisps are both healthy and tasty.
Big idea – To get health-icon Virat Kohli involved in a junk-food national controversy.


To execute the idea the agency created a plan to seamlessly integrate the various platforms,
and the idea was executed in four steps.

Create a junk
Virat's open letter
food controversy Buzz on social
where he Big Reveal during
with a teaser of media, trend
promises to IPL
Virat munching #WhyChipsVirat
reveal the secret

Virat Kohli, as Too Yumm!'s brand ambassador brought a lot of credibility, especially since
he refused publicly to endorse Pepsi, as it was unhealthy. He is India’s sports icon known for
his healthy lifestyle. Thus, he was a perfect choice for the brand as they can leverage on his
fitness equity.

The first part of the plan was to create a buzz, and it was achieved by involving Virat Kohli in
a national junk food controversy. The brand wanted to target consumers who would eat
chips with guilt, and thus by portraying Virat as a guilt-free binge eater they were able to
grab attention. They also leveraged Virat’s huge social media following by launching a teaser
showing Virat binging on chips thus planting doubts in the minds of consumers that Virat
was cheating on his diet. (Annexure A)
This campaign went viral and created a buzz, this also led to conversation around the topic
in social media. Kohli's fans were upset and to further take advantage of their emotions, the
brand created #WhyChipsVirat, whereby the disappointed fans could share their disbelief.
These fans took to Facebook and Twitter to express their broken trust and created a social
media storm. To further drive conversation around the controversial plot, they made Virat
write an open letter to the nation for the first time ever, promising to reveal the mystery.
(Annexure B)

The Big Reveal

The brand used IPL, which is the most watched sporting event to bring the controversy to an
end. IPL is a cluttered channel, where most brands compete for consumers attention. But
Too Yumm! did it differently, they aired the longest ad ever during the strategic timeout of
IPL, wherein Virat Kohli reveals that he was not consuming any unhealthy chips, but he was
binge eating Too Yumm! Multigrain Crisps, which are not only tasty but healthy.
(Annexure C)


#WhyChipsVirat was trending at number-one on Twitter during the campaign period and the
total impressions were more than 63 million. The video where Kohli revealed his secret
reached 11 million views on YouTube. The campaign also received ‘earned media’ where the
reveal was covered by leading news channels and newspapers. This amplified the buzz
around the topic, as soon as the secret was revealed it was covered as ‘breaking news’ by
top news channels. This campaign was also recognized as top 20 most viewed ads of 2018.
This campaign also lead to an increase in sales for the brand and their market share rose
from 2.2% to 5.2% in three months.
(Annexure D)


The brand was able to deliver a mix of emotional and functional benefits of their product to
the consumers. It was able to grab attention and differentiate itself from the competitors
through this campaign. The heroes of this campaign were the consumers themselves. The
national junk-food controversy was a success as it stirred consumers into believing that their
national cricketing hero had unhealthy food habits, with the final reveal relieving their
tensions and subconsciously embedding into their minds the idea that Too Yumm!
Multigrain Crisps are both healthy and tasty.

This campaign was able to prove that content is king and that relevant context is important
to create brand equity and relevance in the minds of the consumers. The seamless
integration of consumer insight and brand ambassador's equity helped the brand in building
relevant context to communicate the brand message effectively.

Annexure A

Virat Chips Controversy

Video 1 Link -

Video 2 Link -

Annexure B

Social Media Buzz

Virat’s Open Letter

Tweet Link -

Annexure C

The Big Reveal

Video Link – (11m views)
Annexure D

Recognition in Media

Post Link -


Market Share
March Sep

Market Share
Increased from 2.2% to 5.2% in 6 months
Source: Nielsen
Earned Media

Link -

Link -

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