RUBRIC Cooking-Presentation

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Final Cooking Demonstration 

4 3 2 1
Cooking Demonstration 

Students have all of the Some of the ingredients Several of the ingredients
ingredients for the dish,
for the dish, containers to for the dish, containers to
containers to demonstrate, and utensils demonstrate, and the Ingredients are not
demonstrate, and utensils present. 
necessary for the are present for the utensils are not present
demonstration. for the demonstration. 

The recipe and correct The recipe is somewhat The recipe is not clearly
communicated and a
measurements are clearly clearly communicated viewer would have an Recipe is a disaster. 
communicated in the with only a few
video. measurements missing. extremely hard time
duplicating the recipe. 

The directions of how to

The directions of how to prepare the dish are
prepare the dish are easy somewhat easy to follow
to follow and a viewer and a viewer could
could duplicate the recipe duplicate the recipe with
without much trouble.  only a small amount of

Safety and Sanitation 

Incorporated 3 or more
Incorporated 2 safety and Incorporated 1 safety and Did not incorporate any
safety and sanitation sanitation guidelines in the sanitation guideline in the safety or sanitation
guidelines in the
demonstration. demo. guidelines. 
All surfaces and cooking All surfaces and cooking
All surfaces and materials
were cleaned prior to and supplies were partially supplies were not properly
cleaned prior to and after cleaned prior to and after
after the demonstration. 
the demonstration.  the demo. 

Recipe terms and cooking


Incorporated 3 or more Incorporated 2 or more Incorporated 1 cooking Recipe terms and

cooking terms and cooking terms and term and technique in the techniques were not
techniques in the demo. techniques in the demo. demonstration. included in the demo 

Described and Described and Did not described or

demonstrated what each
demonstrated what each term means partially demonstrated what each
term means correctly. term means. 

Used the correct utensils

and appliances and
identified them. 
Used the correct utensils
and appliances and
identified them. 
Final Product Appearance Excellent Good Fair Dismal
and Taste 

Final product is shown at Final product is not clearly Final product has an
the close of the demo and shown at the close of the unacceptable appearance No sample provided 
has a good eye appeal to demo and has an average or is not shown at all at
the viewer.  eye appeal to the viewer.  the demo. 


Whole group worked

together. Presentation Whole group worked Group did not work well Group did not work well
was engaging to the together.  together. together. 
Presenters were very well Presentation was average Presentation was fair. 

Presenters were Presenters could have Presenters were not

prepared.  been better prepared.  prepared. 

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